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The Spanking Club

"Two grannies are asked to take part in the next session of the local spanking club"

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Dale was so surprised to see the flyer posted through her door looking for new members of a local spanking club. She had suffered being spanked and caned several times now, all her own fault, and knew that she hated it each time. On the other hand, she also knew that, afterwards, without understanding why, she was always aroused as she felt her hot sore and stinging bottom and always gave herself a massive orgasm. So, wondering whether she might get some experience of giving someone else a spanking or the cane, and what with her and Mary being at a loose end this weekend, she happily answered the advert which gave a phone number which she called.

Emma answered the phone and happily asked, “So what is your name and age?”

Dale nervously replied, “I’m Dale, and my friend is Mary, and we are both sixty-seven-years-old.”

Emma asked, “Have you had any experience of being spanked or caned, or, indeed, giving someone else a spanking and caning?”

Dale lied as she replied, “Yes, we’ve done both.”

Emma sounded as though she was very happy as she replied, “Well, that sounds perfect, then.”

Dale liked the idea of giving a spanking and caning even more, and asked, “So can we choose whether we are on the receiving end or whether we can give the spanking and caning?”

Emma explained, “Not quite. What we do, when we each arrive, is pick out a disc from a bag and that tells us whether we are a dom or sub and we then have that role for the whole evening. Does that sound okay to you?”

 Dale spoke as she thought, “So it’s really a fifty-fifty chance of whether we are a dom or a sub?”

Emma replied, “Exactly. It really is good fun not knowing until the evening which way it’s going to go, then, if you join, you’re bound to get both roles in time.”

Dale was happy enough with that, and even reckoned as Mary was also coming one of them at least should end up as a dom.

Emma added, “We do ask that everyone come in a tight vest top and cotton shorts. What happens is that all of the doms stay dressed like that, whilst all of the subs get undressed and are naked. It adds to the fun for everyone. Would you be okay with that?”

Dale agreed as she was used to being naked when spanked and caned. “Sure thing,” she replied unreservedly.

Emma said happily “That’s great then, we look forward to seeing you both at the weekend.”

Dale took down the address and the time to get there and then spoke to Mary who thought it all sounded great as well.

That weekend Dale and Mary both happily dressed in a very tight vest top and cotton shorts. They both smiled as they looked in the mirror and saw the skin creases, drooping breasts that pushed out the vest top, bat wings, and fleshy tummy and thighs, but even so, always thought they looked really sexy and knew that any men there would ogle them.

Dale and Mary arrived and knocked on the door. They were let in by a smiling young lady they reckoned could only be about eighteen-years-old. Dale knew from Emma that everyone at the club had to be at least sixteen-years-old in any case. They were directed to a table where another teenage girl was smiling and was beckoning them over.

The young lady was still smiling as they got to her, saying, “Hi, I’m Emma. Welcome to you both, Dale and Mary. So, I have here a bag and you need to both pick out an envelope.” She held the bag open and kept on smiling as she watched Dale and Mary also smiling at each other as they dipped their hands into the bag and each pulled out an envelope. They both looked at the envelope and saw nothing on it and looked at Emma with a questioning look.

Emma explained, “Just to add to the fun, you will each go individually into the room opposite and one of the other supervisors, Jenny, will be there when you open the envelope. If you are a dom then she will send you through into the next room. If you are a sub, she will tell you to get undressed and put a leather cuff on each wrist which is used to tie you to the caning horse later on. That way, when you are sent through to the next room, you will know immediately who is a dom and who is a sub.”

Dale and Mary looked at each other and nodded. Dale said, “Well I suppose that makes sense.”

Mary suggested, “Why don’t you go first, Dale?”

Dale swallowed hard as she nodded her head, turned, and walked towards the door. As she got to the door she turned and gave Mary a glance and saw that Mary gave her a very supportive smile. They both knew they wanted to be doms but were going to accept whatever they got, given it was just a fifty-fifty chance. So, taking a deep breath, Dale opened the door, walked in, and closed the door behind herself.

Dale saw Jenny across the room who was smiling and beckoned her over. Dale could see that Jenny was also a teenager. As she got to the table, Jenny said, “So you can now open your envelope, Dale.”

Dale had to admit she was rather excited as she tore open the back of the envelope, and eagerly picked the disc out of the envelope and looked at it, and immediately stopped smiling as she saw an S on the disc.

