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Brush With Two

"A threesome with Justin is much more than Bailey or Destiny had in mind"

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Author's Notes

"This sequel took a little longer than I planned, but I wanted it to be special. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you agree it is!"

Bailey was happily surprised to see Destiny in her store again after her life-changing lesbian episode with her just a few days before. She couldn’t get it off her mind and had pleasured herself to its memory every night since. Hoping her appearance was for an invitation to do it again, she was quivering in anticipation when Destiny came to the cash register.

“How’s my sexy little Bailey?” she asked with a sly smile.

“Unable to stop thinking about the other night!” she admitted with her hand unconsciously between her legs.

“Me too! Can we talk?”

“I have a break in fifteen minutes. Meet you outside? In your car?”

“Okay. I do have some things to get. Maybe by the time I’m done?” she asked and, getting a nod from Bailey, set off to do her shopping. When she returned with several items, two got Bailey’s attention, and she held them up for Destiny to explain - first the hairbrush and then a large bottle of lube.

“I suspect I will have a naughty girl to deal with soon! Or, she might have to deal with me!” she said with the same sly smile regarding the hairbrush.

“Oh, that? That has all kinds of interesting uses, doesn’t it?” she responded and laughed when Bailey reached back and squeezed her cheeks, suggesting where she’d like to use it.

“See you in five minutes,” she said after scanning Destiny’s purchases.

Bailey was barely in the car when Destiny reached for her, pulling her in for a kiss that promised much for their next encounter.

“I can’t wait to see you again,” she said as she slipped her hand between Bailey’s thighs.

Bailey reached for her left breast as they came together for another tongue-twisting kiss. Neither wanting to let go, Bailey’s hand drifted down Destiny’s side and up her skirt to feel her satiny, wet panties.

“Can I see you tonight?” she asked, stroking the warm wet fabric.

“Oh, I can’t tonight! How about tomorrow?” Destiny asked, genuinely disappointed that this was something she couldn’t reschedule.

“Yes! Meet at Mickey’s? Eight o’clock?”

“Great! Have you been able to reach your friend Justin?”

“Unfortunately, no. He’s out of the country on a business trip, and I don’t know when he’ll be back. You like my idea of getting spanked together?”

“I can’t stop thinking about it! Maybe next time?”

They parted ways, but not before both had sticky, wet underwear to remind them of their date.

A day later, Bailey was waiting for her in an isolated booth at Mickey’s, looking up each time the door opened to see if it was Destiny. After five or six false alarms, she finally saw her, breathless at the sight of her gorgeous body covered in a sexy, royal blue dress with a long slit up the side. Bailey wasn’t the only one in the bar staring at her as she walked to meet Bailey. More than one hopeful guy was disappointed at the passionate kiss they shared.

“Oh my God, Destiny! You look gorgeous!”

“Mmm, and you look so cute in your short skirt! I want to reach up and grab you right now!”

As they sat together on one side of the booth with their backs to the high bench and the room, Bailey’s phone pinged for a text. She completely ignored it as the tongue in her mouth demanded.

“I wish I could go braless!” Destiny said as her hands stroked and squeezed Bailey’s pert breasts, their erect nipples poking through her flimsy blouse.

“And I wish I had a pair of these!” Bailey said, returning the favor.

Enjoying the teasing and not in any hurry, they had drinks while their conversation vacillated between harmless innuendo and outright filthy talk about what they would do to each other later.

Bailey’s phone pinged twice more in the hour they were together, and she finally decided to check who was so insistent.

“Oh my God! Justin’s home!” she exclaimed in pleasant surprise. A minute later, her phone rang.

“Justin? You’re home?” she asked and smiled at his reply, getting an excited look from Destiny.

“Yes! I just got to my place. I’d really like to see you tonight, Bailey!” he said, hoping it wasn’t too late in the evening.

“Oh really? And what did you have in mind,” she asked, continuing the teasing atmosphere with him now.

“I’ve had one thing on my mind for several days!” he replied, not picking up on her slightly inebriated state yet.

“I can’t imagine!”

“I’ve had an image of your beautiful bare butt bent over my knee, just begging for a good spanking!”

