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The Fucking She Deserved

"A young Catalan resorts to drastic measures to get satisfaction"

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Author's Notes

"My first attempt at a novel, which will follow the career of a young woman as she tries to achieve fame and fortune as a porn star. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you enjoy it!"

In retrospect, the subject I chose to study at college, European History, matched my personal history. Both were unpredictable. Both saw great changes over time, and a diverse cast of both good and dubious characters. And both included a lot of sex!

I was especially keen to study at a particular university in Madrid, because I could work under a professor whose books I had enjoyed reading in high school. Mr. Lopez specialized in daily life in medieval Europe and, from the first, I enjoyed his classes. I settled quickly into the routine of university life. I met some friends at Freshers parties. I had plans to study history, then teach it. So, all in all, I was just a typical eighteen-year-old girl.

My name is Roser. I grew up in a nuclear family. Two parents, one brother. If you walked past me on the street, you probably wouldn’t notice me. I suppose I am pretty enough to some eyes. I’m told I have a nice smile, but I hardly dazzle. My bra is 36B. I’m only five foot six, and I have long, straight hair which is a very dark brown colour, matching my eyes.

But this is the story of how, at college, I started to get paid to have sex. Believe me, as a teen, I never imagined myself doing adult work. I thought I’d share the story, as it is more complicated than ‘I needed the money’.

When I got to university, I had kissed some boyfriends and given a few blowjobs, but I was still, properly speaking, a virgin and anxious for that to change. I signed up for Tinder and went on some dates. The third was with Diego, and I decided to take him home. I know some girls picture their first time as a special moment of romance, but I just wanted it out of the way. I didn’t want anything more than to be treated okay and hope for an orgasm.

I undressed and let him kiss me all over, which felt nice. I watched him strip naked. His cock was what I had imagined one would be like, neither huge nor tiny. I lay back, spread my legs as far as they could go and waited for him to penetrate me. Diego kissed my lips just before he made his move, then he pressed himself into my pussy. It didn’t hurt. Diego raised his ass, then pushed into me. Okay, that felt nice. He repeated the thrust twice more and then…

“Oh shit!” His jizz fountained out and into the condom. Diego had lasted less than sixty seconds. The quick orgasm was bad enough, but he was such a simp about it that I basically lost all the attraction I’d had for him.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…” before banging on about how he was nervous to try again!

We tried again, and he just about lasted five minutes. I told him to leave, livid at my first time being so lame. I hadn’t expected the best of my life, but it could hardly have been worse.

A week later, I slept with another guy, Pablo. It started well enough. We were all over each other. We kissed passionately. We practically tore each other’s clothes off. But, to my horror, Pablo, when he lowered his pants, was a Millimeter Peter…it was barely a worm! I was aghast. When he got into me, it felt like it feels when I put a single finger in there. I closed my eyes and did my best, but he gave me nothing to work with. He came. I didn’t.

So, my sex life had, to put it mildly, not gotten off to a good start.

The night after I slept with Pablo, I bought two bottles of wine. When I was good and tipsy, I pulled up a porn site and made a beeline for the category, “Big dick”. I looked through a couple of thumbnails to find a guy I found hot, then I watched the movie, diddling myself.

“See that, Pablo? See that, Diego? That’s how to fuck a woman!” I slurred to myself as the guy with the huge cock pounded the woman on screen, who was screaming with pleasure. Oh, that lucky girl, I thought to myself.

Now, had it not been for the wine in me, I would probably not have done it, but I Googled, “How to become an adult actress.” I found some adverts for women aged eighteen to twenty-six. Still drinking, I attached my photo and sent off a couple of emails, and when I was done, I was so drunk that I collapsed onto the bed and passed out.   

I barely remembered the movie the next day, still less the emails. I made sure to delete browsing history and set about trying to rid myself of the hangover. But later that day, an email popped into my box from a woman.

Dear Roser,

Thank you for your interest in filming with us. We liked your photo. Could we meet?

