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The Adventures Of Lucy And John: Three For Dinner

"A wife’s shopping trip brings home a little something extra for dinner."

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The phone buzzed irritatingly against my thigh, disturbing what was going to be an immaculate golf swing from the beginning of the 8th tee and resulting in an ungainly slice that sent the ball flying into the rough. I swore long and loudly as my work colleagues laughed at my misfortune. I dug in my pocket for the offending item and saw that the culprit was none other than Lucy, my wife. Sighing, I opened the screen and flicked to the message, fully expecting it to be utterly banal.

Hi darling, sorry to disturb you on the course, but I thought you might like to know that I picked up a present for you today while shopping.

Intrigued at the prospect of a present, I typed back, “Well, I just managed to slice the ball into the rough and ruin my handicap, so I hope the present is something good. What have you been up to?”

Oh, you know, shopping for lingerie, buying some toys and picking up something special for dinner. 

I began to walk back to the golf cart as I suspected where this was heading. The possibilities were endless when Lucy was in this sort of mood. The phone pinged again, and I glanced at the screen as I put the driver back in the bag and reached for the cart’s ignition keys.

I picked up a nice cake for us to enjoy together.

There was another ping as a photo came through, and I almost dropped the phone in surprise.

A single image of a cleanly shaved pussy dominated the screen with the words, “Hurry back; this is waiting for you. xx”

I studied the photo before replying, “I don’t think that is yours, is it?”

What makes you say that? Let me show you what you are missing.

Another photo followed this one of a naked young woman with olive skin and dark hair tied spread-eagled to our spare bed with silk restraints. A black silk mask covered her eyes.

I was instantly, hard and with shaking fingers, I typed back, “And who is that lovely lady?”

Oh, you know her. It is Sophia, the Italian au pair from down the road. I bumped into her in town, and we got talking. She got very interested when I told her I was buying something sexy for you as a present and asked to come along.

One thing led to another, and we have been playing together for the last hour.

When I told her you were coming home soon, she got very excited and came like a freight train, so hurry up, or I might wear her out.

“Leaving now. Xxx,” I typed as I jumped into the golf cart and turned it in the direction of the clubhouse. The surprised shouts of my co-workers prompted me to yell something about an emergency at home”. Probably not the best I could come up with, but I was not thinking clearly in my sex-addled state.

It was one of the fastest and longest drives home as Lucy sent me a voice message that I played as I drove.

Hi darling. So, I got bored waiting for you and couldn’t resist playing with this gorgeous girl. I started with her nipples, and they are amazing. Firm and hard, they taste like strawberries. It got her so hot, and her moans were so sexy. Listen to this.

The message garbled slightly as the phone was moved, and then came the unmistakable sound of kisses on skin. Then, a soft gasp and moans as the kissing continued.

I almost came then and there as the unmistakable sounds of my wife making the young woman moan in pleasure echoed through the car’s speakers.

How was that, darling? Did that get you hard? I want you nice and hard for when you get here. She is so ready and wet for you, listen.

The next sound was of fingers gliding over skin, another soft gasp followed by the wet sound that could only be my wife’s fingers sliding into Sophia’s wet pussy. There was another, louder moan, followed by a “si, si”.

She is so wet, darling. I might have to have a taste while we wait for you. Hurry home. Love you.

I drove as fast as legally possible, but the twenty minutes home from the course still felt like an eternity. All the while, my mind was filling with thoughts of Lucy’s face buried between those beautiful young thighs and making the lucky girl cry out in pleasure. I pulled into the driveway, breaking hard across the gravel and practically stormed into the house. I slowed momentarily at the bottom of the stairs to collect my thoughts and breath. But my wife could hear me waiting and called down.

“Come on up, darling; we are waiting for you. We both are hot and wet and need a good hard fucking.”

That broke my calm, and I took the stairs two at a time, loosening my tie and losing my jacket as I went. I stopped at the threshold to the spare room, and my jaw hit the floor.

Lucy sat on the foot of the bed, one leg crossed over the other and her back arched to project her perfect breasts. Her blond hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her firm body was clad in a matching set of lacy black panties and bra with sheer black hold-ups.

As much of a beautiful sight as that was, it was the young woman kneeling at her feet that focused my attention. She knelt facing me with her hands tied behind her back and her wide brown eyes staring up at me, trembling with suppressed passion. She was naked, but silver clamps had been pinned over her erect nipples. A slim silver chain connected the clamps and hung across her chest.

“I thought you might need a bit of relief before we take full advantage of your present, and Sophie has volunteered to relieve the pressure, haven’t you, my pet?”

Sophie nodded her head and replied, “Yes, Mistress.”

I raised my eyebrow at Lucy, and she grinned. “It didn’t take long to get her trained up.”

