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DiscreetOfficeServices.Com Chapters 11--12

"Sometimes, it's all about how you earn success!"

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Chapter 11...

The Present...

"Well, it wasn't my idea!" Danny's voice was a strained whisper. We were in his room with the door shut.

"I signed on as a fake girlfriend. Not to sleep with you," my whisper was just as quiet and strained. "I wanted a little vacation. Enjoy a wedding, have some fun! Do a favor for my nerd... For you. Have fun... I didn't sign up to get involved in a family drama." 

"How was I to know my mom would be so damned progressive? She never let Frank stay over with Hannah and they've been engaged for almost a year!" Danny stopped, took a long breath and continued quietly, "Look, I'll just talk to Mom and tell her..."

"Tell her what," I interrupted to ask. "Everything is a lie? I'm a fake girlfriend? As happy as your mother is that you brought me, if you tell her that it's all been just a joke! With her entire family here as witnesses? She'll go freaking ballistic! I'll be lucky to get halfway to the road before she starts shooting. You'll never hear the end of it if you live to be a hundred."

I took a long, calming breath and willed myself not to think about last night's 'Danny fantasy' driven orgasm. Thank God the light in the room was dim with the sun on the other side of the house. Even a nerd like Danny would have seen the blush I turned away to hide. Reassuring both of us, I said, "Look, it's only one night. It'll be awkward, but we can get through one night. Can't we? Tomorrow I'll find a way to get a hotel room like I'd planned. No, I'll have to get a hotel suite now because you'll have to come with me. You know the area. Find a hotel that has suites with two bedrooms and I'll handle everything."

"I don't have the money for a room let alone a suite!"

"I'm not asking you to pay. I've got the money. We'll get through tonight and then we'll have separate bedrooms. For right now though, I'll go talk to your mom. I think there might be one person she hasn't introduced 'Danny's beautiful girlfriend' to," I said, shaking my head in wry amusement. "Danny, I never thought I'd say this, but your mom is as bad as mine! She says girlfriend and I hear fiancée. If she starts asking for grandchildren, I'm outta here!"

Danny and I continued to stand next to his bed. Undecided about what to do or say next... Both of us taking furtive glances towards the bed Danny had slept in as a child. Never had a single-size mattress looked so small.

I took another breath and let it out slowly. Danny had eaten something... "You can change clothes while I'm with your mom. You've dripped sauce or something on your shirt."

I left and headed for the kitchen. That's where I found the women folk with Mrs. Greene. Spaghetti in boiling water... A large pot of tomato-based sauce... Buttered Texas Toast sprinkled with garlic toasting in the oven and Parmesan Cheese on the counter. An easy meal to feed a crowd. I took off my blazer in the humid heat. Amber immediately tried it on. She was ten inches shorter than me with smallish breasts and she disappeared into it.

"I guess we won't be trying on each other's clothes," she laughed as she held up a sleeve with her hand several inches from the end.

I was helping to cook by staying out of the way when Danny walked in. He was wearing a t-shirt that looked like he'd had it since he was ten... There was a barely readable Minecraft logo on the front from years of being washed. No, no, no... Not acceptable at all!

"I thought you were going to change clothes, Danny," I said.

Danny looked down, "I did. Clean shirt."

"Danny, I know you wanted to be comfortable on the train. I know you're home..." Deciding to have fun and to cement myself as his girlfriend, I leaned forwards a little to kiss Danny. Only a small kiss, barely more than a brush of the lips. Pulling back, I continued, "But I'm not going to be introduced to your friends and family by someone who's dressed like a ten-year-old child."

Danny stood motionless. Speechless. Amber wasn't speechless as she blurted, "Oh, I like her!"

Unable to argue in front of his mom, Danny schlepped out of the kitchen to find better clothes.

The remainder of the evening was occupied by Danny introducing me to one person after another. We answered the same questions over and over until Danny and I had our cover story memorized and seamless. But I was getting pissed-off the longer we were together! He was treating me like I was his sister or a cousin. He pulled away every time I tried to hold his hand! I finally leaned over to hiss in his ear, "We're supposed to be boyfriend/girlfriend who are sleeping together. Would you at least hold my hand you fucking nerd!"

It became cooler as the sun set but I had anticipated that and changed into my night wear, a warm woolen dress. A bonfire was lit and kept fed by the children to take the bite off the chill as stars came out. It wasn't long before people began leaving to return to their homes. That still left quite a crowd of people who would be staying at the house. No longer able to put it off, it was time to face the elephant in the house.

Danny looked like he was being led to his own execution as we walked into his bedroom. As soon as the door was closed, I laid down on the bed to stake my claim. Danny remained standing, looking everywhere but at me. Finally, he nodded and whispered, "You can have the bed and I'll sleep on the floor. I just need a sheet and a pillow." 

"It will be colder on the floor," I told Danny. In an incredible act of self-sacrifice, I stripped off the thick bedspread. I handed it and a pillow to him. Now that ownership was established, I stood up to open a suitcase and paused, "Ah, can I trust you to lie down on the floor and not peek?"

"I can't promise not to look under the bed at your feet," Danny laughed quietly and laid down on the other side of the bed.

I turned the lights off. It felt more private in the semi-darkness. I had no idea why I had butterflies in my stomach as I took off my dress. I'd taken my clothes off for so many men. Hell, last night I was tied to my bed as Sandra tortured me with hot wax. Remembering how my orgasm built while thinking about Danny... I shook my head to chase away the thought.

Dammit! Why was I acting like a schoolgirl with her first crush? If Danny was a client, I'd go to my knees and suck his cock without embarrassment. I'd swallow his cum without hesitation. I'd open my legs eagerly as his body moved to top me. When I felt his cock brush against my pussy, I'd reach to guide his cock between my lips to lubricate the tip. Then I'd put the tip to my hole... And then I'd feel that delicious slide as I'm filled... And then... I shook my head again hard and tried to stop thinking about what I'd let Danny do 'then'. Even in the cold of the room I began to get a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach.

