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Hello Mrs Thompson - Part 5

"Forty-somethings Marie and Linda have a threesome with eighteen-year-old Kieron at Linda's house"

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Thursday dawned and forty-nine-year-old Linda Ralph and forty-four-year-old Marie Thompson saw their respective husbands off to work, both women in the knowledge that they had a day of sex ahead. The sex was going to be with each other and also incorporate eighteen-year-old Kieron Siddall who had now fucked both women.

Kieron awoke knowing that during the course of the day he would fuck both of the women and also very likely get a close-up view of a pair of learner lesbians pleasuring each other.

The venue was to be Linda's house and Marie would pick up Kieron ahead of several hours of sexy fun.

All three of them were showered, Kieron's temperamental shower was functioning, and all three were aroused. Kieron put a supply of condoms in his jeans pocket and went outside his flat to await the arrival of Marie. He was outside about ten minutes earlier than the agreed pick up time but Marie, also anxious to get things started, turned into Kieron's street ahead of schedule.

Marie pulled up next to where Kieron was standing and first looked at his handsome face and then at his crotch in his tight jeans. She felt a shudder go through her body and her pussy twitch. "Hello handsome, care for a ride?" said Marie with a sexy smile on her face.

"Fuck, you are hot," replied Kieron, as he looked at the woman that was his teacher not much more than a year before.

"That's a yes then," said the still smiling Marie, resisting the urge to put her arm out of the open car window and caress the stud's impressive-looking package. Marie knew from experience that not only did Kieron's package look impressive, but it was impressive.

As Kieron went round to the passenger side to get into the car, Marie briefly wished that she did not have to share him with Linda Ralph today but then she thought of the fact that she would also be seeing Linda naked. Well under forty-eight hours previously, neither Marie nor Linda had had the slightest sexual thought about the other but they had already tasted each other's cunt and they were likely to do that and more again today.

"You look very fuckable, as always," said Kieron, continuing the compliments once in the car.

"Glad to hear it: So do you," replied Marie. They were longing to kiss but thought it best not to as the street was quite busy. Marie had already been seen in the area by one friend, Linda, although that was not working out too badly. What she did not need was anyone seeing her that might tell her husband.

Marie drove to Linda's house and when she pulled up in Linda's drive Marie and Kieron had their first kiss of the day and it was quite a kiss. Linda, thinking clearly, had temporarily disabled her CCTV because she did not want the day's arrivals and departures on film.

When Marie and Kieron finally broke from their clinch, Linda was standing by the car. "Oh don't stop on my account," laughed Linda, as Marie and Kieron got out of the car.

Marie did not speak but planted a kiss on Linda's lips, one that was returned with interest. The two women each grabbed the other's arse as Kieron's already hard cock stiffened even more at the prospect of what lay ahead. Linda then snogged Kieron and his hands went to the buttocks that Marie had just been grasping. Linda mentally congratulated herself on turning off the CCTV.

All three of them were very turned on as they entered the house and they very soon found themselves in Linda's bedroom. A threesome was a first for all of them so they would be learning together. Clothing gradually got removed, some of it by the person wearing it and some of it by someone else but soon Kieron was down to just his boxers and the two women to their bras and knickers.

Both women turned their attention to Kieron and as Linda stood behind him and he turned his head so that they could kiss, Marie knelt in front of him and slowly lowered his boxers. As Linda and Kieron played dancing tongues, Marie started sucking Kieron's now exposed erection. The session was off to a good start, especially for Kieron.

Linda was now caressing Kieron's bare arse and with Marie working wonders with her mouth, Kieron was fearful of cumming in record time. He was loving what was being done to him but he did not want to be discharging spunk for quite a while yet. Fortunately, Marie reached that conclusion and stopped sucking his penis as she stood and she and Linda kissed as Kieron put one hand on Linda's arse and the other on Marie's backside.

Kieron moved behind Linda and undid her bra as he pressed his penis against her knicker-covered arse. With the women still kissing, Kieron moved behind Marie and undid her bra before dropping to his knees and pulling her knickers down. He started kissing her bare arse cheeks as Marie groaned into Linda's mouth.

The women removed their bras and then kissed again with their tits pressed together, Kieron was tracing a finger up and down Marie's arse crack and her cunt was getting very wet. Marie put her hands on Linda's bare arse inside her knickers and Marie's fingers delved into Linda's arse crack.

"Fuck, I am so fucking turned on," announced Linda, when she and Marie stopped kissing.

"You and me both, honey," said Marie.

"Don't forget me," said Kieron, his penis standing to attention.

"I want you between my legs right now, if Marie doesn't mind," Linda said to Kieron.

"You two go ahead and fuck: We have plenty of time," said Marie.

