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School Open Day - Chapter 4 - Return Visit To The School

"Fiona goes back to see Mr Davis and is soundly disciplined."

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A few weeks after the weekend of the Open day, Fiona was taking a long, lazy breakfast with the Saturday papers.  The doorbell rang, and she quickly gathered her dressing gown around her before opening the front door.  The postman had her mail together with a special delivery which needed signing for.  He handed over a small envelope which was marked ‘Private and Personal’.  The name and address were handwritten in a clear hand, probably with a fountain pen if she were any judge.

Fiona hardly ever received personal letters, only bills and tax demands.  Nearly everyone uses email these days, she thought, wondering who it could be from.  The postmark only indicated the sorting office from which it came.  Tim, her boyfriend, called out asking what it was all about, but for some reason, she didn’t want to share this.  She called back to him, closing the front door and putting the letter in a safe place to read later. Whatever, it intrigued her.

Later that morning, having showered and dressed and once Tim had left to watch rugby with one of his friends, she retrieved the letter from where she had secreted it in a bookcase.  Why had she done that she wondered?  Her private life was still her own, but she let Tim in on most things.  What was it about this letter that had her so intrigued? 

And then she noticed.  Embossed on the envelope was the motto of Celwood School.  It was very discreet, with no ink, merely an embossed motto in the laid paper envelope.  Tim would certainly have been interested to see that, but why was it addressed to her and not to him?  He had been the one who had attended that school and kept in touch with some of his school friends.  She took the letter to her desk and for once opened it with a letter opener, withdrawing a single, handwritten page.  She sat down to read it.

Dear Ms. Fiona Jones

Forgive my intrusion, but I wanted to write to you following your recent visit to Celwood.  You may wonder how I have come to find your name and address.  It proved to be quite tricky, but my secretary managed to trace you through the address we hold for your partner.  This took some time and I then had to establish your name.  When I met you, I was not formally introduced, you may recall.

During your visit, I surprised you in my study and was able help explain a little about how we use corporal punishment in this establishment.  I recall that you were quite interested and indeed I was able to give you a very preliminary introduction.  I know that this triggered something in you and you may wish to learn more and perhaps experience more (in private and with absolute discretion).  Should you wish to do so, I should like to invite you to visit again when we can discuss further and I can show you much more.  Naturally one has to be very discreet these days.

If you are interested to take this further I suggest that you contact my secretary Mrs. Nicola Page who has my complete confidence in these matters and who can make all the necessary arrangements. She will be expecting your call and is best contacted in the evenings.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. G. Davis.

Fiona read the letter and then re-read it, a broad smile breaking over her face.  What on earth was he playing at?  The man was old enough to be her father.  He had taken great liberties when she visited on the Open Day, taking advantage of her natural inquisitiveness.  Not only had he shown her his canes, but he had even caned her and then touched her up afterwards!  And she had let him, she acknowledged.  Now the man had the cheek to invite her down again. Discreetly.  The discretion was very interesting.  She was grateful for it.

Her first instinct had been to put the letter straight in the bin, but instead, she tucked it away again.  She would do that tomorrow.  It had brought back some powerful memories though and she smiled as she recalled both those events in his study and afterwards at the hotel with Tim.  Somehow, Mr. Davis had triggered something in her that had heightened her arousal for quite some time.  She had become quite a slut she thought, recalling Tim’s reaction when she had taken the plunge in the hotel and shown him the stripes that Mr. Davis had inflicted on her.

She remembered too, her early morning run the next day and how it had ended up with her ex-army lover Mike. And then making love to Tim only minutes later in their own room just the other side of the wall. Had all of that behaviour been triggered on that fateful afternoon?  Well, in spite of that there was no way she was going back to Celwood she thought.  Not with Mr. Davis in charge.  He was old and a little fat, if somewhat grey and distinguished.  She hadn’t really taken to him, although she admitted to herself that the memory of the visit was still very powerful.

Over the weekend, Fiona had kept herself to herself, even going out for a long walk on her own in the spring sunshine.  She kept mulling things over.  Even though she had already rejected the invitation in her own mind, she wondered what Mr. Davis had planned.  And his secretary - apparently she was in on this too. She must know what was going on and possibly what had happened during the Open Day.  That night she couldn’t sleep.  Although she and Tim had made love several times over the weekend, she could not stop thinking about that weekend and how it had liberated her sexuality.  She hadn’t felt inhibited before, but without a doubt, the experience had liberated her mind and her imagination.

By morning, she had resolved that she had to call the secretary, if only to reject the invitation.  Perhaps if she did she could put it out of her mind.  Lay it to rest somehow.  She needed to find some time for a private phone call.

It wasn’t until the middle of the week that she had been able to get some privacy to make the call.  She had poured a large glass of wine for courage and dialled the number Mr. Davis had given her.

‘Hello – is that Mrs. Page?’ she asked as her call was answered.

‘Yes... Nicola Page speaking.  Who is this?’

‘My name is Fiona Jones.  I believe you may be expecting a call.  Is this a convenient time to talk?’

‘Yes.  Yes, of course.  Please just wait a moment while I make myself comfortable and we can chat.  Mr. Davis has told me a little, but I think it best if you don’t mind if you tell me everything.  Why you visited us on the Open Day?  Why you happened to be in his study and exactly what happened there?  And, of course, why you have picked up the phone to me?  That must have taken quite a bit of courage.’

