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Sam And Sandy, Date Night

"Sam and Sandy continue developing their relationship."

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Sandy, a beautiful, hot friend of my daughter’s, had sex with me as a thank-you when I fixed her car. She then agreed to go on a date with me to a fancy restaurant, Gilbert's, and surprised me by joining me in the shower ahead of time, where she gave me an amazing blowjob. I can’t wait to see what Sandy has in store for me next...



Finally ready for their date


Sandy told me to finish up and let her have the bathroom to get ready. I did as asked and went off to get dressed. I knew going to Gilbert’s I had to be at least somewhat dressed up, but I couldn’t wait to see what she had to wear. So I set about getting dressed.


I picked out purple boxer briefs, black slacks, and a purple button-down shirt. I wasn’t sure what Sandy was planning on wearing, and I was really fretting over my choice. I finished getting dressed and went out to the infamous recliner to wait on Sandy. Just sitting here in the recliner and thinking about Sandy was getting me hard. I tried to redirect my thinking, but I kept hearing her in the bathroom getting ready and my mind kept coming back to her.


Suddenly I heard the bathroom door open and I started to get up. Before I could, Sandy asked where I was and I told her sitting in the recliner. She said, “Good -- stay there!” This left me wondering a bit about what she was up to. I heard her walking in a pair of heels from behind me, the steady click-click of her heels on the floor. Finally, I felt her presence behind and to the side of me, just out of my eyesight.


“Sam, give me your right hand, but don’t turn towards me,” Sandy told me.


I complied as asked and raised my right hand. She took it in hers, bringing it to her lips and kissing the fingers one by one. It was a sexy thing to do, but I was really wondering where this was going. She flattened my hand out and held it to her chest, pulling it down her until I felt the softness of her breasts. She didn’t allow my hand to linger but kept dragging downwards. I could feel the softness of her clothes as I made sure my hand stayed in contact with her body. I felt my hand being dragged down along her thigh until it was at the hem of her skirt. Then, surprising me, she pulled my hand along with her skirt upwards. I could now feel the softness of her thigh. She directed my hand towards her pussy. I was surprised to find the material of her panties was very wet. I could not help but try to curl my fingers to cup her pussy in my hand, but she had other ideas, pulling my hand away quickly.


“Oh no, Sam, you can’t play there yet. You already got to play with these panties,” Sandy said with a small laugh.


Then it hit me why they were so wet.


“So are those the ones you tossed to me in the shower?” I asked her.


“Yes they are; my pussy was on fire so I thought I would cool it off with these, but I seem to be making them wetter for some reason,” she replied with a laugh. I just moaned with the funny from her.


After she let go of my hand I stood up to get a look at her. “Oh my God!” I thought to myself, she was beautiful standing there. She had on a light blue top that buttoned down the front, a shimmering black skirt with silver highlights and silver heels. I stepped back to take her in better, and that was when I noticed that her bra under the shirt stood out quite clearly. It was black with a silver design on it. I looked further along her form and saw she had no stockings on, but with legs like hers, she didn’t need them. Of course, I already knew she had satiny lace panties, which were still wet from our shower.


“Sandy, you are absolutely beautiful!” I said to her, stepping up to her and giving her a kiss.


After the kiss, she pushed me back and appraised me like I had her. I was wearing a pair of casual black slacks, a purple button-down shirt, and black loafers. She dragged her eyes up and down my body, checking me out.


“Nice, Sam, but I have a question for you though. Are you wearing underwear under those pants?” Sandy asked.


“Sure I am, why?” I replied.


“Sam, without asking why, would you take them off for me and go without any on tonight?” she asked.


“If that is what you want, sure I will,” I replied.


I started back towards the bedroom and she stopped me with her hand on my arm as I went past.


“Please, Sam, remove them right here for me,” she asked.


I just stared at her for a moment and then started undoing my belt and slacks. I kicked off my loafers and dropped my slacks to the ground, quickly followed by my underwear. Sandy just watched the whole time with a little smile on her face. Once I had my underwear off, I tossed them to her and she caught them. I started to pull my slacks back on, but Sandy stopped me by reaching out and fondling my cock. She just stroked it back and forth a few times before releasing it.


“Sorry, I just wanted to feel your cock a bit before you tucked it away again,” Sandy told me.


Well, she may have only wanted to feel it, but now I had a semi-hard cock to get back in my slacks; jeez! I gingerly tucked myself away, zipping up before sliding my loafers back on.


