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Man-Eater: Chapter Four

"Eve is stoned and horny, so she goes on the prowl for a new lover"

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Author's Notes

"Eve, trying out some new, highly-arousing edibles for work, is feeling horny, so she decides to visit the infamous nightclub, Rule 34, to find some willing, sexual volunteers. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Of course, Eve has to tease, taunt, and make a show of her feminine wiles."

Eve’s panties hung from her rearview mirror as she drove home. At every turn, they’d sway back and forth, reminding her of how incredibly horny she was. She even hiked up her skirt, exposing her dripping snatch to whoever cared to look. With the other drivers concentrating on the road, nobody gawked at her wet pussy, much to her dismay. However, as she relived the day’s events, Eve decided that she wanted some hot, no-strings sex. 

Stalking her boss sounded like fun, but Eve knew that idea lacked wisdom. While some hot food sounded wonderful, the voluptuous beauty decided that the edibles, the company’s Aphrodite strain, would suffice as sustenance. As she readied herself for a night out, she munched on a few of the sugar-coated, watermelon-flavored intoxicants, then sent a few more down her throat for good measure.

Getting ready to go out took less than an hour; all that Eve needed to do was to make a few, minor wardrobe adjustments and to redo her makeup. The destination she had in mind required a special look. The club, Rule 34, was a dance club, known for its tendency to get sexually wild. The drinks were top-tier, the food was edible, and the patrons dressed to thrill. It was also known as quite the meat market, and that was exactly what Eve intended to use it for.

Rather than her usual slutty, sultry, and wantonly sexy but professional makeup, she took advantage of her smooth, creamy, pale skin and went with dark eyes, obsidian, sparkling blackness on her eyelids. Dark rouge offset her skin tone, making her flesh seem almost albino in contrast. A deep purple lipstick, outlined in thin wisps of crow-black, finished the look. Three locks of her long, wavy hair were braided into a long tendril that cascaded down one side of her face.

As Eve loved the effect her tight, houndstooth “overall” skirt had on everyone, she kept that on, trading her alluring but professional top for a slutty, white crop top. The top used to be a designer T-shirt, but she’d hacked most of it away, and it now only extended a few inches past her breasts. If the seductress raised her arms over her head, the bottom swells of her breasts peeked out. The straps of her skirt kept the flimsy top in place, and Eve was transformed from looking like the secretary that spent her entire day on her knees to the outer appearance of a slut that would soon be begging to have her mouth forced over a hard cock.

Feeling the effects of the incredibly potent edibles, Eve opted to buy a ride to the club rather than attempt to drive while intoxicated. The Dryve-Ryde app showed her that a driver was nearby, and she booked them, having a few minutes before her ride arrived. The ensemble needed something more, a little kicker. Spying some leftover wrapping paper and ribbons from months ago, she tore at some blue, crinkle ribbons and wove a couple of strands of it into her hair. That gave her a playful but deadly look. She looked nearly Goth and completely fuckable.

As her panties were still in her car, she took off the bandeau bralette, letting her ample tits sway freely. Knowing that she was completely nude beneath a single, thin layer of cloth made her pussy gush, and her nipples stuck out long and hard, evidence of her highly aroused state. The horny nymph sat on her window sill, awaiting her ride. As she had a minute or two until the driver was due to arrive, she plunged her fingers between her legs and played with her wetness. The Dryve-Ryde car showed up just as she was nearing orgasm; it took a lot of control to not get off before she walked out the door. Her sexual heat emanated from her, enhancing her already seductive aura and giving her arousing appearance even more sensual allure.

The driver, a young man in his early twenties, introduced himself as Roy, got out and opened the door for her. As she got in, his eyes feasted on her, letting Eve know that she’d chosen her attire wisely.

“Where to, ma’am?”

“Rule 34, on Vine and Thirty-fourth, please.”

“Sellin’ little bottle of...” he sang as he put the car in gear.

