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The Steele Files: (C2) Darren's Second Day

"After an exhilarating first day, his second day starts with even more promise..."

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Darren woke up feeling refreshed after a good sleep. He woke as he had every day for years… with a morning hard-on. However, unlike previous days, he didn’t ignore it. He didn’t wish it to go away. This morning, he smiled as he reached down and squeezed it in his hand.

Immediately his mind filled with Melanie Depps’ sexy body, and then Martha’s big boobs as they sometimes lay on the table at their lunch yesterday. Then Ms. Steele’s ass as he slowly brought his hand up, caressing his hard shaft, and moaned.

The image of his cum covered front then appeared behind his closed eyelids, causing him to stroke his cock even faster. He continued to moan louder and louder as he brought himself closer to orgasm.

'You’re going to go to hell!' he suddenly heard his mother say in his mind.

"Oh, God! I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Mom," he yelled out and released his grip on his cock, denying himself from the release he so wanted.

He closed his eyes as his chest rose and fell rapidly as he tried to catch his breath. His alarm rang out, breaking all his conflicting thoughts as he rolled onto his side and shut it off. He let out a long sigh as he sat up on the side of his bed. He looked down at his now semi-erect cock. He shook his head, quickly stood, and went to the bathroom to pee.

He was thankful as he relieved himself that his cock became flaccid. He contemplated whether to eat breakfast or shower first as he flushed the toilet. He opted for the shower.

After a bowl of Cheerios, he made two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch. Although he had some money left from what his mother had provided him, he knew he wouldn’t get paid for almost three more weeks. He didn’t want to splurge on eating out and risk running out of money before he got paid.

He looked at himself in the mirror in the suit he chose last night. A quick adjustment to the knot of his tie, and a smile crossed his face satisfied with his look. He glanced at his bedside clock and realized it was too early to leave. Although he wanted to be early, he didn’t want to be thirty minutes early like yesterday.

He went to his small desk where his insurance papers were stacked. He saw his briefcase on the floor beside the desk. It was empty, except for some pens and a calculator. He picked it to place it by the door so he wouldn’t forget it but then decided against it. He did not need the briefcase. He only brought it yesterday to make a good impression. It was good that he brought it to store all the paperwork he had to bring home.

He looked around his studio apartment for something to bide his time for at least fifteen minutes. The sparsely furnished apartment didn’t provide any inspiration. He went to the kitchen sink and poured himself a glass of water. As he sipped the water, the young blonde woman who accompanied Ms. Steele yesterday popped into his mind. More specifically, the pendant she wore that drew his eyes to her exposed cleavage and large breasts.

‘Oh shit. No. Don’t get hard. Don’t get hard,’ he thought a little too late, as the blood was already flowing to his cock. "No, no. Damnit!" he verbalized as he looked at the growing bulge in the front of his pants.

He had to think of something… anything to divert his mind from his deviant thoughts. He glanced around again and jogged to his desk. He quickly sat down… "PPO, HMO… deductible… prescription drugs," he whispered as he scanned the health insurance documents. It worked. He thwarted his evil thoughts and passed the needed time.

He grabbed the brown paper bag he wrote his name on with his lunch, and left for the subway to go to work.

Darren chuckled as he entered the Steele Towers through the left revolving doors to change it up from yesterday. It was surprising how few people were in the foyer today comparatively. He was still in awe of the grand entryway; however, as he took a moment to gaze around.

He turned to walk to the elevators, and then froze in place. He swallowed hard and blinked his eyes to ensure he was seeing what he was seeing. His heart started beating faster as he saw Ms. Steele and her entourage standing near the elevators.

He walked slowly as he noticed the blonde woman had an equally sexy dress as she wore yesterday. Today her dress was a low-cut pink body-clinging dress. It was also shorter, making her legs appear longer.

‘Shit! No. NO!’ he screamed in his head as his little head started to swell.

Slowly, step by step, Darren walked towards the entourage and the elevators. The blonde woman noticed him and smiled. He smiled too, as he noticed that she had what looked like a black dog collar adorned with diamonds around her neck. His cock swelled further as he lowered his gaze to see her dress showing even more of her breasts than yesterday. It showed so much, he couldn’t believe he couldn’t see her nipples.

He watched as the blonde turned her head to Ms. Steele and said something. Ms. Steele nodded, acknowledging whatever she said to her. Then her gaze cast across to Darren. Her expression didn’t change, but she immediately turned to face the elevators. Her entourage also turned to face the elevators.

