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Waiting For Penny - Part 1

"Nerdy seventeen-year-olds Keisha and Jenifer take solace in each other's company as their private, Friday night pool party plans are disrupted by Keisha's twin sister."

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Author's Notes

"Part 1 of 4"

Aaliyah was the popular one. She hung out with all the cool kids, she was good at sports, and her teachers adored her—some of them too much. It was her personality that did it, that separated her from her shy, introverted nerd of a sister. There was no other explanation for it; they were identical twins.

By the time they were seventeen, the void between them had grown so wide that Keisha was afraid if she ever tried to cross it that she would fall in. While Aaliyah's circle expanded to include cute boys, pretty girls, and even some exotic pets like the school's only trans girl, Keisha just had Jennifer.

The nerdy girls were perfect for each other. Keisha was thankful for such a close, devoted friend, of course, but that didn't stop her from worrying that eventually she would lose her too. Even someone as reclusive as Jennifer could end up on the other side of the great divide. Keisha sighed.

"What are they doing now?" she asked glumly.

Jennifer was peeking through the blinds into the backyard. "Oh, uh, nothing really," she lied.

Keisha nodded skeptically to her friend. "Really?"

"Yeah, they're just sitting around the pool."

"And laughing? And having a good time?"

The scrawny white girl abruptly pulled away from the window and settled down beside her friend. Their skin could not have contrasted any more sharply as they lay there cuddled up together on the bed.

"Why do you worry so much?" she asked. Jennifer spoke slowly, but not because she was limited in any way. She found it was a useful tactic when explaining what she considered elementary knowledge to those around her. Jennifer had gotten in the habit of dealing with morons.

"Oh, don't pretend like you wouldn't rather be out there with them, you know, having fun," Keisha lamented.

Jennifer swatted her friend on the tummy. "Oh, please, like I'd fit in with those guys! Look at me!"

"What? Why? You're not ugly," the petite black girl said.

Her pale friend blew some scraggly, brown bangs from her face. She spoke confidently, like a person who routinely dealt with facts and not emotions. "I know, but I'm not pretty either. Not like you anyway. No, it's OK. It doesn't bother me."

"I don't like how they treat you though."

Jennifer tightened her grip around Keisha's tummy. "It's OK, really. I just tune it out. And they're not always like that. It's only when they're in a pack."

Keisha peered over at her friend. Jennifer had a mild overbite, freckles were unevenly scattered across her face, and her breasts had a lot of catching up to do. But the most obvious thing that made her stand out was her glasses. Keisha felt sympathy for her friend. She'd watched her try a dozen different frames over the years, frames that made the popular girls more attractive but did nothing for poor Jennifer.

Keisha gave her a thoughtful look. "What if we still did it, what if we had our party anyway?"

"What do you mean? Like go down and join them? I mean, I guess we could, it was our idea to use the pool anyway, right?"

"Oh God no!" Keisha said, but then her tone softened. "I meant we could use the jacuzzi in my parent's bedroom. You have your bathing suit, right?"

Jennifer tucked her chin and peeked at her baggy t-shirt. "Well, no, not really, I thought we were going to..."

"Yeah, we still can, that's what I'm saying—"

Jennifer abruptly sat up and motioned to her clothes. It wasn't the denim shorts or shirt she was pointing out though. "No, I don't have my bathing suit, that's what I'm saying. I thought you said we were just going to, you know, be adventurous..."

"Oh, right," Keisha said. She had suggested that, but clearly had forgotten about those extra details. Jennifer hadn't though. Her cheeks suddenly turned the color of a tomato.

"Oh... God, I'm such an idiot," she muttered.

Keisha pulled her friend's hand in closer. "No, you're not. It's kind of nice that you actually listen to me, even when I forget what I say half the time." Then, the seventeen-year-old let the frustration show on her face. "It's not fair," she complained. "They can't just claim the pool all to themselves. It's too hot."

"You're sweating," Jennifer pointed out.

"You are too!"

"Yeah, but I look gross. You still somehow look hot. That's not fair." She took off her glasses and rubbed the foggy lenses on her shirt. Even they were sweating.