The driver was professional, clean, cute, and polite. He made some nervous small talk with Eve, and she went easy on him. About halfway to her destination, the woman’s cell phone buzzed, signaling an incoming message. She unlocked her phone and looked at the message. It was from Victor, her boss,

“Thank you for saving my ass,” his text read.

“Both my job and my pleasure. Is Jazz there with you right now? How’s the restaurant?”

“She’s in the ladies room. The place is fantastic.”

Eve began typing a response, but a text balloon showed that he was still typing. She waited, wondering if her pussy juice was soaking the back of her skirt.

Finally, not waiting any longer, she typed, “That Aphrodite has me all worked up! I’m out prowling for some dirty love.”

“Are you driving?”

“No, silly boss. I’m taking a Dryve-Ryde.”

“Calling you now. Please answer.”

Eve was confused, but she didn’t object. In two seconds, her phone rang, showing Mr. Moore as the caller.

“What’s so important, boss man?”

“Put me on speakerphone,” he said, his original confidence and commanding voice seemingly regained. When Eve was around, he was always so congenial and blustery.

“OK, Mr. Moore, you’re on speakerphone.”

“Hello, driver, can you hear me?”

“I can hear you just fine, sir.”

“This is Victor Moore of Happy Trees. I do believe that your company has an open-ended account with us.”

“Oh, yeah! I remember. You guys kept me busy last Halloween with your staff party. What can I do for you? Do you need another lift after I’m done with Miss Smith?”

“No. She’s actually my personal assistant, and she’s trying out some new products we’re thinking of offering. Please charge our account instead of hers. Also, are you available for her return trip, later?”

“Sure, sir. I’m on shift until 4:00 a.m.”

“Thank you, and make sure you write yourself a good tip. Eve, take me off speakerphone, please.”

“OK, Mr. Moore, and thank you so much,” Eve purred to him.

“We can’t have you getting in an accident or anything; it would reflect poorly on the company.”

“Thank you. I assume that the cost will be taken out of my check.”

“Nonsense. Business expenses. We’ll call it ‘Field Research.’”

“You’re the boss, boss. How’s your anniversary going?”

“Wonderful, thanks to you. Have a good night. See you in the morning.” With that, he ended the call.

“Mr. Moore said that I should be on call for you for when you’re done at the club. I’m happy to oblige.”

“Thank you, Roy. I might catch a ride home, though.”

“Either way, I’m good.”

Just then, Eve’s phone pinged once more. Victor had sent her another text.

“Are you still wearing those sexy panties?” He even put a smiley face emoji after the text—very unprofessional.

Eve laughed at that.

“No,” she typed back.

“What kind are you wearing?”

Rather than respond, Eve giggled and spread her legs wide open. She snapped a quick picture of her bare pussy, the dew of her extreme arousal glistening on the lips, and sent it to him.

“Jazz is back,” Victor texted. “Love it! Thanks.”

Sighing softly, Eve said, “That will keep me in his mind all night.”

“What was that, Ma’am,” Roy responded.

“Oh, nothing, just talking to myself.”

A few minutes later, Roy dropped her off outside the exclusive nightclub. A small line of a few dozen people loitered outside the roped-off entrance. The exterior was all gleaming neon, steel, and dark, mirrored glass. The beat of techno dance music could be faintly heard. Eve made a huge production of exiting the Dryve-Ryde car, bending deeply at the waist as she took Roy’s phone number and gave him a tip. The fact that his eyes were focused on her hard, protruding nipples, less than four inches away from his face, made the woman so fervently aroused that her cunt juice dripped down her inner thighs.

Eve inhaled deeply, slowly letting the air escape her lungs. Grounded and centered, the dark-haired woman, dressed to thrill, strutted past the line. Conversations ceased, and all eyes turned toward her as she gave the patrons awaiting entry a condescending glance. Her unrestrained boobs bounced with each step, and her curvy hips swayed from side to side. She was looking extremely sexy and knew it.

“Hey, there, sexy Josh,” she said to the stern and muscular doorman.

