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Hysterical Histories 1

"The development of a Victorian Physician's speciality"

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The world we live in now.

The year is 1850. Queen Victoria has been on the throne of England for 13 years, since she ascended at the age of 18. She married Prince Albert at age 21 and it is reputed that they had a “passionate relationship”, possibly enhanced by his penile piercings, though 'Dress Rings' were then quite common amongst the Upper Classes. It is certainly true that Albert and Victoria produced 9 children in their 21 years of marriage, but this would not have been very unusual in “Victorian” times.

It was also widely rumoured that she had “a voracious sexual appetite”, bordering upon nymphomania, but in those days women were not expected to even think about sex, let alone presume to 'enjoy' it. Their duty was simply to provide their husband with children, and this was to be achieved through “normal” sex, in the “proper” way.

That meant penetrative sex, in the missionary position, without any preamble, simply to deliver the husband's sperm quickly and efficiently into the wife; hence the proliferation of brothels and street prostitution, where men could enjoy the more lascivious pleasures of less conventional activities, like oral sex, or BDSM, for example.

The men also 'enjoyed' much more extreme activities, but Upper Class Victorian men were free to indulge their sexual fantasies in whatever ways they chose- and frequently did so, whether with sex workers or their housemaids. Their wives, meanwhile, were usually much younger than them, and beneath the veneer of wealthy Victorian 'respectability', there seemed to be a seething cauldron of female desire, longing to be unlocked.

Of course, this mostly relates to the wealthier Middle and Upper classes, and life was very different for the Working classes, the poor and the destitute, as accurately described by Charles Dickens. He founded a charitable refuge for “fallen women”, called Urania Cottage.

In all classes, men were dominant, and thought women subservient, created simply to please and to serve them and to deliver their children (preferably male). Upon marriage, the woman's property, if any, became the man's. The wife was under the complete and total supervision of her husband. Not only did he have control of all of her possessions, but he also had full control over her body. The refusal of sex was grounds for the annulment of the marriage, and he could beat her, or force sex upon her, without any fear of prosecution. It was a difficult time for many wives and young women.

This all seems rather strange in an era when the country was ruled by a strong and respected woman in the form of Queen Victoria!

Nevertheless, these were the mores of the time. That does not mean that every man and every woman behaved according to these conventions, of course. Indeed, as now, there were many who broke with convention, and thereby helped to bring change.


The protagonists.

My name is Doctor Simon Watson, recently recognised as a qualified physician after leaving Oxford University. I was not particularly wealthy, but I married my wife Helen (who is of more Aristocratic French extraction) when I spent some time studying in Paris. It was a 'love match', not least because she was relatively liberated from English conventions, most particularly the inhibited sexual life which so many led. I found her more exciting than any English girl I had ever met, not only because she was so beautiful, but also so sexually adventurous and refreshingly forthright in her explicit views.

As a young man, and a doctor well-versed in female anatomy, I was also quite experimental in sexual matters and sought to develop my knowledge. I became well-aware of the “buttons” to be pressed in order to release female passion! My abilities in this regard are, I think, part of the reason that Helen agreed to my proposal of marriage, despite my relative poverty, and I have pursued the development of those skills in our marital bed ever since.

As is the legal custom, Helen's money became mine when we returned to London together as a married couple. Nevertheless, our approach was to consult jointly about our best strategy for our future life together and we finally decided to invest in a property on Harley Street, which seemed to be a growing focus of medical expertise.

Helen is a natural, imaginative and energetic entrepreneur. She is fully aware that we now rank only as Middle Class in London Society, and that I need to develop a reliable income from the Upper Classes in order to prosper here. Her more aristocratic French background enables her to mix easily in the higher circles of London Society, and she already has numerous contacts and friends who value both her intellectual and artistic talents. And of course, it goes without saying that she is a beautiful young woman!

While I pursued the development of my anatomical knowledge, through reading and attending lectures by eminent physicians, Helen worked on establishing contacts with wealthy Upper Class wives, and their (usually older) husbands, who she teased.

We each independently came across references to 'new treatments' for female ailments, amongst which was the general term of “hysteria”, used to describe women with “uncontrollable emotions”. The recommended solution for young women was regular marital sex, leading to pregnancy and childbirth, but many Victorian wives were still regarded by their husbands as “hysterical”, perhaps simply for frequently claiming “headaches” or “nervous exhaustion” to avoid their sexual duties.

