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In Need Of A Fix 4

"Saturday evening"

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Saturday afternoon Greg and I were laying back in our gazebo, Bali style, like a huge bed with lots of pillows and sheer curtains, to create a feeling of intimacy. The curtains were rustling in the slight breeze, on three sides, the other side was drawn back to give an unobstructed view of our home living area.

Not twenty minutes earlier Greg had been lapping at my pussy until it came all over his eager tongue. I was still tingling.

Now we were just laying back enjoying the beautiful afternoon warmth and closeness of our bodies, Greg in his board shorts, me in just my baby blue Wicked Weasel G string, waiting for our guest to arrive.

We were both comfortable in the silence, lost in our own thoughts of where this evening will go. It had been a while since we'd enjoyed a threesome.

I'd thrown together a cold meat and cheese platter and some nibbles. Greg had the wine and bourbons chilling in the fridge.

When the doorbell rang we looked at each other. Greg gave me a soft kiss on my lips, then hopped up to let Jorg in.

I propped myself up in the pillows facing the alfresco, in a provocative pose. I wanted to make a seductive first impression on my young lover: shoulders back, arms out, highlighting my breasts and prominent nipples. One leg straight out with the other bent and slightly folded over my torso, to hide my fluttering wet pussy from his gaze.... for the time being.

They came out chatting away. Both my men stopped and went silent as they took in how I was presenting myself. I had made the impact I hoped for. A smile crossed my lips as I felt their gaze, it made me tingle even more.

Jorg made a beeline straight for me and didn't stop until he bent over in front of me. I reached up and pulled his lips to mine and gave him that sensual kiss only lovers share.

The sexual chemistry between us was always simmering and today was no exception, he pulled me deeper into the kiss, and at the same time, his finger flicked my engorged nipple, causing me to shudder and mew into his mouth. Pure heat as his tongue met mine. I twisted him until he sank down beside me, our lips not parting. The kiss went on for a few minutes until.....

"I guess drinks will be in order when you two come up for air," announced Greg with a smile.

We both giggled and pulled ourselves apart as we looked over at him standing in the opening of the gazebo.

"That would be lovely Jenkins," I quipped.

"Prosecco for me and a Maker's Mark for my young suitor."

"We would love for you to join us. Please indulge yourself with whatever takes your fancy as well." keeping the banter going.

"Would Madam like me to bring the cheese platter as well?" Greg bantered back.

"That would be perfect with the drinks, but I'm sure there are other things we would rather be snacking on at the moment," I said putting on my husky naughty voice.

I dropped my hand onto Jorg's thick thigh and simultaneously winked at Greg.

As Greg turned and walked away, Jorg whispered, "You two are fucking unbelievable."

"Shut up and kiss me more," I said, keeping the huskiness in my voice.

Pulling his face to mine, latching on to his bottom lip with my teeth, and tugging him into me. Simultaneously slipping my hand up his thigh and into the leg of his loose shorts. His beautiful cock was already hard as a rock, causing me to tug a little harder on his lip. The passion hit us at the same time. His fingers found my nipple, gently pinching it. I felt like I was stepping onto a catwalk as the fire spread through me.

I pulled his head back and licked my way down his jaw, then latched onto his neck with my lips, while at the same time, I tried to pull his shorts down. I was on a mission to get that beautiful cock into my hands and then my mouth. I wanted to taste him so badly.

He lifted his butt and helped me get his shorts down. His cock sprang free and smacked against his stomach, with a "whack". My hand instantly wrapped around it. So thick and so hot in my hand. He kicked off his shorts which gave me access to his smooth balls, which my nimble fingers quickly reacquainted themselves with. I mewed into his neck as I felt how full and heavy they were.

I slid my way down his body, kissing as I went. When I reached the object of my desire I looked over at Greg. He was by now sitting straight opposite us, sipping his bourbon. His eyes were intense and when they met mine, I knew he was totally hard from the visions that were unfolding in front of him.

I know my kissing a lover is hotter than anything in his sexy wicked twisted mind.

I've always made a point of wrapping my wedding ring hand around Jorg's lovely thick cock, for Greg's visual and mental benefit.

I stroked the shaft and cupped his balls, then squeezed tightly as I made my way back up the shaft. A milky drop of pre cum slipped out of his knob and just sat there.

"Mmmm... yummy," I said in a seductive voice while looking into Greg's eyes.

Then I flicked my tongue out and lapped the tasty morsel into my mouth, a groan escaped from Jorg and Greg at the same time, for totally different reasons, as I savoured his tasty essence.

"You love watching your wife tasting her lover's cock, don't you?" I asked, my eyes not leaving his.

"So hard, so virile and soooooooo...." I uttered as I sank it past my lips. "Utterly delicious," I purred, as I removed it.

