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The Adventures Of Lucy And John: Office Party

"Lucy and John attend their office party, hoping to catch up with Rosie, but both have unexpected encounters."

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Author's Notes

"If you have not read Office Frustration before this story, I recommend you do so to get to know the characters."

We were running late. Again. 

It was Friday, the night of the traditional end-of-contract office party that my boss always threw to celebrate the team's hard work, and we were late for my own party. Again. 

We arrived at the hotel in London in good time on Friday afternoon after work. Lucy had cancelled all her clients so she could get to the hotel early and begin getting ready while I finished at the office to meet her there. I had left work early, as did everyone else, to head home and get ready before we reconvened at the rooftop bar. One of the many other businesses in the same shining London tower block as our office. 

But even though Lucy had arrived an hour before me, she hadn't even started to get ready yet. Instead, I found her lounging in a cream silk gown on the bed. When I challenged her on the lack of progress in what I knew was a lengthy process of getting ready, she smiled seductively and said that she couldn't decide what underwear to wear and needed a second opinion. She stood up and opened the robe to show me her choice.

I instantly hardened at her choice of a red lacy thong that hugged the tight angles of her hips to press tightly against her beautiful pussy. The material was just sheer enough to glimpse the outline of her smooth-shaven lips. A tight red strapless corset clinched her waist and pushed her breasts up and together to present them for my viewing pleasure. The sultry look was finished with skin-coloured stockings connected to the corset by red satin suspenders.

Her answer was my low growl of appreciation, but she held out a delicately manicured red-nailed finger and stopped my impassioned advance. She told me she had made a good choice, but I would have to wait until later to unwrap her as I was running late and needed a shower.

I had snorted in derision and challenged her that I would be ready before her. She just smiled and said that good things come to those who wait. 

Sure enough, I showered, shaved, and changed into smart jeans, a white shirt, and a navy blue jacket before she finished her makeup. I then spent a further frustrated half an hour watching that gorgeous goddess, standing at the bathroom counter in her sexy lingerie, doing her make-up and wanting nothing more than to kiss my way from her swan-like neck down her back to the round peaches of her arse before pulling her thong to one side and bending her forward over the counter to take her from behind. 

That fantasy sustained me as I watched her finish her hair and make-up and finally slip herself into a red off-the-shoulder dress that hugged her figure from breast to just below the knee. Red high heels clad her feet and raised her a few inches to add a further seductive shape to her legs and bottom. A delicate silver pendant, nestled just above her cleavage, drew the eye to her already prominent decolletage encased by the dress and corset while her blond hair tumbled around her shoulders and down her back in a wavy cascade. A white pashmina was draped over her shoulders, completing the look. 

She was truly a vision of beauty, grace and seduction that trod that ever so difficult line between sexy while looking classy without tipping over into slutty. She would no doubt turn heads tonight. 

But we were still thirty minutes late and had to negotiate London traffic. Fortunately, I called the concierge and asked them to have a cab waiting for us to proceed. The traffic was light by some miracle, so we arrived at the office in only fifteen minutes.

The company party was always held at the rooftop bar that took up the top two floors of the same tower block where our office was situated, probably because we got a hefty discount from the bar owners for ensuring we held our team parties there. The cab pulled up outside the front entrance, and arm in arm, Lucy and I walked through the glass-fronted entrance, past the security guard who shamelessly gave Lucy a full look over and into the public lift that would take us to the bar.

“Looking forward to this, darling?” I asked. 

Lucy slipped her arm around my waist and pulled herself close to me. “I am. Particularly the chance to meet some of your work colleagues.”

“Anyone in particular?” I asked innocently.

“I can't wait to see what all the fuss is about with this Rosie girl and see if she is as sexy in person as you have built her up to be.”

“You won't be disappointed, trust me.”

Lucy kissed me on the cheek as the lift pinged that we had arrived, and the doors slid quietly open. “Just don't leave me alone with the perv of a boss you have.”

Together, we stepped out of the lift and into the bustle and noise of the party. The bar was an amazing space spread over two floors at the tower's top. A glass roof enclosed the space to shelter it from the wind and rain, which was the usual London weather, but tonight, it let the early evening sunlight shine through and gave stunning panoramic views over the capital city. 