It was my call to adventure. My hero’s journey would begin here. It was time to meet the mentor.


Her name was Laia, and we met in Starbucks. She told me she was looking for new actresses to build her growing channel as a director.

“Some directors like to micromanage their scenes, but I prefer to just set up the actors and let them get on with it,” she told me, “The age of the ridiculous scripts and storylines is gradually dying. People want it to be natural.”

“OK,” I said.

“Now, we should talk about boundaries. Have you given blowjobs before?”


“Are you comfortable with a man coming in your mouth?”

In my mind’s eye, the memory of the first time I sucked a cock flashed up. Sweet Mathieu, my neighbour. I saw him again on his back and, in my throat, I felt again the tickle I had felt as his dick touched the edge of my gullet. I recalled teasing the trembling shaft of his penis by tapping it with my tongue. He had lasted fifteen minutes and then I’d felt the semen ooze out onto my tongue.

“Yes,” I said.

“And swallowing?”

“Yes.” Mathieu’s come had tasted nicer than Felipe’s. Felipe, the second recipient of my blowjob skills, had tasted gross.


“Never tried it, but OK!” I didn’t tell her, but I found the idea of a guy jerking his erection inches from my face hot.

“What about anal?”

I paused.

“Roser, it’s OK. There are plenty of adult actresses who won’t do anal scenes. It doesn’t mean you can’t get work. Consent is vital in professional pornography.”

“I’ve never done it. I’d have to think about it. It might be OK if we used lube and the guy was gentle. I wouldn’t want to be fucked hard in the ass.”

“OK, that’s fine.” I watched Laia taking notes. What a curious working day she has, I thought to myself.       

“What about threesomes? They are very popular,” she asked.

“Absolutely!” I said enthusiastically. I had long fantasized about a threesome. It was definitely on my bucket list.

“Really?” Laia said, looking up.

“Yeah. Sort of a fantasy of mine!” I looked down, blushing.

“It so happens that I’ve been planning a menage à trois for an upcoming video. If I sent you some photos of some male performers, could you look them over? See if they’d be for you?”

“Sure!” I said, hardly able to believe my ears.

“Let me get back to you on that then! Now, as you are a first-timer, I’ll pay seven hundred Euros. That can rise into the thousands if you become an established name…”

Seven hundred Euros! To a girl just starting out on an independent life, that was a fortune! A month working part-time at the restaurant. And I’d get some decent sex out of it at last. I told her I was game.

Two hours later, the photos arrived. There were four men there, shot topless above the waist. Laia asked me to say which two I liked the look of. I chose Andreu, who was blonde and wiry, and Carlos, who was more muscular and totally bald. There were some perfunctory emails about location and, finally, a contract arrived. This was it! Sign this paper and I would agree to be fucked for money. Not something my parents would be exactly proud of, but it wasn’t like I was going to be walking the streets…

Curiously, one thing I was not worried about was friends and family finding the film. There was so much pornographic material out there, oceans and oceans of it, that the chances of that happening were infinitesimally small. And Laia had assured me that my real name would never be made public.

The pen hovered above the paper for a second then, taking a deep breath, I signed. It was on.


I spent the intervening days watching threesome pornography. I avoided watching the male performers I would be working with, though. I wanted their moves…and their bodies… to be a surprise.

I arrived at the address, which was an Airbnb apartment. I was nervous, so nervous I got there very early, but excited. Laia arrived soon after.

“How will the day work?” I asked.

“First, you take a shower and come out wearing a robe. Then, we’ll do make-up, and you can meet the guys. You can chat with them over coffee to help you relax.”

“OK. Will they be experienced stars or newbies like me?”

“They are professionals. You’d be surprised how hard it is to find a man who is suitable to do porn. It’s not just penis size we look for. He needs to have excellent control of his orgasms. He needs to be able to stay hard for long periods…”

After my recent experiences, this was music to my ears, but I just nodded.

