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Walking Encounters - Part 1 - Savannah

"The initial inspiration for this story line actually happened, while the rest is pure fantasy!"

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Author's Notes

"This story first appeared in the ‘spanking’ category but thought those who like stories about cheating might also appreciate it. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Enjoy!"

Part 1 - Savannah

He loved starting his day with his morning walks. Living on the Gulf Coast of Florida and within walking distance of the beach he had two destinations to choose from, both affording a view of the gulf and a place to sit and do his mindfulness meditation. One was the beach itself and while others walked up and down the shore he chose to sit and take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the beach while he concentrated on the here and now. The other was a county park that had an observation tower overlooking the Intracoastal Waterway and the gulf beyond, also providing a place to sit mindfully.

Depending on the route he took, each was between a three- and four-mile round trip. He avoided the main thoroughfare that led directly to the beach so as not to be bothered by the cars and traffic lights, choosing to walk through residential neighborhoods instead. He usually started by walking down the hill near his neighborhood, crossing the boulevard, and then taking a variety of paths among the nice homes that also benefited by their proximity to the coast.

Being a musician, he walked with his earbuds playing his favorite music, shuffling songs on long playlists, never knowing what song would come up next but as he had created the lists it was always something he liked, although if a particular song didn’t really get his attention, his mind might wander to the thoughts of the day. 

Alex was a businessman who had worked from home often even before the Covid pandemic but now went into the office only occasionally, once every week or two. He liked working from home now, appreciating the quiet that allowed for greater concentration on whatever task was at hand. This hadn’t always been the case as when he was married, his wife thought of his being home as an opportunity to give him many meaningless tasks to accomplish while she was at work.

Divorced now for more than ten years, he enjoyed the freedom that bachelorhood afforded him. Although very much in love in their early years, marriage had lost its luster for a variety of reasons. Foremost was the toll that trying to have children had taken on their sex life. For some reason getting pregnant wasn’t as easy for them as for most others despite many practices that forced attempts at times when it wasn’t necessarily desired. Their diminished sex life brought tension to the relationship which resulted in frequent arguments.

They’d all but given up when he tried to spice things up by trying to involve her in a passion of his that had plagued him most of his life but had remained unfulfilled and was the final limit for their marriage. A nearly lifelong fascination with spanking had only been satisfied slightly through internet activities including pictures, movies, and erotic stories. He approached his wife about it in a careful and deliberate conversation making sure she understood that it would have to be entirely consensual and that he would in no way force her into anything she didn’t want.

Although his imaginings included having a woman across his knee for a good spanking, if he was honest, he was far more excited by the prospect of having his pants down for a long, hard, painful spanking with a hand, hairbrush, paddle or even a strap. While the sight of a scrumptious female bottom had him imagining the delivery of a thorough spanking, a woman seated in such a way as to be ready to take him over her knee was even more alluring, conjuring up the frequent fantasy of being told to pull his pants down and ‘Get over my knee … NOW!’

He did not share this aspect of his desires with his wife, however, for two reasons. First, it seemed from his internet ‘research’ that there were far more women getting spanked than men. There were sites dedicated to men getting their just desserts but a tiny fraction of those with red-bottomed women and the content always seemed rather stale, not being updated constantly the way others were. The primary reason though was that he suspected his wife would be less receptive to trying this new kink if he were on the receiving end, likely seeing him as weak and less manly. 

So, the conversation went better than he had expected with his wife receptive to trying it. They decided that it shouldn’t be planned to be more spontaneous and therefore exciting, so it was left to Alex to devise a scenario and work it into the proper time and place. 

She had called him on her way home from work apologizing for the fact that she was late, and that they might miss their dinner reservation. The conversation was friendly, almost playful, so Alex thought this was the perfect time to introduce his wife to a good spanking. Walking in wearing a short skirt played perfectly into his scheme and she was barely in the door before being accused of being thoughtless and in need of discipline. Taking her by the wrist, he led her to a chair he had strategically placed and pulled her down across his knee, her fervent apologies ignored.

