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Brush With Destiny

"Bailey has her first lesbian experience with an older woman who's hoping for her first good spanking!"

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Author's Notes

"This is a sequel to Brush With Desire that stands on its own, the idea and plotline for which was provided by a Lush friend, KeithW66. Thanks, Keith! This is my first attempt at a story about a lesbian encounter, so I'm interested to hear in the comments whether I've managed to tap into my inner female but please ... <p> [ADVERT] </p>be gentle."

After providing the setting for her amazing hairbrush encounter with Justin, Bailey decided she liked working in the drug store despite some of the shortcomings of retail work. She enjoyed the sometimes funny, sometimes embarrassing dealings with customers. Like the woman who bought half a dozen large bottles of silicone-based lube, dying to ask what she was going to do with so much, but let her imagination provide the answer rather than embarrass a customer. Or the surprisingly young boys sheepishly asking where the condoms were, knowing they probably needed some instruction and imagining a demonstration on how to use them.

There were also customers, who at first glance appeared to be shopping for normal things for normal purposes, that in the end didn’t turn out to be normal at all.

Early one morning, when the store was nearly empty, Bailey saw her walk in from her post at the checkout counter. Despite her flowing, flowery dress, she seemed subdued as she walked past and went directly to the back of the store. While at first, she seemed to know exactly where to go, she saw her a few minutes later in the security mirrors, seeming almost disoriented and walking aimlessly around the store empty-handed, not finding what she was there for.

“Is there something I can help you with?” Bailey asked as she approached the woman.

“Oh yes, I’m looking for some kind of cream or lotion to soothe a … a skin irritation,” she said in a confused tone.

“May I ask what kind of skin irritation?” Bailey asked, noticing the woman occasionally reaching back and touching her bottom, which immediately sent her imagination going.

“Um, well … it’s,” she stammered. “It’s kind of stinging and sore? On my … my, you know,” she added, putting her hand on her left butt cheek, not able to find a word she was comfortable using.

“Ah. Yes. Come with me,” Bailey answered, guessing what she needed and why. “Here we are. Now, do you just want to soothe the irritation, or do you need some pain relief as well? If it’s just soothing you need, Arnica cream would probably be best and has some pain relief qualities as well, but if it still hurts a lot, then you might want something with a stronger pain reliever in it, like lidocaine.”

“Well, it doesn’t really, um, hurt anymore, just a bit sore, and it stings a lot!”

“Then the Arnica cream is probably best. I’ve used it myself,” Baily replied, giving her own bottom a seductive stroke.

“Thank you, Bailey?” she said, looking at her name badge and turning towards the front of the store to checkout.

“There you are, Destiny,” Baily said, looking at her credit card for her name before handing it back. “I’d like to know how you make out with the cream. Will you call me in a few days and give me an update?”

Her nervousness was finally gone, and Destiny felt an affinity towards this much younger girl, Bailey. She wasn’t good at reading people usually, but she felt a connection with her and thought the feeling might be reciprocal.

“I will,” she said in a friendly voice, “you’ve been most kind. I’ll call you in a few days. Here at the store?”

“Yes. Here’s a card. Just ask for me,” Baily replied, having also felt the connection between them, and returned Destiny’s smile as she turned to leave.

Bailey was left with a strange attraction to this woman but didn’t know why. She was pretty and had a full shapely body, but she’d never felt anything like this for another woman before. She couldn’t know that Destiny, in her late thirties, was almost old enough to be her mother, but that wouldn’t have mattered anyway.

Like many girls of her age, Baily had thought about what it might be like to be with another woman but had never acted on these thoughts at all. She’d call herself ‘bi-curious’ if asked though that might be over-stating it given the lack of any action on her part, but Destiny seemed to awaken these feelings; bring them more to the fore than ever before, and combined with her affliction that she suspected involved some kind of spanking, she could easily imagine having her across her knee, or even better being across hers.

