I thought the time between that great weekend of Brandi’s prom and the beginning of August was going to pass by pretty slowly but I was wrong. On the Fourth of July our shift was going to be off. Our boss announced that he was going to throw a Fourth of July party. He said he was providing a keg of beer, the burgers and the hot dogs. He posted a paper on our bulletin board and asked that everyone who was going to be at the party to sign up so he could make sure he had enough burgers and hot dogs.
He also asked that the married members to bring some kind of covered dish and write down what they were bringing. To the six single guys he said we could bring some chips, pretzels etc. and to write down what we were bringing so there was a variety of snack type foods.
Since our boss lived off base in a small sub-division, out in the country, we could also bring whatever kinds of fireworks we would be wanting to set off. He told us he was inviting his neighbors so it was also going to be a block party and that we had to behave, not get too drunk, and not cause him any embarrassment in front of his neighbors. It sounded like the Fourth of July was going to be a good time.
The Fourth of July party was to start at five pm. When I got to my supervisor’s house, I was impressed with the size of the piece of property his house was on. It was about an acre. In fact, all of the houses there were on about an acre. The houses there were all pretty big looking. Plenty of room for a big party. I walked to my boss’ back yard and when he saw me, he came over and told me I could call him Paul but only when we were off duty. He added that his wife was named Lois but she had gone off to get some last-minute things that were going to be needed at the party.
The party went great. Plenty of food and beer and joking around. When it got dark Paul announced he was going to start setting off the fireworks. I realized I needed to take a piss and not wanting to miss the fireworks I went inside the house to use the bathroom. Apparently, everyone had the same idea as there was a waiting line for each of the two and a half bathrooms that were in the house. I walked back out of the house and went around to the side yard where there were some bushes to piss in.
As I was pissing, I heard this sound coming from near me. It was pretty dark but as I looked, I could see that there were two people about ten to twelve feet from me. As I looked a little harder, I could see that there was a someone on hands and knees and there was someone kneeling right behind.
I quickly realized that the sound I was hearing was the slapping sound that gets made when a people are fucking doggy style. It wasn’t hard to figure that sound out as I had also made that same sound when I fucked LuAnn, Ginny and Brandi in that same doggy position.
It was too dark to see who they were but they started moaning and since it was obvious that they were getting ready to cum as I heard them saying, “Oh yeah, oh Fuck, oh shit” over and over. I was done pissing and was about to get away when the first firework went off overhead.
It lit up the area momentarily and I could the see that it was a guy doing the fucking and he had head tilted back saying, “Shit, fuck, shit, fuck I’m cumming, I’m cumming. I couldn’t see his face but he was pulling the woman’s head up by her hair and I could see her face and it was very pretty. She was also saying, “I’m cumming, I’m cumming, don’t stop, don’t stop, fuck me harder, fuck me harder!”
Not wanting to get into a possible confrontation I ducked out of there and headed back to the party. Even though I saw them I didn’t think they saw me so I got another beer and sat down to watch the fireworks. A lot of people must have brought fireworks because the fireworks show went on for almost three hours. Since I knew I would be driving back onto the base I paced my drinking so I wouldn’t be driving drunk.
When I checked my watch, it was almost midnight and the fireworks show was over so I went to find Paul and tell him I was leaving. It would have been rude to just leave without thanking him for the good time. When I found Paul, he wasn’t feeling any pain. I thanked him for the good time and he said, “You’re welcome and I want you to tell Lois too. She worked hard on this party.” I said, “I hadn’t met her yet so I don’t know who she is.”
He then put his arm around my shoulder and said, “Come on with me I will introduce you.”
He led me through the party and we came upon this woman. She had her back to me but she was dressed in some pretty short shorts and a blouse that showed her midriff. She was very shapely and what caught my attention was her ass and legs. They were super and just seeing them made my cock start to get hard. I noticed that she had red hair and very light skin.
Paul let go of my shoulder and tapped the woman on her shoulder as he said, “Lois, turn around and meet one of my better troops, Tom.”
When she turned around, I recognized the face. It was the woman being fucked doggy style in the bushes. I held my breath. I wasn’t one hundred percent certain if she saw me or not and I sure did not want to say anything. I mean, here I was a stranger to this woman, who happened to be my boss’ wife, who I just happened to see being fucked, in the bushes, in the dark. I also surmised that it wasn’t Paul she was fucking as the guy who was fucking the woman had a different sounding voice then Paul.
She looked at me and then said, “Hi Tom. It’s nice to meet you. Paul mentions you often.” Her speech was a little slurred so I realized she was a bit drunk but she didn’t make any indication that she recognized me from that brief meeting in the bushes.
Two things happened right then. I started breathing again and my cock got very hard. The mental picture I had of this good-looking woman being fucked out in the open by someone, not her husband, was extremely arousing.
