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The Adventures Of Lucy And John: Office Frustration

"A call to the office leads to a day of sexual frustration and denial for John, but with the promise of a hardcore reward at home."

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My phone buzzed against my desk, and I frantically scrambled for it so as not to disturb the monastic quiet of the open-plan office.

I flipped it over, and Lucy’s face and number flashed on the screen. I swore under my breath. The last thing I needed right now was a call from my wife minutes before I had a key presentation to the executive team. I thumbed across the screen to answer and raised it to my ear. 

“Hi John,” came the soft voice of my darling wife. Have you got a few minutes? I need to tell you about something that just happened.”

I sighed, guessing what was coming. Lucy worked as a freelance sex and relationship therapist from the summer house we had built at the bottom of our garden. Knowing her, one of her clients had shared something really kinky and had gotten her all hot and bothered. 

“I’ve got fifteen minutes until I have to be in the board room, so please be quick, darling.”

“Oh, John. I just had the most interesting couple in with me. A young lady in her late twenties or so and as sexy as a kitten. You would love her. Tall, blond, curvy in the right places and with big boobs. Her partner was older and more of a typical middle-aged man, but you could tell that he kept himself in shape. He had left his wife for her after meeting at a work dinner, but that initial spark that drew them together was starting to fade. He wanted a lot more sex than she did, and he assumed that because she was younger, she would be up for a lot more. She may have looked sexy as hell, but she was quite insecure and inexperienced. So we talked things through and discussed some of the things he wanted more of.”

“What sort of things?” I asked, getting more interested. Lucy would do this now and then. She would call me after a particularly hot session to tell me all about them, typically when I was in the office and couldn’t do anything about how horny she would get me. I knew she did it on purpose so I would come home and fuck her in sex-addled rage.

“Well, he started with the usual. Blowjobs after work, being woken up with a blowjob, and anal, which she shut down pretty quickly, but the interesting one was the role-play fantasy that he has. Do you want me to tell you about it? It was a good one and got me so fucking horny, baby. I’m so wet just thinking about it. I’m playing with myself. Does that turn you on, darling?”

“You know it does, damn it,” I growled, knowing what was coming.

“I know you can’t talk too much, as people in the office will overhear you, so just listen and think of all the dirty things you can do to me later.” She said, her voice getting breathy and sexy.

“I’m sitting in my office, in my big leather chair. I’ve got my left leg hooked over the arm, and my sopping wet thong pulled to one side while I stroke my smooth, wet lips. I’m so horny, baby; I’m thinking of this fantasy the couple told me. Do you want to hear it and hear me play with myself while it tells you?”

“Yes,” I murmured, shifting uncomfortably against my desk and trying to hide my growing erecting that was tenting my suit trousers. 

“Yes, what, darling?” she asked slyly.

“Yes, I want to hear your story,” I replied as loudly as I dared.

“Ah, that’s good. My nipples are so hard, and my clit is so sensitive as I stroke it for you.”

“The story," I said, looking at the clock ticking away on my calendar, counting down to the meeting.

“Of course, darling. So, after a bit of nudging and gentle persuasion, I managed to get him to share his fantasy. He wanted to role-play as a Priest and a Nun, and I could tell that he was embarrassed and she was a bit shocked. I think I might have to get her back for a one-on-one session to loosen her up. 

“Anyway, the fantasy. 

“He wants her to dress like a sexy nun and him as a priest and then greet him on her knees, asking for his forgiveness. He would bless her and tell her that the only way to absolve her sins is to receive his blessings. 

“He wanted her to suck his cock in her outfit until he cums down her throat.  After that, he would make her stand with her face to the wall with her arse thrust out so he could spank her as punishment for her impure thoughts. 

“Oh god. This is making me so hot, darling. I want your cock in my mouth. Is this making you horny, baby?”

“You know it fucking is,” I answered, adjusting myself under the table. Just then, a junior member of my team came over and, seeing that I was on the phone, lent against the cubicle wall. I looked up and met Rosie’s gaze. I raised a questioning eyebrow and nodded as she mouthed “five minutes” and pointed towards the conference room.