‘Oh my God. Were they waiting for me?’ he wondered as they approached the elevator.

Today only a few people were waiting. Darren walked up to the queue of people, avoiding eye contact with Ms. Steele or the blonde woman. A moment later, the elevator dinged its arrival. The doors opened, and everyone’s eyes went to Ms. Steele and her entourage.

Darren stood frozen, unable to move for what felt like minutes. Finally, Darren gestured with his hand, "After you," he managed to say directly to Ms. Steele. Like yesterday, the very corners of her mouth moved slightly upward.

Much to Darren’s surprise and everyone else's, she didn’t move. Instead, she motioned with her head that she wanted Darren to enter first. He swallowed as he stepped into the elevator, keeping a hand in front of his pants.

She immediately followed him inside. Their eyes met again, before she turned around in front of him. The rest of the entourage followed, and then the rest of the others. He smelled the familiar subtly scent of her perfume. He looked at the back of her head. Her red hair was impeccably styled into her bun as it was yesterday.

His breath was shaky as he looked further down. Her blazer was green pinstripe today, and just as snug as yesterday’s. Her skirt matched exactly and was just as sexy as yesterday. He closed his eyes in disgust as he felt his cock becoming fully hard.

The elevator dinged, indicating the doors were closing. Darren opened his eyes and realized he didn’t press the floor button. How could he be so dumb? The blonde woman turned her head and smiled again, causing his cock to flex in his pants.

"Excuse me," he almost stuttered, "Could you please press the button for the second floor? I’m sorry, I… I forgot to."

She smiled more broadly and said, "Mm-Hm," in a throaty sexy voice, making his cock flex even harder. As she stepped forward and bent slightly, he couldn’t help it as he watched her short pink dress expose the bottom curves of her ass.

‘OH FUCK!’ his mind screamed, and he squeezed his hard cock over his pants.

The elevator started to move, and so did Ms. Steele. She stepped back, pressing her ass into the back of his hand, covering his arousal. Unlike yesterday, she turned her head to look at him over her shoulder with a look as if she was annoyed.

He wasn’t sure what to do, so he did nothing.

She kept her annoyed gaze on him as she wiggled her ass further into his hand. He could see her pupils grow.

He was almost shaking, he thought he knew what she wanted him to do. However, it scared the shit out of him if he did it and was wrong.

She pushed her ass more into his hand.

He took in a deep breath and did what he thought she wanted. He moved his hand from the front of her ass. He couldn’t believe it, as she wiggled her ass again until he felt his boner fit between her ass cheeks. Her eyes closed, and she smiled before facing forward again.

‘Oh my God. Oh my God. She likes it. She wants my boner against her ass,’ he thought in disbelief.

The elevator dinged as the light above the doors showed the number, "2". The elevator stopped, the doors opened, and no one moved except for Ms. Steele’s ass, which pushed harder into his boner.

The blonde woman turned her head and asked, "Isn’t this your floor?"

"Yes," he replied a little too loudly, prompting Ms. Steele to relieve the pressure on him and stepped forward out of his way.

He quickly covered his egregious arousal with his hand again and walked out. He looked at Ms. Steele and said, "Have a nice day," before quickly stepping away and watching the doors close.

His hardness still excitedly jerked against his hand as he stood frozen, trying to breathe with his eyes closed.

"Hey, are you the new guy?" he heard a female voice say excitedly, along with another female giggling and breaking his thoughts.

He opened his eyes to see two good-looking middle-aged women standing before him. One with dark brown hair cut at shoulder length, the other with light brown hair cut short but in a sassy way. Both of them had huge smiles on their faces, they were undressing him with their eyes, traversing up and down his body.

"Um… yeah. I’m Darren Locke," he said, without thinking, extended his hand out.

He immediately knew his mistake, as both women’s eyes grew wide as they stared at his bulging crotch. The sassy-haired woman grabbed his hand, but instead of shaking it, she leaned in closer to him.

"I’m Cheryl. So happy to meet you, Darren. We’re not supposed to but…," she said, then hesitated, as her eyes looked down at his crotch again, before continuing, "I prefer hugs. I won’t tell if you don’t," and let go of his hand and drew him into a full frontal hug. "Mmm, Darren. You give the best hugs. Welcome aboard," she said and slid one hand down to the small of his back.