“Mmm, that looks nice, Sam,” said Sandy as she was staring at me.


I looked down and could see the outline of my semi-hard cock in the front of my slacks. I said, “I can’t go out like this!” She just smiled and started for the door.


“Sam, are you coming? We are going to be late,” she yelled as she disappeared out the door.


In the car a bit later


I was just cruising down the road towards Gilbert’s when Sandy started shifting around in her seat. We had been just chatting about light things. I would say we talked about those kinds of things you want to learn about in a relationship that is developing, but that wouldn’t be true at all. We were talking about our sexual preferences and desires. We had shared a few of the things that turned us both on. Surprisingly, we had a lot of the same turn-ons.


What we weren’t discussing was where our relationship might be heading. I could only hope it was headed for the longer term, or, at least, a good fucking of my brains out until I had a heart attack and kicked the bucket! I was pretty sure Sandy was perfect, and that I would never find somebody like her again.


I leaned towards her and asked, “Sandy, is there a problem?”


“Yes! This fucking seat fits you like a fucking glove!” she replied to me. She told me to pull over for a minute. I grabbed the first easy place to pull over.


I was a little perplexed as to what she was talking about. She was wiggling around in the seat with her hands under her skirt. I was absolutely not sure what she had going on over there, but as she pulled her skirt up to her waist, I sure liked the view.


“Is there something I can do to help you?” I asked.


“No!” was her reply. With that, I could see she had a hold of her panties and was pulling them down her thighs. With a little more wiggling she had them to her calves, then on down to her ankles and finally off in her hand. I guess I was staring at her like I was in a trance or something because she just looked over at me and smiled a devilish little smile.


“Ah, what was that all about, Sandy?” I asked.


“I had you remove your undies, and after considering it for a bit I decided it was only fair if I went commando too,” she replied, smiling.


I have to say I wasn’t minding seeing her sit there with her skirt pulled up to her waist with no panties on. I started to lean towards her, and she put a hand out to stop me but leaned towards me for a quick kiss.


“We don’t have time for anything else right now, Sam, it’s almost six and we have reservations,” she said, backing away.


I didn’t care about the reservations at this point, but I could see I wasn’t going to get anywhere with her at the moment. So I pulled back out and headed on towards Gilbert’s. I was just pulling into the valet parking area when I noticed Sandy hadn’t pulled her skirt down and you could still get a pretty good view of her pussy; probably even better if you happened to be standing by the passenger door to open it like the valets do.


“Sandy, are you going to pull your skirt down before we get up to the valet?” I asked her.


“No, it’s too damn hard to move in this seat to get it down,” she replied.


“Well you’re giving me quite the show, and I’m pretty sure the valet opening your door is going to get a better one,” I told her.


“Do you have a problem with it? I mean you’re going to have tongues wagging walking in with me anyhow, because I’m pretty sure with it being Friday night there will be people who know me and your daughter here,” she said.


Oh shit, I hadn’t thought about that. I knew a bunch of the college kids worked here as waiters and stuff, but it never occurred to me that I might run into a friend of my daughter’s here. I kind of went blank for a second and had to swallow a few times before my brain re-engaged.


“Are you okay, Sam? You just went kind of pasty over there for a minute,” Sandy asked with a look of concern on her face now.


“I was so excited to go to dinner with you I never thought about us coming here or being seen together,” I blurted out while guiding the car ever-so-closer to the valet area.


With a little heat in her voice, Sandy asked, “Is there a problem with that?”


I realized I had just possibly screwed up a good thing. “No, there isn’t a problem with it. If you’re okay being seen with me, I’m okay being seen with you,” I replied back to her.


With a tenderness that had none of the previous heat in it, she replied, “Sam, I knew we would be seen tonight. That’s why I picked this place for us to go to dinner. I’ve always wanted to be near you and now we are here together. I don’t want to hide like we are ashamed of it, and fuck what anybody else thinks, especially that ex-wife of yours! I hope she finds out; it was her loss and my gain. So let’s go to dinner so this valet quits staring at my exposed pussy; he's about to drool on the window.”

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Hearing that snapped my attention back to where we were, and I realized I had come to a stop in the valet area. Okay, good thing I didn’t run over anybody I guess, because I sure as hell didn’t remember getting to here.


I leaned towards Sandy and she leaned towards me. I gave her a soft kiss and reached and patted her thigh just below her pussy. I think I did see some drool appear on the window at that point.


