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The Cuckcake - Part 4

"Lilly and Rachel set out to tame Ray with the help of Janice."

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"Rachel having received the fuck of her life from Ray lures him to the dungeon. There Lilly, Janice and Rachel proceed to teach him the difference between fucking and loving."

I went to sit on Ray's lap and told him it would be easier for me to take him up my ass this way. Then, turning so that my back was to him, I spread my thighs on either side of his legs. He wrapped his arms around me and started to tweak my nipples.

I was blocking his view, and to my relief, I saw Lilly enter the dungeon while signaling for me to stay where I was and not make a sound. She crawled on her hands and knees, and when she was right in front of us, she did something that I could not see. Suddenly Ray released my breasts and said, "What the fuck is going on?"

He pushed me off him, and Lilly stood up. "Hi, Ray. Nice to see you again."

The look of surprise on his face was priceless. "Lilly, what are you doing here?"

"I live here, Ray."

"I thought this was Rachel's house."

"It is," she said.

"I don't understand. Who is Rachel married to?"

From the door, Chad stepped in. "She's married to me, old buddy. You wanted to be set up with a married woman, so Rachel volunteered to be your fuck toy for tonight. Was she a good married slut for you? From what we saw, you seemed to enjoy fucking her.

"Rachel, what do you think? Is he a keeper, or do we throw him out on his keister?"

"Chad, I think we could keep him if we could teach him to make love," I answered.

"What do you mean to make love? What did I just do to you? I made you cum harder than ever before," Ray retorted angrily.

"Ray, you gave me an incredible fucking. But that is not making love. Any animal can fuck that way. Being that you are more than an animal, what we did was not making love no matter how hard I came," I said

"Ray, this is a night of second chances. Suppose you permit the girls to teach you how to become a lover, in that case, you will be given the opportunity of joining our family. With that come certain privileges and responsibilities," Chad told him.

He then went on to describe the opportunity that was being offered. Essentially the same chance I had been given to try out this polyamorous lifestyle.

"So what you are telling me so that I understand clearly is that apart from the material privileges, I get to fuck these two foxes whenever I want to?" Ray asked.

"Actually, three foxes, Ray."

That startled me. Where the hell where did these three foxes come from?

"Rachel, I'm sorry we have to bring you up to date. We took your recommendation seriously. While you were out with Ray, we interviewed Janice. I think you'll be pleased that she has agreed to try us out. Part of what swayed her was Ray's performance. She is chomping at the bit to try him out," Chad said, smiling at me.

I was staring at Ray, trying to gauge his reaction to all this, when I saw his eyes widen. So I turned to see what caused that reaction as Janice walked into the dungeon clothed in only her lovely skin and blond hair without a trace of clothing to spoil the sight.

She walked up to me, hugged me while giving my pussy a loving caress, and said, "Thank you, bestie. I hope it will be like old times for you and me."

She then went over to Ray, who was looking at her and almost drooling at the sight of her. "Hi, Ray, I'm Janice." She then took his cock, which had regained its erection, and gave it a loving kiss. She then turned, spread her legs, and parted her asscheeks to reveal her crinkled pink pucker adorned by a butt plug whose jeweled head gleamed from her orifice. "This will be one of your many rewards if you are a good boy. So what do you say? Do you want to be just a fucker, or would you like to be both a fucker and a lover?"

I had been watching Ray's reaction all this time. When Chad revealed the potential financial and sexual benefits, his eyes betrayed his interest in the financial and sexual benefits involved. He found it fascinating to have two sluts like Lilly and myself at his disposal. However, with Janice, there was more involved. I thought I saw a real manifestation of that rare phenomenon of love at first sight. Undoubtedly there was lust at first sight, but I think his feelings went way beyond that.

When he finally regained his power of speech, he sounded like a small child.

"You guys are not kidding me. This is not just a joke?"

"No joke, Ray, we are offering you exactly what we told you. But, after that, it's up to you if you want to try to earn a place in this family," Chad told him.

