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Sam and Sandy... Sandy Surprises Sam In The Shower Before Their Date

"Sam and Sandy prepare for their dinner date."

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I had my fantasy fulfilled by having sex with my daughter’s friend, Sandy. She had brought me her car to work on and insisted on paying with her body. She said if I wanted her again, I would need to call her for dinner first. This is what happens after she leaves me standing in my living room after sex with her.



After Sandy walks out.


Just as she reached the door, Sandy turned and smiled a beautiful smile at me, yelling over her shoulder that I had better call quick. Then I heard her car start and she was gone.


I was left standing here in a towel as my largest-fantasy-fulfilled drove away and practically offered herself to me again, albeit after dinner. I chuckled to myself a little thinking of her. After standing here a few minutes longer I decided to go take another shower. I could feel Sandy’s juices still on my cock. Without any thought I slid my hand inside my towel and stroked my cock. I could feel myself hardening again thinking about Sandy and what we had just done. I slowly was stroking myself standing there, as I turned back to the recliner where I had just fucked her. I was staring at the recliner slowly working my cock back and forth. I could see the wetness on the recliner and floor where she had cum so hard. I could also see the trail of semen that had run from her ass after I had cum slightly inside her asshole. I still couldn’t believe I had slid into her like that! She seemed to like it, too.


This whole time I was reminiscing about Sandy, I was steadily stroking my cock, and it had gotten hard and engorged again. I just turned and flopped down in the recliner where I had just fucked Sandy and let my towel fall open. I took my hard cock in my hand and begin stroking it in earnest. I closed my eyes, reliving my time with Sandy. I could feel her taking me in her mouth again, as I steadily stroked my cock in long strokes. I was enjoying the feeling of it swelling in my hand thinking of Sandy. I just leaned back further in the recliner and spread my legs as I stroked.


I started mumbling, 'Yes Sandy take it deeper, lick it like that, please don’t stop, I’m so close, yes take me into your throat!' 


I was stroking myself faster; I could feel another orgasm building. I pictured her deep-throating me and gagging as she took me deep. I was stroking faster, pulling down on my cock so I was fully extending myself, trying to get as much pleasure from the moment as I could. Suddenly it overcame me, my cock jumped in my hand and I was spurting long streams of cum onto the floor in front of my recliner.


I just sat there for a few minutes recovering; I continued thinking about Sandy and how much I wanted her in my life. That dinner with her was going to be soon!


I finally dragged myself out of the recliner and headed for the shower, thinking I should call Sandy right this moment, but restraint won out. I thought I should at least give her a few days to decide if what happened was what she wanted beyond today. Having a daughter close to her age, what was I thinking, it was her age, I knew how they do things, and then rethink them to come to a different decision. I hoped her decision didn’t change, but I had to give her that opportunity to decide.


Sandy a few hours later.


Sandy got back to the apartment she shared with two other girls. She could feel the wetness in the crotch of her yoga pants where she had been leaking her cum and Sam’s since she left his garage. It felt so good to her knowing she had finally had him after all these years. She knew Sam would never make the first move, so she had to; the car problem was just a convenient coincidence. Going to her room, Sandy stripped off her top, looking at herself in a mirror. She could see her nipples still puffy and a darker shade of pink than normal. She ran her hands over them, feeling how stiff they still were, sending a tingle of excitement straight to her pussy.


Sandy shifted a little, feeling the dampness on her crotch again. Deciding to go take a shower, she pulled her yoga pants off. She lifted them to her face staring at the mess that was in the crotch of them -- a mix of her juices and Sam’s semen. She flexed the cheeks of her ass, still feeling the stickiness of Sam’s cum in the crack. She was getting excited thinking about Sam cumming on her asshole. She tossed the yoga pants towards her dirty clothes hamper and headed towards the shower.


Sandy grabbed a couple of towels out of the closet and slipped into the shower, turning on the water so it was just the temperature she loved -- she loved for masturbating that is! She slid into the shower under the warm water, enjoying the feel of it running over her body. She just stood under the shower head feeling the stream running across her swollen nipples, sending ripples of pleasure straight to her pussy. She could feel her clit throbbing in desire as the streams of water continually pounded her nipples.


