Janet, who was thirty-eight, lived with her husband, Marty, who was forty.
The community they lived in was where, in every household, the women were in charge and the men did as they were told. The men lived like this because they wanted to. When the husband didn't do as he was told, in any way at all, then the wife could call in a Local Enforcement Officer, always a woman, who would listen to what the wife said, but not to what the husband said, make her decision, and decide on the level of punishment.
What had been decided amongst the community, was that the wives would not be the ones to discipline their husbands. It was felt that should be left to those who were professionally trained.
Today, Janet had every reason to be annoyed with Marty. She spoke very firmly to him when she said. "What do you mean, no? You don't have the right to say no to me, or to any female. In our community, whilst the women are in charge, we do, as a matter of courtesy, ask our husbands for permission. However, the husbands are not allowed to say no or counter with any alternative suggestions whatsoever. You know very well that is the case, Marty, so why are you arguing with me?"
Marty knew that he had done wrong, but sometimes just couldn't stop himself. He replied, "I didn't say, no, to mean, no. I was going to make a suggestion, that is all."
Janet scoffed at Marty, and said, "I think that's even worse. You know that we women don't care at all what the opinions of the men folk are. You are there to do as you are told, and no more or less. I really don't have any alternative but to call in the Local Enforcement Officer."
Marty didn't want that to happen, and pleaded, "Please, Janet, not the Local Enforcement Officer. That is Olivia, who lives just two doors away and is sixteen. I go to the pub with her dad, at least whenever you give me permission to, and he is always telling us all just how hard a thrashing his daughter gives the men who she has to deal with. Please, Janet, could you send me to your mother instead? She had been a Local Enforcement Officer and knows exactly how to deal with us men. In fact, if you send me to her, she can give me double the punishment."
Janet knew that all of the Local Enforcement Officers were teenage girls. It was deliberately done that way to encourage the men folk to be more obedient. Later on, those girls then go on and take responsible jobs, always with men reporting to them, and that has been shown to produce far better results than when the men were in charge. That was why this community changed everything so that only women could be in charge.
Still really annoyed with Marty, Janet replied, "I get your request for double the punishment, but I will be calling Olivia, and telling her that you want double the normal punishment. You really do have to learn that my word is law, and, whilst I do love you, your opinions really don't matter."
Marty knew that he would get nowhere by arguing any further. He was even kicking himself for the fact that he did argue and, as soon as he had said the word, 'no,' knew that he was going to be in trouble.
Marty stood there as Janet messaged the Local Law Enforcement Office, and requested Olivia attend to deal with her husband. The reply came back, almost immediately, saying that Officer Olivia was free to come now, and that Janet should tell Marty to get undressed, pile three pillows on the bed, have the leather wrist and ankle cuffs in position, and be ready to pay the penalty.
It was also very standard to have leather cuffs attached to each of the four corners of a bed, to secure the men in place for when they needed to be disciplined. It made sure that the man being punished couldn't wriggle around and avoid the punishment.
Janet gave Marty the instruction to go to the spare bedroom where his punishments were carried out, get undressed, take the senior cane out of the cupboard, put it on the bed, and make sure that the leather cuffs were in place. She reminded him that the wooden-backed hairbrush was already on the desk in the spare bedroom.
Marty knew there was nothing to be gained from doing anything other than obeying his wife. Of course, he knew that she was totally correct in the way that she had dealt with him. He also knew that he had been totally incorrect and that what was going to happen to him was going to be extremely painful for him, but the right thing to happen.
Marty went straight upstairs to the spare bedroom, and the first thing he did was get undressed. He knew he had to be undressed without fail before Officer Olivia turned up. He also knew that he had to get used to addressing her as, Officer Olivia, because anything other than showing total respect led to an even harsher punishment.
Once undressed, Marty made sure that the leather cuffs were in place, with the cuffs themselves sitting on top of the bed. He also placed three pillows in the centre of the bed, knowing that he would have to perch his bottom on top of them, making his bottom the ideal target for the senior cane which he took out of the cupboard and put on the bed. He saw that the hairbrush was sitting on top of the desk by the bed, and left it there.
Just a few minutes later, the doorbell rang. Marty heard Janet open the door and welcome Olivia in. Of course, Janet didn't have to refer to Olivia as, Officer Olivia, because, being a woman, they were both of equal standing. It was only the men that were further down the social scale.