The main floor was dominated by a rectangular dance floor around which a series of tree and plant-enclosed tables were set to provide private areas for dining and drinking. A large bar was set against the north-facing wall holding the lift we had just emerged from, the cloakroom and the loos. Encircling the dance floor was the second floor, which provided more tables and private spaces but also allowed the people there to look outward over London and inwards onto the dance floor. The bar was already filling up despite the early hours with the usual mixture of office workers having Friday drinks with their colleagues before heading home, tourists enjoying the evening views and a few early revelers getting started for an epic Friday night in the Capital. Soft dance music kept the atmosphere suppressed for now, but once the sun went down, the DJ would change the tone, and the dancing would begin.

I knew from experience that Robert, my boss, would have hired the VIP private dining area on the southern section of the second floor. I linked arms with Lucy and led her around the crowd at the bar towards the stairs and then around to where a line of potted palms provided a clear barrier between the main tables and the private areas. A security guard stood post at a red velvet rope and checked our names against his list before opening the rope and beckoning us through. 

The VIP area comprised almost the entire southern wall and provided uninterrupted views over the River Thames and the Tower of London. Circular booths and tables encircled a small bar in the centre of the space. About one hundred people were crammed into the private area, and I nodded and waved to various work colleagues as we made our way to the bar. We took the complimentary champagne and talked with several teammates who came up to say hi and introduce themselves to Lucy. Unsurprisingly, most of these were my male colleagues, eager to meet the goddess that had graced them with her presence.

I smiled as I watched Lucy work the crowd of admirers, smiling and laughing at the right moments, giving a seductive flick of her hair or a gentle squeeze of a bicep when a joke was told. I surreptitiously scanned the room, looking for two people, one I wanted to see, the other I wanted to avoid. Rosie was the first, and Robert was the second. It wasn't that I disliked Bob; quite the opposite; he was a good boss who gave me a huge amount of freedom to run my team how I liked. The problem was he was a bit of an old-fashioned perv who could get a bit handsy once he had a few drinks in him and could sometimes make the women in the company uncomfortable. It had never crossed the line into sexual harassment, but I had to take him to one side one or twice to have a quiet word. No doubt Lucy could handle him, but I don't want to risk Bob ruining her good mood with some crass behaviour and inadvertently cock-blocking me tonight. 

“Hi, John.” I turned to see Rosie’s beaming face behind me. “You look very smart this evening,” she continued as she leaned in to kiss me on both cheeks.

“Rosie. Hi. You look lovely, too,” I replied. 

And she did. 

She wore a black cocktail dress that hugged her slim figure like a second skin. Wide shoulder straps plunged in a cut to her sternum and showed a glorious amount of cleavage and the seductive swell of her breasts. The dress clinched tight at the waist before ending a few inches above her knees but with a slight slit up the left side that showed a further glimpse of her creamy white thigh. 

“This must be Lucy,” she asked, dragging my attention away from her beautiful form as she stepped around me and effortlessly through the crowd of male admirers to greet my wife. “I have heard so much about you.”

Lucy smiled widely as she gave Rosie a quick look up and down before pulling her in for a quick kiss on each cheek.

“It's lovely to meet you finally, Rosie. I have heard a lot about you, too. John tells me you are a very hard worker, and he very much enjoys working with you. I can see why.”

Rosie blushed slightly and smiled as she said, “He is a great boss, and I have learnt so much from him over the last six months.” She looked over her shoulder at me and smiled before saying, “My friend and I have managed to grab a table. Would you like to join us?”

“That would be lovely. It would be nice to get off my feet; these heels are killing me,” Lucy replied.

“I know what you mean.” Rosie grinned. “These heels make my legs look so much longer, but my feet are in agony by the night's end.”

The ladies discussed the pain associated with looking good and complimented each other on their choice of clothes as they moved through the crowd of admirers and towards the tables. I followed behind, enjoying the view of these two stunning women and letting my imagination run away. 

Rosie had managed to grab a great spot close to the south window. A circular raised bed with trees, flowers and bushes enclosed a circular table. Into the encircling wall was built padded seating upon which sat yet another stunning woman. She slid along the bench and stood to meet us, giving me a good look at her long legs. 

She was of a similar age, height, and build to Rosie, with similar long blond hair. However, where Rosie exuded a demure innocence that made you want to protect and corrupt her simultaneously, this woman gave off a smoky, sultry attitude that promised much. She was dressed in what looked like a tailored navy blue blazer that was open enough to glimpse a full bust and stopped at mid-thigh, where her long, shapely legs were encased in patterned black tights and black patent leather heels.

She smiled and held her hand to Lucy, introducing herself as Annabelle. Lucy drew her in for a kiss and then introduced her to me. As I leaned in to kiss her on both cheeks, she whispered, “It's lovely to meet you, John. Rosie has told me so much about you.”