I then thanked her for the party and thanked Paul again. They both said, “You’re welcome” but as I turned to leave, I could see that Lois was looking down at the bulge I had in the front of my shorts and she licked her lips.
I got to my car, got in it and after going about two miles I stopped my car, parked it on the side of the road, got out and jerked off, twice, shooting my cum out into the Texas air.
Two days later we were back to work. I noticed that Paul was looking at me oddly. I thought maybe something was wrong with my uniform or maybe I didn’t shave well enough or maybe there was something wrong with my hair but when I checked myself out, I was completely in order but as the days of our work shift progressed Paul kept looking at me oddly.
At every pre-shift meeting, whenever he came to my gate or other post, I was on, during his post checks he would look at me oddly. Even at the end of our duty days he would look at me oddly. I was getting a bit paranoid because he wasn’t saying anything to me. He just kept looking at me oddly.
I began to wonder if his wife remembered that she had seen me watching her fucking some guy and had said something to Paul about it. Maybe when she told him she said it was me who was fucking her. I couldn’t believe that she could have told him that but paranoia gives you crazy thoughts.
Finally, on our fifth day of work when Paul came out to my gate on his post checks, he asked me if I was doing anything on our first day of break.
“No, I don’t have any plans except for maybe catching a movie at one of the base theaters or go bowling.”
He said, “Good. It’s Lois’ birthday and we are having a party for her and I just wanted to invite you."
I replied, “Sure, I can be there. What time?”
“Six o’clock.”
“Do I need to bring anything, like a gift or a card, or beer?”
“No, but if you want to bring her a card, that would be ok.” He then left and I relaxed. However, when I got off work in the morning I had to go to the bathroom in my barracks and I had to jerk off because just the thought of seeing Lois again made me very horny and I hate getting blue balls.
After waking up I went to lunch and then the mailroom. In addition to one of Brandi’s letters, there was an envelope from her unidentified friend and a notice that a package was at the Mailroom Counter. (Packages did not fit into our mailboxes.) I took the package and opened it after I got into my car. In it were eight reels of sixteen-millimeter film.
I tried to use just my vision to see the images but they were too small. I was going to need a projector or something. I remembered that there was a Sergeant in our squadron who was the official squadron photographer. He would know where I could borrow a projector or something. I went to his office and told him my dilemma and he told me that I should go to the Base Photograph Hobby shop. They had editing machines for editing and viewing films.
I went to the hobby shop and the person working there took me to the editing machines and showed me how to work them. On the first reel, there was Brandi being fucked by Gary. (Gary must have changed out his camera from a regular camera to a movie camera.) Additionally, the movie was in color as all the previous photographs were black and white.
In this movie, I could see that Brandi was enjoying being fucked by Gary. I was perplexed as she had told me how much she disliked Gary but here she was, being fucked by him and apparently enjoying it. She even had orgasms from his fucking. I could tell this as whenever Brandi has an orgasm her face and upper chest get flushed and the harder, she orgasms, the brighter red her chest and face get and her upper chest and face were pretty red.
The second reel was Brandi being fucked by Gary’s little friend John. Brandi said many times that she hated John. It was quite obvious that she wasn’t enjoying John’s cock as she couldn’t have looked more bored.
The rest of the reels were of Brandi fucking some older guys. In four of the six reels, she seemed to be enjoying the cocks of the guys fucking her. She even had orgasms as was indicated by the flushing of her face and upper chest. In one of the reels, she was bored but in the last reel, she wasn’t fucking the guy. She was giving him a blow job. In fact, she gave this guy three blow jobs and he came in her mouth all three times and she swallowed every load.
In each of these blow jobs, the guy was flat on his back and she was kneeling in between his legs. I could tell each time he shot his load because each time he would start bucking his hips up and down. Brandi would grab onto his cock to keep from being pushed off as she took his cum in her mouth. Each time she would lift off, her head and look at the guy and open her mouth showing him his cum before she swallowed it. Seeing these reels gave me a hard-on that wouldn’t quit.
The next day was our first day off and also the day of Lois’ birthday party. So, I headed to Paul and Lois’ house in time to be there at six. I went up to the house and knocked. Lois let me in and I told her Happy Birthday and handed her the card and the two six packs of beer that I bought. She told me I didn’t need to bring anything and I said, “My parents told me to always bring something when you went to someone’s house, it’s the polite thing to do.”
I then took one of the beers before she put them into the fridge. She told me Paul was outside cooking up some ribs and I should just sit down and make myself comfortable in the living room. So, I sat down and drank my beer while Lois busied herself in the kitchen and Paul cooked the ribs. However, sitting there I found it odd I was the only person there, besides Paul and Lois and their three kids. The kids were nice and Lois said that they were six, eight, and ten. All girls.
