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The Scent of Lemon - part 9

"Rosemary's affair comes to an end, Marcus is put aside, and Anita pays a visit."

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Rosemary slumped onto the toilet and put her hands on her face, resting her elbows on her knees. She trembled as the tears fell, a swirling vortex of emotions overwhelming her, and began to sob.

Bernie stood at the door, listening to her cry, and almost knocked, stopping at the last moment. He went back to the kitchen, grabbed two beer from the fridge, and retired to the sanctuary of his recliner. It was so much happening so fast, he concluded, and they were both becoming unraveled.

In a matter of weeks they had both cheated, the thrill and excitement of fucking other people driving them further into new territory, and both had multiple experiences. His fear and insecurities had been quelled by Anita and Tala, and he was enamored with Rosemary’s new slutty attitude and how she was acting. It turned him on immensely, his lust and desire overriding his emotions, but he felt that he loved her more than ever. Obviously she had different feelings.

Rosemary turned on the shower, stripped off her clothes, and looked at herself in the mirror. She was out of tears, and the vortex had subsided into a swirling breeze of anxiety, jealousy, and fear. She stepped into the shower and stood under the water, trying to sift through the different emotions, and realized it all came down to her love for Bernie.

The realization that other women, younger, prettier women, were interested in and available for him, hit her hard. The fact he found one so quickly, especially one she always felt jealous of, was a real punch in the gut. The fear of losing him to someone else was suddenly very real, and it unnerved her.

Once done she went to the bedroom, slipped on her favorite pajamas, and went to the living room. She sat on the couch and curled her legs under her, pulled her blanket up, and looked over at Bernie.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice full of concern.

“Yes,” she sniffled, nodding her head.

Bernie jumped up and went to the kitchen, returning with a mug, and gave it to her.

“It’s tea, with lemon,” he explained. “The way you like it.”

“Thank you.”

He was always looking after her, doing little things like this, and she loved him for it.

“I… I'm sorry, Bernie. It’s just… everything…”

“I know, it’s overwhelming.”

“Yes! I’m trying to sort it out, I know I started all of this.”

“We both have to sort it out. Tell me what is bothering you so much.”

“Tala,” she admitted. “I just… she always wanted you. She’s young and beautiful, so slim. I know you two had the hots for each other.”

“Look, it just happened. She happened to be at work, we haven’t talked in months. We went for a drink, and it just went from there.”

Rosemary sipped her tea and listened.

“I love you. I want you. If I wanted Tala, I would have left you and gone with her before she got married! It was just sex, like you and your boss. Or Marcus, or Anita, and whoever else you are fucking these days.”

She knew he was right, and felt ashamed when he named them all.

“I know! I fucked them, I admit that. It’s just…”

“What? Different for me? I’m only supposed to have sex with who you choose while you fuck whoever you want? That’s not going to happen.”

“I didn’t mean it like that,” she replied softly.

Bernie sighed, took a sip of beer, and continued.

“Look, we do it together. We agreed on that. I told you I would fuck other women, and that you could fuck other guys. What are you afraid of? That I will find someone better than you? There is no one better than you.”

“Yes,” she admitted. “You might find someone else.”

“Don’t you think I feel the same way? Rich boss? Dude with a bigger cock? Women? Of course I’m scared of it.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think of that,” she admitted quietly.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, sipping their drinks and sorting out their thoughts.

“Look, Rosemary. It’s been a lot in a short time. I think we need to slow this down.”

She nodded in agreement. He was using his calm, deep tone of voice, and knew he had made a decision.

“No new people. You have your boss, and Marcus, and Anita. I have Tala and Anita, and we will see about Marcus. Let’s work with this, and we will see where it goes.”

“Tala? You want to see her again?”

“Yes. Unless you’re ready to end this all right now and go back to just you and me. She’s married. We discussed getting together once a month or so, just for sex. I like her and I trust her to keep it that way, the same as Anita. It might not even happen again."

