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Three Chilly Ladies By The Lake

"There’s something about the great outdoors that makes a person want to be naked, even in the winter."

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Author's Notes

"Here’s another story inspired by the small lakes in the Adirondack mountains. <p> [ADVERT] </p>No men allowed. Have a blanket ready in case you get chilly."

I couldn’t believe it when I first saw them up on the banks of the frozen-over lake: two blazing hot, buck-fucking-naked sunbathing girls. They didn’t even have a fur cap for their naughty parts, you know, in case the sun went behind a cloud. 

“Hi, mister,” the one with the shorter hair said, lifting her sunglasses and squinting. “Watcha doin’ out on the lake?”  

I was used to it. I’m five-eleven and three-quarters and not skinny by any means. I was wearing my sun goggles, my knitted cap was pulled over my ears, and I had on several bulky layers. As fashionable as I like to be back home, when I’m in the mountains in winter, I dress for warmth. 

“Ice fishing,” I said and showed them my catch. My voice gave me away. I hate my voice. You know what my voice is like, and please don’t say that it’s 'girly.’ I’m fifty-two, for God’s sake – I shouldn’t have the voice of a high school freshman. 

“Oops. Sorry,” she said. 

I readily forgave her. I hadn’t been near a naked woman in a while, much less two of them, much, much less in nipple-freezing weather like this. They were very pretty and fit, which explained their exhibitionism. They didn’t bother to cover up and I sure as hell wasn’t going to suggest it. 

Her partner hit her on the arm. “I told you that’s what she was doing. That’s what those shacks are for. I’m Pammy. My uncultured girlfriend is Luna.” 

Girlfriend. I wondered what she meant by that, not that it would have made a difference either way. They were half my age or less, probably less, and I wouldn’t have stood a chance one-on-one with either of them, let alone a threesome. 

There’s nothing wrong with being friendly, though, is there? “I’m Anne. That’s my A-frame up on the hill. I know I would remember if I had met you two before.” There were several cabins around half the lake, the part that’s not owned by the state. Some are right on it, and some are set back, like mine. The lake’s by-laws said that we couldn’t rent the cabins out, which suited me fine. Still, there were always new folks staying in them – families and friends. 

“My grandparents own that cabin over there. Luna and I go to the same school, and she has never been anywhere with a lot of snow so I thought coming here for a romantic weekend would be fun.” 

“I thought Pammy was crazy when she said we could get a tan if we came up,” Luna added. “You know, if it was sunny and all. And here we are!” 

There they were, alright. They were the ones lying naked in the cold and I was the one with goosebumps – go figure. 

“Pammy said that it’s okay if you’re naked as long as there’s nobody around. If you want, we can put something on.” 

I didn’t want – not at all. If it was possible for them to be nakeder, I wanted that. 

“I used to skinny dip and stuff by the beach when I could,” Pammy told me. “One summer, me and a friend got naked with these two cool older ladies. Some of the people around here were tight-assed prudes, and then there were the pervs with binoculars, so sometimes we had to paddle or hike somewhere else.” 

“There’s no need to get dressed on my account,” I said. “You two enjoy the sun and I’ll just head to my cabin to clean these fish and find my binoculars.” 

Pammy laughed out loud, but Luna looked puzzled. 

“She’s a perv! ‘Binoculars,’ get it?” 

My little ice-breaking joke half worked, anyway. “Why don’t the two of you come to my A-frame and I’ll fix some dinner for you?” Deep down inside I knew that nothing would happen, but I liked them and, strangely enough, wondered what they looked like with their clothes on. 

“Great! Come any time,” I said after they happily accepted, “There’s no need to dress for dinner.” 

Pammy had to explain that joke too. I told them that I never lock the door and to come right in. 


For the record, I didn’t peep at them with my binoculars. They were out of my line of sight. 

I brought some logs inside for later, left my boots and coats in the mud room, and straightened up the house. I usually save my housekeeping for right before I go back home, so I had more than a bit of work to do to make things presentable. I tossed my bra aside and put on a fresh t-shirt. 

The pillows strewn on the second-or-third-hand furniture near the fireplace were a little dusty, so I took them and the cushions outside and gave them a good beating. I raised even more dust when I swept the braided rug and the bare parts of the floor. Maybe if I had had dinner guests to impress last fall, I wouldn’t be running around now doing my spring cleaning in the middle of winter. 

I even put a tablecloth and candles on the table. I hadn’t done that since my ex and I broke up. Those two cute, spirited, naked, chilly young ladies really got me going, even though it was hard to admit that nothing could possibly happen. 