In about thirty minutes Paul came in with the ribs. We sat down and ate and after eating Lois brought out a birthday cake and we celebrated her birthday. I was still feeling a bit weird about being the only non-family member there but didn’t say anything.
After we finished eating the cake Paul rounded up the girls and said, “The girls have a sleepover party at one of their friend’s houses and he would be back in about forty-five minutes.” I went back to the living room with another beer and after a while, Lois finished cleaning up the kitchen and then told me she was going to freshen up.
With that, she then walked down the hall to what was their bedroom and went in. In a few moments, she came out of the bedroom stark naked and went down to the bathroom.
I was a little surprised by this as it was clear that I could see all the way down the hallway so she had to know I saw her. Despite my surprise, I felt my cock harden up at the sight. She had a fine ass and great legs and seeing her was exciting.
I could hear the shower running and in a little while, I heard it shut off. She came out of the bathroom but was drying her hair so I couldn’t see her face but now I had a clear view of her tits and pussy. Her tits were about a size D and had pink nipples about the size of half dollars. I also saw that she was a natural redhead as her pussy had nicely trimmed red pubic hair. She then disappeared back into the bedroom.
In a little while, she came out and was wearing a short denim skirt and a loose-fitting tank top. She walked into the living room and I could smell her cologne. I don’t know what brand but it smelled great. I could also see that her nipples were hard as they were pushing their way through the tank top. My cock grew harder and I chugged the beer I had.
I was also now quite confused as to what was happening. Anyway, Lois came over and took my empty beer back to the kitchen. She came back with two, one for me and one for her and as she handed me my beer, she bent over in front of me and I could plainly see down the tank top and got another good view of her pretty tits. My cock kept getting harder.
She stood up and said, “Why don’t I go over to the stereo and put on some music? I hope you don’t mind country music.”
“No, country music is fine.”
With that, she went over to their stereo and bent down to start it, when she did the short skirt she was wearing showed me that she wasn’t wearing any panties and I had a perfect view of her delicious-looking cunt. She did a little dance and I sat there mesmerized as her cunt opened and closed a little as she moved her legs.
After she got the music going, she turned around and gave me this really hot-looking smile as she sat down across from me. My cock was now rock hard and my bulge was noticeable. I saw her glance at it and she then adjusted her legs so I had a clear view of her cunt.
We did engage in some small talk but I continued to be perplexed by what was happening but I was as horny as I could get. After a short time, Paul walked back into the house and he joined us in the living room. He had a beer in his hand and then he poured himself a glass of whiskey. He sat down and took a good pull on the whiskey and he chased it with some beer. He sat still for a minute or two and then did it again. He appeared a little nervous.
Finally, Paul says to me, “Has Lois told you anything yet?”
“No, just some small talk.”
“Ok, let me tell you what is going on. I am sure you are curious.” I shook my head yes.
He then said, “Lois and I have been married for twelve years and we want to spice up our sex life. We have been reading about couples having three-way sex and even wife swapping and orgies and they all sound interesting, but we decided to try a three-way. I am guessing you are wondering why we chose you and to be honest, we put the names of all the single guys on the shift in a hat and your name was chosen.
Now that, that has been said, we aren’t going to force you to do anything you don’t want to do so if you say you don’t want to join us in a three-way it’s ok. Just don’t say anything to anyone else.
I was stunned but also extremely horny just from seeing Lois’ fine body especially her sweet-looking cunt. I remembered talking about doing a three-way with Ginny it but we never did it. I took a pull of my beer and looked at Paul and Lois. Paul looked a little apprehensive but Lois looked absolutely excited about the prospect. It looked like she was getting ready to walk over to me and start fucking me right there.
Finally, I said, “I have never done a three-way before but why not. Lois is hot but I think you know that so let’s do it. So how does this go?”
Paul took another drink of his whiskey and chased it with some more beer. It then began to occur to me that the three-way thing must be Lois’ idea. I got to thinking that Lois must have been having her cunt serviced by other cocks behind Paul’s back. In fact, I saw it happen on the fourth of July when I saw her being fucked by some guy.
I remembered how easy it was to fuck Ginny when Kyle was on midnight shifts. Paul worked midnight shifts when I did. Lois would be chancing their kids finding out that mommy might have a night visitor but then they might be heavy sleepers.
Convincing Paul to have three-ways was probably the easiest way for Lois to get her dose of other cocks without cheating. After all, Paul would not only be giving her permission to fuck other guys, he was going to join in with her as she gets her cunt filled with other guys' cocks and cum. Ergo, cheating would be no longer an issue.
So, in answer to my question, Paul said, “Let's take this into the bedroom and start there.” Paul led the way into the bedroom and Lois came over to me and took my hand. She said come on and with a look of pure lust on her face, she led me into the bedroom. Once in the bedroom Paul got into a chair and picked up a magazine and started to read out of it.
