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Brush With Disaster

"Destiny's encounter with Justin has a seemingly disastrous beginning."

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Author's Notes

"I hope you enjoy this continuation of this threesome that suggests a change in plotline for a future episode."

For days afterward, Justin relived that amazing night that most guys only dream about, having two beautiful women at the same time. Knowing it would happen again with the roles reversed only fueled those fleeting images of sore, red bottoms and dripping pussies, so when a call showed up with Destiny’s caller ID, he was immediately excited.

“Destiny! It’s good to hear from you,” he answered, trying to tamp down the enthusiasm, and added, “How are you?”

“I’m good, Justin. Listen, I know you’re busy at work. I’m in the neighborhood and wondered if we could have lunch?”

Justin hung up, both excited and confused. He didn’t expect to hear from Destiny, and it seemed she had an agenda, not just a casual lunch, because she was in the neighborhood. Thoughts of a lunchtime ‘quickie’ popped up now and then as he waited anxiously for the hour to pass until he’d see her.

“Over here, Justin!” she called out as he entered the noisy sports bar.

They exchanged pleasantries and ordered their meals, with Destiny looking very calm while Justin was chomping at the bit to find out what this unusual meeting was all about.

“I know we have limited time, so let me get to the point. I wonder if you’d do me a favor?” she asked, pausing to read his acceptance and saw some apprehension. “You know how Bailey and I met, how we got together, and what we did, right?” she asked, knowing the answer.

“Yes, um … well, kind of like Bailey and I did, right?”

“Almost. See, when we got together, she gave me such a wonderful spanking, but I never got to spank her.”

“Yes, you’d said that the, uh … uh, last week,” he replied, still uncomfortable talking about this, especially with a gorgeous woman like Destiny.

“And I really want to spank that cute little bottom of hers!”

“She does have a perfect butt, doesn’t she! I’m sure she’d let you, even want you to! What’s the problem?”

“I’ve never spanked anyone, Justin! And I want it to be just right for her! So, I was wondering, would you let me … spank you first?”

“What? Practice on me?” he replied with surprise, but not as put off as his tone might have suggested.

“I guess that is what it would be. Never mind, I’m sorry for asking.”

“It’s all right, Destiny. What exactly did you have in mind?”

“Well, you know. A good hand spanking over my knee, mostly on the bare, of course. Then the hairbrush, maybe in other positions? I know it has to be hard enough to be good but not too hard, and, well, if I do it too hard,” she paused, afraid to say the rest, “you might be able to take it better?” She wasn’t expecting an amused look on his face.

“I don’t know, Destiny. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bailey could take a harder spanking than me!” he replied with a chuckle.

“Even so. I really like her, and I want it to be perfect. I’ll let you do anything you want to me afterward,” she added, sweetening the pot. He had a questioning look, so she added, “Really! Anything! Including spanking me!”

“I did like spanking you, and you have a really sexy, um, ass, but,” he paused, unsure if he should go on, “I was thinking of something else.” With a hopeful look, he watched a smile form slowly on her face.

“Justin!” she started with a feigned, shocked voice, “Would you like to fuck my ass? Hm?” She paused as the look on his face confirmed her suspicion. “Stuff that big, hard cock in my tight butt?” A smile started to form on his face, but she hadn’t said ‘yes’ yet. “I love getting fucked in my ass, Justin! You’re a little bigger than I’ve had back there, but hopefully that would only make it better!” His face was like a happy emoji, and she pressed for an answer. “So, do we have a deal?”

“Oh God, yes, Destiny! When?”

“Tonight? At my place? Eight o’clock?”

He would have canceled anything to be there, so they agreed. He went back to work, the anticipation killing him, not only for something he’d never done before, fucking her amazing ass, but also for getting spanked again and by someone new. He tried to concentrate on his work to get his mind off it, but that only worked for a short time before the image of her ass, bent over the end of the bed as he’d spanked her before, came to mind, this time with his raging hard-on about to plow inside.

Destiny had a similar problem as she envisioned his cute butt across her knee, just begging to be spanked. Though it wasn’t part of the plan, buggering from such an unlikely candidate added fuel to the fire she could only put out with fingers in both her holes until she came hard. Even that only lasted an hour or two, but she denied herself a second cumming in the interest of being suitably ready for Justin.

