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Hysterical Histories 6

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Lady Sara returns.

Lady Sara is due to visit us again this evening, but during the day, Helen has been out of the house on a mysterious solo mission.

When she returns, she is carrying a heavy parcel, and looking extremely pleased with herself. It seems that she recently took the original 'Doctor Watson's Assistant' to an artistic friend of hers with glass-making skills and equipment.

He had been rather astonished by her requirements, but in typical bohemian style, agreed to her plan. She had asked him to create a mould from the original, which would allow him to produce replicas en masse, as necessary. At first, she had asked him to produce four copies, and though he offered to tint them in various imaginative ways, she opted for plain, clear glass because she was assured that that would be the strongest material possible. She thought they might be subject to some stress in use.

She was delighted with the result, and had immediately visited Lady Jane to secretly deliver the very first model (at a price, of course!). She showed me the remaining three replicas, and I could certainly see some purely artistic value in the item, especially when the light played through it. It would look very good on a bedside table, with candlelight flickering about, I thought.

Of course, Lady Jane had been keen to test this Ladies' Companion immediately, and Helen had witnessed her delight in playing with it freely at home. She had managed to insert it quite easily, with some lubrication, but also loved fondling it and sensually stroking her body with it. Lady Jane was sure she could keep it from her husband's sight, but thought that if he did see it, she could convince him that it was an artistic artifact to be admired. She was sure that frequent practice with it would ease her anxieties about her husband's approaches to her, but before Helen left, she did also say that she would like to continue with our treatments at Harley Street as well.

I am a little surprised about the visit to Lady Jane, but pleased that Helen has taken this initiative. It seems likely to be a lucrative addition to our business, and I know that she has even more plans ahead.

Helen also confesses that she would like to be more personally involved in our regular treatments. Since the very beginning, she has intervened to 'help' me whenever she felt it necessary, originally in secret from our clients, but then more blatantly, delivering my cum directly into Lady Emma's open mouth, and most recently joining Lady Charlotte with me on the Consulting Couch.

I have enjoyed all these interventions too and I suggest that we should plan them to be part of a treatment, rather than just allow them to happen spontaneously. It is clear to me that Helen could perform my role in treatments perfectly, having witnessed me 'at work' so closely and on so many occasions; of course, she has also experienced my 'treatments', and much more, as my wife.

We agree to explore all these possibilities in our appointment with Sara this evening.

Lady Sara is of a more dominant character than most, and at her first appointment we restrained her gently with ties to her wrists and ankles on the Consulting Couch. She accepted this with surprising ease, perhaps because we assured her that she would be instantly released if she uttered a certain word to Helen. She did not, of course.

Our intention was to create an environment where she became the passive subject of attention, rather than the main actor. Although largely a sham, it created that psychological space where she could relax and truly enjoy all the sensations she felt.

She enters the room with her accustomed sexual confidence and ostentatiously disrobes before us both. She stands naked before us, hands on hips and legs slightly splayed, and asks, “Well, Simon, what do you have for me this time? I enjoyed my last treatment very much, and I have thought of it often since then.”

Her jet black hair is shoulder length, but balanced by neatly trimmed black hair around her pubic area. Typically, she is not following the current popular trend for shaving in that area, and I must admit that her neatly shaped, dense black hair perfectly frames the hint of vaginal lips, already swelling with anticipation.

I say, “Lady Sara, we would like to restrain you, as before, with the same procedure for instant release if you should require it, but this time, I would also like to blindfold you. I think this extra degree of sensory deprivation will focus your full attention more completely upon the tactile feelings you are experiencing as part of the treatment. Is that acceptable to you?”

“Of course, Simon.!” she says, “I trust you and Helen completely, and I can understand that the absence of any distraction, visual or otherwise, may heighten my pleasure at your touch. Do as you wish with me...”

Accordingly, we ask her to lie back and part her legs, while Helen loosely ties her wrists and ankles to the corners of the couch. She then ties a dense blindfold over Sara's eyes and asks her whether the blackout is complete. Lady Sara reports that it is, and moistens her red lips in anticipation of... she knows not what!