He glowered at the assembled queue, shaking his finger at them with a gruff expression crossing his face. Then, he turned and smiled at Eve, leering at her bouncing tits, and removed the velvet rope barring her way.

“Still hung like a horse, I see,” she cooed to him, patting his cock through his tight jeans. “Beat the shit out of anyone, today?”

Josh smiled, running his hand over his buzz-cut head. “The day ain’t over, yet.”

He let Eve pass and enter the nightclub. The waiting crowd gave a communal protest, groaning and complaining as the doorman replaced the rope, keeping the others out.

“If you want in this club, you need to learn how to dress and act properly.” 

The interior of the nightclub, Rule 34, could only be described as similar to a Roman Orgy thrown during a modern rave. Throngs of intoxicated, uninhibited people milled about, packing the dance floor and all other areas with writhing, half-dressed bodies grinding against each other. Men and women were engaged in some serious public displays of affection; women were groping and molesting each other, and man-on-man adoration could be seen as well. The bar was ringed with patrons, all of them vying for the bartenders’ attention, so they could get served.

The darkness of the club was cut through with laser lights, strobes, and assortments of club lighting, all of which pulsed and writhed over the club to the beat of the deejay’s music. On the right-hand wall, a sound booth provided space for the house MC. Eve knew her from years ago; they’d gone to high school together. They were cool with each other but hadn’t run in the same circles. It was a no-drama relationship, and the two of them got along well now and chatted about old times whenever they ran into one another.

Eve waved to her blond friend, Cassidy, and she saluted back, saying, “My girl, Hallow, is in the house!” into her microphone.

Scanning the vast array of people, all of them dressed to entice and party, Eve didn’t see anybody worth pouncing on, at least not yet. Instead of immediately jumping into the fray, she slowly walked through the crowd, toward the bar. Along the way, every third or so step, some man, seeking some sexual fun for the night, approached her. If one goes to a meat market, expect to be treated as a piece of meat, she thought to herself.

Eve was not only used to the male gaze and the sometimes crass attention that came along with it. She had her retorts ready. “No, it didn’t hurt when I fell from heaven, but you will if you don’t back the fuck off,” “Let me see your cock, right here, right now. Nope, too puny,” “Look at me, now look at yourself. As if,” “Good line. I used to say shit like that when I was still a man,” and, “If you were the last man on earth, I’d go pure lesbian,” were some of the retorts she pulled from her arsenal of bitchy comebacks.

Eventually, she made her way to the bar and gently shoved the plebs out of her way to sidle up against the steel and neon fixture. Others gave her withering glances, and she openly laughed at them. Eve knew how to get bartenders’ attention; it was as simple as sending out “fuck me” vibes while displaying your body. If they wanted to fuck you, they’d be quite attentive.

“What’s the name and drink, sexy lady?” a cute bartender asked her. He was dressed in a smartly-cut, white dress shirt, and a red bow tie around his neck. His brown eyes were light and dreamy, and he had a good body.

“You don’t know me by now? I’m called Hallow around here. I’ll have multiple screaming orgasms against the wall, for now. Make it dirty,” she purred.

“Oh, yeah. Hallow’s Eve! You’re Cassidy’s friend. I remember you from the last time. Try to not start a catfight this time, okay?”

“You do remember! How sweet, you sexy beast.” Eve let her expression display open desire, and she thrust her tits forward as she leaned over the bar, so she could be easily heard.”

“Hard to forget,” he laughed. “Hey,” the bartender exclaimed. “Are you even wearing a bra?”

The dark-haired beauty stood up straight, arching her back to just her boobs out even further. “Like it?” she teased as she shook her torso from side to side, making her breasts jiggle in front of him.

“Drink’s on the house. Here you go.”

“Hey, bitch! Wait your turn.” An irate woman protested. “I’ve been standing here for twenty minutes, and you just stroll up and get served.”

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Eve eyed the tawny redhead up and down, smirking in denigrating condescension. “Dress like a peasant and be ignored like one,” she quipped, accepting the offered drink.