The girls untangled themselves and sat at the edge of the bed. They stared down in silence at their feet. Keisha would never admit it to her face, but Jennifer was right. Their bodies could not have been more dissimilar. Keisha's dark thighs were fuller, and her exposed midriff was leaner. The sweat on her tummy just added a glossy sheen to her soft, ebony skin that made it shine.

"Jacuzzi then?" Keisha finally said.

Jennifer shrugged. "Is there a lock on the door at least?" she joked.

"I dunno, maybe. But it's right up against the window so we can see them coming and like, I dunno, defend ourselves from the wolves."

A little grin stretched across Jennifer's plain face. "So we can spy on them? I guess it's a better view than your crappy room—no offense."

Keisha slapped her shoulder and then rose to her feet. Jennifer followed.

They tiptoed through the house like spies, stopping at each turn and peering around the corner. They called out all clear and then raced to the next one. Keisha didn't care for the antics, but she knew it made her friend feel more comfortable. And she liked seeing the playful side of the normally reserved teenager. They slid into the last bend before the stairs.

Jennifer scooted in close to Keisha, her arms around her waist and her nose exhaling down Keisha's back. It tickled, but the black girl said nothing. She was used to those clingy hands. It was like having a puppy she told herself, a puppy that was too afraid to venture off on its own and away from its master. Keisha drew a finger to her lips and waited. A moment later she signaled to the stairs, then to Jennifer.

The white girl nodded. She scanned in all directions and then broke for the stairs, scurrying and giggling all the way to the top until she was out of sight. Keisha calmly ascended behind her.

Her parent's room was large. The entire second floor was devoted to it. Situated in the far corner of that cavernous space was a bathroom larger than most bedrooms. It had to be big though, otherwise, there wouldn't have been enough room for the fancy built-in jacuzzi.

Keisha held up a hand to her friend. "No, keep the lights off. I don't want them to know we're here. We're spies, remember?"

"Oh, good point," Jennifer whispered as if the girls outside could hear her.

"It's just that the sun has already gone down and I don't want them to spot us. Besides, it's too hot for those stupid lights anyway."

Jennifer backed away from the light switch and made her way inside. It was cool in there, even cooler by the open window. She splashed a hand in the water.

"Are you sure your parents won't mind?" she asked.

"You're not going to tell them, are you?"

"No, of course not, why would you—"

"Shh!" Keisha said suddenly, holding up her hand one more time. "Listen!"

The girls froze and strained their ears like feral cats. The voices outside were loud, but the party of girls all seemed to talk at once so they couldn't make out a single, cohesive sentence. Keisha heard Penny's name a few times, but that was it.

It made sense that they were talking about her. Penny was the newest member of their group. She was European. She was blonde. She was beautiful. And she was trans. Aaliyah was obsessed with her new plaything, inviting her everywhere and essentially fast-tracking her membership into her exclusive club. Keisha turned away from the window and padded quietly up the tile steps with her bare feet.

She dipped her toes into the water. "You coming?" she said glumly.

"What's wrong, Keesh? Why do you sound so depressed all of a sudden?"

Keisha splashed the water around with her foot and sulked.

"Ah, come on, something's wrong, I just know it. You can tell me anything. You know that, right?" A moment later, she ascended the steps herself and plopped down beside her friend. Her hand found Keisha's back and rubbed. But something felt strange. She wiped her hand across Keisha's shirt again, and then one more time to be certain. There was a long, deliberate exhale through her nose.

Jennifer was anything but calm, however. She couldn't feel the strap of Keisha's bra. Her fingertips pressed harder, searching for it but were unable to find the familiar outline that was supposed to be pushing back against her palm. She looked away, embarrassed, and summoned every ounce of strength to avoid peeking at the front of Keisha's shirt. Her willpower lasted only a few seconds though, and soon she was marveling at the most unfair chest she'd ever seen.

