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Lucy and Jerry

"Lucy wanted to have similar rights over Jerry as Elena had over John."

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Lucy and Jerry only lived around the corner from Elena and John, so it took just a few minutes for them to walk back home. Lucy did most of the talking, saying how she thought that Elena had such a good thing going, being able to spank John whenever he disobeyed her.  

Lucy kept talking because she could tell that Jerry seemed to be miles away, but she hoped that, if she kept talking about what they had just seen, he would see that she quite fancied being in the same position as Elena.  

Lucy often got frustrated with Jerry. He lost focus quickly, his mind would wonder, he was forgetful, bills weren't paid so they got final demands, he would park the car where he shouldn't and got fined, she would ask him to do things, and he would forget to do them, and Jerry would go shopping with a list, then buy things he didn't need, so wasting money. 

As Lucy had watched Elena spank John, she thought that would be a great way of managing Jerry's shortcomings. He had lots of good points, but so many that drove her mad. Giving him a spanking each time he messed up would relieve her stress and, maybe, help Jerry remember to do things better. His having to obey her would be such an added plus. 

Jerry was aware that he needed reminding all of the time by Lucy. She kept telling them to make a note of what he had to do, and he did, but still things got forgotten and missed. He knew that written reminders didn't seem to work for him at home, but could see how punishments would. 

The strange thing was, he wasn't like that at work, but just at home. However, at work, he had the incentive that if he made mistakes, he might get fired, and that made him focus. He didn't have that incentive at home, but then he wondered if a wife-led marriage would work for him and make Lucy's life better. 

When they got home and were sitting at the kitchen table having a coffee and some biscuits, Lucy wanted the discussion and demanded to know, "You've been very quiet about what we both watched, Jerry. Did you think that John was correct to submit to Elena? After all, they clearly both got seriously aroused." 

Jerry had been thinking about it as they walked home, and he was trying to get his head around why John wanted to be spanked. Actually, not just spanked but pretty much thrashed, what with being hit by the hairbrush and that rather nasty looking cat-o'-nine-tails. What Jerry couldn't quite understand, either, was why he was getting an erection. Was he getting the erection because he wanted to be Elena and in charge, or did he want to be John, so the submissive? What he did know was there was no way that Lucy would submit to being thrashed by him. However, as he kept on thinking about it, he could easily see himself submitting to Lucy.  

Jerry wasn't quite sure what to say in response to the question Lucy asked, so he just replied, "They both did look as though they were aroused, and no doubt are having sex right now." 

Having thought about how Elena was in charge of John, Lucy decided to continue with her aggressive stance, and said, "I've often thought, Jerry, that what makes sense for us, would do what Elena does to John, in terms of punishments and discipline, but we should take it further. We should become a proper wife-led marriage, with me not just controlling your discipline, but everything. After all, I know that you panic all the time when having to make any decisions, at least other than anything connected to your job, which you do seem to handle well, but here, at home, it is very different." 

Jerry listened to his wife and couldn't help but agree. He was pretty useless here at home and relied on Lucy so much. He also knew that he wasn't very good at doing whatever she wanted him to do. Even basic stuff. He supposed that, if she did punish him every time he didn't do as she wanted, he would probably soon change and do everything she wanted him to do. Of course, that would mean suffering the same kind of punishment as they had just witnessed John receiving. He just didn't know how he felt about that. 

However, wanting to explore Lucy's suggestion, Jerry did ask, "If it was officially a wife-led marriage, what would that mean?" 

Lucy was very happy to respond. "All you would have to be is as obedient as John. He has to do whatever Elena says he has to do, immediately, and without ever querying any instruction." 

When Lucy saw Jerry nod his head, she took that as him wanting to know what else. 

Lucy continued, not holding back with her authoritative tone, "You know you are crap looking after the finances. Therefore, I will take over dealing with all the finances." 

Lucy saw Jerry nod his head again, and she specifically used the word' will' rather than' would' to make it sound as though the decision had already been made to become a wife-led marriage. 