It was what would come after the spanking that troubled her. Thankfully, she had a short shift that day, as she couldn’t get this woman off her mind, and hoped that going home would help in that regard. While it did help, thoughts of Destiny continued to pop into her head from time to time for the days that followed.

“Bailey. Line 2,” she heard over the store’s overhead speakers late one afternoon.

“Hello, this is Bailey,” she said to the caller.

“Hi, Bailey! It’s Destiny!”

“Destiny! I’m so glad you called,” Bailey replied in a cheerful voice and feeling happier still inside at this reconnection with her. “How are you? Did the cream work okay?”

“It worked great! I’m so grateful to you!” she said and barely heard Bailey’s reply when she continued. “You were so kind and helpful, Bailey. I wonder if you’d come and have a cup of coffee or even a drink with me as a way of thanking you properly,” she asked with some insecurity in her voice.

“I’d love to have a drink with you! Tonight?” she asked, hoping a little alcohol would help them both get past any inhibitions.

“Yes, tonight would be great!” she replied, comforted by Bailey’s enthusiastic response.

They exchanged mobile numbers and arranged to meet that evening at a quiet bar just a mile or so away and got off the call both excited and nervous about the meeting, not sure if the other was expecting or even just hoping for the same things.

Bailey arrived first at the small, cozy bar they’d agreed on and ordered a glass of wine to ease her nerves. She didn’t know where this night would go, whether she might have her first lesbian experience or if Destiny was feeling the same way, but she did know that she was already aroused and feeling a tingling warmth between her legs.

When Destiny walked in, she could feel that warmth ramping up, and any doubt about what she wanted was gone. Either she cleaned up really well, or she didn’t have an accurate picture in her mind of this beautiful woman.

Her long, straight blonde hair fell about her like a model at a high fashion shoot accentuating her catlike face with blue eyes and a sensuous mouth. Wearing form-fitting black jeans and a colorful crop top revealed a body that looked larger than it had in the summer dress she’d first seen her in, but the extra weight was in all the right places, especially her exquisite ass! Bailey felt outclassed in more ways than one.

For a day or two, Destiny had anxiously anticipated a date with Bailey as she had found her attractive in her own way. Her slim body, small breasts, and cute, round bottom all had her looking the part of an innocent young girl perfectly, but her innuendo at the store exposed her kinky side, and though it didn’t seem likely, she still hoped to end up naked across her knee getting a proper spanking, unlike the one that brute of a boyfriend had given her. If not tonight, she at least hoped to lay the groundwork for such an outcome in the future.

Unlike Bailey, Destiny had been with women before and considered herself bi-sexual, although she still leaned heavily toward men. ‘Was Bailey going to change that?’ she wondered. She had initiated one encounter with a woman before but later found the woman had been well primed for Destiny’s attentions, so she wasn’t sure if she could draw upon that experience to do the same with Bailey. Seeing her in her short denim skirt and tight white top that hugged those small, braless young tits solidified her commitment to do her best to make it happen.

“It’s so good to see you, Bailey!” she said enthusiastically, meaning more than just ‘seeing’ her now.

“You too, Destiny!”

“I wanted to thank you in person for your help,” she started as she sat down and continued even though Bailey had tried to downplay what she’d done. “That cream worked wonders both in making me feel better at the time and aiding the healing. You were so nice to me that morning.”

“I’m sure you would have done the same for me in similar circumstances,” Bailey said, hoping Destiny understood she had been in a similar position once.

“I don’t know. I was so embarrassed because ...”

She’d had an interest, mild at first but building for a couple of years ever since a college friend talked about getting spanked by her husband. The friend hadn’t expected it and protested at first, but as it started playfully, she gradually grew to like it and asked for it harder. She was hooked when the sex afterward turned out to be so much more intense. Her interest piqued, Destiny had made half-hearted attempts to find someone to spank her but had been unsuccessful until her recent boyfriend, which she wouldn’t call successful either, even though she’d ended up across his knee with a sore, red bottom.