“Are you still there, baby? God, I’m so close to cumming. Just the thought of you pinning me against the wall and fucking me until I scream. I’m so wet, can you hear it? Oh God…shit, yes….cumming…fuuuck.”

I listened in rapture as Lucy came hard at the other end of the line, her breath panting and heaving. 

“John? John? We have to go. We have two minutes.”

“I’ll be right there, Rosie. Can you stall them for me? There's an emergency at home. I’ll be two minutes.”

Rosie nodded, and I watched as the stunning blond strutted her way to the conference room. Rosie was in her late twenties and had joined my consulting team six months ago and, in that short time, had become a huge asset. Not only was she excellent at her job, but she was drop-dead gorgeous. Five foot six, a slim athletic body that she toned in the gym, long blonde hair that she often left loose and perky grapefruit-sized breasts that she loved to show off any chance she got. She always got attention wherever she went and had given me more than one fantasy over the time we had worked together.

“Was that Rosie, John?”

“Yes. Jealous?” 

“Only that she gets to spend all day with you. And that you get to spend all day with her? Is she looking as sexy as ever?”


“I bet you would love to fuck her, wouldn’t you? You’d love to bend her over that conference table and fuck that peachy arse hard from behind. Pull her long blond hair and cum on her face. Wouldn’t you, John?”


“I want you to think about that while you are standing next to her at your presentation. Think about her on her knees sucking your cock or on her back on the desk as you plough her tight pussy. Now, go knock ‘em dead.”

Then she hung up. The horny, devious, evil, genius bitch had hung up and left me boiling over with sexual frustration. And now I had to go and give a full presentation to the executive board while standing next to the woman who generated the majority of my sexual fantasies. 

Fuck my life.

The next two hours were hell for me as I presented the findings of six months of consulting work at our contracted company. I was hot and flustered from my phone call with Lucy, and the proximity to Rosie was keeping me at a heightened level of sexual frustration.

I found myself gazing at her swan-like neck as she talked through our slides and wondering what it would be like to kiss my way up it as I held her tight body close against me and ground my hard cock against her amazing arse. I admired the swell of her breasts and the hints of a lacy black bra that could be glimpsed through the open folds of her white blouse.

I imagined what they would feel like as I ripped her blouse open, mauled her breasts and pinched her nipples before pushing her forward over the conference room table. Pushing her black pencil skirt around her hips and tearing her soaking thong off before feasting on her no doubt beautiful pussy from behind. Once she was screaming in pleasure, I would take her hard and fast from behind. Sliding my full length into her, wrapping my hand in her long blond hair and fucking her to another screaming orgasm before I would reach my own precipice and….

The gentle nudge in my ribs snapped me out of my fantasy, and I looked round to find Rosie looking at me, eyes wide and pleading, as she nodded towards the conference room screen. Quickly gathering myself and suppressing my boiling sex drive, I took over and gave the rest of our presentation.

“Well, that went well, I thought,” Rosie said as she sat at her desk beside mine. She swung herself to face me and crossed her long legs, gently swinging herself side to side as she watched me pull myself closer to my desk to hide my straining erection. 

“I don’t know. I think I fluffed it there. I’m not feeling my best.”

“Nonsense.” She smiled, her public school polished accent flowing like honey over me. “I thought that it went really well. You were clear and confident, but you were a bit flustered. You’re not coming down with anything, are you? You don’t want to miss the end-of-contract party next week.”

“I’m just feeling a little hot and bothered, that’s all. Probably run down from this contract, is all.”

“Well, let me know if there is anything I can do for you.” She squeezed my arm, and I inwardly quivered as her touch sent shivers through me. I imagined taking her up on her offer and pushing her to her knees, unzipping my trousers as she took my cock in her dainty, manicured hands to stroke and suck me to a soul-shaking orgasm in her mouth. 

I shook myself out of my fantasy again to find her looking at me with a mix of concern but also a slight flush to her neck. I was sure she could smell the sexual frustration and desire pouring off me, but she patted my arm again and said, “I’ll go get you a cup of tea.”

