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Tim's Painful Yet Rewarding Journey- Chapter III

"Emma returns from college for the summer holidays."

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Tim was in his bedroom, recovering after yet another great post-spanking orgasm. They were the best and most intense orgasms. Just thirty minutes ago, Tim was over Diane’s knee, having his bare bottom soundly spanked with a heavy wooden hairbrush. He didn’t do anything wrong and actually asked for the spanking exactly as he has done almost weekly for the last few months.

His life was not always happy, and his childhood was overshadowed by his mother's drug problems; then she left him and his father. When things seemed to have returned to normal and his father hired Diane to be his nanny, after a few good years, a new tragedy fell upon them, and his father died in an accident. After his father's death, Tim had the opportunity to stay in Diana's care until he was eighteen and to live with her and her daughter Emma in the same house in which he grew up. So they were like family, and Diane always treated him as if he were her own son, and Emma was like a real sister and good friend. When he turned eighteen, Tim was no longer under Diana's guardianship, but they continued to live together and continue to be as a family.

They always gave him the love he needed and were always there for him. Perhaps because he was so close to them and because he always considered Diane more like a very good friend, a few months ago he got up the courage to share with her his most intimate and burning desire, that of being spanked. After many years of resorting to self-spanking to satisfy his needs, he finally found himself over Diane’s lap, getting the spanking he always dreamed of. After that, spanking became an important part of their lives.

Diane discovered that she really loved being in control and having that kind of power over someone, and for Tim, it was a dream come true. Spanking also helped them get closer to each other; they felt they had a much stronger connection, and it was also really fun and exciting. They loved to tease each other and make jokes about spanking almost every day.

The spanking itself wasn’t a joke. It was a really hard one with the hand and hairbrush, and Tim was always sobbing and crying by the end, and afterward, he was sore and bruised for days. But he was happy with it; he wanted the spanking to be authentic, and receiving such a hard spanking felt right and helped him enjoy the experience more.

Diane also had the authority to punish him when she saw fit, but he was usually well-behaved and was only once spanked as a form of punishment, an experience they both hated. He was having the time of his life, and he wouldn't have changed a thing. If he had one regret, it was that he waited so long before asking Diane to start spanking him.

After his wonderful orgasm, Tim spent some more time in his room, inspecting his crimson bottom and taking a picture for his collection. He had a folder on his computer full of pictures of his red bottom taken after every spanking. Tim loved having a sore bottom and found it so arousing. He eventually got dressed and went downstairs to see Diane.

She smiled when she saw him and said, "How are you, honey?"

"Sore, of course, but I feel great. You were amazing, as always. Thank you so much!"

"Practice makes it perfect, I guess," Diane replied, flattered by Tim's compliments.

"Then I promise I'll give you plenty of opportunities to practice," Tim said, smiling.

"Speaking of opportunities, in just a week, Emma will be back home for summer vacation. Realistically, I don't see how we can continue the spanking part without her knowing. After all, she'll be home for three months. And I really like what we have now. I want to keep teasing each other about it. I want to be able to talk openly about spanking without always having to make sure she's not around. So if any spanking is going to take place in this house while Emma is here, she needs to know about it. It wouldn't even be fair to her to sneak around like teenagers. We've always been honest with each other, and we've never had secrets in this house. What do you think?"

"I totally agree, and I don’t want to change anything either, but I can’t find a way to tell Emma. It’s simply too embarrassing," Tim said regretfully. 

"Do you want me to tell her?"

"No, no, absolutely not. I don't know how I could face her afterward."

"I really think she’ll understand, and she’ll be as supportive as always, but it’s your decision. Anyway, if you change your mind, I’ll be there for you to give you the spanking you need and help you tell Emma about our little secret. Honestly, I don't know how you'll survive three months without a spanking," Diane said, smiling.

"I don’t know either, but I can't tell Emma about it."

"I just need to clarify one more thing: Since our agreement remains valid, I want to remind you that I still have the right to spank you when I think you deserve it, and I intend to use this right if your behavior forces me to do so. I hope you'll agree that it's only fair," Diane said in a more serious tone.

