Elena and John were happily married and were very much in love. John was sixty, and Elena was fifty-five.
Both Elena and John were also into BDSM. Elena really did enjoy punishing John, albeit the punishment was occasionally because John had done something wrong in her eyes, but mainly just because she enjoyed so much giving him a spanking. She also got aroused by punishing John, so, when Elena asked, John would agree, simply because he knew how much she enjoyed doing it. On the other hand, whilst happy enough to suffer the pain lovingly inflicted by his wife, John didn't get sexually aroused by it, neither during nor after the punishment, He knew he wanted that to change, and had always hoped that one day it would.
The punishment so lovingly inflicted by Elena would quite often be Elena putting John across her lap, spanking his bare bottom with her hand, a wooden-backed hairbrush, and also using a cat-o'-nine-tails. Whilst Elena got very excited, with her vulva vibrating, John didn't get excited himself, even afterwards. So, when Elena wanted an orgasm after punishing John, John found the only thing he could do was give her tongue sex. She did orgasm, but John never did.
That got John more and more annoyed with himself because he felt he was failing Elena, the love of his life. He knew he wanted to change that, which was why John gave a lot of thought as to how he might get aroused after a punishment to get a stiff erection, and then be able to insert his erect penis into Elena's quivering vulva, and both have huge orgasms.
One serious problem that John knew may well be causing his failure to get an erection, was that he could only take so much pain happily. Therefore, when he couldn't take any more, there was no formal safe word, but he would ask Elena to stop, which was normally when she was using the cat-o'-nine-tails. He knew that, because Elena loved him so much, she did stop, but was always disappointed when he failed to get an erection. However, she didn't think it right to carry on when John asked her to stop. So, John had wondered if stopping because he couldn't cope was the problem.
John had carried out research, online, and what he discovered was that, whilst he asked Elena to stop when he couldn't take any more, others said that, if they were being taken beyond what they could cope with, even if they cried buckets, then, afterwards, the stinging cascading across their bottoms and the back of their legs actually get them aroused to the extent that they would get a stiff erection. Therefore, today, John decided he would ask Elena to punish him well beyond what he could cope with, to see whether that would give him an erection. He told himself that he had to do it because he loved Elena so much, and wanted to make her happy.
John had been out for a walk when he had made the decision to do that. As soon as he got home, John went straight into the living room, saw Elena, and said, "Elena. I would love you to give me a spanking that takes me well beyond what I can cope with, to see whether that gets me aroused so I can give you the sex that you want afterwards."
John stopped there as he saw the look of surprise on Elena's face. He always saw Elena as an alpha female, although he was an alpha male himself, but neither worried about the fact that John was submissive when it came to being spanked by Elena. Hence, he was surprised at the look she gave him.
It was only then that John looked towards the L-shaped part of the living room, and saw Elena's friend, Lucy, and Jerry, Lucy's husband and his own friend. Even though he and Elena had known them for many many years, they did not know that Elena spanked John.
Realising his error, but before he could say anything, Lucy said, "I would rather like to watch you being spanked by Elena." Lucy even glanced towards Jerry, and it became patently clear that Jerry must have had similar thoughts because he was blushing whilst Lucy was smiling.
Elena knew she enjoyed punishing John, even though, whilst she got aroused, he didn't. She was momentarily worried that spanking John in front of their friends might be too humiliating for John, but then told herself that he was the one who mentioned it, and, maybe, being punished in front of their friends might be humiliating enough to get him aroused enough to make love properly afterwards, and not just give her tongue sex. So, knowing it would humiliate John, but, at the same time, maybe make him aroused, she said in her authoritative alpha female voice, "Of course, John, I will give you another spanking."
Elena emphasised the word, 'another,' especially for their friends, knowing it would increase John's humiliation.
Elena saw John bite his lip, but he didn't try to withdraw his request or say he was joking. She saw that as his acceptance, and a real opportunity to see if humiliation would get him aroused.