Her embarrassment put an end to that line of conversation for the time being, and after getting some wine for Destiny as well, they got acquainted with each other; what they did, schooling, upbringing, etc. When they got to the subject of boyfriends, Bailey decided to push a little further on the events that brought Destiny into her store.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” Bailey asked.

“Not anymore. Not after that last night with him!” she said with disgust.

“You mean the night before you came in the store?”

“Yes. It wasn’t at all what I was expecting.”

“It can be a little dangerous; what we like to do, you know? You hope you’ve found the right guy …”

“Or girl,” Destiny interjected with a hopeful smile.

“Or girl,” Bailey said smiling, “and maybe you’re not even sure yourself what your limits are, but you’d like to push them back a little bit, right?” Bailey stopped to see if she was on the right track and what Destiny would add.

“It was my first time, Bailey!” she said with a sorrowful tone, almost crying at this first opportunity to share what had happened, “and I thought Jimmy knew what to do. I guess I should have known when he still thought I was weird and just went along with it because I begged him to do it.”

“What happened exactly?”

“Well, first, we are talking about spanking, right?” she asked, wanting to be sure they were on the same page. Getting a nod from Bailey, she continued. She shared the story of her college friend and how many years later, she had finally found the courage to tell her boyfriend about it. “I told him that I would like to try getting spanked. ‘Maybe like a naughty little girl over your knee,’ I said to him. He said he didn’t understand why I’d want that but said he’d do it if I really wanted it.

“Next thing I know, he’s pulled me down over his lap while sitting on the sofa and put his arm around my waist held me very tight. That part was good; exciting, you know? But then he flipped my skirt up and yanked my panties down so hard they were torn, and he just started beating my ass with those big meaty hands of his, and he wouldn’t stop no matter how hard I screamed or cried.

“I don’t know how many I got. I tried to count, but I’d missed many of them and lost the count I had after sixty, and he went on for a couple of minutes more. It hurt so bad, and when he finally stopped, I got up and screamed at him! ‘What the fuck was that?’ I asked, and he said he thought that was what I wanted, and then he called me a ‘sicko’ and left. That was the only good thing; that he left, and I haven’t seen or heard from him since. Probably telling all his buddies what a weirdo I am!”

“Oh, Destiny! I’m so sorry you had such a bad first experience. I suspect it’s unusual to have a really good experience the first time, finding the right level and all, but it shouldn’t end up like yours, regardless.”

“What was yours like?” Destiny asked, moving closer to her with her elbows on the table in rapt attention.

Bailey told her about her first time when her boyfriend also didn’t understand it and did it just because she wanted it, but in this case, he was the one scared off by her escalations, her wanting more and more to the point he wanted no part of it anymore. She also shared the experience she had with Justin and the hairbrush at the store, which was a much happier tale.

“We still get together for spankings, though it’s usually just one of us getting it on any given night.

“So, you like to switch? Is that what they call it?” Destiny asked, her interest growing.

“I didn’t think I would, but I do now. I’d still prefer to be the one with the sore bottom, but I like having my naughty little boy Justin over my knee for a spanking too!” Saying this, she pictured Destiny lying in her lap with a bare bottom.

“You’re so lucky, Bailey! I wish I had someone like you,” she said, testing the waters. She suspected Bailey had never been with a woman before based on their conversation, but she really couldn’t tell. She did know that she’d love to submit to a nice, long spanking from her. “How do you go about finding someone when it’s considered such a kinky weird thing to do?”

“Well, maybe you have. Found someone, I mean,” Bailey replied, hoping she’d take the statement as the offer she intended it to be.

“You, Bailey?” she asked, hoping upon hope, and Bailey nodded. “Would you really? You’d give me a spanking; a proper spanking?” she asked, knowing that Bailey would do it right.

“Mm-hm,” Bailey said with a bitten lip and a small smile.

