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Tim's Painful Yet Rewarding Journey

"Self-spanking is the ticket to a trip over the knee that sets a pattern for the future."

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Author's Notes

"This was the first time I tried to write a story in English. I am from Romania, and English is not my native language. I tried to write as correctly as possible, but I'm sure I made some mistakes and sometimes used terms and expressions that are not common for a native English speaker. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I'm sorry for that."

It was a beautiful spring day. Tim had just come home from school and was sitting on the sofa watching his favorite TV show when he heard Diane, entering the front door. She went shopping and had her hands full of bags.

Tim was eighteen and was in high school. He was one of the best students in the school, well-behaved, very respectful, and appreciated by teachers. Tim lived only with Diane. She has a daughter, Emma, three years older than Tim, who moved out to the university in another city.

Diane was his former nanny, and she and Emma were basically the only family he had. His mother had a serious drug and alcohol problem and one day she left her three-year-old son and her husband and moved to another country with a drug dealer. They haven't heard from her since.

Shortly after, his father met Diane. She had had a failed marriage, was new in town, and was looking for a job and rent. She had moved away from her abusive husband and was looking for some peace and stability. Tim's father was overwhelmed with raising a three-year-old on his own, so he suggested Diana to hire her as a nanny and offer her and her daughter a place to stay. Initially, Diane accepted the offer thinking it would be temporary until she found a place to live, but the house was so big and she got on so well with Tim and his father that it had been a few years and she hadn't moved out. Diane always treated Tim as if he were her own child. She never made a difference between him and Emma and always showed them the same love and care.

Unfortunately, life had another surprise in store for them, and shortly after Tim turned nine, his father died in a car accident. To prevent Tim from being left in the hands of the social assistance, his father's best friend, a very good lawyer, managed to arrange for Diane to stay in the house until Tim turned eighteen and to be his foster mother. For Tim, Diane was already like a mother and Emma like a sister and he used to address them as "mom" respectively "sis". He was happy to live with them and in his own house.

Although they were not blood-related, Emma and Diane were the most important persons in his life, and he loved them dearly. They accepted him as if he were their brother respectively, their real son, and those outside their family didn't even suspect that they weren't actually blood-related.

Growing up without a father wasn't always easy, but Diane raised them well and never tried to spoil them. She always talked to them and shared both joys and sorrows. Thus, they became very responsible and united from an early age.

When Tim turned eighteen and was officially no longer under Diana's guardianship, he decided they would continue to live together. They had always been like family and nothing had changed.

Diane was forty, with brown hair, slim but curvy in the right places. She was still very attractive, with a lovely smile and a look that imposed respect. She was a voluble person who always knew when to joke and when to be serious.

"Hey, Tim! How was school today?" said Diane, entering the living room. She seemed to be in good spirits.

"It was Ok, mom. Nothing special," responded Tim, still watching TV.

"Don't you have any homework to do?" she asked.

"I'll do it after the game. You know I always do my homework," replied Tim.

"I know, I know..." she said, smiling. After a short pause, without seeming bothered by the fact that Tim didn't seem too interested in chatting with her, she continued in the same casual tone," Guess who I ran into today at the mall? "

Tim gave her a quizzical look, waiting for the answer, which came after a short pause, "You remember Mrs. Stern, my co-worker from my former job? She has a son, Ben, a year younger than you. He goes to the same school as you. Maybe you know him.”

Tim remembered Mrs. Stern and her son and replied, “Yes, I know them both. "

Diane continued her story, “Well we went to catch up over a coffee and when I asked about her son, she suddenly became serious and told me a story you won’t believe. Just the other day, she caught Ben spanking himself with a hairbrush and was so furious and shocked she took his hairbrush and blistered his butt he won’t sit comfortably for a while.”