I watched her walk away, her hips swaying, and just as my raging erection began to subside, my phone buzzed. It was another message from Lucy.

How did it go? Were you thinking about fucking her the whole time?

It went OK, not helped by you getting me all wound up and then standing close to Rosie for an hour. And yes, I was thinking about fucking her.

Mmm, yummy. I love it when you get all wound up. I want you ready to release all that frustration on me when you get home. I’ll be waiting. 

“Is that Lucy?” Rosie asked as she sat down again and slid the cup of tea across the table to me. “Say Hi and tell her I’m looking forward to meeting her at the party next week.”

I nodded and typed, “Rosie says hi, and she is looking forward to meeting you at the party.”

I can’t wait to meet her, too. I bet you I can get her on her back before you do. I can’t wait to lick that beautiful pussy, suck on her clit and make her scream.

“Lucy says hi, and I am pretty sure she is looking forward to meeting you, too,” I told Rosie. “Thanks for the tea.”

My phone pinged again as I took my first sip and almost spat my tea out again at the photo Lucy had sent through. She was on her knees in our hallway dressed in her sexy black lacy bra and panty set with thigh-high hold-ups encasing her shapely legs. She had written under it, Ready and waiting for you xxx

“Is everything OK? The tea is not too hot, is it?” Rosie asked as she watched me splutter on my drink.

“I'm OK, thanks. I think I'm going to head home. I’m feeling a bit under the weather. Can you hold the fort?”

“No problem, boss. You take care of yourself, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She watched as I packed up, and I was pretty sure I caught her glancing at my bulging groin as I stood up and packed my things away. She smiled and waved as I practically sprinted out of the office to my car in the car park. 

I texted Lucy to let her know I was leaving and received an emoji-filled response to hurry back as fast as possible.

Alas, it was not to be.

What should have been a thirty-five-minute drive turned into an hour-long marathon of anger and frustration as I hit every conceivable red light, roadworks and traffic jam on the way home. What made it worse was Lucy bombarding me with texts, pictures, and voice notes as I drove, half of which I couldn’t access, bloody iPhone driver safety mode, but it kept me at a boiling point of frustration and anger.

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By the time I pulled into the driveway, I was ready to do murder to something. Car doors were slammed, keys found and then dropped in a tirade of profanity. The door unlocked and practically kicked aside in my haste to get in, but then I stopped dead.

Lucy was kneeling in the hallway in an attitude of prayer. Her knees were resting on a pillow, her head bowed, and her hands pressed together in front of her chest. She would have looked like a picture of demure innocence if not for the sexy nun outfit she had undoubtedly pulled from her extensive dressing-up box.

What made my blood boil even further was that this wasn’t a typical cheap sex shop slutty outfit that left little to the imagination. No, this was a collar-to-cuff to mid-thigh black skirt that concealed more than it showed. A white collar encircled her neck, and a white and black wimple covered her normally flowing honey-blond hair. No hint of her gorgeous body, tantalising glimpse of cleavage or flash of milky white thigh. She had fully covered herself and played the sweet and innocent character.

I slammed the door behind me and dropped my bags and jacket on the hallway floor. I began loosening my tie as she opened her mouth to speak.

“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been two days since my last confession....”

I had closed the distance and seized her by the hair before she finished the sentence, jerking her head back and forcing her to look in my eyes. Her piercing blue eyes had widened when I grabbed her but now twinkled as they met my lust-filled gaze.

“Forgive me, Father,” she whispered as I tore open my suit trousers and pulled out my rock-hard cock. It was in her mouth and hitting the back of her throat before she could say another word.

She choked on the first thrust but then relaxed her throat and tightened her lips around my shaft. Her hands unclasped and dug themselves into my butt, pulling me further into her mouth.

I held her there for a few seconds as she swallowed around my cock, massaging it with her throat. The urgent tapping on my arse was indication enough that she was close to her limit, but after everything that she had put me through today, I didn’t feel like being merciful. I tightened my grip on her hair and wimple and counted to five as she desperately fought to push me back.