"Chad, this sounds like a dream come true. However, I don't know if you can teach this old dog new tricks," he said almost wistfully.

"It's up to you, old buddy. What do you lose by trying? Turning from an orangutan into a man is not that bad. And you also have three very willing and dedicated women itching at the pussy to teach you. So the last word is yours. Will it be yes or no?"

"Chad, I really want to try, so I guess the answer is yes."

"Good. I'll leave you to the tender care of these three ladies," Chad said, turning to leave the room.

I caught up with him, wrapped my arms around him, and gave him a soul-felt kiss. He asked me to what he owed this honor. I told him it was for letting Janice try to earn a place in our family. He smiled and told me I had been right, that Janice had been very different tonight than when they had initially met. And she was earnest in wanting to change her stand on exclusivity in a relationship. While watching Ray pound me, she had seen the sheer eroticism of that moment and realized that it turned her on as much as what Chad was doing to her as he pounded her pussy. After Chad was finished with her, she kept on and masturbated and came several times as she watched Chad fucking me. Chad then gave me a slap on the butt and sent me back to do my share in the transformation of Man Mountain.

I entered to hear Lilly saying, "Ray, tell me, what do you think turns a woman on and starts stoking the fire that makes her want to let a man make love to her?"

"That's easy," he answered, "the size of his junk."

"Wrong! It starts with a kiss between a woman and a real man. Now I notice that you have never kissed Rachel or me before or after fucking us. Don't you like kissing? Does it turn you off?"

"Lilly, I'm usually too much in a hurry to get to the main course."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"I don't know. It has never been necessary, and I've never needed to do that to get a woman excited."

"Well, why don't we start with kissing? If I release your legs, will you do something stupid, or will you behave and do what we tell you?"

"I'll be good, Lilly."

She released his legs and directed him to go sit on the couch. She then directed me to join him.

"Now, Ray, go ahead and give Rachel a kiss. Don't try to grope her, just kiss her."

I moved my face towards his and waited for him to kiss me. When he finally did, it had the same effect as being given a kiss on the cheek by a fond aunt. It was apparent he had never necked with a girl.

"He pulled back," smiled at me, and asked, "Like that?"

"Well, not quite. That's the type of kiss you might give to bid good night to a woman you were not interested in. I'm now going to kiss you. Just let yourself relax, and if you enjoy what I am doing, go with the feeling and do the same thing you enjoy to me. Don't think. Just let your emotions take over."

I looked down at his cock; that magnificent beast was hanging its head in shame. Gone was the magnificent erection that had pounded me scarcely an hour ago. I smiled to myself. Perhaps there was a method to Lilly's madness. I turned my body towards him, ensuring that our body contact was minimal. However, as he approached my face, my nipples were begging to be against his chest. "Ray, close your eyes," I ordered.

My tongue caressed his firm lips, which remained firmly shut. I stubbornly kept at it feeling frustrated till my saliva on his lips caused him to stick his tongue out not to kiss me but to wipe his lips. Seizing that slight advantage, I thrust my tongue into his mouth despite being terrified that he would bite it.

He started to recoil, so I seized the back of his head to prevent this and proceeded to almost give him a tonsillectomy. He moaned and relaxed his mouth, which permitted my tongue to explore. I drew back and smiled at him, allowing me to notice that his gallant warrior had risen and was again ready to join the fray.

"Now, Ray, it's your turn. Kiss me,"

He approached his face, and this time his tongue came to my encounter. Again, we tongue wrestled and exchanged spit, and then his hands reached for my tits. Lilly intervened, barking, "No hands."

I started sucking and biting his lips before moving to bring my tongue to toy with his ears and the nape of his neck. I felt his body shiver, and he took my head in his hands. He resumed kissing my mouth, sucking on my tongue, and feeding me his before he softly started to pull on my earlobe with his teeth. Lilly again intervened, telling him to stop.

