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The Teacher Is Spanked Again

"Miss Hart needs to get signed her new Punishment Slip which means another spanking first"

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Having arrived home, Sandra parked the car in the driveway, and walked into the house. She saw that Katie, now Miss Katie to her when under discipline, was in the living room, and so she went in and walked straight up to her. As she did so, she held out the new Punishment Slip, and said, "Hello, Miss Katie. I made a real mistake and forgot to take the Punishment Slip in to show Miss Ella. She has therefore given me twelve more strokes of the cane and this new Punishment Slip. Please, will you give me another spanking?"

Katie knew that the ruse had worked and that Ella had given Sandra the twelve strokes of the cane, because they had already exchanged messages. Therefore, she wasn't surprised when Sandra handed to her the new Punishment Slip.

Katie took the Punishment Slip, and replied sternly, "That was very silly, wasn't it, Sandra? You certainly do deserve another spanking, and you can rest assured that it will be just as hard as the spanking you got yesterday."

With that, Katie went to the sideboard, opened a drawer, and took out the heavy spatula. She looked towards Sandra, saw the worry on her face, and said, "You had better get used to this. Now, get your knickers off and your skirt up above your waist, and be ready to go across my lap again."

Sandra accepted the need to be spanked again, and said, "Yes, Miss Katie, I know I will have to get used to that really horrid wooden spatula, but I also know I need to be thrashed with it to help me learn this very necessary lesson. Please, Miss, thrash me with it until I am crying buckets because I know it will do me so much good."

Sandra meant every word as she knew that Miss Katie was right, and she did deserve another spanking with the spatula as well as her hand. She really did have to be more careful in the future, and hoped that by being spanked again, that would make her think much more about obeying the instructions given to her. She knew she was a submissive, and wanted to be one.

Mind you, her bottom was stinging so much already, and she knew another spanking might well be as hard as the spanking she got yesterday, but the effect will be far worse. Being spanked again over eighteen welts of the cane, and yesterday's spanking, was going to be a real test of her resolve, but she so wanted to submit to both Miss Ella and Miss Katie, and so hoped she would cope with it. Of course, she saw being in floods of tears, and squirming around on Miss Ella's lap because of the pain, as coping but not coping at the same time, and wanted that to be the case.

Once Sandra had taken off her knickers and yanked her skirt up above her waist, she went and stood by Miss Katie, who was now seated on the dining chair that she had turned into the room. As she bent down across her lap, and once again got the very close-up view of the teenager's upside down legs, she was reconciled to suffering even more pain and knew she deserved to. She knew that she wouldn't cope with the pain, but then naughty girls like her shouldn't cope with it. Instead, they needed to take it and learn from it.

She didn't mind that Miss Katie was just eighteen, and that she was thirty-seven and Miss Katie's mum's girlfriend. After all, this was going to be a secret that Miss Katie's mum would not find out about, and that suited Sandra very well.

Looking down at Sandra's bottom, Katie smiled as both bare cheeks were still red from yesterday's spanking, and also had so many red welts painted across both cheeks as well. She wasn't concerned, though, about making this a painful spanking. She had looked carefully at Sandra's knickers as she took them down, and saw how they were already stained with her sex juice, which must have happened after she was caned. At least, she was pretty sure it was sex juice and not pee, and went ahead on that basis.

As Katie rubbed Sandra's bottom, she loved the feel of all those raised welts, and could only imagine how Sandra had suffered when being caned. Of course, Katie was one of those girls who got aroused by giving a spanking, but was pretty sure that Sandra was one of those who got aroused from being spanked, and caned.

So, as Katie raised her hand, she knew that with Sandra's bottom so red and welted, this spanking was going to be extremely painful for Sandra. Even so, she knew the purpose of this spanking was to reinforce her control, had no intention of giving anything other than a seriously hard spanking, and knew that she was going to make sure that this only ended once Sandra was crying, perhaps even pleading for her to stop, but definitely being ever so obedient and respectful.

As Katie landed spank after spank, Sandra was finding it hard to cope almost immediately. She knew that was because she had already been caned twice in two days with a total of eighteen very hard strokes, as well as being spanked yesterday. She didn't think any of it was unfair, but was her own fault for not taking in the Punishment Slip.

Sandra was struggling so much with the pain as her bottom and legs were now stinging like never ever before, but she felt she was learning her lesson. Of course, she didn't know that Katie had taken the Punishment Slip from her handbag this morning, and so didn't deserve today's caning or spanking, but she did know that she was learning a very good lesson by being caned and then spanked two days in a row. In fact, by struggling in the way that she was, squirming around on Miss Katie's lap, gasping and yelping and hissing in and out through clenched teeth, wishing the spanking was over, but knowing that was solely Miss Katie's decision, meant that she was showing the respect that she wanted to show. Not just respect, in fact, but was also being obedient in the way that she wanted to be obedient, and knew spanking would help her obey Miss Katie in the future.

When Katie stopped spanking Sandra's bare bottom with her hand, and started to use the spatula, there were no more gasps of pain but just very loud yelps, and Katie continued with her intent of making sure this was a severe spanking. She knew she was doing that.