The recommended medical treatment was 'gynaecological massage' to be conducted by a doctor until 'paroxysmal convulsion' was achieved, thus releasing all female tensions. I had read and attended lectures about it, and Helen had also heard chatter amongst her female friends, who seemed attracted and excited by the thought. Helen and I had to consider this potential 'specialism' as our route to financial security.


Our contractual agreement.

We lie together in our bed to discuss the development of MY specialism, and OUR enterprise. I think that we are both convinced that it could become a very lucrative business, for it needs very little capital investment, simply the honing of my existing skills and Helen's help to initiate contact with suitable clients.

Helen cuddles up closely and says, “ Simon, I know beyond doubt that you have the skills to bring a woman to paroxysmal convulsion, but I will have to test you frequently to ensure that you are in good practice! My only condition is that you shall not actually fuck them... your magnificent cock must remain mine alone.”

“I agree to that condition,” I say. “You are the only woman I will fuck and shoot my semen into. However, if you are to make contacts and appointments for me, I also have a condition; I will trust you to arrange treatment ONLY for young and attractive wives! Otherwise, there is a danger that I will find the process very damaging to my desires, and our own relationship may suffer. ”

Helen says, “That is very fair, Simon, as you have agreed not to fuck them. I could arrange a preliminary interview to assess their suitability for treatment, if you wish? If they do not appeal to you, you could always make an excuse on clinical grounds.”

“That seems a good approach,” I say, “ and at least in the early stages, I think I would like you to be present at the treatments I give. Your presence, I think, would reassure my clients of my proper intentions, especially as they will often be friends and social contacts of yours. Given your forthright approach, you could advise me honestly about any failures or improvements I could make, in ways which I doubt my clients would be able. Your presence will also assure you that I do not fuck my clients!”

“I agree”, says Helen, “I would like to be present anyway, and to assist in any way I can. I will also have regards to possible enhancements to our service which could be charged as extra. For example, I know that pubic shaving is becoming popular amongst the Upper Classes, and I could provide that service myself if necessary. As you know, I keep myself clean shaven there, though I do not see the need for a merkin!”

“An excellent idea,” I say. “ The merkin seems a ridiculous fashion to me, and we should not encourage it, even if we could profit from the provision. I will, I think, find it easier to provide service to a clean-shaven vagina. I know from medical texts that there is a wide range of appearance in that area, and I will need to be able to see clearly what is presented. I am aware that there will be many varied outer features!”

“I hope you will not find any more attractive than mine!” giggles Helen. “I think it is time for you to begin practice, and I will tell you if your performance is satisfactory.”

Our discussions and the roaming of my imagination, as well as close contact from Helen, have already encouraged the firm erection of my cock. She reaches down under the bedclothes and groans as she feels its hardness throbbing in her hand.

“Hmm,” she says, “ if you were the husband of many of my friends, you would by now have rolled me onto my back and thrust that deep inside me. I think their pleasure doesn't last long, and their wives feel little response in the short period they buck in and out, before spilling their seed. I am grateful to have such a considerate lover as you...”

I grin and say, “I don't think these husbands know what pleasures they are missing! The proper preparation of the woman is one of the most exciting things a man can experience, before fucking begins.”

“And for the woman too!” says Helen. “Show me how you will treat your frustrated clients, and I will tell you how many stars I see.”

I throw back the bed-covers, to expose Helen's body, as she wriggles free of her nightdress. She has large breasts, with spreading areolae around the firm, erect nipples. Her belly is flat and she spreads her legs wide to allow me to see her shaven pubic area.

The pubic bone is quite prominent, and I know from experience that when I lay upon her I can rock back and forth as I thrust into her, stretching and squeezing her button with every stroke. But that is yet to come.

Now I slide down her body, between her thighs, and part her vaginal lips carefully. I note that she is already rather moist, perhaps because of our preliminary discussions.

Slowly, I stroke one finger between her lips, from back to front, and she jolts involuntarily as my fingertip presses briefly upon her pronounced red button. I learned long ago that this was the trigger, but so sensitive and delicate that it needs to be treated with care and consideration.

