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The Bella Chronicles Chapter 1: Just Desserts

"A request for help leads to a night of intrigue and a live changing introduction"

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Author's Notes

"This story was inspired by a friend with a very special personality. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I’ve attempted to capture her essence here. Hope you enjoy."

Part 1: The Encounter 

The phone chimed twice and vibrated in his pocket.  Jake pulled it out and saw two texts had just arrived:

    DA    CODE RED

    ES    30 Min out.  On my way.

Code Red was an agreed-upon signal with Dave and Es that meant someone needed assistance as soon as possible.  Dave was tending bar tonight at his place.  Es was too far away to provide immediate assistance.  It wasn't clear what was needed, but either way, Jake knew it was time to drop everything and head over.

    JK    BT in 5

When he reached the bar, nothing seemed amiss.  It was the usual mixture of spring-break goers and locals you got this time of year in their small resort town.  Then he heard the loud voices in the back.  Three "Frat Guy" types were whooping it up with a couple of women.  The two women looked plastered.  What was interesting was when one woman drunkenly slurred, "Oh yeah BABY!" She had a distinctly South African accent.  She accidentally tripped over a patron at the next table and dropped down into the lap of the guys Jake had labeled in his mind as "A-1” for Asshole Number 1.  The two of them chugged down their drinks.  Her friend was leaning against "A-2" and appeared to be only slightly less wasted.

When Dave came over, Jake looked and just raised his eyebrow. Talking in Jake's ear to be heard over the crowd, Dave said, "Those three guys are the ones that were accused of drugging and date raping the woman down in Boynton.  They have friends in the Sheriff's office, so no use in calling them in.  It's how they got off last time.  I'm not letting them get out of here with those women."

Jake nodded, and responded in his ear, "I agree, do you have a plan?"

"See the wasted woman?"

More nods, she was definitely a looker, but there was something about her that didn't add up.

Dave continued, "I caught that she and her friend were dumping their drinks earlier.  She's not really wasted, she's up to something.  I let her know that I’ve stopped putting alcohol in their drinks, but she is continuing the charade. We need to help her out."

"Ok, so what are we going to do?"

"I'm going to give them access to the back room.  I'm thinking that'll keep them here until the cavalry arrives."

The "cavalry" was Dave's partner Es.  Es was a good 6'5" tall and weighed about 250 lbs.  Further, he was a State Trooper.  In full uniform with his gun, he was an imposing figure.

The two men walked back to the group.  As they got closer, it was clear both women were attractive, but the woman with the accent was stunning.  Simply dressed in jeans and a blouse, she stood out from every other woman in the bar.  She was about 5’5” tall with brown hair that had gold highlights.  But it was her eyes that mesmerized Jake.  It was as if her gaze had actual weight.  He had a hard time looking away.

“Look, guys, I have a spare room in the back that I’m happy to loan to you.  It has a table, pool table, and it’s own audio system.”  Dave paused and pointed at Jake.  “Jake here will be your dedicated server.  Anything you need…he’s your guy.”

Mr. A-1 noticed the wordless interaction between Bella and Jake.  “Fuck, Bella, what’s going on?  Not sure I like the way you two are looking at each other.”  The words were slurred a bit.  He stood up for effect but fell several inches short of Jake’s 6’2”.

Bella leaned a little against A-1.  Her amazing breast pushed against his chest and distracted him.  “Who? Him?  I’m just happy we get some dedicated service.  Plus, I’ve got an idea for a little game we can play if we have more privacy.”

As Dave led the group back to the room, she continued, “I call it, Win or Dare.  You and I play poker against each other.  Before the hand is dealt, we have to pick a dare.  Once you get dealt a hand, you can choose not to play.  But if you don’t, you have to answer any question.  If you play and lose, you have to complete the dare.”

Jake and Dave look at each other and raised their eyebrows.  Speaking just loud enough for Jake, Dave said, “Just when you think you think it can’t get stranger.  I’ll position him so we can see his cards.  We’ll signal her with the traffic light.”  

As they reach the room, Dave guided the guests to the table and made sure A-1 was properly positioned.  Jake leaned over to Bella and said loudly, “Oh, it’s around front.  Come with me.  I’ll show you.”

Once outside the room, Bella stopped and put her finger into Jake's chest.  “What are you guys up to?  These assholes stayed at our hotel last night, kept us awake the whole time, and then broke into our room and stole stuff.  It’s get-even time.”