Jenny looked down and saw that Dale was unhappy, but tried to cheer her up with, “Don’t worry, Dale, we all have to be subs as well as doms. It’s part of the fun to experience both.”

Dale reconciled herself to that and, smiling again at Jenny, said “I guess that’s right. Oh well, it was a fifty-fifty chance anyway. So, what should I do now?”

Jenny kept smiling as she replied, “Well, Dale, you now need to get undressed and I can then slip these leather cuffs on your wrists.”

Dale looked at the cuffs and had to admit that, when she saw them, she felt quivers flying around for vagina which reminded her just how turned on she was when she had been spanked and caned in the past, at least once the spanking and caning was over. So, maybe it wasn’t that bad, she told yourself.

Jenny looked a bit sterner as she ordered, “I did say you had to get undressed, Dale. That means now. After all, we have others queueing up waiting to come in to see which role they are going to play.”

Dale quickly apologised. “So sorry, Jenny.”

Jenny said sternly, “Once you are undressed you will have to do exactly as you are told by anyone who is not wearing cuffs and is dressed. Understood”?

Dale again replied even more contritely, “Yes, miss,” wanting to show respect for the supervisor even though she was just a teenager. Of course, Dale was used to obeying teenagers and knew that they could be authoritative and dominant and earn her unquestioning respect. So, continuing to obey, she got undressed. She pulled her skimpy vest top over her head, folded it neatly and put it on the chair. She put her arms behind her back and unclipped her bra letting the straps slip down her arms, caught it, folded it, and put it with her top. She then pushed down her cotton shorts, catching her knickers with her thumbs, pushing both items of clothing down to the floor, stepping out of them, scooping them up, and putting them neatly on top of her other clothes.

Jenny watched with a stern look on her face as Dale undressed so obediently. Once undressed, she held out the two leather clasps and Dale obediently held her hands out in front of herself.

Jenny then attached one of the clasps to each wrist and then stood back and, still looking stern, but enjoyed looking at the granny woman’s creased skin, large drooping breasts, turtleneck, bat wings, and fleshy thighs. She saw Dale’s pussy lips and wondered whether they were yet damp, as she knew exactly who Dale was and that she got aroused by being disciplined. 

Jenny then explained, “You will be getting a spanking, mainly with a wooden paddle, and then fifty strokes of the cane. Some will be hard and others lighter but will still sting. In addition, you will get flurries of light strokes which won’t count towards the fifty. Understood, Dale?”

Dale winced at the thought of so much pain but replied, “Yes, miss. I understand.”

Jenny kept a stern look on her face as she knew what was going to happen and so ordered, “Now go out through that door into the main area and make sure that you do exactly as you are told by anyone who does not have these cuffs on and who is dressed, and only speak when spoken to.”

Dale knew it was right to obey. After all, even though she had hoped she was going to be a dom, she didn’t have that luck, and so set her mind to accepting what was bound to be a very painful punishment although hoped that, as usual, she would get aroused afterwards.

Dale walked through the door into the main area and was immediately met by another teenager who, she noticed, was dressed albeit in the same skimpy clothes that she had just taken off, and didn’t have wrist cuffs on. She stood still in front of her and waited for her instructions.

The young lady, who, like Emma and Jenny was still a teenager, albeit looked about seventeen-years-old, glared at Dale and ordered, “I am Miss Lucy. Go and stand by that chair over there. Pick up the paddle that is on the seat and make sure that you do not drop it until I order you to give it to me.”

Dale saw six chairs in all, and standing next to four of them were two men who looked to be the same age as her so in their mid-sixties and two teenage girls. All four were naked and with wrist cuffs and were holding wooden paddles and so Dale went over and did exactly like them and stood next to the chair having picked up the paddle and waited to see what would then happen. She did glance at the two men and saw that they had large tummies, which most men their age seemed to have, but, also, she saw they had huge penises. She even realised that they were slightly erect and so assumed the two men were happy enough to be subs.

Dale also looked at the two teenage girls. They were both well-toned and were smiling and chatting to each other. Dale thought that was surprising because according to Jenny they were supposed to be silent and not make any other comments. So, Dale wasn’t surprised when two of the teenage dom girls went over and smacked their bottoms although was surprised when the two sub girls smirked at the doms and one said cheekily, “Is that the best you can do?“ 

The two dom girls grabbed hold of the paddles, clasped the girl's upper arms and turned them around, and then landed three very hard spanks on each bottom cheek with the wooden-paddles. The two sub girls yelped with each spank and Dale saw that that certainly quietened them both down.

