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Man-Eater: Chapter Two

"Eve gets horny after a day of teasing her new boss"

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Author's Notes

"Eve starts her new career as a personal assistant and quickly jumps into teasing and torturing her new boss. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Mastering her new profession and incredibly horny, she goes on the prowl for some willing cock."

In less than thirty seconds, Eve had mastered the art of sexually enthralling her new boss. Conquering the nuances of her new career took much longer, approximately three minutes. She sat, on Monday morning, at her new desk with the comfortable office chair turned around. Her back was to her still-barren desktop, and she faced her new boss, Victor Moore. 

“First,” he began, smiling. “Let’s outline your expected duties.”

Mr. Moore, his hair looking perfect that morning, launched into a litany of tasks she’d be expected to perform. His soliloquy took over two minutes. “Got all of that?” He inquired.

“Yep. Sure do.”

Eve, being an accomplished seductress, was quick at both thinking and learning. She knew how to translate what people said into what they meant. He was trying to rattle her—a test of sorts—by overloading her with a barrage of information.

“Really?” Victor sounded unconvinced. “Repeat what I just said, please.”

Eve smiled, a combination of lusty projection and amusement. She also studied her boss’ body language, working out the nuances of his personality. “How about I paraphrase, instead?”

She toyed with a random lock of her sable hair, brazenly devouring his features with her azure eyes. He nodded, his expression expectant.

“By ‘personal assistant and secretary,’” her fingers stabbed air quotes, “you mean that you need a babysitter, a nanny, really. You need somebody to take care of you, plan out your days, and keep you on track.”

Eve waited for a rebuke, but, instead, received an emotionless stare and a brief nod.

“Furthermore, I need to charm the ever-loving shit out of your business associates, making them both respectful and jealous of you, as well as being the public face of your business dealing. You also need me to warm them all up for you, be your gatekeeper, so you can swing your big-money deals.”

Eve paused, scrutinizing the expressions that crossed his handsome, sexily chiseled face.

“And I work directly for you, the head honcho, the big cheese. Everyone out there,” she pointed toward the store’s retail floor, "is mine to command—my playthings to do my bidding. Furthermore, it’s very, very important that I understand that your store is only a tiny portion of the business empire you oversee, and I’m expected to grease up other big-wigs for you. Did I leave anything out?”

Mr. Moore’s diatribe glossed over all of those points, albeit with a completely different focus. As he spoke, Eve cataloged his needs in the most basic of terms, committing the bullet points to memory. To her, it was simple—men are immature children who shave, and they need a woman to keep them in line. Business or babysitting, it boiled down to the same thing.

“Well, I wouldn’t put it exactly that way, but…” Victor’s office phone rang, cutting off his sentence. 

Taking the initiative, Eve gave him a sexy pout, grabbed his cell phone from his breast pocket, making sure that her hands touched him in a prolonged, sensual fashion, and answered the call. Victor Moore just stood there, not knowing what to think. She sat back down, swinging her chair back and forth. The move looked casual, but, as her feet hooked over the chair’s base as she swiveled the seat, the movements caused her legs to part a bit. Just as the previous Friday, Eve had worn thigh-high stockings. That time, however, she wore sheer, purple panties under her mauve skirt. 

”I’ve got this, Mr. Moore,” she purred seductively. “You sit and do boss stuff.”

Into the phone, she said, “You’ve reached Mr. Victor Moore’s personal line. This is Eve speaking. How may we help you?”

“Who the fuck is this?” The surly man’s voice was so loud and stern that Victor heard it.

Eve rolled her eyes at her boss, her expression comical. A sexy wink followed.

“This is Eve,” she huskily breathed into the phone. “I’m his new personal assistant. And you are?”

Eve was used to dealing with boisterous men with egos inflated by their sense of self-import. Her tone was playful, seductive, and mysterious.

“No,” she replied to the other person on the call. “Not as in ‘Adam,’ more like Evil, which is kind of like ‘Love’ spelled backward.” She paused, then giggled. “Yes, I know. You’re so sweet. You know what they say, evil women are better in bed.”

Eve paused, lounging in her chair. Her hips slid forward a bit, making her legs spread even wider as she listened to the person on the phone. Still spinning her chair to and fro, the sexually enticing young woman ignored Victor’s stares and the way he seemed to drool each time her see-through panties came into view.

“Oh, Mister Thomas of T&L Cultivators. Got it. And what is this pertaining to?”