Elena then decided to explain to her friends, albeit directing the comment more to Lucy than to Jerry, "Last year, as we were really into me spanking John, we purchased some BDSM gear. I bought a leather low-cut sleeveless top with a zip at the front, which shows off my bare arms and bare midriff, and also some micro leather shorts, leaving practically my whole legs bare. We then also bought a cat-o'-nine-tails and a leather flogger. Since then, I have spanked John regularly, probably once a week, sometimes more. Usually, I spank him because I want to, but there are occasions when I am annoyed with him and simply demand the right to spank him, and he always accepts that. It's actually quite a good way to settle things rather than have an argument." Elena gave a sarcastic smile as she added, "For me, anyway."
Elena decided that explaining that John didn't get aroused, and only gave her tongue sex afterwards, would be a step too far as far as humiliation was concerned.
As John listened to Elena's explanation, he was initially excited, but then very concerned about her possibly telling them he couldn't get an erection. He was certainly relieved when she didn't describe that bit to them.
To reinforce her control, though, Elena added, "Just to be clear, Lucy, when I give John a punishment spanking because he had made me cross, which I do regularly, I just wear whatever I am wearing at the time. Spanking him makes me relaxed when I am stressed, and John agreed that I could do that. After all, when I spank him, for whatever reason, I am the Dom, and he is my sub."
Elena then turned to John and said, "From what you said when you first came into the room, this time you want me to spank you well beyond what you can cope with. I know, up until now, when the pain gets too much for you, you asked me to stop, and, I do. Today, you want that to change, and I will certainly be spanking you and beating you with the cat-o'-nine-tails well beyond what you can cope with, expecting you to be crying buckets. It means, that even if you do ask me to stop, I won't. After all, that was what you have just asked for, and I am agreeing to do that, and won't let you wimp out. Therefore, I do not expect you to object."
John knew that that was exactly what he had decided to ask for, and, he actually asked for it, albeit blurting it out as he came into the room. He doubted he would have said it if he had seen Lucy and Jerry were also in the room. However, for some reason, he felt more aroused than normal by the prospect of being spanked in front of them, so maybe that had worked out for the best. Mind you, he also felt pressure, because if he now asked Elena to stop hitting him, he wouldn't look very good in front of his friends, knowing, in any case, Elena made it clear that, if he did wimp out, as she put it, she wouldn't stop this time. As much as it worried him, he knew he wanted Elena to have that full control. So, Elena was right to say what she did say, and so have all the control.
Deciding that things had been settled, Elena looked at John, and said, "So, we will do this right now, John, and Lucy and Jerry will both watch."
As well as giving Elena full control, John saw the benefit of being spanked in front of their friends, as a new experience, for one thing, and, hopefully, along with the pain, even more humiliating for him, and so, hopefully, an even bigger turn on. Therefore, John gladly replied, "Yes please, Elena."
Elena then replied, "Okay, John, I'll go and get changed. Lucy will come with me. You and Jerry will wait here, and no speaking or your punishment will be increased. I think you should address me as, 'Mistress,' and not use my name at all throughout your punishment. You will also only follow my instructions, immediately, and the only time that will stop, is when I say you can. Oh, of course, Lucy and I will be watching when you get undressed, but then whilst I've done that lots of times before, Lucy hasn't. Anyway, that is what will happen."
John heard all of the instructions, and what he realised was that he was getting an even stiffer erection. He was really hopeful about that, as he replied, "Yes, Mistress."
As Elena heard John's agreement, she saw an increasing bulge developing in his trousers, although managed not to smile. On the other hand, as she turned and walked out of the room, with Lucy, she realised that she was having greater feelings of arousal herself, and was quite happy with the fact that she was going to go and wear her BDSM outfit, because, she had to admit to rather enjoying wearing it.
John and Jerry waited downstairs, not even whispering as Jerry, in particular, was worried that if Lucy heard him speaking, she would insist on spanking him. He didn't fancy that at all.
After what seemed like an age to both John and Jerry, but was probably only four or five minutes, they heard Elena commanding from upstairs, "Come up here, both of you. To the bedroom."
John and Jerry immediately did as they were told, John wanting to, and he still had his erection as he walked into the bedroom. He saw Elena in her BDSM outfit, and that nearly blew him away again. He just loved her bare arms, bare legs, bare tummy, and he found Elena just then the most beautiful woman he had ever looked at.