With no comment from Jerry, Lucy continued, saying, "You will have to tell your people at work that you have changed your bank account, and your salary will now go into my bank account. I will give you a weekly allowance, but that will only be £10 every week, and only if you have been a good, obedient hubby. You will have to ask if you want any more than that, and you will have to give me a very good reason, which is probably fair enough, although, I can still say no, and you will have to accept my decision." 

Lucy saw that Jerry was still nodding his head, as though agreeing. 

So, Lucy continued, "All credit cards and savings accounts will be transferred to my sole name, and I think the house and car should be transferred into my name as well." 

As there was still no interjection from Jerry, Lucy continued with, "I will set masses of rules which you will obey. Obviously, disobeying any, or even giving me a questioning look, will lead to a punishment at least as severe as what Elena just gave John." 

As Jerry remained silent, Lucy continued with, "Amongst the rules will be curfew times and bedtimes, for you anyway. On workdays, I know you normally get back home by 6:30 pm. So, on all workdays, your curfew will be no later than 7 pm. On the weekends and any holidays, you will not be allowed out of the house without my specific permission, and an agreed return home time. We will set up a private chat group. You must make a formal request to go out, and I will respond, telling you my decision. If the request is made earlier than the actual day itself, then, before going out, you will confirm the time you will return by again entering that in our chat group. With the system set up, the rule will be that even if you are a minute late, you will be subject to another seriously hard thrashing." 

As Jerry seemed to be just taking all of this in, Lucy continued, "We both know that you are crap at housework and cooking. I enjoy cooking so will continue to do that but choose every meal which you will just have to eat. We will keep on the cleaner, of course, and probably increase her hours so she can deal with all the washing and ironing and the like." 

Lucy was now quite used to Jerry nodding his head and listening, so she thought she would give him something he would really want to listen to. "Your punishment will be similar to what John had to take, but different. I will be putting you across my lap and spanking your bare bottom with both my hand and a wooden-backed hairbrush. So, that will be similar; however, rather than the cat-o'-nine-tails, I rather like the idea of using a thick senior cane. They probably don't last quite so long as floggers do, but we can get a stock in. I will want to take up the suggestion that Elena made, which was to secure you in place when I cane you. That would be with leather cuffs tied to the bed's four corners, securing your wrists and ankles. Your legs would be spread apart, as would be your arms, but the important thing would be your bottom would be perched on pillows, and, like John's bottom, will be the perfect target for me." 

Jerry still didn't say anything, realised that he was getting an erection, and that Lucy had seen the growing bulge in his trousers. He knew that he didn't have to say anything now because she would know what he was thinking because of the bulge.  

Seeing the bulge, Lucy added, "There will definitely not be a safe word for you to stop me from thrashing you. As it will be a wife-led marriage, I will be in charge and control in every respect, so I will be making every decision, that would include when each thrashing will end." 

Even with that condition, Lucy saw the growing bulge, and while she managed to force herself not to smile, she now knew that she was on the right track and that Jerry wasn't actually against it all. In a way, she wasn't surprised because he hated making decisions at home, and whenever she made a decision, to be fair, Jerry very rarely questioned it.  

So, in the same vein, Lucy continued, "I will make all of the decisions, but, just so you know, I won't even ask your opinion. In fact, you mustn't ever give me your opinion, and the only thing you need to understand is that what I say happens. End of." 

Lucy decided to go even further and said, "Now you know what punishment you will get, as a minimum, whenever you don't do as I say. However, I will also have the right to just decide that I want to spank you just because I want to. Obviously, whenever I spank you, I will also cane you. That pretty much goes without saying, of course." 

Lucy supposed she had pretty much got to the end of explaining how she saw things progressing. She was also very confident about it, because of the rather large bulge Jerry still had in his trousers. This was quite a serious erection, she told herself, which suggested so strongly, to Lucy, that this was exactly what Jerry would accept, and, maybe he had been so quiet because it was something that he had wanted and didn't ask her to put in place. 