“I’d love to! Um, when,” she asked, hoping it would be very soon and suddenly very conscious of the wet fabric between her legs.

“How about right now? Hm? Would you like me to give you a spanking, Destiny?” she replied now with a big smile and emphasizing the word ‘spanking’.

“Yes! Yes, Bailey! Spank me! Give me a good spanking!” she cried, moving closer to Bailey and putting her hands on hers.

“One thing, Destiny. I’ve never been with a woman before, and I didn’t know if I really wanted to when I came here tonight, but I do now, and I’d like to do more than just spank you. Is that okay?” Bailey asked, her excitement going right to her pussy.

“It’s more than okay! I can’t wait to get my hands on your delicious little body!” she replied and would bet that Bailey’s panties were as wet as hers right now, and she’d win that bet.

Bailey slipped a hand down between her legs and, feeling her sodden panties, said, “We need to go … now!”

They decided to go to Bailey’s apartment as it was closer, and they left in a high state of arousal. Bailey was excited and nervous about her first such encounter, but her pussy was begging for the soft touch of female lips that she hoped would know exactly what she needed, even if she didn’t herself. Destiny also had mixed feelings about the spanking she’d asked for, hoping it would be as good as she’d anticipated but knowing that playing with Bailey’s body was going to be fun regardless.

They arrived at her apartment and were soon settled on the sofa sitting closely, not saying much aloud, but their eyes and bodies speaking volumes. Bailey, being on unfamiliar turf, wasn’t sure how to get things started, but thankfully Destiny did, and when her hand slipped slowly up Bailey’s thigh, she leaned in for a kiss.

‘Oh my god!’ Bailey thought as the touch of female lips excited her more than she’d expected. It wasn’t that it was better, but it was different in such an arousing way that she knew tonight was going to be special.

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Destiny’s hand reached the humid crotch of Bailey’s panties and, first with fingers, followed by her palm, cupped her young pussy, and gently rubbed as Bailey rose just enough for her to make full contact. There was something special about having this seemingly innocent young girl in her hand like this, but her thoughts quickly turned to this not-so-innocent young girl spanking her like the naughty little girl she so wanted to be.

“Mmm,” Bailey hummed as her pussy squirmed in Destiny’s hand, “It feels so good, Destiny! Ooo, but you know you’re being a very naughty girl, don’t you?”

“Ohh, I’m sorry! Do you not like … this?” she asked as she slipped a single finger under the saturated strip of fabric and into her steamy slit. “Or this?” she added when all four fingers found their way inside, her knuckles rocking between her swollen lips.

Again, Bailey was struck by the different feeling, again not better, simply different, and again extremely arousing. She could easily cum just from this stimulation but decided to give first rather than receive.

“Oh, Destiny, I do like it very much! But that doesn’t mean you aren’t being a very naughty little girl, and you know what happens to little girls when they’re being so naughty.”

“Am I gonna get spanked, Miss?” Destiny asked, assuming her submissive role.

“Yes,” Bailey said as she stood and held out her hand. “Come with me.”

“I’m sorry, Miss!” she replied without asking for a reprieve.

They arrived in Bailey’s bedroom, where she left Destiny standing at the end of the bed for a moment while she went into her bathroom and returned with her hairbrush in hand. Destiny couldn’t help squirming in place, just a little, and smiling at the sight of the brush. Sitting on the bed, Bailey took her hand and, having her stand in front, reached for the waist of her tight jeans.

“You won’t feel a thing with these pants on, and it is supposed to hurt, you know … at least a little,” she added with a smile.

“Yes, Miss,” she replied with uneven breaths as she felt first the snap pop open, the zipper slide down, and then the tugging as Bailey pulled them down over her ample hips to reveal her sheer, black bikini panties.

“Mmm, you look good enough to eat!” Bailey said, eyeing the smooth, moist slit below a well-trimmed triangle of hair. Leaving the pants at her knees, she slid her hands up the backs of her thighs to the squishy, round mounds that would soon feel the delicious pain of a good spanking.