Elena had enjoyed changing into her BDSM outfit. The cat-o'-nine-tails was now on the bed, close to the pillows that she had piled up in the middle of the bed. As she stood and watched John and Jerry come into the bedroom, she could see the look of surprise on Jerry's face, and could also see so easily that John loved what he saw.
After just a few moments, Elena commanded, "Get undressed, John. You need to be spanked really hard and you being undressed is best, as always."
John saw the smile on Lucy's face, and concern on Jerry's, but was still all up for this. He quickly undid his shirt, slid it down his arms, folded it, and put it on the chest of drawers. He then undid his trousers, pushed them down to the floor, catching his underpants on the way, stepped out of both, scooped them up, folded them, and put them on top of his shirt. It was the middle of summer, so he didn't have any socks on, and was now fully naked. He stood still, waiting for Elena to give the next instruction.
Elena had already turned her dressing table chair into the room, and, as John watched her walk over to it, he saw that her wooden-backed hairbrush was within easy reach on the dressing table. As she sat down, John heard Elena's very firm instruction, "Come here, and get across my lap."
John followed Elena's every instruction, and wanted to, as he went and stood by her, looked at her bare thighs and realised his erection got even stiffer, no doubt with the anticipation. He quickly eased himself down across Elena's bare thighs, pressing his erect penis down on her thighs, balancing with his hands on the floor, and settling down. He did like the sight of Elena's bare upside down legs, also her painted toenails, and then loved even more as she started to rub his bottom.
In addition, this time, he saw Lucy's bare upside down legs standing close to his face, and that added to his humiliation, and arousal.
As John bent down across her lap and she saw his erection, which told her that he was still aroused, she took that as a good sign. She knew that her vulva was quivering, so another good sign. She did smile to herself, though, knowing that John's erection wouldn't still be there after being spanked and getting up from her lap to go over to the bed. She knew that Lucy would notice that for sure.
Elena rubbed John's bottom just a few times, and, as he stayed obediently in place, so she raised her hand and brought her palm down on his far bottom cheek, then again on his near bottom cheek, and then time and again on alternate bottom cheeks. She knew that she would be giving a hard spanking, harder than usual, and so built up the strength of the spanks as she continued to land her hand on his bottom. She did see, as usual, how his bottom cheeks surrendered to her hand, and that made her spank him even harder.

Elena knew that John's bottom would be stinging more and more as she spanked the same bottom cheek several times in a row, then the other bottom cheek several times in a row, then the same spot on the same bottom cheek several times in a row, and the same spot on the other bottom cheek several times in a row. All the time, John's gasps got louder and louder, but he stayed in position and took every spank, even as she spanked the backs of his legs dozens of times. Elena saw that John was still coping, though.
As his bottom and legs started to sting, John knew that he was nowhere near being unable to cope, and was very happy as Elena continued to spank him. He always liked looking at her calf muscles as they tensed, which he had quickly understood to be the sign that her hand was coming down once again to land on his bottom, and a continuing sign of his submission.
Elena had spanked John for several minutes, when she knew that her hand was beginning to sting, but that didn't matter as she turned, picked up the hairbrush, turned back, tapped John's bottom a couple of times, said to him, "Now for the hairbrush, John," and proceeded to spank him with it.
John immediately noticed the difference between Elena's hand and the hairbrush, but he reckoned he was still coping reasonably well, although was letting out gasps after most of the spanks. He could also tell that his eyesight was getting blurred, judging from the way that Elena's upside down legs, as well as Lucy's, now looked so blurred. However, all of that was normal, and he always coped with the pain added by the hairbrush. It was the cat-o'-nine-tails that was the problem.
What John also heard throughout the spanking, was Lucy encouraging Elena to spank him even harder, which Elena agreed to, and did. That was also humiliating for him, but both Elena and Lucy would have realised it.
As Elena continued to spank John with the hairbrush, listened to his gasps as his bottom was flattened each time the hairbrush landed, far more effectively than when she spanked his bottom with her hand, she could see that he was still coping, as expected. What she also felt, however, was more enjoyment than she had expected to feel by spanking John in front of their friends. Her vulva was also throbbing more than usual, and she was more than happy to continue spanking John with the audience, to see whether she would get even more aroused, and, more importantly just then, hoped that John would stay aroused.