The other woman cleared her throat and said, "Uh, Cheryl? Save some for me," and giggled.

Cheryl squeezed him even tighter and whispered in his ear, "I sure hope you get assigned to my team. I’m going to enjoy having you around here. Mmm, mmm, mmmmmm," before letting him go.

"I won’t tell either," the other woman said as she immediately hugged him just as tight, then added, "I’m Mary, by the way. Welcome. It’s very nice to meet you. It’s about time we got some fresh blood around here," and giggled.

"Do you like my anklet, Darren," Cheryl said as she extended her left leg.

Darren looked over Mary’s shoulder to see a diamond bracelet on her ankle above her white high heel. He thought it odd that she would wear a bracelet on her ankle as Mary broke from their hug. He immediately covered his crotch again.

Mary turned and gave Cheryl a strange look and said, "Down girl. Down."

"What’s the matter, girl? Jealous you don’t have one?" Cheryl retorted, laughing.

"Whatever, Cheryl," Mary said, and then looked back at Darren. "I’m going for some coffee. Care to join me?" she asked him.

"Definitely. Hook me up to an IV," he said, laughing.

"Oh, you’re going to fit right in here, honey," Mary said. "Come on," she said as she turned and started walking.

Darren smiled and walked beside her. Cheryl quickly joined them and walked along Darren’s other side.

Mary looked at her watch and said, "Oh, we better hurry. We only have another six minutes. Can’t keep the boss man waiting. Mr. Lancaster is very strict about punctuality," and quickened her pace.

They arrived at the break room, quickly got their coffees, and walked to the communications area. Darren was surprised at how large the room was. He only got a glance at it yesterday. There were about a hundred cubicles arranged in groups of a dozen each.

"See ya later, handsome. Maybe we could do lunch?" Cheryl said in a flirty tone, and then winked at him.

Mary rolled her eyes, smiled at Darren and said, "Hope you have a great first day, Darren. If you have any questions or need help with anything… I’m happy to give you a hand."

"Thanks, Mary. It was nice to meet you," he said and looked around, wondering where he was supposed to go. As he scanned the room, he got many smiles from the women. He only saw three men among them.

"Ah, there you are. Good morning, Darren. You’re right on time. I like that," Mr. Lancaster said, seeming to appear out of nowhere.

"Good morning, Mr. Lancaster," Darren replied.

"Hang on just a moment," he said. He looked down the aisle, where Mary was walking. He raised his voice and said, "Mary. Mary. Excuse me, Mary. Could you please come here?"

Mary turned around, and a big smile came across her face. "Of course, Mr. Lancaster," she said and quickly walked back.

"Mary, this is Darren. He’s joining our team. Actually, your team. Thanks for your patience. Now you’ll finally have a complete team again," he said, turning his attention back to Darren. "Darren, this is Mary. You’ll be working on her team. Now, I have to warn you, she’ll keep you on your toes and she runs a tight ship," and chuckled.

Mary laughed. "Mr. Lancaster," she said and blushed, then added, "We’ve actually met already. Hi Darren. Let’s get to work. Don’t worry about what Mr. Lancaster says, I leave the whips and chains at home," and laughed.

"Well, alrighty then. You’re in good hands, Darren, and again, welcome aboard."

"I guess I won the lottery getting you, Darren," Mary said as she started walking down the aisle.

"I don’t know about that, but I’ll bet Cheryl’s going to be mad," he said.

Mary couldn’t help laughing. "Oh, you’re a perceptive one. I like that. Don’t worry. It’s all in good fun. We’re actually very good friends. We live in the same neighborhood."

"Okay, I’ll make a mental note of that. Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"What’s the deal with the teams? What team are we on?"

"Well, Darren…," she said and paused as a smirk appeared on her face. "That’s two questions," she said, laughing.


"I’m just messing with you. The teams are the groups that we work in. Each team represents a different area of the corporation’s divisions or entities. We’re on the book publishing team, which is the bread and butter of the business. Our communications team acts as a public relations. We work closely with the marketing team for the same area, book publishing. We handle all inquiries regarding the book publishing business. Usually, it’s journalists, but not always. Sometimes it’s students doing studies or reports. Sometimes it’s lawyers. God, I hate those!" she said and laughed.

"Okay. I guess that makes sense. So, there’s like a print advertising team and a… hmmm… catalogs team and…," he started to say.