Fiona took a deep breath and described how she had come to be there.  Her boyfriend Tim was an ex-pupil at Celwood and had been telling her about Mr. Davis and the corporal punishment that was meted out from time to time.  This had intrigued her.  At her own school, nothing like that had ever happened.  Mrs. Page asked her if she had ever been spanked at school.

‘Oh yes.  Once or twice.  But nothing very serious.  That was what I wanted to find out more about.  Tim is not really into it and I couldn’t get him to spank me to find out.  I had hoped this Open Day might act as a trigger.  So when I got the chance to go back to Mr. Davis’s study, I seized the moment.  I still don’t know why.  In fact, I was just trying the chair out for size, bending over it, when he came in.  I don’t know how much he told you, but he was most charming.  He showed me his canes.  What took me by surprise was when he pushed me back over the chair and clearly intended to demonstrate them on my behind.’

‘Did you struggle?’ she asked.

‘No.  I didn’t.  I could not understand that afterwards. He gave me four strokes altogether and the last one was after he had taken off my knickers.  I couldn’t find them after so I presume he kept them.’

‘And did it hurt, Fiona?’

‘Well, yes of course. I don’t know how hard he caned me, but it hurt alright.  And then somehow the pain eased and the situation took over.  I found myself becoming aroused.  I couldn’t help it. Mr. Davis certainly must have noticed.  When he had put the cane down, he came and stroked my bottom and between my legs.  I was soaking wet, leaning over the chair with everything on display.  I thought he might fuck me there and then, but nothing else happened.’

‘I see Fiona. Did you want something more to happen?’

‘I was so confused and aroused I didn’t know what was happening.  I stayed there until he left the room.  Then I began to worry about Tim.  What would happen when he saw the stripes?  Would I tell him or try to keep it a secret?  How long would the marks last?’

‘Well, Fiona,’ Nicola spoke slowly and deliberately. ’It sounds as if you enjoyed the experience. And clearly, you were intrigued enough to respond to Mr. Davis’s letter.  You do realise that if you come down again then you will get more than four strokes? You clearly enjoyed the submissive role.  You can expect much more of that if you are to gain from another visit.  What I can say is that Mr. Davis is an expert with the cane. You will come to no lasting harm with us I can promise you.  I have been working for Mr. Davis for several years now and also have experience. I am sure that if you are really interested then we can help you explore your interest.’

Fiona asked, ‘Does this happen often?  I can’t imagine that many women end up like I did’

‘You might be surprised. We don’t see new people every week, but occasionally, former pupils will bring their wives and girlfriends just as Tim brought you. Normally it’s because they are both interested. It’s a surprise Tim is not interested himself but it doesn’t matter.  He need not know.  I normally make all the arrangements and just leave Mr. Davis to his part.  If it helps you reach a decision, I have caned girls myself while he taught me and I have also received the cane.’

Fiona interrupted ‘Did you like that?’

‘Yes. Yes, I did. Like you, I was surprised, but I did indeed like it, both giving and taking it.  My ex-husband did not and in the end, we separated when I came home once too often with marks on my bottom. Do you think you will be telling Tim about this?’ She asked, changing the subject.

Fiona hesitated. She did not like keeping secrets in a relationship, but this was a little different. She already knew she had strayed into that territory, but now she had picked up the phone she also knew she was going to go ahead with this adventure. She came to a decision.

‘No.  I don’t think I am.  Certainly not right now.  This is part of something deeper that I need to find out about myself.’

Nicola spoke again, comfortingly, ‘I understand completely. That is how I began, too. You will need to prepare carefully and find a time when Tim is going to be away for a week or so.  Mr. Davis will be careful, but there will be marks and they take a little while to fade.  Normally, most people just come for the afternoon, but since you will be coming a long way I suggest that you stay in my flat with me.  I can meet you at the station, we can have a light lunch in a pub and then prepare for Mr. Davis in my flat at the school.  Just call me again when you can pick a suitable weekend.’

Once she had hung up, Fiona experienced a rush of emotion. She realised she was trembling and that her face was hot.  Any thought that she might have had about not going back to Celwood and Mr.Davis had been dispelled. As she talked with Nicola, she had become very aroused and was now was quite wet between her legs.  Something about her voice was very involving.  How old was she?  Her voice was quite deep, husky, certainly sexy.  Perhaps early forties, she supposed.  Fiona herself was now twenty-five and she imagined this woman must be a bit older.  What would she look like?  She had liked talking to her on the phone.

Tim was going to be back later, but in the meantime, she had to take matters into her own hands. She was visualising that afternoon at the Open Day as she was bent, helpless, over Mr. Davis’s brown leather armchair. The raw emotions of the pain, the helpless way in which she was displayed and the possibility that Mr. Davis might have screwed her right there gave her a tremendous buzz. Fiona knew that she was taking a big risk with this, but her decision was made. Her climax was both swift and very explosive.

Tim’s job meant that he worked away from home intermittently, but it took a few days before Fiona could establish when he would next be away for more than a week.  She realised that this would be important if she were to keep this visit a secret.  His reaction when he had seen the stripes Mr. Davis had given her had taken Fiona by surprise.  On the one hand, he was clearly very turned on by what he could see, but on the other, he clearly had no interest in spanking or caning her himself.  She thought he would have loved to have watched.  Probably would have loved to see Mr. Davis touching her, maybe even fucking her.  And in the hotel afterwards, it was he who had been very keen to make sure the hotel waiter and the chambermaid saw her naked. She would need to be careful how she managed this to keep it secret.