I smiled as Lucy stood up and stalked towards me. She took my head in her hands and kissed me passionately, her tongue swirling around my mouth. I grabbed her arse and pulled her towards me, crushing her gorgeous body against me.

We broke the passionate kiss, and she began unbuttoning my shirt. With the last button undone, she pulled the shirt off me and stoked my chest. She looked at Sophia, knelt on the floor and reached down to tug on the nipple chain. Sophia gasped and shuffled forward until she was inches from my straining cock.

“You want this, don’t you, Pet? You want his hard cock in your mouth. Do you want to make him come?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Lucy smiled and slowly unbuckled my belt and loosened my trousers. She knelt next to Sophia and slowly tugged down my trousers, leaving my boxers in place. She removed my shoes and socks before helping me remove my trousers. Her hands slid back up my thighs, nails scraping the skin and causing my cock to twitch again in its cotton prison. Her nails scraped against my length as she slowly pulled the elastic down. My cock emerged inch by inch, and I watched Sophia’s eyes as they never left the slow reveal.

My cock finally sprung free and stood proud between the three of us. For a moment, no one moved until Lucy reached up and gently grasped the shaft with one hand and the back of Sophia’s head with the other. Slowly she pushed Sophia towards my cock, and as the distance closed, Sophia’s mouth opened, and my cock was guided into its warm embrace.

I groaned as her lips sealed around the tip and then sighed in pleasure as I continued sliding in. Lucy kept the gentle pressure on Sophia’s head until I was almost fully in. She held her there for a moment before letting her slide back out. Sophia kept eye contact with me the entire time. Her dark eyes locked on mine as my cock slid from her mouth to the very tip. She held it there momentarily, swirling her hot tongue around the head and over the sensitive glands.

I groaned again as Lucy used Sophia’s head to massage my cock. Back and forth she went, gently increasing the pace until I slid to the back of her throat, and she gagged slightly. Lucy let my cock slide free from Sophia’s warm mouth and took my cock in both of her hands. She expertly slid her hands up and down the shaft, gradually building speed and tightness as she built me towards the climax. She sensed I was close and whispered to Sophia to open her mouth wide before looking at me.

“Come for me, baby. Come in her hot, wet mouth and over her young firm tits. Then you get to watch me lick it off her sexy young body.”

That was the final straw for me. The itch that had been building in the tip of my cock now spread down the shaft, and with a final series of firm tugs from my wife, my balls contracted, and I roared with release as I came. Thick ropes of cum shot from my cock and onto Sophia’s outstretched tongue. Lucy worked my cock as I came, pumping spurt after spurt onto Sophia’s mouth and tits.

After a final grunt of effort, my last dribble of cum leaked out of my cock, and Lucy moved in to lap it up. She then took the whole of my cock in her mouth to clean me up, but the sensation was too much for me, and I had to pull back my hands clasped over my crotch protectively. Lucy gave me an evil grin and moved in on Sophia with equal relish. She bent forward and licked the cum from where it had splattered her pert breasts and from where it dripped from her erect nipples. She slowly worked her way upwards, following the trail of cum, licking and slurping the evidence from the young woman’s tanned Mediterranean skin. Eventually, she came to Sophia’s open mouth, and the two shared a long, sensual kiss, tongues searching between lips, sharing my seed.

Lucy’s left hand crept down Sophia’s body, gracing over her breast, then her stomach until it dove between her open thighs and cupped her pussy. Sophia groaned into Lucy’s mouth and shuddered with suppressed emotion as I watched first one, then two fingers penetrate her and begin a gentle undulation.

I watched as Lucy‘s fingers brought Sophia to the edge of orgasm before stopping and letting her plead for release. She looked so helpless, bound and on her knees, eyes wide and desperate for release, her chest rising and falling in exasperation at the orgasm denied.

Lucy pulled her fingers from Sophia’s pussy and slid her glistening fingers into her mouth, sucking the other woman’s juices from the digits. She stood and pulled Sophia to her feet before loosening the bindings around her wrists and guiding her by the nipple clamp chain to the bed. She looked at me and saw that my cock had re-risen to the occasion.

“I think he is ready to give you the fucking you desperately need, Pet. Get on your back on the bed and spread those lovely long legs of yours.”

Sophia lay back on the bed and propped herself on her elbows while Lucy knelt beside her and leaned in to kiss her again. As she did so, she beckoned me forward and, slid her hand back down between Sophia’s legs and used her fingers to spread her lips wide, waiting for me.

I took my place between Sophia’s thighs and stroked my hands over the smooth skin, causing her to break the kiss with my wife and look me in the eye. I reached down and grasped my cock in one hand and stroked it up and down the lips of her pussy. It slid smoothly through the soaking wet folds, and Sophia moaned loudly as I grazed her clit.

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I held the tip at the entrance to her sex and waited as the desperation in Sophia’s eyes grew wide with desperation. “Please”, she moaned “please put it in me”.