The time had finally arrived to get ready, but as he fully expected to be naked rather quickly, he dressed simply in tight, black jeans and an even tighter black T-shirt. Looking in the mirror, he realized he was dressed head to toe in black, including his shoes and underwear. He thought about changing as he wasn’t usually this unimaginative in his attire but hoped what he wore wouldn’t factor much into the outcome.

Looking over her preparations, Destiny moved the torchlight, the only light in the room, directly behind the chair placed suggestively in the middle of the living room, a few feet away from the sliding glass doors, beyond which a black, overcast sky hid the gulf and the horizon. She moved the brush from the floor beneath and placed it on the chair with the flat, punishing side up, its unspoken threat unmistakable.

Standing at the doorway from which Justin would soon enter, she surveyed the scene. Sitting under the reflected, dim light, the chair, with one of Bailey’s hairbrushes on the seat, would ensure that even the clueless knew exactly what would happen. The only question would be who was getting it, and that she hoped would be made clear by the black leather bustier and matching skirt she’d worn for the occasion.

Right on time, the intercom sounded, and she buzzed Justin into the lobby. One last look in the powder room mirror, and she was ready. Standing by the door, she sent a quick text. Judging the time perfectly, she opened the door seconds before Justin appeared.

Surprised by the open door and an ethereal view of Destiny waiting for him, he stopped abruptly. Her body, lit only by reflected outside light, showed only her lightly tanned skin, though quite a bit of it from her shoulders up and crotch down, while details of her leather hid in the shadows.

“Come in, Justin,” she said, enjoying the paralyzing effect her presence had on him. “Justin?” she said again in a more demanding tone.

“Oh! Yes. Um, hi, Destiny,” he finally managed to blurt out unevenly and walked hesitatingly inside.

As intended, the sight of the chair, whose purpose would be obvious merely by its position, presented an imposing view that stopped him once again. Was this going to be more than he bargained for? He heard the door close behind him and felt Destiny brush past him to stand behind the chair. The chair was threatening enough, but seeing her in leather, her bust spilling out of the top, and the skirt just barely covering her crotch left him speechless.

“What’s the matter, Justin,” she asked, smiling at the precise reaction she hoped for. “Is there a problem? Something you weren’t expecting?” she asked in a condescending tone.

“Um … well … no. It’s just that you look,” he started and imagined he would only be doing things for her, not to her tonight. “You look amazing, Destiny!” he finally managed to eke out.

“Thank you,” she replied, walking toward him. “You know what’s going to happen, don’t you?” she asked as she pulled his T-shirt up and off. He gasped as her fingers pinched and twisted his nipples.

Though unaccustomed to such a domineering aura, the tightness in his jeans told him he might enjoy it. With her face inches from his, her hand slid down his torso to the waist of his jeans, taking a short detour between his legs before she began opening them.

“I asked you a question, Justin,” she said as she popped the snap open and slid the zipper down, her hand slipping inside and grabbing his package. “Seems like you’re enjoying it so far. Tell me, Justin. What’s going to happen?”

“You’re … you’re going to spank … spank me,” he stuttered.

“Mmm, yes, I am! And then some,” she said, insinuating something more as she knelt to pull his tight pants down to his ankles and off, grabbing his Skechers along the way.

“Come with me!” she said as she took hold of the bulge in his briefs and pulled him toward the chair. Turning to sit, she kept her grip on him, fondling his growing erection with one hand while holding the brush with the other. “Do you want to get spanked, Justin? Hm? Shall I take you over my knee and give you a good, hard spanking?” she asked, looking him in the eye, laying the brush on her lap, and hooking her thumbs into the waist of his underwear.

“Yes … um, yes, Miss!” he replied as he felt his briefs sliding down his legs and off.

Destiny patted her lap with the brush, explicitly instructing the now-naked Justin to get in position. Taking his stiff shaft in hand, she moved her pull toy to her side and pulled him down onto her lap, his cock gripped tightly between her smooth thighs. Seeing her still holding the brush, he worried that she intended to start with it, knowing how much more it hurt even after a warmup with the hand. He squirmed in place to get comfortable, feeling the back of the brush on his as yet unspanked cheeks with taps and caresses that fed his fear.

Distracting him with the brush, she tapped out a one-word text but put the phone back in her pocket without sending it. Looking down at his sexy little butt, she lifted the brush high, only asking if he was ready as the brush was already descending.

“Yes! Yeow!” he screamed as the deliberately hard swat met his right cheek. “Oww!” he screamed again when the same happened on the left. Already wildly animated, his body reacted as each hard swat met its target at a slow but steady pace.