“Hopefully, only the good things,” I replied but only received an enigmatic smile in response.

“Shall we sit?” Lucy asked, interrupting our moment. She slid into the booth and then patted the seats to either side of her. “Rosie, why don't you and Anabelle slide in either side of me and John? You sit next to Annabelle.” 

I grinned as we all sat down, knowing that this was all part of Lucy’s plan to block me all night and have Rosie all to herself. Honestly, I was more than happy to be distracted by Annabelle as she was stunning and had much less long-term drama than Rosie, even though the little brain between my legs was desperate for the workplace drama that sleeping with one of my subordinates would bring.

Lucy waved over a waiter and ordered a bottle of champagne and a round of Jaeger Bombs to get things started. Then, she settled in for her seduction of Rosie. I watched as Lucy leant into Rosie and gently brushed the hair back from her brow, complimented her on her beauty and discreetly slid a hand under the table to rest it in her lap, but I did not doubt that hand would find its way on to Rosie’s leg before too long. 

I quickly scanned the room and sighed, seeing that Bob was bearing down on us. Surprisingly, he was accompanied by his wife, Maggie. I smiled as they approached and then rose to shake Bob’s hand.

“Evening Bob, thanks again for setting up this party.”

“No problem, John. It is a company tradition and a great opportunity to get everyone together. It is always lovely to see you, Lucy. You look as beautiful as ever.”

Lucy smiled. “Oh, you old rogue. You do say all the right things.” But I noted that she didn't get up to say hello and focused all her efforts on Rosie.

“John, you remember Maggie, my better half.”

“Indeed I do. And may I say you look stunning this evening?” I said as I leaned in to kiss her.

“You may indeed, you charming devil. But no need to lie for the sake of my ego.” 

It was no lie, though. Maggie was a very elegant woman in her early fifties who cared for herself well. She was average height but with a firm body toned by hours in the yoga studio and an elegant look that reminded me of Rachel Weisz. 

“May we join you?” she prompted.

“Of course, of course,” I said as I slid back along the booth next to Anabelle. Maggie slid in next to me and pulled Bob in next to her so he wouldn't try to press against Rosie. It had gotten tight, and I was acutely aware of being pressed against Anabelle on my right and Maggie on my left.

Annabelle caught my eye and smiled. “Cosy,” she said before leaning over me to introduce herself to Maggie. As she did so, her left hand dropped to my thigh to hold her weight and offered her right to Maggie to shake. She stayed that way with her back, turned to Lucy, and rested her arm on the table to talk more easily to Bob and Maggie. It also gave me a good glimpse at her cleavage as the blazer had gapped open slightly to reveal the black lace of the halter top encasing her breasts. 

“Don't you think John?” Maggie asked.

I snapped out of my reverie and saw Maggie smiling, having caught me red-handed.

“What was that, Maggie? I couldn't hear you over the music.” I tried to bluff.

“I was saying that Lucy looks amazing as always. I am astounded at how she always looks so good while holding a full-time job.” 

"Exercise," I replied. “Lots and lots of exercise to burn those calories off.” 

“Really?” Maggie replied, “I must get her routine off her.” 

“It's not your traditional form of cardio, Maggie. It's more of a bespoke programme that involves lots of vigorous movement.” 

By this time, Annabelle smiled widely as she watched comprehension dawn across Maggie’s face. 

“Well, in that case, I really must talk to her about her routine and see if I can get some tips from her. Tell me. Do you often help in her fitness?”

“Whenever I can.” I replied, “But often, she is happy to use any fitness partner she can get her hands on.”

Maggie glanced over to Lucy, who was in deep conversation with Rosie and noted the positioning of her hand under the table. 

“Well, in that case,” Maggie smiled and rested her hand on my left thigh. “I may ask Lucy to borrow you for personal training sessions.” 

At that moment, Lucy looked around to see me squeezed between two women, each with a hand resting on my legs and took in the situation instantly. Her eyes met mine and then flicked across to Annabelle and Maggie. I am assuming that some telepathic conversation happened between the three women in a way that seems entirely natural to women but is mystifying to all men, as she raised an eyebrow, gave a slight smile and turned back to Rosie. 

“What was that you mentioned, dear? Something about fitness?” Bob asked, finally tearing his attention away from Lucy and Rosie long enough to remember his wife existed.

“John was just telling me about Lucy’s fitness routine, darling, and offered to show me a few of her routines.”

“Oh well, that is very kind of you, John, but no need. Maggie already has a personal yoga instructor who puts her through her paces twice a week. Any more, and she would be quite exhausted.”

