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Fiona Chapter 1 – The Bad Test Result

"Fiona wants to be punished to help her focus and improve her test results"

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Fiona was sixteen, nearly seventeen, five feet two inches tall, with long dark hair and a lovely fringe. Her breasts were not large but not small either, and she was very happy to show off her cleavage. When she did wear her favoured low-cut vest tops showing off her bare midriff she knew that both the boys and the girls stared at her wishfully.

She went to the gym three times a week and so had well-toned arms and legs. Whilst not considered a beauty she was certainly not plain. Socially, she had a wide circle of girlfriends, and while she had had a couple of boyfriends she was definitely much more into the girls. She admitted to finding sticky cum inside her vagina as not at all nice, and when in her mouth not to her taste, nor did she like it staining her clothes. On the other hand, she found that girl's tongues and lips were far more sensual and got her aroused much more.

Fiona was still at school and a very high achiever. She was in the top set of every subject, and invariably got A+ grades or occasionally an A-, but it was a long time since she had got a lower grade than that.

Fiona was the kind of girl who wanted to try everything. She did hanker after one thing which she had never been able to experience. The girls who misbehaved at school and got double detentions were sent to the headmistress to be caned. Whenever they were, they would happily show their friends the raised red welts painted across their bottoms, even though caned over their knickers. The girls acted so bravely saying how little it hurt even though their eyes were still red with their tears. However, Fiona imagined herself so often being sent to the headmistress for the cane, even though it never happened in reality.

Fiona had also been awestruck when she watched a girl being spanked in class by the class assistant which happened about once a week. At other times she had watched girls having their legs smacked in class or the playground, and that happened almost daily. Discipline was strict in the school and the desire grew in Fiona's mind to experience all of these punishments, and knew she got excited at the thought and gave herself multiple orgasms when in bed imagining them happening to her. The fact she couldn't bring herself to be naughty at school and earn those punishments played on her mind and had started to make her lose focus at school.

Fiona lived at home, and her main guiding force was her step-mum. Her own mum had left her dad for another woman years ago, but her step-mum, Dyane, certainly filled the gap.

Her father was an IT Consultant and traveled the world and so was regularly away from home for extended periods of time. Fiona was, therefore, thankful that Dyane was there for her, and she happily referred to as, 'mum,' and Dyane readily accepted being addressed as 'mum.'

Dyane saw very quickly that Fiona was above average intelligence, but just recently, because she had outside interests, particularly the gym, she knew she had to impose restrictions to make sure that, as well as having fun and enjoying herself, she did study really hard. She knew that directing her was particularly important because Fiona could be easily distracted and, just recently, hadn't always completed her homework and assignments on time, or at all.

Dyane also saw that very recently Fiona had started answering her back and not doing as she was told, which was so unlike her and she was increasingly worried that something was up that needed to be sorted out.

Fiona knew she was slipping because of her all-consuming desire to be punished. She knew she had to somehow stop herself wishing she was punished and thinking about it so much, and wondered if her mum could guide her.

Luckily for Fiona, her mum saw what was happening and was relieved when they sat down together to discuss how her recent lack of focus and deteriorating behaviour could be corrected.

One afternoon, after Fiona came home after school. Fiona was in her school uniform of a green and white check short-sleeved gingham dress with white ankle socks. Dyane was in a sleeveless floral dress with a hem halfway down her thighs and with bare legs. Fiona happily stayed in her school uniform after school as she didn’t want to seem grown-up to her mum.

Whilst having tea, Dyane raised the subject of her recent poorer marks and that led Fiona and her mum to have some considerable debate over what incentives and punishments were needed. Dyane was all for grounding and early bedtime, whilst Fiona wanted to be spanked.

Fiona was very much up for the discussion because of her deep desire to experience the cane at school, have her legs smacked, and even be spanked. She could see how if a spanking, or even a more severe punishment, was the penalty for failing to do her schoolwork or getting lower-than-expected marks, not only would that be the incentive for her, but, whenever she did get too low a mark it could give her the experience that she wanted. Being resolute, she also knew she didn't want to experience that kind of punishment just the once, but on a very regular basis.