'Stop! Stop! Stop,' I sternly told myself. It's only because it's been so long since I've been in a bedroom with a guy who wasn't a client and there wasn't a chance we could... I shook my head again. I was getting dizzy and it wasn't helping that everything was fresh in my memory of how I'd imagined it was Danny inside me, driving me to orgasm. His strangely muscular body for a nerd on top of me. His cock inside me, driving my orgasm to incredible heights...

Stop thinking! I yelled at my sub-conscious. Instead, I concentrated on clothes and, "Shit! Danny?"

"I'm not peeking! I swear!"

"I know you're not. It's just," I stopped in resignation. "I don't have anything to wear."

"What? You brought a ton of clothes! I know because I carried them."

"Well, excuse the hell out'ta me for not anticipating I'd be sharing a bedroom with you," I whispered sarcastically. "I thought I'd be alone in a hotel room. I'd planned on sleeping in my panties. I didn't bring anything that will double as a nightshirt."

Danny was quiet. Possibly imaging me in bed naked. Then came some strangled sounds that could have been his attempt to quietly... "Danny, I swear to God if you're laughing, I'll... I'll strangle you with my bra." I closed my suitcase in disgust and told him, "Oh, get up! Get me one of your t-shirts."

Danny's head appeared and stopped as his eyes cleared the mattress. "Ooooh, big deal," I told him sarcastically. "I'm in my underwear. I'm sure you've seen girls in skimpier bikinis."

"Yeah, but never in my bedroom," he replied, not looking away.

"Get...Me...A...Shirt!" It was getting colder in the room. I was in my underwear and the dumbass didn't appear to want to do anything other than stare at me.

Carefully not looking at me, Danny went to a dresser and pulled a t-shirt out. He tossed it in my general direction and I told him to lie back down. Taking my bra off I slipped the t-shirt on. "It's tight." It fit everywhere except… Danny was a slender guy. He didn't have the classical male 'triangle' shape of large shoulders and slender hips. He was pretty much the same top to bottom. A muscular top and arms with a very nice and tight bottom... Shoving those thoughts away I tried to stretch the material and grabbed a double handful of shirt over my boobs and pulled. "Don't you have anything bigger?"


"C'mon, you must have a sweatshirt or something."

"Everything is at my apartment."

"Damn. I hate feeling constricted when I sleep."

"Well, excuse the hell out'ta me," Danny whispered, mimicking my words and tone. "I didn't anticipate I'd have to buy shirts to fit your big boobs."

Not wanting to admit he had a point, I kept quiet as I got into bed and pulled the sheet and thin blanket up to my chin. The night was getting colder and this old house didn't have central heating ducts running to the rooms. There were two fireplaces and an oil-burning heater under the floor of the hallway pumping out heat through a metal grate. Now that the bedroom door was closed, they may as well have been on the moon. It was definitely getting colder in the room and one sheet and a thin blanket wasn't nearly enough. My nose was cold!


"Oh, God! We're not starting this again, are we? I'm not taking that Sex Survey!"

"I'm cold! I want to know if you have any blankets in your closet?"

"No. Wait and I'll check the hall closet. Turn your head."

"I've seen men in underwear before. Hurry!"

Danny kept his back to me as he rose and pulled his pants on. He had a really nice ass. I wondered if he had a hard-on. He returned empty-handed.

"All the sheets and blankets are in use."

"This is not what I had planned," I grumped as Danny settled back onto the floor. "I wanted a nice, warm hotel room."

"You think I'm happy," Danny grumped back. "I'd settle for a tent in the backyard. Grass would be warmer and softer than this hardwood floor."

I scooted and poked my eyes over the edge. There was a light on a pole outside to light the yard at night. In the dim light filtering in through a window, Danny did look cold and uncomfortable as he looked up at me. I could live with the thought of Danny being cold and uncomfortable, but I wanted that thick bedspread back!

"C'mon, Danny. Get up here. We'll share the bed," I told him and patted the mattress.

Danny looked up at me with open-eyed amazement and then eye-narrowing suspicion. "No."

My eyes opened in amazement. No boy had ever refused to climb into a bed with me. "No?"

"No. I'm not going to let you tease me."

Just then there was a quiet tap-tap-tap on the door. Fear of being teased disappeared and in seconds the bedspread was on top of me as Danny slid under the sheet. "Yes," he answered as I pulled the bedspread off my face. Both of us looked at the door.

"It's Amber," came a whisper through the door. "I heard you ask Mom if there was an extra blanket. I've got one I'm not using and..."

"Come in. Come in," I invited, wanting even an extra sheet if that was all she had.

Amber came in and closed the door behind her. In the dim light I saw a beautiful, thick blanket clutched in the hands of my new BFF. Danny and I sat up and the three of us began spreading it over the bed.

"I had to see it to believe it," Amber giggled. "I thought I was hallucinating when Mom let the two of you shack up!"

"We're not 'shacking up'!" 

"Danny, we're in bed together. I think that qualifies as shacking up," I told him, displaying feminine solidarity.

Amber smiled and giggled. I got the impression she did a lot of giggling. "I wonder if Mom would let one of my boyfriends..."

"Stop," Danny cut her off. "You're my sister! I don't want to think about you and... That!"

"Talk about a double standard," Sitting on the edge of the bed, Amber talked to me while ignoring Danny. "Boys are called studs if they screw around but girls are tramps."

"I know," I replied. "That's so unfair isn't it. Girls get just as horny as..."

"Oh, God! Why," Danny asked the air. Then he looked at us, "Would the two of you have your girl talk about studs and tramps and... And being horny later, when I'm not around! Amber's my kid sister, for God's sake," Danny directed the last whisper at me.

Amber laughed and, after wishing us a good night with a sly smile, left. Danny sat up and dropped his pillow onto the floor.

"Danny," I whispered. "If you get out of bed, you'll do it without a blanket." I was starting to feel warm for the first time since taking off my dress. I was ready to fight to the death for possession of the covers. "We'll still be in the same room whether you're on the floor or in the bed. Just lie down. I promise I'm not going to tease you."