“We’ll start with a brief on-camera interview about your sexual experience, if that’s OK?”

“OK…there isn’t a great deal to tell, to be honest.”

“All the better!”

I had arrived early, but the intervening hours flew by and in no time at all the male actors arrived. Andreu and Carlos were both cool guys and I felt at ease with both of them. As I shook hands with them, looking them in the eyes, I reflected on how strange it was to be introducing myself to a man whose cock would shortly be thrust down my throat. You would never know that those hands would be caressing my buttocks, those lumps in their jeans would soon be filling my orifices and those friendly countenances would be screwed up in ecstasy as they came on my face.

Carlos spoke to me kindly, “We hear it’s your first time. Don’t be nervous. The best advice for being in porn is to be yourself and relax. You’ll want to come and if you overthink it, you might not.”

Andreu added,

“I also recommend forgetting the camera is there and just imagine it’s just the three of us.”

“One more thing,” said Carlos, “If you don’t feel comfortable doing something, just say and we’ll stop, OK?”

“Deal!” The boys were reassuringly human, I thought.

I showered quickly, wanting to get on with it. When I came out, the nice makeup lady gave me coffee as she powdered my face.

“I hear the director’s got a special offer for you!” she said.  

“Oh?” I said, intrigued.

“You’ll see!”

I finished my makeup and went to join the guys in the bedroom. There were just the four of us, me, the guys and Laia. There were three cameras in the room. One was positioned directly above the bed. One was on a tripod to the left. And one was handheld, and Laia was carrying it.

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“Right, I have an offer for you all. Fifty euros extra each if Roser takes a double facial!” We all laughed.

“That OK?” Carlos said.

“Fine by me!” I said.

“Right, Roser. Sit up on the bed and we’ll start with a Q and A,” said Laia. I did so. She pointed the camera at me.

“So, this is Roser. Eighteen years old. Catalan. Roser, why do you want to make an adult film?”

“It’s a new experience. And I wanted to try a threesome.”

“Have you had a lot of sex?”

“No. I’m practically a virgin, only two guys! On two different nights!”

“How was it?”

“Bad. I didn’t enjoy it, to be honest.”


“One too fast, one too small.”

“So, you’re hoping for a good seeing-to from some big dicks today?”


“Well, you’re in luck! Allow me to introduce Carlos and Andreu!”

 The two guys appeared at the side of the bed.




The boys disrobed and I looked at their cocks. Both were better hung than any of the other guys I’d seen. Andreu, in particular, had a huge one. It swung like a giant pendulum between his legs. Wow! He was literally worth two of Pablo. This was going to be great!

“OK, Roser, work up their erections and let’s get going!”

I undid my robe. In the last instant before I bared my body, I felt the camera on me and hesitated. What if a friend looked this up? What if my brother found it accidentally? I’d heard of women who had never escaped the shame of being caught in an adult movie. I’d never survive in politics…Oh, fuck them. It was my body. I was entitled to a good fuck.

I realized that to overcome my self-consciousness, I needed to focus on the sex and forget about the camera. I took off the bathrobe and knelt between the men, who were lying on their backs. I took Carlos’s dick in one hand and Andreu’s in the other and began to jerk them up and down. I felt them harden in my fist, felt them grow like rooted plants into what I desired. I leant over and placed Carlos’s cock into my mouth. He had a similar taste and smell to Felipe, but that was okay. I sucked him hard and soon, saliva was running down the penis in cascades.

“Oh, yeah!” Carlos said, “That is fucking good!”

I took Carlos's out of my mouth and switched to Andreu’s. He was, unsurprisingly, quite a mouthful. Andreu’s cock dominated my mouth in a way that none other had. I continued to shake Carlos’s dick as I sucked Andreu and, glancing up from the task at hand, I happened to make eye contact with Laia, who gave me an encouraging thumbs-up. My confidence surged!