The word “spanking” made Tim wince, and he instantly forgot the game he was looking at. He started imagining the entire scene with Ben draped over his mother's knee for a good spanking, then Ben disappeared from the scene and he took his place. He was over Mrs. Stern’s knee getting the spanking he never had the chance to experience. He felt his penis getting bigger and bigger and changed his position on the sofa to hide it from Diane. He was deep in his thoughts when he heard Diane’s voice sound intrigued, "I think he really was curious about spanking if he started spanking himself. Mrs. Stern was so right to blister his butt! He got what he deserved! "

“I guess so,” said Tim, not knowing how to react to the news he heard.

“Who wants to be spanked, Tim? And why?”

“I don’t know, mum, I don’t know…” said Tim visibly uncomfortable with the discussion. In fact, he knew very well a guy who wanted to be spanked, and that’s why he felt embarrassed and began blushing a bit. He needed to excuse himself and go to his room, so he got up and told Diane, “I’ll be in my room doing my homework.”

She found his sudden leave strange, especially as the game was not yet over, but she didn’t say anything.

Tim was relieved to be in the safety of his room. He couldn't have resisted much longer without raising Diane’s suspicions. The confidence in his voice was replaced by a strange unease. He was hesitant and didn’t know how to react and his cheeks became redder than they should have. And on top of that, he became highly aroused and could hardly hide the bulge in the front of his trousers. All these signs would have undoubtedly betrayed him if he hadn't quickly retired to his room.
He was fascinated by spanking for as long as he remembered. In schools, spanking was no longer used as a form of discipline, but the majority of his friends were punished by their parents, so spanking was a pretty common subject. Yet Diane never spanked or even threatened him or Emma with a spanking. In fact, today was the first time he heard Diane say that word.

He often listened to his friends' stories and often imagine himself being in their shoes. In his imagination, he was spanked by every single friend’s mother or aunt. Well, except by Diane. He had never seen her as a candidate to give him the spanking he needed.

All his friends hated being spanked, but Tim still wanted to trade places with them. He didn’t understand why he wanted to be spanked. Despite the fact that all his friends have told him it hurts horribly and they hate every single part of it, all he could think of was how he could experience a spanking.

He thought he could try his luck when having a sleepover at a friend’s house, a friend whose mother uses spanking as punishment, but everyone knew Diane had never spanked him so that plan wouldn't have worked. Plus, he was mostly well-behaved and wouldn't want to upset anyone on purpose in order to get a spanking.

He had several girlfriends, and he often thought he could persuade them to put him over their knees, but he never had the courage to tell them about his hidden desire.

In fact, his fascination with spanking made him feel he was a freak because everyone else seemed to dread being spanked, but he had the best orgasms in his life when masturbating and imagining himself spanked by a strong and dominant woman. Over time, he found out he was more interested in spanking than sex. Well, in spanking and feet because he also had a foot fetish. He often stared at women’s feet, picturing himself licking and sucking on their toes and soles.

Apart from these two hidden sides of himself, Tim was an ordinary guy, self-controlled and liked by those around him. He didn't betray a submissive nature, quite the contrary. However, deep down, he knew he needed a strong, dominant woman, willing to spank him.

His fascination with spanking grew over time and became an obsession. Those thoughts began to affect his life, he could no longer focus at school, became short-tempered, and distanced himself from his friends. At that point, realizing he had to find a solution, Tim tried spanking himself. He soon found out that using his hand was inefficient, so he tried with a hairbrush. He spanked himself as hard as he could and he learned that the hairbrush packs quite a sting. He soon realized that having a sore bottom helped him focus and control his spanking obsession. For a while at least. Then he spanked himself again and again.

Even at eighteen, about twice a week, when alone in the house, he puts the hairbrush to good use until he ended up with a sore, red bottom. He still wanted to find someone to spank him but until then, spanking himself was a good enough solution.

Tim had a hard time finishing his homework. His mind was full of thoughts and images. Thinking of every line from the earlier conversation, he felt confused and surprised by the ease and cheerfulness with which Diane spoke about spanking. He was also surprised by Diane’s opinion of how Mrs. Stern acted when she caught her son spanking himself. He never considered her an advocate of spanking, and judging by the fact that he had never heard her speak on the subject, he always assumed she would disagree with spanking. However, he was surprised to find that not only she was not against it, but she also would have done the same as Mrs. Stern in that situation.