When I finally released her, she fell back on her heels, coughing and spluttering up thick globs of saliva. But it didn’t take her long to compose herself, and reaching out, she took my cock in both hands and began stroking my rock-hard shaft in a gentle up and down and slightly twisting motion. With an evil grin, she leant forward again and, more gently this time, licked from the base of my shaft to the tip, swirled her tongue around the engorged head and sensitive underside before taking it in her warm mouth and sucking.

I groaned in pleasure as she masterfully worked me towards what promised to be an earth-shattering orgasm. I hastily pulled off my shirt and tie and waited for the inevitable. But once again, I was to be denied. Just as I was getting to the point of no return, she stopped, leant back on her heels, clasped her hands in front of her, looked up at me demurely again and said, “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned and must be punished.”

The rage and frustration, so close to being released, flooded back in a vengeance.

I snarled as I seized her by the throat and hauled her to her feet. I turned her around and practically threw her at the hallway wall. I held her there, pinned in the small of the back as I kicked her heels apart and growled, “Arms against the wall, arse out.”

She eagerly complied, thrusting her amazing arse towards me and ground it against my frustrated cock, while placing her arms up and out on the wall so she was holding a star position.

I hiked the short black dress over her hips and groaned in pleasure as I saw her naked arse clad in thin black tights but with no visible panty line. I could smell the excitement coming off her, and as I stroked my hand over her arse and then down between her legs, I could feel the heat and moisture that told me she was getting exactly what she wanted.

My first strike landed firmly on her right arse cheek and caught her by surprise. She gasped in shock but then moaned in pleasure as I struck again on the other cheek.

“You have been a sinner, haven’t you?” I growled, “ringing me at work with your stories and teasing. Getting me all worked up and leaving me hanging, knowing I couldn’t do anything about it.”

“Yes, I’ve been bad and must be punished. Punish me, make me repent.” She moaned.

I spanked her hard and fast then, three times on each cheek, making her arse shake, and her body flinch as she involuntarily sought to escape the pain. But I held her tightly, pinned against the wall as I spanked her again before sliding my hand between her legs and rubbing the growing damp path.

She shuddered again as I stroked her sensitive lips and then gasped in pain as I slapped my hand on her clit. I kicked her legs apart as they sought to close and growled “legs open” at her.

Lucy spread her legs again and hissed as I spanked her four more times on her mound. Each time, she twitched away but returned to her position, eager for more.

“Naughty teases who can't take their punishment will be restrained,” I told her as I took my belt off and wrapped it around her neck, pulling it tight to hold her in place.

“Oh fuck yes. I’m so fucking horny. I need you, baby. I need your cock. I need you to fuck me hard. Punish me for being a tease. For getting you hot and bothered. Fuck me like you hate me.”

I was more than happy to oblige.

I pulled the belt tighter and pushed between her shoulders to force her arse out further. She complied willingly, thrusting her arse into my groin again and twisting so my cock nestled between her cheeks. I thrust back and forward between her nylon-clad mounds, revelling in the sensation against my cock. 

I took hold of the thin material that was stretched tight over her arse and, with both hands, pulled it apart. The tights ripped raggedly but not enough to grant me access to the treasures inside, so I tore in a frenzy, shredding them like a wild animal on its prey. When I was done, her naked arse and glistening pussy were presented to me in all its glory, framed by the tattered remnants of black nylons on her waist and thighs.

I stroked my hand over the smooth skin before grasping my cock and pressing it against her warm entrance. I held myself against her and waited, knowing she could feel me holding at the portal. Sure enough, she moaned and pushed back against me, seeking to pull me into her. In an inconceivable act of will, I pulled myself back from the brink and slapped her hard.

She jerked forward and moaned again as I placed myself at her entrance. I waited to see if she would move again, but Lucy seemed to have learned her lesson and waited patiently, only gently rocking back and forth as if to encourage me into her.

After the day I had, I could only hold out so long. I pushed into her in one fast thrust, not stopping until I bottomed out in her, and my balls slapped against her clit.  Lucy threw her head back and swore as I held myself inside her for a moment before I slowly drew myself all the way back until just the tip rested against the very edge of her lips again.

“More, more. Fuck me, baby.”

