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A First Class Service - Part 1

"Two teen girls find an ingenious way to make money"

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It was a dull, chilly day in January and the mist hung in the air like a veil. Daisy looked out of her kitchen window as her flatmate Katie was brewing a pot of Douwe Egberts.

"I don't think it's going to get properly light today," observed Daisy, brushing her long strawberry blonde hair away from her eyes.

"Pfft..." scoffed Katie. "I hate this kind of weather. Too cold to go out."

"I know. Thanks," said Daisy, taking a cup of coffee from her friend.

Daisy sat at the breakfast bar and scrolled through her Facebook timeline and then saw that she had had an email notification. It was from their energy supplier.

"So are we having a duvet day then, or what?" asked Katie.

"How much!" exclaimed Daisy, not processing the question.

Daisy turned her phone towards the redhead, displaying their latest bill.

"What... tell me that's a mistake," said Katie, incredulously.

"If only. I knew it was going up, and that's after the government rebate."

"How are we gonna pay it?" asked Katie. We've already cut down on non-essentials and we hardly socialise."

"I dunno," admitted Daisy. "We need more income."

"Well yeah... duh."

Both girls were working full-time at the local supermarket and even though they earned well above the minimum wage, they were still struggling to make ends meet. The price of everything in the last 12 months had gone through the roof but this latest gas and electric bill was the final straw.

"We'll have to get a second job, or a weekend job or something," suggested Daisy.

"I'm already worked off my feet, as it is," complained Katie.

"Well I don't know, we can't carry on like this," said Daisy. "We need a sugar Daddy, that's what."

"Hmmm... that would work."

"Yeah like one's gonna come along," Daisy said, bringing her friend back to reality.

"You say that. But what if?"

"What if what?"

"What if we went to them?"

Daisy furrowed her brow. "Go on."

"Well we're young, we're hot. Maybe we could find a rich widow or something to pay our bills."

"But how?"

Katie smiled, brushing her beautiful red hair over her ears.

"We could start our own business, working for a wealthy gentleman."

"You mean like courtesans?"

"Kind of, but we find a really minted guy. So we're not like going from client to client, I wouldn't like that. We just find the right gent."

"And that's it?"

"That's it."

"And how do we find this handsome millionaire?" Queried Daisy.

"Well, I don't know," admitted Katie. "But it's a good idea though, isn't it?"

Daisy looked at Katie and looked at her own reflection in the silver coffee pot. They were very, very pretty and very sexy and they both knew it. They had been friends since college. They had got jobs at the same store, listened to the same music, liked the same type of clothes. They could almost have been twins. At 19 years old they should have been saving for their future but the cost of living crisis had gotten out of control and their savings had been eaten up by the basics.

"I've had a thought," said Daisy. We could put an ad in the local newspaper."

"No, we'd be inundated by all sorts of pervs."

"I suppose."

"No, we need to think outside the box," said Katie.


"Where's the wealthiest area around here?"

Daisy considered this for a moment.

"Ewing Drive Estate. Everyone's loaded there."

"Exactly. That's our starting point. We don't just randomly advertise. We find our target customer and go to them."

"Go to them how?" asked Daisy.

"It's easy," said Katie.

"The electoral Register!"

"Precisely. We can see where the older single guys live, who are bound to be as rich as anything, and sell our wares."

"I like it," said Daisy. That's clever."

Being a Saturday, the girls would normally be at work, but it was their day off, so they stayed in, remaining in their pyjamas and set about looking through the internet database, which had all the statistics for their chosen area. They were surprised by how many addresses there were, but the number returning just single male names were relatively few. There was an advanced search option and they agreed to go for any guys between fifty-five and sixty-two. They worked out that that was old enough but not too old. Their client had to be old enough to have amassed sufficient wealth and likely be retired but not so old that he wouldn't be able to take full advantage of what they had to offer.

The two redheads were a tantalising proposition. Daisy with her amber locks and butter wouldn't melt blue eyes and that angelic smile. Katie the vivacious red-haired beauty, demure and yet deceptively impish with beautiful olive green eyes. Daisy had suggested that their flyer should be pitched as élite domestic assistants and make no reference to anything x-rated, so that they remained on the right side of the law. They identified 21 potential clients and they drove across to Ewing Drive in Katie's car in order to hand deliver the flyers. They would give the impression of it being a widespread mailshot and not the tightly focused one that it was in reality.