With those thoughts in mind, Tim tried to fall asleep, but he couldn't. Lying in bed, he began to think again about Ben and the spanking he had received from Mrs. Stern. Then he began again to imagine that he was the one receiving that trashing because he had been caught spanking himself. This made him very aroused. Then, without him even realizing it, Mrs. Stern vanished from the scene and her place was taken by Diane. He began picturing himself over her knee, receiving a much-deserved spanking. He realized he never imagined her spanking him.

At first, he was concerned about the path his fantasy was taking, because for him spanking also had an erotic side. It was part of his sexuality and it seemed out of place for her to appear in his deepest fantasy. Then, playing the same scene over and over in his mind, he realized that he wasn't relating sexually to any of the women spanking him. What really turned him on was the spanking itself, being submissive and losing control. Even if he imagined being spanked by a faceless woman, he was just as aroused. Realizing that, the thought of Diane spanking him didn't seem so odd anymore.

He barely managed to sleep that night and in the following days he became very distracted and his mind was stuck on the same subject that turned his world upside down a few days ago.

The thing was, the more he thought about it, the more natural the idea of being over Diane’s knee and receiving a spanking seemed. She was after all the most important person in his life and also his best friend. If she didn't understand his wish, probably no one would. And judging by their recent conversation about spanking, she'd probably even be willing to satisfy his deepest desire. But how could he ask her? How could he explain to her what his needs were without being too embarrassed to even talk? He didn't have enough courage and with each passing day, he became more and more frustrated because of it.

After another three days, his desperation reached its peak, and he decided to take his chances, no matter what might happen. He decided to let Diane catch him spanking himself, and hopefully, she would take over from there.

All day, Tim was in a strange mood, but at least he was at peace with his decision. No matter how humiliating, or what the result of his play would be, he had to try. Eventually, she would understand, and their relationship was too strong to be damaged by a weird incident like that.

After school, he went straight home, making sure he arrived before Diane did. He felt both excited and scared by the prospect of the spanking he may receive later that day, but he was more and more determined to go through with his plan. When he got home, he immediately went upstairs to his room and changed out of his school clothes. He put on a T-shirt and stopped putting on pants, leaving only his underwear on. He got his hairbrush ready and waited, extremely nervous, looking out the window to see Diane coming home.

She was going to be home any moment, but the wait seemed like an eternity. He finally saw her coming, and when she pulled into the driveway in front of the house, he went to the bed, pulled his underwear down to his knees, and began spanking himself with the wooden hairbrush as hard as he could. He had done this before countless times, but that time was different. He was so nervous he couldn't even feel the pain of the spanks. After a short while, which again seemed like an eternity, he heard Diane entering his room and exclaiming in an indignant tone, "Good gracious, Tim, what's going on here? What are you doing?"

He jumped in horror and while quickly pulling a sheet over his half-naked body he said, “Sorry mom, I thought you weren’t at home!”

“Never mind that, Tim. The important thing is not that I caught you, but what you were doing while thinking I'm not at home. Are you spanking yourself?”

After the initial shock, the adrenaline was flowing through his body, his mouth was dry and he couldn't articulate a word, and his cheeks were burning, probably extremely red with embarrassment. His mind was racing and his heart seemed to leap out of his chest. He wanted to scream, to apologize, to say something, anything, but the words stopped in his throat.

Diane continued in a stern tone, "Does spanking yourself have anything to do with the story I told you about Mrs. Stern and her son Ben?"

Tim couldn’t speak, but he nodded his head, visibly embarrassed. He had expected it to be a rather humiliating moment, but he didn't think he wouldn’t even be able to say a word to plead his case.