“Look, we’ll help you do that.  But our real worry is that “these assholes” drugged and raped a woman last week.  They have friends in the sheriff’s department and were let go.  We want to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

Bella looked surprised and leaned against the wall.  “Ok, so what do we do?”

“Play along and keep them here.   We’re pretty sure they’ll try something.  We have a camera and will watch them like hawks.  The stoplight that’s in the room, if it turns red, DO NOT take another drink.  We’ll be right there.”

Bella nodded, “Ok, do you think you can help me a bit more?”

“Anything, you name it.”

“If they are holding a pair or better, can you make the light yellow. Otherwise it stays green.”

Jake smiled, “That was our plan…”

Part 2:  The Game

Jake walked back to the bar where he was joined by Dave.  Watching the monitor, he saw Bella walk back into the room.  A-3 picked up a deck of cards and started dealing a hand of what looked like five-card stud to Bella and A-1.  Dave adjusted the camera and zoomed in on A-1’s hand.  He hit a button to turn the light yellow.

“So when will Es get here?”

“Ten more minutes.  He’s bringing a local patrolman who’s a friend with him.  But we need to catch them doing something.  Here’s their drink order.  The two ‘champagnes’ are for the women.  These guys ordered apple martinis.”

Jake rolled his eyes as he picked up the tray.  These local spring break boys were something.  As he entered the room, he was surprised to see Bella and the other woman with their shirts off.  Clearly they had lost a hand.  The blonde woman was wearing a sexy little red bra.  Bella’s was black and grey with lots of lace and he had to admit, amazing.  He had to force himself to stop staring.   

Putting the drinks down, he saw Bella fold her cards and say, “I got nothing.  I’ll take the question on this round.”

A-1 smirked, “Ok. What’s the wildest thing you and Brianna have ever done together?”

Bella stood and looked over at Brianna.  Brianna walked up, put her hand on Bella’s ass, and kissed her firmly on the lips.  As they kissed, Bella pulled the red bra down, exposing a firm, round breast topped with a deep rose nipple. 

Pulling back, Bella looked at the shocked men and said, “Well, we did kiss once.  Are you ready for the next hand?”  As A-1 silently nodded, she said, “Here are the proposed stakes.  You win, you get to see the two of us touch each other.  We win, the two of you touch.”  She pointed at A-1 and A-2.   

A-3 burst out laughing as A-2 shook his head and said, “No fucking way.”

A-1 said, “We aint gonna lose.  You’re on.  But that means you both strip down and touch until I say stop.”

Bella nodded, “And you likewise.”

After the hand was dealt, Jake saw the stoplight behind the men turn yellow.  Surprisingly, Bella ignored it and said, “Ok big boy, let’s see what you got?”

A-1 laughed, “Pair of tens.  Pants off ladies.”  He high-fived A-2.

Bella put her hand on the table.  “The only two lovely ladies you’ll see are in my hand I’m afraid.  Looks like it’s the two of you dropping trousers.”

A-2 said, “Fuck that!” and stood up.  A-1 stepped in front of him and said, “No one’s leaving.  This is no big deal.”  He pulled his pants down and exposed himself.  Reluctantly, A-2 did the same.  

“Ok, nice penises, boys.  But, I want to see the two of you hold each other until they’re both erect.  We’ll give you some inspiration.”  She looked over and Brianna unzipped her jeans and turned pulling them down just enough to expose her little red thong.  Not surprisingly, every penis in the room, including Jake's, responded.  

In the confusion, Jake almost missed A-3 moving his hands over the two women’s drinks.  He saw the light turn red.  Nodding to Bella, he was surprised to see her already moving toward A-1. He looked surprised as she kneed him right in his exposed balls. Trillian had hit A-2 in the face with a drink, but A-3 had picked up a pool cue and was swinging it at Bella.

Stepping in, Jake took the hit across his back. He grabbed the cue and pulled it hard enough to knock A-3 off balance. Jake’s fist in the guy’s eye, did the rest of the job. A-3 was falling to the floor as Es came through the door, weapon drawn. 

Bella watched the three men being walked out by the two police officers plus Jake.  With a smug look, the leader of the group said, "So, when will you turn us over to the County Sheriffs?"  

Jake's big friend Es paused his walking and looked at him smiling, "Don't you realize this bar is just inside the city limits?  You're being arrested by city patrolman Michelson who just read your Miranda rights.  I'm just here representing the State Troopers at his request to assist in the arrest."

