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Hysterical Histories 4

"Our first repeat client"

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Chapter Seven

Lady Emma returns

Rather sooner than expected, Lady Emma Thomas, our inaugural client, has asked for further treatment. She has satisfied her husband for the last few weeks but has never herself, been satisfied in the way she was by her last treatment. She feels that succumbing willingly to her husband is the price she must pay for continuing treatment whenever she asks, and now she has asked him.

She smiles as she enters the Consulting Rooms, with quite a different demeanour to her first visit; she knows now that there is nothing for her to fear and much to be enjoyed. She is also less reluctant to undress and expose herself to my view. In fact, she seems to enjoy showing herself, and refuses the shift Helen offers her, to cover her body. She sits at the end of the couch, facing me proudly.

On her previous visit, she eventually exposed only her lower body, but on this occasion, she is fully naked before our gaze. I had not seen her breasts before, but they were large for her frame and topped with pink, spreading areolae around firm nipples. I ask to touch them, and she beams a wide smile as she says, “Of course, Simon.”

I weigh her breasts in my hands, lifting them slightly and circling her nipples with my thumbs, feeling them respond to my touch. I compliment her on their shape and firmness, and she seems very pleased. I think she gets a few compliments from her husband, who does not seem to appreciate his wife's outstanding beauty.

I ask Emma to lie back and to spread her legs before me, while Helen raises the level of the couch to its accustomed height. I recall that our last treatment had led to Helen milking my cock beneath the couch, unbeknownst to her close friend Emma, who was squirming with pleasure above.

I say, “I assume you require the 'De Luxe' treatment that you experienced before? It seems now to have become our Standard Treatment for most clients!”

“That would be very satisfactory,” she says, “unless you have any other added extras to recommend?”

I look at Helen and wink. “Nothing is listed yet,” I say, “but I am investigating the possible health benefits of male semen when ingested by the female. It is experimental work, of course, and I would not charge extra if you wished to participate on that basis.”

Emma looks fascinated, but Helen interjects to say, “We should consider that after your treatment, Emma! Both you and Simon may be more able to decide then.”

One of the reasons Emma became our first client is that she is such a good and close friend of Helen's, and they have shared stories about their husbands for some time, but it is not clear to me how much Helen will share in reality.

As I recalled, Emma had slightly prominent vaginal lips, of a somewhat darker hue, and (when excited) a long and prominent button at the upper juncture. Everything is clearly visible at her shaven pubic area, which this time seems to have had a preparatory fresh shave. In anticipation of her treatment, I think, she already seems a little moist and swollen in that area.

She is more welcoming of my touch this time and does not flinch as my fingers begin to caress her vulva, and explore the structure of her vaginal lips. I note again that she has a very tight young vagina, and I think she intentionally tightens it around my two fingers when I slowly introduce them. I congratulate her on her grip, and recommend that she should use that facility to excite her husband,

“Oh,” she says, “I have to try to grip him there, or I would probably feel nothing when he enters me! I do not know whether he is small or large, as I have never seen his (nor any other man's!) member fully exposed to view. I have only felt... something... press between my legs, and usually only for a very short period. He seems satisfied, and very pleased with himself, but for me, the experience is underwhelming.”

“Whatever his size,” I say, “I'm sure he will appreciate a tightening of your muscular grip upon him; if you can grip and release him rhythmically, he may wish to stay embedded in you for a lengthier period, just to enjoy those sensations. You may practice that skill here and now, if you wish.”

Accordingly, I press two fingers deeply inside her and hold them there while she tightens and releases her vaginal muscles. Her grip is noticeable but will improve with practice (as does everything!) and I try to encourage her with the reward of curling my fingers inside her, seeking spots on her inner walls where pressure may add to her pleasure. I have found such spots in others, but I have not yet formulated a reliable guide to their location in every woman.

Emma is moving in ways to encourage my fingers to play in and out now, and I comply with what seems to be her wishes. Her breathing is becoming deeper but faster now, and when I drop my head to her button, she gasps out loud.

“My goodness, Simon,” she says, “I remember how exciting this was the last time you did it- it was the very first time I had experienced such an approach, and I loved it!”

I take her engorged red button between my lips and suck it inside my mouth, teasing it with my tongue. She suppresses her reactions but squeals quietly to herself, and this time, reaches down to hold my head between her hands and press me more forcefully against her mound.

