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Euphoric Recall

"Roser has both a productive and a reproductive day."

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Author's Notes

"I did a little research into the porn industry for this series. I read that performers, occasionally, really do take on more than one shoot in a day."

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I would like to make it clear that I, Roser. P of Madrid, deny the accusation that I had sex with four men in twenty-four hours. One, I admit to. I would consider a plea bargain whereby I cop to two. But Roser. P made love to, at most, two of those men. The others went with Joana La Loca.

Now, I already hear the cries of, “Objection!” from the opposing bench.

They will counter that I AM Joana La Loca. But this is only true anatomically. Joana shows little, if any, interest in Medieval European history, whereas I attended an interesting lecture on that topic on the very day these events took place.

Joana has no siblings. She has no friends. She is not on the electoral or tax rolls. She appears to have no existence at all outside of the six extant videos in which she appears. She is, essentially, an un-person.

Roser. P, on the other hand, is very much alive. So, allow me, good jurists, to guide you through my account of this strange twenty-four-hour period in my life.


                                                                                03.00 am.

I remember that my bed was creaking as the guy moved in and out of me. I was willing him to hurry up and finish. I was exhausted. The alcohol was coursing through my veins. I had cum, albeit it not particularly memorably.

I knew virtually nothing of the man whose naked body was so intimate with mine. We’d met on Tinder. We’d had drinks. A lot of them.

And now, just hours after we’d met, I had my legs wrapped around his as he thrust inside me. My eyelids were drooping even as he fucked me. He hadn’t been a terrible fuck. I was just wiped out and drunk.  

“Come on, I want to sleep,” I muttered, “Please hurry up. I’m tired.”

He said nothing but increased his stroke a little. He smelt of old spice and beer. His breath was now sour, and I am sure mine was as well. I felt his dick thumping in and out. I could see in his eyes that he wanted to come too, yet would not, perhaps could not stop before the tension in his erect penis was relieved.

“I could suck it for you?” I mumbled.

“No…no…I’m nearly…” He increased speed again and now he really was smashing into me. I don’t think he could have driven that penis any faster in than he did. And then, at last, he cried out and I felt him shoot his load inside me. 

As soon as he’d cleaned up, our heads hit the pillow and we both were out like lights.



                                                                                       08.00 am.

The alarm clock woke us both. Immediately, I knew I had woken still pissed from the night before. My head was pounding and, when I swung my legs over the side of the bed, my vision was slightly blurred.

I knocked back a glass of water and used the toilet. I took two ibuprofens. I went back to bed.

“Is it ok if I use your bathroom, Joana?”

“It’s Roser.”

He looked confused.

“I’m sure you said your name was Joana.”

“That’s ok. I forgot your name too. Martin?”


“Yes, you can use the bathroom, Mateo. But I need to get going soon.”

When he was in the bathroom, I went to the kitchen. I’d meant to make coffee. But there was a half empty wine glass on the sideboard. I knew I shouldn’t. I was like the sailor who knows that the saltwater would bring temporary relief but ultimately kill him. I hovered. And I gave in. I knocked back that wine at twenty minutes past eight in the morning. I felt better at once. Better, and more drunk.



                                                                                         09.30 am.

I sat in the lecture hall, making notes on my laptop. I sat between Pau and Maria, two friends from college. I could barely keep my eyes open.

“You stink of booze.” Pau wrote on a paper that he passed to me, “Go home.”

I shook my head irritably. I couldn’t go home. I was expected at work at midday.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it was work. It wasn’t the same type of work that you might consider hard labour. But I was paid to entertain the lonely and the unloved and the ones bored with mainstream entertainment. I was paid to add to the number of people they’d seen naked in their lifetime. I was paid to be their fantasy.

Today’s shoot would be the riskiest yet. We were going to film in the park, in broad daylight. I had tried to picture how it would all work. Would there be screens or bed sheets put around us? How would the sound work? What if the police came?

That, I had an answer for. I would be secretly glad if they did. It would be my offramp from this world. Like the criminal secretly wanting to stop, I was doing it for the money, not for the love of it.

Just then, an email popped into my inbox.

“Hope we’re still on for tonight? P. X”

Oh my! It had slipped my mind! It was tonight that Petr the Pornstar was coming over to mine. I had completely forgotten.

We’d met on my last shoot. Petr was hot and I’d regretted that the storyline we’d filmed hadn’t involved him screwing me. He’d just spanked me, and I’d sucked his dick.

Later, he had sent me an email saying,

“We should fuck. I’ll try and get us a producer to make it if you’re interested! Of course, it wouldn’t have to be on camera LOL!”

I didn’t want to cancel. But I would have to find some time to sleep it off before then.