They were good and hard after five minutes of my attention. Andreu motioned that I should lie down myself, and so I did, on my back. The guys rearranged themselves and I felt Carlos prise my legs apart. I was expecting dick and was surprised when he knelt and began to lick me! Andreu’s dick was being held just above my head, an angle I found hot as I could see right up his body to his face. I resumed jerking and sucking it. Carlos was doing good work with his tongue and the sexy slurping on Andreu’s dick was helping build my arousal.

Carlos slipped a finger inside me. I felt him feel for my G-spot and, when he had located it, he pressed it while gently pressing his tongue inside my pussy. I was getting lightheaded now. The camera was forgotten. I had to remind myself not to forget Andreu’s dick. My orgasm was building now…Carlos was fantastic at this! I felt so soft and wet and squishy down there.

“Oh, I’m going to cum!” I announced, and the guys laughed. The first orgasm sent shivers up and down my legs and through my belly, and I squealed with pleasure.

When I was becalmed, I got onto my knees. I turned to face Carlos, ready to repay the favour, and when I had his dick in my mouth, Andreu pressed his cock at my vagina. Oh, the guy was huge! It slipped inside me easily enough, as I was wet, and he began to thrust in and out. It was lucky I had been warmed up, for Andreu’s huge cock didn’t feel wholly comfortable, to be honest. I’d never considered that a dick could be too big. Or, at least, I’d never imagined I’d experience one. It was reaching deep, deep inside me and flexing the muscles around my lips to breaking point.

Carlos ran his fingers through my hair, then bunched it up into a ponytail.

“Oh, fuck yeah!” Carlos moaned appreciatively as I blew him. I could feel my arousal growing again as Andreu pumped my pussy.

“Keep it slow, please!” I said, turning back to Andreu.

“Cut!” Laia intervened. “Roser, please don’t comment or request. You can say ‘Yes,’ ‘That’s good!’ and ‘Oh, fuck me!’ and stuff like that but please don’t direct the guys!”

The spell was rather broken for me and, when they resumed fucking me, I had to work myself back into it. This time, I mounted Carlos’s dick and resumed blowing Andreu’s monster cock. Didn’t it bother these guys that another man’s dick had been in my mouth seconds before? I was impressed by how comfortable they were, totally naked, totally aroused, so vulnerable, yet so close to another naked man. I wondered if I’d feel weird doing it with another girl.

Andreu’s cock was so hard and so long that, when he thrust it down my throat, it had begun to make me gag. Never mind; I knew I had to just suck right through it. My pussy felt great though! Carlos’s large but manageable size fitted me much better. I bounced up and down on it, doing my best to keep Andreu in my mouth.

“Oh, you like having two cocks inside you, huh?” said Carlos loudly, rubbing my belly and breasts.

“Yes! Yes! It feels so fucking good! I don’t even want to take it out of my mouth to talk!”

“Want to try two at once down there?” Andreu said.

I hadn’t considered double penetration. Would it even be possible with two big guys?

“We can try it. You’re both pretty big!”

 “Fuck yeah!” Carlos laughed.

“I’ve never done this…” I said.

“You’re already in position. You just have to bend right over,” said Andreu.

I did as I was told, pressing my chest to Carlos’s and, for the first time, I felt myself being kissed. Properly kissed, with his tongue. It was rather sweet and unexpected, but he pressed his lips to mine, and I kissed him back.

“Hold still,” Carlos whispered to me. I saw Laia position her handheld camera right up to my vagina, capturing in full technicolor the moment Andreu’s cock joined Carlos’s inside me.

“Oooohhh!” was all I could say as the second cock slid in. I found I could barely move. The boys began to thrust inside me slowly. My clitoris and G-spot were both being rubbed at once. The sensation of having two thick cocks inside me was so overwhelming that I was no longer able to form thoughts, barely conscious of the world around me. My head was swimming. Dimly, I saw Carlos’s face scrunch with pleasure. I didn’t notice Laia move the camera along Carlos’s body to my face. The penises thrust slowly inside me, and I soon found out why they weren’t going fast. Quite simply, every time Andreu sped up, he popped out! It was not an easy position to achieve, but double penetration did feel better as the minutes ticked on, as my cunt was stretched wider, and it grew wetter.   