The thought of trying to sleep on the hardwood floor without a cover decided him. With a groan, he picked up his pillow and lay down on his side with his back to me. "Jesus! How the hell am I supposed to go to sleep in the same bed with you while...", Danny grumped quietly.

"While...", I prompted.

Danny didn't answer. Springs squeaked as Danny balanced on the edge of the bed as far away from me as possible. In a single bed, that wasn't very far. For a while the squeak of bed springs was the only sound as we moved to get comfortable. I smiled. I knew what Danny was feeling being in bed with me. He was horny as hell!

Not willing to let body heat go to waste, I turned my back to Danny and stretched my legs back until the soles of my feet met warm skin. I sighed as Danny jumped in surprise when my cold feet pressed against his calves. "Shit! Olivia!"

I couldn't help laughing softly. "Oh, be quiet. My feet are cold. It's just feet. It's not like I'm pushing my boobs against you! I just want my feet warmed up!"

Danny turned over on his side to face me. My back was to him as a hand began massaging my feet. "They're like ice," he said, as if telling me something I didn't already know.

"Warm blood has a long way to go to get to my feet," I sighed, loving the warmth and foot massage as his hand rubbed my foot and ankle. My foot/ankle rub became a calve massage to my knees as Danny slowly, hesitantly included more and more leg. "Your legs are cold, too." 

I was enjoying my leg massage as fingers moved over my shin and a thumb dug into my calve muscle to stimulate circulation. Danny's hand made a slow, tentative turn at my knees to rub my lower thigh muscles. I was trying to keep my breathing even, wondering how far Danny might take this. When I didn't say Stop, after a few minutes his massaging hand began slowly creeping up to mid-thigh. When I still didn't show any signs of objecting, the hand moved on to include my upper thigh.

Butterflies were fluttering in my stomach as I wondered how far Danny might take this. I think Danny could hear the smile in my voice when I whispered, "Ah, Danny? That's a looong way from my feet." But there was nothing in the tone of my voice that hinted I wanted him to stop.

"Really? I hadn't noticed."

I relaxed, or tried to, enjoying the hand moving over my skin. Fingers massaged my posterior muscles while that magic thumb manipulated anterior muscles. I was no longer wondering how far Danny would dare go. I was biting my lower lip to keep from saying, go, go, go, as he continued to run his hand up and back, up and back the length of my legs each time moving just a little closer to my hips. The butterflies in my stomach began doing loop-da-loops as I began wondering if he'd dare to let his hand slip to my ass or dip forwards to between my legs. I was getting impatient waiting for him to decide when his hand left my thigh and took a different direction, slowly moving up my hip.

Sliding over the thin material of my shirt, his hand captured the high ground of the bony protuberance of my hip bone. There his hand stopped, waiting to see if I protested. When I remained silent, his hand left my hip to slide down the long slope to rest on my waist. I had my eyes closed, trying to breath regularly while waiting to see what other liberties Danny might take next. His hand rested lightly on my waist, ready to pull away if I objected in the slightest negative way.

Danny was so different from the men I'd become used to. Men who'd paid for me. Their hands never felt like this. Their hands moved over me as if they owned my body. Which, of course, they did for two hours. My stomach muscles fluttered as Danny's hand slowly moved down and over my flat stomach. His hand pressed into my stomach and I let Danny roll me onto my back.

All of this happened in complete silence other than a few squeaks from rusty bedsprings and the fast, pounding pulse of my heart. We hadn't said anything for many long minutes. I moved the arm between our bodies over my head to let Danny move closer as he propped himself up on an elbow beside me. His hand continued to move, curling around the other side of my waist to pull me closer to him. In the near darkness we looked at each other. I was hoping he'd kiss me. I wanted him to kiss me. I was ready for him to kiss me. He hesitated above me for so long I wondered if he'd ever kiss me!

If Danny was a client, I would have kissed him. But he wasn't and I'm old fashioned when it comes to wanting the man I'm with to take the lead. Hadn't I already done enough? After all, I was nearly naked and I'd invited him to share a very narrow bed. My stomach lurched as lips finally descended to meet mine. Something that had been clenched low in my abdomen relaxed and turned to warm water as our lips exchanged small, short kisses.

Danny seemed ready to pull back if I changed my mind. Resting both hands on his shoulders, I wordlessly answered his un-asked question by pulling on them gently instead of pushing away. Both of us deepened our kiss. Kisses lengthened and became more passionate. When Danny's lips relaxed and opened slightly, I opened my lips and our tongues met. It was a sloppy kiss at first. But we were quick to get the rhythm of who's tongue wanted to do what and when. I couldn't help the low, throaty moan of approval. Danny was a great kisser! To further signal my approval of what was happening, I rested one hand on the back of Danny's neck to pull his lips tighter to mine as his tongue became more possessive in claiming my mouth. 

Butterflies the size of sparrows were zooming in my stomach and my heart was beating wildly as Danny's hand stopped resting on my stomach and began moving slowly but with purpose towards my breast. God, my breathing came in shuddering breaths and gasps as Danny's tongue tip was run over my lips while his fingers counted each of my ribs until they touched my soft under-boob. Danny's lips were softly touching mine as I breathed out a long sigh as his hand claimed my breast. My breath changed to a low moan as a thumb slid over my hard nipple. Knowing I approved, his hand cupped my breast tighter. 

My legs were moving restlessly under the bed covers, already searching for the hard body they wanted between them. Oh, God! I knew I was already wet. My pussy lips slid frictionlessly in juice as Danny continued to play with me, circling his thumb over my nipple.

Danny pulled back until our lips barely touched. Both of us breathing heavily as we shared the same air. "Olivia, I..."

"Shhhh..." I breathed as I tightened my hands grip and pulled his lips back to mine. I didn't want to hear what he had to say, I wanted to feel what he did! Damn... Images from last night's fantasy lover were all mixed up with the reality of now as his hand tightened on my breast possessively. No longer just cupping but squeezing and fondling as my hard nipple was pinched. It was my turn to break our kiss as I whispered, "Oh, God!" when my nipple was pinched extra hard between thumb and finger.

Danny jerked away from my boob and my mouth. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you," he apologized.