Marie caressed Linda's backside as Kieron took a rubber from his jeans pocket, the room was filled with sexual arousal and anticipation. Linda and Kieron kissed as she stroked his now condom covered erection and he fingered her wet cunt. Marie had a finger investigating the crease between Linda's buttocks.

Linda and Kieron then got on the bed and Kieron's cock entered Linda's vagina. "Mmm, yeah," uttered Linda as the large penis penetrated her and Marie knew just how she felt. Marie played with Kieron's arse as he started thrusting into Linda, Marie had her other hand playing with her own clit.

Kieron and Linda were fucking at quite a pace and the noises of pleasure that Linda was making had Marie's fingers twisting in her own wet cunt. "Fuck, cumming, fuck," panted Linda, and Marie's fingers moved faster still.

Marie came and then used her cum soaked fingers to tease Kieron's anus as he kept fucking Linda. Kieron could take no more of the dual sensations and he groaned as he spurted into his condom, inducing another orgasm from Linda. That ended the first real act of the day and Kieron needed a bit of a rest and his penis was replaced by Marie's head between Linda's legs.

As Marie licked Linda's sodden cunt, Kieron started caressing and fingering Marie's arse which was pointing towards him invitingly. Linda was twisting on the bed out of control and Marie was having trouble keeping her tongue in contact with Linda's vaginal region as Kieron had two fingers probing Marie's arse hole.

"Shit, oh fucking shit," screamed Linda as her number of orgasms continued to mount and Marie was close to cumming again with Kieron playing with her anus.

Marie stood up and kissed Kieron with her lips smeared with Linda's cum and Linda moved so that she was able to kiss Marie's buttocks. Position changes then had Marie on the bed, her knees drawn towards her tits as Linda's mouth got busy on her cunt. Linda soon had Marie cumming.

There was then a period of rest as the three of them slumped on the bed with limbs overlapping limbs and a lot of laughing. All three were mentally reflecting on the rapid chain of events going back to the girl's night out of Marie, Linda, and two others to the pub at which, unbeknown to them, Kieron worked.

It was during this break that Marie's mobile started ringing and she picked it up to see that it was Tina Peters, one of the four ladies on the night out, calling her. "Hi Tina," said Marie.

"Hi Marie, I have been trying to get you on your landline," said Tina.

"Oh yeah, well I am, um, out," said Marie.

"Yeah, I gathered that you stupid bitch: I was phoning to see if you wanted to meet me for a drink or something to eat at lunchtime," said Tina.

"Um, well I am quite busy today, nice thought though," replied Marie, thinking back to her phone conversation with Linda a couple of days ago that had led to what had been happening this morning.

"Very mysterious: What about tomorrow lunchtime then?" asked Tina.

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Although it had not yet been discussed, Marie was assuming that a further threesome with Linda and Kieron was likely for the next day but if she kept putting Tina off, her friend would wonder why. "Yeah, tomorrow should be okay: I will phone you later," said Marie, who realised that she would have to forgo some sex with Linda and Kieron if she met Tina for lunch.

The conversation ended with Tina wondering what her friend was doing now and where she was doing it. Marie explained to Linda and Kieron what the call was about but they had just about worked that out from hearing what Marie was saying. Marie knew that, at some point, she would probably have to give Tina some explanation about what she was doing but she had a bit of time to think of something plausible. It would mean telling Tina untruths, which Marie did not want to do, but the alternative was not practical.

"Get on your front Linda, I want to see your arse," said Marie, wanting to get things back to the here and now.

"Later, I want you two side by side so I can get a good look at both your arses at the same time," announced Kieron.

"Oh, my arse seems popular all of a sudden," said Linda, getting on her front.

Kieron thought that what was about to happen was for watching rather than participating in and he sat on a chair close to the bed as Marie started kissing her way up the back of Linda's legs. As she kissed the back of Linda's left knee, Marie reached forward with her right arm and gently fingered Linda's arse crack.

The kissing progressed to the back of Linda's thighs and Marie now had the flat of her hand caressing Linda's buttocks and Linda was loving it. Marie then kissed Linda's arse cheeks and started licking the crack in between and Linda squirmed. "Oh fuck Marie, you are driving me crazy," whispered Linda. Kieron was enjoying his front-row view.

Tonguing Linda's arse was turning Marie on every bit as much as it was turning Linda on, both women were enjoying being apprentice lesbians. Linda started humping the bed and then started yelling as Marie licked her arse hole. "Fucking hell, oh fucking hell, fuck, fuck, fuck," shrieked Linda as she had yet another orgasm.

It took Linda a while to calm but then she insisted on giving Marie's backside similar treatment so Kieron was now watching as Marie's legs and bottom got kissed by a woman and Marie found it as exciting as Linda had.

Eventually, Marie convulsed in orgasm as Linda played her arse, and then the two women were sixty-nining with Marie underneath. Kieron watched in awe, and excitement, as the two middle-aged women perfected their cunt licking skills and both women had several orgasms.

