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Walking Encounters - Part 4 - Amanda

"Two 'Spanking Seniors' finally connect despite the funky website!"

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Author's Notes

"Part two of what is currently a five-part series. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Enjoy!"

2 – Her Naughty Boy Gets It Good

Alex had high hopes for this evening as he made his way to Amanda’s home. It seemed so ideal as if it worked out, he could expect regular, possibly frequent spankings without having to give one. It was as though the focus was entirely on his pleasure for a change, noting that her pleasure was in having a naughty boy to spank again. He’d certainly thank her the best way he knew how; with a vicious tongue-lashing between her trim thighs should she permit it.

He walked to her home, having found out she lived just over a block away from the cemetery but planned on being a little late, hoping to provoke additional punishment. ‘It’s been so long,’ he thought, having to go many years back to remember a one-sided arrangement such as this and he only hoped this would last longer as he had genuinely enjoyed it then, short-lived though it was.

He arrived at her home only a few minutes late, having taken less time to get there than he’d planned but was still hoping for ‘extras.’ As he approached the door, he recognized a different feeling than usual when about to begin with a new partner; only a little nervous and not for the immediate outcome, as he suspected she was quite capable, but rather for the future outcomes he so hoped he’d have with Amanda.

Having rang the doorbell, he now waited for her to answer. She made him wait just a bit to build anticipation, but opened the door wide, standing well inside to let him pass easily.

“Hello, Alex,” she said in only a somewhat friendly tone.

“Hello, Amanda,” he replied and seeing her dressed as she was, he added, “Don’t you look beautiful tonight!” It wasn’t an idle compliment. Dressed in a simple, but sexy black dress that favored her body, but drew more attention to her subtly made-up face, she smiled in a way that wasn’t lost on him, both friendly and stern.

She had a youthful look to her oval face with wavy brown hair framing her pretty features, a petite nose, a small mouth with full sensuous lips and large, light brown eyes. Her casual clothes earlier in the day had only shown a trim figure while her slim hip-hugging dress accentuated an alluring body that didn’t hide her years but called attention to her assets, being a firm, shapely body with ample but sexy hips and just-large-enough perky tits.

“You like?” she asked with a pose that begged for more compliments but also recognized he’d been staring.

“Very much!” he said, simply deciding not to go into any further detail.

“You’re late,” she said with exactly the tone he’d hoped for. “Come in,” she said leading him to her modestly decorated living room, “We need to discuss your naughty behavior today!”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said after thinking, ‘Wow! She’s getting right to the point, isn’t she?’

“You will call me Miss during all punishment activities. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Miss.”

“Good. I had planned to show you a bit of leniency as it’s your first time with me, but as you were late, you’ve lost that privilege.”

“I’m sorry, Miss. It was a bit longer walk than I thought,” he lied.

“I don’t want to hear excuses. What I want to hear is you telling me why you’re here.”

“I’m here because I’ve been a naughty boy, Miss,” he said using the phrase she used in her profile on the website.

“And what happens to naughty boys in my home?”

“They get … they get spanked, Miss,” he replied, trying to sound timid.

“That’s right. Naughty boys deserve to be spanked. What kind of spanking do you think you should get for your naughtiness?”

“A hard … very hard spanking, Miss?”

“Oh, it will be very hard, I promise you, but how do you think this spanking should be administered?” Alex loved this kind of buildup to a ‘naughty boy’ spanking, his arousal amplified by the banter.

“With my pants down? … over your knee, Miss?”

“Is that a question or the answer I’m looking for?” she challenged.

“Sorry, Miss. I should be taken over your knee with my pants down and spanked on my bare bottom,” he replied more definitively.

“Good. You realize this is long overdue, all those delays in responding to my messages!” She said as they both showed a hint of a smile at her making her slow responses his fault.

“Sorry, Miss. I was afraid of how you’d respond,” he said playing along.

“As you should be, considering! Well, no more delays. You are going to get a spanking … a long, hard spanking over my knee. Now, go to the punishment room … first door on the right and remove everything except your underpants. Put your clothes on the desk and kneel on the chair. I’ll be in to deal with you shortly when I expect to see your bottom properly presented for punishment. Now go!”

“Yes, Miss!” Alex went to the room and about to enter he noticed the door had a deadbolt on it. Entering the room, he understood why as it was clearly set-up for spanking and furnished to look like either an office, or classroom, but the real giveaway was the row of implements hung neatly in a row above a credenza on the back wall; actually, the front wall as the window looked out on the street and the blinds were open. Tucked in the corner was a small gymnast’s horse perfectly suited for bending a miscreant over to use one of the many menacing implements. A sturdy armless chair sat out of place in the middle of the room with a hairbrush on the seat revealing its true purpose. Clearly a room you wouldn’t want unknowing guests wandering into, hence the lock.

Stripping as instructed, he knelt on the armless chair sitting conspicuously in the middle of the room and bent over the back with his hands on the edge of the seat as he himself had instructed many a naughty girl. Although progressing to the point more quickly than he had imagined, he was still excited as evidenced by the bulge in the tight whiteys he’d worn for her benefit and tried to present himself in the most appealing way possible, hoping she wouldn’t keep him waiting too long.