Lois turned towards me and we began kissing. Deep hard kisses swirling our tongues around each other and pressing our pelvises into each other. Our breathing became heavy as our excitement level began to increase. I grabbed her ass and pulled her cunt even tighter into my cock which was rock hard.
I reached one of my hands down and started squeezing and rubbing her tits and pinching her rock-hard nipples. She moaned and so did I. I then pulled away from the kiss and removed her tank top and started to not only squeeze and rub and pinch her tits I began to suck on them.
Lois then grabbed my shirt and lifted it up off of me. We then just removed all of the rest of our clothes. We entwined ourselves with my hard cock pressed firmly against her cunt. We continued that vertical pseudo fucking for a few minutes when I pulled away and kissed, licked, and nibbled my way down over her tits and stomach and stopped when I got to her cunt, where I started licking and sucking on her clit.
She had me stand up and then kissed, licked, and nibbled her way down my body and when she got to my cock engulfed it in her mouth and began giving me a nice blow job.
In the background, we could hear Paul still reading about some guy who came home from work to find his wife fucking some stranger, and the guy wasn’t pissed off but seeing it he got really excited.
I then pulled Lois up and laid her down on the bed. I got on top of her and put my cock on top of her clit and while kissing her I gyrated into her swollen clit with my hard cock. After a couple of minutes of that, I again worked my mouth down to her cunt and began eating her in earnest.
I tongue fucked her cunt and then sucked on it getting a good taste of her juices that were now flowing. Doing that and then licking and sucking on her clit made her moan even louder and she started to gyrate her hips. It was then I brought up two fingers and rammed them into her waiting cunt and started finger fucking her hard and fast. In a few minutes, she had her first orgasm.
When that orgasm subsided, she grabbed my head and looked me straight in the eye, and said, “You better stick that cock of yours in my cunt right now. I need it. I need it bad. So, I moved up and did as she asked and rammed my now very hard cock straight into that hot cunt of hers. I pounded her cunt hard, fast, and deep and in a few minutes she was cumming again and so was I grunting, “unh, unh, unh, SHIT, SHIT, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!” over and over as my first load of cum shot into her cunt.
After a couple of minutes, our orgasms subsided and we just lay there. My cock was still hard and buried deep in her cunt and I could feel her cunt spasming around my cock.
I then started pumping my cock into and out of her cunt again, a little slower this time but not too slow. After a few minutes, Lois was cumming again. Bucking her hips up and down and gyrating her cunt around and around. She was screaming and clawing at my ass and back with her nails and when I started to cum again, she crossed her legs over my back and grabbed my ass, and pulled my cock in deep to receive my second load of cum deep in her cunt.
Paul had stopped reading whatever it was he was reading and when I looked over at him, he was completely nude and leaning forward looking at how my cock was still buried in Lois’ cunt. I pulled my cock out and lifted it up out of the way so Paul could get a good look at Lois’ cum filled cunt. I heard Paul groan and then saw him grab his hard cock and began stroking it.
I started eating Lois’ cunt again savoring the flavor of my cum mixed in with her cunt juice and as I was eating her Lois’ had another leg-shaking orgasm. Bucking her hips so hard she almost bucked me right off.
Paul then came and asked if he could have a turn. I said nothing and moved away. Lois’ looked at him and said, “Take me doggy style Paul you know how much I like that.” With that, she got up on her hands and knees in the doggy position. Paul got on the bed behind her and shoved his cock into her cum lubed cunt. He started stroking her slowly.
I got off the bed and picked up the magazine Paul was reading from. It was a Penthouse® Magazine and it was opened to a section called Penthouse Forum. I began scanning the articles and realized the letters sent to the forum were questions about various sexual subjects with the writers, basically, asking for advice.
I started reading one where the writer asked, “When my wife and I are in the sixty-nine position and she is sucking my cock I sometimes stop eating her pussy and start finger fucking her. This seems to really excite her and she starts having almost instant orgasms. What does this mean?” The answer was pretty simple, “It sounds like your wife may want to have a nice cock fucking her pussy while she is sucking on another cock.”
This sounded familiar to what Ginny and I experienced. When we were in the sixty-nine position and I took her dildo and fucked her with it, while she was sucking my cock, she would cum quickly and she would cum hard. We even talked about having a threesome but it never happened.
Then I heard the slapping sound that happens when a cunt is being pounded from behind. I looked at Paul who was now fucking Lois pretty hard. I even got down low so I could see his cock plowing into and out of Lois’ cunt. I have seen people fucking before. The guy who fucked Brandi after he helped us get unstuck from the ice in the drive-in and the guy fucking the girl in the cemetery.
This was different in that what I was seeing was Paul fucking Lois' point of view. I noticed that as Paul’s cock would come out of Lois some cum would also come out. It didn’t look like regular cum and cunt juice mixed as that usually has the consistency of something between syrup and honey.