We raise the Consulting Couch to my waist level again, so that I can easily reach forward and slide the palms of my hands up the delicate skin inside Sara's parted thighs. Being unable to see anything, she jumps slightly when I first touch her, and says, “Oh my goodness! It's impossible to know what will happen to me next, but I will try not to flinch from your touch., wherever that may be!”

“Yes,” says Helen, “you must try to relax completely and accept the pleasure of our touch without fear. Just revel in all the physical sensations you will experience.”

I step aside and silently invite Helen to take my place between Sara's legs. As she has seen me do, she lowers her mouth to Sara's vulva and parts her outer lips gently with her fingertips.

“Oh, Simon,” says Sara, “you are so gentle in your ministrations... at least to begin with! I hope that you will build and build my expectations until I can no longer contain myself... but take as much time as you wish! A pleasure delayed becomes an even greater pleasure. I have placed the entire evening at your disposal.”

I watch closely as Helen begins to delve her fingers further and further into Sara's vagina, becoming slick with her juices very quickly. She has clearly learned much from observing my treatments, and probably from experiencing them as my wife.

I watch as she applies her pointed tongue to Sara's swelling lips, teasing along the full length, to expose her delicate coral-pink interior, then revealing her button for the attention of her lips and mouth.

I am fascinated, and I must admit, a little surprised, to find that a woman can treat another woman in such fashion, but I am proud of my wife's abilities. I also find it a very arousing spectacle! I am sorely tempted to approach Helen from behind, but restrain myself and allow her to continue her treatment of Sara.

I move to stand alongside Sara's prone body, and when I reach forward to touch and fondle her, she recognises the firm male touch, teasing and rousing her nipples to full hardness. For a moment or two, she is confused by the number of hands I seem to have!

Helen lifts her mouth from Sara's swollen red button and says, “Do not concern yourself, Lady Sara. Simon and I are working in concert today to give you the fullest satisfaction possible.”

“Mmm,” groans Sara, “what an exquisite thought! A husband and wife both administering to me at once. This is most certainly something I have not experienced before!”

Now that Sara is aware of our slight subterfuge, and apparently approving, I can talk with her while Helen continues to give her oral and womanual treatment.

I compliment her on her taut body and her breasts in particular, while my hands roam lightly across her. I stroke and squeeze her breasts hard again, then my hands slide down her sides, feeling the shapeliness of her waist before it spreads to her hips. Then across her flat belly and upwards again to her breasts. I note that her hips are starting to rock subtly up and down, under the attention Helen is providing.

While one hand strokes down her belly towards Helen, I drop my head to take an erect nipple into my mouth, and suckle gently upon it. While Helen sucks and licks her red button, I give very similar attention to her nipples.

“Ohhh,” gasps Sara, “ you two are unbelievable! I feel every touch of your hands, your fingers, your mouths, your tongues! You seem to be exploring me everywhere, and it is utterly delightful...”

I think she cannot talk now, and both Helen and I have our mouths otherwise occupied, too. I am as hard as rock, and I'm sure Helen is dripping down her thighs, while Sara builds to the most explosive climax we have ever witnessed.

Restrained by her ties, blinkered by her blindfold, and driven almost to madness by our joint ministrations, Sara screams louder than I have ever heard a woman scream before.

Her head thrashes from side to side, her arms and legs jerk wildly against her restraints, and every muscle of her body seems to shake and tremble. She is pressing her vulva firmly against Helen's mouth and moving rapidly back and forth.

Both Helen and I slowly back away and allow Sara to calm and her body to still. It was a remarkable sight (and sound), but Sara is now limp on the couch. It seems that every ounce of energy and passion has been completely drained from her, and her body is limp, almost seeming lifeless.

After a few minutes, while Helen and I also compose ourselves, we release Sara's ties, and remove her blindfold. She still seems speechless, and breathless, and is occasionally racked by sudden unexpected tremors running throughout her body, But slowly we all recover ourselves enough to speak.

Sara can only say that she doesn't have the words to describe what has just happened, or what she felt. She only knows that it was the most wonderfully exciting thing she has ever experienced.

We help her to dress, still somewhat shakily, and her profuse thanks pour from her as we escort her to her waiting horse and carriage.

As soon as she has gone, Helen and I throw ourselves upon each other and each ravishes the other, until we fall into a deep sleep of complete and utter exhaustion.