“Hm, I guess I have been a bit naughty lately,” she said, slurring her words and smiling at Destiny’s piqued reaction.

“Bailey, where are you?” he asked, finally hearing the background noise and her affected speech.

“I’m at Mickey’s! With a friend,” she added, not realizing how that would sound to him.

“Oh,” he said, thinking he’d missed his chance and worried about her ‘friend.’ Oh, well, you’re busy. Maybe I’ll call you tomorrow?” he asked, praying she’d say yes.

“No! She’d like to meet you! Why don’t you come down here! Please?” she asked in a pleading tone.

“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes!” he replied, his fears somewhat allayed.

He took a shower in record time and dressed in tight jeans and a casual shirt, hoping they displayed his body to its best advantage. Jumping back in his car, he raced to the bar, hoping the ‘friend’ wouldn’t keep him from doing everything he imagined to Bailey.

Bailey kept a watchful eye out for Justin and called to him when he walked in. She glanced at Destiny, getting a mouthed ‘Cute!’ with a smile and eyes to match.

“It’s so good to see you, Bailey,” he said with a warm hug and a kiss that neither wanted to stop.

“Justin, this is Destiny. Destiny, Justin,” Bailey introduced and stepped back as Destiny pulled him into an enticing hug of her own.

“It’s, uh, very nice to, uh, meet you,” he said, flustered by her familiar greeting.

“I’ve heard a lot about you, Justin,” she said with a smile that said it was all good.

“Oh, well, uh, thank you,” he replied more to Bailey than Destiny.

Justin ordered a beer when the server showed up, and they all sat, with him a little confused at his seat opposite the two. He hadn’t really taken in Destiny’s appearance yet but did so now rather obviously, acknowledging his good fortune at having two beautiful ‘girls’ to sit with. His eyes drawn repeatedly to her ample chest, its owner provided a subtle incentive to keep looking while Bailey smiled at Justin’s discomfort, telling him, ‘It’s okay to look!’

Bailey broke the stalemate by asking about Justin’s trip to the Far East, hence the longer duration. He shared some of the highlights of the personal side of the journey, preferring to forget the business side for the time being.

Not really the worldly person his travel might suggest, he was still unsure of where the night was leading, and thankfully, Bailey picked up on it and sent Destiny to the ladies’ room, using a prearranged signal under the table. Destiny excused herself and gave him another eyeful as she bent forward, providing a clear view of tight cleavage, threatening to burst free of their confinement. Not satisfied with that alone, she made a show of pulling her tight dress down to call attention to the lacy hose just visible through the side slit.

“Bailey, how do you know her!” he said with a reaction that said he was both aroused and nervous about someone who seemed out of his league despite the age difference.

She told him about her chance meeting at the drugstore, drawing an amusing parallel to how they’d met. She continued, describing the meeting at this bar, sharing their war stories of spanking experiences, but stopped short of revealing what they’d done together. As Destiny approached, she got a sly wink from Bailey, telling her their plan was proceeding as envisioned.

“So! What have you two been talking about while I was gone?” she asked as she slid in next to Justin.

“Oh well, uh …” Justin stammered, still unsure of his position.

“Is Bailey being a naughty girl again?” she asked just above a whisper but close to his ear.

“Um, I guess …” he started, reacting just as Bailey had predicted.

“Hm, sounds like she has! Bailey tells me you know how to handle a naughty girl!” she teased, her lower lip held between her perfect teeth. With Justin still speechless, she continued, “She told me you would show me how you correct a naughty girl’s behavior!”

“I’ve been such a bad girl, Justin!” Bailey added with the downcast eyes of an apologetic little girl.

Finally catching up with at least part of the secret plan, Justin decided to get back on the right side of this scene and take control.

“Bailey, you know what happens to girls who don’t behave. Or do you need to be reminded?” he said, barely achieving the flavor of a stern authoritarian.

“I’m sorry, Daddy!” she said with a hint of a smile that said, ‘Yes, remind me!’

“Destiny, it was really nice to meet you, but …” he started but was interrupted by a hand high up on his thigh.

“Now’s your chance to show me, Justin,” she started, putting him back a step or two. “Show me what happens to girls who don’t behave. My condo isn’t far from here. Why don’t we all go there so Bailey can get what all bad girls deserve!”