What I saw coming out of Lois’ cunt was much thicker. I then realized that Paul’s cock fucking Lois’ cunt was working like a butter churn as it turns cream into butter. I decided that, when I saw a cock fucking a cum filled cunt again and the thick cum that resulted, I would call it “Cum Butter”. I know it sounds a little weird but that is what it looked like to me. The other thing that happened was seeing Lois and Paul fucking POV gave me another raging hard on and I wasn’t going to waste it.
I climbed back on the bed and got right in front of Lois’ face with my hard cock pointed right at her. She looked at my hard cock then looked at me and without any words passing between us she opened her mouth and I put my cock right into it. She started working my cock with her mouth and shortly after she had a massive orgasm. Her whole body shook.
When she finished, she started rocking back and forth. Paul stopped his stroking as she rocked back on his cock. Then she rocked forward using my cock to fuck her in the mouth. It wasn’t too long when Paul started grunting and said, “Shit, fuck, shit, fuck I AM CUMMING, I AM CUMMING!” He then slammed his cock into Lois’s cum filled cunt and pumped his own cum into her.
That sent Lois over the edge and into another huge orgasm. She started shaking all over again and even though she was screaming it was muffled by my cock being in her mouth. That put me over the edge as I felt my own orgasm happening again as I pumped cum into her pretty mouth. I felt her start sucking my cock even harder and heard her swallowing as fast as she could but some of my cum still leaked out of her mouth and dribbled down her chin.
She was still sucking on my cock but I could feel it softening up plus her still sucking on it was overstimulating me so I pulled my cock out of her mouth. She looked up at me smiling and I reached down and with one finger removed my cum from her chin. I was bringing it up to my mouth to lick it clean when she shook her head no, opened her mouth, and stuck out her tongue. So, I stuck my finger in her mouth and let her lick it clean.
I moved away from in front of her and she slowly laid down on the bed and Paul laid down on top of her. He looked at me and said, “That was the biggest orgasm I have had in a long time”. He then slid off Lois and laid on his left side and Lois turned her body up so she was on her left side in front of him in the “spoon” position.
I looked at her body which was super-hot and sexy and could feel my cock getting hard again but I saw that Paul was sound asleep. I guessed that between the drinking and the fucking Paul had worn himself out. Lois had a very satisfied look on her face but she also looked like she was ready to go to sleep.
I started to get dressed and Lois then said, “Where are you going?”
“It’s almost midnight and I have several things to do tomorrow so I need to get to bed. Also, it looks like you two “kids” are ready to sleep.” Then I added, while reaching over and gently squeezing each of her tits, “Did you have a good Birthday?”
“This was the best Birthday I have ever had” was her answer as she gave me a very seductive and satisfied smile.
I then reached down and inserted two fingers into her cunt. She moaned and Paul snored. I pulled out my fingers and they were covered in “cum butter”. I brought my fingers to my nose, smelled the wonderful fragrance then put my fingers into my mouth and licked them clean. She watched me do that and she then opened her mouth indicating she wanted to have some “cum butter” too.
I reinserted my fingers into her cunt and came out with more “cum butter” on them. I put them under her nose where she sniffed them. She reopened her mouth and I put them into it where she deftly cleaned off my fingers with her tongue. She smiled again and moaned again and Paul snored again (he was out like a light) and her eyes slowly began to close.
I finished dressing and left. The drive back to the base was only about twenty minutes but about halfway there while thinking about the night I just had my cock got hard, really hard. I came across a dirt road and turned down it.
Fortunately, it was a full moon and I could see very clearly so I turned off my headlights so my car couldn’t be seen easily from the main road. When I got about a half mile off the main road I stopped my car, got out and jerked off twice, again shooting two loads of my cum into the Texas air. I got back into my car, drove back to the base, got to my room and climbed into bed. My eyes were shut before my head hit the pillow.
I woke up at six o’clock, went out for my morning run, went to breakfast and then went back to the barracks where I hit the showers and got dressed for the day. For some reason, I grabbed those movies and went back to the photo hobby shop and watched them again and yes, they gave me another hard-on.
I then went to lunch and after that to the mail room. There was a letter there from Brandi where she let me know on the progress of the wedding plans. She also told me she couldn’t wait until we were married so she could have my cock as often as possible.
Then there was another envelope from the same girlfriend of Brandi’s. This one had twelve photos in it. The first one showed Brandi coming out of her part-time job at a local grocery store. It then showed her getting into a car I didn’t recognize with some guy I didn’t recognize. She sat right next to him and, before they drove off, sat there and were engaged in a long and deep kiss of which there were three pictures.
There were then a couple of more pictures of the car driving down the road and then a third picture of them turning into the drive-in movie Brandi and I used to go to. The next four pictures were taken at night and the girl had to use the flash on her camera.