Linda and Marie were then face down side by side as requested by Kieron earlier and Kieron moved back from being a spectator to being a participant. He stood looking at the two large and rounded bottoms and his cock got hard. He had been highly aroused during the lesbian sessions put he was now fully erect and ready for more fucking, but not until he had paid a lot of attention to the two female backsides.

Linda was to Marie's left as Kieron ran one hand over each pair of buttocks. The women's lips met for a giggly kiss as they each savoured the feeling of having their behinds massaged by a teenage youth. Kieron then kissed his way across from Linda's left cheek to Marie's right one then kissed his way back again. Both women were very happy with the attention being paid to their bottoms.

"Can you both get up on your knees, please?" asked Kieron, politely.

"Yes sir," said Linda as she and Marie got on their knees with their arses prominent.

Kieron then ran each of his index fingers up and down one of the presented arse cracks. "Oh fuck," said Marie as the arse play continued.

Kieron fingered their cracks some more and then had his fingers working both of their wet cunts and both women shook in orgasm. It was time for more contact between cock and cunt and Marie was about to get fucked as Kieron donned another condom.

Linda had not yet seen Marie take a fucking but she was going to now as the mature woman spread her legs and Kieron mounted her. The sex started slowly and sensually but quite soon increased in pace as Kieron gave Marie a good seeing to with the multi-orgasmed Linda looking on.

"Baby, oh baby, fuck," breathed Marie as her young lover made her orgasm. Marie was also finding being watched to be exciting and her eyes and Linda's often met as Kieron continued to shag her.

Marie and Kieron changed position so that she was riding him and Linda got behind Marie and cupped her swinging tits as she bounced on Kieron's rod. Linda's fingers played Marie's nipples and that helped Marie to cum again before Kieron tensed and filled another condom with spunk.

They were all having a wonderful time but now was another rest period as thoughts went to the possibility of more fun the next day. "Were you planning on inviting us here again tomorrow, Linda?" asked Marie.

"You horny bitch! Yeah, but aren't you going to see Tina?" replied Linda.

"I will see Tina but maybe I could have a couple of hours here first," said Marie.

"What? Go and meet Linda just after you have been fucked?" asked Linda.

"Yeah, I can have a shower can't I?" responded Marie.

"Yeah you can have a shower but you had better be careful not to let Tina know what you have been doing," said Linda.

"Don't you want a foursome?" laughed Marie, as Kieron wondered if he could service three mature women in one session.

"Are you serious?" asked Linda.

"Not really, but Tina has got quite a big bum too, hasn't she?" giggled Marie.

"I have not really looked at it, but I had not looked at yours either and now I have eaten it," laughed Linda.

Marie now hoped that the occasion did not arise that meant that she had to make something up about what she had been up to, she would feel bad about lying to Tina, but she did not want to be telling her what she had been doing.

Kieron still could make up his mind as to whether he could manage three women or not but it did not look like it was going to happen.

The three of them showered, two at a time in revolving pairs, and then the decision had to be made as to whether there would be more sex now or not. Although Linda would not mind another fucking, she had orgasmed several times and she had some tidying up to do. She was not throwing the other two out but she did not object when Marie suggested that she and Kieron get dressed and leave.

They arranged that Marie and Kieron would return the next day but Marie would have to leave late morning. Linda said that she would take Kieron back to his flat if he stayed for more fun after Marie had gone.

Linda just put a short dressing gown on and Marie and Kieron got dressed before each giving Linda a long kiss and then leaving. Linda put the CCTV back on and then tidied up.

"Fancy using another condom?" Marie asked Kieron on the way back to the youth's flat.

"Yeah, I want to fuck you from behind," replied Kieron, feeling his cock stiffen.

They got back to Kieron's flat and it was not long before Marie was naked on the bed on all fours as Kieron got ready to put yet another rubber to use.

Linda wondered if the other two might have another fuck so she would not have been surprised to see Kieron once again sliding his cock into a willing cunt. They did not have a huge amount of time because Marie would have to get home and shower again but the situation was made for a quickie really.

"Oh fuck, yes Kieron, yes, shit," mumbled Marie as the young man again took her to climax. He kept going a bit longer and Marie had a second, less vocal, orgasm before Kieron ejaculated.

They cuddled for a while, reflecting on their first threesome before Marie got dressed. She then phoned Tina and arranged to meet her at twelve-thirty the next day.

"Pick you up just after nine, baby," said Marie to Kieron before one long snog.

"See you tomorrow, Mrs Thompson," Kieron said as the laughing Marie left his flat.

They knew that after the next day getting together, whether as a two or a three, would be difficult with Marie and Linda back at work and Kieron back at college.

It was proving to be quite a half-term break though.

Written by PJH
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