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Two Angry Ladies By The Lake

"Remember those teen girls I nailed last night? Their moms weren’t too happy about it at first."

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Author's Notes

"I couldn’t let Matt melt in the woods by the lake without meeting the girls’ moms. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope that you have as much fun with my story as he had with the angry ladies."

I told you there was more to the story. 

A minivan pulled up to my mountain cabin door with two very angry-looking women in the front and the two teenage girls that I fucked last night sitting scared in the back. It was fight-or-flight time. I could have run but, fuck ‘em, it’s not my fault that they couldn’t keep track of their daughters.

“HI!” I said in a neighborly way behind the locked screen door. “What can I do for you?” 

One of the women rattled the door to let herself in. “Ugh! Open up, you God-damned perv!” 

Once I made sure there were no lurking dads with them, I unlatched the door and stepped back. They surrounded me, shouting and wagging fingers, asking what their daughters were doing alone overnight in a strange man’s cabin. 

I immediately knew where Tiffany and Bunny got their tits from. 

Blah blah blah, blah blah blah… ”What have you got to say?” 

“Ladies, please, don’t be angry. Nothing happened. My name is Matt. I don’t know what the girls told you, but I didn’t touch them.” That was my story, and I was sticking to it. “I’m guessing you’re Bunny’s mother, right? And you’re Tiffany’s?” 

It was Tiffany’s mom’s turn to tear me a new one. “Are you trying to tell us that our angels slept here, and you didn’t try to molest them?” 

Yeah, I thought their girls were angels too, but I don’t think we meant the same thing.  

“Look, they told me that they had your permission. I gave them the bedrooms upstairs and I slept down here on the couch.” I showed them the blanket that I had offered to the girls while we waited for Bunny’s phone to dry out. “See?” 

I think they wanted to believe me. “Let me guess – they asked their fathers if they could go to each other’s places, right?” 

That set them off again. “If they had come to us, they never would have gotten away with it! Men! Fucking worthless men!” That was Bunny’s mom. She was wearing a tight, striped tank top and khaki short shorts with the hem hugging the creases between her thighs and crotch. 

“And don’t you dare defend them! You men always stick together!” Tiffany’s mom had a long tank top with flowers on it and a denim skirt. I wondered who wears skirts in the woods but with legs like hers, I wasn’t going to complain. 

“Hey!” I decided that I could be angry too, what with all these yet unproved accusations. “I’m on your side! If their fathers had done their fucking jobs, you wouldn’t be here to kill me! I’m the victim!” 

They weren’t buying that at first, but I kept trying. “Did the girls tell you that I saw them tip over the canoe? Did they tell you I pulled Tiffany back to the raft? Did they tell you that I rescued their boat and gear? Did they tell you I found and fixed Bunny’s phone after it fell into the lake?” 

Did they tell you about the blow job? Did they tell you that I went down on their bare pussies? Those were the questions I was worried about. 

“Her phone? Bunny didn’t tell me about her phone! Ooo, I am so upset with her, I told her not to bring it with her!” 

I was on my way to winning them over. “The girls told me when they showed up later that they had cleared everything with you. I thought how nice it was that people around here trusted each other. What else did the girls tell you?” 

“That you fixed them a nice balanced dinner,” said Bunny’s mom. 

“And that you built a fire and that you talked with them like they were adults.” 

“You raised two responsible young women who made a small mistake. Of course, you’re upset with them. In my opinion, you should really be angry with their dads, and not them.” That got them going again and none of it was directed at me. 

“Not that you have any reason to listen to me, but if they were my daughters, I would send them back to their dads right this instant and ground all four of them. You two deserve some time in the sun for yourselves.” 

They bought it. I stood at my door as they yelled at their girls to go home. Tiffany and Bunny slammed the van doors and trudged away. When they looked back, I made a heart shape with my hands and gave them my most sincere “I’m sorry” face. Aw, I turned their frowns upside down. 

I was a little surprised when the moms and the van stayed behind – I thought they would just drive to the beach. Instead, they let themselves back in. That’s when an idea popped into my pants: Maybe, just maybe, I could get these mothers I’d like to fuck, naked. Or fuck them. Or both. Or both of them. 

What were the odds? Better than you might think, believe it or not. 

“I hope you weren’t too hard on them,” I said and offered them a beer. “Or wine,” I added. “I have a white in the refrigerator.” 

Wines for them, a beer for me, and I led them to what served as the living room. They took the loveseat and I tried to look up Tiffany’s mom’s skirt. “I’m glad that you stayed. I can’t remember if I introduced myself; I’m Matt and my sister owns the cabin.” 

