On Friday evening I arrived, again a few minutes late. I had forgotten that Mr. Davis’s secretary had asked me to go to his house instead of the school. It wasn’t far away but it took me a few minutes to find where I could park. I rang the doorbell and Mr. Davis let me in, showing me through into his study which was much more comfortably furnished than the spartan office he had at the school.
A lad of about Tim’s eighteen years of age stood in the corner waiting. He was a tall, well-tanned and quite fit-looking boy with short black hair. He looked up as I came in.
‘Ah. Miss. Cross. You are late again you know!’ Mr. Davis said quite gravely.
‘Now. Last time we met you promised to bring me a cheque for the outstanding fees that are owed. Can we take care of that now please?’
I stood in front of his desk and opened my handbag and rummaged for where I had put the cheque. I had written it earlier having transferred money to cover it from a savings account. Now I couldn’t find it. I looked everywhere. I was mortified and blushing madly wondering how I could have left it behind but after a few minutes had to give up and apologise for having forgotten it again.
‘Yes. I can see. This is becoming a habit, isn’t it? Perhaps I should punish you too? Sharpen up your memory?’
There wasn’t much I could say.
‘Time is pressing. We can deal with that later. This boy is called Richard. He has confessed to some petty thieving which got Timothy into trouble. We shall deal with him first. Would you like to stand just over here please?’
Mr. Davis carefully took off his suit jacket and hung it on a hanger on the back of the study door. He took my arm and had me stand close to the fireplace. Opposite me was the end of an old-fashioned brown leather sofa. At his direction, Richard removed his shoes and trousers and then his underpants. He was partly covered by the tails of his white shirt, but I could see that he was quite a well-developed young man.
‘I shall give you six strokes, Richard. You will not get up. You will stay where you are. If you don’t you may get additional strokes. When I am done we will allow you a moment or two and then Miss Cross will cane you.’
Turning to me he said ‘I think two or three strokes from you should be enough Miss Cross, but we will see. I will be guiding you.’
As the boy bent over the end of the sofa, Mr Davis flicked up his shirt tails with a practised swish of his cane. He measured the distance carefully, just tapping the cane lightly on the boy’s stretched buttocks. The first stroke was quite slow and deliberate. I heard the swish and then the crack of it as it landed square in the middle of the boy’s bottom. It took a moment or two to register exactly where it had fallen, and then as the next one fell, I could see the wheal developing.
The boy grunted at each stroke but managed not to move too much. He was not a novice at this game. As each stroke fell, I could see parallel lines develop across the pale skin. Four. Then five. A longer pause and then the sixth was delivered with a great deal more force, making the boy yelp, but to his credit, he held still.
‘Miss Davis. Would you like to step forward now? I suggest you run your fingers over the skin. You will find I have been careful not to cause damage, but I am sure you will agree he has been well-caned.’
I stepped forward not realising I had been holding my breath. Mr. Davis stood quite close behind me as I ran my fingers over the boy’s welts and I was very aware of his presence. It was very exciting and I was quite turned on, feeling my heart beating very fast. With my fingertips, I could feel the heat from the boy’s bottom as the colour developed in the stripes that Mr. Davis had inflicted. The ridges were quite distinct and I could feel him trembling a little. He was allowed to stand up for a moment and it was clear that he had an erection pushing his shirt tails up and out.
‘That sometimes happens Miss Cross. Don’t be embarrassed.’
I wasn’t embarrassed, but intrigued. I wasn’t the only one turned on by this. Or was it my presence that had triggered it? I knew I was becoming quite wet between my legs.
‘Why don’t you remove your jacket, Miss Cross? It will make it much easier for you.’
I slipped out of the linen jacket I was wearing and he took it from me, hanging it carefully on the back of a chair. I had chosen quite a severely cut grey linen suit. I’m not sure why, but it suited my mood. Without my jacket on, both Mr. Davis and young Richard couldn’t help but look at my breasts. It made me feel even more aroused.
