Darren Locke still couldn’t believe he was now living in New York City, about to begin his first job with Steele Enterprises. As he went through the center of the three revolving doors to enter the famous Steele Towers, his excitement was palpable. He was ready to conquer the world with his fresh B.A. in Business Administration, but little did he know that today would mark the beginning of a new life at complete odds with everything Mother taught him.
The clicking of high heels echoed off the walls from the Calacatta Marble in the cavernous foyer. Throngs of professionally clothed businessmen and women crowded throughout the foyer and hallways. To Darren, even the air smelled of success as his head darted back and forth looking in awe.
The ding of an elevator drew his attention to where he needed to go. He started walking in the direction as he held up the scrap of paper in his hand where he scribbled his notes of where he was to report for work. "Third floor… H.R. Department… Room 352. Ask for Melanie Depps," he read again.
He looked towards the elevators again as he stuffed the paper into his pocket. He felt slightly overwhelmed when he realized there were two sets of elevators. Three more elevators were revealed as he got closer, hidden on the opposite wall of the hallway. As he stood in the crowd of impatient people waiting their turn to enter an elevator, he wondered if others were starting the job like he was. Probably not, he concluded as everyone looked like they were his mother’s age or older.
Another ding and quick movement let him know another elevator opened up. He turned quickly and realized he wasn’t going to make it on that one. He let out a sigh as he stepped closer to the queue for the next one. A pretty woman in a red dress and blonde hair in a tight bun on the top of her head smiled at him. He smiled back. Her perfume smelled nice. He wondered what was in the briefcase she carried.
The elevator dinged again. His mind wandered to an old Western movie to a scene where they were herding all the cattle into the slaughterhouse. He chuckled to himself as he suppressed the urge to moo. He let the pretty red-dress woman enter before him.
"Thank you," she said again casting a beautiful smile at him making him blush. He entered right after, the last one.
As the elevator doors started closing, he heard a man yell, "Hold that elevator!" He glanced between the doors. He saw a man in a fancy suit frantically waving his hand. So he quickly reached between the closing doors causing them to re-open.
As the man approached, it became obvious he was with about a half-dozen others. The man jogged the last few steps and reached out to hold the door open obviously for the rest of his group. He nodded his thanks to Darren but didn’t say a word.
He noticed the group was centered around one woman. He had no idea who she was but somehow knew she was important. She was an older woman with bright red hair. It was in a bun. Her face looked quite serious and almost intimidating. She was dressed to perfection. A pearl necklace matched her earrings. A cream-colored buttoned blouse with a hint of cleavage showing. The blouse was covered with a pinstripe jacket that ended at the small of her back. It fit her like a glove, concealing her large bust. A matching pinstripe skirt perfectly formed to her body ended just above her knees. Her legs were in flesh-colored stockings and her high heels matched the blue of her outfit to the tee.
Just as Darren realized the entire group would not fit in the elevator, four men quickly exited to allow them to take their place, confirming the importance of this woman and her entourage. The important, older woman entered first and her eyes met Darren’s without acknowledging him. She quickly turned around with her back to him.
He couldn’t help it as he looked down at her ass. It was so close to him and it was so shapely. Oddly, he felt a tingle in his groin. ‘No. No. This is what Mom has warned me about. Don’t get hard. Please, don’t get hard,’ he screamed in his mind as a whiff of her subtle perfume added to his sudden arousal.
To make matters worse, A beautiful blonde-haired woman entered next. She was much younger and wore a light blue dress that clung to every curve of her voluptuous body. She wore a pendant around her neck that hung down inviting you to look at the low-cut dress, exposing more than an ample amount of cleavage. Three more businessmen also entered that were accompanying the older woman.
The elevator doors closed. The man to the side of the older woman held up some papers. He pointed to something and asked her about it. The woman turned her head to look as she pushed her ass back.
‘Oh my God,’ Darren screamed in his head as he couldn’t help his growing arousal as she made contact with his groin. She pointed at something on the papers as she pushed her ass back even further, practically wedging his hardness between her cheeks.
Darren tried to retreat, but couldn’t as a man stood directly behind him. His cock flexed in his pants in arousal pushing itself even more firmly against her. The woman straightened herself back up and glanced over her shoulder at Darren. He swore he saw the slightest movement on the corners of her lips as her eyes closed momentarily.
The elevator dinged and then stopped. Darren looked and was relieved when he saw the number "3" lit above the doors before they opened. People started to exit and he quickly joined them, keeping his briefcase in front of his pants. He glanced back briefly at the woman after he exited, but again she didn’t acknowledge him.
Darren’s eyes closed momentarily trying to think of anything but his boner.
