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The Scent Of Lemon

"A married cleaning lady falls into an affair with the new CEO"

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Author's Notes

"Part 1 of a story about a waning marriage, a brief affair, and the changes it brings."

Jim Barnes was an arrogant prick. His entire persona was a lie. From the brash, daring facade of a ladies man, womanizer, and self-professed sex god to his know-it-all, mansplaining, rude and disrespectful tone, everything was just bluster and bullshit.

Disliked and despised by the staff, he had support of the Board and the Shareholders due to his seemingly endless ability to create profits. He was an HR nightmare, subject of numerous complaints, and seemingly invincible.

It had taken three quarters of consecutive losses for the inquiries to come in, and the house of cards built on false foundations came crashing down. Illicit deals, false accounts and reports, inflated values and stock manipulation were uncovered, and the Board quickly sent Jim Barnes to the unemployment line.

Rosemary had seen it coming before it happened. She knew everything that was going on, and smiled to herself when the security guards escorted him from the building. Her cart went before her when she entered the office and began cleaning up, seemingly invisible to the angst-filled and panicked office workers in the hallways and cubicles.


“They finally got rid of him,” Rosemary announced to Bernie. “Took long enough.”

“What do you care?” Bernie asked snidely. “They just pay you to clean, not care.”

“Well, I do care,” she replied defensively. “I’m a part of all, I’ve been there over twenty years!”

“Those bigwigs don’t care, they’re just there to steal what they can. They don’t even know your name.”

Rosemary felt the sting of the dismissive insult, knowing it to be true, and headed to the kitchen to make dinner. She put the casserole in the oven, poured a glass of water, adding a slice of lemon, and sat down at the table.

Bernie came into the kitchen and went directly to the fridge, grabbing himself a beer and asking how much longer before dinner was ready.

“Well, if you had put it in the oven like I asked this morning you would be eating already,” she replied. “About thirty minutes.”

“Hmm, guess you will miss your library club then,” he snorted before guzzling his beer.

“Oh no! I have to be there, I have all the notes from the last meeting.”

She jumped up and ran to the bedroom, quickly changing out of her work clothes and into a skirt and blouse. A dash to the washroom, a touching up of makeup, and a brushing of hair was followed by a dash back to the kitchen. She checked the casserole, grabbed her book bag and purse, and told him to feed himself as she went out the door.

When she returned two hours later the casserole was out on the stove, uncovered, and dishes piled in the sink. Bernie reclined in his chair, snoring with the game playing on the TV, and oblivious to her return.

With a deep sigh she looked around and shook her head. She ate a bit before packing the remainder into containers for lunch, wiped the table and counters, and then washed the dishes. She left Bernie sleeping in his chair and went to bed, curling up under the blankets and questioning her existence before falling asleep.


Charles Brandon was brought in as the new CEO, replacing Jim Barnes just as he had planned. With the major Shareholders behind him, and the majority of the Board following their instructions, he moved from his Vice-President’s office on the lower floor and into the big corner office upstairs. It had taken months to slowly unravel his predecessor’s web and inconspicuously reveal the extent of the damage. As it came apart he was there, armed with information and solutions, saving the Shareholder’s fortunes and reputations.

Charles Brandon was as smooth as silk, charming, witty, tall, and handsome. His quiet confidence and polite manner made him a natural leader, his presence and demeanor made him welcome, and his well-groomed and attractive appearance made him desirable.

His first morning he was in before anyone else and greeted them all at the elevator. In his charcoal suit, white shirt, and polished shoes he smiled, shook hands, and took note of everyone’s name. Including Rosemary.

Within the day, word was out that he was single. High heels, short skirts, and new hairstyles appeared quickly as the women clamored to be noticed by the handsome and desirable new boss. Shirt sleeves were down and cuffed, sports coats and blazers returned, and highly polished shoes walked the floors as the men emulated the grooming of their new mentor.

He was returning to his office as she was leaving, pushing her cart in front of her, and she looked down when he smiled at her. His eyes followed her as she walked away, taking in the curve of her hips and the slight sway of her ample backside. He sat in his leather chair, leaned back, and let out a deep sigh before closing his eyes.

The light scent of lemon filled his nostrils. A nice, refreshing scent that relaxed and enthralled him, not too heavy, but not too faint. He opened his eyes and looked around, searching for the source. When he couldn’t find it he sat back and breathed it in, inhaling the fragrance like a floral drug, and his mind floated freely for a few moments.


Bernie grunted like a pig getting fed as Rosemary held her legs up and pulled him in, trying to get her orgasm before he finished. She was moments away when he groaned and stopped thrusting, his warm cum filling her hungry cunt, and she cursed him under her breath. He pulled away and rolled onto his back, gasping and panting, leaving her wanting and unsatisfied once again.