Even without the aid of a bra, Keisha's medium-sized breasts stood up perky on their own. The thin, pink shirt appeared to be at its limits as it stretched to conform to their perfect, round shape. Little nipples pressed against the fabric as if they were calling out for attention. Jennifer didn't need any more reason to stare though. She blushed and hoped her friend didn't see her gawking.

Keisha splashed some water onto Jennifer's thighs. "Hello? Are you even listening?"

"What?" the flustered teenager mumbled.

"Oh my God, Jen! You're the worst. I seriously pour my heart and soul out to you and you're staring out the window?"

"What? No—wait, you did?"

Keisha laughed. "No. I was just thinking about what you said, though."

"You were?" Jennifer croaked. "What was I saying again?"

"Ugh! I do listen to you, and you know what? You were right. Fuck them! We don't need them. They don't even have their new blonde friend; what's her name... She didn't come."

"Penny, you mean? Wait, you were taking attendance?"

Keisha pointed out the window. The lights around the pool were on and it was easy to get a head count. There weren't any tall, blonde white girls out there, trans or otherwise.

Jennifer was quick to agree with whatever she said, though, she was just relieved she hadn't been caught ogling her bra-less friend. "Yeah, fuck them!" she roared, but it was awkward when she swore, almost like it burned her tongue.

"I'll go first, I don't care," Keisha said.

"Go first?"

Keisha stood up suddenly in the middle of the jacuzzi. She brought her hands to the front of her shorts and started fumbling with the zipper.

Jennifer stared wide-eyed and curious, wondering if her friend had also forgotten to wear panties. Her heart started beating faster. Louder. Her glasses fogged up.

"Oh my God! Don't stare at me like that! You're making me nervous—you're going next, you know!" Keisha warned.

"Yeah, right, I know that," Jennifer agreed. But she would have said anything or done anything to keep Keisha's busy hands moving. It was difficult for her to appear uninterested, and it was even more difficult for her to look away.

Keisha's button was undone and her zipper glided down as far as it would go. She turned around and took a breath. "OK, here goes," she said softly.

Jennifer's eyes pounced. They devoured the soft, dark flesh as it spilled out of the tight denim. She was completely unprepared for the pretty red thong, though. The thin strip of cloth disappeared between Keisha's cheeks and caused her heart to skip a beat. She wiped her lenses.

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"Your pants are going to get wet," Jennifer pointed out as her friend began to tug them down her thighs.

"Yeah, whatever. They'll dry out."

Then, Keisha grunted. She bent her knees and forced her shorts into the water. Getting the small, denim cloth past her feet was more challenging than it should have been.

Jennifer stared stupidly as her friend leaned forward, propped herself up with one arm, and reached into the water. Keisha bent at the waist, and as she tried to scoop them out of the water, her firm cheeks separated and flashed a thin, red line of cloth. The horrified white girl choked.

"Ah finally!" Keisha said as she waved them around in her small fist. "OK, your turn!"

Water dripped down Keisha's dark cheeks, and her panties were already soaked through. Jennifer gulped.

"Hey, Jen?" Keisha called again.

"What? Yeah, it's just..." she began in her usual, slow manner. But she didn't finish. Keisha turned around.

Even her short, pink shirt was wet now. The water made it melt into her chest, almost as if it was painted on. There was no mystery of what lay underneath. Keisha frowned.

"Don't chicken out on me," she said. "I did it! See?"

"I, uh, yeah—I see," Jennifer squeaked.


But Jennifer remained seated. The sounds of girls having fun outside drifted to the furthest recesses of her mind. They just seemed to fade away and disappear with the wind. A sudden rush of chlorine assaulted her nostrils. She nearly slipped.

Keisha reached out and took her friend by the hand. "Oh my God, are you OK, Jen?"

"I... I think so? It's just—do I have to take my pants off?"

"Jen!" Keisha said, then she softened her tone. "Only if you want to. But isn't this what you wanted? You were talking about it all day, what's changed?"

Jennifer narrowed her eyes at her friend's hips and at that red string that covered her private parts. She shook her head. "No, you're right. But maybe I'll keep my shirt on?"

"Sure, now come on, it's actually nice in here. Now get over here!" Keisha said and then pulled her friend into the middle of the Jacuzzi.