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Lady Emily returns.

Helen is very pleased to have been accepted both by me and by Sara, as a skilled actor in our field. She could provide all the services I have been offering, except one.

However, I have concluded that there is no prospect of any health benefit of taking semen orally, as we had provided for Emma. I know that she will be returning at some point soon, and Helen agrees that the process is impractical, and reiterates that she will not accept me fucking any of our clients.

We now have five established clients, which Helen had thought would stabilise our business income. They have all become repeat clients- Emma, Jane, Sara, Emily and Charlotte all want at least a monthly 'service'. It seems likely that one or more will fall pregnant at some point, though not by me. Even though pregnancy will not prohibit 'treatment', it may cause some disruption to normal routines.

Helen is not concerned at this prospect, because she knows with absolute certainty that there are many entitled Ladies who have been excited to distraction by the gossip of our existing clients. We could recruit many, many more quite easily, even now, but Helen is concerned that my energy and appetite should not become jaded. She advises that we should maintain, and even increase, our prices and only draw substitutes from our 'waiting list' when it becomes essential.

I am agreeable to that.

Helen is the 'business brains' of our enterprise, and her development of 'Doctor Watson's Assistant' is clearly going to be a success, in mass production.

Since Jane took the first example, Helen has told many others, and even shown them her original ebony 'Companion'; I think the knowledge that it replicates my own dimensions, which Jane has verified, and Emma also knows, adds a certain 'cachet' to the item. Helen has ordered many more glass replicas now, and plans to package each one in a luxurious velvet-lined wooden case.

Sara and Charlotte have both purchased one for private use now, so until a new batch is produced, we have only one glass copy remaining, and Helen expects that to fall into the strong hands of Emily, who returns for her second treatment soon.

Meanwhile, Helen has been busily developing concoctions to sell more widely. Her first idea was to package olive oil, with sensually aromatic additions, to sell as sexual lubricants. She envisages them selling in small but expensive bottles, to accompany the Ladies' Companion, and so to ease any anxieties about the insertion of such a device. Of course, they can also be used to lubricate a husband, a lover, or one's own fingers!

In addition, knowing that I have now abandoned the idea of the oral administration of semen (to anyone except Helen, of course!), she has developed plans for a number of creams that may be applied to face and body.

She proposes that my semen could be added as a 'magic ingredient' for sales purposes, and assures me that the quantities required would be tiny. She thinks that a single ejaculation would provide enough to flavour an enormous quantity of such creams, and on that basis, I am happy to comply with her plans and leave the issue in her capable hands.

Lady Emily is returning this evening for her second treatment and we are well-prepared for her arrival.

She enters in her customary graceful manner, and does not hesitate to shed her clothes. Even this, she does very gracefully; it is clear that her stage training has never left her, and she is at ease with performing before an audience. Her bodily flexibility is quite clear to see, as she undresses without Helen's aid; she easily folds double at the waist while standing, and balances perfectly on each leg in turn while removing her shoes.

Slim and tall, she is deceptively strong in every way, belying her apparent fragility. Her body is completely hairless, save for the long, flowing blonde locks which fall to the tips of her dark nipples, set upon small pert breasts. Her balletic exhibitionism is a wonder to behold, as flashes of her naked, pink-lined vulva suddenly appear, then disappear equally quickly, before my eyes.

She sits at the end of the Couch, and crosses her long, elegant legs, hiding her vulva from sight, while we talk. She and her husband seem to have accepted their childlessness, probably each blaming the other, but she accepts his dalliances with others as a fact of Victorian life.

She does not herself get satisfaction from her husband's infrequent (and it seems, unimaginative) efforts to please her sexually, and feels that there “must be more” to sexual behaviour than she knows. Her mind was somewhat freed by our first treatment, when she experienced receiving oral attention for the first time ever, and she hopes to explore more.

With all that in mind, Helen shows her the last remaining glass Companion, and she is completely fascinated, proclaiming it a beautiful work of art, and handling it with reverence. She may have spoken with Lady Jane recently and readily accepts Helen's assurance that it is a true-to-life replica of me.