Scolding her as he lifted her skirt, she remained interested, playing along even when the first playful swats landed on her boy short panties. He knew he should take it slowly, but his desire got the better of him and he ramped things up too quickly. He hadn’t waited long enough to take her panties down and spanked too hard on her now bare bottom. Her sincere cries led shortly to her rolling off his lap with an angry ‘What the fuck are you doing?’ and it was over before it ever really got started.

All too late he realized he hadn’t clarified sufficiently what a ‘real’ spanking entailed. The only thing that got started that evening was the end of his marriage and being called various names including brute and pervert.

It was a little curious that his ex-wife had come to mind this morning as he headed out on his almost daily walk. It was neither a friendly nor unfriendly thought as he just wondered what she was doing since they had almost no contact after the divorce where he ended up with the house and she moved far away. 

He was enjoying Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd as he crossed the boulevard, wishing he could devise guitar solos as beautiful as David Gilmour’s. He was walking at a brisk pace as the song ended, but he didn’t even hear the next song when after passing a few houses he was stopped dead in his tracks by a surprising and arousing sight! 

He’d been taking these walks long enough that there were people he encountered often enough to recognize and offer a friendly ‘Good morning!’ and the woman he saw now was one of them. He imagined she was in her mid-thirties and was quite attractive with a great body; a little taller than average with long, shapely legs and a trim waist leading to hips that she fretted were wider than she’d like but complimented her full, round bottom. Smaller-than-average-sized breasts wouldn’t draw your attention away from her sensual face that was framed with a wild mane of chestnut brown hair.

Deciding whether to look at her large, deep brown eyes or her wide mouth with what Elton John would call a ‘pirate smile’ was difficult, but it wasn’t her face that grabbed his attention now as she had her back to him while trying to get her toddler son strapped into a child seat.

It was the sight of the primary object of his desires, her gorgeous ass, which interrupted his walk, and he was seeing quite a bit of it! The brown floral print fabric of her dress was sheer enough to leave little to the imagination revealing not only the color of her white, thong panties but also exactly where they disappeared between her equally visible and delicious cheeks! She may as well have pulled her dress up to her waist for all that it was concealing, the vision enhanced by her bent-over posture as she fiddled with something on the far side of the child seat. He stood there staring at this provoking display, fantasizing about her turning around and saying ‘Go ahead! Spank me!’

He only resumed walking when she turned and saw him, his attempt to look as though he hadn’t seen anything failing miserably. Unlike the back where the fabric was stretched across her bottom, the front hung loosely presenting only a shadowy image of her scant panties. While she clearly had caught him staring before he tried to make it look as though he wasn’t, her face showed nothing but recognition and a friendly smile.

“Good morning!” she said with no hint on her face of his crime of lusting after her ass. 

“Good morning!” he replied as he was about to walk past. He struggled with whether he should say anything. Certainly not anything suggestive or sexually abusive as he’d just said the only words, they had ever said to each other. He decided that he should try to be at least a little chivalrous and warn her of her exposure. Passing her and now just the other side of her car he turned and said, “You know, your dress is quite revealing in back!?” just as she closed the side door of her minivan. 

She came around the back of her car, smiled, and with a nonchalant look, shrugged her shoulders as if to say, ‘So what?’ Opening the driver's side door and getting in, she turned to look at him again with a big smile and closed the door. He just stood there absorbing what had just happened as she started the car, backed out of her driveway, and drove off. 


Savannah laughed aloud as she drove away knowing exactly what Alex had seen and the effect it had had on him. That it had been quite intentional, planned thoroughly, and executed perfectly only added to her enjoyment of the result. A quiver between her legs reinforced her resolve to end her chastity caused by her husband’s endless work travels. 

Remembering the early years of their marriage before Evan took this job working on the oil pipelines, she often thought of their active sex life with many imaginative positions and locations, and even though it resulted in just the usual oral and penetrative activities, she longed for those days. Being alone for weeks at a time was difficult at first and only got worse over the years. Looking forward to the endless hours of licking and fucking when he did come home was the only thing that made it even close to tolerable.

