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Rear Window: 1

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The apartment door closed behind me with an echoing thud. Three whole weeks, I thought excitedly, as I eyed up the expensive looking paintings hanging in the large hallway which stretched out before me. I didn't recognise a single one, which meant the Jacksons had probably paid a fortune for them.

I pushed my butt off the door, dropped my suitcase, and happy-danced my way down the hallway towards the huge kitchen. Everything in this apartment was huge, and it was all mine for the next three weeks. The Jacksons had been close friends with my parents for years. Fate had smiled on them last year and sent a winning powerball ticket into Mrs J's hands. She had fulfilled her lifelong dream of getting a penthouse in Manhattan and I was fulfilling my latest 'when I grow up and I'm rich and famous' fantasy by house-sitting for them while they toured Europe.

"Now Angela," Mrs J had admonished, a twinkle in her eye. "No parties please. I'm trusting you with this. If I wanted my house trashed I'd have left the keys with Malcolm."

Ah, Mal. I'd practically grown up with him, although I rarely saw him these days. Reliable, he was not. He'd be more likely to have an illicit rave before his parents had left the country than bask in the solitude and feed the cat. His parents had generously bought him his own apartment in the village anyway. 'Close enough, especially when a few million New Yorkers are in the way,' his mother joked. She loved him really. I did too. Growing up, he was the perfect devilish antidote to my seemingly angelic demeanour. He'd gotten me into so many scrapes when we were younger that I'd inevitably gotten us both out of. Blonde curls, blue eyes and an innocent smile I'd practised every day in front of the mirror saw to that. He was the only person I let call me Angel, simply because he alone knew full well I was nothing of the sort.

Mrs J really went for it with this apartment, I mused, as pushed open the patio doors leading off the kitchen and stepped out onto the outside area. One of the outside areas, I corrected myself. The penthouse spanned two floors. The kitchen was on the top floor and I swear it was the tallest building around. I crossed to the half wall/half glass edge and peered down. It was stomach-tiltingly high. I was right though - from this side, it was definitely the tallest building I could see. There was one other just across the way that nearly reached us in height, but it was a good two or three floors short of this one.

Whaddyaknow, privacy outside in Manhattan. Go figure.

I chuckled as I looked around the large patio area. Loungers, a fridge, a telescope, a grill the size of a small car and a large table and chairs were scattered artfully around the large space.

Niiice. You could practically live out here in the summer. Wait, a telescope?

Intrigued I crossed to it. It was a large one, on a stand next to the guard wall. I didn't move it, just peered through. Immediately an apartment in the building opposite came into sharp focus. I chuckled delightedly as I debated whether Mr or Mrs J was the voyeur. Maybe it was both of them. I tried to picture them both out here on a summer's evening, wineglass in hand, taking turns to peer through the telescope, but it just led my mind to places it didn't want to go when thinking about my parent's generation.

The apartment was pretty open plan. Through one large floor to ceiling window I could see the living and kitchen area. The other window was the bedroom. It seemed deserted at the moment. I made a mental note to check back that night to see who lived there and if there was a reason the telescope was pointed that way. Currently though, I had plans and they involved finding the largest bathroom in this place and pampering myself before my hot date with my boyfriend, Josh.

Josh and I had been dating for about two years now. He'd found me just after a string of bad boys and given me the stability I so craved in my mid-twenties. I'd moved in with him not long after we'd met and I'd been dropping major hints recently about getting engaged, but so far he'd deflected them with the good humour and charm that made him an excellent small town lawyer. I didn't mind. Much. I was happy to wait for a romantic proposal. He had this weekend off, so I'd convinced him to venture into the big city to take me out for a nice dinner and then stay with me in the lap of luxury for a couple of nights.


I grinned in glee as I found the master bathroom. It had one of those huge baths with a zillion knobs and buttons for lights and jets and a walk-in shower that could probably handle a whole NFL team at once.

Hmm, bath or shower.

I did love a bath, but I wasn't quite sure how to work this one. I'd been to the salon that morning and I'd been plucked and waxed and exfoliated until I was shiny smooth all over, so I didn't need to shave or anything, thankfully. Shower it was. It looked amazing. Rainfall showerhead and side jets. I turned on everything I could and waited for the steam to rise.