Adjusting clumsily to the apparent new direction of the evening, he turned to face Bailey.

“I think your punishment just got worse if you expect me to give Destiny a demonstration without telling me about it first!”

“It’s not just a demonstration, Justin,” Bailey replied, not surprised at his inability to read the situation.

“No, it isn’t!” Destiny added. “I’ve been a naughty girl too!” and smiled as understanding finally dawned on his face. “And I can’t wait,” she started, taking his hand and placing it on her cheek, “to feel your hand spanking my naughty, bare bottom!”

“Well then,” he started, finally in tune with the song they were singing, “I guess I’ll have my hands full tonight!” With his hand trying to get a grip on her taut rump, he settled for an allover stroke, adding, “And I’m sure you’re aware that it won’t be just my hand you’ll feel on this sexy bottom of yours!”

“Mmm, I’m counting on it!”

“I think we need to go … now!” Bailey said with a quick squeeze of her own quivering bottom.

They all slid out of the booth, drawing the attention of all the guys who’d drooled over Destiny when she walked in and were now envious of the guy both women were with. Noticing the eyes upon them, Bailey and Destiny grabbed Justin in a three-way hug and kissed him repeatedly, enjoying the audible moans from the guys, wondering what Justin had going on. They walked out arm in arm, nobody smiling more broadly than Justin.

As each had arrived separately, they formed a small caravan following Destiny to her condo. Surprised that they ended up on the beach and a high-rise building, they walked expectantly with Destiny as they made their way to the sixth floor, not disappointed at the expansive view of the Florida Gulf Coast and its beaches. Bailey and Justin took in the view; though dark as it was, the beach was the only thing to see, the overcast night barely forming a line at the horizon separating water and sky.

Bailey excused herself, saying she needed to use the bathroom, leaving Justin alone. A few minutes passed until he heard Bailey call to him.

“I think you’ll agree the view is better in here!”

‘Holy shit!’ he thought to himself, seeing his two naughty charges in nothing but their provocative underwear. They giggled at his stunned reaction, knowing that although he was dominant, there would be some ‘topping from the bottom’ tonight.

His affection for Bailey had him staring first at her simple, sheer panties and bra. While she didn’t have a voluptuous body like Destiny, her youthful looks were enhanced by a push-up bra that presented what he considered perfect tits in their best light, her erect nipples just barely held within the cups. Her bikini panties didn’t need to improve upon the sight between her luscious thighs. The smooth, meaty lips of her bald pussy and tight slit showing through the sheer fabric had his mouth watering when a slightly darker patch revealed her arousal.

Already as hard as he could be, he still felt like it ratcheted up a couple of notches when he looked at Destiny in her pale blue babydoll. While he’d wondered about her age at the bar, that was the last thing on his mind when he saw her ample breasts pushed together with cleavage that suddenly had him wondering what it would be like to fuck such a wondrous pair of tits. He could barely see her panties underneath the ‘skirt’ of her babydoll, a darker shadow of baby blue suggesting full coverage, something he’d enjoy pulling down later when her shapely rear needed to be bare.

“It looks like my naughty girls like showing off their delicious bodies! And giving me yet another reason to smack your deserving bottoms!” he said, finally getting control of himself and trying to take charge. “So, who’s gonna be first over my knee?”

“I think Bailey should go first. She didn’t get spanked when we were together!” Not having known they’d been together before, he was again taken aback as images of the two of them engaged in various lesbian acts quickly formed in his mind. “And she’s been a very naughty girl!” she finished.

“I’m sorry, Daddy!” Bailey started as she stepped forward, standing at his side with her arms around his neck. “I have been a bad girl. Are you gonna spank me? Ooo!” she chirped as Justin’s hand swatted both cheeks with a brisk upward stroke.

Destiny stepped aside to reveal the chair they’d placed in the middle of the room, ready for use.

“Come with me, young lady,” he said as he grabbed both her forearms and pushed her before him to the chair. He’d barely sat down when he pulled her forcefully down across his lap. Only a few squeezes of her perfect bottom later, he began spanking harder than she was used to at the outset.