As her excitement builds, so does mine, and Helen is very aware that, yet again, I am becoming aroused. This time, though, she does not offer me any immediate release.

Instead, she whispers in my ear... “Simon, if you bring Emma to her conclusion quickly now, I may allow you to provide her with a sample of semen today! She is my best friend, and I did admit to her, privately, what happened between us on her last visit. She said how she wished she could have seen that!”

Encouraged, I intensify the treatment applied by my mouth and fingers until Emma is ripe for plucking- she seems about to burst with pent-up emotions, and simply has to reach a conclusion. As before, she becomes very vocal now, but releases much less lady-like sounds and phrases than before; as she climaxes and shakes before me, she grunts, growls, and grimaces while she swears and curses loudly, in a most unladylike way.

Finally, her limbs thrash wildly, and I have to retreat for my own safety. Gradually, her outburst subsides and she flops back on the couch limply. In contrast, I am not at all limp!

Helen helps Emma to sit up, still quivering slightly, and lowers the couch. That allows her to see the urgent bulging of my trousers, and Helen says, “You see what you've done to Simon, Emma? This is what happened last time too, but as I told you later, I dealt with it surreptitiously on that occasion!”

Emma gasps. “Oh my!” she says, “Will you have to relieve him again? It certainly seems that he needs it! Is this what Simon meant earlier when he talked of 'experimental work' with semen?”

Helen stares me in the eye now, and says, “I will certainly have to relieve him, Emma, but perhaps I need not be so secretive this time. Would you like to watch, and perhaps gather the cum he produces? I have told you how copious his output can be!”

Emma almost melts away with desire, flopping forwards towards my bulging crotch, which Helen now strokes proudly. I am desperately trying not to fall to the floor, but most of all, not to cum prematurely.

“Of course,” gasps Emma,” if Simon is agreeable, I would love to see a man in his full pomp, and witness what really happens inside me when my husband fucks me!”

She places her hands on her knees, sitting at the end of the couch in front of me, and leans slightly forward towards me, while Helen unbuttons me, and expertly pulls my hard cock into full sight. I have my hands behind my back, trying to resist moving, and desperate to remain standing (in both senses).

Helen says, “Emma, I will show you everything, but my only proviso is that you shall not touch Simon. He has sworn not to fuck any clients, and it would be unfair to torment him with your touch. Is that agreed?”

“Most certainly,” says Emma. “ I am already astonished by his size and rigidity. As I said, I have never even seen my husband in this condition, but from what I feel, I am sure he cannot be so large as this!”

I say, “I am sorry ladies, but this must come to a conclusion soon! The excitement of the treatment, and now this unexpected outing, will overwhelm me soon.”

Helen asks Emma if she does want to sample my semen, as part of my experimental work, and she nods vigorously but silently.

Helen begins to stroke my cock while Emma watches wide-eyed, and approaches as closely as possible without touching. I can feel her hot breath upon the head of my cock.

Helen says, “Hmm, I will recognise from experience when Simon is about to spurt, but it seems we don't have a suitable container to hand! Anyway, I believe that it will be more tasty when taken warm, from the source, rather than sampled cold, later on.”

Emma seems very taken aback by her friend's candidness, but does not resist the ideas now being placed in her mind. These would be unthinkable thoughts for a young Victorian wife, but now they are clearly being thought!

Helen's hand grips me firmly and pumps slowly but steadily up and down, moving the soft skin back and forth, stretching the head to its shiniest limits, as it swells with each stroke, becoming more and more bulbous with each stroke.

Emma is spellbound by the sight - a sight she had never imagined witnessing, and oh so closely!

Helen says, “It won't be long now, Emma! Look how his balls are tightening, and watch the head swell to its bursting point. You must open your mouth wide now, but keep your eyes open too!”

Helen forces my cock downwards to an angle directed towards Emma's wide red mouth. Her other hand grasps my balls tightly, but kneads them gently, as their content accumulates.

I gasp as I feel the surges of cum gathering, then racing up my throbbing cock, to spurt from the tip with enormous force. Emma's mouth is wide open before me, but she is not allowed to touch me. As I am compelled to press forward through Helen's tight grip, I come very close to entering her mouth, but her red lips do not touch me.

The first spurt of cum is directed expertly by Helen and hits the back of Emma's tongue. She reacts involuntarily and closes her mouth briefly, causing the second spurt to hit her closed lips before she can open up again to take the third spurt inside. She is shaking throughout her body, but manages to accept all the later spurts into her open mouth, while some cum now drips from her chin.

