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Hello Mrs Thompson - Part 6

"Marie, Linda and Kieron meet again on the last day of half-term week."

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It was Friday and the last day of half-term week. On Monday, teachers Marie Thompson and Linda Ralph would be back at the high school so this was the last time for the foreseeable future that the two forty-something married women could get together with eighteen-year-old Kieron Siddall.

Marie's time would be reduced because she had agreed to meet another friend and fellow teacher, Tina Peters, at lunchtime so there was no time to lose, certainly not in Marie's case. She picked up Kieron from his flat at just after nine in the morning and drove to Linda's house. Linda had again dIsabled her CCTV before her guests arrived.

On the way to Linda's, after Marie and Kieron had emphasised how much they fancied each other, Marie got a bit more serious. "With school starting again next week, it is going to be very difficult for us to get together," said Marie.

"I know, but this week has been amazing and we have still got today," replied Kieron.

"Well, I have only got this morning," said Marie, who had her lunchtime meeting with Tina.

"What are you going to tell Mrs Peters?" asked Kieron, showing respect to the forty-six-year-old Tina whom he did not know very well.

"I don't know, but I can't really tell her that I am fucking you and having lesbian sex with Linda, can I?" responded Marie, who had been thinking long and hard about her reply to Tina should she get questioned much about what she had been doing the previous day. Marie had been a bit mysterious and evasive when Tina had phoned her during Marie and Kieron's visit to Linda the day before.

Tina was probably Marie's best friend so Marie felt bad about keeping things from her but there was nothing to be gained and potentially a lot to lose by being open with her.

Marie and Kieron had started their sexual relationship only two weeks previously and Linda, having suspected that Marie was up to something, had only been involved for the last two days.

Linda would be taking Kieron back to his flat after the activities had finished, which was not a problem for her, but she wondered why nobody had thought of Kieron coming in his own car. Marie had picked him up because that was what had happened the previous day but Kieron driving himself to Linda's had not been suggested.

Linda was at her door when Marie and Kieron arrived and she welcomed them both with a long, tongue exchanging, kiss. They were all swiftly into the bedroom and the removal of clothes commenced. As Marie was only there for a couple of hours or so, she would be directly involved in all of the early happenings, Linda and Kieron could have a fuck after she had gone.

Marie and Linda were face to face with tongues touching and naked tits wrestling as Kieron massaged Marie's knicker covered backside. Kieron's erection was stretching his boxers, partly because he was anticipating having another lesbian show to watch at any moment.

The women were next stroking each other's vaginas through the material of their knickers as Kieron teased Marie's arse crack with his fingers. Marie and Linda then paid Kieron some attention and they giggled as they stood on either side of him and negotiated his boxers over his erection and down to the floor where he stepped out of them.

Linda and Marie then knelt in front of Kieron and took turns to suck his cock, occasionally kissing each other in between sucks.

As time was short in Marie's case, she decided to speed things up a bit by standing and giving Kieron a simple instruction. "Fuck me now, stud," said Marie, with her eyes sparkling. Whilst it meant that the anticipated lesbian show would be delayed, Kieron was not going to turn down this order so as Linda kindly took Marie's knickers off, Kieron raided his condom collection.

Linda kissed Marie's bare buttocks as Kieron put the protection on his penis and Linda continued her arse kissing as Marie and Kieron snogged. It was then time for sexual intercourse as Marie lay on the bed, legs spread and guided Kieron's large cock into her wet pussy.

Linda removed her knickers and stroked her cunt as she watched the young man and his former teacher start their fucking. Kieron was moving his hips slowly as Marie purred appreciative sounds and Linda teased her own clit.

The lovemaking between Kieron and Marie was methodical and controlled at this stage and Linda was watching the various expressions on Marie's very attractive face as Marie's arousal increased. Linda put her fingers, wet with her own juices, to Marie's lips and Marie licked the stickiness off them. Her expression now was one of joy as Kieron started moving slightly faster and an orgasm approached.

Marie tightened the grip of her legs on Kieron's back and her body tensed as she came. "Mmm, yes, oh, oh, oh fuck," said Marie as Linda's fingers were back to working her own cunt.

Kieron was now humping hard and fast and he and Marie were both breathing heavily with them not knowing when they would get a chance to fuck together again. Linda came on her fingers and Marie was about to orgasm again as the eighteen-year-old fucked her good. "Shit, oh fuck, argh," shrieked Marie and her obvious pleasure brought on Kieron's ejaculation as he spunked into his rubber.

Linda gave Marie and Kieron a little while to recover then decided to increase her involvement. "You come out of there and let me in," said Linda, indicating to Kieron that he should remove himself from between Marie's legs. Kieron was happy to make way for the lesbian sex that would follow.

