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Ella Canes Her Teacher At School

"Ella is Form Captain and disciplines the teacher for wrongfully spanking four girls."

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Ella walked up to her teacher's office door. It was a school for girls of sixteen to eighteen. Ella had been there for a term and a half and had been elected Form Captain and so she quite often had to meet with the class teacher, Miss Sandra Hart.

Ella knocked on Miss Hart's door and waited to be told to go in. As soon as she heard her teacher tell her to come in she opened the door, walked inside, closed the door behind her, and stood in front of Miss Hart's desk. Ella was eighteen and noted that whilst Miss Hart was thirty-seven, having her dark brown hair tied back in a bun made her look older than that.

Sandra Hart was standing up when Ella walked in and was wearing her usual white blouse and blue skirt. "Hello Ella, do sit down," Miss Hart said with a fixed smile. She had a high regard for Ella as she was hard-working and a good choice for Form Captain. She saw that Ella was dressed in her blue and white checked gingham school dress with short sleeves and a white belt which was the standard summer uniform. As it was summertime and she was eighteen, she was not expected to wear socks so her legs were bare whilst her brown hair sat prettily on her shoulders.

"Hello Miss Hart," Ella replied with a sharp tinge to her tone of voice and a forced smile as she sat down. Although she thought Miss Hart was one of the better teachers, she was not here wishing to make small talk.

Miss Hart recognised the shortness of Ella's response and quite often in the past, that tone of voice had led to a difficult discussion with her. It was always respectful, though, and she knew that she was the teacher and therefore in charge, but, as Form Captain, she also knew she had to handle Ella pretty carefully.

Ella got straight to the point. "I've come to talk to you about yesterday's detention, Miss. Rather than hold a two-hour-long detention you gave each of the four girls a bare-bottom spanking and sent them home, and yet it was not a punishment detention, Miss?"

Ella could see that Miss Hart was struggling with the question and was blushing and looked down at the table, thinking carefully about her reply. Ella, though, already knew the truth but wanted to see if Miss Hart would admit to it.

Miss Hart was still blushing as she gave her reply which wasn't said with her usual confidence. "Well, when I came into the room none of the girls stood up. They all kept on talking and that got me very annoyed, and so I decided that each of them earned the spanking which I gave them."

Ella gave a haughty reply. "So, it was nothing to do with the fact that you left the detention room and went to the staffroom and came out a few minutes later dressed for going out, Miss?"

Ella knew from the look on Miss Hart's face that she had hit a nerve as the teacher was blushing an even deeper red and swallowed hard.

Ella continued in her firm tone of voice. "Well, Miss, is it more correct to say that you had plans for the evening and was given the detention to take at the last minute because one of the other teachers was ill? Did you see the only way of getting away early enough was for you to find a reason to spank all of the girls which would then allow you to send them home?"

Ella looked at Miss Hart's reaction carefully, although she already knew what the truth was.

Miss Hart blushed as she replied in a meek tone. "You are right, Ella. I had tickets booked for the theatre and, as I wanted to go badly, I needed the detention to be a short one." After a moment, Miss Hart added, "I am so sorry, Ella."

Ella had some sympathy because she could see that Miss Hart would have missed the show if she had stayed for the full detention. However, that was not really the issue because she had given a more intense punishment to the four girls when they had not deserved it. Ella responded, "Whilst I understand the reason, Miss, surely there should be retribution because you still got it so wrong?"

To be fair to Miss Hart she knew she had done wrong. It was just that she did not expect to have been caught out. However, she had been and was suddenly more concerned about what Ella might be suggesting. "What retribution?" she asked tentatively. She wasn't denying there should be retribution as she had taught the girls they had to pay any penalties for their misbehaviour. She almost smiled to herself as she pictured herself doing lines or maybe even sitting a detention herself. It wouldn't happen, of course, but it gave her a light-hearted moment.

Ella gave a hard glare as she thought for a moment before replying, "I think six strokes of the cane is deserved, Miss."

