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The Cuckcake -Part 5

"Rachel seeks for and seduces the man needed to complete her polyamorous family."

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Three insatiable women and two horny men make for a situation which leaves much to be desired. It seemed that we women became hornier and sluttier by the day. The poor gallant men did all they could to satisfy our raging fires of lust but were left as if they had run a marathon at the end of each day.

Lilly, Chad's first wife, came to snuggle in my arms and gave me a loving kiss. Then, whispering so as not to wake Chad, who was spooning me, asked, "How are you doing with your plan to find that ideal third man for the group?"

"Working on it," I whispered back.

"Get a move on. I never expected Chad and Ray to turn down a fuck by one of us, but even Ray, despite his colossal libido, is starting to wilt."

"What do you expect? Janice can hardly leave him alone. I was right. She fell for him hard, and though she is no longer morbidly jealous, she still needs Ray to stuff her orifices multiple times a day."

Lilly giggled, curved her fingers into my pussy, and started jilling me enthusiastically. "She's just like me. I can't seem to get enough of you."

My heart swelled with love for what seemed to be the millionth time since I had joined our family. After years of enforced celibacy, I treasured each moment with both my female and male partners.

I caressed her breasts and toyed with her nipples while kissing her.

"Let's go where we won't wake the energizer bunny. He needs his rest, poor darling." So we carefully extricated ourselves from bed, and she led me by the hand out the French doors and to a divan out on the patio.

She sat down and pulled me on her lap, and wrapped me into a tight embrace. She gave me a kiss and then pinched my nipple. Hard!

"So, Rachel, will you tell me who you plan to test out as a possible mate?"

"Ouch! That hurt. No, Lilly, I will not tell you until some suspicions have been confirmed. Please trust me."

"OK, I will trust you. Remember, however, that the person you choose must fit certain criteria. First, he has to be acceptable to all of us. He must be able to contribute financially and intellectually. In other words, he cannot be a financial or emotional drain on the rest of us. Finally, he has to be able to accept polyamory as a lifestyle."

"Lilly, I'm not stupid. I know all that. Please give me a few days to complete my investigation."

"Good morning, lovebirds," said Janice as she joined us on the patio.

"Where's Ray?" I asked her.

"Playing at being Sleeping Beauty." She answered with a smile on her face. "I need to be at the magazine offices early. We have some big deadlines to meet today."

Of the group, Janice was the only one who did not work from a home office. She was an ex-model who now was the editor of a fashion magazine. Lilly was an art expert who worked from home, while Chad and Ray worked from the mining consortium we owned, whose head office was in a building adjacent to our home. I did IT consulting as well as some work for the mining company.

Breakfast done and freshly showered, I headed for my office to start my work day. I considered the changes in my life over the past few months and how I had changed. I was truly happy, and it was not only the availability of sexual experiences that led to that. I again felt loved and had the sense of belonging I craved. My lovers had become my best friends, and each one brought a new dimension to my life.


I sat down in my office and started on my current project. It was complex and took all my attention. I had been at it for a couple of hours when Stephen, our major-domo and the person who ran the household, knocked on my door, bringing me a cup of coffee and a Danish.

I looked up from my computer and smiled at him before giving him a cheery, "Good morning."

"Why don't you get yourself a cup and join me? I need a break."

"Sure. As long as I am not disturbing you."

Minutes later, he was seated next to me on a small sofa that I used to relax while taking a break from the screen.

Stephen was a young 50-year-old who was, to a large extent, the voice of reason in the family. He was also gay and seemed unaffected by the nudity and sexual activity around the house. I knew that he had been married, had children, and had become gay when he discovered that his wife had taken a lover while he was away fighting during Operation Desert Storm.

"Stephen, what's wrong with you? Lately, you seem to be very troubled."

"Rachel, you are so observant. I love that about you."

"Well, want to talk about it?"

"It's personal, Rachel, and does not concern your or the other's relationships."

"Cut the bullshit, Stephen. You said what you liked about me was that I was observant. In the time I have been here, I have noticed certain things about you that have not made sense to me. I have an uncanny knack for knowing when something does not make sense. The same ability makes me good at computer analysis and architecture."

"So, what do you think you've noticed?"

"Where do I start? There are so many things that don't jive I hardly know where to start."

"I've found the best place to start is at the beginning. So what was the first thing that got your suspicious little nose twitching?"

"Your title, Chad calls you his major-domo. To the best of my knowledge, major-domos do not form part of the board of directors of large corporations as you do. Also, when you helped me set up my office, you demonstrated extensive knowledge of the firm and its inner workings, which went well beyond the knowledge a major-domo would possess."

"Is that it?"