Marty also heard Janet tell Olivia that he was upstairs in the spare bedroom at the front of the house, and, as the house Officer Olivia lived in had the same layout as this one, she knew exactly where that was.
Marty heard Officer Olivia making her way upstairs. The next moment, Officer Olivia walked into the spare bedroom. It was, of course, quite noticeable that she didn't knock on the door or do anything other than walk straight in. That was her position, and how she had been taught at the Local Enforcement Officer's Training Centre.
Marty saw that Officer Olivia quickly looked around the room to make sure everything was in place, and, as she did, Marty winced as he saw the teenager and looked her up and down, as he had done when seeing her in the street, knowing that one day she would be disciplining him. Well, the day had come. As he looked at her, he did like her long dark hair, tied into a bun, but so beautifully framing her face. She was wearing the standard short-sleeved beige shirt, which showed off her well-toned bare arms. Law Enforcement Officers always kept themselves fit by going to the gym and doing weights, which was why they were able to thrash the men so hard. She was also wearing the standard short beige skirt and had bare legs. That was also standard because it had been shown, so many times, that whilst it was a punishment, lots of the men relished being disciplined, and would have erections even before they bent across the Officer's lap. They would leak during the punishment, and that would stain the Officer's skirt. Therefore, they wore very short skirts so that, when they were seated, and the man lowered himself across her lap, if he did leak when being spanked, then at least it would be on her bare thighs.
Marty knew that he was one of those men who got aroused by being punished. Like most of them, he could never understand why, because every punishment really was so painful. He hadn't been punished for three months because the previous Officer, also a teenage girl, but one who lived several hundred yards away, had retired, or, rather, gone off to work in a senior position. When Officer Olivia was appointed, it really shook Marty as he knew her dad so well, and he tried so hard to be good. He knew he would fail, eventually, and did today.
The one thing that never perplexed Marty, or the other men regularly punished, was that each Local Enforcement Officer, like Officer Olivia, was a teenager. After all, when bent across her lap, or perched on the pillows being caned, their age really wasn't the issue.
Officer Olivia was happy with the way that the room was prepared, and did then look at Marty, and specifically at his penis, and smiled when she saw that he was erect. Good, she told herself, she really did prefer it when the man she was punishing was aroused like this, because she could then practice the really hard spanks and strokes of the cane that she wanted to practice, knowing that he probably preferred that.
Officer Olivia was also well aware that her father was very friendly with this offender. Of course, she never treated him as a person, but simply as an offender. That also got her into the right mindset, again as taught to her at the Local Law Enforcement Centre.
Officer Olivia then went and sat down on the chair which was high-backed, making sure that her skirt was yanked right up to the top of her thighs. She then glared at the offender and ordered, "Get across my lap."
Marty knew he had to be respectful and replied, "Yes, miss." He knew not to use her name or anything that showed he thought he was equal to, or even superior to, the Local Enforcement Officer. After all, she was a woman, and so was superior to him in every way. Marty was just annoyed with himself for questioning Janet with just one totally disallowed word for all men. The word, no.
Marty went and stood by Officer Olivia, quickly looked down at her lap, which was another mistake, because when he saw her bare thighs he realised his erection was getting even stiffer, and so quickly bent down across her lap, lowering his erect penis onto her thighs.
As soon as he had settled down, so Marty felt Officer Olivia's hand rubbing his bottom in circles, just a couple of times, and then she raised her hand and brought her palm down on his bottom cheek, with a whacking sound that echoed around the room.
Officer Olivia knew how to give a really hard spanking, and proceeded to land spank after spank on the offender's bottom. She never minded the fact that her hand would sting a bit, always telling herself that, as much as her hand might sting, the offender's bottom really was going to sting much more intensely. That enabled her to spank the offender for several minutes, without any gap, changing tack from time to time to spanking the same bottom cheek several times in a row and then the other bottom cheek several times in a row, and even the same spot on the same bottom cheek several times in a row and then the same spot on the other bottom cheek several times in a row. She wasn't expecting the offender to be crying yet but was confident that that would surely come.
Once Officer Olivia was happy with the hand spanking, she picked up the hairbrush and proceeded to use that on the offender's bottom. It was no surprise to her that each time the hairbrush landed, so that bottom cheek flattened, and got redder and redder. What she also enjoyed, was after the first few dozen spanks with the hairbrush, both bottom cheeks started to bruise. She knew, from experience, that that was the right thing to happen, and she never lightened up with the spanks, but, in fact, made them even harder.

