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Kiss My Freckle Again

"I find out my cousins like to share"

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Author's Notes

"As requested, here is a follow up to Kiss My Freckle - I suggest you read it first."

All day Nicole stayed with me, and when I saw the opportunity to slip into the pharmacy in the mall she followed me inside. I searched for and found the condoms, grabbing a few as I had nowhere to hide a box, and quickly went to the cashier. The woman glanced at Nicole, smirked, and put them in a bag.

“Anything else?” she asked, teasingly.

“Uh, no thanks,” I replied sheepishly.

“You have a good day,” she chirped, smiling at Nicole and handing me the bag.

Nicole blushed and looked down, looking back at her once when we reached the exit.

“Oh god, she knows!” she whispered nervously.

“So what?” I shrugged. “Does she know you?”


“Then it doesn’t matter.”

“Hey, where did you go?” Tina asked, coming up behind us.

I shoved the bag in my pocket, pulled out the gum I had, and held it up.

“To buy gum. Want some?”

“Sure,” she replied, grabbing it from my hand.

She took two pieces and handed it to Nicole.

“What else,” she asked.


“You had a bag in your hand.”

“Just had the gum in it.”

“The lady put it in a bag,” Nicole answered. “Waste of a bag I think.”

“What did you do with it?”

“Are you the bag police or something?” Nicole teased. “Where’s the bag? What’s in the bag? Show me the bag.”

“Oh, shut up,” Tina snarled. “I want to hang out, too. You guys have been together all day.”

I put my arm around her waist and pulled her next to me, falling into step with her.

“So hang out,” I invited. “What do you want to do?”

Nicole slide in on the other side and put my arm around her waist, then reached behind and held Tina’s hand.

“Go home and swim in the pool,” she laughed. “I’m tired of following them around everywhere.”

“How about the arcade?” Nicole offered. “You always say there’s cute guys there.”

“Yeah! Let’s go check it out,” Tina agreed, looking at me. “Maybe some cute girls will be there, too.”

“None cuter than you two,” I quipped.

They both giggled and we walked to the arcade, looking around at the machines. I spotted a pinball machine I liked and went to play while they strolled around. A few minutes later they came back and tugged at my shirt.

“Come with us to the Photo Booth,” Tina urged.

“Yeah, we want some pictures with you!” Nicole added, grabbing my hand.

We went to the booth and squeezed in, one on either side of me, and took a bunch of pictures of us laughing and making faces, and then with them both kissing me on the cheeks at the same time. Suddenly Nicole turned my head and kissed me on the lips as the camera flashed. Tina giggled and pulled my face her way, doing the same but adding a little tongue. Nicole took another turn, sticking her tongue in my mouth, and Tina giggled.

“My turn!” she laughed, mashing her mouth on mine and twirling her tongue.

I felt Nicole’s hand on my crotch, squeezing my hardening bulge, and she giggled at the expression on my face. Tina pulled away finally and smiled.

“Hey, you’re a good kisser!” she giggled.

“So are you,” I admitted.

“Yeah, he is,” Nicole added with a smirk while squeezing my bulge.

“Let’s go get some ice cream or something,” Tina suggested, shifting in my lap.

She glanced down at my crotch, seeing Nicole’s hand on my bulge, and giggled.

“Looks like someone really liked our kisses,” she teased, looking at Nicole. “Maybe we should do more of that.”

She put her hand next to Nicole’s and felt the tip of my cock, giving it a little squeeze.

“Maybe a few more pictures,” she suggested, pulling down my zipper.

Nicole pressed the button and the camera flashed as my cock was pulled out and stroked by them both. I was hard as a rock as the two hands stroked and squeezed.

“Oh, nice dick, cuz,” Tina praised. “You ready to cum?”

“Not yet,” I admitted. “Getting close.”

Nicole moved and leaned her head down, taking me into her mouth and sucking while Tina kept pumping her fist.

“Hey, I want a turn,” Tina giggled.

Nicole pulled away and grabbed my shaft, allowing Tina to take her place, and stroked me as Tina slurped up and down.

“Fuck, I’m going to blow,” I gasped.

Tina kept her mouth on me and Nicole pumped her hand until I popped, pumping my load into Tina’s mouth. She kept most of it in, pulling up and swallowing quickly. Nicole pushed her head away and took me into her mouth, sucking the last of my cum out. She sat up and smiled, licking her lips and wiping her chin.

“Oh, that was fucking hot!” Tina laughed, wiping cum from the corner of her mouth.

I just moaned and nodded while they giggled together and pulled the photos out, looking at them and laughing. Tina showed me the last sheets, with the tops of their heads and my orgasmic expressions, and laughed.

“I’m keeping these,” she announced, shoving them in her purse. “I want to look at them later.”

I tucked myself into my pants and zipped up after they left the booth, listening to them giggle and talk about sucking me off together, and heard Nicole tell Tina about last night and that I bought condoms for later. When I stepped out Tina tapped my pocket and giggled.

“Hope you got enough.”