"Well, aren’t you the smart one? Yeah, you catch on quickly. Sounds like you did your homework about the company before getting the job," Mary said.

Darren blushed. "Yeah, my mom made me research the company."

"Well, good for you. Most kids… sorry… much of the younger generation is lazy. They think they should get a job just because they want it and 'deserve' to have it," Mary said, using air quotes when she said, "deserve".

"Oh my God, I know exactly what you mean. When I was in college, I ran into that all the time. It drove me crazy, especially when I had to do group or partner projects."

"Well, here we are. This will be your cubicle. Now let’s see," she said and started looking around for something. "Damnit… I mean… dang it," she said and giggled. "I don’t see the IT folder. Grrr. Hang on, be right with you," and she turned around and walked into the next cubicle.

"June? June. I’m sorry, it seems the IT guys didn’t leave the folder for the cubicle. Would you mind showing Darren the ropes on the software and access?"

"Sure, Mary. Is Darren that cute new guy?" June asked.

Mary cleared her throat, pointed to the adjacent cubicle wall, and mouthed, "He’s right there."

June blushed as Mary said, "Darren. Come on over here. I’m going to have you work with June. She’ll show you the ropes. In the meantime, I may have to break out the whips and chains on the IT guys," and giggled as Darren appeared.

"Uh-oh. Someone’s in trouble. Hey, I thought you said you left those at home," Darren said.

"Oops! I may have fibbed… just a little," Mary said, smiling. "So, Darren, this is June. June, this is Darren."

"Hi, June."

"Hi, Darren," June said, smiling brightly. "Oh, I know it’ll be a little crowded, but… can you bring your chair over? We’ll need to work side by side."

"Sure. Be right back," he said.

June said, "Okay, I’ll try not to miss you while you’re gone," and giggled, then looked at Mary and mouthed, "Wowsa."

Mary smiled and waved her finger back and forth at her. Darren rolled his chair over and Mary got out of the way.

"Okay, now you two be good. Don’t make me bring those whips and chains back here after I’m done with IT," Mary said and giggled.

"Yes, Mom," June said sarcastically, and rolled her eyes. She looked at Darren as he sat in his chair and rolled it over beside her. "She sure is in a good mood for some reason," she said, laughing.

"She seems so nice. Everyone seems so nice, really."

‘To YOU! Can’t imagine why that is,’ June thought.

"So, anyway, when you start work, you have to login to the network. That’s what was missing in your cubicle. Obviously, I’m already logged in. Once you’re logged in, you can access any of the applications you need. I need to warn you though. This is different than your home computer. None of the apps are on your computer here. They all run off of the server, so they take a lot longer to start up and load. The things you’ll always need running are email and the corporate chat."

"Why do you have chat if you have email?" Darren asked.

"Well, chat’s quicker and less formal. Kind of like text. Plus, we use it for interoffice personal things too. So, for instance… let’s say you’re working on a project for like… umm… Cambell’s, they’re a big client of ours. We had a discussion in our team meeting about the account, but you couldn’t remember a specific detail. I could send a chat… text to Mary and say, ‘Mary, what was the name of that guy from Cambell’s in charge of the Downing book?’ She could then instantly send you a chat back with the info. On the other hand, emails tend to get ignored and take a while before you get a response. Does that make sense?," June said. Then she laughed and said, "People send a lot of jokes in chat too."

"Oh, okay. I guess that makes sense."

Suddenly, her computer chirped and a chat message popped up. He immediately recognized Cheryl’s face in the top of the message. "Hey, June. Have you met that new guy? OMG! What a hunk and he’s got a big one. Make sure you give him a hug!"

"Oh shit," June said and quickly dismissed the message and turned red in the face. "Sorry about that."

Darren laughed as he felt his cock tingle. "Um, yeah. I met Cheryl. She gives good hugs."

June looked at Darren, and then they both started laughing.

"Umm… Cheryl’s a real character, but she can be… umm… A little outlandish, if you know what I mean," June said, giggling.

"Yeah, I kind of got that impression," Darren said. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure. I mean, that’s why I’m here, right?"

"When I met Cheryl this morning, she made a big point of showing me… what did she call it? Oh, yeah… an anklet. It was a bracelet, but she had it on her ankle. What’s up with that?"

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June turned red and looked at Darren wide-eyed. "Seriously? You don’t know what that is or means? Oh my God," June said and laughed.