Tiffany’s mom was Lindsey and Bunny’s was Ella. Their husbands were stupid if they weren’t on top of their wives last night while the girls were under me. “I thought you two were going to get some sun on the beach.” If their daughters were anything like their mothers, I should be able to convince them to sunbathe topless. 

They started to make excuses about not having their swimsuits here and that they should get back to check on their families.  “I completely understand,” I said. “My sister and her friend have swimsuits here but you two are much slimmer than they are.” It was time to fire them up some more. “Are your swimsuits like your daughters’ bikinis? There was so little cloth that I hardly noticed the difference when they took them off.” 

“They WHAT?” 

“I told Bunny not to bring that bikini. That was for the backyard at home only!” 

“I’m sorry, I thought you knew. My sister said that most of the women here sun topless or less and that she and her friend do it all the time. If I had known that your girls didn’t have your permission, I would have said something.” 

I sat on a footstool in front of Lindsey and took her foot into my hand as they ranted at each other. “I upset you again,” I said, squeezing her foot. “I’m sorry. Does this help?” I gave it a twist and a crack and ran my thumb up her instep. 

“Oh, God, that feels good.” 

I excused myself, brought the wine bottle over, set it on the table, and started on Lindsey’s other foot. A woman’s moan is a woman’s moan, no matter how you make her do it. Stiff nipples are stiff nipples whether from a nibble or thumbs on the balls of their feet. 

Speaking of balls… Don’t get a hard-on, don’t get a hard-on, don’t get a hard-on… 

Ella opened her knees just a little, kicked off a flip-flop, and told me that she was ready for her turn – after she topped off their glasses. They would have let me do that all day, but my hands cramped up. Even though this might have loosened their panties, they were still wearing them. 

“We were going to swim and sun, right? Let’s go!” They repeated that they didn’t have swimsuits and I was still afraid that if they left to get them, they wouldn’t come back. “What you have on is fine. Nobody else is at the beach, see?” 

Then I gambled. “If it would make you more comfortable, I could stay away. However, your daughters just spent the night here and nothing happened, so I think it’s safe to say I’m pretty harmless.” 

“Oh, why not,” Lindsey said. 


I picked up some towels, packed the little hand-held cooler with a few beers, and took the women down the trail to my dock. “We can swim to the raft or the beach from here.” 

They looked around for voyeurs (the only one around was standing next to them) and pulled their bras through their sleeves, which is always sexier than hell. 

Hang on – I’m playing that back in my head in slow motion. 

Then Lindsey took off her shorts and Ella pulled down her skirt: White Cotton Panties. Now, don’t boo-hiss. White panties are the best because we’re never supposed to see them. Fancy lacy silky skimpy panties are showcases. White ones are taboo. 

“You forgot your trunks,” Ella pointed out. 

So I did, so I did… “I can swim in my shorts unless you’re okay with me in my boxers.” 

I dropped my shorts, flung the cooler halfway to the raft, and dove in before my dick could point out that I wasn’t so harmless after all. Ella made it to the raft a little after I did, and I stayed in to wait for Lindsey to catch up. 

Cue the slo-mo. 

Ella shook the water from her hair and face as she ascended the ladder. Her top and panties were plastered against her skin. She reached behind her head to wring the water from her hair, giving me an unobstructed view of her gorgeous curves. Dark nipples on darker areolae stood out under the transparent fabric. Her pubes looked like a thundercloud behind her clingy cumulus panties. 

Lindsey was out of breath when she joined us. Her wet clothes didn’t hug her figure any less. She bounced up and down – uuup, and dooown – to shake the lake from her ears, and she twisted the water from her top. Lindsey’s tits were a little smaller and hung down a little more than Ella’s but were no less spectacular. 

“Aren’t you coming up?” Lindsey asked. 

In a manner of speaking… “No, I’m good.” I swam and dove, thinking about baseball, and underwater baseball, and funny black-and-white cartoon fish playing underwater baseball. I resurfaced once I had successfully re-diverted my blood flow. 

Second base. God damn

Lindsey was lying topless on the raft and Ella’s shirt was rising past her face. Her boobs were looking right at me.

Baseball these, motherfucker, they said.

I was too tired and horny to swim anymore. I nonchalantly held myself up with my forearm on the raft and my hand on my shaft. 

My balls were pulled back into my abdomen like a slingshot, and it wasn’t long before my powerful jets rang against the steel drums that were keeping the raft afloat. 

“Was that thunder?” the girls asked worriedly. 