Rosemary thought about what he said, trying to keep her disdain for Tala in check.

“You know I love you,” Bernie said softly. “I’m not going anywhere... unless you make me.”

“I don’t want you to go anywhere. I love you," she sniffled.

“Then we work on this, okay? No other people, and we have to trust each other with that.”

“Okay,” she sniffled. “I’m sorry I was so jealous.”

Bernie moved from the recliner to the couch, putting his arm around her and pulling her close.

“It’s okay. Just surprised me.”

“Surprised me, too,” Rosemary giggled.

“I didn’t know you felt that strongly about Tala. Don’t worry, I just want to fuck her.”

Rosemary chuckled and smiled. He could always made her laugh.

“Is… is she a good fuck?” she asked.

“Yes. Different and exciting, but not like you.”

“Hmm, like I feel with Mr. Brandon and Marcus.”

She lifted the blanket and put it over his lap, resting her arm on his thigh. He kissed the top of her head and put his hand on hers.

“Let’s go to bed,” she suggested.

“Yeah, I am exhausted,” he sighed.

“How exhausted?” she teased.

Bernie chuckled.

“I have a little left in the tank,” he shrugged.

“Let’s go empty it.”

She stood up and took him by the hand, led him to the bedroom, and climbed on the bed. He pulled the covers over them before putting his hand on her waist and pulling her close. Gentle kisses were followed by wandering hands, and soon her pajama pants and his shorts were at the foot of the bed. He rolled on top of her, letting her guide him in, and they enjoyed a slow, gentle fuck. They climaxed together, small but intense orgasms, and they fell asleep facing each other, wrapped in a loving embrace.


"I think we should wait until next weekend to have Marcus over," Bernie announced at breakfast. "We need a break from this, we don't need to rush into anything."

Rosemary nodded in agreement.

"I was thinking the same thing," she voiced. "I will talk to him today."

"Just talk?" Bernie teased with a grin.

"Yes," she giggled. "Just talk."

"That's up to you," he assured her. "I have no plans to meet up with anyone, just so you know."

She kissed him on the cheek before heading out the door.

"Thanks for telling me. See you tonight."

Rosemary waited until after lunch to seek out Marcus, finding him in one the offices.

"Hi, Marcus," she said shyly.

"Well, hello Rosemary," he grinned.

"Listen, this weekend isn't going to work. We've decided to postpone a few things."

He gave her a look of disappointment, then nodded and smiled.

"All right, I get that. Just as well, my girl is in town this weekend."

"Your girl? I didn't know you had a steady girlfriend."

"Yeah, you met her before. Maria."

"Oh, you still with her? I thought you two split up?"

"Nah, we still together. She travels a lot, so she not around that much," he explained. "We kinda like you, see other people now and then. I don't know, she just keeps coming back, I guess."

He shrugged and gave her a wry smile.

"She likes my dick."

Rosemary giggled.

"You let me know if you change your mind," he added. "I be all over you anytime you want."

She hesitated for a moment, the thought of closing the door and fucking him on the desk crossing her mind, and nodded.

"I will, Marcus. I will," she promised.

She went back to the elevator and let out a sigh. It amazed her how her thoughts turned to sex constantly now. Weeks ago she would have never considered fucking Marcus, but now it was on her mind daily. She wheeled her cart to Mr. Brandon's office, finding the door closed again. She was hanging the tag on the door handle when Cheryl approached from the hallway.

"Hello, Rosemary," she said with a smirk. "He's in meetings today."

"Hi, Cheryl. Should I come back later, or wait until tomorrow?"

"I'm sure he will let you know when he requires your... services," she replied.

Rosemary blushed slightly and lowered her eyes.

"Don't worry, dear," Cheryl assured her with a pat on the shoulder. "This is the most discreet floor in the building."

"Thank you."

Cheryl sat at her desk and give her a questioning look.

"You do know you are not the only one here that spends time in his office, don't you?"