She loved her son more than anything in the world, but his arrival only made this other situation worse as his needs had to come first even when they conflicted with the needs she felt most acutely between her thighs. Andrew was almost three years old now and she had had enough of long sexless periods. Between caring for and feeding him, she had to fit in getting him to daycare and her demanding job without which she’d go fucking crazy, she knew doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result was her own special insanity.

She’d gotten quite imaginative with pleasuring herself even when the trials of the day exhausted her no end. Evan being away for so long and getting paid very well did allow her to buy all sorts of sex aids that she wouldn’t have dreamed of buying were he there to satisfy her, but only helped minimally despite the diverse collection she’d amassed. No matter how different or unusual the toy, the benefit was fleeting as it was still her hand driving her to less-than-satisfying climaxes. Even the little leather paddle she spanked herself with while adding a new dimension to her solo sex, only exaggerated the lonely feeling of her self-pleasuring.

She finally decided that the only solution to the desperate need for a real cock in her cunt was to cheat, but with whom? She had friends whose husbands flirted with her and imagined she could easily turn one of them, but they were her friends, and she was no homewrecker. She thought about paying for it, but aside from the repeated expense (Evan didn’t make that much money), she believed it would be less than satisfying as well. Then one day Alex walked by. 

She didn’t know his name, only that he walked past her house seemingly every day getting his walking exercise and though he was well more than ten years her senior, he was quite attractive. Though no muscle man, he had a fit and trim body with broad shoulders and a cute butt! She started picturing his face between her legs or fucking her while she stuffed every toy she had into her wanton pussy. As she had started using butt plugs and other anal toys, she imagined him ramming his hard dick into that tight hole. Her self-pleasuring improved greatly but it only intensified her lust for him … for his cock in all her holes! 

Her mind made up, she started planning to snare Alex and her first step had just been taken with exactly the result she wanted. Her next planned steps were similar if more provocative in the hope that he’d realize what she was after; for him to just take her inside and fuck her brains out! She knew his walk took him down the hill she could easily see from her driveway, so she’d have plenty of time to set up and spring each new trap she’d set for him. He didn’t come by on an exact schedule, but it never varied more than fifteen minutes or so, which both her son’s and her work schedule could tolerate. 

One day she wore tight, white spandex shorts that hugged every crease and crevice in her crotch (she checked it in a mirror) with no panties and when he came near, she bent over exaggerating the tightness between her legs. She only realized after she took them off to dress for work that he’d probably seen a wet spot created by her leaking pussy! Another sheer dress in white with fuck-me red, boy short panties, as well as others were tried and finally, there was an outfit that started the ball rolling.

It was on a Thursday, and she saw him coming, already dressed in her ultra-short, black skirt with sheer, white panties. When he was at the right point, she pretended to have dropped something and bent way over, exposing the gusset of her panties stretched tightly over wet (again) panties hopefully giving Alex the motivation to give her what she wanted so badly. He did react to this though not in the way she expected.

“Someone needs a spanking!” he said and when she stood up, it was her turn to look surprised. He smiled and walked on wondering if this married woman had more than just driven him crazy with her lewd displays in mind.

Almost immediately, the image of being bent across his knee and getting spanked formed in her mind. She’d obviously thought about spanking in an excited way and attempted to feed that fantasy with the paddle she’d bought but hadn’t thought about Alex in that way. Her mind and her pussy reeling she decided she’d be late for work if necessary so she could go feed the need in her cunt. After bringing herself to the best orgasm she’d ever given herself, she decided that she had to take more direct action herself to bring this plan to fruition and an idea quickly formed in her mind with Saturday morning as the target date.


Alex had this woman on his mind for two days now, but had no idea whether he should do something about it and if so, what? He was so distracted that he almost skipped his walk on Saturday but thinking it would help clear his mind he got dressed for it and left. If it had been a weekday, he wouldn’t have gone because of the late time. Still, he started his walking app, turned on the music, and took off. 

Walking down the hill, he could see the woman’s minivan from quite a distance which of course triggered the memory of her enticing displays. He crossed the boulevard without waiting for the light as weekend traffic was usually light. Just a few houses away from hers he had no idea that she had been patiently waiting; worried he wouldn’t come when he was later than ever. He was looking straight at the car picturing her bent over in her see-thru panties when he saw the side door to the minivan open slowly and two bare legs swing out to stand on the driveway. 