"Ray, look at Rachel's nipples. See how flushed her breasts are and how stiff her nipples have become. Run your fingers through her pussy, and I'll bet she's dripping with desire. That is what a kiss can do. Notice also how your cock is stiff. I'll bet you want some relief about now. Right?"

"Lilly, I'm about ready to burst."

"Well, just hold that thought. We have a lot more to teach you. Janice, your turn to kiss Ray. Get your ass over to the couch."

Janice, had strummed her pussy while watching us, scampered over and sat in Ray's lap. Lilly and I were treated to a spectacle of two people devouring each other's faces. I would have laughed if it wasn't so sweet to see that type of hunger.

Sitting next to me watching the show, Lilly said, "I think those two seem made for each other. We'll see how Janice reacts when Ray fucks me. If she can accept that, we will have been correct in our judgment that she should join us."

"What made you decide to try her out?"

"We trusted your recommendation and felt that she deserved a second chance as she was the one who led us to you. Stephen also had a role to play in our decision. He pointed out the reasons for her possessiveness regarding her lovers."

"Interesting, and what was that?"

"Her insecurity. Janice wants love. Not only wants love actually needs love. When she gets it, she fears that she will lose it, so as not to lose it, she dumps her current lover before they dump her. That leads to the pattern of serial monogamy that she has developed. She will break that pattern if we can get her to feel secure in our collective love. That is what we are praying for. She is really a lovely person both inside and out. She's also very yummy, as you will discover," she giggled.

"I know. Shall we break up those love birds and move on."

She glanced over at Janice and Ray, who were almost climbing down each other's throats, smiled at me, and said, "Janice, stop torturing that poor man. Ray, if you want to fuck that cute ass that you are mauling, it's time to pass on to the next lesson. Come over here and lie down on this massage table."

The two love birds parted with evident reluctance, and Ray lay down on the massage table.

"Ray, before you shove that cock up your next victim, you must get her ready. The three of us will work on you with our mouths and fingers next. As we do, use your imagination and imagine how what we are doing to you could be done by you to a woman you want to seduce."

"Lilly, I need to cum. It's almost impossible for me to hold back," he groaned.

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"You like to cum don't you?"

"Of course, I like to cum! Everybody does, don't they?"

"What if I told you that if you learn what we are teaching, you will cum even harder than you ever have before? And so will your partner."

"But I never had anyone complain in the past."

"With that cock you have, I'm sure they haven't. However, wouldn't you want to take them to another level? Tell me, who would you rather be, Usain Bolt or Hail Gebrselassie, if you were a runner?"

"What kind of a stupid question is that? Obviously, Usain Bolt. I've never even heard of that other guy."

"Well, my friend both Usain and Hail are runners. They are both great champions. The difference is that Usain never ran a race that was more than 200 yards. On the other hand, Hail ran races that, in most cases, exceeded 10,000 meters and higher. So their titles and medals are about the same, BUT Haile also ran up to his mid-30s.

"Now we come to you, Ray. Do you want to be a speedy comer, or do you want to be able to go the distance? We offer you the opportunity to fuck any or all of us in various ways. Can you go the distance with three different women and nine available orifices ready to satisfy that magnificent cock?"

"Obviously, I'd like to do the three of you," Ray said with a smile.

"Great! So we will train you to pace yourself for long distances and to get and receive pleasure as you have never experienced before."

"Damn! Go for it, sister."

The three of us positioned ourselves. Lilly went to his left at the level of his head. I took the opposite side level with his navel while Janice placed herself on the table between his splayed legs. Lilly instructed us to start by giving him a six-hand feather-lite massage.

Using the lightest of touches, I feathered his ebony skin, starting with his nipples and working my way down his stomach around his navel and lower abdomen and then repeating the sequence. Next, Lilly massaged his temple, face, and shoulders. At the same time, Janice worked his legs, concentrating on his inner thighs up to his groin but carefully avoiding his genitals. After ten minutes of this treatment, Lilly told us to stop and switch places.