The thought came to Lucy, that all of this could be reinforced, so she said, "What we will do is sign a contract between the two of us, setting out all of these terms and conditions. We would need to include what would happen in the very unlikely event of a divorce. The contract should say that if I decide to divorce you, everything will be split in two. You shouldn't have a way out like that, and so you won't have the right to divorce me at all." 

With still no response from Jerry, other than his head nodding in agreement, Lucy added, "Let me assure you, Jerry, I love you so much, and I know you love me, and our wife led marriage will involve me taking really good care of you, making sure that you are fed and clothed, and have a really good social life, including with me as well as with your friends. I just want the control, in fact, total control, and once everything is put in place, I will have." 

Lucy was now accepting that Jerry was not going to object, and so she asked, "Do you have any questions, darling?" 

Jerry looked at Lucy and replied, "Just one. When can we start, please?" 

Lucy could see that Jerry meant it, and she replied, "We can buy everything we need on the Internet and that will be delivered tomorrow. That is, the canes and leather cuffs. The contract will be quite straightforward, which I will prepare, together with lots of rules, but there will be the right for me to add to those rules, at my discretion. I will aim to have the contract ready for signature tomorrow." 

Jerry was happy with that. He had no doubt in his mind that he was going to sign the contract confirming theirs was now a wife-led marriage as soon as Lucy had prepared it. He would read it just to make sure he fully understood all of the rules and conditions, but he knew that he wasn't going to query even one thing. 

Once again, Jerry seemed happy with all of that, and, as he still had the bulge in his trousers, Lucy said, "I know you have not been naughty, darling, but under the contract, I will have the right to punish you even if you haven't been naughty. In fact, I want to do that right now. I know we don't have leather cuffs, but do you remember, about three years ago, I took part in that show when I played the headmistress caning a student at an adult evening class? I brought that cane home with me. I also have those handcuffs, from the other play, when I played the part of a policewoman, and have those as well." 

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Jerry remembered Lucy acting in both those shows, and, thinking how perfect it was for her, given how authoritative Lucy was, not just in those shows, but at home as well. He remembered that she practiced at home, and while she practiced using the cane on a cushion, he had wondered whether he should have suggested to Lucy that he play the part of the adult student. Mind you, when on stage, the adult student had a thick book inside his trousers, so whilst the audience heard the thwacking sound, they all saw his bottom was fully protected. 

Thinking that through, Jerry knew that his bottom wasn't going to be protected, just as John's hadn't been.  

Seeing that she had most things available now, like the hairbrush and cane, but not the leather cuffs, Lucy didn't see any reason to delay Jerry's first punishment. After all, with a bulge in his trousers, it looked like he was up for it.  

Lucy continued, "I reckon that I could secure your wrists in the handcuffs, and that way you wouldn't be able to cover your bottom with your hands when I cane you. You would be able to slide off the pillows, but, if you did, that would be breaking one of my rules and would earn you another thrashing. I don't suppose you would want that. Anyway, I rather suspect, like John, you will get an erection when I have finished, and I expect you to fire your load into me, straight after I explode with an orgasm. I know we do that plenty of times, but I expect it to be far better this way. Just be fully aware, if you don't give me a huge orgasm, that will also break one of my rules, so another reason for another spanking and caning." 

Jerry listened to what Lucy was saying, and whilst he was getting increasingly concerned because of how painful it was going to be, he certainly remembered that John ended up with an erection, and he definitely still had his own. That was crazy, but it was happening.  

Lucy continued to be in control. She told Jerry to follow her up to the bedroom.  

Jerry realised that Lucy didn't actually ask whether he was happy with being punished, but took it as though the contract was already in place. 

Once in the bedroom, Lucy went to her cupboard, and, on the top shelf right at the back, she took out the hook-ended cane and handcuffs. She put them on the bed, and piled the pillows up in the middle. So far as Jerry was concerned, this was just like what happened at Elena and John's. 