"Yes, you are right. I'll have to take that risk and try not to give you any reason to use that right."

"I’m sure you’ll be a good boy."

"I'm going to miss our spanking routine," Tim said in a sad tone.

"We still have one week, you know, and it seems to me there might be time for you to take one more trip over my knee," Diane said, laughing.

"We’ll see," Tim answered while leaving the room.

"And you can always change your mind about telling Emma," Diane shouted, watching Tim walk up the stairs to his room.

The next few days were a bit odd for Tim and Diane. They both felt that something was about to change in their lives after Emma would be back home for the next three months. They enjoyed letting spanking be part of their daily routine, and they used to have so much fun talking about it, making jokes about it, and teasing each other almost every day, thus gradually increasing the thrill and anticipation for the actual spanking that was going to take place no later than in a few days.

But things suddenly changed, and they didn't seem to have the same enthusiasm to bring spanking into the discussion, and they had lost some of the connection they felt towards each other. And Tim felt guilty about that because he was the one refusing to tell Emma about spanking. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get used to the idea of sharing such a secret with her. She was to arrive home Saturday evening, and Tim had already decided that Saturday he would ask for another spanking, probably the last in the next three months.

Finally, Saturday came, and Tim woke up quite early and went to check if Diane was around. He found that she was out, probably shopping, so without wasting any more time, he set the chair in the middle of the room and put the hairbrush on the seat, just as he had done so many times over the past few months. He was nervous and very turned on by the prospect of getting a spanking later that day, but at the same time, he also felt a little sad. He then went for a walk to clear his head before becoming too emotional. When he returned, he found Diane already home and greeted him with a smile, saying, "I like to see that chair in the middle of the room. I was really hoping you'd get it ready today."

"I thought we'd have time for one more special appointment before Emma gets here," Tim replied, unable to suppress a slight sadness in his voice.

"We have plenty of time before Emma arrives, and I want to make the most of this session, so save the sadness for later. Now let's just enjoy. If you have no objection, I suggest we do it right after lunch. I'll cook a nice steak, we'll have a glass of wine and a good talk, then we'll get down to business."

"Sounds great to me," Tim replied more enthusiastically.

They spent most of the morning together, chatting and laughing. From time to time, passing through the living room, Tim glanced at the spanking chair, feeling a shiver down his spine. Diane did the cooking, and Tim set the table. The steak was excellent, and they had a great time drinking wine and talking. At some point, Diane decided it was time for the dessert, so she said, "Let's get these plates into the kitchen. I'll do the dishes later, while you're upstairs nursing your sore bottom."

Tim blushed and realized his spanking was just about to start. He was nervous but felt so alive and excited at the same time. After leaving the plates in the sink, Diane took his hand and said, while leading him to the chair, "Now let’s take care of that bottom of yours."

She sat on the chair, leaving him standing by her side, then, without wasting any more time, she started to undo the buttons of his trousers and took them down, then she put her fingers inside the elastic of his underpants and pulled them down to his ankles.

Tim stood again in front of Diane, naked below the waist, looking anxiously at her lap, waiting to be invited over her knee, where he knew he belonged. There he felt safe and loved, and, in the last few months, he had experienced the most intense and mixed feelings and sensations. Over her knee, he was the most vulnerable, completely surrendering to her. He also felt joy, fear, and more intense pain than ever before, but it was all very authentic, and he felt so alive. Being across her lap was heaven and hell at the same time, in a mix so intense it became addictive. It was like a drug he kept coming back to, drawn to it like a magnet.

She carefully guided him across her lap, adjusting his position to be comfortable and to have his bare, unprotected bottom in an optimal position. "Since it might be the last spanking for the next three months, don't you think it should be a memorable one?" Diana asked in a soft voice.

"I guess so," Tim replied.

"Then make yourself comfortable, as you will spend more time than usual in this position."