Marty knew he would deal with the hand spanking, even though his bottom would sting, but always found coping with the hairbrush much more difficult. The thwacking noises were louder as they echoed around the room, and he knew that he was letting out gasps and also yelps, as he was squirming around on Officer Olivia's lap. By this stage, he never even dwelt on the fact that she was just a teenager, in fact, sixteen, because he knew that she was dealing with him in exactly the right way, making him suffer, and teaching him not to question anything his wife ever said. Also, yes, he fully understood that his opinions were irrelevant, and only Janet's, or any other woman's, were the only ones that were relevant.
Once Officer Olivia was happy with the way that she had given the bare bottom across her lap several bruises, she knew that she still had the cane to give him. She therefore ordered, "Right, offender, get off my lap, and put your bottom on top of those pillows on the bed. Do it now."
As much as Marty was relieved that he could get up off Officer Olivia's lap and that part of the punishment was over, he knew that he still had to face being caned. He did as he was told, though, and, of course, very quickly and obediently, perched himself on top of those pillows knowing that his bottom was the highest point of his body, and such an easy target.
Once Officer Olivia saw the offender was in position, she secured first of all the wrist cuffs, and then the ankle cuffs. She knew that the offender would not be able to avoid any of the cane strokes that she was going to give him, but, she didn't need to care as that was never her problem.
Whilst talking to offenders was not something that they had to do, Officer Olivia did know she had one thing to say. "Your wife told me that you have asked for double the normal punishment. I have already given you double the number of spanks with the hairbrush, and now you will be getting seventy-two strokes of the cane."
That was when Marty was faced with the absolutely clear fact so many spanks of the hairbrush, and now those extra thirty-six strokes of the cane, were his fault, and only his fault. He should never have asked Janet to send him to her mother. He was completely out of order asking for that. It was also so silly to want to avoid being disciplined by Officer Olivia, the daughter of one of his very good friends because it had always been so unlikely that he would have avoided being punished during her time in that position. So, he knew that the first thirty-six strokes were all extras, and he also knew that if he made any comment whatsoever, then seventy-two strokes could easily become a hundred and eight, or even more. Of course, he also knew that the maximum number of strokes an Officer would give in one session was a hundred strokes. That Officer would return two days later and give the balance of the strokes. Eight didn't sound as though they would be many, but, Marty knew from experience, and the experience of several of his friends who had also had that exact thing happen to them, that eight strokes two days after receiving a hundred strokes, as well as being spanked with that wooden-backed hairbrush, was the last thing he would want.
Once Officer Olivia had secured the leather cuffs, she picked up the cane, swished it a couple of times so that the offender could hear it, and positioned herself, although was very well experienced in knowing where to position herself to make sure that the whole of the cane landed on the offender's bottom and that the end didn't hit clear, air, and then landed that first stroke. She always loved that first stroke, watching the cane bite into the offender's bottom which was already red and bruised. She also loved the much louder gasp that the offender made, compared to all of the earlier gasps and yelps.
Olivia then proceeded to land stroke after stroke, leaving just a few seconds between each stroke. After all, she didn't want to give the offender time to recover from each stroke, but, instead, let the stinging pain intensify. There was never any gap, either, after every six or twelve strokes, but she just went on and on, as she was trained to do.
The very first thing that the girls were taught when they were training to be Local Enforcement Officers, was to have no sympathy whatsoever for the offender. After all, they were the ones who had committed the offence, so why have any sympathy for them? She supposed that it was built in to some men that they still thought they were superior to women, but Officer Olivia knew that that was so far from the reality.
In fact, Officer Olivia knew that, when she dated boys, she would be reporting them if they showed any disrespect whatsoever, knowing that it would be her work colleagues who would carry out the punishment. She had already done that for some of her work colleagues, disciplining the boyfriends they had. Of course, the boys continued to go out with her work colleagues but were more contrite, more respectful, and better boyfriends for it.