As much as Sandra found the pain unbearable, she still told herself she needed to accept every last spank, and not just this time but in the future whenever Miss Katie decided she needed to be spanked. She knew that Miss Katie had her best interests at heart, just as Miss Ella did. As much as she was crying just then, and she knew how difficult it would be to sit down, perhaps for days to come, she also knew this was the best thing that could possibly happen to her. After all, it wasn't just the punishment, but she knew that later on, once she had at least stopped crying, she would be fingering herself to several huge orgasms because, as well as needing to be punished, she knew that this was also the best foreplay to masturbating that she could possibly have.

Miss Katie was also feeling so aroused by the thrashing that she was giving Sandra. She even stopped spanking her with the spatula and rubbed her bottom again, then the backs of her legs, then down her inner thighs, and along her pussy lips, and was so excited to find that Sandra was just so wet there, and that was confirmation once again that, as much as she was aroused by giving such a hard thrashing, Sandra was clearly aroused by being thrashed so hard. In fact, she could see how being thrashed a second time, so soon after the first time, was so arousing for both of them.

Katie became very quickly aware that Sandra was reacting to having her wet pussy lips fingered. She had parted her legs and was gyrating, maybe even begging to be brought to an orgasm. Katie wanted to, but realised that she had to maintain control, and so immediately stopped fingering Sandra's pussy lips, picked up the spatula once again, and returned to thrashing her with it. After all, this was a punishment, and not foreplay to lovemaking, and, as such, she was going to make sure each spank with the spatula was even harder.

Sandra realised the mistake that she had made in trying to get Miss Katie to give her an orgasm. She was once again being spanked so hard with the spatula, and she told herself that she did deserve every additional spank she was being given. She quickly dissolved once again into uncontrolled crying, and knew this was putting her truly in her place having to be subservient, submissive, and obedient, to the wonderfully dominant Miss Katie. She clearly fully understood her needs, and, as the thrashing continued, she now just wanted it to go on for as long as Miss Katie felt it needed to.

When Katie saw that Sandra was again accepting every spank she was being given, she was even happier that Sandra was accepting every decision she was making, and she was now more confident than ever that this was the way it would be going forward.

However, that was when Katie announced her surprise new punishment for Sandra by saying, “I think you know that was very naughty of you. Therefore, I am introducing a new punishment. So get up off my lap and then stand still whilst I get what I am now going to use on your very naughty bottom.”

With that, Katie went to the side cabinet, opened a drawer, and took out the Scottish leather two-pronged tawse that she and Ella had read about and knew would be an excellent implement, and a far more painful one than the spatula. As she went back to Sandra, she saw the serious concern on her face, and loved the look.

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Keeping a very stern look on her face, Katie ordered, “Bend over and clasp hold of the seat of the chair as though you are going to be caned.”

Sandra knew that she had to do as she was told, and actually deserved a more painful punishment, given that she had been so naughty just then. So, accepting that Miss Katie was totally in the right, and even though really worried about the amount of pain she would have to suffer with this leather tawse, she presented her bottom once again and just feared the worst.

Katie loved it that Sandra was being so obedient as she positioned herself, ready to thrash Sandra’s red and already partially bruised bottom. Well, that wasn’t going to stop her thrashing her bare bottom just as hard as she could with the tawse, and with that thought, she pulled her arm back, swung the tawse down, and heard it land with such a loud thwack. She loved how Sandra’s bottom cheeks surrendered to the tawse more effectively than when spanking her bottom with her hand or even the spatula, and equally loved that Sandra gave out such a loud, pain-filled yelp, but stayed obediently bent over.

That set the scene for Katie, who landed lash after lash after lash with the leather tawse, and loved how Sandra dissolved into uncontrolled crying whilst clearly still staying obedient. It encouraged her to land even more hard lashes.

Sandra was horrified at just how much pain she was now suffering. She thought the cane was bad enough, a truly horrific implement, and yet each time the tawse landed she reminded herself that this was all her own fault. There was no reason to complain at all, and Miss Katie was absolutely right to make her pay this price. It even increased the respect she had for Miss Katie, because being punished was still the best way to teach her to learn to obey both Miss Katie and Miss Ella, which was exactly what she wanted to learn to do.

Katie landed far more lashes with the tawse than she would have done with the spatula, and knew that whilst the tawse was many times more painful than spanking her with the spatula, it was the right thing to do. She knew for sure, as she watched Sandra’s bottom cheeks surrendering each time the tawse landed, that Sandra would be obedient once again. That was why, when she decided she would land a final six lashes to finish off the punishment, they were definitely going to be the hardest of them all. She made sure they were the hardest and was rewarded with an obedient Sandra staying in place, bent over and presenting her bare bottom so beautifully, yelping and howling with each lash, but not once trying to get up. Yes, Sandra was one very obedient woman.

Once Katie put the tawse down, she did enjoy rubbing Sandra’s bottom she left Sandra bent over as she enjoyed rubbing Sandra's bottom, feeling the heat and the raised welts. She wanted to run her fingers along her pussy lips again, but knew that was not the right thing to do. Instead, after a couple of minutes of enjoying the feel of Sandra's bottom, gave the instruction, "Okay, Sandra, you can get up now. I don't mind if you rub your bottom."