Okay, I made that last part up. The rest of it is true, though. 

“C’mon, Matt, get some sun. You must be frozen stiff!” 

Not anymore. “Good idea.” I was about to settle at their feet, but Lindsey invited me to lie between them. They were looking right at my not quite deflated dick, which wasn’t hidden any better than their body parts were. We relaxed with our beers, and I grunted my agreement with every bad thing that they had to say about their men. 

“My butt is getting itchy,” Lindsey said. She peeled her panties down and rolled over onto her stomach. I love round asses and now there was a lovely one just within reach. 

“Good idea,” Ella said and did the same. I wanted to bite that pear-shaped ass – just one, tiny bite. “Your turn,” she told me. “Fair is fair.” 

I pretended to be reluctant but only needed a little more encouragement to show my goods. I stayed on my back – I was a little more worried about splinters than they were. Over the past couple of days, four beautiful women had seen my junk. So far, I had only fucked two of them. 

Lindsey sighed and said that as much fun this had been, it was time to go back. I stuffed all our wet clothing into the cooler with the empty cans and said, “Aw, that’s too bad but I guess your vacation time is over. You probably need to start dinner or something.” 

That got Ella going, which fired up Lindsay. There was something surrealistically sexy about these two naked women angrily wagging their fingers at me. I was fighting hard not to wag something at them in response. 

“Do you really think that all we do is wait on our families?” 

“Or…” I stretched the word out, smiling, “Or, I can fix you an early supper. I caught some lake trout that I’d love to share. It’s the least I can do for disrupting your families.” They accepted. 

Back in the cabin and wrapped in their towels, I gave them some of my sister’s too-large clothes to wear while theirs dried on the line. Covering the girls up made me sad, but they would have to take them off sometime. I offered them coffee or tea. 

“Anything stronger?”  

“Are you out of wine?” 

“Would you like a Long Island Iced Tea?” They liked that idea. They vented and laughed on the loveseat while I started the risotto. 

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Yes, I cook. And you all know why. 

While we relaxed, an SUV with Bunny and Tiffany pulled up next to the van. I didn’t have enough dinner or dick for the four of them, but I was willing to stretch things if I had to. 

“Mom? Dad wants to know when you’re coming home.” 

My angry ladies let the girls know that they’d be back when they were good and ready. 

I walked the girls back to the SUV. “Your moms are still pretty pissed off. I’ll kick them out as soon as I can without them taking things out on you. It’s your job tonight to take care of your dads, okay?” 

The girls made sure that their moms weren’t looking and gave me some kisses. “Matt? You’re not going to do anything with my mom, are you?” Tiffany asked. 

“Of course not,” I said with as much indignance as I could muster. I’m going to hell for sure. 

“Sorry, we wanted to be sure. Let’s go, Buns. We have to keep our dads happy.” 

As they drove off, I remembered what they had said about each other’s fathers yesterday: “Your dad is hot.” “Nuh-uh, your dad is hotter.” 

You don’t think that they’d…Naw… 

Ella and Lindsey were riled up again and I stayed out of their way until dinner was on the table. 

“This is so romantic! Dinner by candlelight!” 

After the mood lightened, I dared to ask a personal question. “Did the girls ask permission to shave downstairs or did they just do it?” 

Ella didn’t even know that her daughter had, and Lindsey said that she guessed after the first time that Tiffany wore her tiny bikini. 

“They’re adults. Irresponsible ones, but adults,” Lindsey said. “Why?” 

“Neither of you shaves. Don’t get me wrong and forgive me for being so forward. Both of you are very neatly trimmed, and being shaved down there isn’t always the best look. Your daughters look okay. I think you two would also bear it well. I guess it depends on what your husbands want you to do.” 

As you might have suspected, that set them off again. I continued to apologize as I placed four large pots of water on the stove. 

“Aside from men’s fantasies, why would I want to do that?” Ella asked. 

“Not that I know from personal experiences, but I’ve heard that women who shave have more erotic, satisfying experiences during cunnilingus.” 

“God, I’d be happy with any experience,” Lindsey groaned. “My husband hasn’t done that for me in ages!” 

Ella agreed and, oh my, they ranted about how their men won’t go down on them. 

Grumble grumble, their damned blow jobs, grumble, grumble… 

The sun had gone down and so I started a fire to keep the cabin warm. “Why don’t we experiment?” I casually called over after placing another log. This was my moment of truth, do or die, there is no ‘try’… “Let me shave you and then you can find out what your husbands think, assuming they even notice.” 

“I don’t know…” Ella said. 