"Want to watch me drain his full balls baby?"

For the next five minutes or so I went to work on the object of my desires. Stroking, sucking and kneading his balls. Jorg's moans were music to my ears. His hand on the back of my head tugging in my hair. His need rising with mine.

I could feel him expand even more. He was so close and I squeezed my thighs as my pussy spasmed. I stopped sucking and looked at Greg again, he had his cock out and stroked himself to the show in front of him.

A naughty smile crossed my lips. "Should I swallow or would you rather see him cum on my face?"

I kept slowly stroking, keeping Jorg on the edge. I could see Greg was on the edge too.

"Which is it to be?" impatience in my voice

"Drink him!" Greg's voice quivered

"Him first then you," I said cheekily, before I dropped my mouth over Jorg's cock, taking him as deep as I could. My hands latched onto his balls and within thirty seconds they tightened. I felt the cum start to leave them and a second later I felt him explode into the back of my mouth. Jorg's roar filled my ears and both his hands held my head tightly as his delicious liquid fire filled my mouth. I swallowed once, twice, three times.

It seemed like forever until the torrent dissipated, giving me a chance to breathe through my nose as the last drops landed on my tongue. Jorg's hands finally released their grip. With his cock still in my mouth I was able to turn my head back to Greg. His hands were on his thighs and his cock bobbed like it had a mind of its own.

He was right there on the edge. I got to him just in time. As soon as I wrapped my lips around its head, it too exploded.

The first shot hit my tongue, his second hit the back of my throat as I dropped my head all the way down to his balls. There it stayed until it stopped pulsing and slowly shrunk.

I looked up—Greg's head was thrown back against the pillows. His energy drained and his breathing erratic, he couldn't focus yet and his mouth wide open. I smiled to myself and felt proud that I could do that to him. For him.

I turned my head and looked at Jorg, he had a big shit-eating grin on his face and the devil in his eyes. His cock was still solid and I knew it wouldn't take much to have it at full capacity again.

I licked my lips and savoured my cum cocktail. I'd never had both of their tastes at once, but somehow their combination melded just perfectly together.

I grabbed Jorg's bourbon and my wine and slid in next to him, he dropped his arm around me and our lips met in a languid kiss. We looked over at Greg who was still trying to refocus.

"I love how he loves you, what you have is so special. Hopefully, one day it will happen for me," Jorg whispered.

"What a beautiful thing to say while I still have the taste of your cum in my mouth," I giggled then turned my head and pulled him in for another kiss.

"Until you find that special someone I intend to use all your talents for mine and his benefits," I said as I wrapped my spare hand around his half-hard cock. It twitched, which made me smile into his eyes.

"Hold that thought," I purred as I clinked my glass with his. "Let's have a little wine and some nibbles before we take this inside."

He smiled down at me as his cock expanded in my hand.

"Mmmm.. that is a promise I'm going to hold you too," he said in a baritone voice. My pussy seeped.

A couple of drinks and the food went down so well. It had been over a couple of months since Jorg had been to our home and it was lovely to catch up on our lives. It was so easy and relaxed for the three of us. We laughed easily as we discussed all sorts of topics, we just gelled even though there were three different age groups to us. I could see that both Greg and Jorg genuinely liked being in each other's company, that alone made this work on more than a purely sexual level.

Time has a way of putting things in perspective. What had started as a sexual experiment, for Greg and I, had turned into a strong friendship and mutual respect for the three of us.

After solving the world's problems the topic turned to sports. I excused myself to freshen up. I hopped in for a quick shower and dabbed some oil on my fingers and ran them around my rosebud. I opened my toy drawer and found my anal plug with the lilac glass button. Which I slowly inserted. I had a little moan as it stretched and then popped in.

Then I chose a pair of shiny wet look lilac booty shorts to slip on. They fitted like a second skin and clung to my puffy pussy for maximum effect. I rolled lilac stay-ups up my legs and slipped into my clear stripper-healed stilettos. I pulled my hair into a high-top ponytail and added purple eye shadow with matching lipstick.

I looked at myself in the mirror, a pouting vamp looked back at me. I got the tingles. I was so energized, so ready, so in need of what lay ahead. After slipping on my totally sheer matching lilac chemise and dimming the lights, I made my way back to my men.

My breasts bounced and hips rolled, in my well-practised catwalk strut, as I made my way towards them. Both of them stood up and just took me all in, neither saying a word as I cozied up between them. I turned to Greg and softly kissed his lips and then turned to Jorg and did the same.

Then I took them both by the hand and led the way back through the alfresco and straight into our bedroom. The click of my heels on the laminate floor was the only sound echoing through the air.

Standing on the rug, by our martial bed, I faced Jorg, my hands stroking his face as I leaned in to kiss him.