Sandra heard the instruction, but still took several moments to react because the pain was just so overpowering. However, she did slide off Katie's lap, and managed to stand, but as soon as she did, so her hands flew to her stinging bottom cheeks which she rubbed and clutched, and she could not stop herself from stepping from foot to foot, doing the spanking dance that she wanted to do after every spanking so that she knew she had been thrashed really hard, but only as she had deserved.

Katie stayed seated and watched Sandra do the spanking dance with tears flooding down her face, but noted that she didn't make any sharp retort or do anything other than be submissive. Katie told herself that next time, and there would definitely be a next time, in fact, lots and lots of next times, she would have Sandra fully undress because it would be such a turn-on to watch her dance around like this whilst fully naked. Mind you, she was pretty sure that Sandra would have taut nipples and sex juice dribbling down her thighs even with all the pain, and, probably, because of the pain.

Katie watched Sandra struggle with the pain for a while and then ordered, "Go to the bathroom and wash your face. Then go to your room and lie on your bed. I will come and get you in a while. Make sure you stay there until I do."

Sandra liked the idea of being sent to her room, like the naughty girl she was, and did as she was told, knowing that as soon as she was on her bed she would finger herself to several huge orgasms, although she hoped Miss Katie wouldn't hear her.

First, though, she went to the bathroom, but before washing her face she looked at her bottom in the mirror, gasped at how red and welted her bottom cheeks were, and could see why her bottom stung so much. As she looked, she now knew it wasn't the punishment itself that turned her on. After all, both the cane and spatula, and now the leather tawse as well, were all really horribly painful, but were supposed to be as she hadn't done as she was told, and deserved, and needed, the pain-filled punishment. In fact, she wouldn't look forward to being thrashed again, although she knew she would be, needed to be, and, yes, definitely wanted to be. However, she now knew she was turned on by having to submit, and it was that submission that sent quivers flying around her vulva, and she was clearly, and happily, inbuilt to be submissive. Having to suffer super horrible punishments was an essential part of that need and willingness to submit, and the price she had to pay, and wanted to pay time and again, as pain-filled as that was.

As she stood looking at her fiery red and thick welted bottom, she couldn't stop herself fingering herself, and almost immediately gave herself a huge orgasm. She was pretty sure that Miss Katie would have heard it, but now she understood why she was aroused, she told herself that was for her own good.

So, Sandra was happier knowing that she was aroused as she had given control to Miss Katie, and it was that rather than being thrashed that sent so many quivers flying around her vulva. It made no difference to her that Miss Katie was eighteen and the one in control, whilst she was thirty-seven and the submissive. There was no reason at all why that should not be the case, given that Miss Katie was an alpha girl and Sandra a submissive woman. She didn't want it any other way.

Katie had stood at the bottom of the stairs for a while, and heard the erotic gasps coming from upstairs. Yes, Sandra was fully turned on, and so she would enforce the house rules very strictly from now on.

Satisfied that Sandra was dealing with her arousal, Katie went and sat back down on the dining chair, quickly eased her fingers inside her knickers and along her wet pussy lips, flicking her ever so taut clit as well. She brought herself to several huge orgasms, and didn't care if Sandra heard her as control was definitely with her, and Ella, of course. She was very happy with the severe thrashing she had given Sandra, and even though this second spanking had been a ruse, that worked, it reinforced her desire to punish Sandra whenever she broke one of the rules she set, and to turn her bare bottom bright red and bruised every time as being the effective punishment that Sandra needed, and seemed to want. All three of them were doing what they wanted and turned them on, so that worked for them all.

The following morning, Sandra made sure she put the Punishment Slip into her handbag, and to her horror, and surprise, she found the first one tightly folded at the bottom of the bag. So, she needn't have been spanked again, she told herself, but, actually, she didn't mind now she had been.

When Sandra was about to go to work, she knew that her bottom was throbbing like never before, and she wouldn't be sitting down comfortably today, tomorrow, and probably the day after that. However, when Miss Katie came to say goodbye to her, Sandra said, "I am so happy to have you as my disciplinarian, Miss Katie. Please, will you thrash me every single time I deserve it."

Katie smiled and replied, "No question there. Just make sure you take the Punishment Slip in this time."

Sandra smiled and replied, "In fact, I found the first one folded up tightly in my bag, so I have both. Crazy, I know, but I really learned my lesson, Miss Katie."

Katie smiled and said, "Good to know that, and that you will be obeying all the rules I set for you. Just so you know, if you do break any of the rules, I will be asking Miss Ella to cane you after college, and to give you another Punishment Slip each time to give to me. I think that will add to your need to be obedient."

Sandra nodded her agreement and replied, "That is such a good idea, Miss Katie. It really will help me to learn to obey both you and Miss Ella."

Actually, Sandra was glad that she didn't see the first Punishment Slip because now both Miss Katie and Miss Ella were firmly in control of her, and she had never been happier, knowing that she had to be submissive and obedient to two girls who were just eighteen, and students of hers at school, whilst she was their teacher and thirty-seven.

Written by SusanHarper
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