“Destiny! Oww! You’re spanking so – OW! – so hard!” He could have squirmed off her lap, but his submissive side wouldn’t permit it. It hurt more than any spanking before, but he steeled himself to take more.

“You said you wanted a good, hard spanking!” she defended and continued the truly punishing swats.

“Yes, yes I did, but not like – Oww! Like this!”

“Isn’t this the way Bailey would like to get spanked?” she asked with a devious grin.

“No! No, she – she wouldn’t!” he cried as he worked himself free of her hold, falling on the floor on his back. “Bailey would not want that,” he said as he stood. “She’d want you to build up more slowly, with your hand, and then maybe – maybe hard like that.”

“But I want to spank her with the brush! And you said she’d probably like it harder than you!” she said with fake confusion as Justin stood before her, his dick now flaccid from the unexpected level of pain.

“Okay, but start more softly. Not so hard right at the beginning,” he explained.

“Try again?” she asked as she patted her lap. Nodding, he put himself back over her knee while she reached into her pocket and clicked ‘send’ on the ready text.

Meanwhile, Bailey was out with a friend, barely paying attention to the conversation, her mind occupied with planning what to do with Justin when she and Destiny would have him together. As she looked up at her friend, trying to get the conversation thread back, her phone pinged, and she immediately looked at the message ‘Now.’

“Something’s come up. I have to go!” she said without worrying what her friend would think and left quickly.

“OW! Holy shit, Destiny! You’re spanking even harder than – Oww!” Justin cried as the torment resumed. Again, he stayed in place, thinking, hoping that he might start enjoying it, but so far, it just hurt. Ten painful swats later, he’d had enough and again rolled off Destiny’s lap, a little more gracefully this time.

“Where are you going, Justin?” she yelled as he grabbed his clothes and headed for the door with only his pants on, carrying his shirt, shoes, and underwear. Offering no reply, he reached for the door and pulled it open, stunned to find Bailey standing there.

“Bailey, what are you …” he started.

“Where do you think you’re going, Justin?” she said as she stepped in, forcing him backward toward Destiny.

“Um. I, um, Destiny was … she did it too …,” he stammered, trying to form a meaningful reply.

“I’m sorry I’m late, but you knew we were both going to spank you next time, didn’t you?”

“Yes, but … the hairbrush!”

“Oh, did she start with the hairbrush? Well, I guess she didn’t know,” she said, winking at Destiny.

“But I tried to tell her.”

“The only ‘but’ I want right now is your butt over our knees for the good, hard spanking you asked for,” she said as she walked past him to join Destiny, who had brought another chair out and turned the two to face each other. They sat with legs interlocked, each patting their thigh in invitation.

“Come on, Justin. No brushes,” Destiny said with a friendly smile, holding her hand up in a defenseless gesture.

The stronger feelings he’d been having for Bailey allowed him to be appeased by her, though he realized Destiny had played him. He dropped his clothes, removed his pants, and presented himself before their shared laps. Each playfully smacked a cheek as he lay across their interlaced thighs that formed a flat surface, smiling at Bailey.

“I’m sorry, Destiny,” he offered, turning to look at her smiling face.

“You’ll take your spanking like a good boy now?” she asked in response.

“Yes, Miss,” he answered, and the spanking began.

Instantly, he appreciated this new position, laying across four bare thighs and the two hands that spanked in a variety of patterns. They started at a brisk pace, both hitting their respective cheeks at the same time, the result similar to a paddle that covered his whole bottom with each swat.

Keeping the same pace, they switched to alternating smacks, having a similar effect to extremely fast spanking that drummed in over a hundred in thirty seconds. He liked this even better as it was like having one side spanked continuously, but both at the same time, the sting building much more rapidly. Thankfully, they paused after that, his body visibly relaxing as they soothed his burning buns.

Their hands wandered over his back and between his legs as he moaned, loudly appreciating their efforts.

“You’re taking your spanking like a good boy,” Destiny complimented him.

“And we have much more fun planned for you,” Bailey added.

“But first, we must finish what we started – with this!” Destiny said, holding the hairbrush where he could see it.

“No! Please! Not the hairbrush again!” he pled.

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“Justin, you know a spanking isn’t complete without a good hairbrush paddling!” Bailey scolded.