"What? Did I say something funny? I don’t understand why she wears a bracelet on her ankle."

"How old are you, Darren?"

"Twenty-two. Why?"

"…and you seriously don’t know what that means?"

Darren looked completely confused. "Um… no. What does it mean?"

"You know, Cheryl is married, right?"

"Um, I mean. I guess. She didn’t tell me, but I kind of thought she was. Why?"

"Oh, God. I can’t believe I have to explain this to you," June said, and took a long, deep breath.

"When a married woman wears an anklet, it means she’s… she’s a hot wife," she said, turning red again.

"Hot wife? So, she’s really pretty, like she is, and married. Is that what you mean?"

"Well, yes and no. It means that even though she’s married… she’s available."

"What? Available? How can she be available if she’s married?"

June was getting exasperated with Darren’s naivety. She blew out a long breath and said tersely, "She fucks men who aren’t her husband. Get it? Apparently, she’s got the hots for you."

Darren’s cock got immediately hard at what June explained. "Really? You’re serious. Married women really do that?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yes, it’s true. They do. Some with their husband’s permission and some without."

"Holy crap. I had no idea."

"Oh my God. Well, she’s right about one thing. That’s for sure," June said with her eyes wide.

"What are you talking about?" Darren asked, completely confused.

June pointed her finger right at Darren’s tented pants. "You’re huge. Holy shit!"

"Oh shit. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, June," he said, and quickly covered his cock with both of his hands.

June reached over with her left hand and placed it over his hands, and said, "Just so you know…," and then pointed at her empty ring finger, "I’m single. I’m not married," and looked right into Darren’s eyes with a huge grin on her face.

"Okay," was all he could say.

"Here we go, kids," Mary interrupted their intimate moment. "I got the IT stuff. Let’s get you locked and loaded, Darren," she continued as June quickly removed her hand from Darren’s. "Come over here to your cube. You’re stuck with me now. Thank you for your help, June."

"My pleasure," June said, smiling. "Darren, I’m right here if you need a hand… with anything. Okay?"

"Um, yeah. Thanks, June," he said, ensuring he kept his hands over his crotch, he rolled his chair back to his cubicle with Mary.

June pulled up Cheryl’s message and replied, "Jesus H. Christ, Cheryl. He was in my cubicle with me when you sent this! But I can confirm. He’s fucking huge!!! Make my panties sweat. OMG!!!"

Mary worked with Darren to get him logged into the network. Showed him how to open the email and his login for that. Then the corporate chat.

"Now any of the other programs, you don’t need a login for as long as you’re logged into the network. All the Microsoft Office applications have site licenses and whatnot. Please don’t keep this documented login paper here or accessible to anyone else. Make sure to memorize your network, email, and chat logins for easy access. You wouldn’t want anyone logging in as you and… well… you know. Whatever they want in your name. Okay?"

"Okay, I got it," Darren said.

"Oh my, it’s almost lunch time. Let’s stop her for now and pick up after lunch. Okay, Darren?"

"Yeah, okay."

"Oh, lunch is an hour. So see you at one."

"Okay, see you then. Thanks, Mary."

Darren leaned back in his chair. He still kept a hand over his crotch, because he was semi-erect. It couldn’t be helped due to the close contact with Mary. Several times, her big boobs rubbed against the back of his neck when she leaned over, showing him something. Sometimes her boobs rubbed against his shoulder.

He closed his eyes as his mind screamed, ‘God. Stop it!’

"So, Darren, got any plans for lunch?" he heard June ask, startling him.

He straightened up in his chair and opened his eyes to see June standing inside his cubicle smiling at him.

He looked at her with new eyes now that he saw her standing. "Um. No, I’m just going to eat my PB&J sandwiches," he felt his cock reacting as he realized how pretty she was.

"Wow. PB&J? I haven’t had one of those in years," she giggled.

He shrugged his shoulders as he cursed his cock under his breath.

"Do you like lasagna?" she asked with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah, I love lasagna. My mom makes the best lasagna. I haven’t had it in a long time, though," he said, pouting.

"Ahhh, well, I have plenty at my place. It’s just ten minutes away. Care to join me?"

"At your place?" he asked, shocked at the invitation.