The spanking began, and the strokes fell rhythmically, evenly coloring the bottom cheeks and making them hotter and hotter. The pain was bearable, but it was constantly intensifying, making Tim feel more and more submissive. There was a pause, and Diane picked up the hairbrush and began to use it methodically, taking the pain to a whole new level. Tim soon realized that his eyesight was becoming blurred and felt the tears starting to form in the corners of his eyes. It was the hardest part, but perhaps the most important, and the one that gave the most meaning to the whole experience.

Suddenly, time seemed to stand still, and they froze. All they could hear was, "Mom? Tim? Oh my God!" Then two bags fell noisily to the floor. They were frozen like that for a few seconds, but to Tim, it seemed like years. His face was hotter and probably redder than his bottom, and he had never felt more humiliated. Emma stood in the doorway and watched the exact scene he was so afraid to tell her about.

Finally, Diane managed to break the dead silence and said, trying to sound as if nothing unusual had happened, "Hey, honey! Please take a seat if you want and let me just get this over with, then we'll talk. I think we have some explanations to give you."

The spanking was resumed. Soon, the pain became so strong that Tim couldn't concentrate on anything else and completely forgot about Emma’s presence in the room. He began to struggle more and more and again, shed a fair amount of tears and sobs.

Emma sat down on the couch and stared in shock at the scene happening in front of her. She couldn't believe her eyes, and she never thought she'd witness something like that. But at the same time, she felt more and more aroused. The way her mother was controlling Tim and the confidence and firmness she saw in her gestures made her appreciate her so much, and she hoped that one day she would be able to be in her place.

Since childhood, she tended to be more authoritative and dominant, and later, even in relationships, she was definitely the one wearing the pants. And now, seeing another woman exert so much power over a man, turned her on. She couldn't believe how red Tim's bottom could be and was impressed that despite the pain he seemed to be in, he never once tried to get up, cover his bottom with his hand, or even beg for the spanking to stop. He accepted his ordeal, trying to cope as best he could, sobbing and crying quietly. Under the given circumstances, Emma thought that Tim was showing a lot of dignity, and she was so proud of him.

Eventually, the spanking stopped, and Tim remained over Diane's lap for a while. Then she told him to get up and go to his room until he calmed down a little.

When they were alone, Diane went to hug her daughter and said in a warm tone, "My dear, you're home sooner than we expected."

"Yes, I said I’d come with the train, but I found a colleague who was driving through town on the way home, and he picked me up."

"I'm glad you're here, and sorry for the unusual welcome," Diane said with a faint smile.

"What's going on here? What did Tim do wrong? And how could you punish him like that at his age?"

"He didn't do anything wrong," Diane said calmly, then continued, "In fact, he even asked me to give him that spanking."

"He what?" Emma asked, almost shouting, unable to hide her shock.

Diane, in an equally calm tone, as if trying to reassure Emma, replied, "Yes, just as you heard. Tim has been fascinated with spanking for as long as he can remember, and several years ago he started spanking himself regularly. Apparently, he needs a spanking from time to time to be able to concentrate on everyday things and have a fulfilled life. A few months ago, he got up the courage to reveal his secret to me and asked me to take over and spank him. So since then, almost weekly, he has asked me to give him a spanking. Spanking has brought us closer together, and we enjoy this part of our lives. I also have the right to use spanking as a punishment if Tim does something wrong, but I only punished him once, and we both hated that experience."

"Wait a minute, are you saying he not only needs to be spanked, but he also enjoys it?" Emma asked, puzzled, then added, "I just saw him crying over your lap, so he doesn’t seem to like it at all."

"He enjoys the experience itself. He is submissive by nature and likes to let himself be dominated, lose control, and accept someone’s authority. And when he is spanked, he experiences exactly these things. And when the spanking becomes more severe for him, it gets harder and harder to remain submissive. I don't know if you noticed, but he didn't try to get up or avoid the spanking at all. He just sat there quietly and bravely accepted everything I had prepared for him. He doesn’t enjoy the pain itself, but he needs that amount of pain in order to enjoy the experience more. True submission only begins when it becomes very uncomfortable and painful to be submissive, yet you choose to do it."