Taking the cane from Mr. Davis his eyes were still focused on my cleavage. A little frisson ran through me. I don’t know why. He was much older than me and not particularly attractive, but I was a little under his influence. He suggested I try swishing the cane, feeling its weight first. After a few swishes, he came and stood behind me, quite close in fact and took hold of my hand, guiding me. I could feel him close behind me and his left arm circled my waist, his palm pressing gently against my stomach. He guided my arm with another two or three swishes.
‘That’s better. You have found the balance now. Let’s get to work, Miss Cross.’
‘Richard. Bend over again!’
The boy bent back over the sofa and I moved closer, lifting the white shirt tails up and over his back. The six stripes he had already received were now very vividly showing across his buttocks. With Mr. Davis guiding me, I measured the distance carefully, tapping the cane where I wanted to place the stroke.
‘One at a time then. But make it crisp!’
I used a lot of wrist action, flicking the cane down with my eye on the target. It didn’t go quite where I meant and crossed a couple of other stripes.
‘Good, Miss Cross. Very stimulating. But you can do better than that. A little faster.’
I felt him pressing against me now. His palm had slid a little lower pressing gently against my pubic bone. His right hand encircled my wrist, demonstrating the faster stroke needed. My heart was fluttering and I was very aroused. The thrill of slicing that cane onto the bared bottom in front of me was so exciting. And this older man who I would never normally allow to get close to me was pressing behind me. I was sure I could feel his erection through the thin linen skirt.
He relinquished my hand and I drew back the cane for a second stroke. This one was much better and fairly whistled down, cracking right in the centre of the boy’s bottom, making him yelp out loud. A thrill ran right through me and I’m sure Mr. Davis felt it. His left hand had slid a little lower and the right had mysteriously found its way to cup my breast, but I didn’t care.
‘Another?’ I asked him, breathlessly.
‘Oh, I think so, Miss Cross. Take your time.’
I paused a minute, reflecting on what was happening. I was being felt up by a middle-aged man while I was taking pleasure in caning a young man who was practically naked in front of me. I was practically cumming right there. I hadn’t often been so aroused.
Drawing my arm back again I tried not to let the excitement spoil my aim. I was aware of Mr. Davis’s hands holding me as I struck with a whippier action, much harder this time and drawing a yell from my unfortunate victim. He yelped and grabbed his bottom with both hands, standing involuntarily, a prodigious erection poking through his shirt tails.
‘Another?’ I asked again.
‘Yes, I think he can manage a couple more, but you need to cane harder’. I could feel my heart beating loudly and my hand trembled at the thought of being about to cane the boy again. Once again, I could feel Mr Davis close behind me, this time his left hand was rubbing gently on my pubic bone, whilst his right hand was squeezing my breast, sending tingles through my nipples. I shuddered at his touch and was so close to cumming right there, but as quickly as it had started he pulled away allowing me to prepare for the next stroke. Not wishing to disappoint Mr Davis I made the next stroke much faster and with a longer backswing. This resulted in a solid whack as the cane once again bit into the reddened bottom before me.
Again Richard stood with both hands rubbing his bottom. As he turned to look at me with an anguished look his shirt tails flapped open and I could his full erection. Mr Davis immediately told him to bend over again otherwise he would complete the canning. With a dejected look, Richard turned and bent over the sofa again.
‘One more should do I think,’ said Mr Davis as he stood behind me again. This time there was no subtly in his moves, his hand immediately cupped my left breast and began to tweak my erect nipple whilst his other hand was rubbing purposefully on my public bone. The effect was immediate, I almost collapsed as an orgasm flooded over me, I swooned backwards into Mr Davis’s arms dropping the cane. As the cane clattered to the floor Richard turned his to see what was happening and I saw him watching me as Mr Davis continued to fondle me to greater highest of pleasure. Once again as quickly as it had started it stopped as Mr Davis stood back telling me to pick up the cane and make sure the last stroke was the hardest so far.
As I bent to pick up the cane, my head became level with Richard’s bottom. I’m sure I could feel the heat from his red bottom on my face, but what I could see was his erect cock, dribbling pre-cum standing rigidly just under his shirt. I so wanted to reach out and touch his cock, to bring him to the edge as Mr Davis had done with me. But I somehow managed to resist and stood again taking my caning position.