“You’re still gonna give me a spanking, aren’t you, Miss?” she asked in a pouty tone, but her real reason was just wanting to be sure Bailey didn’t get sidetracked.

“Yes, you need to be spanked first before we do anything else. Do you understand?” she replied as she pulled her first to her side and then down across her knees.

“Please don’t spank me too hard, Miss!” she said as she was bending over, partly as appropriate for her role but also as a reminder that she didn’t want the kind of beating her idiot boyfriend had given her.

“You will be spanked as hard as I feel necessary, Destiny.”

“Yes, Miss … Ow!” she reacted to the first spank across the lower part of both cheeks.

It didn’t take long for Destiny to be writhing in pain and pleasure as Bailey spanked her fleshy bottom with smacks to alternate cheeks. This was the kind of spanking she was hoping for as her squirming body language told Bailey just how quickly to progress from playful pats to painful spanks on her non-protective panties. This was the kind of pain turning to pleasure she had anticipated. This was how she wanted a spanking to feel!

“You need a good spanking, don’t you, Destiny?”

“Oh yes, Miss!” was all she could manage as the punishing spanks went straight to her core. Feeling like she could do this all night, she now wished it to escalate with the removal of her panties so she’d feel Bailey’s palm on her bare flesh.

“I think it’s time for these to come down,” Bailey said, as though reading her mind and with fingers hooked into the elastic, drew them down over her pink cheeks, Destiny flinching when the coarse elastic scraped her tender bottom.

“Please? Take them off?” Destiny asked.

Bailey pushed them and her jeans down over her shapely calves and helped her free her ankles from their confines. Bailey moaned when Destiny spread her legs enough to see her glistening labia between luscious thighs. Feeling her own flooded panties, Bailey slid her hands up the back of Destiny’s legs, and while one went to caress her stinging buns, the other detoured between her legs, a fingertip alone in the slippery slit. She loved the fact that her spanking had driven Destiny’s lust to this point.

“Oh, Bailey! I can’t pretend anymore! Please spank me. Spank your naughty girl on her bare bottom!”

“Ooo, you want to get spanked?”

“Yes! Please?”

Not needing any further encouragement, she resumed the spanking targeting the lower part of her cheeks, delighting in the way they bounced upward and then jiggled as they settled down again. Three spanks on each cheek in turn gave the other time to come to rest before the next trio was received. Spanking her first female bottom, Bailey wondered what her bottom looked like when it was spanked.

Destiny couldn’t keep still as the spanking was so much better than she had imagined, her body transmitting this message to Bailey as she lifted her hips, begging for more painful spanks alternating with grinding her wet pussy against Bailey’s bare thighs.

Bailey continued the pattern of spanking Destiny’s gorgeous bottom, encouraging her to keep humping her leg, loving the feeling of both the coarse pubes and soft wet lips on her thigh.

Sensing she needed another escalation, Bailey stopped spanking but resumed her finger explorations in Destiny’s dripping wet crotch, penetrating her flooded cave with first one and then several fingers fucking her needy cunt. She brought her right to the brink of cumming but stopped and grabbed the hairbrush to give her one good swat, again on the lower cheek, Destiny’s yelp adding to the pleasure of seeing the red stain on her cheek as it jiggled and settled once again.

“Yow!! Oh my god, Bailey!” she cried, both in pain yet full of desire for more.

It hurt so much more, yet Bailey wasn’t giving her anywhere near a full stroke. She knew well how much the brush could hurt and gave Destiny only the intensity needed to appreciate the difference of the hard, paddle-like surface striking her defenseless bottom. Destiny’s body language, so like her own when she’d gotten the brush, told her she was finally feeling real pain and the exquisite pleasure it brought.

She also knew that it wouldn’t take too many swats before it would feel like the beating she’d hated so much, so she decided to head for the finish, determined to have her cum in her lap while still being spanked.