I got dinner prepped while sipping some homemade applejack and then changed clothes. I chose a pine-green scoop neck, almost off-the-shoulder cable knit sweater, and pushed the sleeves up. I liked it because I could go braless, but you’d have to look closely to tell. For me, not wearing a bra is a big deal. 

Yes, or two big deals. Tell me something that I don’t know. 

White winter leggings and thick slipper socks completed my ensemble. 

My hair was my hair – I ran my fingers through it and vigorously shook my head. Meh. I hardly ever wear makeup in the woods but thought a little mascara wouldn’t count. This is not a date, I told myself. They’ll probably start calling me ‘Mom’ and, sorry everybody, I for one did not find that sexy. 

I wouldn’t have turned them down for that, though. Maybe there would be spanking. 

I needed to sew a scarlet ‘P’ on my chest. 

It was dark outside at about half past four when I heard clunking noises in the mudroom. “It’s just us, Annie,” one of them called out. “We’re not a bear or anything.” 

Did she say ‘not a bear’ or ‘not bare?’ 

Pammy had an unbuttoned Henley on, and Luna was wearing a crew neck long-sleeve T. Both were wearing skin-tight jeans. 

“Wow! Is that you, Anne?” 

“O-M-G, you’re fucking gorgeous! No offense,” Luna said. 

I had no idea why I got the reaction that I did until Pammy said, “You had so many coats on outside that I didn’t really believe that there was a girl underneath it all!” 

As a mature woman, I liked that she called me a ‘girl’; it was a hell of a lot better than ‘Mom.’ 

Luna gave me a kiss on the lips and so did Pammy. “Your neck is so long,” she said, touching it lightly. “You’re like a model or something.” 

I told them to stop but I didn’t insist. They both wanted to try some of my applejack. Pammy’s eyes lit up after her sip, and Luna coughed a little. 

“You said there’s apple in this?” 

I admitted that I always made it a little strong. She took another sip and said, “Okay, there it is.”  

While the skillet was getting hot, the girls brought the rice and greens, and a second jar of applejack to the table. It only took a few minutes for the fish. 

After a little small talk, Pammy asked if I had a husband or boyfriend or anything. I almost sprayed my drink on them. “No, and you don’t know how funny that question was.” Then they glanced and smirked at each other – they were toying with me. It was their turn to be funny. 

Yes, these woods were just overflowing with lesbians. 

The propane heaters were doing a good job of keeping the cabin warm, but I started a fire anyway. Luna and Pammy snuggled on the couch, and I took the big chair. 

“What’s this?” Luna asked as she picked up an album that I had carelessly failed to put away. 

“Oh, that’s nothing that you want to look at,” I said as I turned the lights up and opened it for them. 

“You really were a model,” Pammy exclaimed. 

“Not really. Now and then, you know, to pay for tuition.” 

Don’t call me a liar. I show that book to anyone any time that I get a chance. You’ve all seen it and I have copies. 

“Cute…that dress…her eyes…” 

“How old were you?” 

“I was nineteen the first time – mostly twenty and twenty-one.” 

“Did you see Paris? Rome?” 

“I traveled a little,” I coyly said. 


You and I know that most of my work was in Syracuse. I went to Manhattan once, but I had to pay my own way. But if you had seen the two of them, you wouldn’t have told them the truth either. Why would I have wanted to break their hearts? 

The album with my nudes was under my bed in the loft. I couldn’t think of a nonchalant way to retrieve it no matter how hard I tried. 

Luna tucked her feet under a big pillow and brought them right back out with a bra dangling from her toe, the bra that I had discarded when I cleaned the house. “Look what I found!” 

“Sorry. Here, I’ll take that from you.” 

“Not until I see some proof that it’s yours, Missy.” 

“How big is that?” Pammy asked. “I’ll bet that both of us could fit in there.” 

Luna found the tag. “44D.” 

“No, it’s got to be bigger than that,” Pammy said. She pulled her shirt over her head and unclasped her bra. “C’mon. One cup for each of us.” 

Luna sat up and stripped to the waist. They stuffed themselves two tits each into the overflowing cups and struggled very unsuccessfully to get the band around them. 

“See?” Pammy asked, laughing. “I was almost right!” 

The two of them put their shirts back on and crowded into the corner of the old sofa. We chatted about college life – how things had changed and how they hadn’t. I told stories, most of them true, about my school days and tried not to bore them with the stuff that came after. 

I asked if they wanted to go fishing with me in the morning, and they complimented me on my sense of humor. 

“Do you have skis?” Luna asked. They invited me to go cross-country with them after noon and naturally, I said yes. 