“Yes, Miss,” he said, preparing for the worst, and then was overjoyed to find they’d brought the intensity down to more typical levels. He loved the same patterns as before with the added sound and sensual feel of the brush and found himself lifting his hips, inviting harder and harder swats.

They built to a finale that was at least as hard as Destiny’s beginning, finding him alternately asking for more with a raised bottom and tucking his tail in to avoid them. A chorus of ‘ohs,’ ‘ahs,’ and ‘ows’ accompanied the rhythm of the beating, the last three from each delivered in unison and the hardest yet. Four sets of fingernails scraped at the bruised crest of his cheeks, sending him into orgasmic shock, spewing semen on the table made of delicious female thighs.

“Good boy!” Destiny congratulated him.

“You see, Destiny? He can take it if you build him up to it,” she said, carrying on the ruse that this was somehow a lesson for her.

“Are you okay?” Bailey asked him.

“Yeah. Oh my God! That was amazing! Thank you!”

“I think you know that won’t suffice to show us the proper gratitude,” Bailey admonished as the two women pulled their chairs apart, leaving him kneeling between them.

Looking up at Bailey, he noticed her dress for the first time tonight. So stunned by her initial appearance, he’d seen the angelic white dress she wore, but it hadn’t registered until now, and he would bet she had equally proper white panties to complete the contrast to Destiny’s domineering outfit. His bet paid off when she slid forward to the chair’s edge and spread her legs, revealing the stained, wet gusset of her lacy white panties. Pulling her skirt up and her panties down, she invited him to lick her perfectly smooth, bare pussy, the swollen lips shining juicy and wet with her arousal.

Lifting her hips off the chair, she pushed herself into his face while his magical tongue slurped at her slit. Feeling his tongue, twisting and flicking within her tender folds had her speeding toward her first climax. With his hands on her butt, pulling her into his mouth, her body tensed, letting him decide where his tongue would please her next.

I love eating her pussy, he thought as her juicy fruit yielded its syrupy nectar, bathing his face. He particularly loved slithering his tongue through the soft wet petals of her pungent pussy, but when he felt her body stiffen, he went straight for her clit, nibbling it between his lips and poking at it with his tongue. His reward was a face covered in her slick juice.

“Oh God, Justin! I love the way you devour my pussy!” she cried as her hips fell, the chair resuming its support of her now quaking body.

“Mmm, I want some of that!” Destiny demanded. Justin pivoted to where Destiny had been, only to find her standing next to Bailey, getting a birds-eye view of her first orgasm. “Not here. Come with me!”

Justin stood, but before turning to follow Destiny, he planted a gentle kiss on Bailey’s unsuspecting lips. Bailey smiled as their eyes met, each telling the other there was more to that kiss. She quivered once more before standing and following them into Destiny’s bedroom.

She arrived just in time to see Destiny in the middle of her bed, with her skirt off and legs spread wide, telling Justin to do to her what he’d just done to Bailey. More than willing to eat another savory snatch, he wondered if he could put that little something extra into it as he had with Bailey.

He lay on the bed, his body folded at the edge, and dove into her flooded valley. He was so engrossed in pleasing Bailey that he hadn’t noticed Destiny fingering herself as she watched Bailey writhing under his expert tongue. Edging herself twice, she was already dripping with her silky sap, now mingling on his face with Bailey’s.

‘Finally!’ Destiny thought as she felt him worming his way between her inflamed lips up to her clit. The touch on her clit was electric, and she pulled his focus back to it when he’d been heading south. Not wanting to be edged again, she jerked her hips in time to his flicking tongue and came with trembling convulsions.

Without being told, Justin stayed close, gently licking her luscious lips while her spasms subsided and started anew, knowing that such a quick climax deserved another. Swollen lips sucked into his mouth and bathed his tongue with her juice while her hips sawed back and forth over his face.

Watching with the same intensity, Bailey suddenly remembered her part of this plan and felt under the edge of the bed to find what Destiny had stashed there. She flipped open the bottlecap and, kneeling between Justin’s spread legs, dribbled a liberal amount of the slick fluid between his bruised cheeks.

He hadn’t heard the click of the bottle opening, but he felt the cool liquid falling high in his cleft and flowing down the valley between his stinging cheeks to its intended destination. While the fluid was only mildly stimulating, Bailey’s finger wasn’t as she spread the liquid over and then into his puckered back door, groaning at the sudden but welcome intrusion.