"Are you Mr. Locke?" he heard, startling him. He quickly opened his eyes to see the pretty red-dressed woman was addressing him.
"Um… yes. I’m Darren. Darren Locke," he said hesitantly, unsure why this pretty woman was asking.
She smiled broadly at him and extended her hand out. "I’m Melanie Depps. Nice to meet you. You’re quite early. Impressive way to start," she said as they shook hands.
"Nice to meet you too, Ms. Depps, and… um… thank you," he said.
She let go of his hand and said, "Just Melanie is fine, Mr. Locke."
"Okay… um… Melanie. It’s just Darren," he said.
"Okay, just Darren," she said and laughed.
He couldn’t help it and laughed too.
"So, just Darren, my office in down the hallway to the left. I’m just getting in and wasn’t expecting you so early. I need to get some coffee before I can function. Would you like some coffee too?"
"Uh, yeah. That would be great Ms… I mean… Melanie. Sorry."
"Okay, so the break room with the coffee is just down here. Come with me," she said, giving him another of her inviting smiles.
He followed her like a puppy dog and couldn’t help looking at her sexy ass covered in red. He had to keep his briefcase in front of him because he now had a full-fledged boner in his pants.
‘Oh shit. Oh shit,’ his mind was screaming. ‘I’m sorry, mom. Oh God. I’m sorry. I can’t help it!’
He was grateful as she quickly turned into the break room thinking he’d have an accident in his pants if he had to keep following her.
She still had that beautiful smile as she looked over her shoulder at him and said, "So, this is the break room," and then paused and inhaled through her nose. "I don’t know what it is about coffee, but… Mmmm… that smell gets me every time. How about you, Darren?"
"Ye… yeah. Me too. I love coffee."
She looked at him clutching his briefcase with both hands awkwardly in front of him. "Is everything alright, Darren? You look nervous. First day jitters?"
"What? Oh… um… yeah. I’m just not used to this. It’s so big… you know, this place. It’s my first job. Oh, you probably already know that," he said nervously and prayed that his boner would go away.
"I understand. It can be a little overwhelming. I remember how nervous I was on my first day at my first job. I was so scared I was going to mess up or say something wrong," she said as she grabbed two styrofoam cups and filled them with coffee. "Cream?"
"What?" he asked nervously.
"For your coffee," she said. "I gotta have cream and sugar," she added as she stepped to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of French Vanilla creamer.
His eyes went straight to her ass as she bent over, then quickly turned away. He thought he was finally getting control over his boner.
"Just black for me. Thank you," he said as he stepped over to the counter and picked up his cup of coffee.
She shivered and said, "Ew. I can’t do that… just black. I’ve got to have my cream and sugar, but to each his own," she said as she poured cream into her cup. She walked back to the fridge as she put the cap back on the bottle.
Darren quickly averted his eyes and took a sip of the coffee. "Whoa, that’s hot."
"Excuse me?" she said as she straightened herself up after putting the bottle in the refrigerator.
Darren’s eyes widened at her reaction as he looked at her.
She looked pissed, then her expression softened as she brought her hand up to her chest and said, "Oh! The coffee. Sorry. I am in H.R.," and then laughed.
Darren stared at her dumbfounded and confused.
"I thought you meant… well, something else," she said and blushed.
"Oooooh. Oh my gosh. I… Oh," he realized what she meant and then laughed.
"That was completely my fault. It’s just that I get… well, never mind," she said and cleared her throat. "So, since we’re here in the break room, I might as well cover the rules. We do have janitorial services, however, we do expect people to clean up after themselves. If you spill something or make a mess, please clean up after yourself. If you bring a lunch or snacks, you may keep them in the refrigerator. I suggest that you label it with your name," She paused for a moment and shook her head back and forth before continuing, "I know we’re all adults and can’t believe I have to say this but… don’t eat someone else’s food. If it’s not yours leave it be," and then laughed.
"People really do that? I mean, eat someone else’s stuff?"
She let out a long sigh. "Sadly… yes, they do. Believe it or not, it’s one of the most common issues that I have to deal with. I swear… sometimes I wish we could put security cameras on the refrigerators!"
"Wow. It’s that bad, huh?"
"You don’t know the half of it. Anyway, one more rule. If it’s before noon and you take the last cup of coffee, please make another pot. Don’t leave less than a cup of coffee in the pot. Oh, you won’t be working on this floor, however, every floor has its own break room. The rules are the same."
"Okay. Got it. Don’t be a jerk," he said.
She laughed and said, "Exactly! I think I’m going to like you working here. So, you ready to go to my office?"

"I guess."
"Follow me," she said with a smile.
Darren smartly walked beside her this time to avoid his wandering eyes and heeding his Mother’s teachings.