As requested by Mr Davis, I made the last stroke the hardest yet, whipping it in with full force and a wristy action making it snap hard onto the already well thrashed bottom. Richard yelped but to his credit remained bent over the sofa.
I wondered if I would be allowed one more stroke because I was sure Richard was about to cum. I suggested to Mr Davis that one more stroke might be necessary but he replied; ‘I think that’s enough this time Miss. Cross. He has taken it well. I’ll leave you here to watch him for ten minutes while he recovers. Then he can go.’
I think I was a little disappointed. I know I wanted to give him at least one more stroke, but he had taken enough. I was aware that Mr. Davis had let go of me and I leaned a little unsteadily against the sofa. He closed the door behind him. I began to feel a little sorry for Richard because I had enjoyed beating him. That wasn’t something I had ever imagined and yet here I was, standing with the cane still in my hand. I was almost tempted to try and give him another stroke or two, could it harm?
‘Do you think you could manage a couple more strokes?’ I asked the boy.
‘Will they be as hard as the last?’ he asked.
‘Would you like them to be?’ I replied.
‘Yes,’ he whispered.
‘In that case, I will do my best, now make sure you keep bent over please’ I told him.
Before he bent over, he looked directly at me and said, ‘Would you please unbutton your blouse before you continue?’
I was shocked, yet thrilled at the same time. I carefully put the cane down and to answer his question unbuttoned my blouse giving him a clear view of my cleavage and breasts barely contained in my skimpy maroon lacy bra. Without the blouse covering them my erect nipples were visible pressing hard against the fabric.
Richard stared at them for what seemed an age and I was so tempted to allow him to touch them, but instead, I just rubbed them myself sending an electric thrill right through me.
Richard made a little groan and I wondered if he would cum right there, but despite being painfully erect he didn’t. I told him to then back into position for the final two.
I took my time to deliver these extra two strokes, making sure they were as hard as when I’d had Mr Davis helping me. After the last stroke, I could see the boy was trembling and his cock was twitching.
‘May I touch you again?’ I asked the boy. I wanted to see what my strokes had done.
‘If you like,’ he said hoarsely.
I gently stroked my palm across the ridges, noting the slightly purpling bruises coming through. My last stroke had been particularly effective and I was concerned I might have broken the skin, but fortunately, I hadn’t. I ran my fingers down between his cheeks, noting the smoother skin between his thighs.
It was making me wet.
Unconsciously I slid my left hand under him, urging him to stand up again, taking hold of his erection firmly. I could feel it throbbing and he gasped as my fingers encircled him. I couldn’t resist stroking his cock up and down, masturbating him very slowly but firmly. Reaching around him I found his balls and took them in my fingers, teasing him. In a matter of seconds, he ejaculated forcefully, much of the first jet spraying his shirt tails and then over the back of the leather sofa. I continued pumping him, coaxing out all of his cum. It was only fair since I had beaten him so hard and taken such pleasure from it.
Five minutes later the door opened again. I had let Richard dress again and was wiping his sperm off the sofa with a linen hanky from my bag. It wasn’t much use and ended up in a sloppy mess which I had to put back in my bag. Mr. Davis dismissed the boy, telling him to return to his study later with his homework completed. He then handed me some paper tissues to finish cleaning up with.
‘I can see what has happened. I am sure you had something to do with it, Miss Cross. He’s over eighteen, so I shall pretend I never knew.’
He sat down at his desk, pulled open a file and wrote in it briefly, presumably recording what punishment Richard had received. Putting his pen down with a flourish he turned to me.
‘So, Miss Cross. I trust you found that stimulating. I know you did. Now I think you know a little more about how we use corporal punishment here. We have started your education. If we are to go on I should like to know your first name.’
‘Emily. Emily Cross.’
‘Would you like a glass of wine Emily, while we discuss these matters further?’