He heard Bailey giggle as her finger slid out and then back in, feeling slightly different this time. He felt something slightly larger, stretching his sphincter briefly but then eased as it slipped inside. This feeling repeated several times, each somewhat larger than the last penetrating and then adding to the fullness he felt. He grunted with the last two that threatened to tear him open.

Bailey smiled as she saw the second largest bead sucked in and decided to stop there this time. Using the largest bead, she pressed it against the others inside in a pumping motion and smacked his right cheek hard.

Destiny, who had already cum a second time, was well on her way to a third as Justin grunted and groaned at the rear intrusion. Her eyes closed, concentrating only on the feeling, but she opened them just in time to see Bailey’s hand come down on his poor, sore bottom, the sound and Justin’s recoil triggering the most explosive climax yet.

The spank was unexpected, but her next act was even more so as Bailey pulled on the string of anal beads, slowly pulling the largest free and faster with each smaller bead. That strong muscle contracted around each gap in the beads and then yielded again to the next until he was once more empty and cried out in ecstasy.

Seeing Bailey about to do it again, Destiny pulled his face back into her snatch, feeling his every reaction to the beads going in and coming out quicker each time. His body stiffened as each bead invaded, but he gasped into her cunt each time Bailey yanked them out. Three more times, Bailey inflicted this incredible torture, the last time getting the largest bead in as well, and he came all over the floor when she jerked his cock and ripped the beads out at the same time.

Needing him hard for the next step in their plan, Bailey alternated between her finger and half of the beads penetrating his now gaping hole while Destiny got off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. She only stopped stuffing his ass when he was sufficiently rigid again.

“You can get up, Justin,” Bailey said, offering a helping hand. Turning to face her, he was surprised when she leaned in to kiss him, leaving a smile on his face despite what she had just done to him. “Fuck me, Justin. Bend me over and fuck me good!” she requested as she turned toward the bed while looking back at him.

She was wet enough, and he hard enough that he slipped in easily from behind and, holding her hips, began slowly. The sight of her tight pussy clutching his retreating cock kept his attention, so he hardly noticed Destiny standing next to them. Bailey looked back and, with her eyes, directed his gaze at her standing there with a black ribbed phallus strapped to her abdomen and a wicked smile, enjoying the look of shock on his face.

‘What are you going to do with that?’ his eyes asked as if he didn’t know.

She flipped the cap up on the bottle of lube, squirted a small puddle into the palm of her hand, and began jerking herself off, coating the dildo with its shiny lubrication. Winking at him, Destiny moved around behind him. Pushing his hips in to be sure he was deep inside Bailey and then down on his back to have him bent over her, she put the small opening to the bottle up to his ass and squeezed the bottle. Both women giggled when the cold liquid surprised him but laughed aloud at his facial expressions when he felt the penetration.

It felt so good just being inside Bailey. He wished they’d be left alone but he had little choice when first having his ass suitably greased and then filled, gasping as she jerked her hips to push the last inch in.

“Now, this is what you do,” Destiny said as she pulled back, leaving the tip only in his buggered bottom. “I’m gonna stay right here while you …” she started but chose to demonstrate by pulling his hips back, pulling out of Bailey, and impaling himself on Destiny. Pushing his hips forward reversed the process as he was back inside Bailey. One more cycle, and he got the idea.

Slowly at first but gradually increasing the pace, he alternately fucked Bailey and got fucked by Destiny. It only took a couple of strokes for him to appreciate the unusual, combined stimulus fully. Despite having cum twice already, he wondered how long he could last with this variation on double penetration, so he reached around and fingered Bailey’s clit bringing her to a surprisingly quick orgasm.

The pace increased, and Bailey was dripping on the bed as Justin fucked her like she’d never been before. The rubber shaft was in his ass, but somehow, she felt its presence as he slid between the two penetrations.

Not to be left out, Destiny began spanking him with both hands each time he slid forward, Justin’s erotic groaning a result as the end approached.

Jerking back and forth, he was going to cum any second, and wanting to share it with Bailey, he kept the pressure on her hard little nub, both crying out as they came together. Staying inside Bailey, he bent over her, with his arms around her waist in an affectionate hug. The movement slowed but continued while their combined shudders eased.

“My turn!” Destiny cried, moving to their side and beginning to remove the strap-on.

“Bailey, I …” he started when they stood facing each other.

“It’s okay. I know,” she replied and kissed him quickly before taking the offered strap-on from Destiny, soliciting her help in donning it properly.