Luckily Diane didn't need any further arguments to give the verdict Tim had been waiting for and dreaming about for years and said in the same stern tone, “Then maybe you hoped your action would have the same results as Ben’s, and I’m not going to disappoint you. I’m going to put you over my knee and give you the spanking you seem to want.” She bent over the bed and picked up the hairbrush, saying, "You won't be needing this anymore. If you are curious about spanking, I’m more than willing to introduce you to the real deal and this hairbrush will help me.”

Diane threw the sheet aside, while Tim managed in a desperate gesture to get his underwear on, grabbed him by his arm, and led him to his desk where she turned a chair into the room, sat down, leaving him standing in front of her. She measured him with her eyes then added in a strict voice, “I don't understand why you put your underwear back on but I like the idea of taking them down for you. Spankings should always be administered on the bare bottom.” She put her fingers inside the waistband of his knickers and yanked them down, then said in a strict tone, “Step out of them, please!”

He did as he was told and was standing naked below his waist looking at Diane, amazed to see her so strict and in control. He realized he has a full erection, which made him even more embarrassed. Diane noticed it too and was quite shocked, but managed to hide her surprise by miming a restrained smile and adding, "Looks like someone is really looking forward to this spanking.”

“Let’s not wait any longer!” she said, pulling him across her lap and adjusting his position until his bottom was in the right place. She felt his erection pressing her tight and found it disturbing. She told herself that she should definitely ask Tim about this. Being a part of his sexual fantasies wasn’t something she felt comfortable with. She managed to put that thought aside and began to focus on what was about to happen. So far it's all happened very quickly, and she hasn't had time to think too much.

She started rubbing his bottom and looked at the back of his head, thinking how he hadn’t struggled when being led to the chair, nor when pulled across her lap. He seemed to accept the inevitable and clearly wanted to experience being spanked. She didn’t want to hurt him, but she still doesn't want to deny him the full experience. And a real spanking hurts like hell, and that's exactly what she promised him. A real spanking. He would squirm, gasp and cry eventually, and his bottom will be crimson red and sitting would not be an option for a few days, but at least he would know what it’s like being spanked and she hoped that she would be able to satisfy his curiosity and he would never want to repeat the experience.

Tim was swallowing hard at the realization his spanking was just moments away. He still couldn't quite believe that after all these years of dreaming about being spanked, he was finally over someone’s lap waiting for the first spank to land on his bare, unprotected butt. And that someone was nobody else than Diane, the person he loved and trusted the most.

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He saw his legs dangling under the far side of the chair and he looked at the backs of Diane’s legs. He then felt her hand begin rubbing his bottom and a wave of humiliation cascaded over him. However, he felt so aroused by being in this position of submission. He had so often imagined himself in that exact position, and now that fantasy was a reality. It certainly felt far better than the fantasy.

Still, he was worried about the spanking to come. He expected it to be more painful than self-spanking, and he didn't know how well he would cope. However, there was no turning back and all he could do was to try and stay still and accept what Diane had in store for him.

The rubbing stopped, he saw Diane’s leg muscles tense, and the first spank landed on his left bottom cheek, followed closely by the second one, this time on the right cheek. Tim gasped, being taken by surprise and realizing that his first-ever spanking has just begun. The first few slaps stung a little, but they felt quite nice and Tim started to relax a little bit, thinking that he would be able to cope well.

Diane spanked him on alternate bottom cheeks time and again and intentionally made the spanks harder and harder. She felt more relaxed and began to somewhat enjoy the spanking she was giving. Not inflicting pain was what made her happy, but the feeling of being in control. Until now she had not been aware of this side of herself, but she realized that being so dominant and in control gave her satisfaction. After all, Tim probably really wanted to be spanked, so she shouldn't worry too much about the pain she was inflicting on him.

Tim began struggling with the increasing pain and as Diane started landing several spanks in a row on the same bottom cheek, Tim started questioning his desire to be spanked as he felt the intensity of the spanking increase. He started kicking and squirming as the spanks continued to rain down on his stinging, bouncing bottom. He tensed his legs and grabbed hold of both legs of the chair to force himself to stay in position.