Fiona had even tested out her theory by spanking herself with her hand, a wooden-backed hairbrush, and a leather belt, and whilst it had stung she knew she wasn't able to spank herself hard enough. Her mum punishing her was the best way forward for her, she knew, and that was going to be her aim.

Dyane had to admit to being very surprised when Fiona asked for the primary punishment to be spanking, with worse for even lower grades. She asked, "Don't you think, Fiona, that, being sixteen, you are too old to be spanked?"

Fiona was immediate with her reply. "No, mum, and in fact, it shows something very different. If you were to suggest I was spanked, then I could immediately retort with that I am too old. However, the fact that I am too old to be spanked means that, because I want that to be a primary form of punishment, that is my choice, and I am asking you to agree to it. That is very different from you imposing spanking against my will."

Dyane actually saw the reasoning as being valid, and so asked, "Are you saying that you don't mind a stinging bottom?"

Fiona was emphatic when she replied, "I don't think at my age it should just be a stinging bottom, mum. I think a spanking should be very hard and painful for several minutes. The pain is more than I can cope with. It should reduce me to crying buckets."

Dyane blinked a couple of times in surprise and then replied almost jokingly, "Well, I don't think my hand would last long enough to do that."

Fiona remained serious as she replied, "I understand that, mum. Therefore, straight after spanking me with your hand, I think you should be giving me dozens of really hard spanks with your wooden-backed hairbrush or even dozens of lashes with one of your thick leather belts. That way your hand doesn't hurt anymore, but my bottom will get exactly what it deserves."

Dyane really wasn't sure about that, but, because she was pressed by Fiona, between them they came up with an agreed punishment sheet:

A) A B+ would result in a five-minute hand spanking over her knickers followed by fifty smacks with her mum's hairbrush also on her knickers.

B) A B would result in the above followed by another twenty-five much harder smacks with the hairbrush on her bare bottom.

C) A C+ would mean a ten-minute hand spanking over her knickers followed by fifty smacks with the hairbrush on her bare bottom and then twenty-five strokes with the belt on her bare bottom.

D) A C would be as above with fifty strokes of the belt.

E) Anything lower than a C-grade would result in an immediate punishment as for a C, but before she got into bed that evening that punishment would be followed up with another fifteen-minute hand spanking on her bare bottom and then twenty-four strokes with the senior cane.

Fiona was delighted that she had secured her mum's agreement to the punishment sheet. It made her focus on her schoolwork again, but the problem, then, was that she never got anything less than A- and would never earn a punishment. So, she put in place a game plan which did mean pleading with and then cajoling her teacher, Miss Falcon, to mark all that week's homework and tests with an A, and one D-. She lied to her teacher by saying that she wanted to play a joke on her mum and said if she were given two letters, one with the very bad mark, and the other with her real grade, she would give her mum the bad one first as the joke, and then the real one.

Happily for Fiona Miss Falcon agreed to go along with the joke. However, Fiona didn't know her teacher had a niggling concern and so when Fiona was on her way home she telephoned Dyane and explained what Fiona was going to do.

When Fiona got home she found her mum in the hallway looking at herself in the mirror and brushing her hair with her hairbrush which happened to be a wooden-backed hairbrush of the type Fiona had often spanked herself with. She felt like laughing because she knew that that hairbrush would soon be used on her own bottom, but she managed to keep a straight face and gave her mum the letter with the bad mark, but never mentioned the other letter.

Dyane played along, acting as though she was furious with Fiona and gave her a real telling off, and then told her she was going to get the punishment they had agreed upon for getting a D-. Dyane had also quite specifically changed into a pair of shorts with loops for a belt and she had specifically chosen a rather thick leather belt. So, after telling Fiona about the punishment she was going to get, she quite deliberately undid the belt and pulled it out of the loops, and saw the increasingly worried look on Fiona's face.

Dyane then ordered, "Take off your school dress, young lady, and get across my lap."

Fiona acted as though she was really worried, although to be fair she was tense because until that moment she had only ever fantasised about being thrashed, but now she was actually going to experience it. Nevertheless, still being the resolute girl that she was, she immediately took off her school dress leaving her in her bra, green regulation school knickers, and white ankle socks. By then, her mum had turned a dining chair into the room and sat down, and Fiona immediately bent across her mum's lap.