"Yes, I noticed that he stayed still over your lap and wondered how he managed to do it. Things are already starting to make more sense," Emma said, still thinking about it.

Diane added, "Also, besides courage, it takes a lot of trust to accept someone's authority in this way, and Tim gives me that trust every time he asks me to punish him. In the meantime, I've discovered that I also enjoy having such control over someone, so it's a win-win situation. By having these moments together, we've become much closer and more comfortable around each other. We're more relaxed, we tease each other almost daily and talk about spanking often."

"It sounds very interesting what you are telling me. I think I'm starting to get a little jealous of you," Emma laughed, then continued, "I actually understand very well what you're feeling, because I'm a dominant person myself and I like to have a certain power over others. I understand Tim too, although I can't relate exactly to his feelings. I think you have to be on the other side of the fence to really understand."

"I'm glad you're so mature and understanding. I was talking to Tim the other day and suggested we should tell you about our little secret, but he didn't feel ready yet. Today was not an easy time for him, so please don’t laugh at him and be supportive. He loves you very much and would feel very disappointed if you weren't there for him," Diane said.

"Don’t worry, Mom, I’ll be gentle. In fact, I'm going to see him right now," Emma said, going upstairs.

Tim went upstairs and lay down on the bed. He was still in shock. In his mind, his thoughts had gone crazy. He was very ashamed to face Emma, but he also felt somewhat relieved that she had found out his secret. He had lived the most humiliating experience of his life and felt very overwhelmed, but at the same time, he was extremely aroused. Somehow, being humiliated in that way and having someone witness his spanking made him more turned on than usual. He decided to take care of that erection, and maybe afterward he would feel better and be able to see things clearly.

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He didn't get to stroke his cock too much, as he ejaculated immediately, having the most fantastic orgasm ever. Being spanked in front of an audience and enduring such humiliation definitely helped him be more aroused. He learned another story about himself.

As for Emmar, she was always close to him and supported him. Surely she would have understood him in that matter too. Just then he heard a knock on the door and Emma’s voice saying, "Hey bro, can I come in?"

"Yes, sure. Come in!" Tim answered, fearing what was to come.

As soon as she walked in, she went straight over and hugged him, holding him tightly to her chest and saying, "I missed you so much, bro.” 

"I missed you too, sis. I’m really sorry for what you had to see earlier."

"Hey, don’t worry, I liked seeing you get spanked. You look cute with a red bottom," Emma said, laughing.

"Yes! Perfect, keep making fun of me," Tim replied ironically.

"I'm not laughing at you; I'm just trying to cheer you up a bit. Seriously speaking, it really seemed to me that you were very brave and that you took your spanking with a lot of dignity. And to be honest with you, I kind of liked being there, even though I felt pretty sorry for you." 

"You don’t have to feel sorry for me. I asked for that spanking, and I actually wanted to be spanked that hard, even if it didn't seem so at the time."

"Yes, I know. Mom told me everything. Next time, I promise I’ll not feel sorry for you," Emma said, laughing.

"Next time?" Tim asked, wanting to sound surprised, but the blush on his cheeks told a different story, then added, "Anyway, what did you find so interesting, looking at me getting my bottom spanked like that?"

"Well… You know, I'm also a bit dominant in my own way. And seeing Mom being so powerful and so in control over you was very exciting for me."

"I've always liked that authoritative side of you," Tim said, blushing.

"I noticed you never complained, but I assumed it was because of the age difference between us. But based on today's findings, I think the answer is elsewhere," Emma said, laughing. "I'm going to unpack now. I'm glad to be home again, and I want you to know that I love you and that you have my full support."

"I know, I love you too!"

Tim felt relieved and happy with the way the conversation with Emma went. He couldn't believe she was so understanding.

Days passed, and everything was back to normal. They were a happy family again, and they still had many memories to remember and stories to tell.