I said yes and Mr. Davis left the room returning shortly with a tray and two glasses of chilled white wine. We sat together on the sofa that so recently had been used for Richard’s caning. Mr. Davis talked for several minutes about how effective his regime of corporal punishment was. He asked again whether I had ever been caned, although the answer was no.
‘Right then Emily. That was a good start. But now you too have a price to pay for your transgressions, haven’t you? He asked.
He talked for several minutes trying to explain and persuade me that to fully understand I should experience a caning myself. Of course, I argued but he was most persuasive just as he was with you Fiona and he asked me to trust him. I could stop him at any moment he said, but he felt it would be a good thing for me to experience personally. If the truth were told I had become more than a little curious myself and after a while found myself agreeing to try a few strokes, just as you had done Fiona.
‘Right then, Emily,’ he said standing up. ‘You will have to remove that skirt.’
I could see he was serious and I wasn’t going to get away with it. I unzipped the skirt and stepped out of it carefully, folded it and put it by the jacket I had removed earlier.
‘And the blouse too, Emily. I don’t want that in my way.’
I wasn’t sure that was necessary but I am no prude. As I unbuttoned it I could see he approved. I had worn a maroon bra and pants but had decided on stockings and suspenders. I don’t know why, but at least I looked presentable I thought.
‘Over the sofa now please, Emily,’ he commanded.
I didn’t resist, placing myself exactly where Richard had been a short while before. I wondered what he would do. He nudged my legs apart a bit and I felt my panties being carefully pulled down to my knees. He knew I was at his mercy and I felt his hands caressing my bottom. No doubt he could see how wet I was, because it didn’t take long for his fingers to go between my legs, probing me. I had been so turned on before that I didn’t want to resist anyway as his fingers found my clit and gently rubbed it. He knew I wasn’t struggling.
Then I heard him pick up the cane and I trembled a bit. I didn’t know how hard he was going to do it, even though he had promised me it would not be bad. I felt the light tapping against my bottom as he measured the distance. Then a swish as he tested the balance. Finally, I heard him draw his arm back and felt the cane crack down on my bottom. It was hard and a moment later his hands were rubbing the skin for me and again fingers trailed between my legs and into my pussy.
The next stroke was a lot harder, almost as hard as Richard’s strokes had been. Two more strokes followed, each a little harder than the last, carefully spaced. And then he stopped. I wondered what was coming next.
A moment later I knew. I heard his trousers fall from his waist and his cock nudged at my pussy lips. He didn’t waste time and once the head was in he grabbed my hips and thrust right up inside in one steady push. He felt very big, stretching my cunt as he entered me, reaching around in front of me and teasing my clit with his fingers, bringing me very rapidly to the edge. He fucked me hard and purposefully. Not fast, but vigorously, pulling my hips onto his huge cock.
The climax I had been working towards as I caned Richard came quickly and I shuddered on his cock, gripping him hard as a came. The effect must have taken him by surprise because moments later I felt him come in me, thrust after thrust as he jetted his come inside me.
It had taken only minutes, but the highly charged atmosphere after Richard’s caning must have affected both of us. I stayed bent over the sofa as he withdrew, dribbling sperm down the back of my legs. Neither of us said anything for a while. In the end, I broke the silence.
‘Thank you, Mr. Davis. I did enjoy myself.’
‘Just now? Or the beating?’ he asked as he pulled his trousers back up.
‘Actually both. The one rather prepared me for the other. I hadn’t realised just how erotic such an experience might be.’
‘Well in that case I think we should try a little more, please get back over the sofa he said with a stern tone. I think you need some more of the cane because I don’t think you’ve learnt your lesson yet.'
I was shocked at this, fearful that a second caning would be longer and harder than the first. But it was clear as Mr. Davis picked up the cane that the matter wasn’t open to discussion. I reluctantly turned and repositioned myself over the sofa.

‘I’ll give you another six, but these will be a lot harder and I expect you to stay in position otherwise things will be worse for you’. I couldn’t imagine how things could get any worse, but I braced myself for the inevitable.