After checking through Tim’s diary, she announced one day at breakfast that she had booked to go to a spa retreat while he was out of the country.  Tim was actually quite pleased.  It let him off the hook and he didn’t have to worry about leaving her alone again.  She telephoned Nicola again to make the arrangements for a couple of weeks ahead.

‘That will be fine, Fiona,’ Nicola’s voice was soft and reassuring on the phone.

‘I’ll meet you at the station.  No need to pack much.  I will discuss what you told me with Mr. Davis.  We will make sure that you enjoy the adventure.’

Fiona had flushed at the thought, but the moment it was mentioned she knew she would agree give it a try.  She used that as an excuse to herself that she needed something a bit smarter to wear for her ‘retreat’ anyway.  Tim might have been surprised to see the new lingerie she bought, and even more surprised that she had taken the plunge and had herself waxed.  Normally, she just had the bikini line done, but this time, she went further, just asking to leave a little strip up the front.  In fact, she couldn’t get things out of her mind.  While Tim was out at the pub, she had spent an hour on the internet and it didn’t take long to bring up images depicting spanked and caned girls and men.  Some of them were so extreme she could not bear to look at them.  Others were more arousing and intriguing.   She recognised that she was taking somewhat of a risk, but Nicola had been very reassuring.  She felt she could trust her.

At last, the planned Saturday arrived.  Tim had left for the States the previous evening and she had had plenty of time to get ready.  The sunlight flooding through the curtains had woken her early.  Fiona sipped her coffee as she tried to choose what to wear.  She had already packed and unpacked her bag a couple of times.  In the end, since the weather was warm she opted for a light summer dress.  Since she was waxed smooth, she didn’t wear stockings.  A little makeup and a gentle scent was all she needed as she hurried out to the taxi on the way to the station.


Fiona had been preoccupied and could not concentrate to read her novel on the train.  She had been trying to imagine what was going to happen, telling herself that she could still back out, still change her mind if she wanted to.  Nicola had sent her a text to confirm that she was on the train and she had instinctively responded.  She was going to go through with it if she could.


Nicola waved as she spotted her protégé coming back from the toilet.  They were in the sunny garden of a pub, not far from the small town where Celwood School had been built.  She’s nervous, she thought.  Probably, she’s still trembling.  When she had picked her up at the station, she could see the young brunette hesitating as she made her way through the barrier to where she was waiting in her car.  She hoped a chilled glass of wine might calm her down.

‘You’re very pretty, Fiona,’ she said, indicating the chardonnay waiting on the table.

‘Dutch courage!’

‘Thank you!  I’m going to need that.’

Fiona smiled and swung her legs over the bench to sit opposite.  She sipped her wine enjoying its steadying effect.‘

‘Nonsense, Fiona.  I will be looking after you and nothing will happen you are not comfortable with.  As I mentioned, Mr. Davis is very experienced and we will make sure you enjoy today’s adventure’.

 Nicola took hold of Fiona’s hand, stroking the back gently. 

‘Tell me more about yourself.  I’d like to hear about what happened after you left Mr. Davis’s study.’

Fiona blushed.  ‘It’s all a bit personal, Nicola.’ She hesitated.

‘I know.  But I need to know more about you.  I insist that you tell me.’

‘Well.  OK then.  I suppose.’  She took a sip of wine feeling a little nervous.  Nicola had taken command and she felt compelled to do as she was told.

‘After I left, I was so embarrassed.  I went and found a toilet and cleaned myself up a bit and then went to find Tim.  I thought he’d be mad at me wondering where I’d been but he’d been chatting with someone and hadn’t noticed.  I was wondering what he’d say when he saw the four red stripes I had on my bottom.  Anyway, eventually, we finished up at the school and went back to the hotel.  Tim didn’t want to eat in the restaurant and I was quite happy with that.  I took a shower and could still see the stripes, so I wanted to distract him a bit.  I put on some panties and a negligee and came out of the bathroom to find room service setting up the dinner.  Sure gave him an eyeful, practically naked with my boobs on show.

When we had eaten dinner and the room service guy had gone, I got Tim in the middle of the room and gave him a blowjob.  I was teasing him about Mr. Davis and how he had shown me the canes.  Then I said, ‘What if he did cane me then, Tim?’ and I turned round to show him my stripes.  I don’t know how I did that.  It’s not like me to be so daring, but his reaction was pretty positive.  He bent me over and spanked me, quite hard, for a few minutes.  I’ve never managed to get him to do that before or since.

Someone knocks on the door and I’m thinking they’ve heard us.  He lets the housekeeping woman in while I am there, practically naked in front of her.  That almost made me come right then.  He sent her for more towels and then started fucking me right there, knowing she would come back and see us.  It made me so hot that I was waiting for her to come back so I could show off.  I wanted her to see me fucked.  I wanted a voyeur.  It was crazy, but I came and came again.  And then Tim pulled out and came all over my face and hair.  He’s never done that before and it just seemed so slutty and dirty.  I loved it.

Nicola interrupted her while their lunch was served and poured Fiona another big glass of wine.

‘You liked that, did you?  Go on then, Fiona.  Don’t tell me the night ended there.’