Linda first kissed the insides of Marie's thighs before giving her friend's cum soaked cunt lips a good licking. She then moved for a lengthy kiss with Marie before moving back down her body and tonguing her nipples. Having just about recovered from her orgasm with Kieron, Marie was again squirming in sexual excitement.

Marie's excitement increased, even more, when first Linda kissed her navel and then started tonguing her cunt. Although Marie only had time for about two hours of sex, it was proving to be a wonderful two hours.

Kieron took a break from watching to do a bit of participating and he stroked and fingered Linda's arse that was raised as she licked Marie. Having her arse crack toyed with had Linda licking faster and Marie orgasmed again.

"Come here, you hot bitch," said Marie to Linda, inviting her to kiss and Marie got to taste her own juices as the women snogged and Kieron continued playing with Linda's backside. Marie then moved from below Linda and, with Linda on her front, started kissing and tonguing her friend's arse.

Marie then turned Linda onto her back and used her mouth on Linda's cunt, rapidly bringing her to orgasm.

Marie would have liked more sexual activity but had to keep a check on the time so the three of them cuddled together on the bed before Marie used Linda's shower. Kieron and Linda kissed and cuddled whilst Marie was in the shower but their fuck would wait until Marie had gone.

"Do you think Tina will be able to tell that I have been fucking?" asked Marie when she returned from the shower.

"She might if you do not put any clothes on," laughed Linda.

"Fuck off, you stupid bitch. I was being serious," responded Marie.

"I doubt it, but what will you say if she does get suspicious?" said Linda.

"Tell her I will fuck her if she wants," interjected Kieron, who although he did not know Tina Peters very well he did find her attractive as he did the fourth lady from the original girls night out, Sally Marwood.

"Aren't two of us enough for you?" laughed Linda, gently stroking Kieron's cock.

"I was only offering to help," responded Kieron.

"I am not intending to discuss what we have been doing with Tina," said Marie, hoping that she did not have to but also not liking being evasive with her best friend.

Marie adjusted her make-up and got dressed although she had to adjust her lipstick again after long kisses with both Linda and Kieron. "This has been a wonderful few days," said Marie and the other two were not disputing that although Linda had only been involved for three of those days.

"Yeah, a great half-term," agreed Kieron.

"Very, um, illuminating," said Linda who, like Marie, had had her first experience of lesbian sex.

Marie, somewhat reluctantly left, leaving Kieron and Linda to potentially about three hours of one to one sex. As there was no hurry, Linda and Kieron did little more than chat and occasionally kiss for the next several minutes.

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Marie arrived at the meeting place with Tina and the two friends embraced, Marie hoped that the shower had done its job and she did not smell of sex.

Tina and Marie chatted for a while and Marie kept finding herself wondering what Linda and Kieron were doing at that moment. As it happened, with Marie wondering, Linda and Kieron were getting more intense and their kissing was more passionate as Kieron's penis and Linda's cunt got attention from the other's hands.


"When we fuck, if you promise to withdraw before you cum, you need not bother about a condom," said Linda, wanting the youth's naked hard cock inside her.

"Yeah, I promise, if you are sure," replied Kieron, liking the idea of fucking Linda bareback.

"I am sure, just take care," said Linda.

Kieron had fucked Marie without protection earlier in the week but she had got herself a morning-after pill. He would stick to Linda's wishes to withdraw but he did wonder where his spunk would be going when the time came.


As Linda and Kieron got closer and closer to copulating, Tina started asking Marie some awkward questions, although Tina did not know that they were awkward. "So what have you been doing with yourself this half-term week?" Tina asked.

"Oh nothing much, just unwinding, you know," replied Marie, whilst thinking, 'if you only knew.'

"I don't know what it is, but you seem different," said Tina.

"Well, you haven't seen me for a week so I probably look older," laughed Marie, although the laugh was a bit forced.

"I don't think you look older, you look younger if anything. You been getting plenty at home?" smiled Tina.

Marie thought that she had been getting plenty but not at home. "Um, not particularly, the usual," said Marie, although she had not actually had sex with her husband for more than two weeks.

"What is the usual? Twice a night, twice a week... um, twice a month?" said Tina, thinking of her own almost non-existent marital sex life.

Marie was wishing that they were not talking about sex because she had to be so careful what she said. "I don't know. The usual. How often do you get it?" said Marie, who then wished that she had not prolonged the conversation.

"Not as often as you, judging by the way that you are glowing. Lucky cow," responded Tina.

Kieron's words about giving Tina a fuck came into Marie's head but she managed to prevent them from leaving her lips. Marie also hoped that her husband was not as observant as Tina if she really was glowing.

"Can't we talk about something else?" said Marie, desperate to change the subject but also wondering if Tina really was going short.