One of the dom girls said in a stern tone, “Good enough?”

Both sub girls were blushing as they replied, “Yes, miss.“ 

Actually, Dale enjoyed watching both the misbehaviour and the punishment and was really getting into the swing of what the spanking club was likely to be about. She bottled, though, and decided she wouldn’t misbehave herself until she knew more about the consequences.
Dale then had time to look around the room and saw about twenty other girls all of whom were wearing skimpy vest tops and very tight cotton shorts and they all looked like they too were teenagers. She did think it a little strange that none of the older people were doms, although to be fair, Mary still had to come out.

It was another couple of minutes before the door opened and Dale looked towards it wondering whether Mary would be dressed or undressed. In the event, Mary was undressed with wrist cuffs on, and Dale realised that she too must have picked out a disc making her a sub. Mary did look towards Dale and gave a smile, and so clearly accepted that she was going to be a sub, which made Dale more relaxed.

Now all six chairs had a sub standing next to it, each one holding a thick wooden paddle, and the doms were chatting happily whilst the subs were obediently silent. Then, Emma came into the room with Jenny, and they were clearly the ones in charge.

Jenny said, “Listen up. You six subs will be going across one of the doms laps. You will actually be spanked by three doms. You, grandma and grandpas, will stay across the first doms lap and then be spanked by the other two standing next to you. That way there is no risk of you falling over as you keep getting up and down. You two young subs will get up each time and go across the next doms lap like the naughty girls you are. All subs will keep hold of the paddle each time and not drop it, and give it to your dom when instructed to. Each spanking will be a few spanks with the doms hand and then mostly with the wooden paddle.

Dale and Mary glanced at each other and saw the sense of staying across the first doms lap. They were quite often unbalanced after getting up after a hard spanking, so this way they could stay in the submissive position and be spanked really hard, but not risk any accidents.

Next moment six of the teenage girls sat on one of the chairs each, Miss Lucy sitting on the chair next to Dale and she, like the others looked up, glared at the sub standing next to them, and ordered, “Get across my lap.”

Dale eased herself down across the teenagers lap, and, as she lowered her full weight across her bare thighs she loved once again to be in the submissive position of seeing the floor inches from her face, and then, looking at the backs of the teenagers well-toned legs and then her own fleshier legs dangling on the far side of the chair. She gasped as she felt the teenager start to rub her bottom in circles and glanced around and saw so many upside-down legs, as well as Mary and the two grandpas lying across their doms laps.

Moments later Dale heard the echo of a few hands spanking down on a bare bottom, and moments later felt the pain of the first spank that she received. The spanks continued on alternate bottom cheeks for a while and she was conscious of hearing other spanks landing and gasps coming from around her. Dale wasn’t sure how long the hand spanking lasted, but it wasn’t particularly long. Then she heard the command, “Hand me the paddle, you naughty granny.”

Moments later Dale could feel the thick wooden paddle being rubbed in circles around her bottom and she told herself it was going to hurt, but at the same time realised that she was getting aroused by the prospect of the pain. She never could quite get her head around why the pain aroused her so much, but it did, and so she was actually pleased that she had picked out a sub disc because she wasn’t so sure she would enjoy spanking one of the others as much as she hoped she would enjoy being spanked.

As the hairbrush was spanked down on her already sore bottom, so she was conscious of the gasps coming from the others who were also being spanked. The first few spanks were hard but were easy to deal with, and then some very hard spanks followed which really hurt, followed by some more lighter spanks, and then again others that were very hard. Dale realised there was no consistency in the number of the lighter spanks before the hard spanks resumed, nor in the number of hard spanks before Miss Lucy reverted to the lighter spanks. It did seem strange because a discipline spanking should just have hard spanks, but, maybe, that was what it was about being in a spanking club when no one actually had misbehaved and the spanking was given to maximise the enjoyment of both the dom and sub.

Whilst the lighter spanks landed Dale did manage to look sideways and saw that Mary was kicking her legs whenever the hard spanks landed, and she also saw one of the men kicking his legs and squirming around on his doms lap with the hard spanks, whilst he was able to relax more with the lighter spanks. She did smile to herself wondering whether the grandpa had a stiff erection as he lay across his doms bare thighs or whether it had shrivelled up as the heavy spanks landed. 