Mr. Moore’s face blanched. “I’ve been trying to get a meeting with them for months. They’re one of the biggest growers in the region. I can never get on his schedule.” His hushed voice grew desperate.

Eve just nodded and placed her hand over the receiver. “Chill, Mr. Moore; I’ve got this.”

She spoke into the handset. “Oh, a business meeting barbecue this Friday? Let me check, sir. I’m sorry; it seems like Mr. Moore’s schedule is full on Friday evening, but, maybe, I can convince him to reschedule, so we can hook up.” She added a sexual half-moan to the phrase, “So we can hook up.” Victor’s face grew both more pale and shocked.

Eve continued. “By business barbecue, do you mean a stuffy, formal suit and tie affair, or should I show up in my Daisy Dukes and a bikini top?”

Victor considered yelling at her to stop, but her giggle at whatever Mr. Thomas had responded with gave him pause.

“Mmm. Keep talking like that, and you’ll turn me into a blubbering fool. Are you married?” She paused. “Aah, too bad.”

Mr. Moore was smiling broadly by then. His gaze was riveted to her crotch as she spun the luxurious office chair back and forth. Eve was completely aware that Mr. Moore was lewdly staring at her panty-covered crotch; it was exactly what she’d intended.

“No, I’m sorry,” Eve continued, “Mr. Moore is intensely studying something very important.” Eve spread her legs a little further apart and ceased her office acrobatics. This left her now-wet panties on perfect display. “That’s okay; I can handle things like you wouldn’t believe.”

Victor began talking, but Eve stopped his vocalizations with a scolding look. Quickly controlling her new environment, Eve wagged a naughty finger at him, then pointed to his chair. Shrugging, Mr. Moore sat where she had indicated, still staring at her shapely legs, stocking tops, and saturated panties. Eve was sighing and moaning, “Mm-hmm,” into the phone with the naughtiest inflections she could manage. She was strategically aware that her mewling sounds of attentiveness sounded more like orgasmic moans.

“That leaves me two questions for you, Mr. Thomas… sure, Jeff it is. Well, Jeff, since this is business, do you have a mutually beneficial deal for us? You know, benefits between friends? I know that you need to make a tidy profit, as well, but we’re hitting a huge growth stage, at the moment, so we’ll also need a good setup.”

Victor’s expression changed from shock to admiration.

“I see. No, not now. I think I might be able to convince him to show up. That leads me to my second question. Do you have a pool? You do? Perfect! Well, I cannot promise you anything, Mr. Thom… I mean, Jeff… but, if I can persuade him to show up, I’ll bring both my appetite and my bikini.”

She paused, still listening, and gave Victor Moore a thumbs-up.

“Okay. Got it. Your home at half past six. Now, your wife won’t mind me cavorting around almost nude in my bikini, will she? Oh, she’s out of town? No, you silly pervert, I won’t be wearing a G-string… more likely a thong. See you on Friday.”

Eve stood, smoothed her skirt, eyed up her new boss, and placed the phone back into his pocket.

“Jeff Thomas of T&L cultivators would ‘very much appreciate it’ if you’d grace his business party on Friday. He’d like to get to know you and see if you two can reach some sort of distribution agreement. Shall I confirm?”

“How did you do that?”

“I just followed your instructions, sir. Build you up, make them envious of you, and win them over. My job is to make you the envy of every businessman in the area. You know, assist you, personally.”

“Are, umm, are you really going to wear a thong bikini?”

“Why? Is it inappropriate? Mr. Moore, please, forgive me. I should have checked, first. My assumption was, since they’re in the weed business, that they’d be used to women running around with their butts hanging out. I can dress business-like if you’d rather.”

“No!” Victor’s voice was almost a shout. “I mean, no, that’s perfectly fine.”

“So, it’s a date, then?” Eve’s mastery of double entendres and innuendo was serving her quite well.

“Yes, definitely. I’ve been trying to get this set up, forever. Call him right back.”

“No, we can’t do that, Mr. Moore. If you’re too eager to jump into bed with him, he won't give you as sweet of a deal. It’s like seducing a woman; make them wait and simmer a bit, then they’ll want it even more.”

“Good thinking. Let me familiarize you with the layout, although you’ll be working close by my side daily.”

At first, he placed his hand, very gently, at the small of her back to lead her out of the spacious, now-shared office onto the sales floor. His forwardness was not lost on Eve, and she plotted to use that to her advantage. However, he withdrew his hand almost immediately. Eve was introduced to the store’s staff, and their reception was lukewarm. She committed their names to memory, along with her impressions.