Taking her hands, Sandy started massaging her nipples, tugging and pinching them as she started moaning in pleasure. She grabbed the shower massager out of its holder and turned the water to it. She moved back against the wall and placed her foot up on the built-in seat of the shower. She adjusted herself, spreading her legs comfortably apart so she could fully expose her silken smooth pussy. She reached to her pussy with one hand, spreading herself open and exposing her clit. Taking the shower massager in her other hand, she brought it up to her clit, adjusting the pressure to hit her clit just right to cause her to moan loudly.


Sandy was thinking about Sam’s tongue lapping across her clit and the wet and wonderful feeling it left. She had her head tilted back against the shower wall, moaning in pure ecstasy as the water strummed across her clit. She moved her other hand to her open pussy and pushed two fingers into herself, letting a loud moan escape as she did. Holding the massager closer to her clit, she was fingering herself as fast as she could, but her fingers just weren’t reaching the spot she wanted. She needed something to fill her fuller.


Looking around in the shower, Sandy saw her roommate’s wooden back brush lying on the seat. She quickly grabbed it with her hand she’d been using on her pussy. She brought it to her pussy and pushed the handle in quickly, not realizing how big the handle actually was. Even as excited as she is, she grunted at its size, but felt the fullness she desired. Holding the shower massager on her clit and using her other hand to work the handle of the brush in and out of her pussy, she was almost there. Throwing her head back, she moaned, 'Fill me full Sam, stuff that cock in my pussy, your cock feels so good Sam!'


Suddenly stiffening, Sandy began to cum, whimpering and moaning as her orgasm overtook her. She continued running the water across her clit until she couldn’t stand it anymore, finally pulling it away and removing the handle of the brush from her pussy and letting the brush drop to the floor, as she sank to the shower seat, totally spent from her orgasm.


Sam a week or so later.


Well I was worried mightily. Work had kept me away longer than I had planned and I had never called Sandy for the dinner date. I had wanted to give her time to rethink her offer, but damn not this long. I hurriedly gathered up my stuff from the truck and took off for my shop, hoping the whole time I hadn’t blown it with Sandy. I had started to text her I would be gone longer than planned, but didn’t want my next contact with her being a text message “Sorry I can’t call to ask you to dinner because blah blah!” Just not the way I wanted it.


I got to the shop and found an envelope stuck in the door frame. 'Oh boy this might be good; nobody ever leaves me notes on the door.' I was thinking to myself as I approached it. I snatched it off the door, where it was stuck in the frame. I turned it over to see it was from Sandy. My first thought 'Oh shit! This has ended before it got started.' I didn’t want everybody to see me cry over my lost chance at my fantasy girl, so I tucked it in my bag and went on in the door.


As soon as I could drop my stuff inside the door I yanked the envelope out and tore it open. With my heart beating rapidly I pulled out a sheet of paper and unfolded it to read.


Dear Sam,


Your daughter told me you had to be away longer than you had planned. I was hoping for your call, but I understand why I hadn’t got one yet. I decided to drop this off on your door to let you know I’m still waiting for that call. You made me feel so good other day and I so want to see you again.


Kisses until I see you again,




First thought that popped into my mind was, 'Holy shit she still wants me to call!' I had to calm down a bit before calling her, but then I looked at the clock, 11:45pm, well that might not be the best time to call. I decided to hell with and grabbed my phone and dialed Sandy’s number.


It started ringing and after the sixth ring I was about to hang up when I heard a voice that stopped my heart for a moment.


“Hello!” Sandy mumbled into the phone.


“Hi Sandy, it’s Sam, I hope I didn’t wake you,” I replied.


Instantly her voice perked up. “Hi Sam, I wasn’t sure when I’d be hearing from you. Your daughter said you were going to be gone until the end of the week.” she replied.


“Well I pushed to get back. I have a dinner date to make, hopefully. Would you go to dinner with me, Sandy?” I said.

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“Oh Sam, I would love to go to dinner with you. How is Friday evening after I get off work? If it’s okay I’ll pack a bag and change at your place,” she replied.


“Sandy I don’t have a problem with you changing here, but my place ain’t the nicest. It’s just an old garage converted for me to have a place to stay and work on the race car,” I told her.


“I’ve been through your place, remember! I think I can make do if you’re okay with it,” she replied.


“Okay as long as you’re sure about it. I’ll leave a key on the underside of the mailbox in case I’m gone or something,” I told her.


“Okay, I’ll see you Friday Sam, bye for now and here is a kiss until I see you,” she said to me.


“Bye till Friday Sandy,” I told her and hung up the phone.