The next six followed the same course as the first but were considerably harder, each stroke landed with a sharp crack. By the end, my bottom seemed as if it were on fire, but I was still very aroused by the process and wondered if Mr Davis had recovered sufficiently and was going to fuck me again.
My thoughts were disrupted by a gentle knocking on the study door. I turned my head to see Mr Davis carefully putting down the cane and walking to the door. He only opened the door slightly, but seeing who it was he stood back and ushered them into the room.
I was taken aback to see the boy from earlier, Richard, walk into the study with some textbooks. At first, he didn’t notice me bent over the sofa and spoke directly to Mr Davis telling him he had completed the outstanding homework, proffering the books towards Mr Davis.
He took them and gave them a cursory glance before putting them on the side of his desk, telling the boy, ‘Wait here while I go and check something with your class tutor. I’ll be back in fifteen minutes.' With that, Mr Davis strode out of the study leaving Richard alone in the study with me.
As Mr Davis left the room Richard turned to watch him go and then saw me still bent over the sofa, with my knickers around my knees, a very well-caned bottom and sperm beginning to dibble down the inside of my thigh.
He gasped and moved towards me.
‘Are you okay?’ he asked
‘Yes, I guess now in your position’. He came closer and was staring at my bottom and my pussy lips. I could see he was rapidly developing an erection as the front of his trousers began to bulge.
‘Do you mind if I touch you?’
‘Please do,’ I said, and with that, he began to gently trace the cane marks on my bottom. It didn’t take long, admittedly with my encouragement, that he also began to finger me, first just slipping one finger into me, and then as he became more confident two, and then three.
For my part, I unzipped his fly and a hard young cock sprang into my hand. I quickly rubbed his throbbing shaft before encouraging him to take me from behind.
He wasted no time in mounting me, and with my pussy still full of cum from Mr Davis, he slipped in easily, despite his generous size. What he lacked in technique he made up for in youthful energy and he fucked me like a wild thing, bringing me to a quick orgasm.
Not wishing to be caught by Mr Davis, the boy quickly zipped himself up. He mumbled thank you and left the office, leaving me still bent over the sofa. I tried to clean myself up as much as possible. Then moments later Mr Davis returned. I was able to look up at him as I struggled back into my clothes.
‘Well, dear lady I trust you have learned something today. Please bring the cheque in tomorrow. I hesitate to ask, but would you like to ‘assist’ me if I have further young men that need beating?’
‘I think you already know the answer to that Mr. Davis’ I said, as I reached the door and let myself out and wondered whether I was going to tell my boyfriend. What would I say? That I’d spent the afternoon caning a young boy, being caned myself and then had been expertly fucked? Well, there are some secrets a girl has to keep to herself.
Over dinner, Tim and Emily chatted amiably, reminiscing over older memories. Emily made sure that Fi was involved in the conversation, but many of the events went over her head. As she listened to them chatting, Fiona could see how animated they were. She quietly observed how Emily’s ample cleavage was attracting Tim’s attention. She couldn’t blame him because she too was enjoying watching and couldn’t help but look across each time Emily leant towards her.
When the meal was finished, Fiona cleared the table away while Tim and Emily moved through to the sitting room. She joined Tim lounging on a sofa opposite his ‘Aunt’ Emily and curled her legs up under her. She was feeling horny and wanted to take him off to bed, but she couldn’t seem to get her message across to him. Frustrated, she could only listen as Tim and Emily discussed what they might do tomorrow.
‘Do you remember my little ‘private’ beach, Tim? We could go there for a swim. Would you like that? I could make up a picnic in the morning. It’s only a mile or two from her, Fiona. A short walk from the layby where we park the car, but a stunning view, with a short climb down to the beach..’
‘Sounds just what we need. Don’t we Fi? You love to sunbathe and I love to watch!’
Fiona giggled as she caught up with what was being said. She was blushing again when Emily suggested that she had kept them up long enough.
‘You must be dying for your bed Fi’ she said, her eyes twinkling again. ‘Go on up and I’ll send Tim up in a few minutes.’
Descending the stairs the next morning, Fiona was greeted by a welcoming aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Emily was making breakfast in the kitchen, wearing a short, silky white kimono. She handed her a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
‘You are spoiling me Emily!’ she said, smiling.