Besides me, Anabelle covered a snort of amusement as I said, “Well, the offer is there if you fancy something different. It is always good to change up your fitness routine.

I was saved from further awkwardness by the waiter's arrival, who, in a flash of intuition, had brought two extra shots with him.  Everyone subtly disentangled themselves from whoever they were tentatively groping and reached for their shot glass. I glanced at Lucy and noticed that the fingers of her left hand glistened slightly in the light. I caught her eye, and she winked at me before I glanced at Rosie to see that a red flush had spread across her upper chest and neck and that she was breathing harder than usual. She caught my eye and then hastily looked away, the blush spreading further across her cheeks.

We mixed the Jaeger bombs, clinked them together in a salute and knocked them back. Rosie and Annabelle drank theirs with the lack of reaction that one would expect of the young, while Bob and Maggie winced with the faces of those not used to the strong liquor. 

“Jesus,” Bob grimaced, “I am getting too old for that sort of thing.”

“Nonsense, Bob. You are only as old as you feel,” Lucy remarked. “Or is it the person you are feeling?” 

Maggie laughed and then elbowed her husband, bullying him out of the alcove. “Come on, darling. Let's leave them to their drinks; we have plenty more people to talk to.” She leant towards me and said, “Let's chat about that fitness program another time.”

The four of us watched them go before raising our now full champagne flutes to each other. “To new friends and a fun night together,” I said as we drank.

For the next half an hour or so, we drank, chatted and flirted while getting to know each other. I discovered that Rosie and Annabelle were flat mates who had known each other since school and had moved to London together after university for work. Annabelle had a legal degree and was undergoing her pupillage to become a barrister but wasn't enjoying it and was considering a career change to modelling. 

She and Rosie did “everything together and told each other everything”, she told me as we ploughed through our second bottle while gently stroking my leg under the table. 

“Everything?” I asked.

“Oh yes, everything. She told me how much of a good boss you are and how good-looking and sexy you were. But you are so much hotter in the flesh.” Her hand slid further up my leg to rest at the top of my thigh, where it slid further into the gap to brush against my swelling cock.

Annabelle smiled at me seductively, gently biting her lip. Then, reaching out with her free hand, she gently gripped my left hand and guided it under the table to rest on her stocking-clad thigh. 

“I feel like dancing,” Lucy announced, slapping a hand on the table. "Rosie, darling, come dance with me.”

I don't know what magic Lucy had been working on her, but Rosie was well and truly smitten with my wife. I could see how she gazed adoringly and lustily at her, nodding enthusiastically at the idea of dancing closely with her. 

“You go ahead, darling,” I said, “Anabelle and I will hold onto the table. You two go and have fun.”

Lucy grinned like the cat that got the cream, pushed Rosie out of the booth, and slid out herself. She came around the table and leaned over to kiss me. “Have fun, darling.” Then she turned to Anabelle and said, “Take good care of him.” She turned, taking Rosie by the hand; the two blondes strutted towards the stairs and onto the dance floor.

Annabelle watched them go and smiled, “Rosie is well and truly love-struck, isn't she? I swear to God she will do anything for your wife now.”


“Anything,” she confirmed. “Rosie can be a bit of a sub sometimes. She got like this once with a girl at school. Followed her around like a love-sick puppy for weeks. When the other girl was done with her, she was a fully converted member of the Women’s PGA.” 

“So Rosie is a lesbian?”

“No, she is Bi. She prefers men but is not above a bit of girl-on-girl action.”

“Have you two ever…”

Annabelle laughed. “Oh, I can see where your mind is going with that one. Yes. We have fooled around once or twice when drunk. Why does that turn you on? Would you want the two of us together, naked, touching each other, touching you, stroking your big, hard cock together, sucking it, making you beg to cum before you slide inside her tight, wet pussy and make her scream? Is that what you want?”

Her hand had been stroking my cock through my trousers the entire time she had been talking, and now she squeezed harder and leant into me. Her teeth clamped on my earlobe before whispering, “Is that what you want?”

In answer, I moved my hand further up her thigh until it slid under the short cover of her blazer and towards her hot sex. 

“Right now, I want something else,” I growled. 

Her legs spread slightly to allow me better access, and I took the opportunity to slide my hand up the length of her tights towards her crotch. There I stopped as my fingers moved from the patterned silk of her tights to smooth, warm flesh. I looked at her in surprise, but she just pouted at me and opened her legs further still.

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“And what exactly do you want?” she asked.