I stood there for a few more minutes thinking about her and then it hit me, I still had almost two days before I got to see her again.


Well time passed pretty quickly for me. I spent most of the next day catching up on stuff around the garage and getting things ready to leave again next week. Friday morning rolled around and I woke to thoughts of Sandy and her splendid body. Smiling to myself, I reached down and rubbed my cock a few times. I couldn’t wait for her to get here.


I spent the day out in the garage working on the race car, until about 3:30 in the afternoon. I went inside to get a shower before Sandy showed up and caught me covered in grease and grime. I tossed my clothes into the dirty clothes hamper and was just about to jump in the shower when my phone went off. I walked over grabbed it up and saw a text from Sandy.


Hi Sam, I’m running a little ahead of schedule, got out of work early. I’ll be over shortly if that’s okay? If I don’t hear from you I’ll assume it is. Also I made a dinner reservation at Gilberts. I hope you don’t mind! TTYL


Oh shit! I thought to myself, I better get in the shower before she gets here. So I went and jumped in.


Sandy arrives at Sam’s


Sandy pulled into Sam’s driveway and didn’t see his car in the drive. She figured he must still be out and about somewhere. She got out and grabbed her bag from the backseat of the car. Sandy went over to the mailbox and felt under it for the key; touching it with her fingers she yanked it out of a piece of tape that had been holding it there. Going over to the door she inserted the key and realized the door was ajar already. She pushed it open and could hear the shower going. Smiling to herself she thought, 'What the hell, I should join him!'


With that thought out of the way, Sandy dropped her bag in the much abused recliner and started shedding her clothes as she went towards the bathroom. As she got to the door all she had on was a pair of soft silky black panties. Taking her hands, she slid them down her legs until she had them off. Balling them up, she stepped around the corner and sent them sailing over the shower enclosure to land on Sam with a start. Smiling she saw him jump as they hit him almost right in the face as he turned towards the bathroom door where she was standing. She had just let them go when he turned, perfect timing.


I let out a startled, “HOLY SHIT!” just as something hit me in the face. I grabbed at it and looked at this ball of black silk. As stood there holding it as I heard somebody laughing at the door. Looking up I could see Sandy through the glazed shower door just about doubled over laughing. I had this ball of silk in my hand and started unballing it, and it was then I realized it was a pair of panties. I slid the shower door open a little to gaze out at Sandy and was slightly shocked to see her standing there naked and laughing.


“Are these your panties?” I asked her.


“MMMM, I don’t know let me check,” she replied. With that she ran her hand down the front of her body and let it glide over her pussy like she trying to touch a pair of panties. She looked up and said, “Nope not mine, I don’t have any.”


“No shit, I’m standing her holding them,” with that I hung them off my finger outside the shower door.


“Here, let me come closer to take a better look,” as she just calmly walked over towards me in the shower. “Well, they look like they could be a pair I had on earlier, maybe I should come in there with you and examine them a little closer.” With that she slid the door open, brushing me back a little and stepped into the shower with me.


She grabbed the panties out of my hand and brought them up to her nose, taking a big sniff of them. “Yep, I think they may have been mine after all. Here take a sniff and see what you think.”


She pushed them up under my nose and I couldn’t help, but take a huge sniff of them. “Oh, I’m not sure if they are yours or my last shower partner’s,” I told her.


“So how many sexy women do you take showers with, Buster?” she demanded.


We were standing there under a rainfall showerhead getting soaked as we chatted about her panties. I couldn’t help but smile at our situation. I wrapped an arm around her drawing her naked body to me, leaning down I kissed her with a long, loving kiss. It felt wonderful having her pressed against me tightly. We broke the kiss and just stared at each other for a few moments. Finally she looked down at my hardening cock and smiled even larger.


“Mmm, looks like somebody is pretty happy to have found some panties,” she said as she reached for my cock.


Sandy took ahold of me and stroked me up and down a few times, causing me to instantly get hard. Smiling, she continued her actions with a steadiness that was belying the effects it was having on me. I was moaning and had to put my hand out to steady myself as she continued her actions. Seeing I was a little unsteady, Sandy pushed me back towards one of the built-in seats in the shower. As I landed a little hard, I was glad I’d spent so much money in here. It was at least a soft cushioned landing on the seat.


Sandy leaned down and kissed the top of my head before kneeling down in front of me. She went back to stroking my cock with a steady motion that was driving me up the walls. Leaning back against...

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Written by Road_Runner
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