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Tribal Love (Part 2)

"Anna experiences the sexual side of her warrior..."

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Author's Notes

"The Nazulu are a fictional tribe, however, I included some customs from real African tribes. For example, the history of the elephant is a genuine belief of the Samburu. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you enjoy the continuation of this story."

I rise up on my knees, naked except for the beads he gave me. He removes his koteka as he kneels in front of me. His untamed essence shatters my senses. My clit is on fire, pussy dripping, and he hasn't even touched me yet. I can't help but stare - his beautiful black cock is so big. Somehow, I knew it would be. Kioko grazes the sides of my face with the back of his hands in the most intimate way. I am afraid of making a wrong move, so I decide to let him lead. I do smile at him as he touches me, trying to show I enjoy what he is doing to me. 

His eyes are so intently staring at me - into me actually. Without tilting his head, he kisses me with his full lips. Our noses mash together, but it doesn't matter. He pulls back, looking into my eyes, stroking my face, then kisses me again. We continue this kissing ritual for some time. There is no tongue play from him. I tremble from craving this man. His strength, beauty, scent ... all of it makes me dizzy with desire. One of his hands moves down the front of my throat, then stops, holding his position. Again, I don't move. He has me in like a choke-hold, except his hand is gentle against my skin. His other hand moves to the back of my head and he moves to the side of me, bending me, pushing my face to the ground. My ass is sticking up and he slides around behind me, removing his hands from my throat and head.

Before I can prepare myself, he plunges his big cock inside my pussy in one stroke. Oh fuck, he's huge. My pussy tries to stretch to accommodate him, but, he withdraws and plunges back inside again before I can adjust to his size. Fuck, I'm tight. He pulls almost all the way out and then thrust so deep and hard my face slides forward on the sleeping bag. I try to brace myself before he thrusts again. He is untamed. His rawness arouses me to never-before-felt heights. Right now, he is fucking me slowly, but instinct tells me that won't last for long. He releases a primal grunt with each thrust. 

Here he goes ... his fucking suddenly intensifies. Sounds of his balls smacking me fill the tent. And his grunts grow louder. Faster and harder he fucks. My tits are bouncing out-of-control with his thrusts as my beads rise up to smack my chin. I don't think I have ever been pummelled this hard. His hands don't move - just grip my hips while he fucks the daylights out of me. Faster and faster he fucks, with impressive stamina. Almost animal-like are his sounds becoming. I think he's about to cum ... 

I awake the next morning and he is gone. Was it a dream? The spots on my sleeping bag say, "No." I need to see him. After quickly dressing, I race out of my tent running smack into Josh.

"Whoa! Where's the fire?"

"Oops, sorry, Josh. I was just wanting to find-"

"Your warrior?" he interrupts.

"Yes," I say blushing. 

"Not before you tell me what happened last night," he says, pulling me back in my tent.

"I'm not telling you anything," I spout.

"Aw, come on! Just tell me one thing - did you enjoy it?"

"Yes," I say smiling. "Now, help me find him."

I pull him out of the tent by his hand and we walk around the settlement. Some of the women are busy as usual chasing after the children. Others gather firewood and water, milk the animals. Laughter and singing fill the air. I force myself to stop and take a deep breath, soaking in the atmosphere, determined to live in the moment while I am here.

"There he is," says Josh, pointing.

I follow his finger and see Kioko talking to Mako.

"See ya later, tater," I shout to Josh, forcing my feet to slow down as I head toward Kioko. Just seeing him, half-naked, sweating, stirs me up again.

I approach smiling and say hello to them. Kioko gives me a warm smile which warms me in other places. To my delight, Mako tells me Kioko would like to take me to see the elephants if I am interested. I think my jumping up and down squealing conveys my answer and I race back to my tent to grab my camera.

Kioko extends his hand to me and I take it, letting him lead me out of the settlement. When we are out of sight from the others, I stop and forwardly lean up to kiss his lips. He kisses me back, gentler than last night, but no less pleasing. We break our kiss and he pulls me along behind him, seemingly excited to show me his lands. I don't speak Maa, but he understands my excitement and pleasure from my gasps and squeals and excited swinging of our interlocked hands. Words aren't needed as they can't possibly describe the rugged beauty of this land and the untamed wilderness.