The confused teenager lost her footing, spun, and landed backward in her friend's arms. She could feel Keisha's wet breasts mash into the back of her shirt. Jennifer gasped like the wind had been knocked out of her.

Keisha held her firm. She calmly asked, "Can I redo your ponytail, though? Your hair... It's just..."

"Yeah, please! My hair!" Jennifer blurted out. "And take your time—as much time as you need!"

Keisha immediately went to work on the thick, curly brown mess on the top of her head. She grunted and pulled while poor Jennifer flinched and tried not to yelp.

"You know, I don't know why you're so nervous. You're cute. I mean, yeah, you're a little small. But you'll grow."

Jennifer blew out the corner of her mouth like she was trying to eradicate the fog that kept creeping onto her lenses, but it just made it worse. "I look like a boy," she pouted. "You have hips! And boobs! And... Ow!"

Keisha pulled the scrunchy too tight. It did the trick though, the ponytail was not going anywhere.

"And my panties," Jennifer continued, "they're nothing like... like those."

"Oh my God, stop it! You can have mine if you want!" Keisha snapped. "Seriously, you're fine. You're not a troll, or a gremlin—or whatever they call you. I bet you have a cute little body under there too."

Jennifer tugged her long shirt down beyond her shorts into the water.

"Ugh! You are so stubborn! Do you need my help?"


"What? It's harder than it looks, did you what happened to me? I almost fell."

"Yeah I saw you," Jennifer admitted.

Keisha didn't wait for an answer. She coiled her arms around Jennifer's tummy.

The startled white girl's chin started to shake. "What are you... What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm just being nice, I'm your friend, Jennifer. That's all." Then, Keisha paused. Even the fingers lightly brushing over Jennifer's tummy came to a halt. "But if you don't want me to..."

"No, wait!" Jennifer shouted. She immediately corrected her voice and added, "It's... It's OK, I guess."

The touching didn't resume though. Keisha set her chin down on Jennifer's shoulder. "What's OK?" she asked.

The freckled girl turned toward her friend and shot her an incredulous look. She scoffed. "You know what!"

"You mean it's OK if I undress you?"

"Oh my God! You sound like a perv! You sound like... Like..."

Keisha didn't reply. Instead, she just stared at her friend knowing full well that her face was unreadable and mysterious. Her eyes narrowed and she gave no indication or any playful hint that this was a joke.

The stubborn white girl hung on though, staring right back into her friend's eyes. She wasn't being brave or courageous, though. Jennifer was just too stunned to do anything else. Finally, Keisha smiled.

"That was a little pervy, wasn't it?" she admitted.

Jennifer exhaled. "It's just, I dunno, uncharacteristic of you—unless you really are a dirty old man!"

"Jennifer! I am not!"

The hands started moving again, though, and Keisha's nipples scraped along Jennifer's back. This wasn't lost on the freckled girl who was on the verge of having a heart attack. She tightened her grip on her shirt and quietly said, "OK, you can, you know, do it—you can take off my pants."

Again, Keisha said nothing. She barely even realized what she was doing as she pried the shirt loose and hooked her thumbs into Jennifer's jean shorts. Her thoughts were mostly about how she'd gotten to that point. Her friend was right. Everything really had been completely out of character. It was as if Keisha was the last horse across the finish line in a race that Aaliyah had won years ago. The zipper hummed and Keisha's fingertips slipped inside.

Jennifer's head tilted back. She pursed her lips and breathed. Her small chest rapidly rose and fell.

Even if Jennifer was too afraid to watch, Keisha couldn't turn away. It thrilled her to see her friend's face all scrunched up and distorted. She traced her fingers over the soft, plain panties, loving how each subtle movement caused an uncontrollable twitch in Jennifer's nose. And she needed to hear more of that silent, but still audible, sound as the poor girl actively forced air out of her mouth.

"Like this?" Keisha asked. "Is this OK?"

"Y-y-yeah, that's fine, I guess."

"You guess?"

Jennifer stretched her thin lips into a smile but it was short-lived and dissolved immediately. Keisha pinched the elastic waistband.