Laughing, I said, “Let’s go to dinner.”


I stepped out of the car and handed the young man on my side the keys, and the young man on Sandy’s side opened the door for her and just stared at her as she got out and smoothed her skirt down. I thought to myself “Poor kid just doesn’t know what he is missing!” laughing lightly to myself.


The hostess met us as we walked in the door.


“How may we help you tonight?” asked the hostess.


“We have a six o’clock reservation,” I replied.


“The name for the reservation, please?” she asked.


I looked at Sandy because I had no idea what name she had used.


Sandy spoke up and told her, “Hanes.”


“This way Mr. and Mrs. Hanes, I’ll show you to your seat,” the hostess replied.


Caught off guard a little, I raised my eyebrows at Sandy and she just smiled and shrugged. Quite obviously, she didn’t mind being Mrs. Hanes tonight.


The hostess led us towards the back where some secluded booths were located. They were surrounded by walls and sound-deadening material for privacy. I looked over at Sandy and she just had this little smile on her face. The hostess stopped at about the most isolated booth at Gilbert’s.


“Here you go as requested, Mrs. Hanes when you made the reservation. If you’d like I’ll have your waiter come and get your drink orders right away. After that just push the button on the table to call your waiter. Please enjoy your dinner,” the hostess told us and disappeared.


The waiter came by and got our drink orders. He returned a few minutes later and left us alone with instructions to use the buzzer when we needed him.


Sandy and I sat there and chatted for a few minutes as we were drinking our wine, but we were slowly inching closer to each other as if drawn by magnets. We eventually wound up in each other’s arms making out. I was holding her head in one hand as I was kissing her while the other was sliding up her thigh. I slowly made my way to Sandy’s bare pussy, running my hand across her pussy, feeling her wetness. She moaned into my mouth as we kissed. I continued to stroke her pussy with soft touches until she started pushing herself at my hand. I slid two fingers into her soft tunnel, reveling at just how wet she was. I was using my thumb to stroke her wet clit as I fingered her.


She was starting to get a little louder, so she buried her head into my shoulder to smother her moans and gasps as I continued to work at bringing her to an orgasm right there in the restaurant. I was thankful for the seclusion the private booth provided.


Without any warning, Sandy suddenly clamped her legs closed on my hand as her orgasm overtook her. In her excitement, trying to keep from crying out, she bit into my shoulder. This caused a much louder gasp of pain from me than her orgasm was causing from her.


Sandy finally relaxed, releasing my hand and my now-aching shoulder from her grasp. I reached up with my dry hand and rubbed my shoulder. Sandy just stared at me for a minute, and then burst out laughing. I quit rubbing my shoulder and handed her a cloth napkin from the table as I took another one to clean up my hand. I watched as she wet the napkin with some water from her glass and lightly cleaned her pussy and thighs up. After she was comfortable enough to get up, she went to the bathroom to finish up. I watched her walk away and just smiled at the ass swaying as she walked away.


While Sandy was gone I ordered our dinner. It was brought out and we enjoyed a great meal of steak and lobster. Then we chose a couples-size piece of cheesecake to share for dessert.


We behaved during dinner, but during dessert, Sandy decided she wanted to play a bit. She started rubbing my cock through my slacks, getting me hard. She would trace her fingers along my shaft to the head and gently stroke just the tip with one finger before running down the length of my shaft again - never really a hard touch, just a light, caressing touch designed to drive me crazy.


During this whole time, we were feeding each other the cheesecake and sharing kisses. She tasted so good with the cheesecake on her lips. Finally, she leaned into me saying she wanted someplace more private so we could be naked. Okay, it didn’t take long to ring up the waiter and pay the bill after that!


When we walked out to the valets, the same young man that had opened the door for Sandy was jolly-on-the-spot again. Sandy slid into the car, pulling her skirt up, but not quite enough to flash him again. He seemed very disappointed in this, for which I couldn’t blame him. She had a very lovely pussy to stare at. Besides, he would have gotten the bonus of seeing her still a little wet and swollen from her orgasm earlier. 


We left Gilbert’s and headed back to my place. The whole ride back, Sandy kept leaning over and tracing my cock through my slacks or leaning back flashing me her pussy. If she wanted me to stay hard on the trip home, well, I did.


Back at my place


We no sooner got in the door than we were all over each other. We worked our way through the living room and down the hall, leaving clothes in our wake. By the time we got...

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Written by Road_Runner
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