Destiny knelt before Justin, taking his cock and sac in hand to get him ready for round two. While she took him in her mouth and swirled her tongue around his glans, Bailey hugged him from behind, her hands on his chest pinching his nipples playfully. He could feel her ‘cock’ between his cheeks as well, so with all the stimulation of four hands and two sets of lips, and a rubber dick, he was hard again in no time.

“All right, Justin! Fuck me! Fuck me hard,” Destiny demanded as she turned to bend over the bed as Bailey had previously.

Needing no help getting inside her sloppy, wet slit, he rammed his thick cock in, his hips crashing into her and pushing her forward. ‘She wants hard? I’ll fuck her hard!’ he thought to himself, aware of the contrasting feelings for Bailey.

“Fuck yeah!” she cried at his unusual dominance. Arching her back, she pushed against his thrust, grunting at each full penetration. “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!” she cried as she came, her legs twitching.

Bailey laughed and kissed his neck as she pushed him down to bend over Destiny and gave him an oil change with a fresh dose of lube. Holding her slippery dick in one hand, she guided it into his waiting tight tunnel, noting the ease of entry. Pushing hard forced him into Destiny’s pussy, whose twitching legs had only just subsided. With both holes fully plumbed, she guided their three-way union by gyrating her hips, pushing and twisting inside Justin’s ass.

Following her lead, he squirmed inside Destiny’s creamy cunt, feeling this two-sided infiltration from both ends at the same time. When Bailey pulled back, he did as well, only to charge in again, Destiny feeling the force of both thrusts nearly pushing her flat on the bed.

“Jesus fucking Christ!” Destiny screamed as she, too, felt his penetration in the form of a pounding fuck unlike anything before. She stiffened her legs for more support, but a few thrusts later, she was cumming again, with her whole body shaking as Bailey compressed them again.

Feeling more in command than at any time this evening, Justin didn’t wait for her to calm down and, pushing Bailey back resumed fucking her frothy flower. Bailey held back as Destiny had before and let him slide back and forth, fucking and being fucked in alternation.

Destiny didn’t know how much more she could take. Weak knees were the least of her worries as he pounded her pussy into submission. All she could do was stand and take it, feeling another orgasm building. Panting as she wished the climax would come, she couldn’t believe she was still climbing.

Bailey watched in fascination, her juices running down her leg as Justin fucked Destiny like a jackhammer. Not to be left out, she pulled his cheeks apart and rammed her cock into his ass with no regard for timing or rhythm. Three bodies jerking, two groaning and grunting as they approached their summit, and the third just lending her strength to the effort finally pushed them to the edge and over.

“Aghhh!” Destiny and Justin screamed as they came together, her knees finally giving out and collapsing on the bed, and a pile of two more bodies on top of her, writhing like snakes in a knot.

Bailey giggled as she was the first to get up, pulling out of Justin’s ass as he gasped yet again. The two remained in a heap until he could regain enough balance to get up as well. Finally, Destiny rose with a helping hand from Justin and turned to hug him.

“That was unbelievable!” she said, kissing him shakily but forcefully.

“Fuck yeah!” he replied and turned to face Bailey, who stood behind the two smiling, her hand subconsciously between her legs. Seeing the wet streaks down the insides of her thighs and feeling guilty, Justin took her by the waist, led her to the bed, and sat her down. Bending to kiss her lovingly, he pushed her down on the bed and took her perfect small breasts in both hands. He licked and kissed his way down to her pussy where he sucked, licked, and flicked her to a series of increasingly powerful orgasms, the last of which had her sitting up and clamping his head between her thighs, prolonging that final ecstasy.

Destiny watched with a satisfied smile while basking in the glory of the evening that started with a plan but went explosively, but excitingly, off the rails.

Bailey looked down as Justin’s face rose from giving her his final gift and pulled him into a long, passionate kiss, not caring that his face gleamed with the nectar with which she’d covered it.

Justin looked up to see Bailey’s face coming near and returned her kiss with all he had left, hoping it would convey more than just the satisfaction of the moment.

The night came to a close with the three of them sitting on the balcony, sipping wine and staring out at the gulf, a nearly full moon having penetrated the clouds to shimmer on the dark water. Each supremely satisfied in their own way, no words were necessary to convey their feelings.


I hope you enjoyed watching the two women giving Justin a sore ass in more ways than one! Please 'like' and/or 'favorite' my story if you did. Thank you for reading!!

Written by 2bespanked
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