‘Oh, my god! The pain!’ Destiny thought to herself. It was starting to just hurt when Bailey gave her four good whacks in the same spot, stopped, and scraped her fingernail over the newly sensitized spot, making her feel like she’d jump out of her skin from the over-stimulation, arching her back and gasping as she recovered.

Five on the other cheek, plus the fingernails, amplified her reaction two-fold, followed by six on the original cheek, and Destiny’s body was twitching, not knowing which way to go. She barely withstood eight on the second cheek as she gasped Bailey’s name repeatedly.

“It’s okay, Destiny,” Bailey said in a soothing voice while caressing the fleshy orbs of her deliciously spanked ass, the sore cheeks being pressed into her palms as a continuous moan came from her sexy, smiling mouth.

Moving the brush to her left hand, Bailey began playfully patting her sore bottom while her fingers dove into the wet mess between her legs. As moans turned to groans, she finger-fucked her naughty girl, her palm slapping her perineum while only gradually increasing the force with the brush.

“Harder, Bailey!” she cried as the storm built within her. “Spank me harder!” she demanded as the storm approached with the increased intensity of the now-hard swats to her pain-saturated bottom. “Oh! Ohh! Ohh! Ohh!” she screamed, and with the lightning strike sting of one really hard swat, the fury of the storm was upon her leaving her a quivering, heaving mass on Bailey’s lap.

Bailey almost came herself with the crescendo of Destiny’s reaction but now gently caressed her body as it finally calmed. With both pride and wonder at what she’d given Destiny, she helped her up to sit in her lap to give the mothering her naughty little girl needed after her punishment.

Pulling back, Destiny smiled before planting the most passionate kiss on the younger girl’s lips, then devouring each other in the process before coming up for air.

“Oh, Bailey! That was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced!” she said as she pulled the hem of Bailey’s tight shirt up and off, discarding it on the floor. Cupping her small breasts in both hands, she gently kneaded one while the other was squeezed, kissed, and licked until Bailey’s thrusting chest had her switch sides.

“I really enjoyed it too, Destiny!” she said after another kiss and watched as Destiny took over, sliding off her lap to kneel between her legs. Leaning in, she planted her mouth on the sopping wet gusset of the tight, white panties while her fingers worked the button and zipper of her skirt open and tugged it down over Bailey’s upraised hips. Pushing her pussy into Destiny’s face, she groaned as she felt her panties being taken down, sticky tendrils of her juice clinging to the fabric before breaking away as the panties were peeled away from her pussy and discarded along with her skirt and blouse.

“Thank you, Bailey!” Destiny said as she pulled behind Bailey’s knees to get her to the edge of the bed before spreading her legs and diving face-first into her slippery wetness.

Squirming and gasping as she felt the difference that female lips made while the sensations in her pussy were felt acutely, cumming in just seconds of the first contact of tongue and clit. Not letting up, Destiny lapped at the smooth bare lips, her tongue insinuating itself into every crease and crevice of her pretty, young pussy while Bailey twisted this way and that on full sensory overload until another climax approached and crashed over her heaving body.

Destiny’s magic tongue still driving her on, Bailey lifted her hips off the bed and wiped her face with her swollen, sodden lips while Destiny’s tongue tried to keep up with the moving target until Bailey stiffened, allowing the fingers in her pussy, tongue licking her clit and the other hand on her ass again to bring her to another shuddering orgasm. Her hips jerking in the process were smacking Destiny’s face as each crest swelled and consumed her with electric sensations.

Bailey finally sat once again, still breathing heavily, and reached for Destiny, pulling her into a hug, which had them falling on the bed wrapped in each other’s arms as they expressed their mutual joy in what they’d both just experienced; Destiny getting the kind of spanking she’d always dreamed of and Bailey finding out just how good a woman’s touch could be.