"You talk too much. Shut up and do it again," I whispered, pulling his lips to mine again.

Instead of doing it again, Danny barely touched his stubble rough cheek to mine and I turned my head to expose my neck to him. I have a long neck and he wasted no time claiming the tender, responsive skin. Soft kisses and warm breath made me shiver as his hand moved under the bottom of my shirt and touched the bare skin of my stomach. The sensations of his hand as it moved to cup my breast under the shirt caused my gut muscles to seize and relax in rhythm to his kisses on my neck. I closed my eyes. I wanted to just lie here and enjoy the hand fondling my breast, the soft kisses and hot breath on my neck. My breathing was irregular pants combined with long, low moans and sharp gasps as Danny alternated between kissing and licking my neck.

Danny's hand abandoned my breast. Slowly it moved down my stomach. Before fingers touched my mound my legs were already opening wider in invitation. Muscles deep in my gut clenched tight, squeezing more wetness from my pussy walls as Danny's hand cupped my pussy though my panties. My arms tightened around Danny and I hissed a sharp in-drawn breath as fingers began rubbing and pressing panties into the soft lips over my clit.

Danny knew the anatomy but not what women want. His fingers were too rough, to soon. Pressing into my lips too hard. One soft whisper of, 'Not so hard' and Danny began getting the idea of rubbing my wet pussy lips the way I liked.

One thing that being a whore had taught me was I didn't need to be a passive lover. Even as Danny's hand explored between my legs, I began to take charge of our kiss. Biting his lip. Pulling on it. Sucking it between my lips in ways my clients seemed to enjoy. Unconsciously, I was doing everything that I wanted his mouth to do between my legs. As good as my pussy rub felt, I wanted mouth and tongue and fingers... My pussy wanted, needed, to be penetrated!

I was already anticipating taking Danny's hard cock. No, I wasn't just anticipating Danny filling me... I wanted him inside me! I wanted him to fill me. I wanted to feel his body moving on top of mine. I wanted to wrap my legs around him as my body absorbed his thrusts. My hips were moving under Danny's hand. Wanting him inside me. Moving on top of me. Filling me...

Danny weight shifted as his hand moved up my panties. Fingers pushed under the top of my panties. I opened my legs wider, almost crying out to tell Danny how much I wanted to feel fingers, something, inside me that my cramping pussy muscles could clamp around. Fingers hesitantly slipped further under my panties. Christ! Can't he feel how wet I am? Was he still worried I'd tell him to stop?

I shook as a fingertip finally touched my clit. Too hard! A soft 'hisss' of an in-drawn breath and Danny lightened his finger's touch as it circled my hard pearl. My nerd was learning... Two fingers slipped between my lips, slidding in my wetness until they touched my hole. Barely penetrating... Softly pulling and stretching my pussy deliciously. My hips moved to invite Danny to push his fingers deeper. Thrusting upwards, seeking more... And... I thrust my hips up again... I thrust my hips up a third time, not wanting to believe my ears.

Oh, shit! My eyes flew open, all thoughts of what I wanted Danny to do to my body were gone in an instant. I turned my head, breaking our kiss. My hand reached to clasp Danny's wrist, halting his finger's movement and trying to pull his hand out of my panties.

Oh, FUCK!!! Oh, no!... No, no, no, no, no... We can't do this! Not here! Not now! No, no, no, not now! Shit! Shit! Shit! God, noooo!... At some point my mental rejections became urgently whispered words as I tried to pull Danny's fingers away from my pussy. "... No. No, not now. We can't do this, Danny! Not here! Danny, stop... Oh, God. We can't... Stop. Please... Danny, stop! We can't! Oh, God! Don't..."

Danny was horny. It took a while for him to listen and stop fingering me. To look at me in disbelief. To pull his hand from under my panties, wet fingers leaving a trail of pussy juice on my mound. "Jesus, Olivia. What... Are you... Is this some kind of a game to you? The Let's Tease Danny Show? Do you get off on teasing me?"

"No," I interrupted him with an urgent whisper. I reached to prevent him from pulling further away. From turning his back to me. "Oh, God, Danny, I want to... But not here! Not now..."


"Danny! Half of your family is out there. They'll hear us. I... We can't... I couldn't... Knowing they're out there listening! I can't!"

"We don't need to make noise," Danny said, trying to convince me to go all the way. I felt sorry for him. I knew he had a massive case of blue balls. Hell, I wasn't exactly comfortable because everything below my waist wanted exactly what he wanted!

To answer Danny, I thrust my hips up off the mattress a fourth time and let my ass fall. Right on cue the bedsprings squeaked. "Really? No noise?"

Danny was quiet, absorbing my 'argument'. Finally, he let out a disgusted breath and collapsed onto his back. Which caused the bedsprings to make more noise.

I propped myself up on an elbow so we could make eye contact. Putting a hand on his chest I said quietly, "Danny, I said we can't. Not now. Here..."

"I know! I heard you," Danny interrupted me. Turning onto his side to face away from me he groaned, "Why? Why do I let myself fall for this shit!?"

Did he really think I'd been teasing him? Wow, Carolyn had really screwed with his head...

"Danny, turn over and look at me, dammit!" I hit him on the shoulder. I hit him again, harder. "I'm gonna keep hitting you until you turn over," I threatened.

Danny turned over but didn't say anything, just looked up at me in the near darkness.

"Danny, I wasn't teasing you? I said we can't. I didn't say I don't want to!"

Danny was quiet and then hesitantly asked, "So, you do want to?"

"I want to so much I hurt!"

"I know that feeling," Danny said, only half believing me.

Twisting, using my stomach muscles to keep my torso off the mattress, I grasped the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head. Tossing the shirt on the floor, I let my weight rest back on my elbow. Danny looked at my bare tits as I took his unresisting hand and put it to my breast. Reflexively, his fingers tightened on my soft flesh.

"Yes," I answered. "I really want to."