Wearing what looked like the same brown dress he’d first seen her in, she stepped into the sunlight and then waited for him to come close. As he approached, he could see the button-front dress gaping open, hanging loosely over what he’d soon realized was her naked body. He’d felt a twitch in his shorts when her legs first appeared but that now accelerated, heading quickly for a full erection! He didn’t know what he would say when he reached her, but it turned out he didn’t have to worry about it as she was more than ready for him! 

“You were right! Someone does need a spanking! ME!” she said holding out her hand to him. “Hi. I’m Savannah!”

“Alex,” he said simply as their hands met. A light breeze blew her dress open further confirming her nakedness as she pulled his hand onto her shaved, bare, and very wet pussy.


Savannah was worried he wouldn’t show up when the time for him to have passed by had come and gone. She’d dropped her son off with her mother the night before to give her a couple of days of me time and getting in the car nearly naked almost a half hour ago to be sure Alex didn’t see her, she waited and hoped he’d be walking today. Her anticipation had been building but when she feared he wouldn’t come she started preparing herself for the disappointment. Then she saw him! Her desire shot up again and she prepared to enact her plan.

She’d put on the brown dress he’d first seen in her showing off her charms and looked at herself in the mirror, and like the first time, a hint of her white panties showed in front, while the back was more revealing pulled across her bottom when she bent over. As she appraised her appearance another thought came to mind and thinking ‘In for a penny, in for a pound’ she took off the dress, removed her bra and panties, and put the dress back on leaving the front buttons open this time.

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The dress then just hung on her shoulders, wide open, so she buttoned the topmost button only which imparted just the right amount of slutty sexiness. She smiled at the mirror approvingly and thinking herself appropriately very naughty she modified her plan to go along with her modified appearance. She wanted there to be no doubt about what she most desperately wanted; to be spanked and fucked to multiple glorious orgasms. 

She watched him coming closer and at just the right time she pushed the button, the door slid open, and she swung her bare legs out to stand in the driveway facing him in nothing but a flimsy, translucent dress, and her sandals. Already wet with prior anticipation, an increase in moisture between her thighs was evident and she imagined it dripping down her leg by the time he was close enough to see. She moved forward one step into a patch of sunlight as she watched him move closer. 

“You were right! Someone does need a spanking! ME!” she said when they were just a couple of feet apart and noticed him looking her up and down. “Hi, I’m Savannah!” she said, offering her hand. 

“Alex,” he replied simply and took her proffered hand. Making her desires crystal clear she stepped forward, pulled his hand towards her, and placed it directly on her slippery smooth slit. She moaned softly as he slid his fingers further between her warm thighs. “Well Savannah, you are an incredibly beautiful, very wet, and very naughty girl! I think you need a good spanking right now, don’t you?” he said, twisting his fingers in her deep slit! 

“Yes sir!” she said with almost a gasp. Pulling his hand away from her pussy, he took her hand and led her toward her front door making sure she could feel his wet fingers. Her knees weak, she stumbled behind him looking side to side to be sure no one saw them. In her mind, she knew they wouldn’t be seen as one neighbor was gone for the weekend and the other’s view was blocked by her strategically placed car, but she was thinking with her pussy at the moment, not her brain. 

Once inside with the door closed, he turned and, taking her face in both hands, kissed her lovingly at first, but passion took over when she forced her tongue into his mouth. With gentle, but expectant smiles they looked into each other’s eyes when they separated while his hands slid down her neck to the one button that kept him from seeing a complete view of her gorgeous body, opened it and, pushing the shoulders of the loose dress off her shoulders, let it fall behind her. 

“Mmm, delicious,” he said as his hands found her waist and slid up her torso taking her soft breasts in each. Kneading them softly and tweaking her erect nipples had her writhing in his hands as she put her arms around his neck to steady herself. Sliding his hands down and back now, he grabbed a cheek in each hand and squeezed not so gently. 

“Oh god!” she said with an exhale.