I kept the fire going even as our conversation waned. They asked me to come to sit with them on the sofa, which I thought was so sweet that I almost felt guilty about the fantasies that I entertained during the silence. They surprised me when they parted and made me an old book nestled between two beautiful bookends. 

They had to leave all too soon. Luna gave me a little kiss on the lips, and then Pammy gave me a little bigger one. 

Luna cocked her head and gave her girlfriend a look. You know what I mean by ‘a look,’ right? It wasn’t a stare, and it wasn’t a glare. It was definitely a look. “Sleep well,” she said and brought my face down to hers. 

A thousand one (nice), a thousand two (soft), a thousand three (lips). “Y-you too.” 

Pammy’s arms were crossed. “Hmpf,” she said, and took another turn. 

A thousand one (also), a thousand two (soft), a thousand three (lips), a thousand four (mashing), a thousand five (a little tongue). “Don’t let the bedbugs bite.” 


Was I being used, I thought to myself. Was this some sort of competition? Do I really care

I waited by the door and watched them trudge back to their cabin. My skis needed to be dusted and I wondered where I had hidden the ski wax. 


At my age, it wasn’t so much that I didn’t like the cold, it’s just that I’d rather be warm. Still, I thought I should embrace the sun the way the girls had and dressed down for skiing. The sun was as bright or brighter than yesterday and the air was still so I wore some shorts and a heavy flannel shirt that I tied off above my midriff.  

I heard the girls outside calling for me and stepped out to find that except for boots, gloves, and a hat, they were nude again. Luna frowned and Pammy pouted. 

“What are you all dressed up for?” Luna asked. 

“Didn’t you want to get naked with us?” 

I hemmed and hawed and said that nobody said anything about skiing naked. 

“Sure we did,” Pammy said. “I’m sure we did.” She looked at her partner who shrugged. “I’m pretty sure we did.” 

Then they just stood there and stared at me standing in the doorway. If they could do it, I could do it. God knew I was better insulated than either of those scrawny girls. “Sure.” 

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The only concession I made to myself was an extra pair of knee socks. 

“Wow,” Luna said when I joined them again. 

“Wow,” Pammy agreed. “You’re hot!” 

I wished. 

Luna kissed my cheek (up top – get real). “Your waist is so tiny.” 

“It’s not, but thank you,” I said. It’s really not, but I’m somewhat proud that I’ve kept a semblance of an hourglass figure. 

When it came to skinny dipping and nude sunbathing, the two of them and I were very alike. I had been to nude beaches and resorts before and being outside in the altogether was always freeing. I could only hope that my metabolism would ramp up before hypothermia set in. 

It was slow going until we got to the trails at the edge of the fields where the sun was unobstructed. If it wasn’t for the occasional breeze, and the two pretty tushes flexing in front of me, I could have forgotten that I had left my clothes behind. 

My boot needed an adjustment so I sent Pammy and Luna ahead; I needed a short break too but I didn’t tell them that. Once I caught up, I found them face-to-face with four other skiers, three guys, and a girl. My girls were making snowballs and the others were stripping. 

“See? We told you, three against four and we’ll whoop your asses!” Pammy taunted. 

I don’t think our adversaries were expecting someone as mature as I was. Luna noticed and yelled at them, “Anne here is the fucking queen of snowball fights! Show them your trophies, Annie!” 

“I can already see ‘em!” one of the boys said. 

“Remember, no shooting below the waist,” another guy said. 

“Why?” Pammy retorted, “I don’t see anything to hit!” 

She wasn’t wrong. There’s shrinkage, and then there’s shrinkage

I did alright despite being a wider target than most of them and not nearly as agile. With every snowball I dodged, my tits went one way when I went the other. Even if I took a handful of ibuprofen, I was going to be sore in the morning. 

The things we do for pretty ladies, right? 

Their girl, with zero body fat, was the first to surrender and as she dressed she insisted that her boyfriend quit too. Pammy saw that I was out of breath (at least I wasn’t the first to give up) and offered them a temporary truce. We all hugged and the three of us skied away. 


The cabin was thankfully warm and I couldn’t wait to throw a sweater on. 

“Oh,” Pammy the pouter said. “You’re putting your clothes on? I thought you could just start a fire to keep warm.” 

“You guys realize I’m more than twice your age, right?” They overacted very, very disappointed in me, and Luna asked me where I kept my shawl. “Fine.” I put some heavy socks on and started the fire. 