"Here we are," she said and opened the door to her office. "Hi Marsha," she said to the young girl sitting behind the desk facing the door.
"Good morning, Ms. Depps," the young girl replied smiling then glanced at Darren. "Is this Mr. Locke?"
"Yes, it sure is but you can call him Darren. He was here so early, we’ve already gotten past the formalities."
"Okay. Hi Darren, I’m Marsha," the young girl said and quickly stood up, offering her outstretched hand.
"Hi. Nice to meet you, Marsha," he said, shaking her hand.
"Any messages?" Melanie asked.
"Nope. Don’t forget that you have a meeting with Mr. Stern at eleven and you asked me to remind you about finishing up that proposal for the board of directors for your meeting tomorrow."
"Well, I’ll leave you in the good hands of Marsha, Darren. There’s a bunch of paperwork and such. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any concerns or questions Marsha can’t answer. Oh and welcome to Steele Enterprises. Here’s my card," Melanie said.
Daren took the card and stuffed it in his pocket. "Um… thank you, Melanie. I do have a question though... if that’s okay?"
"Of course, Darren. What is it?"
"Well… um… remember when we were getting on the elevator? You know, before we met," he said hesitantly.
Melanie looked confused.
"Um… who was that lady? You know the one that seemed like she had an entourage with her. She seemed like really important. Who is she? If you don’t mind me asking."
"Oh, that is Ms. Steele. The owner and CEO of Steele Enterprises. Why?"
"Oh. Wow. So, she’s like, more than important. Okay, thanks."
"You’re welcome. Anything else?" Melanie asked, thinking it was an odd thing for him to ask the way he did.
"No. Thanks again and it was nice meeting you. Have a nice day," he said.
She smiled. "Thank you, Darren. I hope you have a nice day as well," she said before turning around and leaving.
Marsha and Darren spent the rest of the morning doing all sorts of paperwork. Marsha was nice and pretty. She also had a good sense of humor. Darren liked her. When it was time for lunch, Marsha asked him if he had any plans. When he told her that he didn’t, she smiled and invited him to join her. She told him that she’s allowed to buy lunch for new employees on their first day with the company card.
They walked a block and a half away to a small Italian pizzeria. It was very good and they had a good time together. When they got back, it was more paperwork and then he had to watch an hour and a half long sexual harassment video. After that, another half-hour-long video about discrimination and inclusion.
Finally, Marsha gave him a tour of the place which ended on the second floor where he was to work. She introduced him to his boss, Mr. Lancaster, the department head of Business communications.
After taking the subway home to his studio apartment, he was tired. Although he didn’t have to do any real work, it was exhausting going through all that paperwork, trying to remember everything he was told, the new names of people, and the whole experience.
He was too exhausted to cook dinner, so he opted for a frozen dinner in the microwave. He knew his mother didn’t approve of those things, but she wasn’t there and he could do whatever he wanted for the first time in his life.
He sat alone eating his Hungry-Man Salisbury steak dinner, he started reflecting on his day. Needless to say, what stuck out in his mind was how Ms. Steele kept pushing her sexy ass into his groin. He couldn’t believe he got a boner. He knew it was wrong. Everything his Mother had repeatedly told him about... how sinful and terrible it was for him to get aroused and make his penis stiffen.
He knew it was wrong. How could he allow that to happen? How could he let himself get a boner and worse… to do it against the CEO of the company he now worked for? Then it got even worse with Ms. Depps… Melanie, the head of Human Resources? Now thinking about it, he was fully hard again.
He couldn’t shake it. Melanie was so beautiful. He couldn’t stop seeing her big breasts in the red dress and… and… her ass. The way it swayed back and forth in front of him. It was too much for him. He was so hard his penis hurt. He knew he shouldn’t but he couldn’t help it as he reached under the table and squeezed his hardness.
He quickly pulled his hand away, because he wanted to stroke it. He knew how terrible that was and what happened when he did that with his friend, John Himes. He shouldn’t have told his mother what John showed him. He couldn’t keep secrets from her though. She knew something was wrong as they sat on the couch together that night when he thought about what they did and got hard right in front of his mother.
She made him show her. She made him pull down his jeans and underwear and show her what John showed him. She yelled at him, telling him that he would go straight to hell if he ever did that again. She told him what that would lead to, and how it would ruin his life. She called John’s mother and got him grounded. He never masturbated again after that.
He finished his dinner and cleaned up. He sat on his little couch, his cock was still hard. He couldn’t stop thinking about Ms. Steele, Melanie, and even Marsha. Marsha wasn’t as pretty as Melanie was, but she did have big boobs and he swore that she was flirting with him. They got along so well and she was so nice and funny. As they were eating lunch together, she put her hand over his after he cracked a joke. He got an instant boner under the table when she did that.