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“Oh my G … Justin!” she cried, reacting to this sudden, instantly painful start. “Oh! Oh! Ohh!” she gasped at first, feeling her jiggly cheeks rebounding from similar swats to the first. The initial shock gradually wore off as the pain and pleasure came together, and she turned to smile at Justin while also raising her hips, clearly telling him she liked this new, vigorous beginning.

Always considering it one of her best features, he loved the way her bubble butt bounced up and down in response, alternating cheeks at a slower pace to fully appreciate the jiggling flesh on one cheek settling as the other was spanked.

Having never watched a spanking before, Destiny felt like she was wetting her panties as she, too, enjoyed watching the aftershocks of Bailey’s cute bottom. She had all she could do to resist slipping a hand between her legs, knowing that she’d cum very quickly if she did.

Justin could see the effect he was having on Destiny, her thighs pressing slightly together, trying to hide her arousal. Knowing she didn’t expect it, he suddenly stopped spanking Bailey and called her over.

“Come here, Destiny!” he said as Bailey climbed off his lap, her bottom warmer than she was used to after such a short stint over his knee. “You’ve been rather quick to point out Bailey’s naughty behavior tonight. Is that because you like watching her get spanked? If so, you’re about to return the favor.”

Dragging her down upon his lap, she practically fell into place and felt his spanking hand almost immediately. She knew she was being spanked differently as the quicker pace and lighter intensity weren’t what she’d just witnessed with Bailey, but a delicious warmth was building, nonetheless.

“Oh sir!” she cried as she too willingly accepted her discipline mixed with desire. Bailey had told her how doing some things with a woman was different – not better, just different – and now she was feeling that difference as a man who knew how she needed to be spanked was doing so relentlessly.

Bailey stood to his left and watched with fascination as Destiny’s bottom changed color quickly without a word of protest. Her firm, shapely bottom absorbed the impacts with barely a twitch. Moving to his other side, she recalled the sight and feeling of spanking Destiny herself and repurposed one hand from soothing her bottom to stroking her pussy.

Justin had enjoyed seeing Bailey caressing the bottom he thought of as ‘his’ but groaned silently when he saw her hand slip between her legs and make that dark patch bigger. He thought about his tongue gliding through her slippery wet slit and poured his desire into a crescendo of ten spanks on each cheek in turn before stopping.

“Holy fuck!” Destiny gasped as the sting caught up.

“That’s enough for now,” he said as he helped Destiny up, her sore cheeks demanding attention from her hands.

Were he seeing this as a picture on the internet, his hand would surely be in his pants, but seeing his two naughty girls rubbing their punished bottoms ‘live’ was almost more than he could take. They stood in front of him, knowing the effect it was having on him, as they exaggerated their bottom rubbing with gyrating hips plus soft, breathy sighs.

Taking leads from each other, they ramped up Justin’s arousal with coordinated self-pleasuring. First, with hands slipped inside their panties for flesh-on-flesh soothing of their heated rumps, then, one hand scratching at their moist mounds, and finally, fingers, inside their panties, gliding through and into their pussies.

“You two are just begging for more spanking, aren’t you?” he asked, not expecting an answer, but groaned audibly with their ‘Mm-hm!’ response, getting them both giggling. “Okay. Naked! Both of you! Now!” he said in clipped phrases, unable to speak in complete sentences.

Seeing this as an opportunity to further drive him crazy, they did a sexy strip for his enjoyment, Bailey starting with her bra and Destiny with her panties. Their hands moved and touched in ways unnecessary to remove clothes. After Bailey shoved her red ass in his face while stripping her panties, and Destiny shook her ample tits just as closely, they each straddled one of his knees, bringing the objects of his desire within reach.

Unable to resist, he took one of Destiny’s proffered tits in his mouth, sucking on her hard nip while one hand kneaded the other and another hand slipped between Bailey’s thighs. She moved closer, wishing he could get his face between her cheeks but settled for more insistent probing of her pussy and the puckered star framed by her pink cheeks.