It wasn’t long, though, before Dale lost the ability to look around and focus on the others as the hard spanks landed again and she knew that she too was kicking her legs and squirming around on Miss Lucy’s lap. 

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When some of the lighter spanks resumed, Dale became conscious of the chatter from the teenage doms standing close to her who were making comments about how fleshy the old people's bottoms were, and how they surrendered so easily to the heavy paddles, bounced back out, swirled around a bit, and, in particular, how they enjoyed hearing the louder and louder yelps. They also commented sarcastically on how large her bottom was compared to the teenage subs, and how her large breasts swung around as she was spanked. Dale knew that this was all intended to humiliate her and the others, but then the fact that the doms were chatting as she was struggling with the pain was something else that she found turned her on.

Dale didn’t hear Jenny instruct the doms it was time to change. She did hear Miss Lucy order, “Hold the paddle you naughty granny,” and Dale held her hand out and clasped the handle. She managed to squirm around and saw the two teenage subs push themselves up into a standing position, wait for the first dom to stand and for the second dom to sit down, and then ease themselves back across the new doms lap. She also had the chance to see how bruised the sub’s bottom was already and assumed her own bottom was bruised as well, albeit that hers was rather larger than theirs and would take longer to be covered in the same amount of bruising, as had already been pointed out by the teenage doms.

Dale was aware of one of the teenage doms standing very close to her, and almost felt like kissing her upside-down legs, but that feeling stopped as the first hard hand spank landed on her bottom followed by several more hard spanks. That was followed by several lighter spanks, although her bottom still stung from them because her bottom was already very sore from the paddling Miss Lucy had given her. However, although the lighter spanks were again a respite, she never knew when the next set of hard spanks would land and that was always a shock and made her yelp much more loudly.

It wasn’t very long before Dale heard the instruction, “Give me the paddle you naughty granny,” and as Dale lifted her hand up the paddle was taken from her. The first few spanks were relatively light but then the hard ones started, a good dozen of them in a row, and then lighter ones again and then hard ones. The lack of a set number made dealing with the hard spanks more and more difficult, and the fact she was crying certainly didn’t help.

Jenny gave the instruction for the second change over. Dale wasn’t aware this time of the teenage subs getting up and bending across the third lap, but she did know that she was crying and when she realised it was a changeover and a new pair of upside-down legs stood by her she did wonder how she was going to cope with another series of spanks with the thick wooden paddle.

Dale heard the stern instruction, “Hold the paddle and don’t drop it.” Dale held her hand up and the paddle was placed in her palm and she clasped hold of it. She then felt a few lighter spanks, then a whole series of hard ones and then some lighter ones again and was again thrown by the inconsistent number of each which she knew now was what was intended.

Although Dale’s vision was now blurred, she heard the instruction to hand over the paddle, raised her hand, and the paddle was again taken from her. Next moment, she felt a series of very hard spanks on alternate bottom cheeks which made her yelp and squirm around on Miss Lucy‘s lap as well as tense her legs and arms. The pain was awful for her, although she supposed no worse than she had experienced before. Then the hard spanks stopped and lighter ones followed, which again gave a short respite but every time the paddle was lifted up again she never knew whether the next spank would be a lighter one or a very hard one, although continued to feel more and more aroused by that very uncertainty.

Suddenly there weren’t any more spanks although Dale realised that she was crying and could also make out that Mary was crying, and even the two teenage subs were crying. She couldn’t hear that the men were crying and wondered if they were just better able to cope than she and the other women were.

Jenny ordered, “Right, you subs get up and go over to the caning horses. Quickly.”

There was the sound of movement around her, and Dale did what she could to push herself up as quickly as possible. When she did, she slightly staggered and was thankful to have the teenage doms hold her on each arm to steady her. She did then hear one of them say in little more than a whisper, “You had better get going quickly, granny.” Dale was thankful but couldn’t hang around as she felt her upper arm clasped by one of the doms and she was led towards the caning horses.

Dale’s vision was still blurred but she could make out that Mary and the others were also being led to the caning horses. Once there, she was positioned sideways on and then pushed gently over it, and then felt her wrist cuffs being connected to what she knew was a clasp quite close to the floor. Further leather clasps were then tied around her thighs and her ankles, and finally, a leather strap was tied across her waist. She knew that she was secured to the caning horse with her bottom perched on top and her head inches from the floor, with her legs tied well apart as were her wrists and, being unable to move, she would now have to accept whatever caning she was given.