We left the arcade and found our parents in the food court, having coffee. We sat with them, telling them that we were in the arcade. Tina pulled out a few sheets of the photos and showed them, keeping the last few sheets in her purse. My mom and aunt laughed, then insisted that I go to the booth with them and take the same photos.

I ended up with them sitting on either side of me, kissing my reddened cheeks and hugging me like the girls had. Getting kissed and teased made me hard again, and the thought of unzipping like with the girls crossed my horny mind for an instant. My aunt grabbed the sheets and we stepped out the booth, both of them glancing at the bulge in my pants before I was able to it cover up. My aunt whispered something to my mom and they both laughed, making my face redden as I blushed with the embarrassment of getting caught with a boner by them.

They compared the photos with the ones the girls took, giggling at my expressions in both sets and at how similar they looked. My mom and aunt are not twins, but are only a year apart in age and look so similar they sometimes get mistaken for each other, so it looked as if I was getting smooched by two sets of twins.

The rest of the day was frustrating, with the girls teasing me with hugs, touches, and rubbing against me, and I fought to control the erections that continued to occur. By the time we arrived home that evening my balls ached, and I quickly changed into my trunks and went for a swim in the pool to cool them down.

Nicole and Tina soon joined me, wearing their little bikinis, and started teasing me once more. Hands on my crotch and ass kept me hard, and when our parents came out to the pool the girls finally relented and gave me a little space. I watched my aunt and mom stroll around, both wearing two piece suits in red, and I found myself comparing their bodies. I soon realized they were the older versions of the twins, and found myself hard again. I gave my head a shake when I remembered who I was looking at, and when they settled into their chairs I turned my attention back to the girls and swam over to them, deciding now it was my turn to tease.

Moving up behind Tina I put my hand on her ass, sliding it between her cheeks and rubbing her pussy with my fingers. She shot me a look, then looked over at our parents to ensure they couldn't see. She held onto the side of the pool with one hand and parted her legs slightly, giving my fingers room to move, and Nicole bobbed in front of us and watched me play with her sister's pussy.

I stopped before she could cum and moved to Nicole, grabbing her around the waist from behind and rubbing my cock between her cheeks. She laughed and pulled away, turning to splash water at me, and I chased her around the pool for a few minutes. I noticed my aunt watching and refrained from groping her again until she turned her attention back to my mom and dad. Nicole surprised me by reaching down and grabbing my cock through my trunks, giving it a squeeze and whispering in my ear.

"Let's go in and watch a movie," she teased. "I keep thinking about you kissing my freckle again."

"Me, too," I admitted. "I'd like to kiss it now."

"What are two whispering about?" Tina asked as she joined us.

"We are going to go watch a movie, like last night," Nicole replied with a sly grin.

"Well, I'm coming to watch movies, too, so you have to share," she replied.

"Maybe," Nicole giggled. "After he kisses my freckle again."

Tina opened her mouth and gasped, glancing over at our parents.

"He did that?" she asked in a hushed voice.

"Yes, and he's really good at it," Nicole giggled.

Tina pouted and looked at me with puppy eyes.

"I don't have a freckle," she sighed, sticking her lower lip out.

"That's okay," I laughed. "I'll find something to kiss."

Tina laughed and nodded, then began swimming away.

"See you in the basement," she said before getting out of the pool.

"Put those sweats on again," Nicole added, giving me a wink. "Meet you down there in a bit."

She joined Tina out of the pool and I watched them towel off, hearing them say we were going to the basement to watch some movies. My aunt and mom got up, and the four of them talked for a moment, giving me double vision for a few moments. It was like a time warp, and I was sure my mom and aunt looked just like the twins when they were that age. I glanced over and saw my dad's eyes taking in the twins, sweeping up and down and stopping at the little bums clad in bikini bottoms. He blinked a few times and shook his head, clearing the undoubtedly dirty thoughts from his mind, and his eyes moved to my aunt. Horny old bastard, I thought to myself as I swam to the edge and climbed out of the pool.

Aunt Julie grabbed a towel and held it out in her hands.

"Come and dry off," she invited.

I steeped over to her and she wrapped her arms around me, smothering me in the towel, and hugged me against her chest.

"Ooh, you're such a sweetheart," she teased. "I used to hug you like this after giving you a bath, you know."

I must have blushed as my mom and dad both laughed.

"And then we would cuddle for a while until you fell asleep," she continued, wiggling her hips and rocking me side to side. My cock was pressing into her lower tummy and I felt her push against me, obviously feeling it, and she gave me a sly grin before moving away a bit. Her hand moved up to my face and she ran her finger along my jaw, stopping at my chin.

"You always were a good cuddler," she giggled before moving away.

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I saw my mom notice the bulge in my shorts and turn her head away with a smirk on her face. She stepped in front of my dad, blocking his view of my bulging shorts, and told me to go change into something dry. I nodded and took the towel, wrapping it around my waist to hide the bulge, and headed into the house to change.

I slipped two condoms into the pocket of my sweatpants, hoping they were not visible under the thin grey cloth, and passed through the kitchen to get to the basement stairs.