‘Well.  No.  Not exactly.  Tim seemed to be in overdrive.  He seemed to have amazing energy and instead of being done after one or two goes, he came four times.  It was amazing.  I was a bit sore when we eventually got to sleep, but that was probably the best sex we’ve ever had.’

Fiona blushed as she paused again. ‘It seemed to do something to me.  Liberating something in me.  I still can’t believe how it happened, but the next morning, while Tim was still in bed, I ended up getting fucked by someone else in the next room.  He had heard Tim and me at it the night before.  And that’s not all.  When I had finished with him I went back and fucked Tim again.  I’ve never been so slutty, but it was delicious.’

Nicola poured more wine while they finished their meal.  She had noticed how Fiona’s words came more easily once she had relaxed.  The young girl in front of her certainly looked innocent, despite her candid talk.  She had a very good figure, slim in the waist with a flat stomach, but nice curvy breasts and a gorgeous bottom.  Her long dark hair shone as it fell over her shoulders.  Nicola was looking forward to the afternoon with Mr. Davis.  She pulled out her phone and sent him a text telling him to expect them later.

‘Let’s go back to my flat then, Fiona, so that we can get ready.  I know you are nervous but it sounds like you are prepared to at least experiment a bit.’ 

They didn’t speak much during the short drive and Fiona soon saw the familiar sight of the school as they drove through the arch of the lodge house and up to the main school.  She took her bag from the boot and followed Nicola up some winding stairs to her flat.  Fiona was surprised how much she felt at ease.  Nicola had conveyed a maturity on the phone which had suggested an older woman, but she guessed she would be about thirty or so.  She was a little taller than Fiona, slightly fuller in the breast and hips and with long blonde hair falling to her shoulders.  She wore tight jeans and a cashmere sweater, moulding her figure and accentuating her curves.  Fiona was surprised to find herself admiring the woman in front of her.

Nicola showed her a bedroom, opening off the hallway of her flat, where she deposited her bag.  She gave her a tour of the flat, showing the younger girl the living room, dining room, a study, a nice kitchen and Nicola’s own bedroom.  The whole flat was tidy, light and airy.  Fiona hadn’t known what to expect.  They went back to Fiona’s bedroom.

‘I think it’s time for you to get ready now.  Mr. Davis is going to be expecting us in his study.  We have about half an hour.’

She opened a wardrobe and pulled out a hanger with a dress cover over it. 

‘I want you to wear this outfit.  I know it will fit you well enough.  You have a gorgeous figure.  From now on, you are to do as you are told.  Do you understand?’ she said sternly.

Fiona nodded, taking the hanger.  She was trembling a little, but she kept her nerve.

‘Get yourself ready.  Go to the loo and then put on these clothes.  When you are ready, you can come through to the living room.  I will take you to Mr. Davis’s study where he will be waiting for you.  You have a safe word.  If you say Red, we will stop immediately what we are doing.  If you say Amber we will pause for a moment for you to be ready.  If we ask you and you are OK, then say Green.  Do you understand?’


Fiona was surprised when Nicola stepped closer, taking her head gently but firmly in her hands and kissed her full on the mouth.  It was firm, but so gentle and sensual it took her quite by surprise.  She had not kissed a girl like that since school days and it sent a thrill right through her.  Before she could react, she felt Nicola’s tongue flick gently over her lips before stepping back and breaking the kiss.  Fiona looked up at her smiling face.  She had never thought she was interested in girls before, but that moment seemed to change everything.  She realised, somewhat shocked, that she was very turned on and that Nicola was demonstrably interested in her.

‘Let’s enjoy this afternoon’s adventure, Fiona.’

In her bedroom, Fiona opened the dress hanger.  She laughed a little to herself, not totally surprised.  There was a crisp white cotton blouse and a very short, red tartan skirt, together with a pair of plain white cotton panties.  No bra.  Next to the bed were a pair of patent leather sandals for her to wear with knee-high white socks.  Tim would love this, she thought.  He loved schoolgirls in uniform.  It was time for her to get ready.

Having been to the bathroom, Fiona stripped completely and then put on a little more scent.  As she dressed, she was taken with the transformation from a young woman into a more innocent schoolgirl.  It took her back quite a few years as she turned in front of the full-length mirror.  Had she really looked like this?  The reflection was quite stunning, but then she realised just how much it was accentuated by her fully developed figure.  Her full breasts filled the blouse properly and her bottom was no longer a very slender teenager’s, but was now well-shaped and full.  She noticed her nipples, already erect, pressing against the blouse.  Any thought of hiding how exciting this was for her was completely pointless.

Opening the door to the living room, Fiona stepped inside to see Nicola, sitting in one of the armchairs.  She had transformed.  She wore a very slim dark skirt, slashed very high up her thigh and with a white blouse.  Her long blond hair had been scraped back and gathered into a straight ponytail.  The look was severe.  Fiona noticed the long black leather boots she was wearing.  Quite different to the relaxed woman who had picked her up from the station.  Taking her hand, Nicola escorted Fiona from her flat to the other side of the main school building.  They walked along familiar corridors with well-waxed floors to find Mr. Davis’s study where Nicola opened the door.

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‘Good afternoon, Fiona.’

Mr. Davis spoke slowly as they entered his study. 