Not wanting to feel like she’d missed any of this new experience, Bailey sat up and turned to kiss her lover all over, starting with her amazing breasts, kissing, licking, and suckling the tantalizing tits and working her way down between Destiny’s now-spread thighs to lick another’s pussy for the first time. Feeling the thighs pressing on her cheeks as though holding her in place drove her on with her tongue furiously licking all it could touch. Surprised that the taste wasn’t unpleasant, she took to sucking in all she could and lapping up what she couldn’t.

Not to be outdone, Destiny reached for Bailey’s legs and, lifting them over her, pulled the younger pussy right to her mouth, getting a long, low moan from Bailey for her efforts. Mirroring some of what Bailey was doing to her with some variation had Bailey picking up the cues and following her in turn. With her hands on Bailey’s snow-white cheeks, she pulled her in, mashing her face with the dripping wet cunt, and feasted on the delicious lips of her cute, little girl, who only minutes before, had been spanking her like she was the little girl.

Tongues slipping between slippery swollen, lips; fingers pulling them apart for deeper penetration, and clits exposed, sucked, and licked all contributed to the passion the two felt for each other as their bodies twisted and squirmed to maximize such intimate contact. Frantic fingers and tongues rose the arousal level to nearly unbearable heights when the two exploded simultaneously, gripping each other’s face between their thighs while the shuddering and writhing slowly subsided.

When finally released from Destiny’s sticky wet grasp, Bailey turned around to lay atop her and kissed her fervently, each telling the other how wonderful they were.

Not completely spent but wanting to savor just what they’d done so far, Bailey sat up, looking at the other’s naked body with an appreciation she couldn’t have imagined before today. She felt that life was going to be just so much better, having added this exciting, new interest, and if asked now, would say she’s bisexual.

“I think I’d like a nice, hot bath! Want to join me?” Bailey asked after leaning down to plant a small but loving kiss on Destiny’s lips.

“As long as it’s not too hot,” Destiny replied, rubbing her sore bottom with a pained smile.

It wasn’t long before they were seated facing each other in Bailey’s old claw-footed tub, their toes playing between each other’s legs. Bailey grabbed a large natural sponge and, after squirting some body wash on it, had Destiny turn around so she could wrap her arms around her delicious body and wash away the sticky remains of their fabulous night together. Lifting her legs out of the water for Bailey to clean them, she smiled when she saw her drop the sponge and felt two hands sliding slowly down her thighs.

Kissing Destiny’s neck, her hands went to work gently massaging both her pussy and her gorgeous, soapy tits; Bailey brought her to another much calmer, though equally satisfying orgasm before they traded places, Bailey receiving the same, delighting in her newfound lesbian desires.

“So, you’re not a converted lesbian yet?” Destiny teased with a smile as her cute, young girlfriend lay between her legs and against her chest in the warm water.

“Hm, I don’t know … but I do know want to do it again if you’ll have me?” she asked, not entirely sure if she’d measured up to Destiny’s standards.

“You’re not getting rid of me that easily, my pretty little girl! Anyway, I owe you at least one good spanking!”

“How about you? Would you still like to find yourself over a man’s knee for a spanking?” Bailey asked with an idea forming in her mind.

“I suppose so, but I’m not looking forward to trying to find the right one to be my ‘daddy’.”

“Well, I’ve got an idea about that,” Bailey said, turning to look at Destiny’s face and, seeing interest there, proceeded. “What if I were to invite Justin over? … to give us both a good, hard spanking. With his hand and the hairbrush? Hm? Side by side? At the same time?” she teased, her eyebrows raised in question.

“Mmm, that does sound interesting,” Destiny replied with a wicked smile. “Do you think he’d do it?”

“What guy hasn’t dreamt of a threesome with two beautiful girls!? Add in two naughty naked bottoms just begging to be spanked, and I don’t know how he could refuse!” Bailey said, already feeling arousal between her legs at the prospect.

“You know … you’re really a very naughty little girl, Bailey!” Destiny replied, her smiling face just inches from Bailey’s.

“I know.”

Written by 2bespanked
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