Slowly, ever so slowly, I slid my cock into her depths. All three of us groaned as I entered Sophia; her in excitement as the thing long denied her was provided, me as I slid into the tightest pussy I had ever had the pleasure of fucking, and Lucy in excitement at seeing her husband fucking another woman.

With the first stroke, I only entered a third of the way, but after each subsequent one, I got deeper and deeper until I bottomed out in her. Lucy reached forward and stoker her fingers over Sophia’s engorged pussy lips and clit, causing her to shudder. Her nails grazed over my hurried cock as she looked at me.

“How does she feel, baby?”

“God, she is so tight.”

“Good. Fuck her and make her scream. She has been begging for this for hours. Haven’t you, my Pet?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Sophia responded in a breathy voice as I slowly began to rock my hips back and forward. “I want him to fuck me and make me come. Please, I’m so horny.”

I couldn’t hold back after that confession and slid myself out to the edge of her pussy. I held there for a moment, enjoying her moans of frustration and then slammed my hips forward, penetrating her to my full length. Her mouth opened in a silent scream, but I gave her no let-up as I pulled back and slammed forward again. I pulled her smooth thighs tight against me as I pumped into her repeatedly. Lucy’s fingers flashed over Sophia’s clit and tugged on the nipple clamp chain, all with an evil grin on her face.

Sophia didn’t last long. The edging she had endured for the last few hours and the triple stimulation of pussy, clit and nipples sent her tumbling over the edge. Her breathing grew more laboured, and a deep flush crept across her neck and chest. Incoherent Spanish words tumbled from her mouth as in a final heave, her back arched and her entire body locked. The feeling of her deep muscles contracting around my cock was exquisite, and I almost came again but just managed to hold myself back. Then came the scream of release as her orgasm tore through her. It was a long, soul-bearing scream of released frustration and passion that lasted until she ran out of breath. Only then did her body relax, and she collapsed onto the bed.

I slowly began to work my hips again, sliding in and out of her and building her to another orgasm. Her eyes opened wide as I began to move, shocked at the addition of new sensations to her already overloaded brain. Lucy leant forward and sought out Sophia’s clit with her tongue. I slowed my strokes and watched as her talented tongue circled and flicked the younger woman’s exposed bud, causing her to shudder and moan and gasp. Sophia’s eyes shot open as her second orgasm ripped through her. She moaned and shuddered under my wife’s tongue, every limb tightening as she was brought to the edge, pushed over it and then kept falling until she could take it no more.

“No more, no more. Please, I can’t take it.” Came her shuddered gasps as her legs clamped together, and she desperately pushed Lucy‘s head from between her thighs. I was unceremoniously ejected from her pussy as she twisted onto her side and drew in her legs protectively. Shuddering as orgasmic aftershocks rippled through her.

I reached for my wife then and kissed her deeply, tasting Sophia’s juices on her tongue.

“I think it is your turn now, don’t you? Get on your knees and give me that gorgeous arse.”

Lucy kissed me hard again before turning to face the bed and bending forward so she rested her weight on her forearms and presented her fabulous, lingerie-clad arse to me. I swatted the right cheek playfully before running my hands over the smooth skin. I hooked my fingers into the waistband of the black lace panties and slowly slid them over her firm globes. Something glinted at me from the valley between her checks, and I gasped, then growled in excitement as I recognised the red crystal top of her favourite butt plug.

She saw my excitement and wiggled her arse invitingly. I tugged her panties down roughly and, in one smooth motion, slid inside her soaking wet pussy. We groaned as I bottomed out inside her before withdrawing the full length. I held for a moment at the entrance of her sex, just the tip pressing against her folds. She moaned in frustration and tried to push back against me to pull me inside her. I grinned and swatted her arse again before slamming myself forward again. She screamed at the sudden intrusion before groaning in delight.

“Yes, fuck me harder. Make me scream.”

I obliged. In long hard strokes, I fucked her like she wanted. Each long stroke withdrew to the tip before slamming back inside to her depths. She moaned and thrashed with each pounding, but I held her hips tight and then reached forward and grabbed her freely swinging breasts in both hands. I cupped her globes in my palms and pinched her nipples as I pounded into her. I pulled her up, levering her by her breasts until I had pulled her back against my chest, my cock still in her from behind. Her head twisted round, and I leaned forward to kiss her passionately.

As we broke the kiss, I saw Sophia had recovered enough to have pulled herself to a sitting position on the bead and was watching us. She had her legs apart and was masturbating gently at the sight, her fingers gliding over her smooth foods and pink clit.

“Sophia, slide under Lucy and suck her clit while I fuck her,” I ordered.