Miss Hart gasped as it was no longer light-hearted by any stretch. She had not even considered corporal punishment, and so she was still shaken when she said, in almost a worried whisper, "But I only spanked the girls, Ella."

Ella was still firm when she replied, "Four girls, actually, Miss."

Miss Hart gulped but could see what Ella was getting at, and it made more and more sense. It was certainly more serious than spanking just one girl as she had sent four girls home with stinging bottoms and letters to their parents which would have led to another spanking for each of them. She was beginning to accept that she had earned the cane, and as she accepted it she was more thinking about who would cane her rather than whether she would be caned.

Miss Hart asked, almost whispering, "The Headmistress canes any girl who earns it. Are you saying I should ask the Headmistress to cane me?" Miss Hart was still trying to come fully to terms with the prospect of being caned.

Ella gave a wicked smile. "Not at all, Miss Hart. I am telling you that I will cane you."

Miss Hart spluttered and covered her mouth with her hand. "You will cane me?" she said, sounding incredulous and concerned at the same time.

Ella just glared at the teacher because as much as she respected Miss Hart, she felt it her duty to avenge the mistreatment of her four classmates. She knew she could have directed Miss Hart to the Headmistress, but she needed to be sure the punishment would actually be given. The Headmistress may just have told her that she had, 'Disciplined,' Miss Hart or 'Re-trained,' her which Ella knew was a whitewash used quite often but which actually meant little. So, she knew the only way to ensure Miss Hart was really disciplined was to deal with her herself.

Miss Hart was still floundering at the quite decisive tone of voice Ella was using. So many arguments rebounded around her head as she was the teacher and, if anything, she should be the one using the cane. Ella was just eighteen, so there was no way she should be caning anyone, and she reckoned that this was cheek beyond cheek and deserved multiple detentions which would earn Ella multiple canings which would show her. She thought that she should walk Ella into the Headmistresses Study and explain what she had said and demand Ella was caned, or she should call Ella to the front of the class and spank her in front of everyone. At the very least she should take down Ella's knickers right here and then give her a bare bottom spanking.

"Well, Miss," Ella demanded.

Miss Hart suddenly stopped thinking these argumentative thoughts as she realised she was the one totally in the wrong. It felt like a hammer blow, but it was undeniable how she was so in the wrong as she had been the one who had needed to leave early, and she was the one who lied about what the girls did to justify spanking them when she knew it was wrong. Well, she had been caught out and knew she had to pay the price.

What price though, Miss Hart wondered? Going to the Headmistress wouldn't work as she would be more likely to get the sack than get Ella caned. If not the Headmistress then whom should it be? Ella was just eighteen, for goodness sake, so surely not her. She was the same age as the daughter of her partner and if she submitted to a spanking from Ella would her partner's daughter expect spanking rights over her? Never, she told herself. Yet, as she shook her head at the thought she supposed even at eighteen Ella had been the one to find her out, just as her partner's daughter had, 'Told her off,' just a few days ago for arguing with her mum to the point of rudeness. So, maybe in the round, it should be the eighteen-year-old Form Captain who should cane her?

It only took seconds, but Miss Hart had convinced herself that Ella caning her was not just fair but absolutely correct. In fact, there was no one in a better or more justifiable position. Well, except for the four girls who got spanked, but none was the Form Captain.

Miss Hart was still blushing as she looked at Ella and in a contrite tone accepted, "Okay, Ella. I need to be caned and accept that you should be the one to cane me."

Ella fought to keep a straight face as she had never expected to get this result. She had told the girls she would try but they warned her that she was more likely to be the one who got the cane. It had been a show of bravado when Ella replied that she would take that risk and that she was going to, 'Take one for the team,' and if she got spanked or caned so be it. Admittedly, as she entered Miss Hart's office she had second thoughts but put on a brave face and now she knew that she had carried it off.

Ella remained confident and said firmly, "That is the right decision, Miss. Now get me a cane, please."