"What about these?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Your panties," the black teenager whispered into her ear.

"My p-p-panties? What about them?" Then, her eyes shot open wide. There was a fancy light fixture way up high on the roof. It was plated with faux gold, but it was beautiful, something that belonged in a proper, European estate.

The silence that followed only encouraged Keisha. It prompted her to think again about her meek, quiet past and how easy it was to change that. She smoothed the edges of her friend's underwear, watching intently as strange, foreign expressions took over Jennifer's normally bubbly face.

"You can keep your shirt on if you want, that's fine," Keisha eventually said. "But if you don't like your panties, we can just take them off."

Jennifer pressed her knees tightly together. There was still a small gap between her thighs. They weren't as full as her friends, but she wasn't thinking about that right then. Her mind was all over the place, racing as fast as her sudden grimaces and sporadic breathing. Keisha was relentless.

She spread the fly open and began yanking the girl's shorts down. It wasn't difficult to get them beyond her narrow hips, her slender thighs were even easier. Where Keisha had had trouble, Jennifer's clothes just slipped off effortlessly. It was only when Jennifer opened her eyes that she realized her pants were around her ankles. Keisha dropped to her knees.

She was up to her neck in water, helping her friend step out of them. Her nose rubbed against Jennifer's buttocks. She pressed it in and felt the scrawny girl tremble. It didn't seem possible that all of that firm, round flesh had been there the whole time, hidden in Jennifer's loose shorts. A moment later, Keisha was back on her feet, her head once again perched on Jennifer's shoulder.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" she asked.

Jennifer shook her head.

"And I was right, too."


"You do have a plump, little butt—no seriously! It's cute," Keisha insisted.

Color invaded the pale girl's face and wouldn't leave. She looked up again, upward to the safety of the ceiling. The light fixture was secured with thin, black chains. They didn't look like they could hold the weight. The poor girl worried that at any moment the whole thing would come tumbling down on top of her.

There was a sudden burst of loud, coherent voices outside. They were shouts.

"Do you hear that?" Jennifer asked, thankful for the reprieve.

"What? I don't—" Keisha started.


One girl was very obviously upset, shouting above the others. "This is lame," she said. "I thought you said she was coming!"

"She is—I mean she told me she was," Aaliyah shouted back.

"Well, it's getting late and I'm getting tired. How long do we have to wait?"

"I don't know, I'm not her boss. If you want to leave, then just leave, I don't care."

"Fuck you!" the girl yelled.

"Then get out of my house you fucking cunt! Get your skanky ass out of here!"

A different voice spoke up, this one calmer, but still not pleasant. "I think I'll leave too then if you're going to be like that, Ally."

"Good!" Aaliyah snapped. "Good riddance to both of you! Go on, get your shit, and get out of my sight."

There was a moment of quiet, uneasy calm. Keisha's hands had slipped back under Jennifer's shirt. They traced the outline of the fabric along her skinny thighs. Jennifer lurched forward.

"That tickles," she whispered.

"Hold on," Keisha said. "What's that?"

Both girls strained their ears. It sounded like a door slammed shut, and then a moment later, a car stereo turned on. The driver peeled out and sped down the street taking the awful music with her.

Jennifer hardly noticed. She was frantic, shouting as quietly as she could, "Keesh! Your... Your hands..."

"Shh!" Keisha hissed. "Listen!"

It was barely audible, but the sound was distinct. It sounded like sniffling. Then, Aaliyah could be heard groaning.

"Ugh! I hate them! They're so stupid!"

"It's not your fault, you don't control Penny. Maybe she got stuck in traffic," a sympathetic voice suggested.

Aaliyah sniffed. "It just pisses me off that I'm supposed to somehow be responsible for everything—and everyone! You know? It's not fair."

"They're seniors. They're dumb bitches. End of story. Don't even worry about it. You still have me. Now come on, let's get wasted and go swimming. If you don't want to do that anymore though, then I'm leaving!" she joked.

Aaliyah laughed and sniffed at the same time.

Written by bojacauthor
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