They liked my Irish hot cocoa recipe and we snacked on cheese and crackers while I pulled some salmon filets out of the deep freeze. There were no pillow fights at our pajamaless party but we had a good time nonetheless.  

It gets dark early in the woods. I had no idea what time it was, I didn’t care, and I wasn’t going to kick them out. We ended up snuggling together under a blanket by the fire drinking brandy. I tried to come up with a way to get their kissing contest going again but I’m not one to contrive things. If there were only two of us, even with the age difference, I’d have suggested kissing and more long ago. 

The goddess of the lake must have heard my unspoken prayer.  

“Anne? We’re going to spend the night, okay?” Pammy asked. 

Thank you thank you thank you. “I suppose.” 

“In your bed, we mean – all of us.” 

“I wouldn’t have suggested otherwise.” 

Pammy climbed onto my lap, facing me. “And we’re going to fuck all night.” She took my face in her hands and passionately kissed me. She wriggled closer, mashing her breasts against mine and clamping her knees onto my waist. 

Luna laughed. “Is she saying yes? I can’t tell if she said yes ‘cause your tongue is in her mouth.” 

“Pee before we head up,” I warned them. My built-in bed was up in the loft above the fireplace, next to the chimney. The way up and down was by ladder and personally, I hated to have to climb down in the middle of the night. We had two choices: use the camping potty in the open corner that I only used in emergencies or use the outhouse. As naked as we were, we all chose the outhouse. 

“You first,” Pammy said to me. 

When I was done and ran back toward the warmth, Pammy was peeing into the snow. “Luna’s done already and went inside,” she said. “It’s chillier than a witch’s tit out here! I peed icicles!” 

Pammy climbed up the ladder in front of me and I got close enough to bite her ass. I’m not proud of it, but I did it, and I’d do it again. 

She ran, shivering, to get under the covers with her girlfriend. “Warm me up!” They kissed and Luna rubbed Pammy’s limbs to get her warmed. Watching them kiss made me hornier than I already was. They were so lithe and energetic, I didn’t think that I’d ever be able to keep up. I quietly slipped under the blankets and checked my temperature as I watched them make out. 


You know how I ‘checked my temperature,’ right? 

“No-no-no,” Luna exclaimed.  “Get in the middle!” She jumped over me and made me lie on my back. Snuggling in under my arms, they caressed and explored my body. A shiver of goosebumps ran down to my toes and back up again. 

“You’re so womanly,” Luna said. She squeezed the inside of my thigh, brushing the back of her hand against my bush before dragging her fingertips to my breast which she repeatedly crushed. 

Pammy reached across my waist to draw herself closer. “Voluptuous,” she said before taking a swollen nipple between her lips. 

If I was vain, and I’m usually not, I’d swear that they had planned or practiced what they were doing. They coaxed my legs apart and draped one of theirs over mine. They flanked my flanks, tickled my inner thighs, and teased me where I like to be teased. I don’t know whose finger was first but I can tell you that it met no resistance.  

Left finger, right finger, left, right, clit flick – I couldn’t believe how quickly they had me close to cumming. Squirming under their wonderfully choreographed attention, I wondered whether I should let go and let them know how easy it was for them, or hold back. Hell, I'm easy, you know that. 

I sucked my next breath in through my teeth and blew it back out with a shudder.  

Luna sat on my belly and kissed me. “Wow!” she said and inched up a little. “You’re easy!” She lifted herself again and dropped down on my boobs. “Are you some kind of slut or are we that good?” I was about to answer but she shushed me. “Don’t talk with your mouth full,” she scolded and sat on my mouth. 

She was right; I was rude and I said so with my tongue in her pussy. Her hairlessness was new to me and I loved how my mouth slid across her mons. I was tugging at my nipple when I felt the bed bounce and Pammy’s knees settle on either side of my shoulders. 

“How is she? I’ll bet she’s good!” 

“Uh-huh. Shush!” 

“I wanna see!” 

I felt Pammy shift on the bed and looked up past Luna’s tits to see Pammy’s face looking down over Luna’s shoulder. 

“That is so hot!” she said and winked at me. “Are you getting close?” 

“SHUSH!” Luna huffed and giggled. 

“Oh!” Pammy exclaimed as the mattress shifted under her feet. “Oh-oh-oh, I wanna see you when you cum!” This time when I looked up, I saw Pammy’s butt braced against the wall and two pairs of tits hanging above me. They had embraced and were kissing, I think. It was kind of hard to tell for sure from my position. 

“I’ll never cum if you don’t shut up and let me enjoy it!” 

I hoped that she was enjoying it because I was. Just to be sure, I dug my fingers into her butt and redoubled my tonguing. Pammy bent at the waist and kissed my forehead. 