John was struggling more and more with an increasingly stinging bottom, but still wanted Elena to continue, which Elena was doing.
Lucy was still egging Elena on, to Elena's delight, and John's added humiliation, although he realised that, hearing Lucy encourage Elena to spank harder, was making him even more aroused.
Elena didn't count how many times she had spanked John's bottom with the hairbrush, although did notice that some bruises were beginning to develop. She wasn't even the slightest worried, nor concerned, that she had gone on too long, as she realised that, whilst John was gasping louder and louder, he was still staying in position. That told her bundles, about John's desire to continue to be spanked harder than usual. The bruises told her, though, that it was time to stop with the hairbrush and move on to the cat-o'-nine-tails.
Accordingly, Elena stopped spanking John, and instructed, "Okay, John, get off my lap, get onto the bed, and perch your bottom on top of those pillows. Make sure your hands are stretched out in front of you, clasping hold of the end of the mattress."
John knew that his bottom was stinging like it had never done before, after the hairbrush, and that the cat-o'-nine-tails was going to make his bottom sting even more. Even so, he told himself that all he wanted to do now was perch his bottom on top of those pillows and for Elena to hit him really hard, time after time, with the cat-o'-nine-tails. So, immediately, he pushed himself up from Elena's lap, stood, stepped across to the bed, kneeled on the bed, lay on top of the pillows, making sure his bottom was perched right on top of them, stretched his arms in front of him so he clasped hold of the end of the mattress, and waited.
Having given John the instruction to get onto the bed, Elena could see how he was struggling, and yet did as he was told. She knew he wanted to be thrashed with the cat-o'-nine-tails, with the only query whether he could take the more intense thrashing she was going to give him this time. What she knew, though, was that she needn't stop if he asked her to, and she rather liked that idea.
It was as she picked up the cat-o'-nine-tails, that Elena realised that she was actually smiling at the thought of being able to hit John much harder than usual with it, knowing she had said he would show himself up for being a wimp if he asked her to stop. She knew that she didn't have sadistic tendencies, but that she was doing what John wanted her to do, although she did feel excited about the prospect. Even better, was that she was feeling really aroused at the prospect of taking John beyond what he could cope with, and really hoped it would turn him on much more than ever before.
As Elena stood there, resting the tails on John's bottom, she fully intended to reduce him to tears and beyond, and would soon enough find out if John would keep to his word and wouldn't ask for mercy or for her to stop as they would both see that as a failure on his part. Elena was happy with that, as both she and John agreed that she was the Dom here, and so only she should decide when to stop.
Elena raised the cat-o'-nine-tails up above her head and brought it down with a loud thwack on John's bottom. She saw how his bottom cheeks flattened even more than with the hairbrush, and this time his gasp was the loudest so far. However, as he stayed in position, and didn't ask her to go more lightly, she took that as his unspoken agreement for her to continue, not that she needed it this time. Even so, she happily landed lash after lash with the cat-o'-nine-tails, realising that she was enjoying it more than usual.
John forced himself to cope like he had not had to cope with any of the rest of the punishment, nor any previous punishment. This really hurt, but, as Elena was continuing to land lash after lash, he didn't want to let her down, and wanted her to continue to control the whole punishment. He forced himself to stay in position by clasping hold of the far end of the mattress, and was actually delighted that he could do so, even as the pain got greater and greater and more intense than he had ever suffered before.
Then it happened, John started to cry, but still wanted to be thrashed some more. He did not want to be seen as a wimp, although, more importantly, he wanted to know if this would lead to his arousal afterwards, and the full-on sex that he knew Elena wanted, and he wanted to give her.
Elena heard the crying and told herself she was now beyond what John could cope with, but kept going to see whether that would be what would get John seriously aroused afterwards. She still landed lash after lash, and loved how John forced himself to stay perched on top of the pillows. She thought that, if this were to happen again, tying him down would make sense, but she had to see John's reaction first.
Elena hadn't counted how many times she landed that cat-o'-nine-tails on John's bottom, but could see even more bruises developing. So, she took the decision to end the punishment.