‘Not at all. After last night you need every ounce of energy!’
Fiona blushed deeply and took a long sip of her juice as she realised what she meant. When Tim had reached their room, Fiona was showered and naked waiting for him on top of the bed sheets. He hadn’t wasted much time stripping off and he had taken her quickly and vigorously. She remembered lifting her legs, her ankles around her ears as he thrust into her deeply, banging the headboard against the wall. It must have made quite a noise.
‘I am so sorry Emily! Were we very noisy? I am sorry. We didn’t mean to be heard.’
‘Oh, it’s OK. I’m just not used to it. It’s normally very quiet here. You sounded as though you were having fun though.’ She smiled, warmly. ‘And it sounded to me like you got seconds, lucky girl!’
‘Oh my god. Yes. I am so, so sorry! I was a bit loud too, wasn’t I?’ Fiona saw Emily nod. ‘I haven’t seen Tim much for a long time and we were just in the mood last night. I feel terrible Emily. We do get rather carried away.’
After the first time, they had lain together for a while. The air was warm and Fiona had just lain there, coming down slowly and gently from her climax. Tim had softened and had turned on his back. They enjoyed the night sounds coming from the open window for a while, but Fiona was already ready for more.
‘Do me again Tim. Please do me again!’ she pleaded, reaching over and taking his flaccid cock in her mouth.
He tasted her juices as she cleaned him off. She was conscious of his come leaking out of her and down her thighs. It felt gloriously dirty. She could smell the sex in the warm night air and the scents aroused her more. Taking her time, Fiona gently sucked on his cock, fondling his balls and nursing his slowly growing erection. She knew the second time would be better. He would last longer and she might manage to come several times. She took her time, enjoying the sensation of her power over his erection. Gradually it lengthened and became firm again as she teased his balls with her fingernails.
The second fuck was indeed much slower than the first. Fiona had wanted him to take her from behind and had bent over the bed end, guiding him into her. He usually penetrated much deeper like that and she wasn’t disappointed. As he did so, she could stroke herself between her legs, controlling her pleasure. He had gradually picked up the pace, thrusting slowly and steadily into her. It felt different, with her pussy already full of his come from earlier. Deliciously dirty, sexy thoughts came to her as he fucked her. Once more the bedhead was cannoning into the wall and she was grunting and calling out as he fucked her. She could feel every inch of his thick cock as it stretched her, but with all the semen inside her, she didn’t feel sore as she sometimes did. By the time he had unleashed for a second time, she had come twice more, each of them very vocal orgasms.
‘Don’t feel embarrassed Fiona.’ Emily put her hand gently on the younger girl’s arm. ‘It was kind of a turn-on for me too. I was just imagining you up there. I kind of wished I could have been a fly on the wall!’
‘Oh, Tim would have loved that! He’s quite an exhibitionist Emily. Always wanting to have people watch us.’ Fiona blushed as she realised what she was saying.
‘I do seem to remember that.’ Emily said softly.
‘I think he’d love to have someone watch him fuck me. Probably love to watch someone else fuck me too!’ she blushed again, wondering what had made her say that. She noticed Emily’s kimono falling open slightly as she sat on the high kitchen stool, revealing long tanned legs and a brief flash of neatly groomed pubic hair.
‘Whatever you do is fine by me Fiona. I want you to enjoy yourselves! But I have to confess to being somewhat of a voyeur. I think we all are at heart.’
As she slid off her stool again to make some toast, Fiona felt her eyes drawn again to the folds of Emily’s white kimono, watching her breasts moving softly against the silk. She was conscious that while she had showered and dressed, Emily was all but naked in front of her and it was turning her on. She was almost flirting with her. How was that? What was changing in her? Until recently she hadn’t been interested in girls but now she was aroused. And at Celwood she had been a bit disappointed that Mr. Davis’s secretary Nicola had not come on to her. She knew she wouldn’t have resisted.