Rosemary blushed again and shook her head no, sucking on her lower lip and slightly embarrassed at being naïve.

"I don't mind sharing," Cheryl whispered, giving her a wink and a smile. "We are in the same position, after all."

She held up her hand, flashing her wedding ring, and giggled.

"I assume the positions are the same," she added.

Rosemary giggled at the joke and nodded her head.

"I will come back in an hour."

"Sure, he might be available by then."

Rosemary returned to the break room, made a cup of tea, and took a seat at the table. The knowledge that she was one of at least two women he was fucking bothered her, and she was upset at herself for not realizing that sooner. She no longer felt special, like she was the only one he desired, and her thoughts returned to his comments about married women. He was a user, the thought and idea of fucking someone else's wife all he cared about, she decided. The idea of being one of many had no appeal, and she decided to reconsider her relationship with him.

His office door was open and Cheryl gone when she arrived. She did her routine, noticing smudges on the desk when she moved his papers aside, and paused to look at them. She put her arms on the desk, finding them covering the smudges, and her tummy rested on the edge of the desk where the others were. She stepped back, gasping quietly upon realizing they were from a woman bent over the desk, just as she had been.

She polished the desk quickly, removing the smudges, and was preparing to leave when Mr. Brandon stepped into the doorway.

"Hello, Rose," he grinned.

"Hello, Mr. Brandon," she replied coldly. "I'm all done and just leaving."

He closed the door and leaned against it, eyeing her up and down.

"Why don't you stay for a few minutes? We haven't spent any time together for a few days."

"I have to go," she replied.

He walked over to her and brushed the hair away from her face, trailing his finger across her cheek. She felt the heat of arousal and the butterfly stomach, and stepped back.

"What's wrong, my Rose?"

"I know you have other women in here, and that I'm not the only one."

"So? We enjoy each other, don't we. I certainly enjoy you."

He reached out and pulled her into him, cupping his hands on her ass and pushing his crotch into her. She felt the arousal climbing, his touch filling her with warmth all over, and turned her mouth away when he tried to kiss her.

"I.. I'm not some whore, you know. I thought..."

"You thought I would only be fucking you? On occasion, and knowing you had a husband? You must have known better, my Rose."

One hand slipped under her shirt and cupped her breast, squeezing gently. Rosemary swallowed hard, trying to resist the sexual urges quickly building.

"I... I told him about you," she announced.

"What do you mean?"

"I told him about us, that we fucked in here, and about the hotel."

He pulled his hands away, stepped back, and looked at her with concern.

"What did he say?"

"He's okay with it," she replied truthfully. "He doesn't mind sharing me with you."

Charles took a deep breath and walked to his chair, letting it out with a sigh while he sat down.

"I don't share, Rosemary," he said coldly.

She turned to look at him, surprised at his sudden change in temperament.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't fuck woman that are offered up by their husbands. That is not appealing to me. I decide who I want to share, not him."

"Oh, I see."

"You may leave, Rosemary. I don't think we will be spending as much time together in the future."

"All right, if that's what you want," she replied. "I hope this doesn't effect my employment."

He smiled and shook his head.

"In no way at all, Rosemary. You earned the pay, and I admire your work ethic and commitment. Our... relationship... has no bearing on that in any way," he assured her.

"Thank you."

"I am fond of you, Rosemary. Disappointed that we can't continue with our activities, however. I have a few new and exciting things planned."

"I'm sorry about that."

"Oh, don't worry about it, there are others available. You may go now," he announced dismissively.

Rosemary opened the door and wheeled her cart out, feeling both insulted and relieved. Once in the break room she went into the washroom and looked in the mirror, feeling used and discarded, and asked herself how she could be so foolish.

Charles watched her leave and rubbed his chin, disappointed with having to end things with Rosemary. She had been so much like Daphne, and the memories he relived through her had been extremely gratifying. He sat back in his chair and pondered who would be taking her place next week, having promised them a woman just like Daphne. His friends had enjoyed Daphne as much as he had, the five of them sharing her on numerous occasions, and he hated to disappoint them. His thoughts wandered, and he smiled when she came to mind.