"No, Stephen, that's just the tip of the iceberg. You say you are gay. Well, I know that you are, at a minimum bisexual. Your cock gave you away when you welcomed me into the family. You also spend more time in the office complex than in the house, supposedly running things here. Something smells to me. Don't you think it's time, to be honest with me?"

"I had warned Chad that this would happen. He told me not to worry. Now I see it is time to let you into the inner secrets. I do this reluctantly, and I will have to trust your discretion to keep this information to yourself. Can you do that?"

"Yes, as long as you give me the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but."

"Rachel, it's a long story, so put your feet up and relax."

I kicked off my shoes, lay back on the sofa, and placed my feet on Stephen's lap. He smiled at me, caressed my foot, and, taking a deep breath, he started.

"When I returned from Desert Storm and found my wife in the arms of another man, I had a breakdown. My wife's unfaithfulness exacerbated the stress of having seen the horrors of war. I left for overseas a brash and cocky Special Forces lieutenant and became a broken soul on my return. Luckily for me, my Sargent Major had returned with me. Sam took me under his wing and nursed me back to mental health.

"He and I became lovers. He had always been gay, and I had such a need for affection in the healing process that I turned to him for it. I distrusted women, and he was an available outlet for my sexuality.

"Having left the army, we were both looking to leverage our knowledge to make a living. I had met some of the Saudi Princes and became, if not friends, at least drinking buddies with them. So we returned to the Gulf, schmoozed with them, and successfully got some mining concessions.

"We used those concessions to cut our teeth into the mining business, which rapidly expanded to include several other countries. Finally, we formed our mining consortium and busted our asses to form the conglomerate we now own as a family."

"What role do you have in the operation?"

"I am the chairman of the board."

"So what is Chad?"

"Chad is the president."

"How did he get to be president?"

"Rachel, when I split up with my wife, we had two children, a boy of six and a one-year-old baby girl. I was in no shape to raise two kids. However, my sister was married in Australia, so I sent them to live with her. She took them in and did a great job raising them. My son went on to get an MBA with a major in mining."

"So what does that have to do with Chad? Oh, I get it. Chad is your son."


"Who knows about all this?"

"You and Chad."

"What about Lilly?"

"I have never discussed these things with her, and I doubt Chad told her."

"So why the major-domo roll, and why major-domo and not butler or something like that?"

"When Chad and Lilly started living this polyamorous lifestyle, it worried me. This was a convenient subterfuge to keep an eye on them and keep them out of trouble. The major-domo was another of Chad's attempts at Australian humor. I was at that time a Major in the Special Forces Reserve. Therefore a Major in the house. That is no longer applicable today as I was recently promoted to Lieutenant Colonel."

I smiled at that as I loved some of the corny stuff Chad came up with from time to time.

During our conversation, Stephen had been rubbing my feet resting on his lap. Naturally, this was sending twinges to my pussy. While listening attentively to what he was saying, I kept thinking of how to seduce him.

"OK, now, last question. Are you gay or bisexual, and why this glum demeanor the last few weeks?"

"That is none of your business, young lady."

"So tell me why I feel your cock has become erect as you play with my toes and feet?"

"Damn your impertinence. Stop teasing me."

"Who's teasing who? I am not the one caressing your feet."

"Rachel, I've kept wishing I was a younger man since you joined us. I obviously can't hide that I am attracted to you and that you affect me."

"So what's to stop you from telling me? And what is that BS about wishing you were younger?"

"Rachel, I am not going to compete with Chad or Ray for your favors, and obviously, I will not measure up compared to them. I refuse to be placed in a position where I will be humiliated."

"Stephen, do you care for me? Is your relationship with Sam, your lover holding you back?"

"Sam is no longer my lover. I had to have him placed in a retirement home just before you joined us as he has developed Alzheimer's disease. Damn it, yes, I care for you. I only regret I had not met you years ago. You are beautiful, intelligent, witty, and the type of woman I have always desired."

"Well, this woman says to you, if you don't ask, you won't get."

He sat back downcast and with tears streaming down his face saying nothing.

After a long introspective silence, he said, "Rachel, I'd love to, but what would the others say?"

"Stephen, you were in Special Forces, right?" He nodded his head in affirmation.

"Well, what is that Special Forces saying? Though I walk through the Valley of the shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil...because I am the meanest motherfucker in the Valley. So motherfucker why do you give a damn about what people say or think."

"Yes, but this is different."

"Why? Do you find me desirable?"

"Of course, you are absolutely gorgeous."

"How about Lilly and Janice? Would you kick either of them out of bed if they wanted you to share it with them?"

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"Rachel, Lilly is my daughter-in-law," he said in an outraged tone.

"I know. However, you did not answer the question."