Eve left the bar and the fuming losers who were still waiting, and she surveyed the orgiastic chamber. The dance floor was a stormy sea of writhing bodies, hands, body parts, and faces pressing up against others. The flashing lights embedded in the floor illuminated the frenzied activity. To one side was a railed-off section, filled with tables, all of them occupied. Eve danced her way over to the railing and leaned against it. She slowly sipped her large, extremely strong drink and looked for her target. Eve was usually very picky about who she chose for her nightly prey; she could afford to be choosy.

As her friend, Cassidy, the DJ, faded an EDM song out and began playing a techno tune, the mass of bodies parted somewhat, and Eve’s eyes found her target. Her next victim was off near the far side of the dance floor, clumsily gyrating and overly conscious of his awkwardness. She quaffed her drink, feeling the warmth of the alcohol spread through her vibrating body, and stepped onto the lit floor, moving to the music and working her way toward the man she had set her sights on.

He was tall, good-looking, well-muscled, lean, and he had a boyish timidity about him. His black, unruly hair looked manly and cute, all curls and waves, and he was dressed for “clubbing” but seemed out of place. Very self-conscious, the man was attempting a few dance moves, but he was so uptight and nervous that his clumsiness was almost comical.

Eve gave her writhing, gyrating body a once over, ensuring that she looked as slutty, sexy, and desirable as she needed. Her nipples were sticking out so proudly that they were prominent, her hair was perfectly tousled, and Eve’s ass looked spectacular in her tight skirt. Adopting a friendly, sexy, horny smile, she slowly danced her way over to him, moving with the music, and stopped approaching when she was just a few feet away from the awkwardly-moving man. 

Eve had mastered the art of paying attention while appearing ignorant of her surroundings. The subtle art of reacting to another’s attention, all while making it seem natural and organic, was her medium. When he first glanced her way, she raised her arms high, thrusting her hips back and forth to the rhythm of the music. When he looked a second time, she turned about, bending over while she humped her body up and down, as if fucking the biggest cock, ever, and displayed her scrumptious behind. When he advanced from stealing furtive glances to outright staring, she turned toward the man.

“You need to relax,” she purred to him as seductively as she could muster. Her voice sounded orgasmic, and her breath came out in mewling moans. “Stop thinking about it, and just do it.”

The handsome man, with green eyes, she noted, smiled at her and nodded. He then proceeded to flop around randomly, as out of time with the beat as one could possibly be.

“Come here.” Eve stopped humping the air and spread her arms open, beckoning him to approach. For good measure, she shimmied her shoulders back and forth, making her braless tits jiggle and bounce. 

The man looked around nervously, shrugged, and then approached Eve. She wrapped her hands around his waist, enjoying the hardness of his muscles beneath his clothing. Pressing her nubile body against his, her ample bosoms against his chest, she began gyrating her hips in and out to the beat of the techno music playing.

“Forget everything around you, and concentrate on the music,” she seductively cooed. “Pretend you’re fucking me and get into the rhythm of our bodies moving together.”

He was clumsy and far too worried about how he looked, but Eve got him to loosen up a bit as the song progressed. Within a few minutes, he was moving along with her, and she turned around, taking his hands into hers, and pressed her ass against his groin.

“Now move along with me. Feel it! Can you feel the way my body moves?”

She ground her sexy, shapely ass against his swelling cock, humping him in time with the music. Gyrating, writhing, and swaying, Eve, with her hands still intertwined with his, ran their hands up her torso, over her breasts, down her sides, and over her thighs. The feel of his warm flesh against her skin made her moan, and she furiously ground her ass against his now-hard manhood.

Within moments, his hands began exploring her overheating body on their own, so Eve reached back, grabbed the man’s hips, and pulled his hardness more firmly into her wanton posterior. They found their sweet spot, and while still a bit clumsy, he was dancing with her, in time with both Eve and the music. Then, another woman showed up; her face was a mask of ire.