‘I am so glad you decided to visit us again.  I am sorry that our first acquaintance was so hurried, but I thought you might be interested to come back.  I understand from Nicola that you have some interest to learn a bit more about yourself and that your boyfriend is not going to be involved right now?  That is fine with me.  We can take some time this afternoon to learn more.  There is no hurry.  You will be completely safe and nothing will happen to you that you do not consent to.  Did Nicola explain your safe words?’

Fiona nodded.  She was still not entirely comfortable with him.  He was old and grey and somewhat overweight, even if he commanded a certain gravitas.  He stepped aside, pulling a chair into the middle of the room. 

‘It is important that we get you properly warmed up this afternoon.  If we do, you will be able to enjoy it and to take a great deal more punishment.  I shall start the proceedings by giving you a thorough spanking.  Don’t worry.  I will start gently.  Only when I am satisfied that you are ready will we progress further.  You will see on the table here that I have brought various implements that we might use.  I propose to be very careful since this is your first proper visit.  We will go only as far as you want or I deem sensible.’

Fiona had immediately looked at the table and what Mr. Davis had been pointing at.  She drew in her breath a little as she saw a range of canes, straps and a leather riding crop displayed.

‘The first one is called ‘Slim Jim’!’  Nicola interjected, pointing at a long slim cane.  She had drawn up a dining chair in the middle of the room. 

‘I doubt you will get further than him today.’ 

She smiled, but her eyes were locked onto Fiona’s. 

‘Come over here now and get over Mr. Davis’s lap.’

Fiona looked in her eyes and knelt on the floor in front of Mr. Davis who had now taken off his jacket and was sitting on the chair.  She eased herself over his knees.  Her bottom was raised in the air and she felt quite vulnerable.  A strong left arm held her firmly in position, and his long fingers reached underneath to caress her flat belly.  Fiona felt her short skirt drawn up, over her back and out of the way.  It offered no protection.  The thin white cotton panties wouldn’t either but at least her sex was covered.  She knew her nipples were very erect now.  She could feel them pressing against the rough tweed of Mr. Davis’s suit trousers. She also knew she was already wet between her legs and whatever her sense of foreboding, she could not disguise her arousal.  She felt sure that both Nicola and Mr. Davis would know from the aroused scent from her pussy.

The housemaster had tightened his grip.  With a flat palm, he began to spank his captive.  He was slow and methodical, taking his time, not spanking hard, but covering every inch of Fiona’s bottom.  After a few minutes, Fiona began to feel the warmth growing very slowly.  She was not surprised when there was a lull and her panties were gently drawn down.  Nicola took them off and she saw her sniff them appreciatively. She knew they were wet and had no doubt acquired a strong feminine perfume by now. 

Fiona had been surprised that the spanking had not been harder, but slowly and steadily the blows increased in severity.  She was aware of Nicola taking photographs as the spanking progressed.  She was also aware that Mr. Davis’s left hand had now insinuated itself below her belly such that long fingers now stroked slowly between the moistening folds of her pussy.  Her clitoris was erect and rubbed against the older man’s thighs on which she lay with each blow delivered. With each spank, she now gasped a little, but there was a compensatory stroking between her legs.

Every so often, a fingertip grazed across her clit, bringing her closer to a climax.  Fiona tried desperately to hold out, wanting to draw out the sensation as long as she could, but by now she was moving her hips to meet the increasingly sharp spanks raining down on her behind.  Each one stung her but even as the pain coursed through her, brought her closer to coming.

She wanted to prolong the sensation, but the insistent stroking continued as the spanking stopped abruptly. She pushed against his probing fingers, rubbing herself against his trousers, which were already damp with her secretions.  Fiona was loud in her climax.  She always had difficulty keeping quiet, but here in Mr. Davis’s study, she knew she could give voice to her orgasm.  She screamed out loud, thrashing and cumming over and over against the slippery fingers that penetrated her sex and pinched her engorged clitoris.  She had never come so hard or been able to let rip so loudly.  After four or five smaller cums as she came down from the peak of her first climax, Fiona slid onto the floor and lay there, her legs spread wide and her bottom on fire against the carpet.

Mr. Davis coughed, twice.  Fiona eventually looked up and saw his tented worsted trousers, evidence that she was not the only one aroused.  She smiled, slowly, as she came down from her climax.  Nicola helped her up and she knelt on the floor in front of Mr. Davis.  The buttons on her white blouse had come undone and her swelling breasts and engorged nipples were now clearly revealed.  Nicola helped her off with her blouse, cupping the creamy breasts and pulling on Fiona’s nipples.

‘I think you need to help Mr. Davis now, Fiona.  He is, as you see somewhat in need of help before he can continue.  Take him in your mouth.  Let him fuck your mouth.’

Fiona hesitated for a moment.  The man was no doubt in need of help, but she would never have contemplated giving him oral sex in any other circumstance. Now somehow, as Nicola was insisting, she felt compelled to do so. Empowered to do so.  The thought of it made her feel more slutty and aroused again.  Her fingers sought the zipper to his fly as she reached in and extracted his cock from the tweedy trousers he wore.

It was thick. Very thick, in fact, and once she had freed it from his pants, it was quite an impressive weapon.  Thick and gnarled with prominent veins.  But even more startling, it was already rock hard.  The glans was weeping pre-cum as she leant forwards towards it.  At least he smelt clean.  Her tongue reached the tip and tasted him briefly.  He tasted good, a little salty.  She relaxed, opening her mouth and enveloping his hot cock in her mouth, swirling her tongue around the rim as she took him in deeply.  She prided herself on her oral skills.  She sucked on him, letting him thrust gently between her lips. 

