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Tribal Love (Part 3)

"Anna teaches the warrior..."

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Author's Notes

"Sorry this one took so long to continue. I have enjoyed writing this series and the Kismet series more than anything else I have written. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Remember, the Nazulu are a fictional tribe, but I draw on the customs of other tribes for this story. I hope you enjoy!"

He holds my face firmly within his hands and says something to me that I cannot understand. But, I do understand the look of worry marking his striking face. This man wants to be my protector. Others before him didn't care enough and I momentarily ache, before brushing those memories back to the dark corners of my mind. God how I wish I could express in his language how cherished he has made me feel. I will have to find other ways to show him.

I kiss his full lips until I feel him finally relax. The terror with the police put everyone on edge and I just need Kioko's strength right now. I need to be with him. His rough fucking was what I needed before, but at this moment, I need a different kind of lovemaking. I intend to show him.

My hands work to untie his cloth as we kiss. I have no idea if he has ever experienced a blow job before, but he is about to get one now. 

I break our kiss and gently roll him onto his back. I sit up and he tries to sit up too, but I press my hand against his chest to settle him back down. His eyes are so intensely focused on me. I don't think a man has ever looked at me like this before. Maybe we don't need words after all.

Bowing my head, I plant soft kisses on his chest, twirling my fingers in the darkened hair on his chest. His chest hair is fairly coarse, adding to his manly appeal. Working my way down his body, I feel him tense again. Damn, his cock is so huge. Big, black, and thick. My hand circles it and he groans. I stroke him from his base to his head very slowly. Deliberately. Sensually. When I release him, his cock moves on its own. I glance back up to see if he is still watching me. He is. Damn, his gaze bores a hole into my being. I smile at him before I bow down to taste his fat cock for the first time. 

Hearing him sharply inhale when my mouth covers his head excites me. I feel his hand reach into my hair and grab hold of my locks. I work his cock at its base while my mouth slides him in and out, licking and lapping. His hands twist my hair as I suck him harder. It isn't long and he loses his ability to lie still. Abruptly sitting up, he tries to maneuver me underneath him, but I wrestle away. Not this time, warrior. This time I am in control. 

I push him back down on his back and straddle his lean body, rubbing my clit up and down against his lower abdomen. Scooting down lower, I see the wet trail I left on his tummy. His eyes watch my pussy movements and he thrusts his hips upward, showing me his growing impatience. Goodness, he wants to fuck. My hand encircles his mighty cock and positions it at my entrance. His hips thrust upward again, showing his impatience, and stuffs me with his cock. I scream out at the immediate fullness inside me, freezing to adjust to his girth.

I am captivated by his facial changes. When he fucked me from behind, I missed this side of him. Now I can see him biting his lower lip with nostrils flaring. I am quite sure a woman has not fucked him in this position before. Patience, warrior! I begin slow undulations as my pussy adjusts to his thickness. I feel him everywhere. He reaches his hands up and grabs my breasts. Leaning forward I allow him to hold me at an angle that feels just right inside. Oh my goodness! His cock rubs me in all the right spots. Before long, I am out of control bobbing up and down on him, my ass smacking against his pelvis. He pants like a wild animal. Abruptly, he sits up and pulls me tightly against his chest. We are a tightly tangled mess of bodies, writhing against each other, thrusting, panting, gasping. 

"Kioko!" I cry.

He buries his head under my neck and his hands grab my ass, pulling me in tighter against his body. We continue fucking, rocking hard against one another, racing toward our mutual needed releases. I feel my tummy tightening. It's building. He cums first, biting my shoulder. His cum soaks the inside of my pussy. Then, time stops for me. I tumble over that glorious edge, quietly screaming in his ear, clinging to him for support. We slow our fucking as we ride out the tremors. Exhausted. I feel exhausted now. 

We untangle and collapse back on my sleeping bag beside each other, panting. His hand holds mine. I turn my head towards him and he looks back at me. No words are needed between us. We can't speak the same language, but our bodies communicate just fine. 