Spanking became a forgotten topic for a while, and when it was all three of them, none of them dared mention it. Tim was also having trouble adjusting to the new situation. It had been a week since Emma had returned home, and he was beginning to feel the need for another session over Diane’s knee, but he felt stuck. He couldn't bring himself to ask for it. He was too ashamed.

One day, when he was home alone with Diane, she even started teasing him, saying, "Hey, honey! You know I miss having you over my knee. And I'm sure Emma's in the mood for a bit of a show, too. Why don't you give her a full performance? Last time she missed the beginning."

Tim replied in a sad tone, "I can't. I'm aware that Emma knows about spanking and even witnessed a session, but I still can't ask for it. I don’t know why, but I still find it odd and embarrassing."

"Ow, honey, you don't have to feel that way. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know."

"Thank you, but I think I have to figure it out for myself."

"All right. If it’s hard for you to ask, then you can do something stupid and give me the chance to punish you," Diane said, trying to cheer him up a little.

Tim smiled and said sarcastically, "Great idea! Anyway, I’ll go outside to work on my bicycle."

"Perfect. Maybe you can get it repaired faster, or at least collect those parts and tools that are scattered all over the yard," Diane said.

Tim had an old bicycle, and he decided to take it apart and repair it piece by piece. He liked technical work but was not at all a tidy person. He used to spread his tools and parts all over the place, much to Diane's annoyance.

While fixing his bike, Tim thought about his earlier conversation with Diane, and, not thinking rationally and missing a spanking too much, it suddenly seemed like a good idea to do something stupid to be punished by her. And the easiest thing to do was to keep his tools scattered all over the yard.

Two days later, after asking him once more the day before to collect her things from the yard, Diane was getting ready to go shopping when she saw Tim coming down for breakfast. "Good morning. I was just on my way to the market."

"I'm about to leave too. I'm meeting Mark, and we're going to watch the game together. I'll be back after lunch," Tim said.

"Good. Be sure to pack your tools and bike parts before you leave. I've already asked you to do it."

"Don’t worry. I'll collect them."

"Make sure you do," Diane said in a firm tone and with a stern look, making it very clear to Tim what would happen if he didn't comply.

That response gave Tim an instant erection, and his heart began to beat faster. Still thinking it was a good plan, Tim finished his breakfast and left without gathering his stuff. When Diane returned home and found that Tim hadn't done what she had asked him to do, she decided it was time to teach him a lesson. Entering the house, she found Emma watching TV and went straight to the dining room table, where she grabbed a chair and set it in the middle of the room. She then went to get the hairbrush when she heard Emma's voice: "What are you doing, mom? Is it what I think it is?"

"Yes, it's exactly what you think. Tim's going to learn a lesson today. I've been asking him for days to get his stuff out of the yard, and he's ignored me every time. Today I'll be a little more persuasive," said Diane, pointing to the hairbrush she was holding, then adding, "Of course, you can watch if you want."

"Of course. There's no way I'd miss that," Emma said happily.

"Why so eager?" Diane asked.

Emma blushed a little and answered, "Well, I enjoy it. I like seeing you so dominant, and I really think I can learn from you."

"I’m glad I can help you. Both of you," Diane said, laughing.

Emma, getting worried, added, "I'm supposed to meet a friend at the mall, and I'd be back to dinner. Would that be a problem?"

"No, my dear. We’ll do it after dinner."

"Great. See you around 6 p.m. then," Emma said happily as she walked out the door.

Walking home, Tim thought about everything that had happened over the past few days, and the more he thought about it, the more stupid his idea began to seem. He could have simply asked for a spanking; instead, he chose to ignore Diane's requests, hoping she would punish him. Most likely, it was exactly what was going to happen, and he thought it would be less humiliating than if he had asked for the spanking, but in the meantime, he realized it would probably be even more humiliating. It was too late to change anything, so he was coming to terms with the idea that he would at least get the spanking he wanted.