Eve untangled herself from the man she was seducing and adopted an apologetic expression. Women don’t glower at each other like that unless one is encroaching on their territory. The flushed cheeks, fire in her eyes, and balled-up fists were all Eve needed to come to the appropriate conclusion.

Otherwise, the woman confronting the sexy vixen was pretty, sexy, and enticing. Her small, pert breasts were covered by a red, satin halter top, the outlines of her tits and areolas puffing through the silky material. She wore a pixie skirt, all hanging tendrils of gossamer cloth, over opaque thigh-high stockings with the tops exposed. Her short, blue and blond hair was styled wildly, and her light brown eyes would have been beautiful, had they not been staring daggers into Eve.

“I’m so sorry,” Eve explained, taking the path of least resistance. “I thought he was alone and was just teaching him some dance moves. Honestly, I didn’t see you.” She paused and smiled, giving the woman her “I want to lick your pussy until you scream,” facial expression. “If I had seen you, I would have gone after you, instead. Let me buy you a make-up drink.”

“As if you can get served around here!” The blond turned to the man. “Is this true, Jeff? You weren’t hitting on this girl?”

“Seriously,” the poor dancer began, “Marsha, she wasn’t hitting on me or anything. We were just dancing, I swear.” His voice was whiny, pleading.

Although only a couple of seconds passed, the blond turned toward Eve, eyeing her up and down. Then, her expression softened, going from crossed to amused. “Fine. If you can get a drink in this place, then your apology is accepted.”

“Sure thing, Marsha. Follow me.” Eve grabbed the woman by the hand and pulled her toward the bar. “I really had no idea that he was with somebody,” she added.

“Do you make a habit of picking up men in here?” Marsha asked, her voice indignant.

“When I’m in the mood, sure. A hard man, a soft woman, maybe the both of them, together. It depends on my mood.”

The trip to the bar only took a minute or so. As soon as Eve sidled up against the steel structure, her hard nipples highlighted in the club’s chaotic lighting, the bartender dropped everything and jogged over to her.

“Miss Hallow, so good to have you back. More dirty orgasms?”

“Yes. You know how much I love multiple orgasms, and, if it isn’t dirty, you’re not doing it right. Also, give me two long-necked beers, four mixed drinks, and a side of shots.”

“That’ll cost you.”

Eve smiled, her azure eyes sparkling with naughtiness, and grabbed the bartender’s hand. While the others looked on, aghast, she pulled his palm up under her crop top and pressed his fingertips against her taut nipples.

“I mean, the drinks are still on the house, Hallow.”

The other thirsty patrons seemed on the verge of rioting, but Eve just smiled at them condescendingly and accepted the proffered tray, jam-packed with alcohol.

“You’re named Hallow?” the pert, petite blond queried as they left the bar.

“Actually, my real name is Eve.”

“Hallow’s Eve! I get it. Sexy.”

“Let’s find a place to sit and make up for me pouncing on your boyfriend.”

As dominant as she typically was, Eve was pleasantly shocked when Marsha put her arm around her waist, rather than walk beside her.

“I’ve never had another woman interested in me, before,” she purred into Eve’s ear. “Did you mean it, or were you just trying to defuse the situation?”

“Not timid at all, I see. I like that. Yes, Marsha, I was serious. You’re very attractive, and if I’d have seen you, first, I’d introduce myself and see if we hit it off.”

“Well, now’s our chance.” Marsha stopped and guffawed at her boyfriend. He was still in the same spot, dancing better but still clumsily, where they’d left him. “Jeff! Get us a table!”

The only place to sit that was available in the packed nightclub was a tiny, round table, no larger in diameter than the drink tray, with a half-circle booth at an adjacent angle to the dance floor. Despite the close quarters, they squeezed into the curved seat. Eve was tightly pressed against Marsha’s body, and she could feel the tiny woman’s steamy flesh warming her already volcanic body.