Miss Hart sniffed back a tear as she went over to the cupboard by the wall, opened the door, and took out the cane that was hanging from a hook. She wasn't supposed to keep a cane in her office but she had often fantasised about using it on some naughty schoolgirl, and she had also used it on a friend's daughter at her home on two occasions, having secreted it in and out of school. That was a secret she and her friend's daughter, Emma, had faithfully kept to themselves as Emma knew she deserved the cane but didn't want it on her school record. Nor did she want her own mum to know and so Emma agreed to be caned at Miss Hart's home. Another thing she probably should not have done, Miss Hart acknowledged. However, one thing Miss Hart knew for sure was that she was getting more and more aroused by the prospect of being caned, although was incredulous at the thought.

Ella hadn't even thought about having a cane available to use. She knew the Headmistress had a cupboard full of them, and she managed to keep the surprise from her face when Miss Hart went to her own cupboard and took out a hook-ended cane.

Miss Hart handed the cane to Ella and already looked close to tears.

Ella took the cane and swished it. She looked around and quickly decided how to cane Miss Hart. "Turn the chair into the room, Miss, take down your knickers, lift your skirt above your waist, and bend over," she demanded.

Miss Hart never gave a thought to having to bare her bottom as all the schoolgirls were caned on their bare bottoms just as they were spanked on their bare bottoms as well. So, she obediently did as she was told. After turning the chair into the room, she lifted her skirt and putting her thumbs inside the elastic of her knickers, yanked them down to below her knees. She lifted her skirt above her waist, turned to face the chair, and, placing her legs apart, bent over and grabbed the seat of the chair. She automatically lowered her tummy which raised her bottom and made the perfect target for a well-aimed cane. She kept her head raised just as she knew the girls were told to do which left her exposed bottom nicely stretched and so ready to suffer the maximum stinging pain.

Ella was now wide-eyed as she looked at Miss Hart's arched back and so well-presented bare bottom. It was as though Miss Hart had been caned before, she thought, as she positioned herself and tapped the cane twice on Miss Hart's bottom.

Miss Hart felt the two light taps and gasped as she had fantasised about this for so long. Admittedly, she had not fantasised about being caned by a girl who was just eighteen, nor by any schoolgirl, but had pictured herself being caned by the Headmistress. She had never been caned at school herself, although most of her friends had made her the subject of many a joke that she was the only one with an un-caned bottom. It had been a cross she had borne and she had always regretted being a goody-goody all these years, and so the fantasy had grown. However, once she was an adult, she had reckoned the opportunity had passed her by.

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Even today, Ella caning her was way beyond her expectations. Ella's threat had horrified her because being caned was something she had always kept at the very back of her mind, but being caned was only actively thought about when alone in bed when she could dream at ease and masturbate. That was until she actually lowered her knickers and then she remembered how she had dreamt about presenting her bottom with her tummy dropped, her bottom stretched upwards, and her head held up. It was almost natural to present herself for a caning like that and it was only now that she smiled to herself as she realised her long-held fantasy was about to become a reality.

Miss Hart had one last flutter of concern. Ella was a student of hers and was only eighteen, so was it right that she should cane her? Would she become a laughing stock if it got out? Should she make Ella promise not to tell anyone?

As Miss Hart felt those light taps, however, she told herself the die was cast and that Ella would be caning her and if she was made a laughing stock she would deal with it. The important thing, to her, was that she was about to be caned, not for fun or by someone at a spanking party, but instead, it was going to be the real thing.

Miss Hart convinced herself that even with Ella being eighteen, this was justified. In fact, as she waited for the first stroke she convinced herself that anyone of eighteen was justified to discipline any adult if the adult was the one at fault. She momentarily worried herself by asking if that included her partner's daughter, but her mind was diverted by the swishing sound she heard and just a split moment later the intense pain of the cane she felt cutting a swathe into her bottom.