“So! Someone needs a SPANKing, doesn’t she?” he asked emphasizing the word with a hard slap to her left cheek. 

“Ohh! Yes, sir!” she replied and, taking his hand, led him towards the dining room where a chair was conspicuously turned into the living room. “May I take your clothes off?” she asked as he was about to sit. She was already pulling his T-shirt up as he nodded his agreement. He lifted his arms to allow her to pull it up and off and she tossed it to the side when it came free.

With a sexy smile and maintaining eye contact, she knelt hooking her thumbs into the waist of his shorts pulling them down with them reaching his ankles just as her knees touched the floor. She pulled each side free as he lifted his foot, and they were tossed aside as well.

Looking up, she smiled as she first looked at, and then placed her palm on, his rock-hard cock trapped inside his underwear. It was Alex’s turn to moan as she slid her palm up and down the shaft a few times before reaching for the elastic to pull them down as well. Popping out like a jack-the-box, his dick hit her cheek eliciting a giggle as she dropped his underwear to fall at his ankles. Taking him in hand she placed just the head in her mouth to be licked and sucked briefly. 

“You are a naughty girl, aren’t you?” he asked as she removed his underwear from his ankles. Using his toe to hold the heel of each shoe, he pulled both shoes off and Savannah took care of his socks.

“Yes sir,” she said as she stood up to face him massaging his cock in her hand. “I am so naughty! Are you going to spank me?” she asked with downcast eyes and a contrite look on her face. He answered by sitting in the chair and pulling her down, but with her hands on his right thigh, she looked at him pleading, “Please don’t spank me too hard sir? I’ve never been spanked before!” She continued down to lay across his lap and squirmed a bit both for a proper position as well as anticipation.

With both hands massaging her sumptuous bottom, he was glad she’d told him she was a spanking virgin. He thought of his ex’s first reaction briefly but wasn’t worried as he’d had experience with several since as well as his own first spanking. 

“But Savannah has been a bad girl and needs to have her bare bottom spanked, doesn’t she?” he asked hoping she liked spanking dirty talk as much as he did. 

“Yes, sir. I know I deserve a good spanking! Please spank me?” she replied feeling a tickle in her pussy in response to asking to be spanked. She always found dirty talk arousing but something about the word ‘spank’ was even more so. She wiggled her bottom as an invitation to begin. 

Patting each cheek a few times first, he began spanking playfully on alternating sides. Very slowly he ramped up the intensity and her pleasure seemed to follow with ‘Ooos’ as frequent as ‘Ows.’ Though spanking harder and harder, it was still a mild spanking by his standards but as she was clearly enjoying it, he stayed the course. 

“You needed this spanking!”

“Yes, sir! Thank you for not spanking me too hard.” Taking this as a clue he’d misread her, and she wanted more, he picked up both the pace and the force.

“Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow! Ooo!” she cried in response.

“Now you know what happens to bad girls!”

“Yes sir, I do! And I hope you’ll be there to give this naughty girl a good spanking anytime she needs it!?” 

“I promise!” he said as he continued, but reverting to several good swats on one side and then the other had her squirming again. Repeating the pattern with even more on each side, he stopped and scraped his fingernails across the sore red patch he’d just created. She arched her back and stiffened at the intense sensation. He repeated the whole sequence with even more and harder spanks.

“Oh, my g … fuck!” she screamed, spreading her legs, and inviting him to see and feel how wet she’d gotten. Slipping the fingers of his left hand into the steamy wet slit she raised her hips wanting more.

“Do you think you’ve been spanked enough, Savannah?” he asked, setting a trap for her.

“Yes sir, I thi … Ow-ow-ow-owwww!” she yelled as he spanked harder than ever. 

“Naughty girls don’t get to decide when they’ve had enough spanking!” he scolded continuing random swats across her beautifully red bottom.

“Now have you had enough?” he asked again, testing her.

“Ye … um, no sir!” she corrected. 

“Good girl,” he said warmly. “You have had enough now. You can get up.” He helped her off his lap and took her hands to have her stand in front of him. “You’ve taken your punishment very well, Savannah, and I like to reward my naughty girls when they’ve behaved themselves across my knee,” he said slipping his fingers into her flooded slit. Her knees buckled slightly finding it hard to stand after being in her prior position and having her pussy stroked so. “I want you to go sit on the end of your bed and wait for me.”