I'd brought my own toiletries, but they were abandoned in favour of the high end Molton Brown shower gel collection Mrs J kept the bathroom stocked with. I was going to smell amazing. I stepped into the heat with a blissful sigh, moaning as the jets got to work on my tight muscles. I was a yoga aficionado and I'd worked myself extra hard at my morning class yesterday, knowing I was having the weekend off. I liberally soaped up my torso, fingers teasing my nipples to hard points. I shivered, wondering what Josh would have in store for me later. Our sex life was fairly good, even if we didn't have it as often as I would like. He worked long hours and as tempting as my yoga-toned butt tried to be, sometimes he was just too tired. No such excuses tonight, I promised myself as I soaped between my legs, fingers delving teasingly into my smooth folds. This was the first time in ages I'd been completely bare. It definitely wouldn't be the last.

I teased myself for a few more minutes, but knew I'd be deliciously on edge the whole evening if I made myself wait. I turned the shower off, wrapped myself in a giant fluffy towel and settled at the vanity counter to mosturise and do my make-up. I knew I was going to look a million bucks tonight. I'd bought a new 'little black dress' which had a fitted bodice and short skater style flared skirt. My lingerie was so miniscule it was pretty much just for show, but I figured once Josh copped a glance he wouldn't be able to say no.

I might even try and hand him my panties at the restaurant, I giggled to myself. The thought of getting a cab back to the apartment sans panties was making me slightly wet already.

Make-up finished, I made my way back to my chosen bedroom and carefully dressed. I paraded in front of the floor length mirror when I was done.

"Not bad, Angela, not bad at all," I mused. "You clean up well, girl."

My boobs looked great in the bodice, like they were silently straining to be set free. You could definitely see the outline of my nipples when the light caught the dress a certain way. My yoga-toned legs were tanned and my heels made them look a lot longer than my diminutive five foot three frame usually allowed. The blonde curls of my youth had grown into tousled waves, which I pinned up, leaving a few stray tendrils to sexily frame my face. I grinned at my reflection.

Aw yeah. Definitely sexy marriage material right there.

Satisfied with my prep, I checked the time.

"7.30pm. Time to Uber-it-up," I muttered as I looked for my phone. "Ahh. Purse. Kitchen."

I grabbed a light jacket and made my way to the kitchen to request an Uber. My phone was blinking furiously when I took it out my purse. Four missed calls, all from Josh? He's keen, I smiled to myself as I checked my voicemail.

"Angela, babe, I'm so sorry. I got caught late in the office doing old Mrs McAllister's will amendments and I'm just not in the mood to travel into the city. Hope you don't mind too much. Call me when you get this if you want to chat. I'll just be round at Pete's tonight having a beer. Love you, babe."

Mrs McAllister? I blinked furious tears away. Pete? I've been ditched for a dead woman who isn't even dead yet and a slob who wears sweatpants like a uniform. What the fuck?

I whirled, looking for something to smash or to throw. God, I was so mad. In my head, tonight was going to be the night Josh proposed. We were going to fuck like bunnies all night as I dreamed about my wedding day.

"What a prick," I screamed to the empty house. Was I delusional? Maybe Josh had never seen me as marriage material. He couldn't even be bothered taking an hour long train ride for me. Well, fuck that. And fuck him. I'd just go out and dance the night away at the hottest club, pick up a hot guy and fuck him senseless all night.

I crumpled. Who was I kidding? I was so not in the mood to go out now, not alone. In fact, chinese food, a bottle of wine and a chick flick sounded perfect right about now. Deflated, I called a local takeout place to order and phoned down to the doorman to let him know I had food coming. Then, I did what any grown woman would do. Went in search of wine.

"Why is there no wine in any of these racks?" I muttered grumpily as I opened yet another cabinet with the same futile results. Confused, I looked around the kitchen. I happened to know the Jacksons loved wine. So where the hell was it?

Ah-hah. Triumphantly, I opened the door to a small room just off the kitchen.