Ella focussed on the well-presented bottom. She had never used a cane before but, last night, straight after talking to the girls who had been spanked, she took a belt and used it to, 'Spank,' a pillow. She increased the strength of each lash trying to compare it to a cane stroke until she reckoned she knew the level of strength she should use if she ever got to the stage of caning Miss Hart. So, as she landed the first stroke, heard the grunt from Miss Hart, and saw the red wheal appear, she knew she was applying a painful enough stroke.

Miss Hart grunted and breathed in and out through gritted teeth. The pain was greater than she had imagined it would be but she had already grasped the chair with sufficient strength to hold herself in position. It hurt, but she reminded herself of two things, which were that she deserved to be caned and wanted to be caned.

Ella looked worriedly at the back of Miss Hart's head to see if she was going to simply stand up and then berate her and discipline her. She even fully expected at that moment to be told to lower her own knickers and bend over for a spanking or caning or both. She was exhilarated and anxious at the same time as she was a teenager who had just landed a cane stroke on her teacher who was a woman as old as her own mum. It was unbelievable and unreal at the same time, yet she saw the red wheal develop on Miss Hart's bottom and still the teacher remained in position, so she knew that Miss Hart was ready for the second stroke, and who was she to refuse the expected?

Miss Hart breathed deeply as she fought to control her emotions. She wanted to stand up and object, yet at the same time, she wanted to stay bent over to get the full six strokes she deserved. So, as the pain cascaded around her bottom, she kept a firm hold of the chair to stop herself standing up and, as the stinging settled, she lowered her tummy again, raised her bottom, and her head, and waited obediently for the second stroke.

Ella landed the second stroke just below the first and as the second wheal developed she looked again at Miss Hart's head. Although she saw her teacher grunt and throw her head back and the obvious pain she was suffering, she also saw an adult who stayed in position and expected yet more strokes of the cane. Maybe all six strokes, in fact.

Ella landed the third stroke, and once again, Miss Hart cried out in pain but stayed in position, and even as the third red wheal developed Ella raised the cane again and readied herself for the next stroke. She listened to Miss Hart's grunt and to her hissing breath between her clenched teeth as her head settled downwards, and then Ella landed that next stroke.

Miss Hart cried out with the fourth stroke just as she had done with the first three. This time the pain seemed even more intense as she once again hissed her breath through clenched teeth and kept her eyes tightly closed, and although struggling, kept reminding herself she deserved the caning. The intense pain lasted just a matter of seconds, and when she did open her eyes she once again saw Ella's legs behind her which reminded her that she was being caned by a girl of just eighteen, although any concern she had about that was quickly dissipated when the fifth stroke landed.

Ella watched the fifth red wheal quickly develop as she listened to the increasingly distressed sounds coming from Miss Hart which told her once again the caning was painful. Not that she knew about the pain herself, of course, because she had never been caned, but she had heard secondhand from friends of hers who had been caned. She still could not get over the fact that she was actually caning her teacher, though, as she readied herself for the final stroke.

Miss Hart opened her eyes and instead of seeing Ella's legs, she saw that her eyes were tear-filled. She wasn't surprised she was crying as she had seen so many schoolgirls half-running to the toilets after leaving the Headmistresses Study having been caned to know it was quite natural. The continuous intense stinging engulfing her bottom made tears almost inevitable, particularly with six strokes, so goodness knows what twelve would be like. Six were bad enough and at least there was only one stroke left, she told herself.

The next moment Miss Hart cried out as that sixth stroke landed. The pain was more intense and lasted longer than any of the others but even so, it was almost relief that the caning was over, although with that relief came a flood of tears. Again, that was what the schoolgirls in her various classes had told her, or at least the ones prepared to talk to a teacher about being caned. Miss Hart had wanted to know and so made a point of prying, and every now and again one of the girls would open up. However, she now knew that no words fully explained just what a caning felt like.

Ella listened to Miss Hart's crying sobs and saw her face was wet. "You can get up, Miss," she ordered.

Miss Hart kept sobbing as she stood up stiffly. As she turned and looked towards Ella, she rubbed her face with the back of her arm and could see the wetness appear, and knew the wetness was from her tears. With the other hand, she was rubbing her bottom and felt the raised wheals and could not wait to go to the toilets to look in the mirror. Maybe that was why the girls went so quickly to the toilets after their caning, she wondered and would ask the next time one of the girls was prepared to talk about it.