Of all the cocks that had fucked me in the last ten months... Some, a few, I'll admit I'd wanted inside me. The few that had a larger than usual cock. I'd wanted them so I'd have that incredible feeling as my pussy was stretched and filled. But even with those few I didn't forget that I was being paid to pleasure them by spreading my legs. Any pleasure I got from sex was always secondary to my making the client feel good.

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Most of my clients, I just accepted. Oh, I made all the expected noise and movements to convince the men fucking me that I was a bitch in heat... After all, most of the time it was still enjoyable sex. But that was just it, wasn't it? What I had with my clients was just sex. During paid for sex, my pleasure was always secondary to the client's. I always had to be thinking of ways to pleasure the client, not myself.

Nothing I'd ever done with a client, even the few I'd enjoyed to orgasm, had stirred up my emotions like Danny had. Nothing had been half as enjoyable as the feelings I had as his slowly exploring hand had moved hesitantly over my body. Clients touched me as if my body was something they'd paid for. Danny touched me as if my body was a gift I gave him. He'd been the first guy in a year who'd given a shit about wanting to make things enjoyable for me before taking his own enjoyment.

Danny took his hand from my breast and put both hands over his face, groaning, "How the hell can I go to sleep now!?"

I took his arm and put it around me as I snuggled against his side. Resting my head on his shoulder, I grinned. 


He felt me chuckle and groaned in resignation but answered obediently, "Yes, Olivia?"

"Now, I'm pushing my boobs against you."

"I know. Oh, Lord, I know! I'm trying very, very hard not to think about that."

"Well, you can't accuse me of teasing you! It's not like I was the one who bought you rusty bed springs." I ran a finger through the small patch of hair on Danny's chest and continued in a softer voice, "Danny, I meant what I said about wanting to and, you know, tomorrow night we'll be alone in a hotel room..."

"That's true," he responded with in a considering voice. "No squeaky springs..."

"No family to hear us..."

Danny's arm tightened to hug me, then loosened and I felt him moving... I stopped him with my arm across his chest. "Where are you going?"

"Sleep seems to be the only thing we can do. I sleep on my side," Danny answered.

"Not tonight," I told him. "I'm snuggled. I'm comfortable. I'm warm. You're not going anywhere."

Danny sighed. He seemed to do that a lot. "Yes, Olivia."

Chapter 12...

The Next Morning...

I'm not sure how long it took me to go to sleep after Danny and I had our erotic, rollercoaster ride of unfulfilled desire. I don't think it was very long. What I did know was that it was way too fucking early to be awake now! But what can you do when the father of the guy you're in bed with comes tap-tap-tapping on the door at oh-shit-o'clock in the morning?

After the knock, the door was opened a crack and a voice informed us, "Hey! City boy! In case you forgot, here on the farm we still got cows needing milking and livestock needing fed. Time to rise and shine, boy!"

"Be right there, Dad," came the chipper voice of the guy I'd slept with. Slept, as in sleep. Not, as in having wonderful sex, damn it! 

Me? I was not chipper! I poked my head up from the covers and tried to focus on the door. Christ! It was still dark! "What the fuck time is it?" I asked.

"Five-thirty," came the way-too-happy voice from the dark. I felt the bed move as my primary source of heat left the bed. Left me! I could feel the cold creeping under the covers already. A hand thumped the covers over my leg, "Come on, Olivia. You can help Amber collect the eggs and feed the chickens."

"Danny, the only chickens I want to see will be deep-fried, boxed, and handed to me by Colonel Sanders. Five-thirty," I whined as I buried my head back under the covers. "I haven't been awake at five-thirty since the night of my Senior Prom when Rick and me..."

"When Rick and you did...?" Danny asked as the sound of him pulling on jeans stopped. Danny seemed suddenly very interested.

"Never you mind what we did!" 

I yawned and stretched under the covers. Crap! I was awake now and I needed to pee. I sat up in the bed. When the covers fell to my waist, Danny stopped in the middle of putting on his shirt. I hadn't bothered to put his t-shirt back on and in the near darkness of his room, I could feel his eyes on my naked boobs. The cold air hit my nipples and like good little soldiers, they popped to attention.

"Wow. Now those are something I never thought I'd see in my bedroom," an admiring whisper observed. In some bras, my girls rest comfortably in 34DD cups. In other bras, made by different companies, they like to cuddle in 34D cups. Either way, I was used to men staring at the straining buttons on my shirts.

I pulled the sheet up to cover my boobs again, but it was too late. All thoughts of farm chores... His Dad waiting for him... In fact, all thoughts except one seemed to have fled Danny as he slowly moved onto the bed. 

"Danny, stop! Danny..."

I felt like prey being stalked as Danny straddled my legs. I leaned backwards as Danny slowly crawled forwards. Soon I was on my back with Danny above me. Hands and knees straddled my shoulders and hips. There was no escape except to try reason…

"Danny, you know we can't…" I managed to whisper before a kiss silenced me. Weight pressed me into the mattress as something hard pressed against my mound. Danny was lying on top of me, propped up by one elbow while a hand pulled the sheet from unresisting fingers. Moaning, I pushed my head up to return his kiss as his hand closed on my bare breast. When Danny's head moved from my mouth towards my breast... As much as I wanted to continue, I tried one last defense… As lips were about to close on my hard nipple, his mouth ran into the barrier of my finger. 

"God, Danny! Your dad is right outside the door," I whispered as I tried to pull the covers back over my breasts. Reminding Danny that his dad was waiting for him snapped the spell my boobs had cast. This time when his head dipped, I didn't stop him and we exchanged a brief, but nice, kiss as he let me pull the sheet up to cover my breasts. Danny sighed and started to pull back, but I caught his arm to stop him. 

"Danny, I promise I'm not purposely teasing you. But this has got to be the worst time and place for the two of us to be together for the first time."

"I know," he replied. Then he continued with more confidence, "I do know, but it's no less frustrating,"

"I meant what I told you earlier. We can't now, but that doesn't mean I don't want to."