“Don’t you think you will be cold without a shirt on?” Aunt Julie asked.

I hadn’t noticed her. I paused and shrugged.

“If I get cold, I’ll grab a shirt,” I replied.

“Hmm, you do seem very warm-blooded, so I’m sure you will be fine,” she teased.

She put her hand on my shoulder and ran it down my chest and stomach, stopping at the waist of my sweatpants, keeping her eyes on mine. Her eyes sparkled, blue like Nicole’s, and she had a sexy smirk on her face.

“Besides, I’m sure the girls will help you keep warm. They like to cuddle, too.”

She stepped away and went to the fridge, leaving me hot and bothered, and I continued on to the basement. I sat on the couch and pondered how quickly she was able to arouse me with just a look and a touch, and when the girls joined me I was hard and horny. My balls ached from the teasing and arousal I endured all day, and needed some relief soon

They were both wearing long t-shirts, and when Nicole curled up beside me I could see there were no panties. Tina turned on the TV and sat down on the other side of me, lifting my arm and putting it over her shoulder. My hand hung loosely, my fingertips touching her breast, and I glanced at the stairs.

“They are outside,” she assured me.

Nicole kissed me first, her hungry lips pressing against mine as she pulled my head to the side. Her tongue flickered against mine for a moment, then ran over my lips before she pulled away. Tina pulled my face towards hers and did the same, pushing her tongue into my mouth, and I felt Nicole put her hand into my sweats and grasp my swollen cock. She stroked a few times, then let go and lay back on the couch.

“I want you to kiss my freckle again,” she whispered.

“Go ahead,” Tina urged. “I will watch the stairs.”

I moved to the floor and kneeled down with my face between Nicole’s thighs, admiring the blonde fuzz and giving her freckle a few kisses. I began licking and moved down to her pussy, running my tongue through the wet slit and pushing in between. She writhed and wriggled while I licked, squeezing her thighs together when I sucked her little nub and brought her to orgasm. When she relaxed I sat back and looked at Tina.

“Your turn,” I told her. “Lay back.”

Tina moved quickly and spread her legs, showing me her glistening, cleanly shaved slit. Another way to tell them apart. I quickly moved in to taste her, licking and kissing her juicy little pussy while she moaned and wriggled.

“Ooh, that feels so good.”

“Isn’t it the best?” Nicole giggled. “I love it.”

Tina quivered and held my head with her hands, covering my face with her creamy juice as she climaxed. When she relaxed and took her hands away I moved up and kissed her, putting my wet mouth on hers and pushing my tongue in her mouth.

“My turn,” Nicole announced. “I want you to fuck me.”

I moved over and yanked my sweats down, my aching cock ready to go, and got between her legs. After lining up I pushed in, burying the tip and holding it there for a moment, then began pumping my hips and working myself deeper. She felt so good and I fucked her faster, knowing I wouldn’t last much longer, and suddenly remembered the condoms. I pulled out and paused.

“Fuck, I need a condom,” I said, fumbling in my pocket.

I opened the wrapper and pulled it over my throbbing cock, then slid back inside of her hot little pussy. The feeling was close to the same as her tight pussy squeezed and I pumped vigorously.

“Hey, don’t forget about me,” Tina said, putting her hand on my back.

“Watch the stairs,” Nicole gasped.

“I want to get fucked, too,” she pouted.

“You will, don’t worry,” I promised. “Oh fuck!”

My cock exploded, filling the condom with my huge load. I grit my teeth to keep from groaning loudly and pounded myself into Nicole as the massive orgasm shook my body, emptying my aching balls and sapping my energy. I slipped out and sat back on my heels, gasping and catching my breath. After a moment I peeled the condom off and tied the end, placing it on the lower shelf of the coffee table.

"Oh, that was fun," Nicole purred. "It feels so good."

She sat up and looked at Tina.

"I'll go up and make popcorn," she told her. "Then you don't need to worry about anyone coming down."

Tina nodded in agreement and lay back on the couch with her legs spread, running her fingers over her wetness, and Nicole went upstairs.

"Play with me again," Nicole pleaded. "I'm so horny after watching you fuck her."

I moved over between her legs, putting my hands on her knees, and ran my fingers along her inner thighs. I teased her with my finger tips, letting them graze around the edges of her glistening wet peach, making sure not to touch between her folds. She wriggled and giggled, reaching down to grab my hands.

"Ooh, touch me, please," she pleaded, sucking her lower lip.

She let go of my hands and I slid two fingers along her slit, getting them wet before pushing them in her tight little hole. She moaned when they slid inside and I slowly fingered her, making sure to rub them along the upper wall. Soon she began moving her hips, trying to take more of my fingers inside, and I put my thumb on the little hood of her nub. Tina gasped and began bucking when my thumb rubbed her nub and my fingers worked her pussy, covering her mouth with her hand to keep quiet as the orgasm hit. She shuddered and groaned, the sounds and sight of her cumming making me hard again, and I didn't stop until she quit quivering. When she did I stood up and hung my hardening cock in front of her.

"Suck me hard...

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Written by 1meanjean
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