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Kiss My Freckle, Too.

"My aunt takes matters into her own hands when my cousins go too far"

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The door creaked open and closed again quickly, barely illuminating the person entering the darkness of my bedroom. A glance at the clock showed it was just after two, and the bed moved as she climbed up and knelt next to my waist. I stayed quiet, unable to determine who it was, and felt her hand rub my crotch and wake up my slumbering dick. Her fingers ran over the bulge as it grew and my erection swelled. A little giggle escaped her lips.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"I want to play some more," the voice answered.

I still wasn't sure who it was but lifted the blanket off to the side, revealing the now-bulging shorts I was wearing. Her hand slipped under the waistband, the fingers dragging slowly along the shaft down my balls and then back up again before circling the swollen tip. I tugged my shorts down and kicked them off, giving her full access to my nude body, and enjoyed the feel of her hands exploring. I felt her tongue on my tip, gentle, tentative licks, and held my cock with one hand, circling the finger and thumb around the bottom and squeezing gently. The fat tip swelled even more and her tongue began to travel up and down, slathering me with her spit and making me hard as a rock.

Her mouth went over the tip and swallowed it, making me moan, and she began bobbing up and down slowly. I put my other hand on her head and pushed slightly, hearing her gag when my tip touched her throat, and she pulled away. With a quick movement, she straddled my waist, lining herself up with my rigid pole, and lowered herself down onto me, taking the tip inside of her silky hot wetness. A little moan passed her lips before she began moving up and down slowly, taking me in inch by inch, finally settling down with a groan when my whole length was gripped tightly.

My hands went to her waist and I moved her back and forth, showing her how to grind into me and use my swollen prick to massage her insides. Once she began moving I reached up and cupped her tits, kneading and squeezing while she rode me, and slid one hand down her tummy to her pussy. Fuzz. It was Nicole.

"Lean back a little, Nicole," I whispered. "Put your hands behind you."

She did as I instructed, pushing the length of my cock against the front wall of her pussy, and I moved my hips slowly. Her head went back and she let out a moan, feeling my throbbing, swollen meat press into her, and wriggled her hips. It only took a minute for her to climax, and her body quivered in my hands until it passed. She lowered her head and fell forward, resting on my chest.

"Holy shit," she moaned softly.

My cock was ready to burst after being swollen and massaged, and I struggled not to thrust into her while she lay still.

"I'm going to cum," I whispered. "You need to get off of me."

"I don't want to," she pouted.

"Nicole, I can't cum in you," I hissed.

"I know," she sighed, moving her body forward and allowing me to slip out.

She rolled off of me and onto her back, letting out a sigh. I waited until the throbbing subsided, then moved between her legs again.

"Want me to fuck you a little more?" I asked. "Then I will pull out."

"Yes," she giggled, wriggling her hips.

I slipped inside and thrust my hips, burying my cock in her again, and began pumping quickly. The pressure built and I knew I was pushing it.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum," I hissed, gritting my teeth as I struggled to keep my load in.

"Do it!" she urged. "Cum all over me!"

I pulled out, thrust my hips forward and her hand grabbed hold of my pulsing pole, jerking me off. The feeling was intense and exciting, adding to the eruption, and ropes of thick cum streamed out of the throbbing tip, hitting her in the face, chin, tits, and tummy. My knees shook and my stomach clenched tight as the massive orgasm worked me over, her hand continuing to milk me until the last drops dribbled onto her fingers. I collapsed on top of her, panting heavily, and she giggled and held my head buried in the nape of her neck. The sweat and cum glued our bodies together as we lay quietly, recovering from the intense encounter, and she ran her fingers through my hair. After about ten minutes I moved myself up, peeling my chest and stomach from hers, and gave her a gentle kiss.

"That was fucking intense," I sighed. "You feel so good."

"Oh, it was," she agreed. "So, so good."

I moved away and lay next to her, cuddling with my hand cupping her perky breast, and almost dozed off.

"Oh, hey, you have to go to your own room," I reminded her. "We can't sleep together like this."

"I know," she replied softly. "Just another minute, okay?"


I shook her again after a few minutes, waking her from her slumber, and pat her on the hip.

"Come on, you have to go, Nicole."

She giggled and turned towards me, giving me a kiss, and then climbed out of bed.

"Don't forget your shirt," I reminded.

"I didn't have one on," she replied with a giggle. "Good night."

She slipped out the door and I lay my head down on the pillow, letting out a deep breath and relaxing. The sound of hushed voices in the hallway caught my attention, and I moved from the bed to the door to listen. I couldn't make out the words, but it was two female voices, and I cracked the door open slowly to see Nicole and her mom talking quietly in the hall. I should have panicked, but the sight of Aunt Julie in just her panties, her big tits swaying around during the animated discussion, had me mesmerized. She glanced to the door and I stepped back, hoping she didn't see me, and quietly nudged it closed. I returned to bed and stared up at the ceiling, wondering what the morning was going to bring.