“Yes, sir,” she said turning and walking to her bedroom. ‘Why is he making me wait?’ she thought as she sat her sore bottom on the edge of the bed. She wished he’d just turn her over and fuck her hard from behind. She hoped that was the reward he spoke of, or was that the fingering she’d gotten just before he dismissed her?

She guessed correctly that he wanted her to reflect on the spanking she’d just gotten to build the anticipation for what was to come. The spanking had really hurt but only in a positive way, although she felt those last ones were awfully hard. The sting now seemed to radiate directly to her already hungry pussy, and she wished he’d just come and fuck her already. She’d barely completed that thought when he walked in.

“Feel good?” he asked as he walked in smiling. 

“Yes, sir,” she replied, “It was quite … amazing!” She felt the word didn’t come close to describing her feelings about getting spanked. 

“Lay back,” he instructed, “and you can call me Alex now.” Kneeling in front of her he added, “Put your feet on my shoulders. That’s it! Now let me see that pretty pussy!” She spread her legs knowing she’d soon have his tongue in her slit though what she really wanted was his cock in there … or at least that’s what she thought before she found out how expert he was with his tongue. It didn’t take long for her to realize as he moved in, leading with his tongue, and took her into his mouth sucking her luscious lips in to be stroked inside with his waiting tongue. 

“Holy shit!” she screamed as he attached himself with his mouth; her feet still on his shoulders splaying her widely and lewdly open! Writhing under his tongue now she was going to cum quickly and lifting her body off the bed with her feet, her legs shook as she went over the edge. Expecting she’d soon have his cock in her cunt she was surprised when with her body still off the bed he spanked both cheeks as hard as he could but didn’t stop licking her sopping wet pussy!

“Oh Alex!” she cried keeping her stinging butt in the air, “Spank me!” She managed to hold herself up for about six good swats which amazingly brought her close to another climax but unable to support herself any longer she dropped back to the bed with his hand underneath. “Oh god! Oh god!” she cried as his tongue paid special attention to her clit, but it was his finger pressing on the tight rosebud between her tortured cheeks that pushed her to the brink and over again gasping for air in the process. 

“Mmm! Come here, Alex,” she said breathlessly, putting her feet back on the floor unable to stay in the prior position. 

“I trust you enjoyed that!?” he asked as he crawled on top of her. “You have such a pretty … and delicious pussy!” he managed to add before her mouth was on his. 

“Unreal! … I want … you to … fuck me … hard! Please!?” she said as she kissed him at each pause in her demand and grabbed his stiff cock trying to guide it inside her. 

“Turn over,” he instructed as he lifted himself above her allowing her to rotate onto her belly. “Now up,” he added as he knelt behind her, and she got on all fours. Her entire crotch and everything around it was shiny and slick with her juice so he knew he’d slide in easily. She jerked back at the first touch of his penis to her needy cunt. 

“Ram it in hard!” she begged and pushed back against him as soon as the tip had penetrated, their combined movement pushing his six inches deep inside. “Holy fuck!” she screamed as she felt his longer and much thicker-than-her-husband’s cock fill her as never before. Pent up as his arousal was, he wasn’t going to last long, but neither was she from the sound of it. Pushing back in sync with his forward thrusts her neglected pussy was pounded into submission, and they came within seconds of each other both grunting and starving for air as the waves cascaded over them, falling side by side on the bed in exhaustion.

“Oh my god, Alex! That was un-fucking-believable!” she proclaimed.

“I’m glad you liked it,” he said, as a massive understatement. 

They lay facing each other, gently stroking each other all over as they calmed down, but eventually, things escalated again, and though she definitely wanted him inside her again, at that moment she wanted him in her mouth and moved into position. She couldn’t deep-throat him, but what she could fit in her mouth was treated to an incredible sucking and licking, her head sliding up and down his shaft as her tongue licked the underside. He held on for several minutes as one hand massaged his balls, but it was when she stuck the tip of her finger in his ass that brought the end quite near. 