Thankfully, she didn’t, as moments later the door opened to reveal yet another image of this wonderful Amanda. The dress removed, her sexy black matching bra and panties were now on display though hidden somewhat by a gauzy shawl that draped from her shoulders to about mid-thigh. The chair, positioned as it was, presented her with a sideways view of his body offered to her for her punishment pleasure.

“You look stunning, Miss!”

“Thank you, but you’ll soon learn that I dress for punishments in a manner befitting the severity of the pain I’ll be inflicting, and while black isn’t the most severe, it still means you’re in for a very hard time!” she said in a cool voice. Without warning, she began spanking him harder than he’d expected and at a quick and steady pace. Expecting to be taken over her knee, he was surprised at how long she continued but as the intensity increased, the tent in his underwear shrunk.

“You will be over my knee in due time,” she said as though reading his mind, “but I find it better to take care of this,” she paused putting her hand on the small bulge left in his underwear, “… before it gets uncomfortable when you’re naked in my lap!”

“You can stand up now,” she said after finding him flaccid enough to continue. Sitting in the chair herself, she took his wrist and stood him in front of her. “Now tell me again how you should be punished,” she said, holding him in place with her hands on his hips. As soon as he said the magic words, ‘bare bottom,’ she yanked his underpants down, leaving them pooled about his feet.

“I should be spanked, Miss. Over your knee on my bare bottom,” he said as his underwear fell to his feet and seeing a question still in Amanda’s face added, “very hard.”

Without any response, she pulled him to her side and down over her lap, wasting no time in spanking him harder, still concentrating on the very top and undersides of his tender cheeks. She spanked firmly with a flat hand, the soreness and sting building quickly though never twice in a row in the same spot, spreading them round her preferred targets randomly. Alex was surprised at how quickly she had him squirming and wondered whether that was due to the time since his last spanking or her skill. Probably both, but before long, he knew her proficiency was among the best he'd experienced.

Like a machine, her hand descended upon his now burning bottom relentlessly, giving him only short rests between rounds of fifty or so during which she softly rubbed his red cheeks neither soothing nor enticing, only to begin another barrage.

While she didn’t outwardly show it, Amanda was very much enjoying her new naughty boy and saw him as an excellent outlet for her spanking desires. He played along in his role almost perfectly, getting her panties wet quite early in the proceedings; long before she’d even started spanking. She was sure he was late on purpose, which she also loved, as it gave her an early opportunity to show her stern demeanor.

The spanking only soaked her panties further as he reacted, genuinely she thought, to the brisk spanking he was getting with the delightful squirming and appropriate gasps and yelps in response to well-placed smacks on his cute, round bottom. ‘He does have a very spankable bottom’, she thought as she watched the firm cheeks respond to her punishing hand. She looked forward to giving him a really hard spanking and using her favorite implements on his deserving bottom.

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Meanwhile, the spanking continued unabated, although the pattern had changed to many quick swats on the same spot, only to be repeated over and over again, particularly on the underside of his cheeks; his sit-spots. They both enjoyed them; she because she loved seeing the way his cheek rose and fell in response to each smack and he because he knew that, in addition to the painful pleasure he got now, he would be reminded of that delectable soreness every time he sat down the following day.

As the evening progressed, Alex continued to be impressed by how she handled him and the situation and continued hoping there’d be many more such meetings with Amanda. He was nearing the point where he’d had enough, but also didn’t want it to end, having that unrealistic desire to be spanked all night knowing he’d already had many hundreds of firm spanks on his sore, red ass.

“Fifty more over my knee, naughty boy!” she said in a kinder tone. “Fifty hard ones, Alex!” she warned and began decidedly harder than before, though ‘Not as hard as I could’, she thought hoping she’d have a chance to show him some other time just how hard she could spank with just her hand.

‘Oh my god, she’s perfect!’ Alex thought as he loved ending a spanking with a building crescendo despite the considerable pain he already felt. He counted them in his head, relishing each one as he didn’t know when, or even if, it would happen again.

“Up you get,” she instructed, wishing it weren’t over, but she thought she’d done enough and didn’t want to push him to the point where he’d not want to return. Alex got up slowly, not because of the soreness, but because he didn’t really want to; not yet. Besides her own disappointment, she sensed he felt the same way and decided for him that he really wanted more.

“Kneel on the chair for fifty more, Alex!” and seeing his smile knew she’d been right, but also had another idea. “Is that somehow funny, young man?” she accused. “Perhaps it should be sixty?” she threatened but the smile remained as he got in position. “Such a naughty boy!” she said as she began spanking hard and fast, counting aloud as each spank landed on his crimson bottom. Despite his squirming, she managed to plant each spank accurately on the reddest part of his tortured bottom, the counting adding another element of pleasure they both loved.

Reaching fifty, she spanked harder yet for what should have been the last ten, but she blew right past sixty and only stopped when she’d delivered well over seventy exquisite spanks. Feeling he didn’t need to be told to get up, he stood and facing Amanda and put his hands behind his back.

“Thank you for spanking me, Miss,” he said as a schoolboy might be required to say to the Headmistress.