As her arousal builds, it is possible to exert greater pressure, but for now, I am gently teasing her and watching her vaginal lips swell with blood as I stroke them. I part them wider, and they stay open now, exposing the more hidden depths of pink and deep red, leading to the vaginal entrance.

I slip one finger inside her, and she jolts again, as her vagina contracts around my finger, and leaks more honey onto my hand. Another finger joins the first, and she groans as she feels herself more stretched, and begins to anticipate the moment when my thick cock will squeeze inside her, stretching her even further open.

While she thinks of all this to come, I lower my head and lick slowly from her vagina, up to her pert red button, now visibly throbbing as I tease it with the tip of my tongue. Now I press my mouth more forcefully over the area, and suck her between my lips, while licking her rhythmically. My fingers begin to move in and out of her, in the same rhythm, and she responds with the rocking of her hips back and forth.

All this begins quite slowly, but the pace steadily increases, as her gasps become louder and now her hands grip my head, pressing my mouth ever more firmly against her.

As her moans become louder, and her movements more urgent, I know from experience that she is about to reach her climax. I continue licking and sucking more and more urgently, while my fingers, joined now by a third, plunge harder and more deeply inside her vagina.

Suddenly she freezes quite still and I feel (and see) the fluttering of her lips, and the rhythmic contraction of her vaginal muscles around my deeply-embedded fingers. She screams loudly, then gasps as she tries to recover all the breath she has just expelled; she is gasping for breath, but slowly the paroxysms subside.

I can withdraw my fingers from her grip now, drenched in her liquid honey. I raise my head and look upwards to see her gently fondling her own breasts, teasing the hard, erect nipples.

I slide up alongside her, and she can feel the pressure of my hard cock against her thigh. I know that she is still extremely sensitive, and I am prepared to wait until she is able to tolerate the forced entry which she knows is about to come.

She appreciates that I do not act too hastily, and says, “Simon, I know you have done this for me on many previous occasions, but that was as exciting as ever, if not more so! If this was my first experience of your 'treatment', I think I might melt away completely in ecstasy. I don't know how much we will be charging your clients, but it can never be enough! And I'm sure they will be back for more!”

“Well,” I say, “I will have to keep practising with you, but now I need some relief of my own. Do you want to experience something my clients will not?”

“Simon, just fuck me now! I don't want anyone else to experience this.”

As instructed, I lay on top of Helen, pressing her knees apart with mine. My cock needs no guidance, and as I move upwards, the swollen head is naturally welcomed between her gaping wet lips and into her trembling vagina. It is a tight fit, despite all the preparations, and she gasps as I force the full length slowly up inside her, until my body is pressed against her still-sensitive button.

For a few moments, I lie still, at full depth. Then I grasp her wrists and hold them above her head, while she stares deeply into my eyes. “Are you ready, Helen?” I ask, and she nods silently, biting her lip in anticipation.

As I had done before, I begin slowly by withdrawing my cock until only the head hovers at her vaginal entrance, then pressing back inside. She feels every inch as it enters her, and senses the increasing thickness from tip to base, as my cock slides smoothly into her, until the base clashes against her.

The pace increases steadily again, and I think I can feel a second climax brewing inside her. She is breathing heavily now, in rhythm with my thrusts, and there is a final gasp of escaping breath every time my cock reaches full depth. A I speed my thrusts, the clash at full depth becomes harder and more violent, and her gasps match mine.

I can hold back no longer, and she senses my imminent climax; that seems to provoke another in her, and we both press urgently against each other until the moment arrives.

We both, I think, feel the throbbing pulses of cum forcing their way up the shaft of my cock and shooting deep inside her, while I hold still and my body falls onto hers, cushioned by her breasts.

When all the gasping and groaning is done, I roll away to lie alongside her, as I have done many times before. But each occasion is like a new experience- the same but different, each time.

As my cum leaks from between her legs, we slowly recover ourselves, to talk again.

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“Simon,” says Helen, “that was sooo good, and even better to know that no-one else will have the FULL experience of you fucking them. Your preliminary attentions will satisfy your clients, I'm sure, but we must keep you in practice!”