“I’m in. Let’s do it,” said Lindsey. “Do you have hot water here? Our cabin doesn’t.” 

“My sister has a kids’ wading pool that they use as a bathtub, and it so happens that I already have some water heating on the stove – for doing the dishes.” I guessed that they were too distracted to ask why I had four large pots going for only a handful of dishes. 

Take notes, gents – plan ahead. 

Lindsey pulled her borrowed sweatpants down and walked around bottomless while I dragged out the tub. We found various bath salts and stuff and soon we had hot, soft, and silky water for a hot, soft, and silky pussy. I didn’t care about hiding my bulging hard-on. In fact, I was counting on them to notice it this time. 

Ella watched nearby. Lindsey asked for some scissors. 

“May I?” Please say yes please say yes… 

She smiled and nodded, spreading her legs apart. I splashed some water up, snipped the short hairs shorter, and sloshed the trimmings away. I showed her the luffa. “Exfoliation is key,” I said. 

I gingerly scrubbed around her pussy, keeping the sponge soapy. She squirmed and spread her legs a little more. Ella squirmed too. I knew that she would want her turn. I filled my fingers with shaving gel and said, “Let me know if I get too personal.” 

“It’s a little late for that,” Ella said. 

Lindsey stared at my hand and swallowed hard. “Okay.” 

I caressed layer upon layer of gel, more than was needed and longer than was needed. 

Without warning, Ella joined Lindsey in the pool and sat across from her. “I get razor burn easily. I should soak longer.” She used the loofa to "exfoliate.” 

Yes, two beautiful, bottomless women were sitting in a makeshift bath to get their pussies shaved – by me. It happened. Get over it. 

I brandished the fresh razor and took a stroke – the first of many. I kept her pussy well-lubricated on the outside and by the way that her chest was slowly rising high and falling fast, I suspect that she was keeping the inside the same way. 

I took my sweet time. Stroke. Rinse. Test. Smooth. Stroke. Rinse. Test. Smooth. I couldn’t believe how sexy this was, like a strip tease’s strip tease. Once she was fully fleeced, I gently flicked her slippery clit and gave her plenty of time to stop me before giving it a kiss. She moaned and spread her lips for me. 

“Do mine!” Ella cried and sat in between Lindsey’s legs. She had already trimmed her pubes away, leaving me with the fun part.  I put in a new blade and lathered her up. Lindsey hugged Ella around her waist and rested her chin on her shoulder to watch. 

Stroke. Rinse. Test. Smooth

I kept telling Ella to stay still. She apologized but kept wriggling anyway. Lindsey raised her hugging arms and lifted Ella’s tits. Ella crossed her arms over Lindsey’s, and I overheard, “God, I want to cum so bad.” 

“I know…” 

I kept myself steady, slow and steady. I was too close to finishing to finish her. As soon as I put the razor down, she leaped out of the pool and lay her silky-smooth cunt against my mouth. I pressed my fingers into her fleshy ass and lapped her, licked her and lapped her, and sucked on her clit until she came, her hands trembling as she held my head. 

I was more than ready to turn my attention to Lindsey, but she was clicking a new blade onto the razor. “Your turn,” she said. 

You should know that I don’t like knives near my junk. When I got my vasectomy, they had to give me a local, a general, and they had to strap me down. Lindsey’s bare pussy was at eye level. I could still taste Ella’s. 


My hands shook as I dropped my shorts and lowered myself into the replenished bath. “Careful,” I said as Lindsey started clipping. 

“Don’t be a baby,” Ella said and pacified me with a tit in my mouth. Getting shaved wasn’t nearly as erotic as doing the shaving, that is until Lindsey was done and gave me a solid tongue-lashing. 

We stripped off what few clothes we still had on and moved to the soft rug in front of the fire. Linsey lay on her back, spread her legs, and spread her bare-naked lips. She shuddered with my first lick and settled in after that with a happy sigh.  

Ella wormed her way under my snake and sucked my smooth sack and balls into her mouth. I don’t think that I had ever shoved my tongue so far up a cunt as I had for Lindsey, and I don’t think my cock had ever gone so far down a throat as Ella had taken me.  

Lindsey was moaning from my mouth on her muff, I was moaning from Ella’s mouth on my monster and Ella was moaning from my monster in her mouth. Okay, maybe, just maybe, Ella was moaning because her fingers were reaching for her belly button from the inside. 