"Oh God. Oh God. I can’t stand it," he blurted out and grabbed his cock over his pants and squeezed it. "I’m going to go to hell but I have to. I have to," he said, yanking his pants and underwear down past his knees and sat back down.
"Ooooooh," he moaned out loudly as he grasped his hardness in his hand. He slowly stroked himself for the second time in his life.
His phone rang from the pocket in his pants now wrapped around his ankles.
"Oh shit! She knows. How does she know?" he screamed and let go of himself quickly struggling to pull his phone from his pants.
"Mom?" he said with a shaky voice.
"Hi, honey. How was your first day at work? Tell me all about it," she said as he looked down at his hard cock moving about on its own.
His heart was beating fast and he was struggling to breathe. He knew that somehow his mother knew exactly what he was doing.
"Honey? Are you alright? Is something wrong?" she asked.
He swallowed hard and closed his eyes, as if just because he couldn’t see his boner, his mother wouldn’t be able to either.
"Yeah, mom. I’m fine. It… it was great," he said unconvincingly.
"What happened, Darren? Did you screw up?" she asked in a stern tone.
"Wha… what? No. I didn’t screw anything up," he said even more unconvincingly as he thought of his boner pressing into the CEO’s ass screwing up royally.
"Don’t you lie to me son. I can tell something’s wrong. What did you do? Tell me. Tell me right now," she demanded.
"I didn’t screw up, mom. I swear. I… I… nobody saw. I swear," he said almost in tears.
"Nobody saw what, Darren? Tell me."
"Mom. Oh God. I couldn’t help it. She was so pretty and… I… and… I… I got… you know… hard," he said in almost a whisper.
"You didn’t! How many times have I told you? How many? That’s the devil’s work and on your first day of work? All the money I spent sending you to college. All the money I spent for you to get that apartment and to furnish it and you did that? You better pray all night long for God to forgive you. You better pray that no one saw that. You better pray that it doesn’t happen again. Don’t waste this opportunity, son."
"I will and I won’t. I promise, Mom. I promise. I’m going to make you proud of me. I promise."
He heard her let out a long sigh. "Honey, you know I love you. We’ve worked so hard to get you where you are right now. Please, I beg of you to control yourself. Please. I’m going to hang up and give you plenty of time to reflect on what you’ve done. Okay?"
"Okay, Mom. I love you and I will. Bye, Mom."
"Bye, Darren."
Darren sat reflecting on his conversation with his mother. He felt horrible. He looked down to see that he had lost his boner. "Thank, God," he said as he bent over and removed his shoes and socks. He pulled his pants off and pulled his underwear on.
Darren remembered that he put all his paperwork in his briefcase. He retrieved it and pulled it all out. He started sorting through the items making a pile to file. He came across the benefits package, remembering he needed to choose his health, life, and dental plans. He smiled, happy for the diversion to keep his mind off of his sinful thoughts.
He filed away the documents in his plastic file and then started looking over the health insurance choices. He couldn’t believe there were so many choices. He had no idea that there were so many different kinds… HMO, PPO, EPO, and POS. Then all the different terminologies... felt like a foreign language to him. He was over his head. He finally threw his hands in the air. He thought he could talk to his mom about all of this. It would be a good way to avoid those other topics.
He was tired, so he decided to call it a night. He went to his closet to choose which of the five suits his mom bought for him to wear to work the next day and laid it out. He set his alarm, went to the bathroom, and then to bed.
As tired as he was, he couldn’t fall asleep. He kept thinking about what had happened. Before he knew it, he was as hard a rock… again. He’d never actually seen a woman naked before, but he was imagining what Melanie looked like naked. It wasn’t difficult to imagine, given the revealing nature of the red dress she wore.
He couldn’t help himself imagining her naked and stroking his hard cock. Faster and faster as he imagined her bending over in front of the refrigerator in the break room. Then he imagined her walking naked down the hall. Suddenly out of nowhere, he imagined Ms. Steele naked rubbing her ass against his exposed cock and he erupted. Stream after stream shot from his cock covering his entire front.
"Ooooooh," he moaned loudly still holding his hard cock in his hand as he imagined seeing his cum covering her ass and dripping down onto the elevator floor. "Oh God. I’m going to go to hell, " he whispered as he looked down at his cum covered body. "I’m sorry, Mom. I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist, and it felt so good." he said and started to cry.
After a few minutes of excruciating reflection, he let go of himself. He walked to the bathroom and showered. He brought the towel with him to clean up all of the cum that dripped off of him as he went to the bathroom. Then he went to sleep and slept like a baby.