The first picture was of the guy lying on top of Brandi and Brandi’s legs were up on either side of him and he was obviously fucking her as he was stark naked and from what I could tell so was she. Then there was a second picture but this one showed Brandi’s face clearly in the flash. The last two pictures show him turning his face toward the camera. I could see he was the hippie-looking guy from other pictures and he was now up high enough off Brandi as I could clearly see her tits.
The girl must have taken off as there were no more pictures. As I think about it now, if this girl was doing today what she did back then she would be charged with stalking. The unexplainable part is the pictures and the films I watched gave me a hard on that I had to take care of and my feelings for Brandi did not change.
Then there were two pictures of Brandi and this same hippie-looking guy and they were once again standing at what looked like the back of a store. They were deeply kissing each other and obviously grinding their pelvises into each other. The last picture showed them going into the back door of this store. I figured that they were going inside so they could fuck.
The rest of the day all I did was my laundry and continued to read a mystery novel.
The next morning was different. After my run, then eating breakfast and getting showered up and dressed there was a knock on my door. When I opened it there was Lois standing there. She said nothing but handed me a piece of note paper, turned and left. I read the note. In it there was the name of a motel and a room number. On it was written, “See you there in twenty minutes”.
I finished getting dressed went out and got into my car and headed to that motel. I knew where it was as it was just down the road from the main gate. It was not a fancy motel but apparently it was one of those “No tell motels”.
I went to the indicated room, number one two nine, and knocked. Lois opened the door and let me in. Once inside she moved close to me and before I could say anything she started kissing me. Our tongues danced, my cock got hard, she started undoing my clothes and I started undoing hers. Soon we were both nude.
She pushed me backwards onto the bed and she was on top of me. She was grinding her cunt into my cock and continued to kiss me but she was soon moving her mouth down my neck to my chest where she licked and sucked on my nipples. She continued to move down kissing me all the way down to my cock and when she got there, she took my cock into her mouth and started sucking. I could feel the pressure building up in my groin.
She then pulled her mouth off my cock and said, “You saw me.”
“Saw you? When and where?”
“At the Fourth Of July Party.”
“Yes, Paul introduced us as I was leaving.”
“I know that. I wasn’t talking about that, I was talking about earlier when the fireworks were starting.”
“I’m not sure what you mean.” (I was told by my father to never give away too much information. His favorite saying was, “Don’t let your mouth shoot holes into your boat. There might be sharks in the water.”)
“You know what I mean. You were in the bushes taking a piss and you looked over and saw me fucking a guy.”
“Ok, I admit it I did take a piss and did see someone being fucked doggy style.”
“Paul said you were not like the other young airmen. You say very little and listen to everything. Paul liked that about you. That is why he chose you to do the three-way with us. (So much for having my name pulled out of a hat.) He was pretty confident you wouldn’t say anything. I like it because you are young and still full of cum.”
I laughed but didn’t say anything and she took my cock back into her mouth. She sucked on it and licked on it especially on the underside paying close attention to that spot right under the head where it’s very sensitive. She continued working my cock with her mouth until she could feel I was building up pressure and then she stopped again. I was so horny I about couldn’t stand it. I was almost ready to cum.
She then looked at me and said, “I don’t want you judging me it’s just that I need more sex than Paul can give me. Even though we still fuck five or six days a week it’s always once and done for him now. Not like it was when we were first married where he fucked me three or four times a night making me cum over and over.”
“I don’t judge. If what someone else is doing doesn’t affect me I really don’t care. Your business is your business and mine is mine. Besides, I am thinking Paul doesn’t know you’re here with me, does he?”
“No, he is out fishing and he won’t be back until later this afternoon. I just know I had such a good time with you the other night I wanted to fuck you again.” She then went back to sucking my cock.
She had an interesting technique. She would suck my cock until I was just about ready to cum and then she would stop letting my internal pressure drop a little and then she would go back to sucking on my cock again. She repeated that action several more times before she finally continued mouth fucking me and let me cum.
Shit, fuck and damnation did I cum. I felt my cock, balls and whatever else is down there, pulse and throb over and over and with each pulse and throb I pumped cum into her mouth. I can still hear her swallowing as fast as she could but I pumped so much cum some of it leaked out of her mouth again.
She moved back up to kiss me again but before she did, I licked the cum off her chin that had dribbled there. After I finished, she put her mouth over mine and we engaged in another hot kiss. A nice hot cum kiss. We rolled onto our sides and still kissing she grabbed my cock, which was still hard, and began stroking it. I reached down and started finger fucking her wet cunt. We both moaned.
After a couple of minutes, I rolled us so I was on top of her and even though he said to me, “Fuck me now! Fuck me now!” I was way ahead of her as that was precisely what I was going to do and I plunged my cock into her aching, cock and cum hungry cunt. I fucked her hard and soon she was cumming again.