“I think you know,” I answered, brushing my fingers over the smooth folds of her exposed pussy. She shuddered as I brushed over her lips again and slid a finger past her outer folds to dip into the wet bounty beyond.

“And what would your wife think about that?” she asked breathily as I continued to stroke her slowly. 

“I think that she will be having fun of her own right now. She bet me that she would have Rosie on her back before I did, and right now, I am more than happy to lose that bet.”

As if reading my mind, my phone buzzed in my jacket pocket, and I reluctantly withdrew my fingers from Annabelle and checked the message. I chuckled and showed the message to Annabelle.

Rosie is going to show me the officeI told you I would win before you did. 

“So? What now?” Annabelle asked. “Do you want to go somewhere more private?”

I nodded, an idea forming as I texted Lucy back.

Take her to the conference room. It has a lockable door, and an AV suit with two-way glass is next door. 

Her response was almost instant. 

Yum. Sounds like a great idea. I want you to watch us together. Then I am going to reclaim you in the hotel and give you the fucking of your life.

On our way. I replied.

“I have an idea where we could go,” I told Annabelle and held out my hand to help her out of the booth. She quickly smoothed down her blazer and hooked her arm through mine as we left the VIP area and headed back down to the lift. Once inside, I took out the office key card from my wallet, tapped the card reader and pressed the button for the thirty-second floor.

Annabelle pressed up against me for the short journey down, sliding her hand down to grip my cock again. I took her hand as the doors slid open and led her down the corridor to the main door to the company offices. I tapped the card again and punched my code to open the glass security door. Then, we headed down the main corridor towards the conference room. We went quietly past the thick, soundproof walls of the conference room and past its door, where the digital lock showed that it was still unlocked, and onto a smaller door just past it.

I tapped my card again, pressing my finger to my lips. I pushed it gently open, and both of us stepped inside. I held the door for Annabelle and gently closed and locked it behind us, then led Annabelle up the three steps to where the audio and video equipment desk looked out into the conference room through the smoky glass of a two-way mirror. 

The room beyond was empty save for the oval wooden table in the centre. Around the table were four empty seats. We had somehow beaten Lucy here, but they were undoubtedly busy elsewhere.

I quickly took out my phone and texted. I am waiting for you.

“This is cosy, but I was kind of hoping that you might want to fuck me over your desk or, even better, over that conference table,” Annabelle said.

“Don't worry, this will be worth it. Trust me.”

“Well, what are you waiting for?” she said as she leaned back against the AV desk and pulled me to her. I stepped forward as she tilted her head to mine and pulled me into a deep kiss. Her lips were wonderfully soft as they parted slightly, her tongue darting out to tangle with mine. Her hands roamed over my back, pulling me deeper into the kiss.

My hands grabbed her hips and crushed her against me, her breasts pressing into my chest. One hand held the small of her back while the other slid down her hip and under the hem of her blazer to slide up her thigh and gently squeezed her behind. I slid my hand further along and into the crack of her arse, where my fingers once again touched soft flesh rather than fabric. I broke the kiss and looked at her unquestioningly. 


“Only one way to find out,” she responded teasingly before leaning back on the AV desk, spreading her legs enough to give me a tantalising glimpse of flesh and running her nails up her thighs to lift the hem of her blazer slightly. I stepped forward until I stood between her open legs and reached forward to slowly unbutton the blazer. 

She maintained eye contact with me as I popped each button, watching my hungry expression with some satisfaction. With the final button free, I slid the jacket off her shoulders and grinned at what I saw inside.

Annabelle was wearing an incredibly sexy one-piece silk and lace body stocking that began with a halter neck top that clasped behind her neck and ran over each shoulder to cover a pair of fantastically firm-looking breasts, presenting them perfectly with an impressive cleavage that ran down close to her navel. The rest of the body stocking covered her from her toned stomach to the tips of her toes with sheer black material, save for an empty strip over her groin that presented easy access to her pussy.

I dipped my head down to kiss her again and slid my hands down her shoulders to her breasts. I moved them down further so that they slid over each breast and gently squeezed them, feeling her nipples hardening under my touch. I moved my hands inwards towards her chest to slide my fingers under the lace covering and pulled it back from each breast to expose them. 

I broke the kiss and took a moment to admire her fantastic breasts. They were firm and high, and she had clearly had some work done to make them so perfect, but they were beautiful and filled my palms perfectly, each one crowned with a firm pink nipple that I was desperate to suck and bite. 