He dozed off quickly and she reached down to touch herself, rubbing her swollen clit, and thought of Charles Brandon. He had smiled at her, the mere gesture igniting a fire in her belly and a wetness between her legs. He exuded sex appeal, giving her butterflies and the feelings of a horny teenage girl each time he was near, and tonight she needed Bernie to be Brandon.

She pictured him in his office, standing over her with his cock erect and throbbing, excited by her generous breasts and willing body. He stroked himself as he praised her, worshiping her with his swollen prick, and when he exploded and showered her with his cum she climaxed intensely. She stifled her scream and squeezed her thighs tightly together as she orgasmed, imagining the hot liquid covering her chest as he jerked his cock, and rolled onto her side panting. She fell asleep with her hand between her legs and a satisfied smile on her face.


“I need to buy some new clothes,” she announced while Bernie ate his breakfast. “Everyone dresses up really nice now.”

“Well, you’re not everyone,” he snarled. “Just the cleaner, so it doesn’t matter.”

“It matters to me,” she replied. “I make my money, I can buy nice clothes if I want to.”

“I didn’t say you can’t,” he protested. “If you want nicer clothes go get some. I just don’t see the point.”

“Well, don’t you want me to look nice? You used to love it when I dressed up.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Especially when I wore something low-cut and you could see my bra,” she teased.

“Yeah, you used to have a great set of tits,” he chuckled.

“Used to?” she challenged. “Used to?”

“Jeez! Sorry I said anything!”

“You’re an asshole, Bernie. I’m going shopping.”

She grabbed her purse, lifted the car keys from the hook on the wall, and walked out the door while Bernie shook his head and sighed. He retrieved a beer from the fridge and went to his recliner, choosing to watch TV instead of mowing the grass.

The shops at the mall didn't seem to have what Rosemary was looking for. She couldn't wear the fancy skirts, tops and heels the other women wore to do her job. She went to the food court, grabbed a tea with lemon, and sat down to watch the people milling about. A woman strolled past, wearing a nice fitting pair of charcoal pants and matching shirt with Security emblazoned on the back, and she thought about the security people at work. The women all looked sharp in their black uniforms, even sexy, with fitted pants showing off their bums and the tailored shirts fitted to accent the chest. She decided to find where the clothes were available and see what they had for her. She would ask Gloria, the one with a similar build to her own, on Monday.

When she returned home Bernie was still in his recliner, sipping another beer and watching the TV. Rosemary sighed, put her purse and keys away, and began cleaning up the kitchen.

"Find anything?" Bernie yelled from the living room.

"No, nothing suitable," she yelled back. "Are you going to cut the grass?"

"Later," he replied. "Too hot."

Rosemary shook her head and wondered what had happened to the active, fit, and interesting man she had married all those years ago. Charles Brandon crossed her mind, and she glanced at the lump in the recliner, remembering when Bernie looked like that. She closed her eyes and pictured his trim, muscular torso and strong arms, the slim waist, and nice cock in her mind, opening her eyes when it was Charles Brandon's face she was looking at, not Bernie's. A hot flush ran her through her and she felt the sudden dampness between her legs.

She closed her eyes and leaned against the counter, sliding her hand between her legs and rubbing vigorously as she pictured him again. He was sitting back in his black leather chair, his shirt open and pants undone, stroking himself while she sat perched on his desk in front of him. His hand pumped slowly, his swollen cock thick and throbbing, while he smiled hungrily at her. His eyes burned into hers while she fondled her breasts, tweaking and pulling on her nipples with her shirt open and bra pulled down. He suddenly threw his head back and groaned, launching streams of cum across his torso and up to his chest when his cock erupted. She worked herself into an orgasmic frenzy, climaxing against the counter while the remaining cum streamed over his fist and down the thick shaft of his cock.

Bernie stared in fascination as Rosemary fingered herself to orgasm, watching her reflection in the front window. He had never seen her pleasure herself and was now hard as rock and excited beyond belief. She removed her hand from between her legs and opened her eyes, leaning against the counter as she caught her breath. Bernie jumped from the recliner and walked into the kitchen, stopping a few feet from her, his cock bulging in his pants.

Rosemary turned towards him, startled, and noticed the bulge. She saw a look on his face that she had not seen for a very long time, the look of desire and lust, and his eyes locked on hers. In a moment he was on her, one hand pawing her breasts and the other grabbing her waist. He kissed her, hard, and she began kissing back. Hands and fingers fumbled until her slacks were off and his pants were down, and he spun her around and bent her over the kitchen table. Salt and pepper shakers clattered to the floor as he pushed her chest into the table, kicked her legs apart with his, and shoved his swollen prick inside of her wet hole. He fucked her furiously, holding her hips tight as his thighs slapped against her, and she felt her climax approaching. His cock pounded into her and she orgasmed just as he let out a roar and emptied his balls into her, their first shared climax in many years, and she felt the powerful spurts she remembered.