Andres, the producer, met me at Principe Pio metro station. I felt a bit better, as I’d wolfed down a large bacon sandwich after class and had a couple of glasses of Chardonnay. The headache was nearly gone. He walked me into Casa de Campo parc. It was chilly, the tail end of winter. I wasn’t looking forward to getting naked.

“How are we going to do this without being seen?” I asked.

“We’ve picked a quiet spot, behind some hedges. It’s during the working day, so there will be fewer people around. And we’ve paid a trio of homeless guys to keep an eye out for cops!”


“Yep! Look, don’t worry about it. This is one of the biggest parks in the world. It’s five times bigger than Central Park, you know.”

“And this movie doesn’t have a script?”

“No, the whole idea is that it’s a spontaneous fuck. The working title is, “Joana La Loca so horny she can’t even wait to go home!”

“I’ll start working on the Oscar speech,” I said dryly. Andres smiled.

I met the male performer. He was blonde and wore jeans and a pullover. He introduced himself as Marcos Massivo, which made me chuckle. He was the first male performer I’d met who did not give me his real name.

“Right, first, you make out. Roser, you whisper, “I can’t wait until home.” Marcos nods. Then, Marcos, you lie on your back. Roser, you take his trousers down then blow him. After a few minutes, you take down your knickers. You only get naked below the waist at first. You crouch over him, put him inside you and bounce up and down on his dick, crouching, bending on your knees. As you do that, remove an item of clothing at intervals of about a minute. So, pullover, t-shirt, bra.       

Marcos, if you can’t come in cowgirl, give a signal and you can try pumping her in missionary. The idea is that this is a one position fuck. It’s in the park. It’s dangerous, naughty and quick. We’d like to get the cum shot on her face or torso. Up to you. Any questions?”

We both shook our heads. It was the most specific direction any director had given me so far.

Within seconds of the camera rolling, we were making out. We both kissed well, and running my hands over his muscular body and feeling my own body caressed turned me on a little. At least, I grew damp enough that he could enter me without pain. 

I had giggled at his name, but when he undressed it was clear that the name was apt. I’d filmed with five porn actors so far. Up to now, all had been better endowed than the average guy, but there was only one I would have described as huge, Andreu, who was in my first film. Marcos was his first serious rival.

I knelt and began to cast my hardening spell on his wand. I soon sucked up his erection, then I crouched above him as if doing squats at the gym. A minute later, I was bouncing, bouncing on that dick. I did dozens of squats on it, as if I were some gym coach that had been granted her greatest wish in heaven. And, wow, he had quite the member!

But doing it outside was nice. It was strange feeling the cool fresh air playing around my body. It was weird looking up at birds flying overhead as I had sex. It was strange observing white clouds and the wan crescent moon hanging like a flaccid cock in the sky while I bounced on a real one, a cock that Joana La Loca’s body had rendered erect and straight as a ruler...

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It lasted about half an hour. The penis of Marcos Massivo made me squeal as I came harder than I ever had in porn up to that point. 

I was supposed to be back in lectures for the afternoon. But, as I was waiting on the platform of the metro station, a message pinged into my phone.

“Hi Roser,

If you get this, please reply yes or no ASAP! An actress has been diagnosed with covid and can’t film.  We need an actress urgently for a scene. It’s at three. Just regular, straight sex. You come home. Your boyfriend, Lucas, is gaming. You turn off the console and demand sex. We’ll pay nine hundred euros. It’s in the Chamberi district. Here is a link to the location.



Laia was the producer who had organized my first film. I trusted her and, honestly, I kind of felt I owed her. Plus, a bonus of nearly a thousand dollars. The lectures could be caught up. I said yes. And I just about had time before the shoot to stop in a bar for a couple of glasses of wine.

You’ll hear about my second shoot momentarily.



                                                                                                18.00 pm                                                                                           

When my second shoot of the day was done, I went straight home. It was nearly six. There were messages filling my inbox, concerned friends wondering why I’d missed lectures. I collapsed into my bed, wiped out after such a day. I set my alarm for eight. That would give me time to shower before Petr came around.

It was a nap for the ages! I don’t remember ever feeling so totally refreshed and awake! I cooked some food, singing with happiness. I was two thousand dollars richer, and I was getting laid in private tonight! I had a couple of glasses of wine. I showered and changed the bedding.


                                                                                                20.00 pm.

Petr arrived at nine on the dot. I offered him food, which he accepted, and wine, which he did not. When we went to the bedroom, he kissed me with a warmth that surprised me. We barely knew each other, but he was gentle and tender.

“I’m not here to make porn. I want this to be the best it can be for you,” he said.

I pulled off my blouse, and my bra. Petr kissed my breasts and sucked at my nipples. I had almost forgotten what it was like to take my time getting into sex. He kissed me for a long time, and I felt him growing hard through his trousers. I reached for the button on his jeans, but he said, “No, not yet.”