"Yeah, it's just a few miles away. Come on. I know you want some… lasagna. I can see it in your… eyes. Wait… are you drooling?" she said teasingly as she stepped up to him and used her thumb to wipe the corner of his mouth, even though he wasn’t actually drooling.

"I… You’re sure you want to…,"

"Oh, I’m sure I want to share my lasagna. Come on, let’s go," she said, grabbing his hand from his crotch and tugging him up.

"Okay. Mmm, lasagna."

"I’ll say… mmmmm. It might not be like your mother’s, but I promise you will love it," she said as she ducked into her cubicle and grabbed her purse. "You ready?"

"Yeah," he said, quickly averting his eyes from her ass.

After climbing three flights of stairs and halfway down a hall, she pulled out her keys and unlocked her apartment. "I hope it’s not too messy for you," she said, walking in. "Come on in and make yourself at home. I wasn’t expecting to have company, but I’m sure it’ll be fine if you keep your eyes closed."

He chuckled as he entered behind her, closed the door, and walked inside. The apartment looked a little older than his, but it was bigger and even had a bedroom. He was a little anxious, as he’d never been in a girl’s place before. He wasn’t sure what to do as he stood there and June walked into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" she asked, looking at him quizzically.

"Nothing. Did you need me to do something?" he asked shyly.

"Yes, take your clothes off and lie on the table," she said, laughing.


"I’m kidding, Darren. Kidding… well, sort of… I mean… if you want to, be my guest," she said, realizing how naive he was.

"Make yourself at home while I pop this leftover lasagna in the microwave. What would you like a drink? I have water, of course, beer, wine, and let’s see," she said, pausing while she opened the fridge. "Oh, orange juice, apple juice, and milk. What’s your pleasure, Darren?"

His eyes were again drawn to her ass, the material of her skirt perfectly outlined it. "Um, I’ll have whatever you’re having," he said shyly, and walked over to the counter facing the galley kitchen, hoping to hide his growing arousal.

"I think I’ll have a beer," she said as she placed two helpings of lasagna on a plate.

"Okay. I like your apartment. It’s much bigger than mine," he said.

"Oh, honey. I don’t think anyone’s is bigger than yours," she said, giggling, making him turn red. "Oh, you mean my apartment. Silly me. Geez, what kind of apartment do you have? Mine’s not that big at all."

"A studio apartment? It’s like all one room. Well, except the bathroom."

"Oh, I see. That makes sense now," she said and giggled before adding, "I dated a guy who lived in a studio apartment. He didn’t tell me he had a roommate before he brought me home with him. Awkward!" she said, laughing.

Darren laughed hesitantly, because he wasn’t sure what she meant.

"Oh, lighten up, Darren," she said, giggling as she set the timer on the microwave. "I’ll bet you’ve had plenty of girlfriends, and they’re probably still lined up for you, right?" she said, looking questioningly at him.

"Huh? No," he said, blushing.

"No? Now what? That you don’t have a girlfriend or no, they’re not lined up for you?"

He stared at the counter before replying, "Um… both," reluctantly.

She cracked open a beer and slid it across the counter for him, and as she opened another, said, "I don’t believe that. Seriously? You? That can’t be true."

He turned a deeper red and continued staring at the counter.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend, Darren?"

He glanced up at her and slowly shook his head back and forth.

"No way. That can’t be true. Have you seen yourself in the mirror, honey?"

"What do you mean? Of course, I’ve seen myself in the mirror… like every day."

She giggled again at his naivety. "No silly, I mean… you’re gorgeous and… Cheryl is right. You’re huge," she said with a big grin.

Darren turned red again and felt his cock started to swell again. He couldn’t believe all these women would stare at it and talk about it. His mom told him he should never show or talk about it with anyone.

"You do know that, don’t you?" she asked.

He shrugged his shoulders, not knowing what to say.

"Well, you are and you should be proud of it. Where do you want to eat? At the counter or the kitchen table?"

"Wherever you want to," he answered.

"You’re so easy to get along with, Darren. Can I keep you?" she said smiling broadly and winked at him.

"That smells really good," he said, inhaling deeply through his nostrils.

"Thank you. We’ll see how it stacks up to your mother’s in a moment," she said.

"There we go. I’m starving," she said as the microwave beeped.

Darren stood up and walked around the counter as June put one of the pieces of lasagna on a separate plate. "That smells soooo good," he repeated, smiling at June. She had a look in her eyes that he’d not seen before.