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Bernie panted and leaned against her, keeping her pinned to the table as he recovered from the massive load he had pumped out, and a mix of juices began to trail down her thighs. He kissed the back of her neck and his softened cock slipped out. Rosemary slowly stood up and turned to face him.

"Holy shit, that was fucking great," he panted.

"Yes," she agreed. "Yes, it was."

"I... uh... I don't know what came over me," he admitted sheepishly. "I could see you reflected in the window..."

"I'm glad you did," she assured him.

He pulled up his pants and stumbled to the recliner, plopping down with them undone, and let out a deep sigh. Rosemary picked up her slacks and panties from the floor and went to the bedroom, dropping them in the laundry basket before heading into the washroom. She wiped herself down, amazed at the amount of cum, and smiled to herself.


Gloria had provided the name and location of the shop that supplied the uniforms and the woman she dealt with had been very helpful. After choosing a few outfits in charcoal and greys, similar to what Mr. Brandon wore, she also picked out two skirts. They had been fitted and tailored, with the pants giving her bum a little help, and the shirts and vests were comfortable and gave her generous bust definition without being restrictive. The skirts ended just above the knee, and showed the nice low-heeled pumps that had been recommended. Rosemary looked at herself in the mirror and smiled, feeling that she would fit it much better with the others at work.

Bernie had smiled and told her it made her ass look "really, really good", the first compliment he had given her in ages, and she felt a sense of confidence when she arrived at the building. As the day passed she had been complimented on her new look by a few of the woman, and had caught Marcus, the cleaner for the lower floors, staring at her ass in the elevator. He had grinned sheepishly and apologized, which she appreciated, but she was also flattered and excited at the prospect of another man showing interest.

Mr. Brandon was not in his office when she arrived, and Cheryl waved her in as usual. After a quick dusting she emptied his waste bins, straightened things up a bit, and polished his desk. As she was leaving he stepped in the doorway and gave her a bright smile, putting his hands on the edge of her cart.

"Rosemary, you look fantastic," he commented.

"Thank you, Mr. Brandon," she blushed.

"Very smart, very professional," he continued. "I like it."

"I'm glad you noticed," she replied shyly. "Thank you."

She noticed his eyes drop to her cleavage, the top buttons on her shirt having come undone, and she felt the wave of heat rise from her loins. Instead of covering up, however, she took a deep breath and offered a little more. Mr. Brandon raised his eyes to hers, gave her a sly grin, and stepped aside. She moved past with her cart and headed down the hallway, feeling his eyes on her, and glanced back to see him admiring her backside. She put her head down to hide the wide smile on her face as she continued to the break room.

Charles watched her move away, his eyes taking in the curvy cheek bottoms wrapped in the fitted pants, and felt his cock harden. She had bigger breasts than he had thought, and had been impressed with the expanse of cleavage she had given him a glimpse of. He went through the door and closed it behind him, sat in his chair, and caught the scent of lemon. It was her, he realized, that was responsible for the lovely fragrance that helped him feel serene and awakened those memories. He noticed the files on his desk were in a neat stack and that his pen was back in it's holder. The top of the desk gleamed brightly.

He rose from the chair and went to the door, telling Cheryl he would be unavailable for a few minutes, and closed the blinds on the windows with the remote in his desk drawer. He sat back, closed his eyes, and inhaled the lovely scent of lemon. Pleasurable memories from his past arrived, memories from his youth, memories that had until now remained buried. He opened his eyes, logged on to his laptop, and began to scroll through the employee files.

Rosemary Gunning... age 41... married to Bernard Gunning for twenty two years... no children... he continued to read her file, noting her long tenure and glowing reviews. She was excellent at her job, keeping the upper offices spotlessly clean and neat all day long. The evening cleaners did the rest, but she made sure it stayed that way. He respected her work ethic and desire to do her best. He reviewed her salary, finding it exceedingly low for a person of such standards.

He logged out and sat back, resting his hands under his chin, and pictured her cleavage and plump ass. His cock stirred again as the image brought up the memories. He hadn't met anyone that reminded him of her in a very long time, and his interest was piqued. The thought of having her thrilled him, and he smiled at the challenge this married cleaning lady was now presenting. Young, pretty blondes were a dime a dozen, just as many brunettes, but a woman like her.... he lifted the phone and asked Cheryl to come into his office.


Rosemary sat at the kitchen table sipping her evening tea and thinking of how great her day had been. Her new outfit had been not only noticed but praised, Marcus had checked out her bum, and Mr. Brandon had been impressed, maybe even a little flirty. She giggled at the memory of the look on his handsome face when she had taken a deep breath and showed him a little cleavage. The thought of flirting with him, exciting him, made her warmer than the tea did, and she felt it creep down between her legs. She hoped she would see him again tomorrow.