Arriving home, Tim immediately saw the chair put in place, putting to rest any doubts about what was about to happen.

Seeing him staring at the chair, Diane said, "Are you surprised?"

"Not really," Tim answered, blushing.

"What were you thinking? You could have simply asked. It would have been more honorable."

"I know it was stupid, but it didn't seem that way at first. I'm sure you'll take care of proving how wrong I was," replied Tim, trying to lighten the mood.

"Of course I will. Don’t worry about it. And in case you’re wondering, Emma will witness your spanking. I've already talked to her about it. She seemed very eager. She’ll be back home around 6 p.m., and we'll do it after dinner."

"Well… I'm glad she'll have fun," he said, trying to sound ironic. 

"I know you're not too thrilled about it, but trust me, it's for your own good. She's part of this family, and it's only natural that she should be involved. Besides, maybe after tonight, you won't be so reluctant to ask. I hope I get the chance to spank you many times before Emma goes back to college. Summer's just beginning, so you'll have plenty of opportunities to ask me to spank you. I wish we could get back to normal."

"I know, and I wish that too," Tim said.

"See you at the diner then," Diane said, heading towards the stairs. "I still have some work to do before then, and I suggest you take the opportunity and collect the tools and bike parts from the yard. It's for your own good," Diana concluded in a tone that was supposed to be more authoritative.

"I'm going right now," Tim said, going into the garage.

Left alone, he finally had time to think better about what had happened. The thought of being spanked in front of an audience made him strangely aroused. He didn't understand exactly why, but the more he thought about it, the more erect his penis became. It would certainly be more humiliating, but maybe that was the ingredient that turned him on so much.

He looked at his watch and saw that it was two hours until dinner. He quickly gathered his tools and bike parts, then went to his room. He still had an hour and a half to wait until dinner, and he couldn't concentrate on anything but what was about to happen. He desperately wanted to masturbate but decided to wait until after his spanking. He learned along the way that the post-spanking orgasm was more intense, plus after he masturbated, he'd become too relaxed, and tension and anticipation were an important part of the whole spanking experience. After what seemed like an eternity, Tim heard voices from the living room, and seeing that it was getting close to dinner time, he decided to make his appearance. He was nervous, but he felt so alive. Seeing Emma, he couldn't hide his blush. It was certainly a rather humiliating situation for him, but at the same time, he felt strangely aroused.

Seeing him blushing, Emma said, trying to lighten the mood. "How are you? Are you ready for the show you have planned for me?"

"I guess so," Tim said, clearly nervous, "I hope you’ll not be disappointed."

"I guess we’ll see soon," Emma replied.

Dinner was very tasty, but everyone was unusually quiet, each deep in their own thoughts. As soon as they had all cleared their plates, Diane said to Tim in a more authoritative tone, "It's time to have that long, hard talk you so desperately need and want. Please stand up!"

She then went to his side of the table, took him by the hand, and led him to the corner of the room, saying, "I think you should do some corner time while Emma and I are setting the table. Think about what's going to happen next and what was wrong with your actions. Then you’ll spend some quality time over my lap getting your deserving bottom blistered."

She placed him with his nose in the corner, then, in one swift movement, pulled both his pants and underwear down to his knees, leaving him naked from the waist down. She then ordered him to take them all down and left him there, proudly presenting his naked, pale bottom. She added while returning to the table to collect the dishes, "Put your hands behind your head, and don’t you dare move or turn your head around."

Tim loved how strict Diane was and felt shivers down his spine. He was so tense, but at the same time so aroused. He heard movement in the back, and the women were talking and giggling happily. He knew that every time they passed the room, they'd see him standing in the corner with his naked bottom. He felt silly sitting in the corner, but somehow that humiliating position and the fact that he had nothing to do but think about what was going to happen to him helped him get into the right mindset. In just a few minutes, he would cry his eyes out and struggle to stay in position while Diane would relentlessly spank his unprotected bare bottom with the dreaded hairbrush. Yet he didn't feel sorry for himself. He felt loved and understood; he felt safe with the most loved people in his life, living his deepest desire.