Back at Linda's house, Linda groaned as Kieron's rigid cock entered her at the start of what they both wanted to be a long fuck. They soon built up a rhythm and it was developing into the great fuck that they both hoped for, Kieron was sending Linda wild.

"Shit, yes, yes, yes, fuck," shouted Linda as she orgasmed with their bodies slapping together. Sex had never been this good for her before or if it had, she could not remember it. They fucked on and on, changing positions with Kieron being mindful of the need to withdraw before he came.

"From behind, fuck me from behind," panted Linda in her sexual ecstasy so Kieron pulled out to enable Linda to get on her hands and knees. Kieron briefly looked at the gorgeous presented bottom before sliding back into Linda's wet cunt and continuing the fucking.

After a while of this, Kieron was getting close to cumming but he had Linda yelling through another orgasm before he felt that he could not hold his ejaculation back any longer. "I am gonna cum, where do you want me to cum?" asked Kieron breathlessly.

"On my arse, cum on my arse," replied Linda and Kieron withdrew only just in time. He pointed his throbbing cock at Linda's buttocks and then started splattering semen on the woman's arse cheeks, making her giggle.

Once Kieron had stopped spunking, he smeared his cum over Linda's arse and goosed her arse crack with his sticky fingers. As he did this, Linda made another announcement. "Oh fuck, I am cumming again," she said.

They collapsed laughing, not knowing if or when they would fuck again but it had been a memorable few days for both of them.


Meanwhile, Marie did get the subject changed in her conversation with Tina but she could not get thoughts of what Linda and Kieron were probably doing out of her head. Tina was still convinced that there was something different about her friend and she thought it might be caused by something sexual.

Marie and Tina continued to chat and then, out of the blue, Tina got the subject back onto sex. "I meant what I said earlier, I really could do with a good shag," said Tina.

"Not much I can do about that," replied Marie, although she knew that she could probably arrange for Tina to get some of what she and Linda were getting.

"Marie, we have known each other forever, haven't we?" said Tina, seriously.

"Ha, yeah, about that long," replied Marie, almost dreading what Tina might be about to say.

"Is there anything that you want to tell me?" asked Tina, with her eyes on Marie's.

"Tell you about what?" said Marie, stalling but also thinking that Tina was a very attractive woman.

"About anything. About why you are looking so sexy," replied Tina, rather stunning Marie with her choice of words.

"Ha, are you saying you fancy me or something?" responded Marie, whilst trying to make light of the situation.

"Not exactly, but there is certainly something very erotic about you today," said Tina.


Linda and Kieron lay on the bed, Linda on her front with her cum streaked arse getting massaged by Kieron. "Whatever happens in the future, thank you for giving me some great sex," Linda told Kieron.

"No, thank you, and we both need to thank Marie," replied Kieron.

"Yeah, she is a fucking hot woman," answered Linda.

"You and she are both fucking hot women. I wonder how she is getting on with Tina," said Kieron.

"Fuck yes, probably arranging a foursome as we speak," laughed Linda.

"Do you think so?" asked Kieron, again thinking of the possibility of having three mature married women wanting his cock.

"Don't know but I wish I did know what they are talking about," said Linda.

As Linda was going to take Kieron back to his flat and as she had to clear up any evidence of what had been happening in her house, they decided that they had better have a shower and get dressed. They had one more long kiss before Linda drove Kieron to near his flat and then returned home to tidy up and to put the CCTV back on.


Marie managed to again get the subject of conversation with Tina away from sex, without yet confirming whatever Tina was thinking. "I think that we should have another girls night out soon," announced Tina.

"Yes, that would be good," agreed Marie.

"We could go to that pub again that has got the hunky barman that fancies you," smiled Tina. Marie hoped that she was not blushing.

"What hunky barman?" Marie managed to ask.

"You know, that ex-pupil of yours that obviously had the hots for you," teased Tina, although she had not yet linked Marie's apparent sexual glowing with the youth.

"Oh, him. We could go there I suppose, it is a nice pub. Not sure that he had the hots for me though," said Marie.

"Of course he did, it was obvious. I certainly wouldn't mind an after-hours session with him," said Tina, partly seriously.

Marie knew that at that point she could and perhaps should tell Tina what was going on but she wanted more time to think, so her response to Tina was muted. "I know you don't mean that, about you wanting him," said Marie.

"Don't you think so? Fuck, I imagine he has got a huge cock," said Tina, dreamy-eyed.

The conversation dried up and not long after, Marie and Tina parted leaving Marie with a lot of thinking to do and also maybe phone calls to Linda and Kieron to make. Tina and Marie said their goodbyes and would be seeing each other on the following Monday at school.

Marie left to do her thinking and Tina left still wondering just what it was about Marie Thompson that made her seem to ooze sex appeal.

Written by PJH
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