Danny's smile was more natural as he sat on the edge of the bed to pull on his shoes. I rolled out of bed while his back was to me. I put on my bra, dug a pair of jeans from my day wear suitcase, and squeezed my girls into Danny's tight t-shirt. When I turned, I saw I'd had an appreciative audience, but Danny seemed content to only watch me dress. Danny gave me another short kiss and hug as we stood by the door before he left the room. I laced up my tennis shoes and... Fuck! There was a line two deep in front of the only bathroom. I didn't know there were this many people in the world awake at this un-Godly hour!

The two in front of me in the line were young teenage boys who acted like they'd never seen big tits squeezed into a tight t-shirt. I finally made it inside the bathroom just as I was about to wet myself. Ugh! Mom and Dad used the master bathroom off their bedroom. I'd grown up having an entire bathroom on the second floor of our house all to myself. Having to wait in line! Knowing there were people just outside the door listening to my pee stream hitting toilet water... This is hell, I thought to myself. Mindful that other people were waiting, I left after washing only my hands. Washing my face and brushing out my bed hair would just have to wait.

It was cold in the house. Going back into the freezing air of the bedroom was out of the question as I stood atop the grill in the hall to soak up the heat from the oil furnace. Once I was warm enough, I went in search of coffee.

In the kitchen, Mrs. Greene and a few other women were making breakfast in a quantity that would feed an army. If anyone didn't know I had big boobs, they knew it now from the bulges I was making in Danny's tight shirt. My mom would have sent me right back to the room to put on something 'decent'. I suppose my status as Danny's girlfriend exempted me from criticism. At least for the first 24-hours. 

Mrs. Greene took it for granted I wanted to leave the warm kitchen and go out into the cold to help Danny. Pointing to a line of coveralls hanging from wall hooks she said to take my pick. I looked out the window where darkness and cold morning air waited. 'The sacrifices I make for my nerd,' I breathed to myself. The coverall fit like a tent but at least it was insulated. 

Outside, my breath was visible in the air. Damn! We were only a five-hour train ride north of my home! How could it be this much colder? To the east, the sun wasn't even a glow on the horizon. There were lights on in the barn so I headed that way. Looking in the door, I saw Danny moving a cow into position to attach snake like tubes to her udder. He looked cute in his overalls. He saw me, pointed, and yelled that Amber was at the chicken coop at the other end of the barn. Like I gave a shit? What was up with these people? Instead of taking it for granted I wanted to be awake before 9am, they could at least say 'please' if they wanted me to do something. I went back out into the dark to find Amber and... Oh, God! That wasn't dew on the grass. It was frost! 

I found Amber, did what she did and as I carried a basket of eggs back to the house, I vowed I'd never eat chicken again! God, they stank. At the house I watched Amber use a water hose to wash off the rubber boots she wore. Looking at my once pristine numbered Jordans, I saw caked-on chicken shit. I reached my limit. I could barely put up with a line up in front of the bathroom. People listening to me piss. But mess with my shoes!? Oh, hell no! Never! Not to be born! I hosed my never-to-be-pristine-again shoes off. Wetting my feet with the freezing water, of course. Hauling my iPhone out of the pocket I'd put it in, I decided not to wait for Danny to find a hotel and started searching the net. I found what I wanted and after a brief conversation went inside the house.

"Mrs. Greene..." I started.

"Oh, please, Olivia. Call me Janice." I guess sleeping with her son had put us on a first-name basis.

"Janice, I appreciate your hospitality. I really do," I said. Then continued my carefully worded argument. "But hospitality has to bow to reality. You just have too many people and too few bathrooms." Mrs... Janice, started to say something but I refused to be interrupted. "I planned to stay at a hotel before you invited me to stay at your home. I just called the hotel, and I got a great deal. It's a two-bedroom suite and..."

"I'm going with her and Danny. Brie, too, when she shows up" Amber shouted from behind me, making me jump. What the hell!? Didn't anyone in Danny's family wait to be asked first? I'd planned on fucking in one bed and sleeping on the clean sheets of the other bed!

Amber did my arguing and reasoning with her mom for me. In less than two minutes, Mrs. Greene agreed that there was too many staying at the house. She agreed that I would be allowed to pay for a hotel suite. She also agreed that Amber and her cousin Brie could go with Danny and me. Between one eye blink and another Danny and I had somehow become proud chaperones to two teenage girls. Somehow, I didn't think Danny would be disappointed that we'd have to share a suite as long as we had a bedroom with a door and a bed without squeaky springs.

I wore the warm, insulated coveralls as I ate. The Greene family might be part Polar Bear, but I wasn't. The huge breakfast cheered me up. I think everyone was amazed at how much I ate. Mrs. Greene even asked how I stayed so skinny eating so much. I hate that word! I'd been called skinny all through elementary and junior high. When my boobs began to develop, I became 'the skinny girl with the big tits'. I prefer 'slender'. I explained my seeming inability to gain weight was just a genetic mutation I'd inherited from my dad.

I stood in line to reserve time in the bathroom again to wash my face and brush my teeth. A shower could wait until we were at the hotel. The sun was well up and the frost on the grass was melted by the time Danny, Stan and their dad came back to the house. In our room, I told Danny we were moving to a hotel. He only shrugged when I told him that his sister and cousin was coming with us. All he said was, "Bedroom doors have locks." Then he looked at me quizzically and asked, "Why are you still wearing the coveralls?"

By 9am, Stan was driving Danny and me to our hotel. He'd turn around and bring Amber and Brie later. After paying for two nights, I was never so grateful to enter a hotel room as I was this morning.

As soon as the door closed, Danny took advantage of the first privacy we'd had all morning to pull me to him for a kiss. A very nice, looong kiss. When I felt a hand begin fondling one of my boobs, I pulled his hand away while admonishing Danny that we had too much to do to fool around...

"I can't think of a single thing I need to do," Danny said, advancing on me with a determined look. As much as I would have enjoyed being chased around the suite. Chased and caught and thrown on the couch and... I shook those thoughts away and instead backed up to put a chair between us. Danny faked left but reversed to the right. I saw it coming and we exchanged ends of the chair. Laughing, I tried to tell Danny all the things I needed to do. Shower. My hair. My make-up. Unpack my clothes. Whoa up! Another fake and we exchanged ends again. Use my travel iron on anything wrinkled. Shopping at a nearby mall. Attend wedding rehearsal. And we had to all that while riding herd on two excited teen girls. 