As if sensing my need, Anabelle leant back on one hand and used the other to gently guide my head to her left breast. I let her guide me as I kissed down her neck, along her collar bone and down the top of her breast until I reached her nipple and took it in my mouth. I ran my tongue over the hard nub of flesh, teasing it with flicks and circling the areola before sucking it into my mouth.

Annabelle gasped and held my head to her breast and then gasped again as my right hand slid down her stomach and between her legs to slide along her moist outer lips. I slid a finger down her sex, between her outer folds, to slide into her warm depths. I moved my finger deeper inside her and curled it up to find the soft spongy flesh at the front of her pussy. 

At the same time, her hands fumbled with my belt, opening it and popping the buttons on the fly of my jeans before reaching inside to pull my cock from the fabric prison of my boxers. Her soft hand circled my cock and began to gently massage me with long firm strokes. 

I pulled myself away from her breast and crushed her mouth to mine again as we continued to mutually pleasure each other until the sound of a door opening broke our concentration. I looked over Anabelle’s head and through the AV booth window to see Lucy and Rosie entering the conference room. Light flooded the room as the main lights came on, making Anabelle aware that something was happening behind her. She released my cock and twisted around to see what was happening.

“Clever boy.” She laughed. “Can they see us in here?”

“No. This booth is soundproof, and the glass is a two-way mirror. We can see and hear them, but they can't see or hear us.”

She grinned as she stood up to face the window and pressed herself back against me, grinding her arse against my cock. I wrapped my arms around her, one hand reaching up to caress her breasts while the other slid down to continue my ministrations on her pussy. Together we watched the show.

Rosie and Lucy had entered the room one after the other, and I could see their hair was a little messy, no doubt as a result of some close dancing in the roof bar and probably some closer caressing on the way here. Lucy stepped up behind Rosie and wrapped her arms around her waist, pressing herself tight against her back and resting her chin on Rosie’s shoulder. Rosie melted into her embrace and tilted her head to the right to present her long neck for Lucy’s lips.

“So this is the famous conference room I have heard so much about,” Lucy said. “I can just see John here giving his presentations, looking confident, commanding, and sexy.” She punctuated each word with kisses up Rosie’s neck and shoulder. One hand crept up to cup Rosie’s breast, and the other slid down her stomach and down to the hem of her short black cocktail dress. 

“I bet you have stood at the back watching him present in that confident way of his, wanting him, needing him. Thinking of him kissing you, touching you, laying you down on this table and feasting on your pussy until he makes you scream in ecstasy.”

Lucy's left hand slipped inside the halter top of Rosie’s dress to squeeze and caress her breast while her other pulled up the hem of her dress and slid inside the black lacy material of her thong to massage her pussy. Rosie shuddered in pleasure and reached her left hand back to caress Lucy’s head as she kissed her neck and the right down to grope her behind while she ground her arse against Lucy’s groin.

In the booth, Anabelle and I mirrored their movements. “This is so fucking hot,” Annabelle whispered. “Your wife is so sexy. I want to see her make Rosie cum. I want you to make me cum at the same time.”

“You want my husband, don't you, Rosie? You want him to fuck you and make you cum?” Lucy asked, continuing her seduction of the helpless young woman.

“Yes,” Rosie replied breathlessly, “Yes, I want him to fuck me so badly. I watch him every day and imagine what it will be like to fuck him in the office or a hotel when we are away on business.” Rosie shuddered again as Lucy circled her fingers around her clit.

“Well, John isn't here right now,” Lucy said, quickly glancing at the mirror, behind which I was fingering Anabelle. “Would you be OK with me making you cum?”

“Yes. Oh, God, yes. Make me cum, Lucy. Please. I'm so fucking close. Make me cum.”

“Lie back on the table, darling. I'm going to take good care of you.”

Annabelle and I watched as Rosie turned around and hopped onto the desk. Lucy quickly stepped forward and pushed her legs apart, placing them on either side of her hips. Lucy pulled Rosie’s face to hers and drew her into a deep, passionate kiss. Her hands slid up Rosie’s hips and sides to rest on her shoulders. She hooked her fingers into the straps of the cocktail dress and slid them off her shoulders to expose her breasts for Lucy's eager mouth. She kissed her way down her neck and chest before suckling at her beautiful pert breasts before she gently pushed her backwards so she lay back on the conference table.

Lucy continued to kiss down Rosie’s belly before pushing the hem of her dress up over her hips. With a quick flick of her fingers, Lucy pulled aside Rosie’s tiny black thong and then slowly kissed her way down to her mound and then along the creamy white thigh of her left leg. Rosie moaned in pleasure and wound her fingers into Lucy’s blond locks, trying to guide her onto her pussy. But Lucy wouldn't be rushed. She took her time, kissing her way up a leg and then back down, across the mound and up the opposite leg. 