She reached around his waist, stood on her tiptoes, and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks, sweetie. I hope you like it."

It caught him by surprise, no girl, except his mom, had ever kissed him. He blushed and then felt the blood rushing down below. Scared, he quickly grabbed a plate, walked to the table, and sat down.

"Uh-oh. I hope I didn’t scare you off," she said, giggling. "You didn’t even take a fork."

He glanced over to her, worried that she’d see his boner under the table from there. He watched as she grabbed both forks and her plate in one hand and her beer in the other. He felt foolish, realizing he forgot his beer too.

She must have seen it in his eyes and said, "I’ll get your beer too," as she set her things down on the table beside him.

"Sorry, I can get it… you don’t…,"

"I’m already there," she said, grabbing it from the counter and laughing. She brought it over and said, "Here you go, handsome."

"Thanks, June. You’re so nice," he said, blushing again.

"You’re easy to be nice to. Now, try the lasagna and tell me what you think," she said as she sat beside him.

"Okay, here goes," he said as he brought his fork up to his mouth. "Ow. Hot. Hot. Hot Hot," he said, and spit it out onto the plate.

"Thanks, but what about the lasagna?" she said, giggling. "Sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I didn’t think it was that hot. Holy crap. I think I burned my tongue. Seriously."

"Let me see," she said, turning her chair to face him directly. "Open up. Open wide," she said. "Oh my God, it's terrible. I think we’re gonna have to cut it off!" she said with wide eyes.


June started laughing hysterically. "I’m joking. I’m just joking. Sorry. I couldn’t resist."

"That’s not funny," he said.

"Oh come on now. It was a little bit funny. Will you forgive me if I make it feel better?" she asked, giving him begging puppy dog eyes.


She grabbed his chair and yanked it so he was facing her, and quickly reached up and caressed his cheek. She stood partially up and kissed him on the lips. She felt him stiffen. She slid her tongue between his lips as she slid her hand from his cheek to the back of his head. She could tell he’d never done this, but finally, his tongue reacted to hers. "Mmm," she moaned into his mouth.

She pulled away from the kiss, looking him directly in the eyes. "Does it feel better now? Will you forgive me now?"

He looked shocked, but managed to say, "Yes," as his heart skipped a couple of beats.

She leaned back in and kissed him even more passionately. This time he kissed her back. She ran her hand from his chest down to his belt. He attempted to speak while attempting to pull back. Unsuccessful on both counts.

A moment later, she pulled slightly back and said, "It’s okay, sweetie. Maybe some dessert while we let the lasagna cool down? Do you trust me?"

"Uhhh… I… I think so," he said, reluctant and scared.

"Trust me. You’ll like this as much as I do," she said barely above a whisper, then kissed him again as her other hand joined to unbuckle his belt. She could feel his heart beating rapidly and his breathing becoming erratic as she unbuttoned the top of his pants. She pulled away from the kiss and then kissed his nose while unzipping his fly.

"Wha… wha… what are you do… doing?"

"I’m going to make you feel better. Probably better than you’ve ever felt before. Trust me," she said in a much lower tone than before as she lowered herself down. She pushed her seat back with her ass as she knelt before him.

He looked down at her. She could see the fear in his eyes. It didn’t faze her. She knew that fear would soon be replaced with pleasure. She reached up with both her hands at his hips as she kept her eyes on his.

"Lift that beautiful ass for me, sweetie," she said as she started tugging his pants down.

She could hear him struggling to breathe as he lifted slightly but enough. She pulled his pants along with his boxers down. She drew in a deep breath as the root of his shaft was exposed.

"Ooooooh. Oooooh, June. I… I’ve… I….,"

"Shhhh. It’s okay. Trust me. You're going to love this more than your mom’s lasagna. I promise," she said in a husky voice, almost foreign to Darren. "Ooooh my," she moaned out as more of his hard cock was exposed beyond where she expected it to pop out. She kept going, and when it finally popped up, it hit her in the chin. She gasped, "OH. MY. GOD!"

"Oh shit. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, June. I’m sorry," Darren yelled, assuming she was upset when his cock hit her.

She wrapped her hand around the middle and looked up in awe at Darren. "You have nothing to be sorry for," she said breathily. Then she looked straight at it and added, "It’s beautiful. Soooo big and beautiful."

Darren stared down at her in disbelief. He couldn’t believe a girl was holding his cock, and it was hard. So hard. His hands were sweating and started to shake.