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Bernie walked in to the smell of roast beef filling the kitchen. Rosemary was mashing potatoes at the counter, her bum wiggling invitingly, and he cupped her cheeks in his hands when he leaned in to kiss her neck. She giggled, telling him to let her finish making dinner, and he pat her ass before leaving to change out of his work clothes. He returned to the kitchen to find everything ready and waiting, including a beer on the table, and Rosemary waiting.

"Well, this looks really good," he praised. "So do you, by the way."

Rosemary giggled. He was so cute with his little compliments, and it always made her feel good.

"How was your day?" she inquired.

"Good. Was a busy day, no time to lollygag about today. You?"

"It was okay. I talked to Marcus," she replied. "Just talked, by the way. He understands."

Bernie chuckled.

"He's still interested, I assume?"

"Yes," she giggled. "Oh, he is still with Maria, the woman you met at the Christmas party."

"Oh? I thought they split up?"

"No, they are still together," she explained with a smirk. "He mentioned that they are like us, though."

"What do you mean?"

"They see other people," she confided with a wry smile.

"Yeah? Maybe we could..."

"Settle down," she laughed. "That's something we can talk about later."

Bernie made a sad face for a moment, then chuckled. They finished up eating and Bernie cleared the table, telling her that he would do the dishes since she made dinner, and kissed her after she took her last bite.

"Thanks for the nice dinner, it was great."

He licked his lips and smacked them together.

"Hmm, you taste like gravy. I like that."

She giggled and pushed him away, telling him to get to work. She filled her wine glass and went out to the deck, relaxing and thinking about Mr. Brandon. When Bernie joined her, bringing the bottle out for her, she told him what happened. He listened quietly.

"Now that I see what was really going on, I am glad it ended," she assured him. "I think he would have created problems for us."

Bernie nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, he would have tried to talk you into all kinds of things, I suspect. I'm glad you thought it out."

"Thank you for being so understanding about everything, Bernie," she said with a soft smile.

"I love you, I want us to be happy together," he replied.

"I'll be right back," she announced and stood up. "Don't go anywhere."

"I'll be sitting right here," he chuckled.

Rosemary changed out of her work clothes and into the purple bra and panty set she had in the drawer. She brushed out her hair and touched up her make up, putting a good layer of red lipstick on, and stopped in the kitchen by her purse. She pulled out her phone and sent a text to Anita, telling her what happened and inviting her to come over Saturday. Anita responded immediately, asking what time, and Rosemary giggled to herself when she put the phone away. She stepped out the deck and walked in front of Bernie, doing a slow twirl as he looked at her in surprise.

"Wow! You are so fucking sexy!"

She giggled, pulled a cushion off the lounge chair, and dropped in at his feet. She dropped to her knees, put her hands on his thighs, and gave him a sexy grin.

"I would like my dessert now."

Bernie had his pants undone and his cock out in seconds, a big grin on his face. Rosemary began licking, swirling her tongue around the tip and down the shaft, slathering his erection with her saliva until it glistened. He moaned when she took him in her mouth, feeling her tongue slide along the underside as she took him deep, and put his hands on her head gently. She sucked him slowly, making him as hard as steel, and Bernie was thrilled at the sight of her plump, red lips sliding up and down his shaft.

"You're going to make me blow..."

She pulled her mouth for a moment and grinned.

"That's the idea," she panted. "Oh, by the way, I invited Anita over Saturday evening."

She took him deep again, struggling to get the entire length of his thick shaft in, and heard him groan.

"Oh, fuck... really?"

She pulled up again and nodded.

"Yes. We are both going to do this," she teased.

Bernie was ready to blow, precum seeping from his massively swollen tip, and the thought of it brought him to the edge.

"Oh, fuck... I'm gonna cum!"