Finally, he heard Diane's voice, ordering him to turn around and stand in front of her, with his hands still at the back of her head. When he turned around, he saw Emma wide-eyed, looking shocked at his erection. Surely he would have some explaining to do later, but he tried to ignore the matter for the moment. He finally went over Diane's knee, and the spanking began without too much delay.

The spanking itself was as expected, if not more so. Diane spent more time than usual making sure she made her point, in an extremely painful way. He cried, sobbed, and squirmed a lot, but managed to remain in place and take the spanking like a man. Diane even made him promise that the next time he needed a spanking, he'd ask instead of acting stupid. He barely managed to answer between sobs, but he eventually made that promise loud and clear and intended to keep it.

After the spanking was over, he was sent to his room to recover, and he had the chance to see his bottom in the mirror. It was redder and bruised than ever before, but it felt so warm and tingly. He had one of the most intense orgasms ever, picturing himself over Diane’s knee over and over again.

A few minutes later, Emma knocked on the door and was invited in.

"How’s your bottom, bro?"

"How do you think it is? It hurts like hell, and it's swollen, but it's already bearable. I will survive," Tim said, smiling.

"I know you will. You’re a survivor. Let me tell you again how impressed I am by the way you took it. It was such a hard spanking, and you again managed to keep your dignity. I’m so proud of you. Now give me a hug."

They hugged for a while, and then Emma said, "I didn't think Mom would spank you so hard, and I didn't think you'd like it that much."

"What do you mean?" Tim asked, blushing, already knowing what Emma meant.

"You had a full erection. I never thought that being spanked that hard could make you so aroused."

"Well, the erection didn’t last long after the spanking began. It was way too painful to be sexually aroused. But losing control and being dominated by someone is something that makes me aroused. For me, being submissive to someone is better than having sex. Just to be clear, it has nothing to do with Diane or you."

"I know. Mom also explained it, and I got it. I don’t think you are a freak or something," Emma said, trying to reassure him.

Tim continued by saying, "And let's also clarify the part about the spanking. Yes, it’s a hard one, and I really struggle to cope with the pain, but I need it to be that hard. Diane understands it, and she makes sure she spanks me as hard as I need. The pain makes the spanking meaningful, and it helps me reach that subspace where I want to be. And to reach that level, I need to feel totally powerless, to be at her mercy, and to have no say in how hard or how long the spanking should be. When I try so hard to stay in position and not cover my bottom with my hand, all I can think about is that I have to obey and take all the punishment that is in store for me, and being able to be submissive when feeling that amount of pain brings me so much joy. It gets to the point where I’m almost in a trance. On the outside, it hurts so much, but on the inside, I am very happy and fulfilled. I know it’s hard to understand, but trust me when I say you don’t need to be sorry for me. I wouldn't have it any other way. If the spanking were less severe, I'd be disappointed."

"It's actually not that hard to understand. It makes sense to me what you say, and I understand why you must suffer. It's easy to be submissive if it feels good. True submission only comes when you are really put to the test. And in your case, that test is a good and hard bare-bottom spanking. And I no longer feel sorry for you. After I saw that huge erection, I got over it," Emma said, laughing.

"Thank you for being so supportive and cool about it."

"No problem, bro. I told you I like seeing you spanked. I wish I could be in my mother's place and have a man over my knee, getting exactly what Mom gave you earlier. Speaking about her, don’t you think we should go downstairs?"

"Yes. Let’s see how she is."

Entering the living room, Tim went straight to Diane, who greeted him with wide, open arms.

"Thank you for spanking me. I’m really sorry for my stupid behavior, and I promise next time I need a spanking, I’ll ask. And I really mean it."

"I know you will, honey, and I’ll make sure I don't disappoint you."

"You never disappoint. My sore and bruised bottom can confirm," Tim said, laughing.

They spent the rest of the evening watching a movie together, feeling more close and peaceful than ever before.

Written by mihaispk
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