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Helen pulls me even closer, while still not allowing Emma's lips to touch me. She tells Emma to tip her head back, and milks the final drops from me, to drip into her open mouth.

Emma uses one finger to gather the dribble of cum from her chin and scoop it between her now-closed red lips. She looks at Helen first, then at me. With what I think is a lascivious shine in her eyes, she slips that finger inside her mouth, sucks it, and then swallows the entire contents I have deposited within her.

In competition, perhaps, and also to mark her own territory clearly, Helen takes my softening cock into her mouth, while Emma watches. Helen sucks loudly, to remove the veneer of cum from the full length of my cock, and quickly sucks the final drops from the head, then swallows equally loudly.

As she tucks me away and re-buttons me, she turns to Emma and says, “ I told you he was copious in his output, but now you can also taste how delicious he is! Thick and creamy, rich-tasting, but with a distinct saltiness which adds a unique tang, don't you think?”

Emma is finding it difficult to speak, and her eyes are bulging, but finally, she gathers the composure to agree with Helen. She adds, “I could never imagine such a performance with my husband! As I have said, I have never even seen his manhood, only felt... something... penetrate me, and briefly.”

“That was highly educational, as well as very pleasurable. Thank you both so much. I will be very happy to participate in future 'experiments', Simon! How often do you recommend such a dose should be taken?”

I say that is unknown, as this treatment is so experimental, but I would like her to take daily written notes of her feelings (within herself, and towards her husband) over the next weeks, and share them with us at her next appointment. We will form a view on further treatment as time goes by.

Helen is highly amused by my calm exterior appearance, and I think she knows that I am in fact trembling inside with hidden passion and excitement at what has occurred. She smiles at me as she helps Emma to dress, and escorts her to her waiting carriage.

Chapter Eight

Lady Emily attends

Lady Emily James is our fourth recruit, via female gossip amongst the cultured classes, we think. Helen has many contacts in those circles but suspects that there is much more explicit gossip that she does NOT hear, simply because she is my wife.

In many ways, we want to encourage this, but Helen makes clear to her 'friends' that she is fully aware of the treatments I give, and actually attends them all. She is proud of, and unembarrassed about, her husband's abilities and emphasises to all who will listen, that she is the SOLE beneficiary of the full range of my skills. Nevertheless, she thinks that her friends do fantasise about me, and may even share those thoughts.

Lady Emily, wife of Lord James, is another bored Victorian wife, virtually held captive on the large Country Estate he holds. She can only leave by carriage, as she is not allowed to ride a horse, and so is almost totally under his control. He does allow her to meet with her peer groups of young wives, and he, likewise, meets with his equivalent peers. It seems that men 'gossip' too, though they may not call it that!

Both have heard independently of the service we offer in Harley Street. Lord James is told how much more compliant wives can be after 'treatment', while she is told how exciting the 'treatments' are in themselves.

There now seems to be a female conspiracy developing, which leads bored wives to withdraw from their husbands, especially in the bedroom, and claim “nervous exhaustion”, as “frail and sensitive” women. Their husbands do not seem to understand the strategy, and soon become ready to deliver their wives into my hands, especially with the reassurance that my own wife will be in attendance.

Lady Emily is duly delivered to my Consulting Room by horse and carriage. She is an extremely tall and slender woman, who looks very fragile. I would describe her more as “willowy” though, because she is certainly not fragile. I can see immediately, as she undresses and dons the shift offered, that she is very strong and flexible in her body, and she moves her limbs with real grace.

We know a little of her background already. I suspect that she could have had a very successful career in ballet, had she been allowed to continue, but I believe that was thought unacceptable when she became a 'Lady' some years ago. She is perhaps a little too tall to have continued, anyway, because she could not be seen to be taller than her ' leading man'! Her background is kept quiet, in the main, because it could be presented that she was a “showgirl” of some sort, and that would be demeaning for her husband.

They have been married some years now, and she has not fallen pregnant yet. That may be something to do with the rigours of ballet training, which are harsh on the female body, but she is clearly also bored with her husband, and his routine and unadventurous efforts to impregnate her. He, of course, blames her. In truth, it may be both, either, or neither- these are complex matters and the subject of much research.

We discuss the possible causes of her temperamental outbursts and emotional instability, and she candidly says that she largely 'performs' that act to keep her husband at bay. It has now also become useful as a justification for our 'treatment', which she understands to be quite exhilarating, and she would like to experience such thrills, at least once in her life!