They managed double penetration for about five minutes, and by the end I was tired out. I rolled over and lay on my back. We weren’t done, but I needed a lie-down. Well, it was hardly a nap coming my way! Andreu entered me in the missionary position, and my pussy had been so stretched that it was easier now. Carlos knelt above my head, and I reached up, pulling his testicles down into my mouth.  I tugged and sucked on Carlos’s balls and dick as Andreu pumped me. Andreu was pumping hard and fast. I lifted my legs. Andreu was panting as he pounded me and I was gasping too, so much that I had to take Carlos’s cock out of my mouth…I was worried I would lose control and bite down on him. I shook him with my hand instead, sneaking in quick sucks if Andreu slowed down.

Drilled deeply and firmly by a huge cock, deeply aroused by the two naked men I was sharing the bed with, I came hard and gave my orgasm full voice. I screamed with joy as my orgasm flowered!

The boys were moaning more now, especially Carlos. When my orgasm had calmed down, I resumed sucking him.

“Switch!” said Andreu suddenly. We went to doggy style and Carlos entered me from behind.

“Suck that cock, baby. Suck it hard and fast! Bring me home!” Andreu said. I did just that, and I gagged again as he face fucked me.   

Behind me, I felt Carlos begin to build up his stroke. 

“Oh, fuck! There! Now!” Andreu suddenly pulled out of my mouth. The camera moved in close. He was jerking it inches from my eyes. I knew to tilt my neck up and close my eyes. Andreu’s jizz exploded across my face and I felt the goo spread across my cheek, and it was hot hearing Andreu say, “Fuck! Ohhh yyeaaahh! Fuuucck!” while Carlos pumped me from behind.

Behind me, Carlos now increased his stroke and I had to steady myself as he pounded me. His hands were pulling my butt cheeks apart and I wasn’t too thrilled that Laia was apparently focusing right in on my asshole, but I could hardly go demure on them now.

I looked over at Andreu, who was standing next to Laia watching Carlos fuck me from behind. He smiled at me, and when I smiled back, some more of his cum dripped into my mouth. Just then, Carlos abruptly pulled out. He hurried around and positioned himself in front of me, his cock looking like it was about to burst. I gave him three sucks to help him along, then he jerked hard and a second later a jet of cum shot straight out like a pistol and onto my forehead. Laia was there with the handheld, capturing Carlos’s semen running around my eye and into the puddle of Andreu’s on my cheek.

I sucked Carlos’s dick until it was clean, then Laia said, “Cut! That was awesome!”

The guys high-fived me and told me I’d done really well, which was a relief.

“It’s hard to believe you’d only been with two guys!” Carlos said.

“True, I promise,” I replied, blushing.   

“You’re cute! If you want to do more of this kind of work, you could be a superstar!” Andreu told me. His words rang through my head for weeks afterwards.   


It was weeks before the final cut arrived in my inbox, and another three days before I could bring myself to watch it. Coincidentally, it was the same day that the money arrived in my account. When I plucked up the courage to watch the tape, it was the weirdest experience of my life. Sitting at my desk, wrapped in a blanket against the winter cold, it felt like I was watching someone else.

The shots from the overhead camera, which I’d forgotten about, were the most interesting for me. I could see where the expression ‘The Beast with Two Backs” came from. The tripod camera caught the most action. But the handheld camera angles held close-up to my pussy and my asshole kind of made me squirm! And seeing my face as I was in the throes of orgasm was even worse! So, THAT was what I looked like when I came. Not my most beautiful expression!

I enjoyed spending the money. I decided I might, possibly, be open to more adult work. But it was enough for me that, after two pathetic first lays, I had finally got the fucking I deserved.

Written by MC1982
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