Elena saw John breathing so deeply and still sobbing, clearly trying to cope, but staying in position, presumably until told by her to move. She left him there, but asked Lucy what she thought, knowing John would hear the discussion, and hopefully be humiliated and excited.
As John stayed in place on the pillows, he was just so pleased that he had managed to last out the punishment, and that Elena had taken full control of everything. As he lay there, he really didn't know if he still had an erection, but just then didn't care. After all, how could anyone have an erection with their bottom stinging so much, he asked himself. Hopefully, though, it would come back a bit later on.
Elena waited until she thought that John had calmed down and then said. "Okay, John, you can get up now. We have things to do." Elena added that last comment to see if that helped John get aroused, and an erection.
John heard the instruction, slid off the pillows, then off the bed, and managed to stand.
As soon as Elena saw that John was standing, albeit with a fairly floppy penis, she knew it was probably too early for the erection to come back. So, hoping that humiliation would help, she instructed, "Put your hands on your head."
Jack was excited by the instruction, and immediately responded, "Yes, mistress," and did as he was told, clasping his hands on top of his head.
Elena then asked Lucy, "What did you think of that then? Don't I have a very obedient husband?"
Lucy responded, "Yes you do, very obedient. It must give you a lot of satisfaction."
As Lucy said that, she did glance towards Jerry, smiling. She saw Jerry blush, and look at the floor, and, although she saw no bulge in his trousers, she didn't write off having a discussion about something very similar to what they had just witnessed, when they got home.
John's vision was blurred, so he didn't see any of this, but did hear the discussion. As he heard it, what he realised, was that he was getting an erection, and it felt like a stiff one.
Both Elena and Lucy saw the erection developing, looked at each other, and smiled.
Elena said, still smiling, "Perhaps you and Jerry could leave us alone up here, whilst John and I sort that out?"
Lucy knew what that meant, and immediately said, "Jerry, we need to get home."
Elena knew that she was even more aroused than usual after having spanked John, and was even happier as she saw John's erection.
John saw the blurred images of Lucy and Jerry walking out of the bedroom, and heard the door closing after themselves, presumably going downstairs and leaving the house. It was just a few seconds after the bedroom door was closed, that Elena commanded, "Let's use your erect penis, John. Take me doggy style."
Whilst John had never done that before, he saw that as further submission, and felt his erection getting even stiffer. He could see that Elena had taken off her leather shorts and knickers, and also took off the leather top and her bra. That meant that she was also naked as she bent over, placing her hands on the bed, and her legs apart.
Elena gave the instruction, "Enter me, John, caress my breasts, and let's do it."
What followed was just so wonderful for both Elena and John, as John took Elena's breasts in his hands, clearly feeling her taut nipples, and then eased his erect penis into Elena's already very wet vagina. He gyrated whilst letting out erotic gasps, and loved the fact that Elena was also letting out loud erotic gasps, and it took hardly any time, it seemed, before they both exploded in huge orgasms.
Elena knew that she was up for more lovemaking, so manoeuvred John's penis out of her vagina, stood up, turned, put her hands on John's face, and practically fell back together onto the bed.
John knew this was the bigger test, and he was so delighted to know that his penis stiffened again almost immediately, as he inserted himself once again into Elena's incredibly wet vagina, gyrated again, and both he and Elena again let out huge orgasmic gasps, until they both exploded again, and both had another huge orgasm.
As they both lay there, recovering, John still kissing and sucking Elena's breasts and nipples, they were both still hugely excited, and were certainly more than a little exhausted. However, they both reckoned that there would be more lovemaking when they got to bed tonight.
As they did calm down, Elena said to John, "Do we need to ask Lucy and Jerry to come over again next time I punish you?"
John was very confident with the answer when he replied, "I don't think that will be necessary, mistress, but, taking me well beyond what I could cope with, was the most fabulous foreplay. I know that the humiliation of having Lucy and Jerry there helped, this time, but I do think it was the extra pain that did it for me. That won't need Lucy and Jerry, but just you."
Elena smiled as she replied, "In that case, you can stop calling me, mistress. I can't wait until the next time, John."
John replied, smiling, "Neither can I, Elena, neither can I."