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There was Hank, a typical stoner boy, exactly the type you’d expect to see in a television sitcom version of a dispensary. Aanya, the floor manager, was smart, personable, and quite attractive with her dark complexion, big, brown doe eyes, and puffy cheeks. Glen was a clean-cut, college athlete type, who obviously thought that he was a ladies’ man.

After that, Victor took her to the always-locked storage room. The inventory for the entire store was kept there, and the wide array of products amazed her. The storage room wasn’t small, but it was very close quarters, as shelves and racks lined the walls and stood in closely-placed rows through the center. Eve took this opportunity to brush up against her sexy boss as much as possible, sometimes, even going out of her way to jut her ass into his crotch or to “accidentally” press her boobs into his back or against his arm. Mr. Moore’s voice occasionally wavered, and his cock swelled at the contact.

“So, are you going to show me the ropes? I’m so good in ropes.”

“Err, umm. How about we do lunch?”

“My treat, Mr. Moore. I’m, now, gainfully employed.”

Eve tortured the poor man all through lunch and throughout the rest of the day. While her actions were still professional, each of her sentences seemed to drip with sexual overtones. Her gestures and movements, coldly calculated, had undercurrents of horny need. By the end of the day, it was, “Call me Victor when nobody else is around.”

“And you can call me anything you like, anything at all. I’m down for anything you want to call me.

Within a few hours after lunch, Eve had not only enslaved the young Glen and won Aanya, the dispensary manager, over, but she’d also kept Victor constantly hard. The bulge from the erection her teasing had caused was evident. She’d also managed to duly impress her new boss with her skills. 

“Well, Mr. Moore,” she said, intentionally not calling him by his first name, “that fills up your itinerary for most of this week. Is there anything else you desire me to do for you?”

That made her muscular boss choke. “Um, we’re good, here, Eve. Thank you. Have a nice night.”

Rather than leave, she approached Victor, stopping to hover mere inches in front of him. “I do have a question, though, Vic. What’s the dress code? Some people might think my attire is a bit too revealing for a professional environment. Is this sort of look okay with you?”

The pale-skinned tease pirouetted in front of his gaze. As she slowly turned about, she made sure to stick out her breasts and plump, juicy ass. Their proximity ensured that she managed some physical contact, her delectable butt brushed against his steel-hard shaft, not once, but twice. Inwardly, Eve fought the temptation to reach back and fondle it through his pants.

“However you want to dress is fine by me.”

“When do you need me, tomorrow? I’m available for your needs, any time.”

“I get in around 8:30 or so, but you don’t need to show up until nine.”

“See you tomorrow, Victor. Should I dress normally or for being out in the field, since we’ll be inspecting the other satellite businesses?”

“However you want.”

“Good evening, then.” 

“See you, tomorrow, people,” Mr. Moore said to his staff as he exited with Eve.

As she was used to men doing, her boss lagged a few steps behind her, following Eve to her car. She knew that his eyes were riveted to her hips, legs, and sexy behind, so she exaggerated her steps to add some extra wiggle. She’d half-seated herself in the driver’s seat of her rundown vehicle, one leg still hanging out of the car, but delayed leaving as they conversed. While they talked about business things, her outstretched knee swung back and forth, her skirt had ridden up high enough to give him an unfettered view of her soaked cunt enticingly covered by her frilly lingerie.

When her car finally groaned to life and idled properly, she swung her leg inside and closed the door. Knowing that he was still staring at her as he walked to his luxurious and very expensive sedan, Eve peeled off her soaked, purple panties and hung them over her rearview mirror. As she adjusted the mirror, she saw him gawking.

“I think I hit on a daily ritual for work,” she snickered.

Then, Eve drove off, eyeing the ream of papers in the folder he’d given her. It had most of the ins and outs of Happy Trees’ business, and she needed to get up to speed. She felt compelled to rule that particular roost, but she couldn’t study her new job feeling all horny after a long, hard day of being a prick-tease. Luckily, there were several clubs and other public social places for her to hunt on her way home. She picked a slightly more upscale hotel with a popular lounge to hunt for some sex.

No longer wearing panties made her feel devilish and raunchy. That was perfect. With clacking heels, she strutted into the lounge’s relaxed and intimate atmosphere. Still being early, there weren’t too many people there, but she knew the dance by heart. Having been a little more than chubby in high school, as soon as Eve began getting sexual attention, she ran with it and used it to her advantage. Getting picked up in a bar, even in the late afternoon, was easy.