I carefully watched Janice as we did. She took my place while I replaced Lilly, who now knelt between Ray's thighs. I was curious to see if Janice would exhibit any signs of jealousy. There were none, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I so wanted her to try out with us to succeed.

We stood around Ray, and Lilly asked him how he felt so far.

"This is great," he answered, but I want to come more than I've ever wanted."

"You're going to have to control that for now. We will now work you over not only with our hands but also our tongues. So just imagine how it will feel to have six hands, and three mouths, and tongues toying and teasing your body. If you feel you are about to come, just tell us before you do because if you come before we give you permission, you won't get to fuck Janice's cute and needy asshole."

"You're a bitch, Lilly, but I'll try."

I started kissing Ray and let my tongue play with his as my hands kneaded his shoulders. I could see Janice's tongue and mouth and play with his nipples. Lilly, on the other hand, was not playing. Instead, she was licking that monster cock from base to tip. She had it thoroughly coated with her saliva so that it literally shone.

Ray was writhing on the table, bucking his hips to get Lilly's mouth to take his cock into it. She kept backing off, and when that hip motion subsided, she was back running her tongue around the tip, and her hand caressed his balls.

Ray moaned into my mouth as it was my turn to attempt to give him a tonsillectomy with my tongue. I think the effect of Janice giving him a tongue bath from his chest to his pubis also impacted him. After five minutes of this treatment, he turned his head from me and yelled, "I need to cum."

Lilly looked at him and said not yet, big boy. We have more in store for you. Rachel and Janice each grab one of his legs and bring them back to his shoulders."

We both did as she instructed as Ray yelled, "What the fuck?"

He was now lying on his back with both legs cocked and Lilly positioned, so his cock and ass were directly in front of her. With a malicious grin, she gave us a wink, ran a finger along his ass crack, and used her fingernails to scratch his scrotum. We had to struggle to keep his legs back as she lightly touched that most intimate of spots.

"Ray, you want to fuck our assholes don't you?"

In a quavering voice, he answered, "Yes, but I don't want my asshole fucked."

"How will you know how we feel if you do not have the same experience?"

She started rimming him as his body struggled against us without giving him a chance to answer. Finally, she asked us to use our free hand to pry open his asscheeks which he had clenched. We spread him like a ripe peach, and Lilly's tongue went back to work rimming and probing at his anal pucker. Now his body was no longer fighting us; however, it was quacking. We could see precum seeping from the tip of his cock.

Lilly lubed two fingers with his precum till they glistened and slowly fingered his asshole. We saw the fingers disappear into his ass and start frigging his anus. She then resumed licking his cock from scrotum to tip and swirling her mouth around the head.

Ray's body shook from head to foot. Suddenly he yelled, "I'm cuuuming!" as his cock shot stream after stream of cum, which rapidly coated him from navel to chest with a few drops, even hitting him in the face.

We lowered his legs, and he lay there dazed and gasping as the three of us used our mouths and tongues to lick him clean. He watched us exchanging cum smeared kisses and shook his head. "You three are naughty, nasty sluts! I love it."

Lilly smiled and said, "So, how was that for you?"

"Fucking incredible. I never suspected I could cum that hard or that much without my cock stuffed up some woman's hole."

"Now, do you understand how it is possible to drive a woman wild even before you start fucking her? Most women can have multiple orgasms consecutively, unlike men. Wouldn't you like to have the woman you are with driven crazy with lust for you?"

"Lilly. I begin to get it. Then she could do the same to get me ready for a second or third bout."

"I knew you were smart, big guy. Start thinking with your big head instead of the small one. Now we will give you a few minutes to rest before you prepare Janice for the fuck of her life. You two sit on the sofa while Rachel and I let off some steam."

She cupped my ass cheek and said, "You and I, baby girl. Your cunt must be tender after the reaming King Kong gave it earlier. Let me soothe it for you."