Helen also introduces a small bottle of lubricating oil, to accompany the Companion, and a small tub of rich, thick white cream, which she offers as cream for the face, or for the breasts- in fact, for any area where softness of the skin is paramount. Her explanations of the precise contents are rather lost, I think, as Emily dips her fingertips into the jar, and spreads a little over her small breasts.

“Hmm,” she says, “that feels gorgeous! I will take a jar to trial, and of course, I will take some oils and the Companion when I leave. I heard of that first from Lady Jane, but more recently from Sara and Charlotte- they do enjoy their freedom to experiment in private, which it clearly offers.”

Business settled, Emily lays back on the Couch, and says, “So, Simon, what do you want me to do?”

“Most of all,” I say, “ I want you to relax and enjoy yourself. Feel free to experiment in any way you wish- it is the only way you will find your own personal route to satisfaction. Everyone has their own pleasures, and it is just a question of identifying them.”

“I agree,” Emily says, “ but I so enjoyed your treatment on the last occasion, that I would like to experience that once again. Perhaps I will think of ways to enhance my responses too, if the Companion and some oils are readily to hand.”

Helen duly places these items within Emily's reach, and raises the Treatment Couch to its customary level, in front of me. As I bend forwards, she athletically extends both legs to the sky, then parts them wide. This exposes her vaginal lips to my full view, and slightly stretches them apart, to show the pinkness within. I am already aroused, and become more so, when Emily drapes her legs over my shoulders and uses their strength to pull my face against her vulva.

I perform the required treatment; my fingers explore her darker depths, teasing the inner walls of her vagina, while my tongue plays with her aroused, though tiny, red button. Her hands grasp my head now and, in concert with her legs, pull me hard against her; it is almost as though she wishes me to clamber fully inside her, like childbirth in reverse!

She reaches out for Helen's help, asking her to deliver the oiled Companion into her hands. I am uncertain as to her intentions, as my fingers are already fully embedded inside her and my mouth clamped tight over her button. Clearly, though, she has some exploratory plan in mind.

Without disengaging me, she rolls her hips a little to one side, and slips the oiled Companion between her muscular buttocks, trying to grip it as she slides it back and forth, in synchrony with my fingers probing her vagina. It is clear to me that she intends, if possible, to insert it into herself, while I continue more conventional treatment!

Just the very thought of it seems to excite her beyond belief, and though she fails to complete her plan, at that moment, she almost explodes with pent-up energy and desire, in a tumultuous climax. Her hips buck wildly, and she squirts copious fluid over me while gasping for air and cursing, alternately.

The Companion slips from her oily grasp as she flops limply back on the Couch, and groans with release.

While Helen and I both catch our breath, Emily begins to apologise, saying, “I'm so sorry! I just don't know what came over me, but I had the overwhelming desire to be penetrated in every orifice at once! Your treatment over-excited me, perhaps!”

The strong scent of sex emanating from every pore of Emily's body attests to her excitement, and I think the aroma has its effects on Helen and myself, too. We are both primed for action of our own, the moment Emily leaves, but we have to complete the formalities first.

While I dry myself, and try to hide the enormous erection stretching my trouser-front to bursting, Helen advises Emily to practice gently in private, using the Companion. She says that she can fully understand the desire to be filled almost beyond reason, but that anal insertion of the Companion will take a little oil, time and practice to achieve. When she can do that, in private, she will probably find that she can use her fingers to play with her own vagina and button to release greater pleasure, while the Companion remains inserted.

Emily is now fully dressed, and appears once again as a prim and proper, elegant Victorian Lady. She thanks us both, yet again, and gathers her discreetly packaged parcel containing oils, creams and the last of the four glass reproductions of “Doctor Watson's Assistant.”

As soon as Emily leaves, Helen quickly kneels to unbutton me and admires the original version, which now appears in front of her face. “My, my, what a very hard cock! I think it will take no time or effort to bring this to a conclusion.”

“This reminds me, I must quickly order more copies of “Doctor Watson's Assistant”, so that we have sufficient in stock. If your present state had been the original model, I think it might have been even larger!”

She laughs and says, “I shall harvest your cum for commercial purposes, Simon. There will be enough to flavour many pots of creams and oils for our clients!”

And there was.

Written by simoncam1
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