She was glad he was gentle, even though she sensed he was already close to cumming.  She hated men who tried to fuck her mouth against her will.  At least, he was communicating with her as she looked up into his eyes.   It didn’t take her long.  She could tell quite soon after she started that he was going to cum soon.  As the pressure built within him, she gently cupped his balls and gripped the base of his cock, controlling what happened.  When he came, he came suddenly, taking them both by surprise and thick jets of cum filled her mouth before she pulled him out and let him spray over her face.  His erection sprang upright and jet after jet exploded over her shining auburn hair, dripping down over her face and ears.  For an older gentleman, he certainly came a lot.

A few minutes later, Fiona had wiped much of Mr. Davis’s semen off of her face, although she was conscious there were ribbons of it still shot through her hair.  She turned to see Nicola standing by the table, toying with the variety of implements she had seen when she came into the room.   She had picked up one of the canes, swinging it hard so that it cut through the air with a characteristic swish.  Fiona startled.  To her dismay, she watched as Nicola selected the riding crop, slapping it against her palm as her tongue slid over her lips.  She was relieved when the crop was set down and a small black leather strap was chosen.  It didn’t look nearly so frightening and she could see it was made of quite soft, if well-worn leather.

‘Your bottom is a lovely pink colour now, Fiona, but I don’t think you are ready for the cane yet. You need to be properly warmed up to enjoy it.  Besides, I’ve been dying to get my hands on your bum since I met you,’  Nicola purred.

‘Now bend over the end of the desk and stick your bottom out!’ 

Her tone of voice had changed in an instant and Fiona didn’t hesitate.  She leant across the side of the desk, her breasts grazing on the yellow blotting pad in front of her.  She bent from the waist, a little away from the desk and with her legs slightly parted.  As she did so, she felt Nicola unzip the flimsy skirt and take that off too.  She was completely naked and a shiver of anticipation ran through her again as Nicola ran her cool hands over her hot, reddened buttocks.

‘I’m going to give you the strap, Fiona.  It will sting a bit but will help you to warm up properly.  I want you to stay still and not get your hands in the way.  If you do I shall have to tie you up.  Do you understand?’

The girl nodded, feeling her nipples graze on the desk.  They were so engorged they had become quite painful as they touched the surface of the blotter.  She tried not to tense as she lay over the desk waiting.  She felt a firm hand on her back and then the strap trailed between her buttocks.  It made her shiver a little.  Nicola started softly, flicking the strap casually over Fiona’s bottom.  The firmness of the backside in front of her, already pink but now beginning to redden more as she steadily worked her way over it was exciting her.

The strap was soft and did not have much weight but as she picked up the pace it began to sting a little more.  Fiona could feel it begin to bite as the strokes covered every inch of her bared bottom.  She had lost count of how many strokes she had taken, but the effect was gathering pace and the fire began to grow.  Between her legs, she was still aroused and as she leaned forwards she found herself rubbing her mound against the edge of the desk.  Just when she felt she might manage to cum, Nicola delivered two swift strokes right between her legs, up between the lips of her vagina, licking over her engorged clitoris.  She yelped loudly, not expecting such a surge of pain and the moment passed.

‘Enough of that now.  Time to meet ‘Slim Jim’ now, Fiona,’ said Nicola.  ‘I want you to lean over the back of Mr. Davis’s chair. I seem to recall you have been there before!’

The younger girl stood trembling a little as she went over to the old leather armchair.  She smelt the warm, worn leather and it brought back powerful memories of her last visit.  It looked like she was going to get more than last time she thought. Nicola stood behind her, running her cool hands across the reddened buttocks.  She tapped the inside of Fiona’s knees, making her part her legs further and then stood back.  Fiona looked round and watched as Mr. Davis picked up the cane he had shown her earlier.  She turned back and buried her head in the back of the armchair.  She heard a sharp ‘swish’ as Mr. Davis flexed the cane, making her start.

‘I shall begin slowly,’ he said in a  measured tone.’ You have your safe word?’ She nodded.

‘Good.  Then I shall deliver six strokes and see how you manage them.  I shall take my time. You are not to rub your bottom.  You are not to get up.  Nicola will count them,’ he spoke sternly.

She nodded again, trying to compose herself.  Her bottom already felt on fire from the spanking and then the strapping that Nicola had administered.  She didn’t know if she could take it.  She was very exposed with her bottom in the air and her legs apart.  Somehow she felt even more aroused.  She hadn’t really thought of herself as an exhibitionist but the thrill of her submission and her willingness to take part in this was sending her over the edge. 

She tensed as she felt the cane tap lightly against her bottom as Mr. Davis measured the length for the first stroke.  He tapped the cane once more on her bottom taking care to get his distance right.  She breathed slowly, trying to relax.

As she lay helpless, she first heard the swish as the cane flexed before striking her bottom.  It was a good clean stroke and for a brief moment, she heard the crack as it landed before the fire whipped through her.  At first, it wasn’t quite as bad as she feared. It was a moment or two later when the full searing sting of the stroke made her yelp out loud.  She let out her breath slowly as she heard the cane raised again.