Fiona's immediate reaction was one of excitement. She had pictured herself across her mum's lap and imagined the upside-down view she would have of her mum's legs, and how the rest of the room would all be upside down. Even when she felt her mum's hand rubbing her bottom in circles she was still excited. However, that excitement soon changed to struggling to cope with the pain as her mum gave her a seriously hard spanking over her knickers.

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Fiona knew that when she had smacked her own bottom it didn't hurt that much, but of course, those smacks were nowhere near as hard as her mum was now spanking her. She realised as well that her mum wasn't just spanking her bottom, but was also spanking the backs of the legs which she suddenly realised would stop her from wearing her extra short mini skirts that only just covered her bottom. Her friends wore them as well, but she wouldn't be able to anymore after a spanking. Mind you, that would quickly tell her friends she had been spanked which would be humiliating, but cool as well.

Dyane knew that Fiona hadn't got that low grade and that she wanted to experience being spanked. Well, as they had agreed that the severity would be greater the lower the grade, and Fiona had specifically stated that she had got a D-, she thought that she should give her that particularly severe punishment. So, even as her hand began to sting during that first ten minutes, she didn't hold back knowing that Fiona's bottom would be stinging so much more and accepted that that was what Fiona wanted to experience.

Dyane had kept a close look at the time as she had quite specifically turned the clock towards where she knew she would be sitting when she spanked Fiona. As she got towards the end of the ten minutes, she even made sure that the spanks were harder and faster than at the beginning, and was rewarded by Fiona's louder and louder gasps and more intense squirming around on her lap. However, it was quite noticeable that Fiona wasn't pleading for mercy or for her to stop, nor did she try to force herself up. That told her that she had to keep going with the really hard spanking.

Once the ten minutes were up, Dyane stopped spanking Fiona and yanked her knickers down to her knees. She then picked up the wooden-backed paddle hairbrush, tapped Fiona's bottom a couple of times with it, said in a very stern tone of voice, "You will be getting fifty spanks on your bare bottom with this, young lady," and then proceeded to land really hard spanks on alternate bottom cheeks. Dyane made sure that each spank was a really hard one, and the thwack after thwack echoed around the room mixed with Fiona's louder and louder yelps and howls. Once again, though, Dyane saw how Fiona was staying across her lap and so didn't give any thought to making the spanks any lighter, but, on the contrary, knew that she needed to make them even harder.

Fiona was really struggling with the hairbrush, but she always expected it to hurt, maybe not so much, but now that she was across her mum's lap she wanted to make sure she stayed there and take every spank that she had asked for when agreeing to the punishment sheet.

Dyane made sure she counted out the full fifty spanks with the hairbrush, once again making sure that the last three on each cheek really stung. She then glared at the back of Fiona's head and said sternly, "Right, young lady, get up, pick up the belt from the table, and then follow me over to the sofa."

Although Fiona had struggled during the spanking she was a rather fit girl, and whilst still crying she pushed herself up and stood up, telling herself that this was exactly the experience that she wanted. She remembered what her mum had instructed her to do and could just make out where the leather belt was through her blurred vision. She picked it up and then followed her mum into the living area, consciously weighing the leather belt in her hand, swallowing hard as she knew this was going to hurt even more than the hairbrush but was still what she wanted to suffer.

Once they both got to the sofa, Dyane held out her hand and Fiona obediently handed her the belt. Dyane then instructed, "Bend over the arm of the sofa and stretch your arms well forward, young lady. Don't make any attempt to cover your bottom because if you do I will start the seventy-five spanks again, each and every time."

Dyane didn't know why she made the threat because she certainly didn't want to give Fiona any more spanks than were specified on the punishment sheet. However, she did watch as Fiona obediently bent over the arm of the sofa stretching her arms out in front of her, managing to slip them in between two of the cushions, leaving her very red and partially bruised bottom cheeks in just the right position. Fiona didn't have a particularly large bottom, being generally slim and fit, but she knew that even now her bottom would be particularly difficult to sit down on. Well, it was going to be even more difficult after seventy-five really hard spanks with this leather belt. She couldn't understand how come Fiona wanted to be thrashed like this, but clearly she did and focused on Fiona's bottom which was about to be properly leathered.