The day on the golf course was fun, listening to the stories and jokes of my dad and Uncle Gerard. The best was when the cart girls came around, young hotties in short shorts and crop tops, with tight little buns and big tits jiggling freely. They flirted and teased, working big tips from them, and the little redhead took a shine to me. The rest of the day, and in the clubhouse, was all about teasing me about her, and I loved it.

We arrived home later in the evening, finding the woman out by the pool. I joined the girls in the pool, swimming and talking about our day, teasing each other under the water. My aunt was keeping an eye on us, and when we got out to go watch movies downstairs she told us to watch in the living room.

“We will be out here anyway,” she explained. “So you can stay upstairs.”

The tone in her voice meant it was not up for discussion. The girls gave each other a glance and headed into the house while I dried off, and when I went Aunt Julie followed me inside.

“Don’t forget to put a shirt on,” she teased.

I nodded and went to my room, putting on my sweatpants and a T-shirt before returning to the living room. We watched a movie together on the couch, my aunt popping in and out of the kitchen and looking in on us. Finally, we decided to head to bed, and Nicole whispered in my ear.

“My mom told me to stay out of your room and keep my door locked, so I won’t be able to visit tonight.”

“Oh. Uh, okay.”

We all went to our rooms. I slipped off my sweats and shirt and lay down nude on the bed, my mind a mix of thoughts and fears. Obviously, my aunt knew what happened with Nicole, and I wondered who else knew. My dad and Gerard had said nothing so I assumed they knew nothing about it, which was a good thing, and my mom hadn't said anything or acted any different. My cock was stiffening at the thoughts of the previous day, and my hand reached for it on it's own accord, gently stroking it hard. I closed my eyes and pictured Nicole on top of me, only pausing when the door cracked open and someone slipped into the dark room. She sat on the bed and put her hand on my chest.

"What are you doing? Your mom told you to stay in your room!" I whispered.

"She didn't tell me that," Tina giggled. "She only talked to Nicole."

Tina's hand grasped my cock and pumped it a few times.

"It's my turn to play. I want you to lick me again."

"Put your pussy over my face, then you can suck me while I lick you," I suggested.

Tina giggled and moved around, putting her thighs on both sides of my head and leaning her chest on my stomach. We moved around until the positioning was good for us both, and I slurped away at her wet slit while she took me into her mouth. I loved the taste of her little snatch, and the more I licked the wetter she got. She tried taking my whole length in her mouth and gagged, pulling away and leaving drool dripping onto me. Her tongue twirled a few times and she began wriggling when I buzzed my tongue over her clit. Her hips bucked and she let out a groan, wetting my face with her cream when the orgasm peaked, and I kept up the pressure until she came a second time.

Tina lay on top of me, her head on my hip, gasping and panting while the orgasms subsided and she caught her breath. I gently rolled her off of me and moved around behind her, grabbing her around the waist and lifting her ass up so she was on her knees. I held her firm cheeks in my hands and slid my tip into her dripping pout, sinking in half my length in one push, and began pumping furiously. My cock slammed into her, the need to cum building quickly, and my hands gripped her hips tightly as the pressure built. I pulled out and jerked my cock, spraying a stream up her back and splattering her firm little cheeks with my hot cream just as the door opened and the light turned on.

My aunt stood in the doorway with her eyes wide and mouth open, watching while I blasted my huge load over Tina's ass, and we locked eyes. She stepped inside and closed the door, her hand covering her mouth. The sight of her watching added to my feverish excitement, and the fact she was wearing only panties and a bra added to the arousal. My body reacted and another jet of cum flew out, my balls working overtime, and I kept jerking until the last drop dripped onto the crack of her ass.

"Both of you?" she hissed. "My god, you two girls!"

I sat back on my heels, my cock softened, and I looked at her. Tina sat up, cum running down her back and off of her cheeks, soaking the blanket, and sucked on her lower lip. I wasn't sure what to say so I stayed quiet.

"Tina, go have a shower and clean up," Aunt Julie said sternly. "Jesus, your back is covered."

I grabbed my shirt from the floor and wiped her down quickly, sopping up what I could, and Tina slowly stood up.

"Get going, and be quick getting there. Your dad is asleep, I hope!"

Tina nodded and kept her head down as she passed by and opened the door, slipping away and leaving the door open.

"We are going to be having a talk tomorrow," she sighed, gesturing to me and then to herself.

My eyes kept dropping to her chest and thighs, taking in her mature curves and smooth skin.

"Eyes up here," she chided, pointing to her eyes.

"Sorry," I mumbled. "You just"

"Hmph," she grunted before a smirk developed. "You get to sleep, we will talk in the morning."