I awaken the next morning, hearing the singing of the women. They must be making the food for breakfast. I look down to find a beautiful beaded necklace draped in my hand. It is stunning! Bright colored beads of indigo, red, and yellow. Kioko did this. I know he did. Pressing it in the valley between my naked breasts, I smile. 

I would love to lie here replaying last night in my mind but feel guilty lounging in my tent. The Nazulu do not seem to indulge in such luxuries. They start their days early and with purpose - everyone contributing in their own ways to the community. We Americans could learn so much from them. 

I freshen up, tying a beautiful cloth around my waist as a skirt. Makena gave it to me and it brings out the colors in my new necklace. I leave my tent and upon seeing me, the women converge, touching me, kissing my cheeks. Mako appears telling me they have been worried about me. I smile and hug each of these beautiful women in turn. A family! We are all one family here.

Of course, I scan the area for Kioko, wanting him to see me wearing the necklace he made. I spot him in the distance, walking away with the other warriors. He hears the commotion and looks over his should at me, smiling. I wave before the women shuffle me away to eat with them. After we eat, I play with the children, teaching them the game of tag. Some of the other women join in. Honestly, I can't even tell whose child belongs to which woman. Never before have I witnessed such a sense of community and sharing as with the Nazulu. Awe-inspiring is what it is. It is unbelievable to find a culture unchanged by Western influences. 

Mid-morning, Mako leads me to speak privately with the chief. I have him translate my intentions to share with the world what happened with the police in hope of garnering support for them. The chief reaches for my hands, clasping them within his own. Mako says the chief is grateful. He then tells me horrific stories of what the police have done to several other Nazulu groups. Women have been treated with the most horrific disrespect. Livestock killed. Some warriors injured. The chief pleads with me that they must not lose their access to grazing lands and water. "You must understand, these are their ancestral lands," Mako translates. I cry for these people and promise the chief I will do what I can to protect them and their precious lands.

Our talk is interrupted by Kioko entering the tent. He and the chief have words, then he extends his hand to me. Mako explains there will be a community healing ceremony tonight, necessary after the police incident. Kioko has a special duty to perform in preparation for tonight's ceremony and he wants me to join him in the experience. He is tasked with capturing a specific eagle to bring peace back to the settlement.

A huge bird lover, I am immediately upset. "Mako, they won't, you know, sacrifice it, will they?"

"No, Anna. Kioko will bring the bird to watch over the ceremony, bringing peace and protection to the Nazulu, and then he will be released tomorrow."

Unsure if I should tag along on this occasion, I look to the chief for approval. He nods his head and his warm smile puts my fears to bed. Curious and excited, I accept Kioko's hand. This bird-catching thing is obviously important to Kioko and the tribe, therefore, it is important to me.

Once outside the settlement, Kioko turns and fingers the necklace I wear, smiling.

"Thank you, Kioko." I kiss him and his bright smile lights up the savannah.

"Come," he says, pulling me along with him.

I take another deep breath of the air unspoiled by man. The African savannah seemingly goes on forever without crude grey buildings in the way. The world just seems bigger here. We walk the grasslands, hand-in-hand, occasionally running into small groupings of dispersed trees. There are no thick tree canopies here to block the blue sky. I know it is the same sky as I see back home, but its color is more vibrant here. The animals are roaming in abundance today and I keep stopping our movement, pointing, wanting to know the names of God's creatures surrounding me. Kioko answers but keeps tugging at my hand, obviously intent on leading me somewhere else. 

As I study Kioko's determined face, I think about what I read about their beliefs surrounding birds. The Nazulu believe the birds are the souls of humans. After you have been reincarnated seven times on earth, you reach the glorious state of a bird, achieving the ability to ascend into the air. This is the only creature of air, land, and water and symbolizes the ultimate earthly freedom. This is a truly beautiful thought to me. Isn't ultimate freedom something anyone would love?