The second stroke was a little harder, whistling down and striking a little above the first.  The pain coursed through her and she felt the connection with the first stroke which was now searing across her bottom.  She had managed to take the pain without making a sound though. The third landed a little further up, clearly separated from the first two.  It probably was no harder, but the effect was building up. Her skin was beginning to feel scorched and tears started to run down her cheeks.  She tried hard to bear the pain quietly.

Mr. Davis paused, admiring his handiwork.  He ran his palm across the three stripes he had so far inflicted, feeling the parallel ridges and gently soothing Fiona’s bottom, cupping her cheeks.  She shuffled her ankles apart a little more and he took the opportunity to let his fingers trail between her legs.  Only a tiny trail of moisture gave her away as she trembled again.  After a short pause, he stepped back and swished the cane again, delivering the fourth and fifth strokes quickly and efficiently, carefully covering the reddened skin of her now very tender behind.  She heard Nicola counting out loud.  Fiona had not moved, but cried out the fifth stroke cut into her.  She bit her lip, trying to ride the pain.  When Nicola had announced the sixth and final stroke, Mr. Davis had put down the cane and fondled her again making sure she did not wish to use her safe word.  The quick shake of her head was enough.  He stood back and cracked one last, final stroke right across the girl's reddened behind.  It was by far the most vicious stroke.  He meant it to hurt and Fiona reacted very much as he expected, jumping up and grabbing her bottom with tears streaming down her face.

Mr. Davis caught hold of her, gently pushing her back down over the back of the chair, but this time caressing her and massaging her buttocks.  There were six well-placed stripes clearly marked on her reddened skin.  He probed and massaged her quite gently, easing her pain and allowing her to ride it.  His thick, probing fingers swept between the folds of her pussy, coating them in moisture.  She pushed back very gently, almost imperceptibly, willing him to penetrate her with his fingers.  In no time at all, she was highly aroused, in spite of the pain. She was disappointed when he stepped back, withdrawing his fingers and leaving her there, close to climax but unable to get there.

Fiona turned her head and watched as he turned his back, undressing fully. His body was nothing to write home about and he was carrying a few extra pounds, but she had already been impressed by his cock.  Her breathing slowly returned to normal.  As she watched Mr. Davis she shivered slightly wondering what would come next.  She so desperately needed to be taken, but she couldn’t be sure it would happen.  She had already had a thorough spanking and then a strapping from Nicola.  Now she had now taken six very painful cuts of the cane.  He carefully folded his tweed suit over the back of a chair and she turned away, looking now towards Nicola.  The older woman sat watching in her severe black skirt and blouse, her own arousal clear as her nipples showed through her blouse and her face and neck had turned a delicate shade of pink.

A cough behind her announced that Mr. Davis was ready to resume.  Fiona was slightly alarmed to see that his gnarled cock was already quite firm, despite his recent climax all over her face and hair.  She would have thought it would take longer for an older man to recover.  He must be very turned on, she realised, with a nearly naked young woman displaying her freshly striped bottom and highly aroused sex to him, splayed over the back of the leather armchair in his study.

‘Fiona.  You have taken those strokes well.  I admire your courage.  Now I am going to have you whether you like it or not.  I can see you are turned on, but I doubt you have ever been fucked by a man so much older than yourself.’

Nicola had come round to his side and was fondling his big, gnarled cock, coaxing it further into erection.

‘Do you need some lube, Fiona?’  she asked.

‘No. No, I don’t think so,’ she replied hoarsly, clamping her thighs together as he stepped towards her, pushing her once more over his desk.  She felt her knees parted by his strong hands and felt his cock nudge between her thighs, now quite hard enough to penetrate her. 

Unerringly, he centred on her soaking cunt and placing his knob at her entrance, pushed deep inside her in one long stroke.  She let out a gasp.  She had never been taken quite like that before.  Never impaled to her depths in one go.  With other men, there had been a lot of foreplay and still it took time.  She realised just how ready she was from the ease with which he had penetrated her.  Her cunt was stretched wide over the thickness of his cock and as he began to fuck her, she felt fuller than she had ever felt before.  Fiona was not inexperienced and had had guys with big cocks before, but Mr. Davis really seemed to know how to use his weapon to advantage.  In only a few strokes she started coming.

‘Oh God!  Oh my God!  Yes! Yes!  Don’t stop.  Please don’t stop.  Fuck me.  Fuck me harder now, please!  Oh yes.  That’s it.  Right there.  Oh fuck me.  I’m cumming!'

Fiona thrust herself back against the older man as he continued to fuck her, increasing his pace.  His heavy balls swung between her legs, slapping against her pubis and catching her clit as they did.  Her climax was immense.  Her cunt gripped the big cock within her, contracting and relaxing as she came over and over.  Mr. Davis slowed, taking his time, breathing deeply as he fucked her.  He picked her up, still impaled on his cock and laid her the desk, turning her so she lay on her back.  He stood, pulling her hips over the edge toward him, and resumed fucking the young girl in front of him, slowly at first.

Fiona’s breasts bobbed as he fucked her and her bottom was still stinging as it rubbed on the desk. She was aware that Nicola had come to stand behind her.  Fiona looked up and saw the lust in her eyes as she reached down with both hands, taking the inviting breasts in her hands.