Even when Officer Olivia had got to thirty-six strokes, she didn't waiver at all. She told herself, from the beginning, that the tariff was seventy-two strokes, and resolutely geared herself up to that. On and on, she landed those strokes. She had started about halfway down the offender's bottom cheeks, landing stroke after stroke, each marginally below the one before. However, no bottom was ever large enough to take seventy-two parallel lines of strokes. Of course, Officer Olivia was well-used to criss-crossing those strokes, just as she was doing today.
Marty never counted the number of strokes he was getting, because even if he thought there were too many given to him, there was nothing ever to stop the Enforcement Officer from increasing the number of strokes, for any reason whatsoever, or, in fact, for no reason other than the fact that she wanted to. He just lay there, taking stroke after stroke, knowing total control lay with Officer Olivia. Why not, he told himself, because, although she was just sixteen, she knew exactly what to do to make this a very painful punishment.
Marty knew that he was pulling at the wrist cuffs, and squirming around on top of the pillows, but there was nowhere for him to go. There was no way for him to cover his bottom with his hands, and, he was actually thankful that he was secured by the wrist cuffs because, if he did even once actually cover his bottom, he knew the penalty for that was that the caning would start all over again.
When, eventually, Officer Olivia had reached the seventy-two strokes, and, as usual, made sure the last six were harder than all the previous strokes, she looked down at the beautifully welted bottom staring up at her, and knew that she had given a correctly very hard caning. She even enjoyed listening to the sobs coming from Marty, a grown man, reduced to tears by her, as he should be.
Officer Olivia still didn't feel the need to say anything, not even saying the punishment was over, but, instead, showed that to be the case by undoing the wrist cuffs first and then the ankle cuffs. She didn't even think it necessary to say anything to Marty after that, but just walked out of the room, down the stairs, and found a waiting Janet, smiling as she came up to her.
Olivia said, "All done, Janet."
Janet replied, "Thanks very much, Olivia. I hope that has taught him a good lesson, but, if not, then I'll see you again, most likely very soon, to be fair." She kept smiling as she said it.
Olivia smiled back as she said her goodbyes and left the house.
Janet went upstairs and into the spare bedroom, where Marty was still lying perched on top of the pillows. She looked at his bottom and saw that it had been a really good punishment given to him. She knew it would be.
Marty became aware of Janet being in the room and thought it best to get up as quickly as he could. That wasn't so easy, given the amount of pain he was struggling to deal with, but he did manage to stand up.
Once Marty had stood up, Janet asked, "So, Marty, coming back to our discussion before I had to arrange for Officer Olivia to deal with you, any comments on my suggestion?"
Marty was still struggling, but knew the only answer he was going to give this time, and, was going to make every effort to make sure it was the same answer every time, which was, "I totally agree with you, Janet."
Janet smiled even more broadly, knowing that Marty probably couldn't see her smile because his eyes were very red and still full of tears. That didn't matter, she told herself, but what did matter, was that the punishment that Olivia had given him had cleared his mind of making objections, at least for the time being.
Janet ignored the pain that Marty was suffering, and said, "Good, I'm glad that is settled. I'm just going to bend over on the bed, and I want you to ram me until I cum. Then you can cum. It's just that I don't want you outdoors with me with anything that might resemble any erection, and, I quite fancy a good orgasm as well."
Marty had realised that his erection had returned, but, then, it always did after a thrashing. Even through his blurred vision, he saw Janet had raised her dress above her waist and slipped her knickers off, bent over, parting her legs, and so he knew to stand behind her and enter her. He was now never surprised that he eased his erect penis into his wife's vagina so easily, but it told him that she got turned on knowing that he was being thrashed by a Local Enforcement officer. She seemed even wetter today, so maybe she liked the fact, even more, that it was Officer Olivia, just sixteen and a close neighbour and the daughter of a close friend, who had dealt with him.
It didn't take long for Janet to let out loud erotic gasps, but Marty was well-trained and knew he mustn't cum before her. He also knew that he had to cum straight after she did, and he did that again now, emptying his load into her, knowing that his erection would now disappear.
Once happy that Marty had emptied her load into her, Janet stood up, straightened out her dress and put her knickers back on, turned to Marty, and said, in a very much friendlier tone of voice, bearing in mind that he had now been corrected, 'Now get dressed, darling, so we can get going."
As Janet turned and walked out of the room, she told herself, 'Job done,' and was looking forward to a very pleasant afternoon, with an obedient, in fact, very obedient, Marty, tagging along as husbands should, and agreeing to everything that she said.