Then, I spy it - the Grevy zebra. Pointing, I squeal in delight saying, "It's the rare zebra!" He nods as I stare in amazement. He is actually on the endangered species list and is identified by finer, closer-set stripes than his other zebra cousins. On my, his ears are very large too. I snap some pictures and can't wait to show Josh. Supposedly, there are less than 2,500 left in the world, and I have just seen one of them. More appear and they gallop across the hot, dry terrain. Amazing!

Kioko's smile indicates he is enjoying my excitement over his home. I envy him, living beside such magnificent animals. Any given day, he can see them. We continue walking the dusty, open fields, with him pointing out animals. Ostriches roam in the distance. I am amazed Kioko is so comfortable with them. I had read ostriches are mean, but he shows no fear. Then, he crosses his arm in front of me to stop my movement, pointing. I see them - the elephants. 


A herd has stopped at a mud hole. Some of them have to be around fifteen feet tall. I can't move. I can't breathe. These magnificent creatures overwhelm me. I snuggle closer to Kioko, in awe of them, but also fearful of their massive size. Slowly, he leads me closer. I try to pull back, but he won't let me. Oh my, a baby. A baby elephant stands up out of the mud. It trumpets and several larger elephants immediately come to its side, caressing it with their trunks. I hear coo-rumbles coming from the older elephants surrounding the fussing baby. Their gentle compassion for each other will be unforgettable. 

I pull Kioko down to the ground and nestle between his legs, leaning back against his toned chest. I am unsure of how much time passes watching the elephants. I occasionally take pictures, but mostly just watch them interacting and playing in the mud. Several elephants look right at us but don't seem bothered. The obvious trust between the Nazulu and the elephants is moving. 

It breaks my heart to think of the Nazulu and the elephants losing their land to gamers. The ivory trade industry has killed so many of these breathtaking animals. This day convinces me more than ever of the importance of bringing attention to their plight. Kioko stands, but motions for me to stay where I am. Holding my breath, I watch as he walks directly into the herd. Again, they notice him but don't react. He places his hands on the smaller ones, stroking their large ears. I can't help but wonder about their legend surrounding the elephants. I read the Nazulu believe they are blood relatives to the elephants. The story tells of a young Nazulu girl who disobeyed her father long ago and their God punished her by turning her into an elephant. So, they believe all elephants are descendants of this girl and the Nazulu and elephants share the same blood. To support this legend, the elders tell each new generation this story, pointing out that the elephant shares traits of a human with only two teats in between its front legs. Supposedly, this legend is why they will not harm the Nazulu. They peacefully coexist. Many I know could learn a thing or two from the Nazulu. Watching Kioko with them, I can't help but think this legend might hold some truth.

We eventually head back and he joins some of the other warriors in the fields with the cattle. I spy Josh in the distance taking pictures - and his hair is braided - and red. I wonder if these people realize how rich their lives are - money can't buy the type of richness they enjoy here. To my pleasant surprise, Makena leads me to a blanket for an afternoon of making jewelry. I can't believe the intricate necklaces these women create. Again, the atmosphere is so pleasing to me. The smells. The sounds. It is hot, but a gentle breeze kisses my body every so often.

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Makena taps my shoulder and I see Kioko standing by my tent. With new jewelry in hand, I head his way, excited to see him again. As I near him, I see his bulge underneath his cloth. Oh my. Does this mean what I think it means? Yes, it does. As soon as I am within arms reach, he pulls me inside my tent and has me on my knees before I know it. His mouth sucks my neck as my hands lower my shorts and panties. I move away briefly to slide them completely off. In an instant, he is behind me again, with his huge cock pushing on my crack. He doesn't bend me over this time but enters me with us both upright on our knees. My legs are spread with his legs inside my knees. Once again, one hand is on my throat. His other hand wraps around my tummy. He has me tightly pressed against his body. I gasp as he enters me. And he fucks me - hard. We loudly pant together as he thrusts his hard cock deeper and deeper inside my pussy.