Diane was surprised to see Tim staying across her lap even though he was clearly struggling. She took this as a sign that she must keep going and not hold back. It was clear to her that Tim needed that spanking and wanted to stay in place and take it, so she continued spanking harder and harder.

Tim realized that the hand spanking was already harder than the spanking he managed to give himself with the hairbrush. He opened his eyes and looked at Diane’s upside-down legs and noticed immediately that they were blurred, understanding why his friends who had been spanked told him they quickly dissolved into tears.

Diane continued to spank Tim’s bare bottom harder and harder, knowing that as well as getting more than a little satisfaction herself from spanking him, she was also giving him the experience that he had wanted. His bottom was getting redder and redder and she stopped for a moment, admiring her work, and to get the hairbrush.

Tim also noticed the pause and suddenly felt the cold surface of the hairbrush rubbing his burning bottom. It was a pleasant sensation, but it was soon replaced by the terrible pain of the first blow with the hairbrush, followed by several others. His eyes filled with tears and he barely managed to stay over Diane’s lap. The pain was horrible and almost unbearable. It was just so awful; he told himself and wondered how could he have wanted to be spanked. It wasn’t fun and arousing at all, and all he wanted was the spanking to stop.

Diane noticed that his erection no longer pressed against her leg, which told her that Tim was no longer enjoying the experience. She saw his bottom showing signs of bruising, but that didn’t make her stop the spanking. She vigorously used the hairbrush for a few more minutes before she was sure she made her point, then stopped.

Tim was crying and kicking when the spanking suddenly stopped. He felt Diane’s hand rubbing and gently squeezing his stinging bottom cheeks and started to relax. The stinging was changing from extreme pain to something more bearable and even pleasurable, and eventually, he stopped sobbing. He heard her voice," You can get up when you are ready.”

He eased himself slowly, feeling a bit dizzy, then started to rub his bottom in a futile attempt to ease the pain.

“I'm going downstairs to the living room. You calm down, wash your face and then come downstairs to talk,” said Diane, closing the door behind her.

Left alone in the room, Tim went to the mirror to look at his butt. He couldn't believe how red it was and clearly saw a few bruises developing. Then he crawled into bed, totally confused. He has just fulfilled his greatest fantasy, but the reality was nothing like what he imagined. Being spanked was more painful than he ever imagined, but still, without understanding why, he wanted to be spanked again. Looking down at his penis, he noticed that his erection returned and he started rubbing his penis, thinking about the spanking he just received until he ejaculated all over his chest, bringing himself to the most amazing orgasm.

So being spanked for real was even more sexually stimulating than when he just imagined being spanked. Even though the real spanking was much more painful. He absolutely hated the pain, but the anticipation, the humiliation, and the loss of control he felt when he was over Diane’s lap, and now the arousal and the wonderful orgasm he just had worth all the pain he had to endure. He felt more alive than ever and now the stinging already turned to a warmly erotic tingling, more intense than when he spanked himself. And certainly long-lasting.

Tim knew that the pain was worthwhile and was so thankful that Diane gave him the spanking he craved for such a long time and wanted more than ever to be spanked again in the future. With that thought in mind, Tim dressed and went downstairs to see Diane.

After leaving Tim’s room, Diane went to the living room and waited for him to come and talk. At first, she was calm and happy about the way she handled the problem, but after a while, playing the spanking over in her mind, she has become increasingly uneasy. What if she misinterpreted the signs Tim sent? What if she was too hard on him and he would resent her for that? She loved him dearly, and she didn’t want to ruin her relationship with him.

Diane was squirming in her seat when she heard Tim's footsteps coming down the stairs to the living room. She was very nervous about facing him. She saw him approaching, very relaxed and smiling as if nothing had happened. “Hey, mom! How's it going? How are you feeling?” asked Tim.

He was still smiling, which gave Diane some courage, and answered, “I’m ok, Tim! How’s your bottom?”

“It hurts, and will probably hurt for a few days, so you did a good job, I guess,” said Tim, smiling and blushing a bit.