Her eyes lit up as she responded, “Si, Master,” and she began to crawl along the bed and under my wife. My balls tightened as she called me Master and then tightened again as her head appeared between our legs. I could tell the exact moment when she got to work as the wails from my wife increased, and she began to shudder at the triple stimulation of a dick in her pussy, my fingers on her nipples and a hot young tongue lapping against her clit.

Lucy didn’t last long with the sensory overload, and with a final, expletive-laden convulsion, she came. Her entire body went rigid for a moment; her mouth opened, but no sound came out, and her body shook as the orgasm tore through her. Her tensed body repeatedly twitched as I fucked her through her orgasm with long deep strokes. Then she screamed as her breath returned, and her body went limp. I let her fall forward on top of Sophia but kept pumping my cock in and out as she came again.

Soon, the scream turned to moans and then whimpers, and she desperately tried to push me away from her. I grabbed her hands and pinned them together by the wrists but relented and stopped my relentless pounding of her sensitive pussy. I wasn’t done, though, and the sounds of Sophia gently lapping at Lucy’s pussy kept me rock hard and her on the edge.

I reached down and took the glistening jewel of the butt plug in my fingers and gently pulled.

“Oh Fuck yes”, my wife groaned. “Yes. Fuck my arse while she licks my pussy, baby.”

I could hardly refuse an offer like that. I pulled harder, and with a pop, the plug slid free, accompanied by a groan of pleasure from my wife, whose face was now buried between Sophia’s thighs as they licked each other in mutual pleasure.

I pulled my cock from Lucy’s pussy and placed it against the slightly gapped entrance to her arse. I saw that she had prepared for this part of the festivities ahead of time and lubed up her arse, no doubt when she inserted the plug.

I placed my cock at the puckered entrance and gently pushed forward. She swore as my cock head pushed past her tight ring and then hissed as I fed inch after inch slowly into her arse. After sliding back and forth a few times to warm her up, I managed to get my full length inside her. I held there momentarily to allow her to get used to being so full before I began to fuck her in earnest.

I started slowly, pulling back until just the tip was inside her and then gently pushing forward until my groin bumped against her cheeks. When I was sure she was comfortable, I began to speed up my strokes. Slowly, stroke by stroke, I picked up the pace until I banged my cock into her as fast as possible.

“Oh God. Oh Fuck, fuck, fuck baby. Yes. You’re going to make me cum again.” Came my wife’s commentary. “Your cock feels amazing in my arse, and her mouth is on my pussy, baby. Do you like that? Do you like fucking your wife’s arse while Sophia licks my pussy. Do you want to see me cum in her face while you cum in my arse? Yeah? Then fuck me, baby, fuck me harder.”

That almost pushed me over the edge as I imagined Sophia’s tongue going to work between her legs and Lucy cumming on her face. I slammed harder into her then. My fingers gripped her hips tightly and pulled her onto me.

I felt the familiar itch begin at my cock head, then quickly travel down the length of my shaft. The tightening of my balls meant release was imminent. “Gonna cum”, I gruntled between thrusts.

“Yes baby, yes. Cum with me, cum together” was the response that pushed me over the edge. My nuts tightened, and I thrust forward. With a roar of release, I came deep inside Lucy’s arse and kept cumming as I tipped her over the edge.

With a wail of release and another tightening of every muscle, she came in long, hard shudders. Her arse muscles clamped down on me and pinned my spurting cock in place. I fell forward on top of her as we groaned and twitched together, kissing her back and neck as she shuddered with every slight movement.

Soon my cock slackened enough, and I slid from her arse, dragging a slight trail of cum with it. I leant back slightly, allowing my cock to swing free and drag across Sophia’s forehead, which was still buried between Lucy’s thighs. A final shudder from my wife, and Sophia relented, releasing Lucy’s clit and letting her head drop back, her mouth hanging slightly open. I couldn’t resist such a tempting target and slid my cock into Sophia’s open mouth. Her lips engulfed me, and her tongue swirled around my cock head, sending delicious shudders racing down my shaft.

Lucy’s leg gently pushed me away from her pet, and she said, “Enough of that, you. Leave my pet alone. She needs a shower and some water before we go again. In fact, we could all do with a shower.”

She saw my look of disappointment and kissed me deeply, saying, “Oh, don’t worry, John. Sophia here doesn’t have any plans for the weekend, so we have her all to ourselves. By the time we have finished with you, you won’t be able to walk.”

“God, I am lucky to have you,” I said before kissing her again.

“And don’t you forget it?” The love of my life responded. “Oh, and Sophia has a boyfriend. We thought it might be nice to invite him for dinner tomorrow. Apparently, he eats pussy really well.” She casually commented as she walked towards our master bathroom, Sophia in tow. “I have a few ideas about what we could serve as the main course, don’t you?”

I smiled and followed the two gorgeous women into the shower, and as they turned on the water and began to soap each other’s bodies, I knew I was I for one amazing weekend.

Written by Frustrated_writer
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