Tim had woken late, shaken out of his dreams as his Blackberry claimed his attention. Fiona had been waiting for him to wake, looking forward to getting out and exploring the countryside. Emily had already put a picnic together, but she had promised not to wake Tim if he was still sleeping. She had been sitting, watching him as he slept peacefully. Now his attention was claimed by that damned Blackberry again. She had left him to it as he answered. He should have turned it off. It so often interrupted their time together and she was fed up with it.
Twenty minutes later he was downstairs, showered and shaved. Fiona was sitting with Emily again enjoying another cup of coffee.
‘Emily – I’m so sorry. I’m not going to be able to stay. Despite everything I have to be back in the office as soon as possible. Fi. I don’t know what to say. I’m having to do this so often and it’s not fair. I’m truly sorry.’
He did look upset she conceded, but she was livid. Why should her weekends always get disrupted like this? She had been looking forward to a break and it had been going so well. Despite her apprehensions, she liked ‘Aunt’ Emily, but now she was going to have to go back home and twiddle her thumbs.
‘Oh Tim.’ Emily took his face in her hands. ‘You need a break. Do you have to go?’
‘Afraid so Em. The boss has been taken ill and I have to cover for him. We’ll have to go back to town right now. I am sorry. After all the trouble you’ve been to.’
‘Well you might have to, but Fiona doesn’t. She can stay on with me, can’t you?’ She smiled pleading with Fiona and putting an arm around her waist. ‘I can put her on the train on Sunday or even on Monday morning.’
‘Oh, I couldn’t impose Emily!’
‘Nonsense girl. I’m just getting to know you. And just because Tim has to go back doesn’t mean we can’t have a ‘girls’ weekend to ourselves, does it? I should be more than glad of your company, sexy girl.’
Fiona felt a thrill running through her. She genuinely wanted to stay over and enjoy a few days in the countryside and now that she had met Emily she wanted to get to know her better. But even more than that, she was enjoying the little flirtation between them. When Emily had insisted, she felt compelled to accept, wanting to see how far their flirtation might go.
Upstairs, Tim was hurriedly repacking the few clothes he had brought down. He avoided Fiona’s withering looks and did his best not to antagonise her. For her part Fiona looked on, frustrated. Although she was quite intrigued to spend a weekend with Emily, she had been looking forward to a long weekend with plenty of sex with Tim. The previous night had been good but had only scratched her itch. Tim had been away for so long that she needed much more. Emily’s teasing downstairs had gotten to her too and she knew she was aroused and wet.
Their bedroom door was open, so she wasn’t going to have a row with him, but she was determined to get his attention and make him realise what he was going to be missing. Triggered by something Emily had said earlier she made her mind up. Turning her back on Tim, she slipped off her skirt and t-shirt, thumbed down her panties and threw herself on the unmade bed. She could smell the scents of their lovemaking from last night which aroused her further. Looking Tim in the eyes, she stroked her breasts, pinching her nipples. In a voice intended to be loud enough to carry through the open door, she spoke angrily.
‘Tim. If you have to go you have to go. But before you do you have to fuck me again. I need to be fucked, right here, right now!’ Her voice was raised, intended to carry.
She spread her legs, stroking between them, finding herself already quite wet. Tim winced, glancing at the open door. He knew that Aunt Emily would have heard everything. He stepped towards the door to close it.
‘Oh no you don’t Tim. Strip. Fuck me and then just go!’ she commanded. ‘Just leave that door and do me now.’
Fiona felt a thrill of power as she assumed the dominant role. She could see it was working on him too as a tent appeared in his trousers. His eyes locked on hers and a tremor ran through her. She pointed to her pussy, certain he would understand what she wanted. He knelt by the bed, dropping his head between her thighs. Fiona loved it when Tim went down on her and he was very skilled, but this time she wanted to be in control and gripped his head in her hands, guiding him and directing his tongue as he he licked her.
She looked up, hearing a sound, hoping she knew what it was. In the full-length mirror, she could see Emily watching through the open doorway.
‘So she took my hint.’ She thought, smiling to herself. It brought quite an extra frisson of excitement.