“Tell me, dear, did you do it on purpose in order to get spanked?”

He nodded his head, blushing.

“Was it as you expected?” asked Diane.

“It was much more painful than I expected, but otherwise it was as I thought it would be.”

“I’m sorry I spanked you that hard, but I wanted to make sure you understood that a real spanking hurts a lot and it is a serious thing. And judging by your reaction when I spanked you, I think I made my point and I've satisfied your curiosity, but at the same time, I assume you don't want to go through something like that ever again.”

“Well… you definitely made your point about how much a real spanking hurt, but I was hoping to be spanked again in the future,” said Tim blushing and with an almost whispery voice.

Diane was really puzzled and felt the need to make her point even clearer. “Do you need me to remind you how hard you cried an hour ago and how you struggled to stay still?”

“No mum, you don’t need to remind me. The pain was real and I hated the spanking itself, but I really loved the other parts, so the pain was worth it. "

“What other parts?”

“Well, the anticipation, being over your lap, you being in total control, and after the spanking, when the pain got less intense, I felt a nice warm tingling all over my bottom. And all the experience made me feel more alive than ever.”

“Are you also turned on by being spanked?”

Tim was feeling uncomfortable by the question she asked but managed to respond, “Yes, I am aroused by the prospect of being spanked and after, when thinking about the spanking I received and when feeling the tingle in my bottom, but the spanking itself is too painful to turn me on.”

“So that's why you had an erection when I took your knickers off? I thought you had some sick fantasy with me.”

Tim felt uncomfortable discussing his erection with Diane, but he responded quickly to reassure her, “No, not at all. It has nothing to do with you. It’s just the way I react at the thought of being spanked or when I am about to receive a spanking.”

“Okay, I've calmed down a little,” said Diane smiling. “What you said actually made sense. I can understand how stepping out of your comfort zone can make you feel more alive and how each of us can respond differently to certain situations and triggers. It seems that you have to go through a lot of pain and shed real tears to reach the mood you want.”

“Yeah, the thing is, I've always been fascinated by spanking, but from about the age of thirteen I started to get really obsessed with it, and in order to be able to stay focused at school, or on everything else, I started spanking myself. Having a sore bottom helps me for a while. Then I have to do that again. Today, thanks to you, I was spanked for the first time in my life and it was one of the best days I've ever had. Being spanked helps me a lot more than spanking myself, and I was hoping you can spank me in the future on a regular basis.”

“Wow… I definitely didn’t expect this, but to be honest with you I kind of enjoyed spanking you. It made me feel relaxed and in control, and I liked that. I was a little concerned by the amount of pain I inflicted, but I can get over this issue. Also, you've made your case well and I understand pretty clearly what you feel and what you need, so I think we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement. So, how do you suggest we do this in the future?”

“Thank you for being so supportive,” said Tim happily, “I didn’t think about this. I never imagine we will get this far, so I think we’ll have to figure it out together. But before that, I’m curious about something. When I was a kid, did you ever think about spanking me?”

The question made Diane laugh. “I think I raised you well because you were mostly well-behaved. You had your little slip-ups, but it was never so bad that I felt the need to put you over my knee for a well-deserved spanking,” said Diane with a broad smile on her face.

“Oh... what a shame,” said Tim laughing.

“Better late than never, I guess,” Diane added.

“Indeed”, concluded Tim.

Diane became more serious again and said, “Back to what we were discussing. How do you think we should do this?”

“Wouldn't it be okay if, when I feel the need to be spanked, to simply come to you and ask?”

“Yes, you’ll need to ask for it somehow, but I was thinking of a more interesting and fun way for you to do that. When you need to be spanked, you can simply take a chair and put it in the middle of the living room and place the hairbrush on the seat. That I think will be a more meaningful sign of what will happen. Plus, you will pass by that chair many times and you will always remember what awaits you later. What do you think?”

“I really like your idea,” said Tim, sounding excited. The conversation made his penis bigger and bigger and he couldn't wait to go to his room and masturbate, thinking about every detail of his conversation with Diane.