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Our tongues danced as soon as our lips met, we both mewed. Greg moved in close behind me, he kissed and licked at my nape, his hands shimmied up my sides to my shoulders. Goosebumps enveloped my whole body, my nips grew to their capacity and my pussy simply purred.

He slowly pulled my chemise off my shoulders. As I dropped my arms to the side, it slowly slid to the floor, leaving the top half of my body totally naked in all its glory.

For the next half hour, my men stroked and explored every inch of my flesh with tender hands, until I was a messy quiver. My breath gasped and my body ached for release.

Greg discovered my plug and twisted it to maximum effect until my legs started to feel weak. At the same time, Jorg ran his fingers over my latex-covered pussy. He found my pleasure button and honed on it.

I had my first orgasm right then which was quickly followed by my second as they worked me over: nipples being sucked, neck being nipped, clit rubbed and plug twisted. Being wedged tightly between them was the only reason I didn't collapse. Pure jelly legs.

Sensing that, they slowly lowered me to the bed and started using their tongues to explore even more. Jorg working on my top half and Greg the bottom. My arms were raised above my head as Jorg ran his tongue through my armpits, over my heaving breasts, down to my navel, over and over again, my moans getting louder. Greg working from my legs up to my panty-covered soaked pussy. He lapped at me through my tight booty shorts, my hips started to rotate and lift, wanton, hungry and so needy. Orgasm number three hit me, my screams echoed off the walls. I felt my shorts being pulled down and off, taking my stockings and stilettos with them. Legs being spread, pussy totally open and exposed, a tongue hit my spot. Three turned into four.

My head flew back and my mouth opened to scream. My mind was a complete fog as I laid back against a body, my breasts were cupped, and fingers pinched my nips, "Ohhh!" Such sweet pain.

One, two fingers slipped inside me and curled upwards, finding my spot as a tongue relentlessly stroked my clit. Sensory overload to the max as the explosion hit and I floated off.

Laying back in Greg's arms I was treated to the sight of Jorg undressing at the end of the bed. Simply yummy. Greg was doing magical things to my breasts and then slid a hand between my legs finding my over-sensitive nub and started lightly running rings around it. I let out a gasp as Jorg's cock came into view, all three of us lost in the erotic sensations of the moment.

Greg tweaked my left nipple a little harder and ran two fingers through my juicy folds. He breathed into my ear "Can't wait to watch him slip into you."

"I so need to feel him do that," I purred, my hips rolling.

"Love the plug, a nice touch you sexy vixen," Jorg announced as he focussed on my splayed thighs.

He knelt between them and tapped his cock on throbbing clit a few times, my hips rose in want.

"Look at you go, darling, you're so hungry for him," Greg hissed in my ear

"How sexy does she look right now?" Jorg retorted

He again tapped his cock this time on my opening, causing a splashing sound.

"Fuck how wet you are?" Jorg exclaimed, "So fucking wet!"

My body trembling in anticipation. "Tell him to just fuck me, babes, I so.... want him now!"

"You heard the lady," Greg said with a cheeky tone "Don't keep her waiting."

With that, Jorg slipped his wonderful cock all the way in until I felt his balls hit my plug. All three of us watched as he pulled back, my juices glistening brightly in the dim light. My labia perfectly wrapped tight around his thick shaft. He pushed back in a little harder, which caused me to throw my head back against Greg's chest. "Oh fuck yes!" I moaned in encouragement.

Jorg picked up the pace and every time he pushed all the way deep inside his balls smacked against the plug, the effect was vibrating through my whole body.

I was lost in the sensations and with Greg pulling and twisting my nipples, my orgasm was soon exploding from somewhere deep inside, taking me to that nirvana. I was a quivering jelly in no time, one orgasm flowing into the next, or maybe it was just one long one.

At some point, my legs were lifted over Jorg's shoulders and he was suddenly even deeper inside me. I could feel myself being slammed back into Greg as Jorg really worked his full length in and out of me at a faster pace. He felt incredible as I lost myself in just being taken.

My voice was echoing around the room, screaming my carnal needs to both my men. My hands grabbed and scratched at the male flesh of both of them as they worked me into a raw frenzy until the big one hit me like a sledgehammer, causing me to become a floppy incoherent mess.

The next thing I know I was being pulled over onto my knees, and my head dropped into the sheets. All my energy was sapped. I felt a cock being pushed into me all the way from behind and slam against my plug. Both my orifices clenched. I felt so full and tight. So sensitive and fizzing.

My ponytail was grabbed, lifting me up onto my hands. My neck was pulled back as far as it would go, and my mouth was suddenly invaded by a cock. I could taste myself as I greedily wrapped my lips around the thick head. I screamed my pleasure around it.

I was purely being fucked and I was loving every delicious second of it.