“ I am feeling a little anxious about it, to be honest,” I say, “but if you think that will satisfy the clients you have in mind, I will have to accept your judgement. Nevertheless, I think your attendance will be valuable, and we can talk about each treatment in private afterwards. Do you have a first client in mind, and how much do you think we should charge?”

“Don't worry about that,” says Helen, ”however much we charge will never be enough! I have a figure in mind, and my friend Lady Emma did not baulk at the sum when I proposed it to her. Of course, she does have to persuade her husband to pay for it, but I think she is perfectly capable of doing so.”

“She is an attractive young wife, extremely bored with her older husband, and I have advised her to avoid sex with him by claiming headaches, nervousness, palpitations, and anything he could interpret as female instability of some sort. I'm sure that he will very soon lose patience, and I have told her that you would be ready to 'treat' her if he agrees. I've also told her how proficient you are!”

“If I tell her that I will attend her first treatment, I think that will reassure both her and her husband. I will suggest to her that after the treatment, she should go home and immediately volunteer herself to be fucked by her husband.

He should be pleased, and with the memory of your treatment in her mind, she may find her marital experience more pleasurable than usual! I think that if he sees and feels a quick improvement in Emma's attitude, he will be convinced of the value of your treatment.

And if Emma should suffer a … relapse... every few weeks, I'm sure he would fund another treatment. Emma will 'play the game', I'm sure, if she benefits from your oral and manual dexterity, and as you are not allowed to fuck her, she may genuinely need the attention of her husband afterwards!”

And so, the rules of the game are agreed.


The game's afoot!

Helen works assiduously to establish more potential clients for me, but Lady Emma is by far the most promising prospect. She has already confided her marital frustrations to Helen, and she, in return, has emphasised my skills in the bedroom, which she argues could be translated into the consulting room.

Lady Emma certainly seems willing, but feels that advocacy on her behalf, by Helen herself, might prove the most persuasive to her husband. After all, as a woman, she can articulate her independent description of Lady Emma's “affliction”, and in the end her husband will have to foot the bill for the treatment.

Helen agrees to meet Lord Thomas and make representations to him. Her own aristocratic background assists in gaining leave to talk to him. At that meeting, she emphasises that Lady Emma feels deeply distraught that she seems not to adequately satisfy him in the bedroom, but her frequent, obstructive bouts of nervousness and palpitations are classic examples of “hysteria”, which I have learned to treat.

She says she is so confident that he will find his wife “a changed woman” after her first treatment, that we will defer any payment until after he finds the results evident. In return, we would then expect him to advocate the treatment to others in his circle.

She claims that regular treatment (usually monthly) may be necessary, but can be cancelled at any time. There is a range of treatments on offer, but she suggests the Standard service to begin with.

Lord Thomas agrees, and a date is fixed for Lady Emma to attend our Consulting Room in Harley Street. She will arrive by horse and carriage at 4pm, for an introductory 2-hour appointment, Helen will be in attendance throughout, and Lady Emma will be returned by carriage that evening.

And so it begins! Helen and I discuss our strategies in advance, and agree that manual massage should be the 'Standard' treatment. For established clients, oral intervention may be added, as the 'De Luxe' treatment, but as we had agreed, I will never fuck my clients in full. Helen is adamant that we will think of “extra” services to enhance the main treatment, and confident that we will prosper financially. She is keen that I should not exhaust myself with overwork, and would prefer few, but lucrative clients.

Lady Emma arrives at the appointed time, and I am pleased to see that Helen has provided me with a beautiful young woman to treat! I direct her to the consulting room with Helen, where we have prepared a comfortable and adjustable couch for Emma.

Helen persuades her to undress to some degree, but she is reluctant to appear before me completely naked. She does succeed in removing Emma's bloomers, from beneath her voluminous skirts, and loosening her corset, but will go no further.

When I enter the room, Emma is lying back on the couch, with her skirts raised to her waist, and her hands folded across her belly. She looks extremely nervous, staring fixedly at the ceiling, so I try to put her at ease by complimenting her on the healthy appearance of her lower body. She smiles down at me and says, “No-one but my husband has ever seen me in such a state of undress before. And he does not look very closely, nor compliment me in such ways!”

I note that Helen was correct in her belief that Emma is fully shaven between the legs, and see already that she has much more prominent vaginal lips than does Helen, and that they are of a rather darker hue than the surrounds.