"Who needs wine racks when you have a whole room dedicated to wine. This is more like it. Hmm. Red, white, rosé or fizz. Well, I'm certainly not celebrating... I think red suits my mood more tonight than white. And great, now I'm talking to myself."

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I quickly googled my choice just to check I wasn't about to consume a bottle worth a few hundred dollars that I wouldn't be able to replace. Satisfied my Merlot was an entirely affordable $30, I poured a large glass and took a gulp, feeling the warmth of the liquid hitting my empty stomach. By the time the door buzzed signalling the food was here, I'd finished that glass and was halfway through my second. Stomach growling, I grabbed my purse and went to answer the door.

"Wheeeew," the delivery guy whistled appreciatively as I pulled the door open. "Girl, what you doing ordering takeout for one when you're dressed like that?"

"Long story," I mumbled, as he handed over my pot stickers and sauce. See? I knew I looked great.

I tipped him generously seeing as he'd made me smile and took my food back to the kitchen to retrieve my wine. I couldn't even be bothered sticking a movie on, so I put some music on in the kitchen, left the patio doors open and took my food and wine outside to the table. The sun was setting across the city and I sat in contemplative silence, watching lights winking on and eating pot stickers until my stomach lost that hollow feeling. Sated, I pushed the cartons away from me and poured the remainder of the bottle into my glass. I knew I had some serious soul searching to do, but right now I just wanted to sit here and watch the city while I enjoyed this entirely pleasant buzz from the wine.

Thinking about watching the city reminded me of the telescope. I picked my wine up and crossed to it, squinting at the building across from me before looking through the lens. What apartment was it? There was only one with all the lights on and no blinds or curtains drawn in the top few floors, so I figured it had to be that one, otherwise the Jacksons were the most rubbish voyeurs ever. I peered through the lens and true enough, the lit windows came into stark relief. The apartment was no longer empty.

She was gorgeous, that was my first thought. Tall and slim with close cropped black hair. The sort of hairdo only a supremely confident woman could carry off with class. She was also nearly naked and very much not alone. I watched as, clad only in lingerie, she strutted her way to the couch, trailing an equally tall and gorgeous guy behind her by the tie. She stopped in front of the couch and pushed him gently down on it, then proceeded to give him a lap dance any professional would have been proud of.

The couch and the woman were facing the window, so the guy's face was mostly obscured, but I could well imagine the look of ecstasy on his face as that perfect butt was wiggled in front of it. After a few minutes, she turned and straddled him, hands busy in front of her. The next minute she stood and pulled the guy up with her. He took his shirt off slowly, while she worked her way down to a squatting position, pulling his pants and boxers with her as she went. She stood again as he stepped out of his clothes and kicked them away, pulling her tight against him. I couldn't see it, but I could just imagine how hard he was right now. I was getting wet, just watching from across the street.

His hands came up behind her, and unhooked her bra, casting it aside as his head dipped to no doubt capture a nipple into his mouth. She threw her head back and again I imagined the noises they must be making. Holy crap. Two prime specimens of the species fucking and I essentially had courtside seats. I watched as he now knelt and gripped her panties at each side. Instead of sliding them down her thighs, as I expected him to do, he literally ripped them apart.

I nearly spilt my wine. In all my days, I'd never had anyone so eager to get to me that they'd literally ripped the panties right off my body. A little jealous, and a lot aroused, I tuned back in to see him toss the ripped panties, pick her up and wrap her legs around him. She was nibbling on his neck as he carried her to the bedroom. The bed was side-on to the window so when he threw her onto it, I got a profile view of his rather impressive erection.

"Oh my," I whispered as I bit my lip, my pussy flooding at the thought. He was huge.

On the bed, the woman spread her legs, her fingers snaking between her thighs to rub suggestively at her pussy. The guy crawled onto the edge of the bed and gripped one ankle, bringing her foot to his mouth and biting her toes as she played with herself. It was at this moment that I was distracted by movement in the living room.

The front door to her apartment had opened and a guy had come in. I watched as he tossed his keys on the counter and took his jacket off, draping it over one of the dining room chairs.

"Oh my god," I breathed. "Busted..."