"On top of that, how would Chad feel if I was diddling his wife?"

"Knowing Chad, I think if Lilly was happy with that, he would be fine. Now answer the question."

"What question?"

"Stop ducking, Stephen!" I yelled.

"OK, OK. No, I would not turn either of them down if they were willing. But what about that elephant in the room? The age differences."

"What age difference? You are within ten years or so of Janice and myself. If my husband had lived, you would be the same age as he would be. I also have seen your daily workouts, and you put both Chad and Ray to shame. So fuck that excuse."

I stood up, unbuttoned my blouse, and let it drop to the floor. My breasts came out to play, with nipples at rigid attention and ready. My skirt followed, revealing my tiny black thong. I stood there before him, proudly exhibiting my body. His groan told me volumes. I stepped forward to stand next to him. Looking down at him, I could see his erection tenting his trousers.

"See anything you like, soldier," I said, placing a hand on my hip and posing provocatively."

He uttered another groan, stood up, and wrapped me into his arms. I felt my nipples crushed against his shirt as his hands ran down my back, cupped my ass cheeks, and pulled my groin tight against his cock.

"See how easy it is?' I asked. "Feel how wet I am for you."

He slid a hand into my thong, and his fingers searched for my slit. Finally, with exquisite tenderness, he parted my pussy lips and snaked a finger into my sopping vagina.

"Just like riding a bicycle, Stephen, you never forget. So take me I'm all yours."

I unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his shoulders, revealing his broad chest. Then, quickly pressing my advantage, I unbuckled his belt and dragged his pants and boxers to his ankles. His cock sprang out at me proudly, pointing to the ceiling with the tip glistening with precum.

His hands lowered my thong, and I pushed him back to sit on the sofa as I dropped to my knees between his thighs. I looked up at him as my hand found his cock. He looked like a little boy in a candy store. His steely gray eyes stared at me in awe, and when I smiled at him, he smiled back.

Looking at him in the eye, I lowered my mouth and gave his cock a loving lick from his balls to the tip. I swirled my tongue around the head a few times savoring the taste of his precum before popping the head into my mouth. I mouthed it as if I was sucking a lollypop while rubbing my tongue over his frenulum.

His precum flowed and lubricated my mouth as I bobbed my head over his cock while I massaged his balls. I could feel his cock throb as I took him deeper into my mouth. His balls tensed, and I felt his hips rise as his need overtook his senses. Every inch of that cock was in my mouth and each time I came up for air, the effect of my tongue running the length and licking the tip made him moan.

His hands held my head with his cock deep in my throat, and a steady stream of cum sprayed down my throat. I swallowed every drop till he was drained before releasing him.

As I came up, his eyes were closed and his face betrayed the agony of his release. I stayed silent, let his breathing recover, and watched as his body relaxed. To my amazement, his cock maintained its erection.

I caressed it and said, "Like father like son," smiling.

"I don't think of myself like the energizer rabbit," he said, smiling back at me. "Rachel, that was incredible. Thank you."

"You're welcome. My pleasure, as a matter of fact. Let me go rinse my mouth. I want to kiss you."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his lap. "No need for that cum does not disgust me."

He caressed my breasts and our mouths melded for a long, searing kiss. His tongue explored my mouth lovingly as I reciprocated with enthusiasm and felt warmth and love flowing between us.

He tipped me off his lap, so I lay on the couch and spread my thighs. He kissed and licked his way downward, worshiping my tits and nipples with kisses, licks, and sucks that had my pussy crying for mercy. He had a way of grazing my nipples with his teeth which sent jolts through my body which were an incredible mix of pain and pleasure.

"Stephen, I need you. Please take me now."

"Not yet. You haven't suffered enough for having opened Pandora's Box."

"To hell with Pandora's Box. My box wants your cock in it or any other hole you choose to fuck."

"All in due time, love. First, however, I need to taste you."

His tongue and mouth worked their way down my body, licking and kissing every inch of skin and making my body tremble with need. Next, he worked his way down to my ankles before slowly teasing the insides of my thighs, making my body squirm even more violently.

Reaching my groin, he took my legs, spread them, and bent them back till my knees were against my tits. His tongue started to wend a magic trail, starting at my pucker and running up my ass crack to either side of my pussy lips. Finally, he looked up at me, smiled, and said, "My turn to feast."

His tongue parted my labia and thrust deep into my sopping wet cunt. It was like receiving an electric shock. My hips raised and thrust right back at him. He lapped at me like a starved kitten and I sensed my juices flowing profusely. Finally, he withdrew his tongue and replaced it with his fingers, which he scissored in my depths until he found my g-spot, which he teased mercilessly, running a finger back and forth over it. My clit raised its head, and he promptly circled around it with his tongue till he tired of that game. He then sucked it between his lips and tugged and teased it driving me to climax repeatedly.