Gone were the tender men who turned me into a liquid mess a little earlier. They were replaced by animalistic warriors, who plundered me for their own selfish needs. In that moment, I never wanted it to end. My brain was mash, my body a shaking mess as my juices squirted from me.

The cock in my pussy expanded followed by a roar. Liquid fire exploded inside me and my pussy automatically clenched and latched onto the shaft, milking it for all it was worth. The cock in my mouth didn't want to be left out, I was being filled from both ends simultaneously.

I did my best to swallow, but it was a losing battle. I wasn't capable of anything in that moment, I was lost in the euphoric moment, we all were. We collapsed in a heap, me in the middle. My body twitched between them as the aftershocks flowed from me.

"WOW!!!" came from Jorg after a few long minutes.

"Incredible!" was all I could muster.

"You certainly are baby." Came from Greg as he leant over and kissed my lips.

I melted into it.

"I'll second that," Jorg said from my other side.

I turned and he pulled me into a kiss.

"Hope you two are proud of yourselves. I'm dehydrated now, please I need water."

Before anyone moved I started giggling, they both looked at me inquisitively.

"So much for you two being gentlemen, how come I'm the one laying in the wet spot?" I said as I playfully punched at them.

Jorg hopped up to get the water, while Greg wrestled me over to the other side, both of us giggling.

"Fuck I love you, girl, I'll always cherish the day you came into my life."

"The second best day of my life, who would've thought that we would be here, like this now," I replied

He stroked my face and kissed me with such tenderness, I melted into his arms again.

When Jorg walked back in with my water, Greg suggested we hop in the hot tub with drinks and to chill.

Our seven-seater hot tub is just outside our bedroom. In our alfresco area.

The idea sounded fabulous to all of us and before long we were laughing loudly as we relaxed after our amazing session.

I cuddled up under Greg's arm, with Jorg opposite us. We were playing footsies under the bubbles, Greg's hand cupping my breast and his fingers strumming a nipple. It didn't take long before my body was feeling the flush rise again.

"Go to him baby girl," Greg whispered in my ear.

I got up and closed the distance quickly. I straddled myself over Jorg and held his face in both my hands as I pulled his lips to mine. His cock grew between us as we gobbled each other up.

I love that he's such an energizer bunny. The beauty of youth. It's moments like these that I know I chose well.

His hands found my breasts as I rubbed my folds up and down his cock. It was beautifully unrushed as we both teased each other. Even though we were lost in the moment I was very aware that Greg was enjoying and watching our passionate playtime. We have a sixth sense.

The kiss lingered until he tugged my ponytail back and slowly moved his lips across my jaw, down my neck to my breasts and was soon suckling on one of my ripe nipples. My hands in his hair as I pulled him in tighter, his mouth soon devoured first one breast then the other, "Oh god yes!!"

My hips were moving up and down faster now, my need escalating. His hands found my buttocks, lifting me over his cock, my pussy opening for him and I slid all the way down. Filling myself deliciously.

"Oh fuck!!!" I screamed as the sensations deep inside took over.

I swear my swollen and battered pussy could feel every vein in his thick cock, as I sat there savouring the intense feeling. His nimble fingers latched onto my plug, slightly pushing it in and out. Causing me to spiral to the edge instantaneously and when he bit on my nipple, I flew over the top and exploded into a twitching mess again. He held me tight until I came back down to earth.

My knees found traction and I was soon riding him with a fury that had me howling at the moon. The delicious soreness in my pussy only spurred me on as I took what I needed. I was insatiable as I rode the waves, seeking higher highs until my body gave out, making me collapse on top of him, panting for air.

But Jorg wasn't finished, pulled me off him and turned me around. My hands found Greg's thighs as Jorg slammed himself back inside me from behind, he pulled my ponytail again and I was face to face with my man. His smiling eyes held my gaze.

"Gawd you look so fucking sexy when you're being fucked," he said.

"His cock feels amazing honey, so thick, so deep....."

Jorg was driving his full length in and out of me, my arms started to buckle as another high built. Greg held me up.

"Cum for him babes, take your pleasure."

"Oh fuck yes!!" I groaned as the sensation took me.

Jorg slapped my butt, which only sent me higher, my legs shaking as he continued driving so deep, then the next slap hit. I screamed into Greg's face as I took "my pleasure."

I could hear a roar behind me, followed by "OH FUCK!!" Then all I could feel was my hips being held tight as his hot cum filled me.

Serenity captured us all as we chilled in the bubbles with our drinks. Satisfied smiles all 'round as we chatted away for the next hour or so, it had been a fantastic night.

We walked Jorg to the door, and then he and I kissed as lovers do, before saying our goodbyes.

All of us knew that there will be many more special nights like this to look forward to in the future.

Written by jules42
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