I watched, wide eyed, as he opened the fridge, grabbed a beer and casually made his way towards the bedroom. My eyes flicked back to the bedroom window where guy #1 had his face buried enthusiastically in the woman's cunt and was eating her out like a man starved. Guy #2 stopped outside the bedroom door and took a long swig of beer before pushing the door open and entering the bedroom.

I literally held my breath and wondered if I'd need to call 911.

Guy #1 didn't even look up. I watched, incredulous, as guy #2 rounded the side of the bed and bent down to kiss the woman. He was already unbuttoning his shirt as he straightened, the bottle of beer dangling from his fingertips as he deftly undid each button.

No freaking way.

He'd tossed his shirt aside and had barely started unbuttoning his pants when the woman reached for him greedily. She delved inside to stroke his cock as he continued undressing. By the time he was naked, she had lifted his cock and was sucking his balls into her mouth, first one then the other. She paused for a moment to say something to him and he laughed and continued to drink his beer.

I watched in absolute disbelief as the erotic scene unfolded before me. I was so wet. My earlier teasing, followed by my anticipation of this evening had returned full force at the unexpected show. I could feel my nipples straining against my bodice, rubbing against the lacy material of my sheer bra. I itched with need, fuelled by frustration, wine and voyeuristic tendencies I didn't even know I possessed. Eyes still glued to the telescope, I slid a hand down under my skirt and rubbed the material of my panties. They were soaked through. I slipped a finger inside them and ran it along my wet folds, knees going weak at the sensation. I avoided my clit, happy enough for now to tease myself while I watched the performance.

Back on the centre stage, the woman had taken guy #2's cock deep into her mouth. Guy #1 finally came up for air and watched as his partner in crime was expertly deep-throated by the woman. He said something which made #2 laugh, drain his beer and hand #1 the bottle. I watched in fascination as he scooted back off the bed, knelt at the foot and fed the neck of the bottle into her pussy. After a few thrusts, she withdrew off #2's cock long enough to issue instructions, which must have been along the lines of 'fuck me now', as #1 willingly complied.

He pulled the bottle from her pussy and flipped her onto her front, pulling her hips up until she was on all fours on the bed. Guy #2 rested a knee on the bed and pulled her head towards his cock, gripping her hair firmly as he slid his length back down her throat. At the other end, #1 again buried his face in her pussy (or ass - I couldn't tell from my angle). He then slid his dick along her wet slit a few times before burying his impressive length inside her in one go.

My pussy clenched in jealous empathy as she jerked when he thrust into her and I slid a paltry finger up inside me, trying desperately to imagine what she was feeling. I could feel my orgasm hovering, despite avoiding my clit. I was so turned on that it wouldn't take much for me to cum.

The two guys had clearly done this before, settling into an easy rhythm as they spit-roasted the willing woman. I realised I was moaning softly to myself and wondered how loud they were all being. Could the neighbours hear? Was anyone else watching their erotic liaison, or was I the only one spying on them? What would it be like in the same room? Fuck, what would it be like to be that woman, tended to by two hot guys? My mind went into overdrive as I thought about what it would be like to be her. I was so close to cumming, but I wanted to hold off until they did - to be part of their sordid fantasy even if they never knew.

I didn't have long to wait. An unheard communication between the two guys had them both pulling out of her as guy #1 flipped her again, onto her back. He came first, spraying her stomach and pussy liberally with thick jets of cum. Just as he finished, #2 leaned in and covered her face and breasts in his creamy load. I finally let my fingers slide over my clit, cumming almost immediately as I watched her lick cum from her face, then scoop more up from her breasts and lick her fingers.

I had to hang on to the balcony for balance as my knees gave way. I came hard, my juices flowing over my fingers and dripping down my thigh. I was trembling in pure erotic excitement as I tried to get my breathing under control. For a second, I'd completely forgotten where I was. I was in that room with them, covered in cum and begging for more. I had just about regained my senses when an amused voice behind me had me jumping in fright and whirling round.

"Quite a show, isn't it? You need a hand there, Angel?"

Mal leaned casually against the doorframe, arms crossed, smirking at me.

Oh shit.


To be continued...








Written by Jen
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