During this whole time, I was moaning and begging him to fuck me. When I finally squirted my climax, he lapped up all the juices, licked his lips, smiled, and came up to kiss me. "You are absolutely delicious. I plan to incorporate you into my daily diet," he said with a smile.

"Stephen, please, I need to feel your cock in me. Please fuck me now."

He responded by placing the tip of his cock at the opening of my vagina and gently probing for my opening till he slid into me with a powerful thrust. I wrapped my legs around his hips and pulled him as deeply into me as I could. He supported himself with his hands and thrust his cock as deep as any other man in my life had.

Each bump against my cervix produced more juices from my needy cunt. His cock throbbed and pulsed in me, driving my level of arousal into a spiraling crescendo.

"Stephen, my Stephen," I moaned, "you are going to make me cum."

"I'm almost there, love. Let's cum together." He stroked into me more powerfully, and I felt my cunt grip his cock.

"Now, Rachel, now. I'm going to fill you with my seed. Cum for me, love."

I felt his hot emission blast into me and drive me over my edge. It felt as if I would never stop cumming. He kept at it till I thought I saw stars. The next thing I knew, he was lying on top of me, still firmly embedded in me, as he looked down at me, smiling.

I reached up, pulled his face down to mine, and kissed him passionately.

When we finally broke for air, I smiled at him and said, "See, just like riding a bike. You never forget."

"You're right. However, it takes a skilled and passionate woman to stir your memory of how to do it."

We eventually broke apart and tidied ourselves up and got dressed.

"Stephen, we need to call a family meeting as I want to let the others know we have the missing link to make our group marriage whole."

"Do we have to? And for your knowledge, I do not appreciate being called an ape."


Once the rest of the gang had assembled, I took the floor. "Ladies and gentlemen, or maybe I should just say men, as you guys are not always gentle. I had promised Lilly and Janice that I would look for and interview to find a third man to complement our group. I have done so and have a candidate to propose to you."

"Who is that?" Lilly exclaimed with excitement written all over her face.

"After much soul searching and looking high and low for a candidate, I found one who stood head and shoulders above the rest."

Janice said, "Cut the speeches, baby doll. Tell us who you are proposing."

"Janice, speeches are necessary for this. Now all of you sit down, please. The candidate I am proposing is Stephen."

Two exclamations burst out. Chad blurted out, "DAD?"

While Ray exclaimed, "Our major-domo?"

The stunned expressions on their faces were a sight to see.

Lilly looked at Chad and said in a stunned voice, "Stephen is your father?"

He nodded in affirmation with a dazed look on his face.

"Ray," I said, "It is incorrect to call him our major-domo. He should be referred to as our Lieutenant Colonel Domo. He was promoted after Chad bestowed that ridiculous title on him. Also, in passing for your fund of knowledge, something which he and Chad kept as a deep dark secret is that Chad is not his boss. Chad reports to Stephen, who is the Chairman of the Board of the parent company of the consortium.

"Now, ladies, Stephen has been tested by standards as stringent as any used for our new members. I will certify that he more than met those standards."

During this whole time, Stephen had sat and not said a word. He and Chad looked at one another silently. Finally, Stephen spoke up. "Chad, the mistake you made with Rachel is that you underrated her. She is much more intelligent than you figured her to be. She smelled a rat and the discrepancies in our group. She also, for some unfathomable reason, took a liking to me. Your fault for not abiding by the strict honesty policy you espouse. Her credit for knowing what she wanted and going for it.

Stephen said, "Janice and Lilly, I would understand if you did not want to have this decrepit old man as a co-husband. However, it would not affect how I feel about Rachel."

Lilly slowly stood up, walked over to where Stephen was sitting, took his hand, and helped him stand. Then I understood why I loved her so much. She wrapped her arms around him and said, "Daddy, would you permit me to be your baby girl when Rachel permits me to be with you?"

"As long as Chad and Rachel permit it," he said, giving her a tender kiss.

Janice then came over and pulled Lilly away. She just said, "Me also?" As she ground her body against his. They kissed but much more lasciviously.

"When Stephen broke free, he turned to Chad and asked, "Son, do we have any Pfizer stock?"

"Pfizer, why Pfizer?"

"It might be a good investment. They make Viagra."

With the two women's acceptance, I knew I had won my fight. No formal vote was necessary.


The last two years have been the happiest of my life. The family has melded into one happy group, and we have all prospered emotionally and financially. Lilly is pregnant, and we expect to be blessed with the new arrival shortly and are all curious about who the father is.

Written by ChrisM
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