I obliged. Slamming myself into her again, making her arse jiggle as my hips hit her cheeks. She moaned again and again as I built up speed until I was pounding into her as hard and as fast as I could.

She felt amazing like this as the angle of her hips and back made her already yoga-toned body and pussy supper tight. I was certain I wasn’t going to hold out much longer. She was so hot, wet and tight that every thrust was bringing me right to the edge of orgasm and from the sounds Lucy was making, I was hitting all the right spots for her as well.

I pulled tighter on the belt around her neck, pulling her chest off the wall and reached around to grope her breast with my right hand. I squeezed it hard, eliciting another moan of pleasure, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted to feel her naked skin.

Pinning her to the wall with my cock, I reached to the collar of her outfit and pulled downwards with both hands, ripping the thin fabric at the front of the dress and tearing it from her top half. I pulled again, ripping it further until the costume hung in tatters around her waist.

I grabbed her now naked breasts with both hands and squeezed hard. Lucy moaned again as I pulled her upper body towards me so that she rested her back against my chest, her arse against my groin, and my cock still buried inside her.

I released her left breast and slid my hand up her neck to squeeze her throat as I resumed thrusting into her. Lucy moaned and ground back against me as her now-freed left hand reached back to grab my arse to pull me deeper inside of her. The other slid down between her legs to pleasure herself.

I somehow kept up the relentless pace, despite the ache in my balls and the rapidly increasing and familiar itch in the head of my cock. But despite all the teasing and build-up she had put me through, I wanted Lucy to come too. I wanted us to come together.

“I’m getting close, baby,” I grunted through the slapping of our bodies.

“Oh God, me too. I’m so close. Just hold on, just a bit longer.”

My hand tightened on her throat as the other pinched her nipple and squeezed her breast. Her hand was a blur between her legs, and I could tell she was almost there.

“I’m gonna cum, baby.”

“Yes, shit, cum, baby, cum in me. Fill me up.”

I thrust forward one final time, pushing myself deep into her. With a roar of a day's worth of pent-up sexual frustration, I came.

I came hard. Pinning Lucy to the wall as I impaled her on my cock and unleashed what felt like gallons of cum into her.
That set her off and with a final wail of “Oh fucking yes!” her orgasm overwhelmed her. She rose on her tiptoes, her back arched, her head fell back, and she held still for what felt like an eternity as she trembled and twitched while I pumped my load into her.

Then, with an explosion of air that sounded like her soul leaving her body, she collapsed back onto me, her entire body shaking.

I held her up as she gasped and trembled through her orgasm, and then evilly, I resumed thrusting into her. She swore and shuddered again as the head of my cock rubbed against her G-spot and set off another massive orgasm.

“Fuck, fuck, stop. Please stop. I can’t take anymore. It’s too much.”

I pinned her to the wall and kept going. “Oh, I’m sorry. Is this too much teasing for you?” I asked innocently.

“Oh God. Please, I’m going to, I’m going to come again. Fuck…fuck…fuuuccck!!!”

Lucy held the wall as she came and pushed back against me to get me as deep into her as possible. Then she rose on her toes again and wailed as her orgasm overwhelmed her. Then she practically collapsed as if every bone in her body had disappeared. I grabbed her as she fell, pulling out of her at the same time and setting off another orgasm.

It took a moment before she could stand unaided and another before she could talk. When she could, she threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.

“That was fucking amazing,” I said, kissing her tenderly on the top of her head.

“I know, right? I am going to have to give you blue balls more often. That was so worth the wait.” Lucy agreed. “So, are you fully released of your frustration?” She asked coyly.

“I think there is probably a little bit more frustration left in me,” I replied as my cock began to harden again in response to her half-naked and ravaged body pressed against me.

“Really?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “Well, we will just have to do something about that, won’t we.”

“What did you have in mind?” I asked eagerly.

“How about a shower together, and then I give you a nice long massage to ease out all of the tension from every, single, inch of your body? Does that sound nice?”

“Is the pope catholic?” I replied with a grin and practically dragged her up the stairs.

Written by Frustrated_writer
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