Finally, she relented to Rosie’s moans and pleading and gave a long, slow lick from bottom to top that caused Rosie to gasp in pleasure. Lucy continued her ministrations with long, languid licks that built the pleasure until Rosie was squirming in exquisite agony. When she was certain she could take it no more, Lucy latched onto Rosie’s clit and worked it with a combination of flicks and sucks that brought Rosie to the edge and then pushed her over. Her back arched as she came, pushing her breasts up and forward. Her head tipped back in a silent scream as her entire body locked and then trembled in ecstasy before a long moan of release tore from her throat.

Lucy kept going. Pushing Rosie to the heights of pleasure and keeping her there as her orgasm peaked and then peaked again. 

“Fuck, fuck. Stop. Please stop. I can't take any more. So sensitive. Please.”

Lucy finally relented and rose with a satisfied grin on her face. She pulled Rosie to her, crushed her into a passionate embrace, and held her as her orgasm subsided. 

“Oh my God,” Rosie exclaimed. “That was amazing. I don't think I have ever cum that hard before.”

“You're welcome, sweet thing. Now, while you are recovering, you can return the favour”. Lucy stepped back, quickly unzipped her figure-hugging red dress, and slid it from her shoulders to let it pool at her feet.  Rosie stared hungrily at Lucy in her sexy red corset and thong. Lucy sat back in one of the conference room chairs, rested one leg on the table and beckoned Rosie forward with one manicured finger.

“Kneel, my pet,” Lucy instructed, and Rosie stepped forward as if in a daze to sink between Lucy's legs. Lucy reached down and, with one hand, pulled her thong to one side and, with the other, pulled Rosie forward to bury her face in her sex.

In the booth, Annabelle groaned at seeing her friend kneeling submissively before my wife.

“Oh my God, that was so hot,” Annabelle exclaimed. “I need to cum that hard. I need you to make me cum like that, please, please make me cum.” 

Without answering, I pushed her forward over the desk, so she propped herself up on her hands and then gently kicked her feet apart to present her curvaceous behind to me. The crotchless section of the lace body stocking allowed me instant access to her pussy and puckered dark ring as I knelt behind her and gently grasped each cheek in my hands. 

My first lick elicited a moan of pleasure from Annabelle as my tongue circled her ring before moving down to split her sopping-wet lips and seek out her clit. I pushed forward, burying my nose in her arse and working my tongue forward, lapping at her pussy.

“Oh fuck yes. That's it. Lick my pussy like Rosie is licking your wife’s. Do you want me to tell you what they are doing? Yes. Oh fuck.”

I pulled her cheeks apart and plunged my tongue into her arse as an answer before returning to licking her pussy.

“Oh yes, baby, fuck my arse with your tongue. I love that. It feels so fucking dirty. Just like your filthy wife forcing Rosie to lick her pussy. She has her tits out now and is playing with them while Rosie is going down on her. I think she is about to cum on Rosie’s face. Oh god, yes, suck on my clit and make me cum, baby.”

I obliged as best I could, pushing her hips further down on the desk to arch her back and present her clit to me. Now exposed, I latched onto the glistening pink bud of flesh and sucked it into my mouth to roll it with my lips and tongue. Annabelle shuddered with my first assault and then tensed as I continued my attack. 

“That's it, baby. Suck on my clit. So close, so fucking close.”

Her hand came back and latched into my hair, pulling my face further into her arse as she pushed her hips back into me. With a final shudder, her body went rigid and then relaxed completely as she collapsed onto the table, twitching as she came.

“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.” 

I kept up my assault on her. Latching on to her clit between my lips as I pushed her into the next orgasm. 

“Yes. Fuck. Make me cum again, baby. That's it, that's it. Fuuuck yes. Cumming.”

She shuddered again and collapsed onto the table, desperately pushing me away from her sensitive pussy.

I obliged, for a moment only, as I stood and admired my handwork as she twitched and shuddered on the desk. I looked over her back to see Rosie still on her knees between Lucy’s legs. Lucy was close as she had her head thrown back against the headrest of the chair, her now naked breast standing proud as she pulled Rosie hard against her pussy.

The sight of three half-naked sexy women in the throws of passion drove me over the edge, and in one smooth movement, I lined myself up and drove my rock-hard cock deep into Anabelle’s tight, wet pussy. 