“Perfect then. It’s settled,” said Diane, then with a stern look on her face and a serious tone added, “Now listen to me carefully. If you want us to have an agreement, you must understand and accept some rules. You are a good man and most of the time I’m so proud of the way you behave, but sometimes there are exceptions. Even though I didn't find it necessary to punish you when you were little, now that I know you want to be spanked, I intend to start punishing you for the minor lapses you have. If in the past those offenses were not punishable and we used to discuss and try to correct them, now we will discuss them with you over my lap getting the bare bottom spanking you deserve. Knowing you want to be spanked changes everything from my perspective. So in the future, when I think you deserve a spanking, I will also put a chair in the middle of the room with the hairbrush on the seat. It might happen when you don't want to be spanked, or shortly after you received a spanking you asked me to give, but it’s a risk you need to take if you want us to have an agreement. Whether you're turned on by the idea of being spanked or enjoying the after-effects of a spanking, when you're across my lap you are crying and kicking and you hate every single bit of it, so I know that you still learn something from being spanked, and I intend disciplining you that way in the future.”

“I understand and I’m...”

“Please let me finish, Tim,” said Diane with her stern voice. “You don’t need to give me an answer just yet. It’s an important decision you have to make and you shouldn't rush before you have all the details. Please, tell me, Tim, how do you feel about the intensity of the spanking I gave you today?”

“Hmm… It was definitely a really, really hard one. I never imagined I could endure so much pain and, although I expected a spanking to be more painful than the spanking I used to administer to myself, you exceeded all of my expectations.”

“Well, my dear, from what you told me earlier, in order to stay focused and control your spanking obsession, you need the spanking to be effective and your bottom should sting for quite a while, so expect all the future spankings to be at least as hard and painful as the one I gave you today. Over time you’ll get used to them and I will probably need to make them harder to have the same effect on you."

Tim was listening carefully, making sure he understood all the details of his future spanking regime.

Diane continued, “I just have a few more rules we need to discuss. If any of us put the chair with the hairbrush in the middle of the room, definitely a spanking will take place that same day. Under no circumstances can a spanking be postponed for another day. When it’s a discipline spanking, I get to set the time for the punishment, and you will have no say in that matter. If it’s a spanking you asked for, I will suggest a time, but you can change it if you have something else scheduled, but it still has to be on the same day. I don't want to spank you right after the chair is put in place. I want to give you the time to think about the spanking you are about to receive. I think it will help you and, after all, you made it pretty clear to me that you like the anticipation part. So I think you’ll appreciate this particular rule. All the spankings will be on the bare bottom, and if you don’t have any suggestions, we will stick to my hand and the hairbrush. If we will feel like changing the implement or adding another one, we will discuss and make a decision together.”

Diane looked carefully at Tim and added in a serious tone, “Now I want you to think of my proposition as long as you need and come back to me with an answer. Your answer will be final, so you’d better think carefully about what you're letting yourself into.”

Tim took Diane's hands in his and replied in a confident tone, "I don’t need to think more to give you an answer. I agree with all your conditions and I probably would have come up with pretty much the same ideas if I were to propose the rules. I trust you and I need you to spank me as long and hard as you think necessary. I need you to be strict with me. I need to submit to you entirely. I love you with all my heart and you are the most important person in my life. I’m sure this agreement will strengthen our relationship even more.”

Diane burst into tears, becoming too emotional, and she took Tim in her arms, holding him tight. “I love you too, and I’m so proud you had the courage to ask me to spank you and you shared with me your deepest desire. I can't wait to see where this agreement takes us.”

Both Tim and Diane realized that what happened that day would be a turning point in their relationship, but both were confident that things would go very well and were eager to embark on the journey awaiting them. Both were sure that they would often find a hairbrush sitting on a chair strategically positioned in the middle of the living room, waiting to be used to make their lives more complete and bring them closer together.

To be continued…


Written by mihaispk
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