The little estate had a gated entrance, an instant reminder of the grandeur and affluence of the area, and adjoined a small golf course. The road had a slight incline to begin with and there were several small cul-de-sacs branching off the main road. There was a spinney at one end and a little park with a selection of ornamental shrubs and oriental trees. Each property was unique with its own huge plot of land with long gravel drives, some gated with posts topped with stone eagles and lions. The girls drove around posting their flyers, a few directly through the letter box and some in a post box, where the gates were locked.

"Okay, now it's just a matter of waiting to see if we get a response,'' said Daisy, hopefully.

"Well, I think I did a professional job with the flyers on my laptop, even if I say so myself," Katie boasted.

"Credit where credit's due, they were very good," agreed Daisy.

In fact, the two girls didn't have long at all to wait and the very next day, Katie's mobile rang, just as she was just drying off after a shower. It was from an unknown number.

"Hello, Katie speaking."

"Hello, I'm phoning about the ad for domestic assistants," said a very well-spoken man on the other end of the line.

"Yes, that's us," said Katie.

"Well, I could do with some help here and there, as I don't have as much time as I'd like right now."

"Okay, well we could pop round and we can go over what we offer, if you let me know when suits."

"Of course. Is today okay?"

"Yes, today works for us."

The gentleman gave Katie his address and agreed that the girls would go over two hours later.

"Daisy, Daisy! We've had a response to the ad!" she shouted, running into her friend's room, gesturing with her mobile.

"No way! What does he sound like?"

"Very nice. A cultured public school accent but not hoity-toity."


"Yes, well look your best because we're going over there in a couple of hours."

"Two hours! Okay well, I'd better get myself prettied up!"

"Me too."

Daisy and Katie wasted no time looking their best and set off to see their prospective client.

"Blimey! It's that one!! exclaimed Daisy checking the address.

It was a two-storey house and there was an oriel on each of the first-floor windows. There was a large central window of plain smokey coloured glass compared with the lead-lined ones throughout the remainder of the property. The front garden, which consisted of a circular lawn, which must have been a quarter of an acre, was planted with numerous rose bushes and a network of crazy paving and a couple of pergolas that were festooned with climbing plants.

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Katie pushed the doorbell, continuing to be taken aback by the amazing garden.

The door opened and a middle-aged man of medium height opened the door. He looked a little younger than Katie had imagined. His blue eyes were kind, and he had a clean-shaven face and short-cropped grey hair flecked with darker areas above his temples.

"Come in," he said.

The girls stepped in and immediately surveyed the huge hallway, a spiral staircase with an iron banister at one end.

"I'm David, pleased to meet you two," he said, offering his hand.

"I'm Katie, you spoke to me on the phone and this is my colleague and friend, Daisy."

David nodded and smiled and showed them into a reception room, which was sparsely but tastefully furnished with a sofa and a couple of chairs and a coffee table. It was neat and tidy but lacked a woman's touch, Daisy thought.

He took their fur hooded coats and surveyed the two girls discreetly, as they sat down.

"Can I offer you a drink of something? It is still the season, just."

"Twelfth night tomorrow!" observed Katie.

"Quite right, although I took my decorations down on New Year's Eve, once the Grand children had left."

"You have a family then?" asked Katie, casually.

"One daughter and she has a boy and a girl."

"Ah but you're...?"

"Widowed. Yes, I lost my wife in a skiing accident three years ago."

"I'm so sorry," said Daisy.

"Oh dear," I'm sorry," said Katie.

"Well, life goes on, as they say. But those drinks. I have sherry, gin, vodka, wine, whisky or beer?"

"Oh just a small glass of wine, I'm driving," Katie accepted.

"Me too, thank you," followed Daisy.

"White or red? I don't have rosé, I'm afraid.

"White will be fine, thank you," said Daisy.

The girls sipped their wine and David sat on one of the chairs, a whisky and soda in hand,

"So, can we get down to business," said David. "Your flyer was a little thin on detail."

"Yes, we offer a comprehensive service," said Katie. We will visit you twice weekly, do your washing up, cleaning, dusting, bed making that sort of thing. All to a very high standard."