Rosemary took him deep, feeling the spurts hit the back of her mouth and go down her throat. She held him tight, her lips locked on the pulsing shaft, enjoying the feel of him filling her mouth with his hot cum. It always turned to her on to please him, and she loved taking him in her mouth. When the pulsing subsiding she slowly moved her mouth up and down, milking every drop from his softening cock, and pulled off with a slurp. Bernie looked down at her pretty face, droplets of cum on her chin and ruby red lips, and smiled.

"Holy shit, Babe. That was so fucking good."

Rosemary giggled and lifted herself up, putting her lips on his and pushing her tongue into his mouth. After letting him have a good taste of himself she pulled away and giggled.

"Let's go inside so you can have dessert, too."

"Lead the way," he growled.

He chased her into the bedroom, catching her before she reached the bed, and spun her around to face him. He pulled her close and kissed her hard, gripping her waist tightly, then dropped to the floor in front of her. He pushed his face between her thighs and cupped her ass, mashing his nose into her mound, and then tugged the panties off. He pushed her onto the bed, peeled the panties from her ankles, and spread her legs apart. His tongue lapped her wet cunt and his hands went to her chest, pawing at her breasts while he attacked her clit. She tugged the bra down, freeing her big mounds, and he squeezed and pinched her fat nipples while sucking her swollen clit between his lips.

Rosemary groaned loudly as the orgasm hit, a toe-curling, gut-wrenching climax of intense pleasure, and soaked his face as she writhed on the bed. When it subsided Bernie climbed up on the bed and returned her favor, pushing his juice-covered tongue into her mouth, giving her a taste of her own pussy. They lay together giggling and touching until Bernie rolled off and onto his back. He sighed loudly.

"I have really missed this," he said quietly. "We used to be like this."

Rosemary lay her head on his chest and put her leg over his.

"Me, too," she agreed before they both dozed off.


When Saturday rolled around both of them were full of energy, anxious, excited, and a little nervous. They discussed how they thought things should go, with Bernie agreeing to stop if Rosemary asked, and by the time Anita arrived were both horny as hell. All afternoon Bernie had been hard, the thought of watching the two of them together playing over and over in his mind, and he had struggled to keep his hands, and his cock, away from Rosemary. He patiently waited in the kitchen, fidgeting in the chair, when Rosemary answered the door.

He could hear them talking quietly and giggling, unable to make out any words, and jumped when she called him to the living room. It had been laid out with candles, glasses with wine and bourbon next to them, and Rosemary had added a soft blanket and a few throw pillows into the mix. He was told to put on some music and have a drink while they went into the bedroom. He poured a glass of bourbon, drank it, and refilled it before turning on the stereo. The sound of soft jazz filled the air, and he took a seat in his recliner, perching on the edge.

"Close your eyes," Rosemary called out. "Are they closed?"

"Yes," he replied truthfully.

He waited with them closed until she spoke again.

"Okay, you can open them."

He opened his eyes and his mouth fell open. The two stood in front him, Rosemary in her red outfit with stockings, and Anita dressed the same in blue. They posed and giggled, turning and twirling slowly, giving him a good look.

"Wow! You two look fantastic!"

"Take a seat on the couch," Rosemary instructed.

Bernie jumped up and moved to the middle of the couch, perching on the edge, and watched as the two slowly paraded in front of him. They stood on the other side of the coffee table, keeping it between them and him, and slowly embraced. He watched in awe as they began kissing and running their hands over each other, touching waists, hips, ass and breasts. Anita lowered her mouth to Rosemary's neck and began kissing to the base of her throat, the spot Bernie knew would really get her going, and stared in silence when she unhooked the bra. Rosemary shrugged it off, letting it drop to the floor, and Anita cupped the big mounds in her hands. Her mouth went to the puffy nipples and her tongue circled them, one after the other, and he could hear the little slurp when she suckled each one.