What Dale didn’t see was that Miss Lucy and the other two teenage dorms who had spanked her were now holding hook-ended senior canes although she could hear that they were swishing them in the air. Then she felt a cane being rubbed from side to side across her bottom, then it wasn’t, and next moment she felt quite a hard stroke with the cane which made her yelp and tense her bottom waiting for the next stroke. Instead of another hard stroke, it was then followed by a flurry of light strokes none of which caused Dale any serious pain. However, after about a dozen of those, suddenly she yelped again as she felt the cane really bite into her bottom, and then she heard the laughter from the teenage girl doms standing close to her. A few moments later and the cane bit into Dale’s bottom again, and she yelped, and that was followed by another very hard stroke and she yelped once again. Each time she was pulling at her wrist cuffs but of course, got nowhere although it did produce more giggles from the teenage doms.

Dale didn’t see that the three doms gave a few strokes and then stood back and one of the other doms gave a few strokes, which meant all three were giving some hard and some lighter strokes.

The cane strokes then returned to a flurry of lighter strokes which, again, Dale could handle with relative ease. She started to relax and then another very hard stroke bit into her bottom and she yelped again, and that was followed by a second very hard stroke and then a third. She relaxed after that third stroke thinking it would return to lighter strokes, but it didn’t and the fourth hard stroke in a row stroke bit into her bottom and then a fifth and the sixth. How many more of these, she wondered? 

However, the next stroke was lighter but not as light as the flurry and so still stung a bit, but nowhere near as hard as the hard ones, although it still stung quite a bit. This was followed by another lighter one and yet another lighter one. Again, Dale relaxed a bit but then yelped as the next stroke was a really hard one. She was ready for a second hard one but in fact, it was one of the lighter ones so, she realised, once again, she never knew whether the next stroke was going to be hard or lighter or very light. All she knew was that the cane strokes kept on coming but had lost count of how many she had had towards the fifty strokes she was set to have.

Dale wasn’t conscious at all of the fact that the three doms kept changing so that each one gave a few strokes. It was up to each dom to decide how many lighter ones or harder ones or flurries she would give Dale. The only thing was that they did count the hard strokes intending to give twenty-four of them, and twenty-six lighter ones, making a total of fifty strokes. 

Miss Lucy stopped caning for a while and rubbed Dale’s bottom in circles, enjoying the feel of the raised welts as well as the nicely warmed bottom cheeks. She watched and waited for Dale to settle down again before running her hands down the inside of her thighs, and then back up and along her stretched pussy lips. As she did so she looked at the other two doms and mouthed, “She is soaking wet.”

There were giggles from all three girls and then Miss Lucy decided to have a little bit more fun and stood right behind Dale and held the cane in between her legs and whisked it from side to side against each thigh. They weren’t strokes to be counted as part of the fifty as they were like a flurry, but the doms knew that Dale couldn’t close her legs and so had to accept this particularly humiliating part of the caning. At least Dale thought that was the humiliating part but, before Miss Lucy was finished, she stopped flicking the cane from side to side and very gently flicked the cane upwards against Dale’s spread pussy lips. She knew that would be a shock for the granny, but also that she would get aroused by it.

Indeed, Dale was shocked when the cane first started to flick between her inner thighs but soon realised that it was sending quivers flying around her vagina. Then, when the cane was flicked upwards directly onto her pussy lips, albeit very very lightly, she knew that she was on her way to cumming with the excitement. How come, she asked herself, because it really had to be so humiliating to have her pussy lips caned. However, she was aroused and she did come and she already wanted that to happen to her again.

As soon as Dale came, Miss Lucy moved aside and one of the other doms positioned herself and then she landed a very hard stroke on Dale’s bottom, followed by another very hard stroke and then another. She knew that as Dale had cum she would find these strokes very difficult to deal with as she came down from her orgasm. On the other hand, she also knew from experience that that was exactly what worked for so many subs, and hoped that it worked with Dale as well.

Having reached her orgasm, Dale normally enjoyed those few post-orgasm moments, except this time she couldn’t because the very hard strokes started straight afterwards. She had never been spanked or caned after having had an orgasm before, so this was a very new experience for her and at first, she was fuming and again pulled away at her wrist cuffs, but as the third hard stroke landed she surrendered to the pain, and then there was the fourth hard stroke and the fifth hard stroke and the sixth hard stroke with only a second between each one, and she felt herself edging towards another orgasm. This was so tremendous, she told herself and even wanted the really hard strokes to continue. However, there then followed a series of lighter strokes, which still stung her but nothing like the hard ones. Once again there was inconsistency, but she now realised that that very inconsistency was consistent, and was getting her more and more aroused even after what had been such a wonderful, albeit short-lived, orgasm.