"We also offer a holistic relaxation service," said Daisy, making up the terms on the spot.

"Hmmm... and what exactly does holistic relaxation mean?" asked David.

"Let's say we deal with the things a single gentleman would do on his own during those quieter moments," Daisy continued.

"I see. And is it to an equally high standard?"

"I can say it would be done to your absolute satisfaction," said Katie.

David nodded approvingly.

"The only limit is the limits of your imagination," said Daisy, which is reflected in our fee.

Daisy and Katie had discussed their fee and had deliberately pitched it very high. This was not only to their benefit but they supposed that it would convey an essence of the quality of service that they would offer and thereby be more likely to secure a client.

"Of course, your fee. What might that be?"

"We only offer the platinum service," Daisy confirmed. Two thousand pounds per week."

Katie and Daisy looked at David, attempting to gauge his reaction.

"Well that is ummm... quite substantial," said David.

"Reassuringly expensive," we like to call it," Katie remarked.

"But not prohibitively so," confirmed David. "Might I enquire, does one get a taste of the service you offer?"

"We don't normally," said Daisy.

David was about to speak but Katie held up a hand.

"I suppose a little sample would be in order, as a goodwill gesture."

"Yes, just a little sample," Daisy agreed.

Katie turned to her friend and brushed her hair to one side as her other hand traced around the outline of Daisy's breasts. Daisy parted her mouth and their lips met in a deep French kiss. The girls kissed passionately, their hands gliding over each other's bodies, fondling each other gently.

At length, Daisy stood up. Katie remained seated and spoke to David.

"As you can see, we know each other very well and like to bring that element as part of our service." As she spoke, Daisy hitched up her skirt to reveal the skimpiest pair of white panties, her pussy lips easily visible through the cotton. Katie slipped off the sofa and knelt in front of Daisy, kissing her thighs above the knee and continuing in a line until her nose was almost touching Daisy's gusset. Katie gripped the top of Daisy's panties and drew them down, until they were a few inches below her pussy, stretched from leg to leg like a recalcitrant schoolgirl preparing for an inspection of her underwear. Katie looked at David, who was a captive audience.

Running her hands up the back of Daisy's thighs and then cupping her ass cheeks, she nuzzled her lips and nose into Daisy's wet pussy, delving her tongue into the pink velvet. She lapped at Daisy's cunt as her fingers kneaded the plump bum cheeks. Katie turned to David again and put two fingers in Daisy's pussy, probing deeply in and out a few times before licking her friend's juices from her fingers.

Both girls looked at their bewildered acquaintance and then Daisy turned round and bent over, her ass and pussy a glorious exhibition of her womanhood. Daisy smiled at David and pulled up her panties and both girls walked towards him, who was now obviously aroused. Daisy turned again and lifted her skirt and backed towards him until her ass was just inches from his face.

"Touch it," said Katie.

David gulped.


"Touch her, feel her."

"May I?"

The girls didn't answer but looked at him expectantly. David ran a finger down the length of the groove in Daisy's knickers, formed by the crack of her ass. He continued, running the top of his longest finger between her legs and ploughed the moist furrow between her legs where her panties were soaked from her juices.

"Okay, that's your sample!" said Katie sternly.

Daisy rearranged herself and the two girls resumed their business-like demeanour.

"If you want more. Much much more. You know our fee," said Daisy.

"We can pleasure you in ways you have never imagined," added Katie. Your satisfaction is our guarantee. We only ask that you treat us with respect."

David didn't speak for a while, his mind foggy.

"Yes, yes you're hired."

"Okay, well, we'll be in touch with our bank details," said Daisy.

"We look forward to being of service," added Katie.

David stood up awkwardly, his erection only dwindling slowly.

"Of course, just let me know when you can come."

"Thank you," said Katie. I'll give you a call soon."

Giving the girls their coats, David saw them out and watched them walk down his driveway. A light sprinkling of sleet was making the ground slippery and the winter air was cloying. Both girls pulled the hoods over their heads.

Back in their car, the girls turned to each other and did a high five.

"Coffee?" inquired Katie.

"Hmmm..." answered Daisy. "Make it an Irish."

To be continued...

Written by DanielleX
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