I warned her that I was about to cum. I did. I very clearly remember saying, “Ngghgh!” She choked a little from my first spurt but grabbed my ass and didn’t let me go until it all went down her gullet. I paid it forward until Lindsey filled my mouth with her post-orgasmic sweetness. Ella’s shoulders were pinned to the floor, and she lifted her butt as high as she could, holding onto her convulsing pussy for dear life. 

We lay panting in front of the dying fire, sated, three for three. No, wait, it was four for three, or five if you count when I fucked the lake.  

Still, I wished that I could come up with some clever way to get them into my bed. I had to somehow overcome their instincts that would certainly drive them back to their families. 

“Hey,” Lindsey said, kissing my chest. “Can you get that up again? 

Pretty clever of me, right? You’ll never believe how I did it. I’ll tell you someday. 

I led them to my bed where we caressed one another’s crisscrossed bodies. The girls pet the other’s bare pussies, their innocent fingertip brushes progressing to gentle massages. Lindsey sucked some air between her teeth and abruptly took my cock into her mouth. 

Ella joined her and their heads danced around my cock and balls. I think Ella wanted to kiss Lindsey. She mirrored her lips on my shaft, going up when she did and back down. When they reached the tip, Ella slid across to brush Lindsey’s lips with hers. It didn’t happen. Maybe some other time… 

Lindsey kissed her way up my body and lay next to me. “Make me forget that I’m married before I chicken out.” 

I’m nothing if not forgetful so I climbed on top of her and let her guide my cock in while we kissed. I pulled out long enough to smear her juices around our hairlessness before I plunged back and thrust in earnest. Sliding our slippery naked mounds against one another added to the sensuality of the fuck. 

Ella sat cross-legged near the head of the bed and faced my way. My cock was in Lindsey’s cunt but my eyes were Ella’s as she slowly pushed a single finger in and drew it back out like she was plucking a string. Sometimes she would stick the finger in her mouth before pushing and plucking some more. 

“My turn,” she mouthed. 

I didn’t want to get either lady angry with me, so I fucked Lindsey like mad. I had already cum twice today but God, I wanted to cum again. “C’mon, bitch! Have you forgotten how to cum with a man in your cunt?” 

Lindsey said “no” but not in so many words. She wrapped her legs around my waist, and I swear she growled at me. I fucked her faster and she fucked me back even faster. It didn’t take long before she stopped – she just stopped and then she shook. “You. Fucking. Bastard!” 

Once she was done shaking, she slapped me on my arm and told me to get off her. “You fucking jerk!” she said when I rolled onto my back and she laughed to herself, pressing her thighs together. 

“My turn!” Ella said out loud. She wasted no time and squatted over my cock. 

She had it in her cunt before I could say, “Yes, it is!” Instead, I said, “Oof!” Squat thrusts in gym class were nothing like this. 

“Ready?” Ella lifted herself up and dropped. Her big ol’ tits dropped when she did, bounced back up because they could, and then dropped again with a wobble. 

 “Set?” She didn’t make me wait for “go.” My God not only were her legs spectacular, but they were also strong as hell. Her tits, my lord those tits of hers were flapping like she was trying to take flight. I think she liked that – her head and shoulders were nodding and waving, making them bounce even more. 

I tried to grab them for some fun, but she slapped my hands away. “Uh-uh, dildo. You’re nothing but a fat dildo right now,” she huffed. 

I had been called worse. Besides, she said my cock was fat. I could live with that. 

My balls had long retreated to avoid the pounding that my cock was enjoying. I couldn’t hold back any longer and I tried to tell her but she twisted my nipple and said, “Shut up, dildo!” 

Normally, I push myself in as far as I can when I feel that windup before I cum, but this girl wasn’t having any of that; she kept squatting and I kept thrusting. When I came, half of it oozed out – more grease for the piston. 

She cried out, “Oh, yeah,” arched her back, grabbed her tits, and rode out her orgasm even faster until she finally lifted away and gushed the rest of my cum and all of hers all over my cock. 

Not just any dido can do that for a woman! Probably… 

Lindsey was dressed before my cock was dry. I think Ella thought about staying but she rounded up her clothes too. They made me promise that I wouldn’t tell their daughters what we did. 

Do you mean you don't want me to tell your little girls that I fucked you on the same sheets I fucked them?

“I would never,” I said, “I won’t tell your husbands either, heh-heh.” 

“Fuck ‘em.” 

“I would never.” I wondered if they had sisters or sisters-in-law. Or mothers… 


So that’s the rest of my vacation by the little mountain lake. I liked having my junk shaved and I keep it that way. 

Nuh-uh, I’m not going to show you. Perv. 

Written by dronette56
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