Dale now got a flurry of very light strokes, and then became aware of some of the hard strokes being given to the other subs around her and the gasps and yelps that followed them. She knew from the sounds of the yelps that they were from both the women and the men, and so now knew that the men were also struggling to deal with those hard strokes of the cane.

Without any warning, another hard cane stroke landed on Dale’s bottom and she yelped, just as she did a moment later when a second hard stroke landed and the moment after that when a third hard cane stroke landed. Would that be it this time, she asked herself, but then no as the fourth hard stroke landed followed by the as the fifth hard stroke and once again as the sixth hard stroke landed. Dale was now sobbing again as the pain was so hard to deal with.

Then, as she sobbed, so Dale felt a hand rubbing her bottom and up and down the backs of her thighs. Would she once again have her pussy lips caned she wondered and certainly wanted to, but this time it wasn’t to be and instead she felt the clasps around her ankles and then her thighs being released, then the leather strap around the waist, and finally each of her wrist clasps. She wasn’t actually able to move for a while and lay there listening to the teenage doms laughing and giggling about how the subs bottoms were covered in welts. She knew she was due fifty strokes, some hard and some lighter but still hard enough, and it looked like she had got through it and that she liked that she felt the flutters returning to her vagina and knew that when she was alone she would be able to give herself yet another tremendous orgasm.

Miss Lucy gave Dale a couple of very light snacks on her bottom and said, “You better get up now, Dale. Time to go.”

Dale did push herself up from the caning horse and once she stood her hands rushed to her bottom and she rubbed feverishly, as well as stepping from foot to foot as she always did during her humiliating spanking dance. However, although her vision was just a blur, she could see the others also doing the spanking dance and rubbing their bottoms, certainly making out Mary, and of course, the men who no longer had erections but suddenly their penises were flapping up and down as they danced. She also made out the two teenage subs and wondered if they were going to be as flippant now as they were when first standing by the spanking chairs. Dale laughed to herself knowing that, in time, she might also have the courage to make flippant remarks knowing that that would give her extra spanks. Not yet though, she told herself.

The six subs made their way back into the office with their clothes which were stacked in individual piles. They couldn’t talk but were still sobbing as they got dressed, and still couldn’t talk as they filed back into the main area and saw all of the teenage doms waiting for them. 

There was a lot of chatter about the next scheduled session and Jenny came up to Dale and Mary and asked, “Well, ladies, did you enjoy that?“

Dale and Mary both gave a sob-filled, “Yes,’ in reply.

Jenny laughed and said, “Well, I can tell you that you are both natural subs. Anyway, will you be coming back?”

Dale asked, “I think you are right, Miss Jenny. If we do come back would we be able to definitely be subs?”

Jenny looked across at Emma with a smirk. She then replied, “Of course you can, ladies.”

Dale and Mary were happy with that and both said, enthusiastically, that they would be returning.

It was only after Mary had left that Jenny and Emma again looked at each other and Jenny asked, “Do you think they know that all for grandmas and grandpas were only ever going to be subs and that all the envelopes in the bag had a disc with an S on it?”

Emma smiled as she replied, “I doubt it, but it doesn’t matter as we have a couple of extra subs now for the rest of us to play with and my knickers are wet just thinking about it.”

So, it all worked out so well for everyone and even Dale and Mary happily chatted about returning to the spanking club as they drove home, albeit being careful not to drive over any bumps in the road. As they sat in the car outside Mary’s house chatting happily about their sore stinging bottoms, which they were still rubbing, they said, roll on the next time.

A little later Dale was in her bedroom lying naked on her tummy on her bed, her fingers running along her still wet pussy lips and along the raised welts and she gave herself another wonderful orgasm. As she played over the pain-filled but so erotically arousing time she had had at the spanking club she was so pleased that she was able to be the sub every time. She couldn’t see how the doms could be anything like as aroused as them because they had the welts and the pain to help them cum, but supposed they got aroused by giving the pain. Still, she preferred it her way, as she erupted in another huge orgasm.


Written by SusanHarper
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