“I understand that you require the Standard treatment, Lady Emma?” I say.

Helen intervenes to say, “Yes, that is what was agreed with Lord Thomas, but as an introductory experience, I think you should provide a trial sample of the De Luxe service, Doctor.”

Emma looks a little bemused, but I swiftly agree, and say, “Let us begin, then”.

Helen and I raise the level of the treatment couch until it is at my waist height, and Emma's parted legs hang over the end, bent at the knee. Helen holds Emma's hand and says, “Do not worry, my dear friend. Simon will be gentle with you.”

I rub my hands to warm them before placing one on each of Emma's bare white thighs, and sliding them down to feel the soft, delicate skin of the inner sides, gently pressing them apart.

She jumps slightly, and grips Helen's hand more tightly, as my hands both move up her inner thighs, to reach the junction with her vaginal lips. I part them, commenting how beautiful the structures are.

I can see that her button is prominent already, and now I press quite firmly on her pubic mound to raise and stretch her lips apart, freeing it to protrude even more. She groans when I briefly touch it, and I say, “Yes, Helen, I do think Lady Emma would benefit from the De Luxe treatment. Her body is perfectly structured for it.”

She jumps with shock as I introduce one long middle finger into her vagina, sliding it smoothly through the moist folds which indicate that she is already somewhat excited. Slowly, I withdraw that finger, then reintroduce it time and time again, until Emma is responding to the rhythm. This continues for a very considerable time, until I deem it possible to introduce a second finger to her very tight young vagina.

When both are deep inside her, I part them slightly as I withdraw, stretching her wider each time, and begin to curl them up against her vaginal walls when they are deeply embedded. She is moving in concert with me now, as the treatment continues to gather pace.

After a short while, I dare to touch her button, and she jolts in shock. The fingers of my other hand press lightly around the area, and move in a circular motion around her button, while my other hand continues to press in and out of her. Slowly, my attention focuses on her hard red button, which is long enough for me to stroke gently up and down. Now, my fingers are circling around it, moving back and forth at ever greater speed, and her hips are beginning to move against the regular motion of both my hands.

I look at Helen and say, “I do think a brief trial of the De Luxe treatment is called for soon.”

Accordingly, I drop my head, to take Emma's prominent button between my lips and suck gently. She gasps in shock, but makes no effort to push me away- indeed, as much as possible, she presses her clean-shaven groin more firmly against my mouth and flickering tongue.

Helen is aware that I am also becoming very aroused. She can see my hard cock pressing urgently against my trousers, and reaches over to unbutton me, below the level of the couch. She expertly pulls my cock into the open and her hand slides smoothly up and down the hard, but soft-skinned shaft.

I am finding it hard to concentrate on Emma, but her increasingly energetic movements on the couch, forcing herself against my hands and mouth, demand my attention, while Helen enjoys her own personal thrills.

Emma is becoming very vocal and moving against me urgently, and that, combined with the matching rhythms of Helen's hand grasping my cock, makes it inevitable that I will soon cum.

I am determined to complete Emma's treatment before I do, and note that Helen leaves me briefly, to take a glass beaker and position it below the couch, ready to catch the spillage of my cum. She returns to her own task even more vigorously than before, and I do likewise in my treatment of Emma.

She suddenly comes to a loud, shuddering climax in front of me, and this provokes my own shuddering climax in Helen's hands. I try to remain silent while she milks my cum into the glass and Emma's noisy climax subsides.

Helen expertly tucks my cock out of sight and re-buttons me, setting the glass of cum aside, and moves around the couch to comfort Emma, who is now sobbing uncontrollably and is occasionally wracked by tremors throughout her body.

“Oh, my goodness,” says Emma, finally, when she has regained her breath and her composure. “I have never experienced anything even approaching that before. You are indeed a skilled man! May I call you Simon, now?”

“Of course you may,” intervenes Helen. “I told you how capable he is in these matters, and now you have the proof! All that remains is for you to go home to your husband, and offer yourself willingly to him. I always find that after Simon has prepared me, as he has you, there is nothing more welcome than a hard cock! Even if the experience of your husband is brief, I'm sure you will find it more pleasurable than usual.”