Her succulent tits bounced their way into the establishment, and her hard-on-inducing ass swayed back and forth as she leisurely strutted across the lounge, seating herself on a bar stool. Her swinging legs revealed a glimpse of a stocking top before she righted herself and turned the stool into position. A side-eyed glance told her that all male eyes in the room had been on her.

“What can I get you?” the stocky, sexy bartender asked.

“I like my drinks how I enjoy my men: stiff, hard, big, and another one on the way. You pick, but you’d better be right.”

“Triple bourbon and dark syrup on the way.”

The in-house television showed some random sporting event, and Eve looked around, seeking her quarry. Minutes passed, and the barkeep had another drink ready for her before her emptied glass had hit the napkin. 

Drinks are just like men, she thought to herself, strong, stiff, and disposable. Use one, drain it, and throw it away, and, look, there’s another.

“Buy your next round?” The man behind the somewhat trepidation-filled voice was cute, bordering on handsome. He tried to sound confident, but he was nervous.

Eve scanned him with her eyes, not bothering to hide the fact that she was appraising him. 

“No,” she replied in her husky, sultry voice, “but you can take me to your room and fuck me while we watch porn.”

“What is this, a joke?”

Eve smiled, a predator whose prey had just volunteered. As she stared directly into his brown eyes, she spread her legs, feeling her skirt ride up over her thighs. Grabbing one of his hands, she thrust it between her legs until his fingers touched her oozing pussy.

“No joke; I’m horny. Either you take me to your room and fuck me, or the next guy will.”

She got up, flashing the entire bar her sopping cunt, and she patted the man’s pants at the crotch. Without turning, she walked out the door, not paying for her drinks. The man slammed a few bills onto the bar and hurried to follow.

“My name is…”

“No names! I don’t want to know you; I don’t need a relationship. I want you to fuck me, get me off with your hands and mouth, and make me cum.”

“What do I call you, then?” he smiled.

“Just call me your personal fuck toy; that’s what you wanted, isn’t it?”

“Are you a pro?”

“No, I’m an amateur. I’m not a hooker, just horny.”

The elevator doors opened, revealing an empty carriage. Eve sauntered inside, giving the man her “come hither” expression. As soon as the doors closed, she dropped to her knees, tugging at his pants, and enshrouded his flaccid cock with her pouting lips. Lunging her head over the shaft, she quickly brought it to turgid hardness, and Eve feasted on his fleshy lance as if cock-starved. Although her unnamed lover’s room was on the fifth floor of the hotel, the elevator stopped on the third floor.

The doors slid open, revealing two businessmen waiting for the elevator. Eve stopped long enough to turn her head to face them and smilingly tell them, “Come on in. There’s plenty of room,” but she didn’t stop sucking her new friend’s hardness. The two men, jostling one another in the ribs, walked inside and watched. One of them fondled his growing erection through his pants. Eve knelt before her lover, taking the full length of his cock down her throat with enthusiasm. Her eyes, however, were on the other two men.

“Oh, fuck!” the man from the bar exclaimed. 

Without warning, he shot his load into Eve’s mouth. She hadn’t been prepared for it, so, rather than swallow it, it blasted into the back of her mouth, the force of his ejaculation nearly gagging her. She quickly regained her control and composure, stroking his orgasming member with her hand while she sucked the cum from his balls. The first spurt, however, leaked out from her mouth and dripped over her lips and chin.

“You’d better get it up right now, mister, or you can't have my hot cunt.”

To motivate him, she pulled up her short skirt, showing her nectar-dripping slit to her friend and the other two strangers. The man from the bar just shrugged, staring at his again-flaccid cock.

“Talk about a minuteman!” Eve cast him a scornful glare. She turned to the other two men. “Can either of you last longer than that? How fucking pathetic! I need fucked long, hard, and deep, not short, soft, and for ten fucking seconds.”

“I’ll fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to walk for a week.”

“But… but… but, you said,” the man from the bar whined.

“You got your jollies; now, fuck the hell off.”

Eve linked her arms around the other two men’s elbows. “Why don’t you two studs take me to your room and fuck hard?”

The elevator stopped and Eve and the two men left, leaving her original prey looking forlorn, his well-sucked cock hanging out of his trousers. 

To be continued…

Written by krystalg
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