I fucked her hard for about fifteen minutes and she had more orgasms before I finally came shooting a nice load of cum into her cunt. I then went down and started eating her cunt: tongue fucking her, sucking the juices out of her cunt, and licking and sucking on her clit.
She moaned and then started bucking and grinding her hips as she started having another orgasm. In fact, she had three more in the twenty minutes I was eating her sweet cunt. It was like that for the next couple of hours where we sucked, fucked and ate each other each of us cumming a few more times.
We had stopped to take a break when she realized it was almost one o’clock. She looked at me and said she had to get going and be home and cleaned up before Paul got home.
I then asked her, “What about your kids? Did you leave them home alone?”
“No, they are at summer camp for the next three weeks. I am hoping that Paul takes the opportunity to fuck me a lot when he is home from work. Sometimes having kids around interferes with fucking.” With that, she got dressed but before she left, she came over and kissed me on the mouth and then kissed my cock. I laid there for a minute and got up and dressed and then I left.
The next day I was back to work. I was on a single-person gate and at about eight o’clock Paul stopped for a Post and Guard Check. He came into the gate and I reported my post as being all in order. He asked me a few job-related questions which I answered. He then said, “You know that cop squadrons are big rumor mills. If you fart in the bathroom, and just one person hears it, everybody knows about it by the next morning. I want you to know that I am happy that you haven’t said anything to anyone about what happened the other night.”
I responded, “I don’t know what you are talking about. What happened the other night?”
That answer was all he needed to hear as he was now convinced that I was not going to talk about the three-way we did with Lois.
She rest of the days of the shift passed, pretty much without anything special happening. However, one day, when I went to the mail room, in addition to the daily letters from Brandi there was an envelope from her mystery girlfriend and in it there were ten pictures. Two of them showed Brandi coming out from her job and getting into another car I didn’t recognize, with a guy driving it who I didn’t recognize and Brandi and this new guy deeply kissing each other.
Two more pictures of the car on the road on the road and one showing this car going into the drive-in. The last five had four pictures of Brandi kissing and grinding pelvises with the hippie and the last picture of them, once again, going into the store.
There was also another package I had to retrieve from the counter. In it were five more reels of sixteen-millimeter film. I took them to the photo hobby shop and viewed them on the editing machines. In the first film, it showed Brandi being fucked by Gary and John. They were tag teaming her but she looked absolutely bored just waiting for the two of them to get done.
On the three remaining reels of film, Brandi was once again fucking some older guys and she looked like she was enjoying the fucking she was getting. Since these were color film, I could clearly see that Brandi's face was flushed as was her upper chest meaning she was having orgasms.
The last reel was Brandi giving that same older guy from a previous film a mouth fuck. The only difference was in this film he was standing up and Brandi was on her knees. She worked his cock and he came in her mouth three times before the film ended. She was also, clearly finger fucking herself, making herself cum too. My cock got hard and I had to jerk off.
Strangely my feelings for Brandi still didn’t waiver but as I thought about it she sure kept her cunt and mouth pretty busy.
On our first day of break, Lois showed up at my room again. She once again handed me a note with the name of the same motel as last time but a different room number and like the last time I went there. We spent the rest of the morning sucking, fucking and eating each other enjoying the orgasms we were giving each other but saying very little outside of the noises we made while we were cumming.
Once again, at about one o’clock Lois had to leave but before she did she told me that Paul would be stopping by my room to invite me to a barbecue the following evening. She then said, “It sounds like we are going to do the three-way again but Paul had told her he had a surprise planned as well. So, are you in?”
I thought about it for a minute, then thought about the pictures and films I had seen of Brandi and said, “Sure. I’ll be there. Sounds like fun.”
Lois then left and I went back to my barracks. On my way back stopped at the mail room and picked up two letters from Brandi. I went back to my room and read her letters and she said how much she loved me. Updated me on the wedding and then went into great detail of what she was going to do with me and my cock after we were married. About an hour later Paul came by and invited me to the barbecue and then he left.
The next evening I got to Paul and Lois’ and went into their house. Lois was dressed in a halter top and shorts and looked very sexy and my cock got hard. Lois noticed my obvious bulge and licked her lips very seductively as she said that Paul wasn’t there but he just went out but he would be right back. A couple of minutes later Paul came in and he was with a guy named Chuck.
I did not recognize the guy but when he spoke to me during introductions, I recognized his voice. He was who I saw fucking Lois on the Fourth of July. I looked at Lois and for a brief moment, she looked like a deer caught in the headlights because, I guessed, that she knew that I now knew it was Chuck who was fucking her on the Fourth of July.
I also figured that Chuck was regularly fucking Lois when Paul was working nights.
After we ate, we sat around the living room and started drinking. The conversation turned to sex talk when Paul suggested we all move to the bedroom. He instructed Lois to sit on the bed and told Chuck and me to sit on either side of Lois.