"Danny, behave and I'll buy you a treat at the mall," I promised. Danny was horny, but he recognized the need to bow to reality just as his mom had. Especially with a promise of a treat. I nixed his suggestion that we shower together 'to save water'. Though undoubtedly pleasant, showering together would also undoubtedly lead to other very pleasant but time-consuming pursuits. Before I left to take my shower, I kissed him and again promised him a surprise treat later. He brightened up wanting to know more about his coming surprise treat. I laughed as I shut the bathroom door and replied, "It's something a girlfriend read about in Cosmo."

"I'm still not taking that damned Sex Survey," Danny yelled as I turned on the shower.

* * * * * * * * *

I breathed in the air of capitalist consumerism and felt myself relax. Surrounding me, mall shops stretched into the distance as far as my eyes could see. I was home... A simple promise of clothes kept my two, young proteges close. Danny and Stan looked sullen at the prospect of following girls around the mall.

"We're outnumbered," Stan grunted again.

"We're always going to be outnumbered," Danny grunted back. "That's why we've gotta stand united! Bro Power!" During the drive to the mall, these two had been moaning about how they and their male cousins were outnumbered by their more numerous sisters and female cousins.

"Bro Power," Stan agreed. "United we stand!"

"Back-to-back against the world!" I felt the fist-bump was a bit much.

I turned. It was time to nip this revolution against the natural order in the bud. Danny was easy. I decided to test Stan's mettle.

"So, Stanley. You seem very determined. There's nothing I can say that would cause you to change your mind? Dump your brother and come over to my side?"

"Nothing. Not a chance. Through thick and thin, we're brothers for life," Stan said in a determined voice and put his arm across Danny's shoulders.

"Watch me break him in ten words or less," I whispered to Amber and Brie.

I walked behind the brothers and put a hand on Stan's shoulder.

"Watch it, Stan. She's tricky," Danny muttered to his brother.

"Pffft! She's your girlfriend, not mine," Stan replied. "What can she do to me?"

"Interesting you brought up the subject of girlfriends, Stanley," I leaned in to 'innocently' drag my boobs across his back and gave his shoulder a squeeze. "Did Danny tell you that I grew up and went to a nearby high school," I walked my fingers up his bicep and across his shoulder to emphasize my next words. "...Just a teeny-tiny, little hop, skip, and barely a jump from where you'll be attending college in the Fall? Do you know what that means, Stanley? It means..." I stopped and looked at Amber and her cousin. "Word count, Ladies."

Leaning in closer to talk into Stanley's ear with my Triple-S voice, Soft, Slow and Sexy, I whispered, "I have girlfriends. Many… Hot!… girlfriends. Introductions could be made..." I stopped when Amber's tenth finger rose.

It took Stan only a couple of seconds to divine my meaning. His arm came off Danny's shoulder and was used instead to push his brother away. "Get away from me! Olivia, I've never seen him before in my life! I'll call Security if you don't leave me alone," Stan told Danny and left his brother's side to stand beside Amber.

Danny was left standing alone. Shaking his head, he fixed an accusing glare at his former brother/partner for life.

"Hey! Don't judge me," Stan said. "You heard, Olivia. Hot girlfriends! As pretty as she is, do you know what that means? I'm Team O for life!"

Stan, Amber, and Brie walked off chanting, 'Team O, Team O, Team O...'

Danny turned his accusing glare towards me, "You're a bad influence on my family."

I leaned in to use my Triple-S voice in Danny's ear. "You have no idea just how bad I can be."

* * * * * * * * *

It didn't take long for me to complete my shopping. I knew exactly what I was looking for. As promised, I bought Amber and Brie one item each. Amber selected a gorgeous little black dress that was absolutely meant for her. She wouldn't take it off and wore it out of the store. Her slender body, natural beauty and grace caused boys to stop and watch. Danny might think of Amber as his 'little sister', but sisters grow up and Amber knew exactly how eye-catching she was in the dress. She had all the moves. She just needed practice.

I just knew she was destined to break some hearts along the way...

Deciding it was time to get Danny's surprise I led the way back to a lingerie store that I'd noticed before. I announced that I'd buy matching bras and panties for the girls and they ran into the store. I followed after telling Danny and Stan to wait outside and, "Don't peek in the window while I buy that surprise I said I'd get you."

The selection was limited but I didn't need anything outlandish. In less than half an hour the three of us were back in the mall where the brothers were waiting.

"Olivia? Would you like a smoothie from the food court? Hydration is good for your skin," Stan offered.

"Not right now, but thank you, Stanley. Nice to know one brother has manners," I replied, not even glancing towards Danny.

"Suck up," Danny accused his brother. Looking at the small bag I was carrying, Danny asked eagerly, "So what did you buy me."

"Just something for a game we're going to play later."

"What's the game," Stan asked.

"It's called, 'Can You...'"

"What are the rules," asked Brie.

"First, a boy, like Danny, needs to know a girl, like me, who just happens to own matching black panties, bra, garter belt, and stockings," I replied, holding up the small bag.

Stanley let out a sigh. "What... What are the other rules?" he asked. Bless his horny, little heart. I couldn't have cued him any better to ask that question.

"Once the girl puts on all the things in this little bag, then every time she has sex, one item gets stripped off."

Danny looked extremely interested. Stan looked ready to faint and the girls were hanging onto my every word.

"Naturally, there's a time limit," I continued. "The game is called, 'Can you...' because... Can you get me naked before midnight?"

"But that's..." Stan stopped and cleared his throat. All three began counting the items listed on their fingers.

"That's four times," Danny managed to say. "Five, if you count each stocking as a separate item."

"Danny, if you can't make love to me four times a night..." I reached out and pressed the bag against his chest until he took possession. With a dismissive flick of my hand, I turned to walk away. Over my shoulder, I told him, "Then what use are you to me?"

Behind me I heard Brie whisper, "She did not just say that!"