Bailey was panting, on the verge of her summit, when Destiny decided she wanted some of that too and shoved her crotch in his face, demanding that he eat her. With his one free hand, he stabbed two fingers inside her while his tongue licked her slit and clit. Justin was just trying to keep up as they both gasped and groaned their way to an orgasm; none of them had planned this way.

He watched them try to remain standing on shaky legs, proud of his accomplishment in making them cum loudly, and idly wondered how soundproof her condo walls were.

“Put your hands on my thigh,” he instructed Bailey after grabbing her forearm and pulling her to stand between his legs. “Good. Now bend slightly,” he added after sliding his left hand up her thigh to stroke her pussy from the front this time.

“Oh God, Justin!” she cried as his fingers manhandled her dripping wet cunt. “Holy shit!” she added with uncharacteristic vulgarity when he smacked her perfect little ass across both cheeks.

Spanking and fingering her at the same time, he’d let her catch her breath after a few hard spanks on her lower cheeks and then spank her again. It didn’t take long for her to reach another climax, doubling over in quaking spasms, supported only by her hands on his thigh. When she could finally stand, she put one hand on his cheek and kissed him passionately in mute thanks.

Destiny had just barely managed to keep her fingers out of her pussy as she’d watched Bailey and wasted not a second taking her place when she finally broke her kiss with Justin and stood aside.

“Please, sir!” she said, pleading for her turn as her hands came to rest on his thigh.

There was no reason not to give her exactly the same treatment, but just as he’d spanked her differently, he decided to do this differently as well.

“Turn a little toward me,” he instructed, hoping the angle would permit what he had in mind.

He pulled her just a little closer such that one hand ended up on his hip, and she closed her eyes as she saw his hand reaching for her soggy snatch. Cupping her swollen lips in his palm, his thumb twirled her clit in circles, and as her breathing accelerated, his finger, slick with her juice, pressed into her tightest opening.

“Jesus Christ!” she screamed when he spanked her on alternating cheeks, starting hard and getting even harder with every smack.

She didn’t know which way to move as every way seemed to send her careening toward a wall that she crashed through when she came, flooding his hand with her syrupy sap, crying ‘Oh!’ and ‘Fuck!’ repeatedly. Before she could breathe normally, she, too, thanked him with a tongue-twisting kiss, her labored breath escaping loudly through her nose.

Neither noticed that Bailey had fingered herself to an incredible orgasm, just watching Destiny’s body twitching and gyrating with Justin’s fingers playing her like a symphony.

Destiny sat on his lap, still unable to stand, and Bailey moved to his side, competing for ways to stroke him and his ego. He couldn’t believe what he had done, having ad-libbed the whole encounter, and smiled openly when he figured out what the next act of this scriptless play would be.

“I hope you haven’t forgotten your hairbrush spankings!” he said, seeing a mixture of anticipation and fear on their faces. “Bailey, I know you have one. Get it for me!”

While Bailey went to her purse to retrieve her favorite spanking implement, Destiny started undressing Justin. He was down to his jeans when Bailey returned and, handing him the brush, stood behind him and covered his bare chest with her hands, pinching his nipples repeatedly. He looked up at her, and she bent to kiss him while Destiny was pulling his tight underwear off, leaving him as naked as they were.

“Take us to your bedroom, Destiny,” he instructed, and they moved as a unit with exploring hands everywhere as they walked.

The bed lay open in preparation for what she and Bailey had planned, which fit Justin’s plan as well.

“I want you side-by-side, bent over the edge of the bed, with your legs spread.” They smiled as they processed his demand and received a swat from the brush when they didn’t move quickly enough. They laid as instructed, their hips touching, the first intimate contact with each other this night prompting a quick kiss that led to an extended embrace with entangled tongues and a loud squeak as each received their first hairbrush swat.

“Don’t let me stop you,” he said as he knelt with their legs between his. Their lips met again but stopped as they gasped at getting additional swats to their already sore bottoms. ‘What a sight!’ he thought, taking in two gorgeous bottoms, four cheeks colored with their punishment, and four firm thighs with two dripping pussies between.

Shifting the brush from hand to hand, they got random hard swats, and just as they wondered what else he had up his sleeve, his free hand penetrated one of the two cunts with several fingers. As one was gasping in pain/pleasure, the other was pushing back on his fingers, wanting so badly to be fucked.