God, was I ever that limber

“I’ll give you a dollar if you make her cum,” she said. 


I'd have done it for half that – I’m easy. 

Luna’s thighs soon squeezed against my temples and her puss pulsed against my mouth.  

“Baby, your O-face is so beautiful!” I heard Pammy whisper above me. 

They tumbled alongside me and we, mostly they, kept going and going: faces and pussies, and fingers and pussies, and pussies and pussies and pussies… 

And tits, but that goes without saying. 

I had to rest a bit and slipped into a cum coma. When I opened my eyes again, Pammy was humping Luna’s butt and all four hands were between Luna’s legs. 

“Look who’s awake.” 

“I was just resting my eyes.” 

“Uh-huh. Ready for more?” 

I was. We groped and stroked, and kissed and licked and I did my best to keep up. I swear, I hadn’t had so many orgasms in one night since I was their age. They outlasted me again, though, and this time I didn’t open my eyes until morning. 

When I did, Pammy was spooning Luna and they were watching me as I slept. Chilly and self-conscious, I pulled the covers up over my chest. 

“Good morning,” they said softly and only giggled when I asked them if they had ever stopped last night. We snuggled together and talked about nothing. I had become used to waking up alone but it was special to wake up with them. 

I am not sentimental. Take that back. 

“You ask her,” one of them whispered to the other. 

“No, you ask her.” 

They went back and forth until I said, “Ask me what?” 

Pammy was the brave one. “Well. We wondered if you would watch us.” 

I was puzzled. “Watch you what?” 

Luna rolled her eyes at me. “You know – watch us.” 

“I saw plenty last night.”  

Luna rolled into Pammy’s arms and they kissed, slowly at first, and gradually more excitedly. Pammy pushed Luna onto her back and I shifted to give them more room. Yes, looking back, I was pretty dense but in my defense, I had just woken up. 

Pammy made a big show of sucking on Luna’s tit and Luna melodramatically moaned, peeking at me with one eye as she did. Their bodies writhed against one another and their hands never stayed in one place for very long unless the other girl called for more. 

All my bed was a stage and the women played with wantonness and improvisations cued by my reactions. At one point, their fingers mocked mine as they masturbated with me and for me. Then they ignored me for a while and just when I thought they had forgotten about me, one of them would look my way and smile. 

Pammy lay between Luna’s upraised knees, bumping and pumping their slippery snatches as if she had some kind of invisible phallic fuck-tool.  There were no strap-ons, though, and no double-ended dildos. I knew because I had been watching and watching closely. 

Pammy collapsed on her girlfriend and their hands blurringly met in the middle. Their moans were coming faster and becoming louder and higher. I couldn’t tell whose fingers were in whose cunts but I knew where mine were. 

“Oh, God!” Luna shouted. “Are you watching meee…” 

Climactic waterfalls crashed across the bed. I went last because as the host it was only polite. We rode out the afterglow with entangled limbs and non-stop kissing. 

I found out that I liked voyeurism and vowed to get better binoculars. 

Speaking of water, I climbed out of bed and down the ladder to go out to the outhouse. A half inch of fluffy snow had fallen overnight. The skies were gray and a cold but gentle breeze was blowing. The girls booed me when they saw me coming back in and wearing a sweater. 

“Nay-kid, nay-kid!” they chanted. 

“Chill-lee, chill-lee,” I replied. They yielded to my wisdom when they came back inside shivering and threw on a flannel shirt and hoodie that were hanging in the mudroom. They looked so cute bottomless, wearing my clothes that were clearly too big for them. 

I made coffee and told the girls where to find the toaster pastries and stale English muffins. I shook my head over their chattering about their favorite parts from last night. They were obviously made for each other and I felt privileged, and young, that they included me. 

I am not tearing up. You’re tearing up. 

They hung out for a couple of hours but they had to go home – home-home, not just back to their cabin – and I had to too. The few clothes that they had in their backpacks were warm enough to get them to their cabin on this very chilly, sunless morning. I gave them a jar of my applejack to remember me by and they gave me hugs and kisses to remember them. 

When I went outside later, I found two snow angels in the fresh snow. They must have made them when they went out naked first thing in the morning. I could tell they were naked by the impressions their cute tushes made. They left enough room between them for me to make one too, so I did and snapped a picture to send later. 

Once I was back in cell phone range, a text from Pammy popped in: “BTW found ur naked nudie pics under the bed. Don’t ask. Ur as beautiful now as u were then. LOVE U!!!” 

Written by dronette56
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