My jeans, on the other hand, were not sticking around. He gently pulled them and my knickers down, then he crawled between my legs. Kissing my inner thighs, he went to work on my pussy.

“You’ve had sex today. Earlier,” he whispered.

“Yes,” I said, unexpectedly blushing, “How did you know?”.

“I’ve seen dozens of vaginas. I can always tell. Roser?”


“Tell me about it while I go down on you. I want you to remember and describe the sex you had earlier. Trust me. Just speak.”

 “Ok,” I said quietly. He began to lick my vagina up and down.

“I had to confront my boyfriend because he’d been gaming too much. I yanked the cord out of the wall and demanded that he fuck me on the spot. He agreed.

We stripped off. Lucas had a substantial size cock, but not too big. I put that dick in my mouth, and I sucked him hard. Do you remember what it was like, having me suck your dick?”

“I do,” whispered Petr, pausing to slide a second finger into my pussy before resuming his licking of my clit. His work down there was having an effect now. I started shifting on my hips as pleasure began to mount.

“Tell me more,” he murmured.

“When we were done with foreplay, he was good and hard. He got right up to where you are now, and he pushed that penis deeper than your tongue could ever get. He…oh! Oh!”

I was about to come. I’d seen a set of videos called “Hysterical Literature”, which featured women struggling to read aloud while being brought to orgasm by a vibrator. I now knew how they felt.

“When he was moving inside me, it felt so fucking good. I squeezed his cock with my muscles and lifted my legs onto his shoulders. He increased his stroke so that the bed squeaked, and my breasts jiggled…”

Petr’s work with his tongue was superior. He knew how to build me up, not just latching onto my clit but warming up and pleasuring the whole organ, only switching to focus slowly on the clit as I approached orgasm…then he stopped. Just as I was on the cusp, it went quiet down there.

“Don’t stop, please don’t, I’m close,” I whispered.

“I know. I’m edging you. Just keep talking about the sex you had. You’ll be glad later.”

This was not easy, being so close and yet to be denied.

“Lucas thrust in and out. He was strong and powerful, and his cock was rock hard, and because he was young and in attractive shape, he was attractive, so I was feeling great. We both made love well, and after a while, I pushed him up and out so I could ride his cock. I slipped easily down that penis and began to bump back and forth…”

“Picture it. Visualise fucking that guy in your mind’s eye,” whispered Petr, resuming the licking of my pussy.

The stimulation of my clitoris and the mental imagery and sensory memory of the sex I had had created a firestorm in my vagina.

I had read that one of the reasons that the drug heroin is so hard to kick is that the memory of the orgasmic high it gives you can return involuntarily, without the drug. They call it euphoric recall. This was what I was experiencing.

“Soon…he…oh! Oh! Oh!” Orgasm bewitched my senses. I could no longer speak or focus a thought on anything but my bodily sensations.

When I’d come, I was going to push him away. But he resisted.

“No. You can stack your orgasms. Keep telling me what happened.” 

I did. My speech was breathy and short. I closed my eyes and pictured Lucas’s body and face beneath me. I felt again his cock inside me, even as Petr built up my second orgasm with his tongue.

“Riding Lucas’s cock, I felt him as deep inside me as he could go. He reached up and pinched my nipple as I rocked forward and back, making sure his big dick rubbed me up the right way.”

Petr’s finger was stroking my g-spot with his finger and licking my clit with his tongue. He was trying to give me a blended orgasm. It was working. I’ll say this for porn stars. They might not be much for intellectual company, but they do know how to make you come.

“Lucas…he took me from behind…not in…my…ass…but do…do…doggy style…and he…oh!”

As I spoke, my voice was tremulous, and my head was swimming. Petr was sucking my clit.

“He fucked me hard. His cock…right where you are now…he was like a jackhammer…and…I…oh fuck…I came!”

Petr stayed down on me for more than an hour, even as I narrated the tale of another man planting his genetic seed inside me. I had the most spectacular orgasms of my life that night, driven by lust, his skill, and memory of the experiences my body had had on that, my longest day. After that, Petr and I fucked for five hours straight. We fucked in every position conceived by man.


                                                                                                            03.00 am.

Petr returned from the bathroom and climbed into bed with me. We turned off the light and held hands for a while. Then, we dropped off to sleep together. It took a three day break from sex for my pussy to recover.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, only one of the four men I fucked in those twenty-four hours was premeditated by Roser. P. The first was spontaneous. The two in the middle were not Roser, but Joana La Loca. The defence rests.


Will Roser’s productivity be good for her career? Could Petr the porn star be a friend, fuckbuddy or boyfriend? Would Roser ever make enough money to say, ‘No more’? What other clues to her fate have been seeded into this tale?  

Thank you for reading! Three more parts to come in this saga!

Written by MC1982
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