When she pulled his cock towards her and opened her mouth.

"Are you going to…,"

"I sure am, honey," she said, and sucked his cock head into her mouth.

"OH MY GOD! OH, JUNE. OH MY GOD!" he screamed out. It was the most incredible feeling he ever felt in his life.

All he could do was squirm and moan as her tongue swirled around and around his cock head. Her hand started stroking him slowly up and down.

He started panting like a dog in the Sierra Desert as she continued to bob her head up and down. Each time she went down, she took more and more of it inside her mouth. Her cheeks hollowed out each time she came up.

"Oh, God. Oh, God. I’m… I’m… Oooooooooh, Juuuune!" he screamed as he exploded.

He spurts forcefully into her mouth. She started to gag, but quickly swallowed, recovering just in time for him to shoot another forceful volley. This time, she was easily able to take it and swallow it. A few more ropes with much less force followed until he dribbled out onto her tongue.

His body went limp and slumped into the back of his chair, even though his cock remained hard in her mouth and hand. She drew her hand from his base, slowly up, to draw all the remaining cum from within.

"Mmmmmm," she moaned out, then licked the very last of his cum from his tip.

Darren’s eyes opened slowly as he looked down at her. "I can’t believe you did that. Have you done that before?" he asked naively.

She couldn’t help it, as she laughed loudly. She looked up at him, and when she was able to speak, said, "Yeah, a few times before," and laughed more.

"That was… I mean… wow… like… incredible. Just incredible," he said.

She leaned in and kissed the tip of his cock, and then let go. "Is the lasagna cool enough to eat?" she asked as if she had just picked up a dropped fork from the floor and sat back in her seat.

Darren couldn’t believe what had just happened, and now June was acting like nothing had happened at all. He sat there with his hard cock sticking straight up in the air as June moved her chair into place, sat down, and started eating.

"Perfect. Are you going to try my lasagna or what?" she asked, looking at him while chewing a mouthful.

"What? Oh, okay," he said still in shock. He reached down to pull his clothes back on, but she reached out and stopped him.

She looked him in the eyes and said, "Don’t do that. I may want seconds," then gave his cock a little squeeze.

"Se… seriously?"

She shook her head up and down. "You okay there, big boy?" she asked, grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeah," he replied and took a bite of lasagna. "Mmmm, that’s good. Really, really good," he said enthusiastically.

"So you like my…. Lasagna?" she asked, pausing purposely.

"Yeah, I love your… lasagna," he said, pausing just like she did and laughing.

"Well, I love…," she started to say, and then reached under the table and grabbed his cock, "it too," and started to stroke him as she continued eating.

He continued to eat and moan and eat and moan as she continued stroking his manhood.

"All done. That was so yummy. I saved room for some more dessert," she said as he stuffed the last bite of his lasagna in his mouth.

"I thought you had your dessert," he said and laughed.

She stopped stroking him and pouted. "You don’t want me to have more dessert? Am I too fat?"

"No. You’re not fat at all. You’re really… um… pretty," he said. "Do you really want to… you know… again?" he asked as his eyes lit up.

She slid her chair out of the way and dropped to her knees again and asked, "Is a pig’s butt pork?"

"What? Oh my God," he said, laughing as she yanked his chair around again.

"We have to hurry though, so we’re not late to work," and started stroking him with both of her hands while sucking his cock head.

"That feels so good, June. Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop. Oh my God. Sooooo good," he moaned out and hung his back with his mouth hanging open.

Faster and faster she went as she felt his balls scrunch up to the bottom of her hand. She popped her head up. "Cum for me, Darren," and sucked him right back in before he filled her mouth with his seed again. As soon as she felt she got every last drop of cum from him, she popped him out of her mouth. She let go of him and quickly stood up.

"We need to get going. Stop lollygagging around," she said, giggling. Then she grabbed the dirty dishes and rinsed them in the sink.

Darren was still in shock as he fumbled around, trying to get clothed again.

She finished cleaning up, wiping the table and then the counters before he was done. "Ready?" she asked.

"Yeah, I’m ready."

They got back to work with only a minute to spare. They walked together back to their cubicles. June turned to walk into her cubicle, but turned back to Darren and said, "Thanks for lunch. I’m stuffed," winked at him and sat down to work.

"Me too, and thanks," he said.

Written by PA_Mike
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