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The three men's faces fell as Es continued, "Oh, and I have a friend in the DA's office.  I'll call her on Monday to ask her to look at those previously dropped charges I heard about.   She and her team are investigating the Sherriff's department and I think your former case will be interesting to them."

As they walked out the door, Dave walked up next to her.  He winked and said, "You were pretty amazing in there."

Bella smiled. "I really appreciate all the help.  You guys really get the credit."  She paused and then seemed to make a decision.   "So tell me about Jake.  What's his story?"

Dave frowned, "We met Jake about three years ago.  He was engaged to an attractive, intelligent woman."  Pausing to look at Bella, he added, "Almost as pretty and smart as you.  Turns out she and her billionaire boss were and still are having an affair. Jake found out just before their marriage.  He called it off and, as far as I know, hasn't been with anyone since."

He stopped talking as Jake walked back through the door.  "Well, our friends are off to visit the city Police Station.  I suspect we won't see them for a bit.  Meanwhile, I just saw that friend of yours heading out the door with another woman.  Thoughts on that?"

"Well, Bri is just a friend and she swore she was getting pussy tonight.  She does like your pretty American ladies.  I guess that means I'm walking home alone tonight."

Jake blushed, "Well, I'd be happy to walk you anywhere.  I promise to be a gentleman."

Grabbing Jake's shirt, she pulled him down and spoke into his ear.  "That better mean that you'll pound my pussy all night long.  Because I frankly didn't come out tonight to just to help my local constabulary."

Part 3: Just Desserts

Walking back to Bella's hotel seemed to take forever, even though it was only five minutes away.  They filled the time with small talk about her visit and what Jake did, but it was clear what was on both their minds.

As they walked into the room and the door swung closed, Bella grabbed Jake and pushed him up against the wall.  Pressing her lips against his, her hands found the front of his shirt.  Buttons flew as she ripped it open.  Her hands explored his broad shoulders, deep chest, and flat stomach.  She paused and pulled back.  

"Nice upper body Jake. But I think it's time to see what's going on down below.   Drop those jeans.  Now!"

Jake smiled and dropped his jeans.  Kicking off his shoes and stepping out, he slowly turned in his boxer briefs.  

"Uh, under-roos too, big boy."

He pulled down his briefs and his monster erection popped out.  He smiled as Bella's eyes widened, "How big?"

"Only seven inches, but I'm told I'm pretty thick."

Bella reached out and took his shaft in her hand.  "You are amazingly thick.  This is the cock my pussy needs.  Thank you for that."

Jake raised his eyebrow. "Your turn?"

Bella wrinkled her nose and unbuttoned her blouse.  Jake smiled when he saw her sexy black and gray bra.  Kicking off her shoes, she wriggled out of her jeans.  Her knickers matched her bra, perfectly accentuating her amazing hips and full, perfectly-shaped ass.  She turned slowly giving Jake a show.  She was rewarded with a low, "Holy crap."  She unfastened and slipped out of the bra, letting her amazing breasts tumble out.

Jake playfully mimicked her South-African accent, "How big?"

Bella adopted her version of Jake's style of speaking, "36 C, but I'm told my hard pink nipples are the best part."

Slipping out of her panties, she walked over to Jake and put a hand on his chest.  "Enough screwing around, I need to be fucked by that big cock!"  

Jake was pushed back on the bed.  Bella was instantly over him.  Jake took her hips in his hands and positioned her.  She slowly let her pussy glide over his manhood. With one hand on his chest, she used her other hand to guide him into position.

Jake was amazed to feel how wet Bella was.  As she slowly lowered herself onto him, they both groaned in delight.  At the bottom, she paused to allow Jake to compose himself.

"WOW!  I've never felt pussy like that."

"Well, your cock is certainly treating her nicely."  Bella put her finger on Jake's lips, "Don't move and don't speak."

Bella moved slowly at first.   Rocking on Jake, taking him in long, slow strokes.  She was pleased when he slightly repositioned his thumb so that it lightly stroked her clit against his perfect member. Working him with a slightly faster rhythm, she felt his desire rising.  She brought him right to the edge, but then paused.  With a soft, "Don't you dare," she paused.

Jake barely held back as she brought him to the edge three times.  After the third, he sensed that she was also on the verge.  As she started to move, he looked deep into her eyes and took her in a long, powerful stroke.  She moaned as he worked her, taking her so deep.  His thumb worked her clit as her pussy was pounded by his huge cock.   The wave crashed through her like a tsunami.  Her body racked as her pussy contracted.   Yelling out, "FUCK ME!," she felt Jake filling her with his warmth.  