“I’m gonna cum,” he warned. 

She only took him out of her mouth long enough to say, “Please do!” and stuffed him back in with her efforts doubled. He was near climax and gasping, but when she pushed her finger deeper into his butt, she felt him explode in her mouth and she sucked him dry swallowing every drop. 

“Oh, Savannah! That was awesome!” he exclaimed when he could breathe enough to speak. 

“Well, it seems we both have gifted mouths,” she replied as they lay facing each other touching everything. “You know what I’d like now?” she asked with a devious smile.

“I think you’re going to have to wait a bit before I can,” he answered honestly.

“No, not that … well, yes that but first … will you spank me again?” and seeing the surprise in his eyes added, “Not hard … just a sexy little spanking?” 

“Kneel on the bed,” he instructed. “I’m going to give you a good spanking!” he added with emphasis on the word ‘good.’ 

Pulling her up so she was upright on her knees he knelt as well facing her left side and stroked her tits with one hand while the other squeezed her still-pink ass. After a minute or so, his left hand slid down between her thighs, cupped her dripping wet pussy and when she mewed with pleasure, he lifted his right hand and smacked her bottom only moderately hard. She groaned when he repeated it on the other side.

The fingers in her pussy just waited until he stopped and then slipped inside, as the moans escaped her lips. His touch was soft and gentle in her pussy until his hand lifted again and she got two slightly harder spanks on each cheek after which his fingers poked and stroked again.

He repeated the process over and over adding another spank each time, but still not as hard as she’d gotten earlier. She tried to put her hands down seemingly unable to stay upright but got back up with his quick admonishment. When he saw and felt her squirming, the time was right and his fingers went crazy in her pussy while he spanked her continuously, harder, and harder until his hand was drenched with the proceeds of another explosive orgasm! 

“Ohh! Oh! Oh my god, Alex!” she cried as she fell to her hands and then further with her face on the bed while her butt was still raised up high. Having gotten hard again from watching her extraordinary reaction to the spanking, he moved behind her and slipped gently into her swollen pussy. “Oh yeah!” she screamed, “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!” Stroking in and out slowly, but gradually building speed he knew he’d last longer than before but wasn’t sure how much.

Savannah just lay there grunting with his cock thrusting into her ravaged vagina. His hands pulling her hips to him provided the only motion of her body as she just lay there and took it. When he smacked her red ass she lit up crying, “Spank me!” and “Harder” several times until he was spanking her as hard as he could! Having the same effect on him as it had on her, they approached yet another climax both shaking and shuddering as it swept over them. 

Totally and completely spent they fell to their sides with him shrinking inside her as he put his arm around her chest and held her tight while she put hers over his arms not wanting him to let go. If they felt it was necessary, they both would have said ‘No more!’ but it would be stating the obvious, so they just lay there in each other’s arms savoring the afterglow. They had similar thoughts of how enthralling it had been and how far they’d come so quickly. Alex had never had such an incredible experience with a spanking virgin before and hoped that even though she was married that they would do it again … soon. 

When they finally got up both were surprised that it was only late morning but remembered what an early start they’d gotten. As they dressed, they conversed normally for the first time learning a little about each other, especially the elephant in the room; why such a beautiful, married woman needed someone like Alex so badly. It was neither the short nor the long version but included a detailed explanation of her master plan with Alex. 

“I’m sorry it took so long for me to catch on!” 

“Yeah! You ought to get a spanking for making me carry on so!”

“Promise?” he said with a hopeful look that surprised her. 

“Would you let me?” she asked in disbelief. 

“Let you?! I’d love it!”

“Really?” she said, still thinking he was kidding.

“Let me put this as plainly as I can since we’ve already had one communication problem. I love getting spanked! And I would love to be across your knee with my pants down feeling your hand spanking me as hard as you can!” 

“I’d like that too! When?” she asked hopefully.

“That’s up to you, isn’t it? I mean I can’t just come here anytime I want.”

“Are you going to take a walk again tomorrow?” We both smiled broadly!

Cont’d …

Written by 2bespanked
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