Furthermore, they believe if you kill a tree, you are killing a bird. My goodness, I am glad they will never see what we have done in America to our forests. Kioko breaks my thoughts with a swift throw of his spear, impaling some sort of rodent running along the ground. Eww! I am a little sickened by this sight, but try to keep an open mind about his customs. He swiftly moves to release the rodent from his spear and then does something even ickier to my eyes. He takes a stick and impales the rodent once again and plants it in the ground. I am not a hunter, but even I can see this unlucky creature is serving as bait. 

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Kioko pulls me back and we move behind a thick tree and wait. And wait. And wait. His smell gets to me. I can't quite describe it, but it turns me on. Beads of sweat now cover his body, maybe bringing out his scent. I reach out to him and stroke his arm with soft, gentle caresses. Looking down, my touch has the desired effect as his cloth tents. He pulls me close, mashing his mouth against mine. I move my hips, rubbing my pelvis against his rigid shaft. He thrusts against me, his hands cupping my ass. I turn toward the tree, thinking I might get a quick fuck from behind.

Surprising to me, he turns me back facing him and we continue grinding our bodies together. Oh my, he liked us facing one another as we fucked last night. He lifts his skirt up and I lift mine as well and relish in skin-on-skin humping. Oh god, this man! We grunt and groan in each other's faces as he maneuvers his cock to my pussy. Yes! Please fuck me! Then, he freezes, putting a finger to my lips. I don't know what has happened but don't move a muscle. 

He points to the branch on the tree - the same tree he was about to fuck me against. An eagle of some sort has landed and has his hungry eyes fixed on the bait. This bird has a bushy head and short tail, with grey shoulders and striking red facial skin, bill, and legs. Without a doubt, this is the most beautiful eagle I have ever laid eyes upon. I hold my breath, anxiously waiting for what I suspect will happen next. In one swoop, he flutters about the bait, and in one swoop of his own, Kioko has the mighty eagle by the legs. Amazing! It happened so fast! The eagle loudly screeches, flapping his mighty wings while Kioko holds his legs tightly. My heart beats out of my chest. 

I carefully approach Kioko and try to stop shaking from the unexpected commotion I just witnessed. He chants to the bird in a deep voice and the eagle settles down. Kioko has the bird's back against his chest, with a deadlock grip around his legs. I am not a bird aficionado, but I know an eagle's talons and beak can easily rip a man's flesh. Nature is what I am witnessing. The hunter was hunted ... and caught.

I stroke Kioko's back, showing him I am proud of his capture. He smiles, obviously pleased with himself too. We head back and he loudly sings songs of something. He repeats certain sounds and I catch on and join in his chorus. Miraculously, the eagle in his grasp has remained pretty relaxed on the journey back to the village. He seems to know he will not be harmed. We are met with excited Nazulu, upon returning to the settlement. They make way for the chief who leads Kioko to an enclosure of sorts made of sticks. A group of warriors lifts off the top and Kioko drops the eagle into the cage. I watch, hoping Mako was correct in that they won't harm the eagle. The Nazulu circle the cage, dancing and singing. Kioko stands back alongside the chief. Josh is in the middle of the scene, snapping away with his camera. 

Their joy is contagious and my heart swells. I cannot wait for the ceremony tonight. Josh comes to me beaming.

"Oh God, Anna. Do you see this? Your man captured an eagle for Christ's sake!" 

"I know, I was there."

"No? Really? You saw it! Tell me. Tell me everything,"

I see Kioko's warrior buddies ushering him away and then they turn and motion for Josh to join them. Another shining example of the inclusive nature of the Nazulu.

"Tell me later, okay," Josh calls over his shoulder, running towards the warriors. "My buddies want me!"

I grin, knowing what that gesture means to Josh. I am feeling a little tired from the excitement of the hunt and want to be my best for tonight's celebration, so I head back to my tent to jot down some notes and hopefully get in a short nap. 

I jolt awake when an exuberant Josh bursts through my tent. 

“Good, you’re here! I can’t wait to tell you what happened!” 

“What? Tell me!”

He plops down beside me on my sleeping bag and then pauses. He is literally grinning like the cat who just swallowed the canary. Clearly, he is excited, but trying to add a pause for dramatic effect I guess.