Lucy was already in a sleeveless dress with a short hem, and, as she sat on the corner of the bed, she yanked the hem of her dress up, so her legs were bare.  

As Jerry watched Lucy, he realised he loved to see her bare arms and legs, so just like John. 

Lucy glared at Jerry and ordered, "Come here, darling, take those trousers and your underpants off, actually your top as well, and get across my lap." 

Lucy didn't see any reason why Jerry shouldn't be naked, and certainly enjoyed watching him get undressed. She loved how she was in control, and Jerry was being ultra-obedient. She also knew that, just as Jerry had an erection, her knickers were now getting damp, which certainly boded well for what she hoped would happen afterwards. However, she had lots to do in the meantime, and she focused on that, as a naked Jerry came across to her and bent across her lap. 

Lucy really did know she was the alpha female as she proceeded to spank Jerry. She knew she was good at making decisions, far better than Jerry, and would be much better at looking after the finances. This spanking also showed Jerry as the obedient sub, so a wife led marriage may well work very well indeed. 

As she kept spanking Jerry, Lucy loved how his bottom cheeks surrendered to her hand, and how each bottom cheek was being turned brighter and brighter shades of red. She knew to start by spanking alternate bottom cheeks, then progressed to spanking the same bottom cheek several times in a row and the other bottom cheek several times in a row, then progressing again to spanking the same spot on the same bottom cheek several times in a row, and then the same spot on the other bottom cheek several times in a row. All the time, Jerry was clearly finding it more and more difficult to cope, squirming around on her lap, and letting out gasps, but Lucy had no intention whatsoever of giving anything other than a hard spanking. In her new position as the alpha female in the wife-led marriage and in total control, that had to be the way.  

Jerry had been worried about the pain that he would have to suffer, and, as the spanking progressed, he realised he was rightly concerned. It was hurting more than he had expected, but, as the true submissive that he now understood that he was, he knew that he couldn't complain. He also couldn't ask Lucy to stop as there was no safe word and, in any case, the one in control rightly controlled everything, including how much pain here to suffer. 

Lucy was still enjoying herself as she spanked the backs of Jerry's legs, turning them as red as his bottom cheeks. As Jerry still squirmed around on her lap, Lucy was pretty sure that, whilst, initially, she had felt his penis being pressed down on her thighs, what she knew now, was that she didn't feel his penis, and smiled to herself as she assumed that it had shrivelled up. 

Once her hand started to sting, which did take several minutes, Lucy stopped spanking Jerry with her hand, turned, picked up the hairbrush, turned back, and, without any warning, just started to spank Jerry with the hairbrush. She saw he was clearly struggling even more, given the way his gasps were much louder than before, although, to be fair, Lucy could fully understand that, as she was spanking him really hard, without any gaps between each spank. Even though Jack had not been naughty this time, Lucy knew that she wanted to make it absolutely clear that, if ever he disobeyed her, he could expect a spanking at least as hard as this. Mind you, she was still spanking him with the hairbrush, and there was the cane yet to come. 

Jack did see this as a very good lesson. As much as this spanking was hurting, he knew that he was far better off having Lucy in total control of him, telling him what to do, and all he had to do was, do it. What could be easier than that, he told himself? 

Once the bruises started to appear on Jerry's bottom, just as they had done on John's bottom earlier on, Lucy stopped spanking Jerry with the hairbrush, and was really looking forward to using the cane. She knew that when she was acting as the headmistress, making out that she was caning the other actor, knowing that he was protected by the book down the back of his trousers, she smiled to herself thinking how great it would be if that book wasn't there. Well, now, not only was there no book protecting Jerry's bottom, but there also weren't even his underpants. 

Lucy gave the very firm instruction, "Okay, Jerry, get off my lap, and lie on top of the pillows. Stretch your arms out in front of you so I can attach the handcuffs." 