Rosemary looked over at Bernie, her eyes burning with lust, and told him to throw her the blanket. He handed it to her, his cock hurting from being trapped in his pants, and she told him to sit back down. He perched on the couch again and continued watching as Anita stepped back and Rosemary lay the blanket on the rug. The two stepped onto the blanket and it was Rosemary's turn to do the kissing, nibbling on Anita's neck while the blue bra fell to the side. Soon they were on their knees, kissing and pushing their breasts together, and Anita smiled at Bernie when Rosemary suckled her hard nipples.

"Take off your clothes and come stand here," she invited hoarsely, tapping the carpet in front of them.

He was nude in seconds, his pants, socks, and shirt tossed aside, and he stood where he was told to. The two turned towards him, both looking up and smiling, and each put a hand on his throbbing, swollen cock.

"Oooh, like granite!" Anita giggled.

Their hands dropped away and were replaced by their tongues, both licking up and down his shaft, swirling and twirling around and over it as Bernie moaned. The sight of the two beautiful woman sharing his cock drove his lust to it's peak, and droplets formed on the swollen, purplish tip. Anita lowered her mouth down and sucked on his balls while Rosemary ran her tongue over the tip, slurping up the droplets, and Bernie's cock throbbed and ached. She put her mouth over him, sucking him slowly before pulling away, and her mouth was replaced by Anita's. They took turns, one slow, deep suck each, and each took one of his hands into theirs. They intertwined his fingers with theirs, keeping his hands away while they slurped on his swollen pole, and Bernie could not hold back.

"Oh fuck..." he moaned.

Anita pulled her mouth off and the two put their faces together, mouths open and tongues out, and Bernie exploded. Ropes of cum flew out, streams hitting them both and covering their faces, and they held his hands tight as his balls pumped the huge load out. They giggled, slurped, and swallowed while Bernie shook, his legs trembling, and Rosemary took him into her mouth, sucking vigorously and drawing out the remaining drops. When Bernie opened his eyes they smiled up him and began kissing, their cum-covered mouths and tongues joining together, and he thought he was the luckiest man to ever walk the earth.

"Holy fuck, girls..." he moaned.

"Now, that was fun!" Anita giggled. "What a fucking huge load, Bernie!"

"He usually has big ones," Rosemary laughed. "But not like this!"

"I... I need to sit down," he announced. "Holy shit."

They giggled and released his hands, kissing and licking cum from each other's face, and Bernie collapsed on the couch. He sat and watched as the panties flew across the room, staring in disbelief when Anita turned around and dropped her body on top of Rosemary. Tongues lashed and licked, clits were flicked, tickled and sucked, and he watched awestruck when they orgasmed. The sight and sounds made his cock stir, the moans and groans turning him on immensely, and he slowly stroked his already-hardening cock. Anita rolled off and onto her back, gasping and giggling, while Rosemary panted and squeezed her thighs tightly together.

"Wow, that was fucking great," Anita announced.

"Oh, yes," Rosemary agreed.

The two looked at Bernie and grinned.

"Did you like that?" Rosemary asked.

"Obviously! He's fucking hard again!" Anita laughed, pointing at him.

"Fuck, you two are SO fucking hot!" he groaned.

They both laughed, and Rosemary sat up and gestured to the bedroom.

"Let's go play in there," she suggested. "After we have a drink and rest for a minute."

"Whatever you want," Bernie agreed.

They got up from the floor and shared a kiss before taking a seat on the couch, one one either side of him, and leaned their heads on his shoulders. Anita reached over and tickled his cock, making it twitch, and giggled.

"You sure you can handle two?" she teased.

"He can," Rosemary bragged, lifting her eyebrows. "Now that he's gone one round, he will last all night."

Anita picked up her glass of wine and drained it empty, smacking her lips together, and let out a deep breath.

"Good, because I have all night," she chuckled.

They sat together for a few more minutes, finishing another drink, and headed for the bedroom.

Written by 1meanjean
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