She gasped as I bottomed out in her and then moaned in pleasure as I began to fuck her with long, hard strokes. I drew myself almost out, letting my flaring cock head rest at the entrance of her cunt before driving deep into her again and again. 

“Oh fuck yes. That's it, baby, fuck me like the dirty slut I am. Make me cum, make me cum, make me cum.”

So she was pushing back against me now, our bodies slamming together to drive her over the edge. She propped herself up on one hand and slipped the other one back between her legs. Her fingers gently scrapped on my balls and shaft as they slammed back and forth before she moved them up to circle her clit and add to her pleasure.

A stinging slap on her arse cheek elicited a cry of shock as I spanked first her right, then her left cheek. The cries soon turned to pleasurable moans as I continued to spank alternate cheeks on my backstroke.

Her arse was soon glowing a soft red through the dark material of the body stocking, but what drew my eye was the tight, winking eye of her arsehole. A globule of spit lubricated the way for my thumb as I pushed it past the tight ring of muscle and into the tightness beyond.

Annabelle cried out again in surprise and pleasure. Her arse clamped down around my thumb, and her pussy muscles contracted like a fist around my cock.

“Oh fuck,” she moaned. “I'm close. Don't stop, don't fucking stop. Yes. Yes. Fuck. Yes.” And with that final exclamation, her entire body stiffened and locked as she shuddered through her orgasm and her already tight pussy locked down on my dick. 

I sped up my pace now, gripping both her hips and fucking her for all I was worth. My balls slapped against her clit as the tip of my cock banged against the entrance to her womb. She howled again as another orgasm tore through her and collapsed forward into the AV desk as I mercilessly fucked her to my climax.

I held off as long as I could, but the inevitable happened as her tight pussy and constricting muscles combined to massage me in all the right places. The familiar itch began in the tip of my dick and spread until I could hold it no more. With a final deep thrust that practically slammed her against the desk, I came deep in Annabelle, triggering another orgasm for her as I unloaded what felt like a gallon of cum deep inside her.

I held myself deep inside her and looked up and over her back to see that Lucy was pulling Rosie into a close embrace and kissing her deeply. Judging from the flush spread across Lucy’s chest and neck, Rosie had made her cum hard. I slowly pumped my hips into Anabelle to see if I could keep myself hard and go for round two, but the sight of my wife and her new lover dressing and getting ready to leave indicated that the fun was coming to an end.

Annabelle stood up and pulled herself off my impaling cock. She turned and folded me into a deep embrace, angling her head for a deep kiss. We stayed that way for some time, stroking and caressing each other before Annabelle broke the kiss. 

“That was amazing, John. We need to do that again sometime. Somewhere that’s a little bit more comfortable, though.”

“I would love to. Maybe we can arrange another double date with Lucy and Rosie,” I replied, grinning. 

Annabelle laughed. “Speaking of the two love birds, I think we should probably find them. Plus, your cum is about to ruin my outfit if I don't find some tissues.”

I smiled, pulled the pocket square from my jacket, and offered it to her.

“Such a Gentleman.” She laughed as she sorted herself, pulled on her blazer, and attempted to tidy her hair. 

As I pulled myself together, my phone buzzed, and a message from Lucy appeared on the screen.

I hope you enjoyed the show, darling. I certainly did. Rosie has headed back to the bar looking for Annabelle, so if you are finished with the little minx, meet me in the lobby. I am taking you back to the hotel to fuck your brains out and reclaim my husband. 

I showed Annabelle the message, and she quickly messaged Rosie that she would meet her in the ladies' room at the bar and then finish getting dressed. We left the office as fast and subtly as we could. At the elevators, I called the lift for Annabelle, and then we stood in an awkward silence.

“So? What are you going to tell Rosie ?” I asked.

“I told you, we tell each other everything. So I am going to tell her that I fucked her work crush while watching her eat his wife’s pussy.”

“Well, Monday morning will be interesting,” I replied.

“You have no idea. She will be an embarrassed mess, so go easy on her.”

“I promise I will. I can't say the same about Lucy. Once she takes a shine to someone who can make her cum well, she will keep them as a pet for as long as possible.”

“Well, in that case, we will have to do this again. Give me your phone.” She typed her number into my contacts under “Little Minx.”

She kissed me deeply as the elevator door pinged open, then turned to face me. She blew me a kiss and then pulled open her blazer to give me a final flash of her body stocking before the doors began to close.

“Call me,” she said as the door finally closed.

I blew out a long breath and pressed the call button for a lift down to the lobby where my no doubt still horney wife waited to take sexual advantage of me…and I couldn't wait. 

Written by Frustrated_writer
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