Fiona realised that she hadn't actually stopped crying and knew that tears were flooding down her face. She was pleased that she had come straight from school and therefore didn't have any make-up on, because she could only imagine what it would be like if these tears had stained her make-up. She was tense once again, though, but she wanted to be thrashed with the leather belt, and fully intended to stay in place with her mum in charge of her. In fact, she even liked the threat of what would happen if she tried to cover her bottom. Well, she knew it would be difficult enough to deal with seventy-five spanks and so certainly didn't want anymore, at least not this time. However, she told herself that meant her mum's threat worked, which she thought was a great sign for the future.

Dyane was again resilient as she focused on Fiona's bottom, ignoring the redness and the bruises, and started to thrash the leather belt down onto her step-daughter's bottom. As she did she listened to the screeches yells and howls and watched as Fiona kicked her legs and was squirming around on the arm of the sofa, but still stayed in position as the thick leather belt thrashed down onto her bottom time and again. It even got to the stage where Dyane was so surprised that Fiona was taking spank after spank, but because of that, she made sure towards the end the lashes were even harder in order to test Fiona's resolve.

The fact Fiona did stay in position told Dyane so much about what had to happen in the future, and thought then that any discipline regime should cover much more than just tests and homework marks at school, but include what should happen whenever Fiona disobeyed her, answered her back, or threw a teenage tantrum. Decision made, she told herself, and it just had to be implemented.

So, she finished off thrashing Fiona with the leather belt, having made sure she gave the last half dozen lashes with a particular flourish and was satisfied with the punishment that she had given. She savoured the sight of Fiona crying uncontrollably whilst keeping hold of the cushions with her arms still stretched out well above her head, seeing that she was dealing with a girl who definitely wanted to be thrashed in this way. Well, she now decided she didn't have a problem with that and it was just going to be a matter of introducing the full discipline regime.

After those few enjoyable moments, Dyane instructed, "Right, Fiona, you can get up now. I don't think you should get dressed again, and in fact, you should take your bra off. Being naked will be a constant reminder of how naughty you have been. Also, don't forget, the punishment sheet sets out that at bedtime you will be getting another spanking and twenty-four strokes with the senior cane. You will recall you encouraged me to purchase three such canes for when they might be needed under the punishment sheet. I have to admit that I questioned whether they would be, but I can see I will need all three of them, as well as further replacements in the future."

Fiona was rubbing her stinging bottom as she listened to her mum, taking from what she was saying that it definitely wouldn't be the last time she was punished. As much as the spanking hurt so horribly, she really hoped that was the correct interpretation. So, to show her continuing obedience, she put her arms behind her back, unclipped her bra, slid it down her arms, and held it. She did find the thought of having to walk around the house naked as humiliating, but then also understood it was now part of her punishment.

Although Fiona didn't respond verbally, by the action of taking off her bra Dyane took that as her full agreement to what was going to happen in the future. So, she further instructed, "Now go and do your homework, then there will be supper, and then you will go early to bed. Eight o'clock, I think. However, be ready by seven-thirty for your spanking and the cane, and we will have several things to discuss why you will be punished in the future."

Dyane knew she would need at least twenty minutes, possibly twenty-five minutes, to give Fiona the spanking and the cane. However, she also had to discuss the telephone discussion she had had with Miss Falcon telling her that this was all made up. Telling Fiona about that would be a very good introduction to the new punishment regime.

When Fiona went upstairs to the bathroom she couldn't wait to see her bottom in the mirror and so went straight there. She gasped in horror, surprise, and delight, at the sight of her very red, blue bruised, and clearly so well thrashed bottom. The stinging was horrible but what she had hoped for.

She wasn't even thinking as she eased her fingers along her throbbing pussy lips and felt how wet they were, and moments later exploded in a huge orgasm. It told her so much about the punishment regime, which hurt so much but clearly would do her such a lot of good in several different ways.

Dyane stood at the bottom of the stairs and heard Fiona cum. It told her the extended punishment regime would have to be put in place, not just because Fiona wanted it, but because it would be used to make her more compliant, obedient, and hard-working, all at the same time. She would be telling Fiona that at bedtime, just before she gave her the well-deserved spanking and the cane for lying to her about her grade.

To be continued...

Written by SusanHarper
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