Ella asked with a stern smile, "Did you learn your lesson, Miss?"

Miss Hart found rubbing her bottom soothing even as the tears dribbled down her face and half-thinking only replied, "Yes, Miss." She was shocked by the realisation of what she had said and immediately corrected herself. "Yes, Ella, I did. I won't ever do it again."

Ella found the original reply quite funny and it gave her the confidence to press Miss Hart. "So, the rules are, Miss, that when caned, you have to take home a Punishment Slip and get a parent or guardian to sign it. There is a statement expecting a spanking to be given before signature. Will there be someone at home to deal with you after school today, Miss?" She deliberately made the assumption that the Punishment Slip would be a given.

Miss Hart knew what Ella meant but decided not to argue as she had wanted to be caned and so experiencing the consequence of being caned was also part of the experience. She knew from the schoolgirls that a spanking on a caned bottom was very different to just being spanked and she wanted to understand what that was like. "I am living with a female partner, Abigail, and her daughter, Katie, who is eighteen. Abigail will be at home tonight and I will ask her to sign the Slip and, as you say, deal with me."

Miss Hart went to her desk and took out a Punishment Slip. She filled in the details of her punishment and the reason for it before showing it to Ella and noting her nod of approval.

"Good. Then come and find me in the morning and give me the signed Slip. You can go and wash your face now, Miss," Ella advised.

Miss Hart pulled her knickers back up taking care to ease the elastic onto her whealed bottom, before straightening out her skirt and then walking out of her office and making her way to the toilets. As she walked, she smiled to herself and was actually quite taken with the idea of being spanked by Abigail tonight as she reckoned it could add some spice to their relationship. She also pondered what a dozen strokes of the cane would feel like now she had survived the experience of the dreaded, 'Six-of-the-best.' She knew her pussy was getting ever more damp at the memory of the caning and was feeling more and more aroused at the prospect of what tonight would bring. She got to the staff toilets and no one else was there. She went into a cubicle, sat down, and quickly eased her fingers inside her knickers and up and down her wet pussy, easing her fingers inside and quickly giving herself a sensational orgasm. She knew there was more to come and easing her fingers deeper inside herself, it took only a few more seconds to bring herself to an ever-better orgasm.

Miss Hart calmed herself down and readied herself for her journey home and what she would be asking Abigail to do to her. As she straightened out her clothes and walked towards her car she knew she could have masturbated in her office and told Ella to leave. However, she wanted to show Ella she had respect for her, which she did, and so decided she should follow her instruction to leave the office and go and wash her face. She now had to ensure that her Punishment Slip was signed and give it to Ella in the morning, or get another caning.

Ella smiled as Miss Hart disappeared out of her office feeling quite grown up at being left in the office by herself. Her smile was for another reason as well. She knew Katie and had seen her social network entry saying her mum was going to be away for a few days. So, knowing Katie would be at the house alone when Miss Hart got home she would be messaging her telling her what had happened. Ella knew that when Miss Hart got home, the only person she would be able to show the Punishment Slip to tonight was going to be Katie, her stepdaughter who was eighteen.

What a conundrum for Miss Hart, Ella told herself, breaking out into a giggle before sitting on Miss Hart's chair and easing her fingers inside her knickers, running them up and down along her already wet pussy lips before easing them inside, flicking her taut clit, and bringing herself to a wondrous orgasm. Her heavy breathing eased and she stood up, straightening out her school dress, feeling so elated by what she had done, both the caning and her orgasm, both of which she carried out in Miss Harts' own office. Not bad for a girl of eighteen, she told herself. What's more, she would masturbate again tonight when in bed, thinking about how Miss Hart was faring with Katie and picturing her teacher's arched back and well-presented red-whealed bottom which was a sight worthy of several orgasms.

Written by SusanHarper
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