Paul sat down and started reading his magazine again. The letter writer began describing how he had watched his wife with two different guys at the same time. We all followed what Paul was reading and in a very short time all three of us were nude. Paul and I took turns kissing Lois and finger fucking her. Each of us had our own tit to lick and suck and play with. Soon Lois was having an orgasm. As her orgasm subsided, she pushed me onto my back and climbed onto my hard and aching cock and started riding me.
Paul was still reading but I couldn’t tell what he was saying. Suddenly, I felt something on my cock. I looked up at Lois and at first, she had a pained look but that soon subsided as I felt whatever it was move up my cock and that it was also deeply implanted in Lois’ cunt. I then looked over Lois’ shoulder and saw Chuck's face. I realized that Chuck's cock was inside Lois’ cunt along with mine.
I heard Paul’s voice then say, “That’s it, a double pussy penetration!” I wasn’t moving very much because Lois kept moving up and down my cock. Chuck was busy pounding Lois’ cunt with his cock but I could feel the bottom of his cock rubbing against the bottom surface of mine.
The next thing that happened was Paul straddled my head with his legs and stuck his cock into Lois’ mouth. Shit. This was hot and I think all of us were affected the same way. Chuck pounding Lois’ cunt, Lois riding my cock and Paul fucking her mouth. For about ten minutes this went on and it was Lois who came first.
Her screams of delight were muffled by Paul’s cock. Chuck started cumming too. I could hear him saying, “Oh SHIT, OH FUCK” and grunting over and over as he unleased a stream of cum into Lois’ cunt.
That’s when I started cumming because between the feeling of Lois riding up and down on my cock, and her cunt spasming, I felt Chuck's cum pouring all over my cock. I then added my load of cum into Lois.
That made Paul start cumming. He started saying, OH YEAH, OH SHIT, OH FUCK!” over and over and since he was right above me I saw his ball sack constrict and watched his cock and balls begin pulsing and throbbing as he shot his load of cum into Lois’ mouth. She greedily swallowed every drop.
Even though I have described each of us cumming individually what actually happened was we all came at the same time and the orgasms each of us had were very intense and when they ended, we all collapsed on the bed. Out of breath but highly satisfied.
Chuck rolled off Lois and laid down. Lois rolled off me and laid on her back. Paul rolled off onto the bed next to me and I got up and sat in the chair Paul had vacated. Lois was lying on the bed with her legs spread and I was amazed at how much cum was flowing out of her cunt. Chuck and I really filled her up with cum.
After a couple of minutes, Paul got up and went to the kitchen. He brought Chuck and me a beer, some kind of mixed drink for Lois and he had a glass of just whiskey for himself.
After about thirty minutes Paul picked up a different magazine and started to read about something that I thought was being rather kinky. This guy wrote that he and his girlfriend and two other guys had done something he called, “The Stack.” He described that his girlfriend was on her back and he was on top of her with his cock in her cunt. Then a guy was on top of him with his cock in his asshole and then there was the third guy on top of the second guy with his cock in the second guy's asshole.
He said they fucked like that and each of them came. The girl had her cunt filled with cum while he and the next guy got their assholes filled with cum. His question was, “Since I kind of enjoyed cumming like that while another guy came in my asshole does that make me gay?” The answer was probably not.
We all had another round of drinks when Paul said, “Why don’t we try this stack thing?”
We all sat quietly for a minute then I got up and started to dress. Paul looked at me and said, “Why are you leaving? Is something the matter? Does the idea of doing a stack bother you?”
“No, nothing is really the matter but after my activities yesterday and what we just did this evening I am feeling a bit worn out.”
Paul and Chuck then said, at the same time, “Your activities yesterday? What activities?” Lois said nothing but I could see the smile on her face as she knew what I was talking about.
I simply said, “Yeah, I went to the gym and overdid it on the weights. I am not only a bit tired but my muscles hurt as well.” The real reason though was I had no interest in fucking a man up the ass and no interest in being fucked in my ass either. It is not how I play. Nothing personal and no criticism intended. Just not my thing.
“Oh, Ok” was all they said. Then Lois said, “Maybe we all can get together again soon.”
“Yeah, that sounds great.” I finished getting dressed and left. Once again thinking about the sex I just had gave me another raging hard-on that I had to take care of. Once again, I shot another load of my cum into the Texas air.
There was not going to be another encounter with Paul and Lois. I was due to leave for my next assignment in less than two weeks and I soon found myself with all of my stuff packed in my car and heading my way back to New York to first get married and then travel from New York to Alabama.
As I write this saga I think back about Paul and Lois. I wonder how wild or kinky their sex lives got?
This ends part 11 of “The Adventure Of Our Lives”. In part twelve our married Brandi and my married life begins. There is a lot more fun to be had.
Copywrite 12/18/2022 Tom Wetstuph