"Oh, my, Gawd! I love her," Amber squeaked and hurried to catch up to me. 

Stan and Danny brought up the rear. "Oh, man," Stan rejoiced. "And she has hot girlfriends for me to meet!"

Danny would have made a comment except he was too interested in looking inside the bag.

Both Amber and Brie were on their cell phones before we'd walked twenty yards. If my timetable was correct, this story would be front-page news on the Girlfriend's Network in less than half an hour. Carolyn should get a verbatim transcript of this 'incident' before the wedding rehearsal. Operation Bug Squash was right on schedule.

* * * * * * * * *

"Danny... Oh God, Danny... You know we don't have time. Ooohh, damn." We were on the bed in our hotel room. Feeling the effects of waking up so early, I'd laid down hoping for a couple of hours of rest before we had to leave for the wedding rehearsal. I'd changed into the nightshirt I'd bought at the mall and to his credit, Danny let me have my nap. It was when he woke me that we had a delicious problem. 

Kisses to my neck and a gentle hand caressing my breast made the nicest kind of alarm clock. Unfortunately, "Danny... Oohhh fuck...Danny! You know we don't have time. All you're doing is... Ohh, fuuuck..." I stopped thinking as a shiver ran through my entire body from hot breath on a very tender spot on my neck.

"Danny, you're just going to leave both of us frustrated." I pleaded.

"Frustration never felt so good," Danny growled into my neck and gripped my inner thigh with strong fingers. I agreed. Fuck, I agreed, but... Mustering my resolve, I tried to roll out from under Danny only to be dragged back for more kissing. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck… Danny's hand was creeping up my leg under the nightshirt until… I think I actually whimpered in my need as his hand cupped my pussy. Fingers began a slow, circling motion, sliding my panties over my soft lips. Moving soft flesh over and around my clit… We were right back to the time where rusty bedsprings had stopped us last night.

Today, there were no rusty bedsprings… There was only a warm hand rubbing my pussy... Moving up my mound... Pressed to my lower stomach. Today, there was no family that would hear… Only fingers slipping between panties and skin. Oh… My… God… I sighed as fingertips moved over my mound… I lost all interest in the wedding rehearsal as a fingertip touched the oily hardness of my clit… It's not as if I'm in the wedding party, I reasoned. Fingers pushed slightly inside me, rimming and stretching my pussy before traveling back to softly touch and circle my clit. I was unconsciously opening my legs wider when…

When the fucking hand disappeared and Danny stopped kissing me! I opened my eyes to see Danny grinning down at me. 

"What…" was all my sex addled brain could come up with to say.

"Did you forget that we have a rehearsal to go to?"

"What?" That's when I began to realize that Danny had been teasing me!

"You son-of-a-bitch," I yelled and rolled off the bed on the other side away from Danny. Oh! I wanted a gun!

Instead, I settled for marching out of the room. I poured a mini bar bottle of bourbon into a glass and added some cola as Danny followed. After gulping the contents down, I pointed my finger at Dann, "You teased me! After all the shit you gave me last night when you accused me of teasing, you teased me!"

"Turnabout is fair play," Danny laughed.

"Dammit! I wasn't teasing you last night!"

"I'm not thinking about last night. Skimpy shorts showing the bottom of your ass cheeks? A tight top to show off your boobs? Just to get me to follow you to the Coffee Clutch! A kiss in the library… Sexy lingerie later…"

"None of that was teasing," I declared self-righteously. "That was... That was just harmless flirtation! What you just did…"

"I wonder what he did," I heard a quiet voice ask from the door of the other bedroom. I turned in time to see Brie give an I-Don't-Know shrug of her shoulders and realized we had an audience.

"Nothing," I shouted at the girls. "He did nothing! Which is exactly what's going to happen later tonight," I shouted at Danny.

Having said all that needed to be said, I retreated to the bathroom. Even without the teasing, this constant 'almost' was making me ache. I needed a cold shower. In the time I showered, Danny had dressed and left the bedroom so I could dress in privacy. I had my dress on and was doing my makeup when he asked and received permission to enter. I'd cooled off enough to appreciate, in a small way, being teased. Besides, I had a mission to accomplish. That cheered me up immeasurably. I had a legitimate target to let lose all my frustration on!

Watching me apply my makeup in the bathroom mirror, Danny observed from the door, "You sure spend a lot of time with that stuff."

I decided I needed more lip gloss and told him, "All girls are beautiful in their own way. Drop-dead gorgeous takes time."

I started brushing out my hair and asked a question I'd been wondering about, "How did Carolyn become one of Hannah's maids of honor? Carolyn would have been too young to run in your sister's crowd." I was looking forward to meeting this bitch.

"Carolyn's older sister is Hannah's best friend. Robin couldn't be here for the wedding and before anyone knew it, Carolyn just took it for granted that she'd take Robin's place."

"God! Girls like that..." I shook my head while tugging my dress straighter and twisting to look at my butt's reflection in the mirror. "Girls who always need to be at the center of things..." Damn, there are panty lines! Danny's eyebrows raised as I hiked up the hem a bit so I could reach between my legs to pull my panties down and off. Teasing in my own way, I tossed them at Danny and grinned as he fumbled to catch the scrap of silk. Smoothing the thin material back over my hips... Much better! "It's just so sad that some girls will do anything to be the center of attention," I said, shaking my head to get my hair to fall just right.

"Yes. I'm sure it must be very sad," Danny agreed in a dry voice.

Was that sarcasm in his voice? I shrugged and decided his opinion meant nothing at all as I checked the contents of my purse. I took one last look in the mirror. Amber hadn't been the only one to find a perfect ensemble this morning. Danny wasn't drooling but he seemed to like what I was wearing. The dress was a decent length. Nothing Danny's mom could complain about there. The dress also fit tight, hugging my boobs but without cleavage, while empathizing my narrow waist. It was sexy, not sluttish. Mrs. Greene would like that her son was dating a pretty, young lady. But she would never agree to Danny dating a slut. I felt I was dressed to Mrs. Greene's standard while I could still put Carolyn the Bug in her place!

Written by campusvamp
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