Jerry again did exactly as he was told, because he wanted to, and as soon as he had his bottom perched on top of the pillow. Once Lucy had secured his wrists together with the handcuffs, he knew there was no way that he could protect his bottom, although, to be fair, he didn't want to. However, he did see it as his further willingness to be submissive to his loving but dominant wife. 

Once Lucy had secured Jack's wrists in the handcuffs, she picked up the cane, swished it a couple of times so that Jack could hear that swishing sound, and positioned herself, placing the cane so that the end did not go beyond his bottom cheeks. After all, why hit the air when the cane could hit his bottom? 

Jack lay with his bottom perched on the pillows and felt the cane resting on his bottom. He didn't know why, but he did know that this was something that he really wanted to suffer. He saw it as the full transfer of control to his wife, knowing that this would happen time and again, or rather, would if he didn't obey her every single time. Well, he knew from history, that he would never be able to do anything one hundred percent. Therefore, he fully expected to be caned time after time.  

Lucy was ready to use the cane, and said, "Twenty-four strokes, Jerry. Don't expect any gaps between any of them." 

Jerry heard the tariff, and supposed that all those strokes without a gap may well be easier than having those strokes with gaps. It was all very well having time to recover between each stroke, but better that he got the punishment over with. At least, he hoped that was better. 

Lucy then proceeded to land the cane time and again, and whilst she didn't leave a gap between each stroke, there was enough of a gap, as she raised the cane back up above her head, for her to see the growing number of raised welts that were developing. She found them rather pretty, particularly on top of the blue bruises.  

As Jack lay there, taking stroke after stroke, Lucy saw another true benefit. She kept telling herself, how, all this time she had argued with Jerry, berated him, told him he wasn't doing things well enough, told him he was making mistakes, and she thought that he listened to her. However, he didn't, but he was certainly going to listen to this, she told herself, as she kept on with stroke after stroke of the cane.  

This really was far more pain than Jack ever thought he would have to cope with, but, what with making sure he stayed perched on top of the pillows, he really didn't mind the fact that he was now crying. In fact, he saw that as a show of respect to Lucy.  

Lucy had set herself the tariff of twenty-four strokes of the cane, making sure each stroke was a hard one. She wasn't surprised at all that Jerry was crying, but hoped that, because she was so turned on by the control that she now had over her truly submissive husband, it would lead to some great sex. 

As Jerry calmed down, with his bottom stinging so crazily, what was so great for him was that his erection was returning. He found that so exciting because it meant that, even if he was naughty and punished, he could still have an erection straight afterwards. 

When Lucy saw Jerry's erection returning, it was just what she had hoped for. In fact, making love to her husband, with his tears flooding down his face, got her even more excited so that her vulva was throbbing. She didn't wait for Jerry to calm down anymore, but lay on the bed, pushing Jerry off the pillows, and then guiding him back on top of her. She kissed him, and he returned her kisses, showing that he was aroused. Lucy then guided Jerry's erect penis into her vagina; he didn't need to be told to gyrate, in and out, increasing her feelings of arousal, with her letting out louder and louder erotic gasps. 

The brilliant thing was that, as Lucy came, Jerry emptied his load into her straight afterwards, so she knew her new wife-led marriage was going to work well on the lovemaking front as well as Jerry's obedience. 

Jerry was absolutely thrilled that he came so powerfully, which told him, without doubt, that his submission to Lucy, putting her in total control, even of their lovemaking, was going to lead to them both having a far more loving and meaningful marriage than when he saw himself as equal to her. He knew that this was definitely a prime example of where a wife-led marriage made so much sense.  

So did Lucy. 

Written by SusanHarper
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Interesting story . Well written .

Fine story, but why is it, that the women in that kind of stories nearly allwaysend up with doing every ting to the extremes, like all bank account into her name, the house to and the car.

What Elena and John are doing is a sex game, but it seems like Lucy is about to transfer everything to herself and next step is to dump him.😲

So bee careful Jerry.😉

Great story, Susan, although I’m not sure I could cope with that power exchange 24/7!