She turned around and left, turning off the light and closing the door behind her. I slumped onto the bed and let out a deep breath, wondering what tomorrow would bring.


After a shower I went to the kitchen for breakfast, full of dread and a little fear over what I would find. The only ones in the kitchen were my mom and aunt, sitting at the table and sipping on coffee mugs, and neither one had a smile.

"Good morning," I offered quietly, avoiding eye contact.

"Good morning," Mom replied. "I suspect you slept well, based on the... activity... you had with Tina last night?"

A big lump developed in the pit of my stomach, and I focused on pouring coffee into the mug.

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"Have a seat," she instructed, pulling out a chair.

I sat in the chair and put my mug on the table.

"Your aunt told me about your late-night rendezvouses," she informed me.

"Look," I sighed. "It just happened."

"We get it," she replied. "You are all young and attractive, with raging hormones and interest in sex."

"We were that way once, too," Aunt Julie added.

"So we have discussed it, and I am going to leave it up to Aunt Julie to deal with the situation."

"Uh, okay."

"The girls are gone with your dad and uncle for the day, and I'm going shopping in a while. In the meantime, you get clean-up duty. You can start with the dishes," pointing to the sink. "Then whatever Aunt Julie needs you do around here."

"Okay," I agreed, shrugging my shoulders. I felt I was getting off pretty easy.

"Now, we have talked to the girls, but not your dad or your uncle," she continued. "They won't hear about it unless there are issues. Understand?"

"Yes. Clear as a bell," I replied.

I wasn't going to risk having to deal with Gerard and would keep my dick to myself.

"Have some cereal or toast, then clean up the kitchen."

They picked up their mugs and went outside, sitting at the patio table while I had some toast and began cleaning up. Mom disappeared for a while and returned with her purse, getting the keys to Aunt Julie's car, and patting me on the shoulder.

"I will see you in a few hours," she said, kissing my cheek.

She left and Aunt Julie came into the kitchen, putting her mug in the sink for me to wash, and told me to let her know when I was done. She smiled and disappeared down the hallway to the main bedroom without another word. I washed, dried, and put away the dishes, then wiped the counter and table clean before getting the broom and sweeping the floor. Satisfied with the job I had done, I went to the hallway and called for Aunt Julie.

"In here," she replied from the bedroom.

I wandered down the hall and stopped in the doorway. She was laying on the bed wearing just a white t-shirt, her hips and tops of her thighs barely covered, and gestured for me to come into the room. She patted the bed beside her.

"Have a seat," she invited. "Don't be shy."

I sat on the bed, struggling not to let my eyes wander, and moved until I was comfortable with my sudden erection. My dick lay against my thigh, the tip barely covered by the hem of my shorts, and I tried to make the swelling go away to no avail.

"So, tell me how this all started."

"Well, we just talking and Tina made a comment to Nicole, and Nicole said, "kiss my freckle!", I explained honestly. "I asked where that expression came from, and Tina said Nicole had a freckle she doesn't have."

"So you asked to see it?"

"No, Nicole just showed me."

"Oh, I see," she mused teasingly. "And you kissed her freckle?"

"Uh, well, yeah," I shrugged. "I mean, it was right there... and, you know."

She giggled and rolled onto her side facing me, the t-shirt rising up and leaving her hip uncovered. The band of a red thong was obvious against her smooth, creamy skin.

"And she told Tina, I suppose?"

"Yeah," I answered, my eyes glued to her shapely hip.

"I see. Well, they have always shared everything, so I'm not really surprised," she chuckled. "So you know Tina does not have a freckle, obviously."

"Yeah, I checked," I admitted with a grin.

She chuckled and lifted her knee, exposing the thong between her legs barely covering her pussy. A little wisp of blonde was visible. She moved her hand down to her hip and moved it across her thigh, pausing when she reached the edge of the red triangle.

"I have one, too," she admitted with a wry smile. "Would you like to see it?"

"Yes," I replied after swallowing hard.

My cock was now pushing out of the leg of my shorts, the fat tip almost purple, and her eyes moved between it and my face. Her fingers slid under the material and slowly pulled it down, revealing the same freckle in the same spot.

"See? The same freckle as she has."

"It's beautiful," I sighed.

"Haha," she giggled. "Would you like to kiss my freckle, too?"

She pushed her hip towards me, giving me a full view of the little spot next to her fuzz, and I leaned over and planted my lips on it, getting a whiff of her aroma. She moved away so I sat up, and she put her hand on my knee.

"Now, I know a young man like you is constantly horny, and being around two pretty girls has obvious effects on your body… and your brain."

She rolled onto her back and put her arms over her head, stretching the shirt tight over her tits and exposing her waist and hips fully. Her nipples were little tents in the top, poking up and teasing me.

"I talked with your mom, and she agreed...

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Written by 1meanjean
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