Helen is amused. My fame (or notoriety?) is clearly spreading through female circles of society, and we will very soon achieve financial stability once our 'repeat order' rate is established. Lady Emily is our fourth client, and Helen regards five as the target. Six would allow for some monthly absences, due to menstrual periods, illness, etc., and in the long term, perhaps pregnancy for some.

Helen will monitor our progress in all these ways, while I focus on delivering satisfactory treatments, and developing new ideas.

Lady Emily is rightfully very proud of her body and her graceful appearance to the male eye; she moves extremely gracefully too, and is clearly in control of every physical aspect of herself.

When we have talked a little about her marriage, her concerns and her desires, I ask her if she would be prepared to remove the simple shift which hides her from my gaze. She does not hesitate but fixes my eyes as she stands before me, slowly unbuttoning one by one until the shift gapes open to reveal her nakedness. Then she slips the covering from both shoulders simultaneously, allowing it to fall and pool around her feet. She is truly an elegant woman and I feel myself responding physically to her nakedness.

She is totally devoid of hair, except for wonderful flowing blonde locks that curl all the way down to the tips of her dark nipples, set upon very small but pert breasts. Her hips are slim, though her waist is slimmer, and her vulva is largely hidden between her legs at the moment. Her legs are extraordinarily long, especially the thighs, and though they are slim, I can see that they are very, very strong. She stands, poised elegantly on the balls of her feet, as though ready to dance for me.

I ask her to sit, then lie back, and to open her thighs, while Helen raises the couch to its customary level. I do not have to touch her at all yet, because her tight vaginal lips are presented to me in full glory. I find them truly beautiful in structure and tell her so.

Unbidden, she reaches down, and parts them in front of my astonished eyes; she is clearly not modest about her body, at least in this context. Her inner lips are pink, and becoming a little moist now, and as she spreads herself before me, I can see the tiniest of red buttons beginning to emerge, the darker hues of red and purple inner lips, and the deeper well of her vaginal entrance, already leaking her juices.

I long to taste her honey, as I breathe in all the sexual aromas around me. These are not the artificial scents of expensive perfume, but the raw, exciting smells of female arousal. I think I can also detect the scent of Helen's arousal, beside me, and a glance at her face tells me that I may be right. There is a cocktail of strong female scents fighting for my attention, but I have to focus on my client, Emily.

I lower my head between her long thighs, and my fingers replace hers, holding her open to the attention of my lips and tongue. My darting tongue and probing fingers quickly begin to elicit moans from Emily, who suddenly drapes her legs over my shoulders. Her strong thighs grasp my head, squeezing tightly, and her hands now drop to hold my head in place, while her hips move rhythmically up and down against my mouth.

Her pace increases, and I respond with more urgent sucking of her tiny button, delving my tongue inside her, and probing her with my fingers. Her breathing becomes faster and faster, deeper and deeper; the pressure of her thighs and hands upon my head becomes stronger and stronger.

Soon she reaches her paroxysmal convulsion, with a loud outburst of passionate curses, rapid thrusting of her hips against me, and bodily tremors which make the Treatment Couch shake. I feel Helen's hand on my shoulder and discern that she is also trembling, perhaps silently sharing Emily's climax.

As we all slowly relax and our breathing returns more to normality, I withdraw from between Emily's thighs, despite her apparent reluctance. I put an arm around Helen, and pull her to me, while Emily sits up and pulls the shift back to cover her.

As she dresses, Emily says, “That was magnificent, Simon. You fulfilled all the promises that my friends have made, and more. I shall heartily recommend your services to others in my position, and no doubt I shall attend here again!”

“I'm delighted,” I say. “ We love to see a satisfied client, and you will be very welcome to return. Do not forget to allow your husband some benefit from the treatment, if you do want to return.”

She gathers herself and her belongings to leave, by the carriage which has waited patiently outside our Consulting Rooms; perhaps longer than had been expected.

When she has left, Helen immediately pounces upon me and takes full advantage of the rock hard erection which I still maintain. It does not subside until she has had her way with me on the Consulting Couch!

Together, we sleep well that night, but before I doze off, Helen says, “I have a fifth client in mind for you Simon, who you may find rather exotic; but that will be confirmed next week after Lady Jane returns in a day or two. Sleep well, my love.”

Written by simoncam1
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