She led me to the table and tipped my body, so I lay on my back with my legs draped over the edge. Then started running her sweet, velvety tongue from my ass crack upwards through the puffed up tender lips of my pussy. I knew that my lips were puffed up and sore; however, each lick was like a balm. The soreness was rapidly replaced by a feeling of incredible lust within me.

"Lilly, I need your pussy too. I want to taste your sweet cunt. So get on top of me."

"Rachel, your slightest wish is my command," she said, and I shifted my body up the table as she stood and came over to me. She gave me a passionate kiss before climbing up and placing her body, so her pussy hovered over my face.

I glanced over and saw that Ray had Janice sitting on his lap and was toying with her nipples while watching us with an incredulous look on his face.

As Lilly lowered her pussy on me, my tongue reached up and parted her pussy lips. That girl was so wet I was instantly lapping the sweet juices, which streamed from her pussy. Obviously, she was ready for this, and my tongue parted her lips and slithered into her to lap at her inner tissues. She had parted her legs and bent back my legs to give herself access to my cunt and asshole.

As her tongue started its excursions from one hole to the other, my toes curled, and I was swept up in a wave of raw lust. I attacked her cunt and ass with tongue and fingers. I could feel her thighs quake on either side of my face. She kept dripping her sweet and tangy juice into my mouth. Then she shifted her focus on me. Her lips gripped my protruding clit and sucked on it as if she was giving it a blow job while her fingers curved into my cunt and attacked my g-spot. I almost flew off the table at the intensity of my orgasm.

As I came, I also conquered, and Lilly squirted her orgasm at me bathing my face with her cunt juice as she drove her pussy at my face. Then, after lying still for a few moments, she slowly raised herself off me, giving me a chance to breathe again, and she rolled off the table. Finally, she got a couple of washcloths, and we cleaned each other off.

We kissed and then looked at the two lovebirds on the sofa. Janice was on her knees with her ass raised high while Ray worshiped her pussy with long strokes of his tongue. As he did, he was also diddling her ass by frigging it with the butt plug lodged deeply in it. Janice was moaning and begging him to fuck her.

It seemed that our pupil had assimilated his lesson as he paid no heed to her pleas. First, he removed the butt plug, which came out with a loud pop and left her ass gaping in front of his eyes. Then, replacing his tongue with his fingers, he diddled her cunt while plunging his tongue into the gape in front of him.

Her asshole gleamed with his saliva as he lubricated her with copious spit. She shrieked with joy. Rising to his knees, he held her hips and slowly sank his massive cock a few inches into the tempting orifice stopping to let her get accustomed to his size. Janice would have none of that. We saw her thrust her hips back at him, and his cock disappeared deep into her bowels. Now it was time for him to moan with pleasure.

He thrust in and out of her as his hand snaked under her and teased her clit. The shrieks of pleasure rose in increasing crescendos as he ravaged her ass. From our vantage point, we could see her tits swing back and forth under her body. Soon sweat was dripping from both of them as Ray kept his relentless pounding of her rear door until we witnessed her back arch and cum squirt all over the couch as Ray's back also arched. We could imagine him fire-hosing his thick load deep into her bowels.

Ray finally collapsed onto her back as she lay flat on her stomach with him still firmly lodged in her. He slowly disengaged from her and rolled her to cradle her in his arms and kiss her.

Lilly looked at me and smiled. "I think, lover boy, has mastered his lesson. Don't you think so?"

"I do. He really seems taken by her and vice versa. I think it was vice at first glance," I snickered.

"Well, what do you think should we give them provisional membership into the group? I'm sure of Chad's decision, as I know that man. He thinks she is lovely, and I know he wants his best friend with us."

"Yes, I agree. Firstly I want that delicious piece of tail also, and I don't think I could take Ray on a regular diet, but he would be great as a part-time meal. I'm sure Janice will keep him satisfied most of the time."

"But what about you? We would be one man short."

"Don't worry, your little head. I have someone in mind."


"Just leave it with me as I have someone who I am sure will meet Chad's and your approval."

Written by ChrisM
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