‘Now fuck me Tim!’ she commanded, pushing him away. He stood up, stripping off the rest of his clothes quickly, his cock fully erect and ready. There was no hesitation as he knelt between her legs, feeling how wet she was, and thrust into her. Fiona lifted her ankles, gripping him around his waist and pulling him into her. She knew that Emily was watching. She could see her expression in the big mirror. It turned her on. Emily had said she was a voyeur and now Fiona realised just what a charge she was getting as an exhibitionist. Tim was driving deep inside her, fucking her very hard and very fast, his balls slapping against her bottom.
She didn’t often like it so fast, but she was angry. Angry and aroused. But above all, she felt in control. As she had planned, he didn’t last long and came quickly, deep inside her. She could sense jet after jet of his seed filling her cunt. She pushed him away, knowing she wasn’t going to be able to come yet.
‘Now go you bastard. Just go!’ she yelled.
Fiona closed her eyes, listening as he hurriedly dressed again, grabbed his bag and banged the front door on his way out. She listened as his car started, the gears crashed and then accelerated away. Slowly she opened her eyes again, feeling wanton as she lay, her legs still splayed, a film of sweat over her body and a delicious sticky sensation as Tim’s come began to trickle out of her. She looked up, not surprised to see still Emily standing in the doorway, watching her.
‘You enjoyed that, didn’t you Emily?’ she asked, looking up at her silhouette framed in the doorway. Her eyes were twinkling.’ I know I did.’ She smiled warmly.
The older woman didn’t answer. She stepped closer, looking deep into Fiona’s eyes. She found this young girl so arousing but was she bisexual? Would she want to? Would she let her? She didn’t want to overstep the mark but she could still see lust in the young girl’s eyes. Slowly, she sat on the bed, gently stroking Fiona’s thighs, still spread wide, lasciviously. The skin was smooth and soft and slightly damp with perspiration. Emily skimmed higher with her fingers, gently stroking, still looking deep into Fiona’s eyes, wanting to be sure in case she overstepped an unspoken boundary.
She need not have worried. Fiona was gently pinching her nipples and looked directly at Emily, smiling, inviting her. Emily began kissing the soft skin on the inside of the younger girl’s thighs, licking and probing, working her way between her widely spread legs. Her tongue extended, teasing, into the trail of cum slowly running down between her thighs. She delved deeper, scooping a white smear of semen onto the tip of her tongue. She raised her head again and looked deep into Fiona’s eyes before swallowing it.
Delving again, she worked her tongue deeper and deeper into the mess in Fiona’s pussy, cleaning up all of Tim’s sperm. Her tongue moved up, tracing over the young girl’s mons, teasing her. She could see the throbbing tip of her clit, as Fiona lifted her pelvis, willing her to lick it. Emily teased and kept circling, bringing Fiona to the brink of her orgasm and then pulling away.
Denied her orgasm several times, Fiona took control again. Just as she had with Tim, she grasped Emily’s head in both hands and directed her to what she wanted. Emily’s tongue stroked gently and firmly, flicking across the engorged clit and tipping her over the edge bringing Fiona to climax loudly. Her thighs gripped Emily’s head as she let out a huge gasp, her whole body straining with a shuddering climax. Emily kept flicking with her tongue, bringing on a series of smaller climaxes until she could take no more, lying exhausted and panting on the sweat-soaked sheets.
A little while later, Emily sat up, disentangling herself. Her face and chin were still smeared with Tim’s semen, but she was smiling contentedly.
‘Well, that’s worked a few things out of your system for now Fiona! I think that was probably your first time with a woman, wasn’t it?’
Fiona lay there and nodded slightly, unable to speak yet.
‘Well, I’m pretty sure it won’t be the last! You’re going to have some fun this weekend. Just you and me.’ She stood up.
‘Time to get cleaned up then. Take a good long shower and then I’m taking you to the beach.
Sadly there will be no trip to the beach. This is the last part of the Fiona’s story. This story was written in collaboration with another author. They are no longer online so there will be no more chapters in this saga.
Thank you all for reading. Don and Fifuxg.