Bernie came in from outside, having decided to cut the grass, and wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. He stood by the table and grinned at Rosemary.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing. Just thinking about you bent over the table," he replied with a grin.

She smiled and looked at him, all sweaty in his t-shirt and work jeans, and the image of Mr. Brandon took his place. She put down the tea and gestured for him to come closer, moving herself to the edge of the chair, and hooked her fingers into the top of his jeans. After pulling him close, her fingers undid the button and pulled down the zipper. He looked down in surprise when she pulled his hardening cock free and took it between her lips, letting out a quiet moan as her mouth closed around him. He was hard in an instant, excited by the sight of her sucking on him and the feeling of being desired.

Rosemary glanced up as the thickening prick filled her mouth, seeing Mr. Brandon standing in front of her, and reached one hand down between her legs. She rubbed herself as she sucked, using her other hand to cup and squeeze his balls, bringing herself to orgasm in moments. Rough hands grasped the sides of her head and moans filled her ears as she sucked vigorously, determined to milk the hot cream from him. A loud groan was followed by intense spurting in her mouth, hot liquid pumping down her throat and bulging her cheeks. She struggled to swallow it all and had to pull back, letting dribbles of cum run down her chin while she swallowed and gasped.

"Oh, fuck yeah, baby," Bernie moaned.

It was Mr. Brandon's deep baritone voice she heard, motivating her to take the cock back into her mouth, and Bernie watched in excited awe when she kept sucking with cum running down her chin. Rosemary wanted to milk him dry, take every drop she could, and sucked until the flaccid meat slipped from her lips.

"Oh jeez, baby," Bernie exclaimed. "You are so fucking sexy."

He stumbled back a few steps and slumped into a chair, panting and smiling. Rosemary wiped her chin and licked her fingers, slurping off what she could, and smiled back at him. She stood up and went to the washroom to clean up, leaving Bernie sitting alone, dazed and exhausted.

That night Bernie had come to bed when she went and cuddled up to her, spooning her from behind. She smiled to herself, pulled his hand to her chest, and quickly fell asleep.


Rosemary checked herself in the washroom mirror before getting her cart and heading for the upper floor. She had chosen to wear a vest over a white shirt and her new pants this morning, and Bernie had commented on how nice she looked. She touched up the little makeup she wore, adding a little lip gloss, and undid the top buttons on the shirt. She giggled at the ample cleavage being shown due to the vest and pushup bra.

Cheryl smiled at her as she approached the office and put her hand in the air for Rosemary to stop.

"Good morning, Rosemary," Cheryl said in a cheery voice.

Rosemary was puzzled, as Cheryl seldom spoke a word to her and had never used her name before.

"Mr. Brandon would like to see you later. Are you available at four today?"

"Oh,.. well, yes," Rosemary replied. "I can be."

"Excellent. Mr. Brandon is looking forward to it. Please, continue on."

"Thank you."

Rosemary wondered what Mr. Brandon wanted to speak with her about as she dusted, making sure to wipe down everything, including the blinds. Perhaps he was unhappy with her work, or with the flirting. She moved everything off the desk before polishing it, making sure to do it twice and ensure it shined as it should. Once done she put everything back into it's proper place, wiped down the chair, and double checked the room. Satisfied it was as clean as it could be, she packed up her cart and turned for the door, only to find Mr. Brandon standing there watching.

"Oh, I didn't know you were there, Mr. Brandon," Rosemary exclaimed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you," he replied with a smile. "I hope you don't mind my watching you work?"

She shook her head and smiled shyly.

"No, I don't mind. I don't want to disturb you, though."

"Your visits are never disturbing," he assured her.

His eyes dropped to her chest and she felt the warm flush as he hungrily eyed her cleavage. She leaned forward slightly, adjusting a few items in her cart, and ensured he had a good view. Just being near him had her aroused.

"I really like the way you dress and present yourself," he praised.

"Thank you," she blushed. "I want to put forth a good image for the company."

"Well, you certainly do," he added as he slipped past her and went to his desk.

She watched as he placed his hand on the top of the desk, closed his eyes, and took in a deep breath.

“Will I see you at four?” he asked.

“Oh, yes. I will certainly be here.”

He opened his eyes and smiled seductively.

“Good. I look forward to seeing more of you.”

His eyes burned with desire and the lusty tone of his voice resonated with sexual tension. Rosemary blushed and chewed her lower lip as his eyes devoured her, and she felt both excited and uncomfortable.

She gripped the cart tightly and went through the door, keeping her head down, embarrassed and intensely excited. Once at the break room she rushed into the washroom, splashed a little water on her face, and smiled in the mirror.

Four o’clock couldn’t come fast enough for either of them.

Written by 1meanjean
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