She helps Emma to re-corset and dress fully, while I lower the couch, enabling her to stand (somewhat shakily) on her own feet,

Emma thanks us both profusely, and says she will pass recommendations to all her friends who may need (or want) such treatment- it seems they may be numerous! She also says she will ensure that her husband pays our bill, and wonders if a regular appointment would be beneficial?

Helen agrees to discuss all these matters with her later, but now it is time for Emma to return to her husband, with a new demeanour and a fresh enthusiasm for intimacy.

After Emma has left, we discuss the occasion in detail. Helen seems to think that Emma was truly satisfied, and that if pleasing her husband is the price of convincing him of the efficacy of the treatment, however temporarily, then that will be achieved. A monthly appointment would not be out of order, she thinks, to maintain Emma's emotional stability, and her openness to her husband.

I agree, but feel we need to discuss Helen's intervention during the treatment. It was very welcome, of course, but unscheduled. Helen says, “I could see that you were being distracted by your own arousal, Simon, and something had to be done. As you have agreed never to fuck clients, I thought it only fair to provide you with relief.”

“It has led me to further thoughts about the development of our services. I don't want you to be exhausted by over-demand, so we should aim for a small number of regular clients who will each pay handsomely for your 'De Luxe' treatment.

“Then we will need to think of “extra” charges. I have already suggested pubic shaving, though it was not necessary on this occasion. As it is an increasingly common practice amongst refined women, it may rarely be needed.”

“Our experience today has led me to further thoughts, though,” Helen says. “It seems to me that your hands and fingers will become very tired if you offer numerous treatments like that! I am considering that you may need to use a “ladies companion” to assist you. I have heard of a carved ivory replica of an erect male appendage, finely worked in every detail, for ladies to use in privacy. I think if you applied it to them, rather than them administering it to themselves, it would become an even more erotic experience for them, and would save you a great deal of effort too.”

“That is undoubtedly true,” I say, “ but these items must be difficult and expensive to source?”

“Indeed,” says Helen, “ but as you know, I have artistic leanings of my own. I believe that I could carve a realistic replica of your own cock, faithful in every detail, so that you could apply it when necessary during treatments. If it proves effective and popular, we could perhaps reproduce it in quantity and sell it directly to our clients. I had already thought to call it 'Doctor Watson's Assistant'!”

I cannot help but laugh; “Helen, you are incorrigible, and your erotic imagination is boundless! Certainly, let us consider these thoughts and the potential to develop our enterprise, but first we have to be certain that Lady Emma can convince her husband to pay us for today's treatment, and begin to build a faithful clientele.”

“That is nowhere near the limit of my imaginings!” she says, and reaches out for the small whisky tumbler she had used earlier to gather my cum. “but I will pursue my other thoughts tomorrow.”

She looks me directly in the eye as she dips a long finger into the glass and swirls it around to gather a covering of my semen. Then she lifts it to her mouth, and sucks it clean, tipping her head back and closing her eyes.

“Mmmm, that is delicious,” she says, “even though it was provoked as much by Emma as it was by me.”

Now she lifts the glass to her lips, first to take a sip, then to take the entire contents into her mouth, and swirl it around, before gulping it down loudly.

“I think it is better when warm, direct from the source,” she says, “ but it is nevertheless a tasty brew you produce, Simon.”

I smile and say, “I should thank you for noticing my arousal and lending me your helping hand. Perhaps next time, you could suck my cum from its source, without our client even knowing?”

“An excellent thought to add into our considerations, Simon, but all this talk of sex now has me dripping beneath my dress. You may have been relieved, as was Emma, but I think I have been somewhat neglected today! After your treatment of Emma, do you think you will soon be ready to fuck me?”

“I am sure I am sufficiently recovered already,” I say, “You are perfectly correct, Helen. I do apologise for failing to consider your needs. We must correct that omission straight away, and return to our business speculations tomorrow.”

And so we fuck, most energetically, no doubt while Emma fucks her husband. Having been milked once before, it takes even longer than usual for me to reach a final climax inside Helen, and it seems that she enjoys this much more lengthy procedure, reaching several climaxes before I do.

The first day of business is thus completed, and we will see what tomorrow brings.

Written by simoncam1
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