Although not planned, Eve found herself attracted to both of them. Not only were Marsha and Jeff good-looking, which was her base criteria for random, casual sex, but they were also funny, witty, and intelligent, and Marsha took Eve’s voiced attraction and went into innuendo mode.

The two women were bantering back and forth, sexual overtones and undercurrents permeating their conversation, at such a rapid pace that Jeff just sat there, bemused, staring at the both of them with a huge smile on his face. They were having so much fun that they’d gone through two trays of drinks.

“We’re gonna turn the lights down for a minute and let all you young lovers out there slow dance in the dark,” Cassidy, the deejay, said. “Grab your partner and show us why we’re called Rule 34!”

“Goodie! A slow song,” Marsha said, smiling. “Come on, Jeff, let’s dance.”

“I’ll pass. You know I don’t like to dance much.”

“Aaah. Please?”

“I’ll dance with you, Marsha,” Eve interjected. Not waiting for an answer, she stood and pulled her short, lithe, new friend.

The two women, one with pale skin and dark, misty features, the other shiny, lithe, and sun-vibrant with blue in her hair, went onto the dance floor. Wrapping their arms around each other, Eve peered into Marsha’s eyes and then began a slow, soulful, sensual dance. The tension between the two was palpable. Jeff stretched out in the curved seat, his eyes on his girlfriend and Eve.

The two women were locked in a rocking embrace, the cadence of the slow, sensual song timing the movement of their hands. Eve caressed the woman’s back, feeling her nipples grow hard against her. Marsha copied the horny and intoxicated woman’s gestures, her hands dipping even lower, cupping Eve’s perfect ass.

Not to be outdone, Eve lowered her head, slightly, breathing warm, erotic breath into the pixieish woman’s ear. “You’re making me wet.”

Eve loosened their dancing hug, her hands dropping. She smiled with horny victory when her breath grazed Marsha’s exposed neck, and the younger woman shivered, moaning. Eve lowered her lips, gently kissing, then nibbling the nape of Marsha’s neck. The effect was profound; Marsha veritably melted into Eve, her breath coming in panting sighs, her body quivering. With her quarry surrendering to her in the middle of the dance floor, Eve glanced toward Jeff. He was watching with intense enthusiasm, all smiles and horniness.

Across the dance floor, others were engaged in both dancing and rhythmic foreplay. A man and woman couple were just a few feet away from the two women, groping at each other while they kissed passionately. A group of four, young women were near the other side, dancing in a slow huddle while they caressed one another. Emboldened by Rule 34’s permissiveness, Eve smiled, devilishly, at Marsha and slipped her hand under the hem of the small-breasted woman’s frilly, short skirt. 

Marsha’s eyes grew as big as saucers, and a languid smile crossed her lips when Eve’s hand made contact with her bare thigh. Although others, especially men, were watching the action unfold, Eve continued slowly raising her hand; her fingers creeping slowly upward, sensuously caressing her forbidden zone. Marsha, barely moving, slumped into her friend’s arms. The tiny blond woman’s breath came in heaves, her tongue wagging out through an open mouth.

“Ooh, aah,” Marsha whispered when the dark-haired woman reached her panty-covered mound. 

Eve sighed with passion; Marsha’s reaction was so erotic and sexy that Eve’s pussy gushed liquid heat. The small blonde’s knees buckled, she threw her head back in an aroused moan, and her eyelids fluttered, almost closing in erotic bliss. Eve only ran her fingers over the other woman’s silky-feeling panties a couple of times before her entire hand was saturated with hot wetness.

“Fuck,” Marsha mewed. “You just made me squirt in front of everyone, in my panties.”

In unison, they both looked at Jeff. His pants sported a tent-like peak, and he was both smiling and giving them the thumbs-up.

“Would you two like to come home with me for an all-night threesome?”

“I’ve…we’ve never. Are you sure?”

“I want to fuck and lick and finger you until you pass out, all while your boyfriend’s hot, hard cock slams into my cumming cunt.”

“Jeff! Get our stuff; we’re leaving.”

To be continued…

Written by krystalg
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