They really didn’t know what to do when he added a third element, leaning in close to lick one or the other’s savory syrup. Like a one-man band, his hands and mouth played them both, neither knowing what was coming next: a swift swat, a deep digit, or a twisting tongue. When he moved between them, they grabbed the short interlude to kiss or suckle an engorged tit before crying out at whatever happened next.

Their bodies stiffened, with hips raised to give Justin better access as they approached another climax, a mind-blowing explosion that had Destiny squirting and Bailey shuddering in indescribable ecstasy. It took minutes for the two to be able to move or speak, but they said not a word as they both tried to show their appreciation.

Justin was exhausted from jet lag and his frenetic efforts to bring two beautiful women to this point, and it showed. He fell backward to sit on the floor while they showed him it was his turn to enjoy. With her hand wrapped around his steel cock, Bailey looked up at Destiny.

“Now?” she asked.

“Now!” Destiny replied as they helped Justin to his feet, led him to the bed, and had him lie on his back. Getting him comfortable with gently stroking hands made him relax, knowing they would be doing most of the work now.

By prearrangement, Bailey got his cock and guided it into her well-lubricated pussy, just sitting on it and squirming around, feeling him fill her, while Destiny got his tongue as she climbed aboard with her back to him and lowered her seething slit over his mouth.

“Stick out your tongue and say ‘ah,’” she said and painted his tongue with her juice, doing all the work of grinding her pussy against his face. His ‘ah’ became ‘mmm’ as he just lay there with his tongue outstretched while she mashed her pussy into his face.

Bailey knew he couldn’t last long with all that prior stimulation and no relief for him so far, so she took it easy at first. Nevertheless, the combined efforts of the two of them had him groaning in euphoric delirium, so Bailey gave it her all, bouncing on his cock as fast as she could, feeling it pulse as he shot load after load deep inside her, his joyous cries muffled by Destiny’s pussy and her delirious cries of rapture.

Still, she sat as he shrunk within her, his seed dripping out. They switched places, with Bailey facing him as she sat on his chest, her glistening wet lips inches from his mouth, and Destiny kneeling between his legs as she took him in her mouth to get him ready for another fuck.

They were all surprised at how quickly he returned to form, crediting Bailey’s delicious, bald pussy he so loved to lick. Feeling they didn’t have to hold back this time, Destiny impaled herself on his revived rigid rod and fucked him hard and fast, coming to one quick climax long before he was even close.

Bailey force-fed her leaking lips to him, grinding him into the mattress with circular gyrations that brought his whole face into play. Having recovered some energy, he grabbed his favorite sexy butt with both hands and guided her back into his mouth, devouring her tasty twat with his lips and licking her stiff little nub until he knew she was on the edge.

Gasps, moans, and groans filled the air, with no one knowing what came from whom as they rocketed toward another climactic cliff and went over the edge close enough in time to feel like a three-way simultaneous orgasm. The three of them collapsed on the bed, trying to breathe normally.

One by one, they finally managed to sit up, smiling at what they’d done for each other. Hands explored freely to soothe, not arouse, their sweaty bodies. Someone suggested a shower, so they slowly found their way into Destiny’s large shower, where multiple jets of water rinsed them off, helped by roving hands full of rich scented lather that washed them clean.

Dried and dressed, they shared some wine on her balcony overlooking the dark gulf waters and white sugar sand beach while congratulating each other on such an extraordinary night.

At work the following day, Justin saw Bailey’s name come up on his phone and left an important meeting to take her call.

“Hi, Bailey! Last night was unbelievable, wasn’t it?”

“It was! I woke up this morning wondering if it was a dream.”

“I hope we can do it again?” he asked, unsure if Destiny felt the same way.

“Definitely! Next time, I’d like to …” she started.

“Bailey, I’m sorry to interrupt, but do you think you and Destiny could, um … you know, both give me a spanking?” Bailey’s laughter deflated him at first.

“It’s funny. That’s exactly what I was calling you to suggest!”


I hope this anticipated threesome met your expectations! Please remember to 'like' and/or 'favorite' it if you did. Thank you for reading my story!

Written by 2bespanked
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