“You took your punishment like a good boy, and you are forgiven,” she said, smiling and taking his face in both hands, gave him a sweet, loving kiss.

“I’d love to show my gratitude in another way, if you’ll permit me,” he asked, thinking it was just a formality to ask, but was surprised when she gently pushed the hand he’d place on her thigh away.

“Not this time, okay?” she said, hoping he’d understand, but not ruling it out for the future. “Why don’t you get dressed and meet me in the living room?” She stroked his cheek as she turned and went out the door.

Alex was understandably confused. They’d just done something that was at least as intimate as any sexual act, barring perhaps intercourse, but he couldn’t lick her pussy? He realized while he dressed and replayed the scene in his head, he hadn’t made clear what he was suggesting, so maybe she thought he wanted to fuck her? He dressed and rejoined her on the sofa in the living room where she’d poured two glasses of red wine.

“Amanda, perhaps I wasn’t clear …” he started but was interrupted.

“Alex? Alex, please let me explain.” He stopped to listen, taking a sip of wine. “I think you understand it took a lot for me to get to this point today and before I continue, I want to say it was amazing! Much better than I could have hoped for. I’d like to think that you’ll be the perfect spanking partner for me … that is if you feel the same way?”

“I agree! I couldn’t have hoped for more! I love what we did, how we did it and the end result,” he said, rubbing his bottom for her amusement.

“That makes me very happy … really. Please try to understand that what I want from a relationship now is almost exclusively about spanking. I don’t want a so-called ‘long term relationship’ or commitment. I don’t want to live together, and I certainly don’t want to get married again! But I do want and need someone I can take over my knee and spank! … along with all the great sex that usually follows, but if the spanking is not good, then nothing is.”

“But you said today was …” he started again.

“It was, Alex. Almost magical, but I want to be sure. We could go on as you thought we might … and you have no idea how much I’d like to see your face between my thighs right now … and we could go out to dinner, walk the beach and all those other great things I would like to do, but if we don’t connect on the spanking, then it’ll just be harder to accept that and move on apart. Can you understand that?”

“I think I can, though I have to say it’s a very unique viewpoint,” he said with a friendly smile, getting a smile from her as well. “So, what are you suggesting?”

“You enjoyed the spanking today, right?” she asked and continued with his nod, “So, can we do it again, maybe once … or twice more? It won’t be unpleasant, will it?”

“After today? Of course not, but it will be sort of like finally getting spanked by your sexy teacher after which the first stop is the boy’s room to get off thinking about what you would have liked to have done to the teacher after she spanked you!” They both had a laugh at the analogy, but then she looked with pleading eyes at him, not needing to repeat her question. “Okay, Amanda, I’ll go along with it. In fact, I’d let you spank me six times or more if I still see … and feel what we’ve had today, and I guess that’s because I know we’re going to be great together!”

“Thank you, Alex! I’m sure your patience will be rewarded,” she said, putting her hand on his.

“Yeah, with a sore, red ass!” he laughed sarcastically.

They spent the rest of the evening learning about each other’s likes and dislikes concerning spanking, which were, thankfully, quite similar. They both preferred OTK hand spanking but there was a time when implements and other positions were appropriate and desirable. He liked leather paddles, while she liked wood and they both liked hairbrushes and didn’t like canes. That was a major relief for Alex who had only been caned once and hated it. Role playing was obviously fun for both, though she seemed to like it more, but agreed that either may want to initiate a spanking for fun or foreplay.

Although Amanda hated the idea of a domestic discipline arrangement, not wanting to have that much control, she did see the possibility of a real punishment spanking, where there was no option but to accept it, the manner and length of which was unknown and completely up to her. Alex wasn’t too thrilled with that, though he had to admit that had he done something that truly warranted it, not some trumped-up excuse, that he could see some benefit to it, settling something quickly and definitively, albeit painfully.

They avoided critiquing their time today, wanting to retain the pleasant memory of it, but were both very hopeful for the future, especially seeing how their passion and desires concerning spanking were so similar.

“By the way, I liked your white underpants,” she said smiling as they stood at the door about to say goodbye for the night. “I like my naughty boys to wear white underpants when they’re gonna get spanked.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Goodnight, Amanda,” he said, and they came together for a more passionate kiss.

“Goodnight, Alex … and thank you for understanding.” He kissed her again quickly and walked out.

With the door closed, she leaned her back against it and worried that she may have blown it. ‘Tonight was as perfect as anyone could hope for, so what else are you expecting?’ she thought, admonishing herself. Was someone better likely to come along? So good was the memory of tonight’s spanking that as she fingered herself to the best orgasm she’d given herself in many months, she wondered if someone better for her even existed! She suspected it wouldn’t take three times to be sure.

Alex replayed the night himself on his ten-minute walk home. She called it ‘almost magical’ and he agreed. While he thought her viewpoint strange, all she was asking for was to spank him maybe twice more after which he’d have to satisfy his resulting sexual needs himself. He’d certainly had much worse spanking experiences in the past so these wouldn’t even be close.

They’d made no specific plans about another ‘date’, but he assumed she would initiate it and hoped it would be soon.

Written by 2bespanked
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