Dropping down onto his chest, she could feel their hearts pounding.  Jake's cock still felt huge inside of her.  She moved to pull off him, but Jake shook his head. Kissing her deeply, he said, "Don't move and don't speak."

Without pulling out, Jake rolled them over so that he was on top.  He started slowly working her with his still very erect cock.  Bella felt warm cum oozing down as Jakes heavy balls slapped against her ass.  His amazing cock was powering her pussy.  His strength felt amazing as her breast jumped at every deep stroke.  To her surprise, she felt the second wave quickly build.  "NOW JAKE, NOW!"  She felt Jake shaking as they crashed together.

As they lay there slowly recovering, Bella smiled at Jake, running her hand over his broad shoulders, she said, "I have to hand it to you.  You don't disappoint."

Jake smiled back, "You are amazing."

Bella laughed, "Well, this amazing girl is oozing warm cum.  It's getting everywhere.  I'll probably get charged a cleaning fee."

Jake stood and walked over to her side of the bed.  Sliding his hands under her, he easily picked her up.  Carrying her into the bathroom, he said, "I was taught to clean up my own messes."  As Bella laughed, he added, "I did make a mess of you."

After adjusting the water temperature in the shower, he held the door open for Bella.  Leaning against the back wall, she lifted her ass up and looked over her shoulder.  "Well, scrub away!  This pussy needs a cleaning."

The warm water sprayed over her.  Jake thoroughly rinsed her and then went to work on her with a sudsy scrunchy.  Starting with her shoulders and neck, he slowly worked his way down.  Bella moaned as he worked her tight back.  When he reached her ass, he knelt down and worked down one leg and then up the other.  

Bella looked down at him, "Uh, I think you missed a spot."

"Just saving the best for last."  Getting the scrunchy sudsy, Jake gently brought his hands up under her.  As she arched for him, he washed her perfect pink pussy. He took a moment to admire her, admitting to himself that he had never seen a more attractive womanhood. 

When he was done, he used the handheld shower to spray her clean.  Bella moaned lightly as she felt the warm water rush over her.  Jake let his hands lightly run over her ass and then gently went in deeper.  As he touched her, Bella said, "I can't believe how horny you make me..."

Jake lightly traced around her lips.  As she quivered, he let his tongue just brush over her.  Lightly touching and teasing, he could sense her desire building.  "Turn around and sit on the bench."  Bella did as she was told, spreading her legs and putting her feet up on the shower's edge.  

Jake took his hands and gently pulled on either side of her amazing lips, opening her slightly.  Then pushing down and slightly in, Bella felt him raise her already swollen clit up and out.  He ran his tongue lightly over her.  Then taking her in his lips, he lightly sucked and caressed her.  Sliding two fingers inside of her, he applied pressure internally as he continued sucking and licking.

Bella felt sensations she never imagined.  The wave built slowly but then smashed through her.  Gasping, she pushed herself into Jakes mouth.  The internal pressure caused deep contractions.  Finally, she pushed him away panting.  "Holy shit."

Jake stood up and let the warm water run over his body.  He quickly scrubbed off as Bella watched with a contented smile.  As he rinsed off his manhood, he felt Bella lift her foot and caress him with her toes.  When he responded, she smiled and dropped to her knees in front of him.  She guided his shaft such that it nestled between her perfect breasts.  Closing her eyes, she smiled as Jake became rock hard, his pink head poking out and almost touching her chin.  

"Geez, Jake, seems like there's no limit to the number of ways I can please you.  Do you like this?"

Jake nodded and said, "That feels amazing."

"How about this?"  Bella grasped him and drew on him.  Lowering her lips, she slowly kissed his pink head.  Drawing him in deeper, she caressed his balls and slowly sucked on him.  Popping off, she asked, “Do you like?”

Jake groaned and said, “Please.  Don’t.  Stop.”

Bella gently took him back in her mouth.  After only three gentle strokes, she felt his body tense.  The warmth filled her mouth and, as she pulled back, covered her full, round breasts.  Playfully, she looked up as Jake leaned against the back wall.  Opening her mouth, she showed him the dollop of white cum on her tongue.

 “Mmm…just a little salty.  Very nice, Jake.”

He drew her up and used the shower to spray her clean.  Holding her close, he said, “You are amazing.  So how long are you in town?”

A cloud passed over her face as she said, “My plane leaves at noon tomorrow.”




Written by leatherstocking
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