“Tell me!”

“I jacked off with one of the warriors.” His eyes widen waiting for my reaction.

I smack my hand to my forehead and shake my head.

“Josh! Oh my goodness. You what?” Surely, I heard him wrong.

“And I watched lions fucking about twenty yards from me!”

“What? Wait … back the fuck up. You should have started with the lions, now start from the beginning, please.”

“Okay." He releases a deep breath then begins, "I went with the guys and we did some kind of dancing thing where we hop up and down in the air, then we headed out to the pasture to tend the livestock. I decided to explore some and wandered off by myself taking some pictures. Lots of animals are out this time of day. Then, I heard this crazy roaring, so I headed in that direction, kind of creeping along. And I see this huge lion, like Mufasa-big lion, mount a female and fuck her brains out. He’s like ‘ROOOOOAAAAARRRRR!’ and she’s like ‘ROOOOAAAARRRR!’ and I got turned on. He was so dominant with her and it just turned-“

“Stop right there for a second. You are the only person I know who stumbles upon two of the most dangerous animals around, sees them fucking, and gets a hard-on. Seriously?”

“Hey, you had to be there, Anna. It was seriously intense. So, I lift up my cloth and start stroking, right?"

"Of course, because that is what any normal person would do." I roll my eyes, but he dismisses my sarcasm.

"Then, he suddenly appears beside me. I don’t know his name, but one of the warriors. So, he watches me stroke myself, and then he lifts his cloth and starts stroking his dick beside me. We just stand there watching the lions fuck and jack ourselves off. Crazy, right? It was so fucking hot, Anna. I have never experienced anything like it. Then, I came and he came and he walked me back here like nothing out of the ordinary happened.”

I just sit there shaking my head in disbelief.

"And you know they think they came from elephants or something. Well, let me tell you, seeing his big dick, I am not sure they are wrong!"

“Josh! First of all, that was so dangerous! What if the lions saw or heard you?" I shudder thinking about what could have happened. "So, you were how close?”

“I think about twenty yards. But, that’s not the point. The point is I had a hot sexual thing with a warrior! You know, they watch us. I don’t think we go anywhere without one of them trailing along making sure we’re safe. It’s kind of hot.”

“I can’t even think of what to say to this, Josh.”

He lies back on my sleeping bag sighing, “It’s this place, Anna. They are all so beautiful and the wildness here makes me feel so … so different. I have had a hard-on since we got here.”

I look down at him and can’t help but smile. He looks so damn happy.

“Just be careful. Before you say it, I know I am not one to preach given my own behavior, but I would die if something happened to you, Josh. As much as you annoy me sometimes, you know I really care about you.”

“Awww, thanks, Mom,” he teases. “I care about you too. And thank you again for bringing me along. Oh, and I did get some fantastic pictures before I got distracted. Maybe a couple of prize-winning shots. We’ll see.”

He rolls over to his side and props up on an elbow. “So, what’s the latest with you and Kioko?”

I feel my cheeks flush.

“Ha! You really like him. I love seeing you like this, Anna. He is helping you forget dickhead.”

“Maybe,” I say, smiling a little.

“Can I tell you something?”

“Even if I say ‘No’, you will anyways.”

“True!" He frowns before continuing, "I never liked him. There was just something arrogant and entitled to him. In my opinion, you were kind of in your shell when he was around too. I just didn’t like the way he seemed to affect you.”

“Interesting analysis, Josh. For a younger guy, you are pretty wise. I look back now and see all the red flags. I can’t say I regret him though, because he made me stronger. Surviving him made me stronger, you know?”

“I do know. Damn, I wish he could see you now, fucking that gorgeous warrior. I would give anything to see Kioko face off with him,” he says laughing.

I laugh too, picturing the scene. “This place has been good for us both, Josh. I am more determined than ever to help them now.”

"You will, Anna. Will you hate to leave?"

I lie down beside him thinking about his question. "Yes," I finally reply with a heavy heart. "I will hate to leave."


To be continued...









Written by KimmiBeGood
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