While Mr. Davis continued to fuck her, Nicola squeezed and teased Fiona’s breasts.  She took the nipples between thumb and forefinger, twisting, squeezing and pulling on them.  They had always been sensitive. Fiona gasped as she felt Nicola’s fingernails dig in, sending exquisite pain down through her core.  It only lasted seconds, but combined with the steady rhythm of the big cock thrusting into her, it brought her one more orgasm, ripping through her.  As she came, the contractions in her cunt were finally enough to trigger Mr. Davis to cum.  Fiona felt him tense and drive harder and faster into her before unleashing his cum.  For an awful moment, she realised he had no condom on but it was far too late to worry about that.  Jet after jet of his cum rose from his heavy balls as he thrust deep inside her.


Some hours later, Fiona woke slowly, thinking guiltily of Tim.  She didn’t know quite how to explain what she had done, even to herself.  That the afternoon had been so highly charged emotionally and so erotically fulfilling was not so difficult to come to terms with as that she had ‘cheated’ on him.  She felt so slutty as she thought back over what had happened.  There was no doubt that she had been a willing participant.  Submissive certainly, but not coerced or browbeaten into what had happened to her.  The fire in her bottom was still there, but was more of a comfortable glow by now.

Fiona had little recollection of what had happened when Mr. Davis left the room.  She had put on a towelling robe that Nicola had handed her and walked, shakily, back to the flat.  Mr. Davis’s sperm was running down her thighs and the rich scent of her own arousal was unmistakable.  Nicola had run her a warm bath and left her alone, allowing her to come down from the intense experience in her own way. 

Fiona had been surprised when she woke an hour or so later, having evidently crawled into bed and fallen asleep.  The evening sun streaming through the window had woken her.  She took her time dressing, examining her bottom with interest and wincing when she tried to put clean knickers on.  After a couple of attempts, she decided not to, deciding that her knee-length summer dress would be enough to keep her modest. 

‘Why did that matter?’ she thought, given what she had done that afternoon. She brushed her hair, put on some lipstick and went through to the living room, hesitantly opening the door.

‘Ah!  There you are.  Feeling better?’ Nicola stood up.  She had changed again and wore a soft, clingy summer dress evidently without a bra.  Her full breasts swayed hypnotically as she approached.

‘I’m sorry. I must have fallen asleep.  I didn’t mean to.’

‘That’s quite alright.  Sometimes that happens.  The emotion that goes with that sort of intense experience can be quite draining.  Let me pour you a glass of wine.’

They sat together on a sofa, sipping a chilled chardonnay.  Fiona didn’t say much, but after a while, Nicola got her talking.

‘Was it what you expected, Fiona?’

‘Yes. And no, too. I don’t quite know what I expected, but after my last visit, I just knew I had to try it.’

‘Did it hurt more than you expected?  You seemed to cope quite well with it.  I know Mr. Davis was careful not to overdo it this first time.’

‘Actually, it did hurt more, but somehow once I got into it that didn’t seem to matter.  I think the spanking warmed me up quite a bit.  And I could tell Mr. Davis was enjoying it too.’ She giggled.

‘And then when you used the strap on me, it got a bit more intense.  I felt like my bottom was on fire all over. Your hands were lovely and cooling when you caressed me.  It’s funny, but I’ve never really been touched by a girl before.  I loved it when you made me take his cock in my mouth.’

‘Did you?  Did you realise just how submissive you are, Fiona?’

‘No. No, I didn’t. It hadn’t really occurred to me.  When I’m with Tim, I’m not submissive.  But there was definitely something delicious about being made to suck his cock.  I would never have imagined that and especially with a man as old as him.’

‘No.  It’s hard to believe, isn’t it?  He’s got a really nice cock, and he knows how to use it.’

‘I’m glad you made me.  It really turned me on.  I expect you noticed that!’

‘I think you and I are going to be good friends.  You took the caning very well for a first-timer.  Was it really hard to take?’

‘Yes.  I had made my mind up not to use the safe word, but even after the first two strokes, I was ready to do it.  It stung like crazy.  It was only once Mr. Davis started touching me that I sensed how much more I was turned on.  The pain really got to me but somehow I wanted to take it and to show you both I could. That alone nearly made me come.  I knew my pussy was really wet. When he touched me, I just wanted to come.’

‘I thought so.  It made me really hot, too.  I guess you realise I am bisexual.  The sight of you bent over with lovely cane marks across your bottom was making me crazy.  I really wanted you for myself.  I was playing with my clit when Mr. Davis gave you the last three stripes.  I knew you were not going to protest when he fucked you.  He would have stopped if you had.  That’s something we have always insisted on.  It has to be consensual.  But by god he can fuck, can’t he?’

‘Oh my god, yes!  I wouldn’t have thought at his age he could get it up again so quickly, but I’ve rarely been fucked so well.  And his cock is so thick!  He took me so hard and fast. I know I came quite a few times even though my bottom was so sore.  And then he came in me without a condom. What am I going to tell Tim?’

‘Nothing if you have any sense.  Today was an adventure.  Some ‘further education’.  I think before long, you are going to want to enrol for some more.  Quite apart from Mr. Davis, I have other friends I’d like you to meet one day.  We meet from time to time and I really think you’d enjoy being our submissive slut for a while. I’m going to call you in a month or so to see if you want to come over again. Would that be OK, Fiona?’

‘Oh yes.  Yes, please.  I might like that.’

Written by djtone
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