"Hey, An-"

Fuck! Josh barges into the tent. I jump, but Kioko grabs me to keep his cock impaled inside me. Before I can react, Josh turns, wide-eyed, and leaves. Kioko roughens up his fucking and my thoughts of being busted by Josh leave as quickly as they came. There has been no foreplay with Kioko so far, but I haven't needed it. I feel my orgasm build and two more thrusts by my warrior and my legs are shaking uncontrollably, riding the waves of my orgasm. His neck kisses turn to bites as he cums. He pulls out and I twist my body to kiss his luscious mouth. I can't imagine ever tiring of his presence. There is something so primal about him that makes me feel things I have never felt before. I feel stronger just being around him. He rises, pulling me up with him and lowers his cloth over his softening cock. I dress and he pulls me to him, bending to press our foreheads against one another. Then, he kisses my mouth one more time before leaving my tent. Oh my goodness! This man! 

I try to fix myself up a little - shed that 'just fucked' look. When I walk outside the tent, there is a tall stick right outside the opening with a sock covering the top of the stick. Josh! I snatch the stick and toss it back inside my tent, still adorned by the sock.

I barge into his tent wanting to get this over with. He glances up at me, asking, "What?" He is sucking in his lips to keep from smiling.

"Did you put that stick with a sock on it outside my tent?"

"I did."


"To keep anyone else from walking in on your warrior fucking you. Didn't you do that in college? Hang a sock on the doorknob to let your roommate know he shouldn't enter because you were fucking."

"No, I didn't."

He continues looking through his pictures as it nothing out of the ordinary happened. I take a deep breath trying to squash the embarrassment balled up inside me. 

"So, any got some good pics? May I see some?" I ask casually.

"Well ... you showed me some, so I guess I can show you some," he says snickering.

"Okay. How long are you going to tease me about this? Just get it all out now please."

"Oh, I don't know, I haven't decided yet. I find it funny that you were lecturing me about not crossing any lines here. Don't you find that funny, Anna?"

I narrow my eyes at him. 

"Oh, come here and sit down," he says, patting the ground beside him. "I'm just teasing you, my friend. I am actually very happy for you. In my opinion, this is just what you need to get over dickhead."

Smiling, I reply, "Thanks, Josh." We sit for a few moments before I continue, "I feel different here. I can't explain it, but I feel alive again. Optimistic. Happy."

He pulls me down by the hand and hands one of his cameras to me. "Look at your guy."

"Oh my God, Josh! That is an amazing picture! Look at the gorgeous background. And his expression. And the shimmer of his skin."

"I will print it up for you when we get back," he says smiling.

I bump shoulders with him. "I am so glad you are here with me. Are you enjoying this experience?"

"Hell, yeh. A photographer's dream."

"Good," I say looking through his pictures. "You are better than Ian, you know."

"Nah, I'm still pretty green."

"No, Josh, you are better. Just be patient and others will see it too."

Suddenly, we hear angry shouting in their language and peek outside the tent to see what is going on. There are men in uniforms climbing out of their jeeps yelling at the Nazulu. The chief is walking towards them surrounded by his warriors. I don't see Kioko. The women are screaming, with arms flailing at the men. 

"Josh, grab your camera."

"Got it," he says as we head towards the commotion. 

I look for Mako and make my way through the shouting women. "Hey, what's going on?"

"The police came and are telling them they have to leave this land. The chief is refusing to leave, saying this is their ancestral land."

One of the policemen move towards the chief and his warriors surround him with spears drawn. More shouting. Then, I see guns. My heart stops as I witness the police retrieving guns from their jeeps. The beauty of this place has just been tainted.

"Stop!" I yell, running towards them. I don't know what came over me, but I have to protect them. "I am an American and you should know we are filming you." I point to Josh before I realize that wasn't a very smart thing to do. One of the police points his gun in his direction.

"Ummm ... thanks, Anna," he squeaks. A few warriors move in front of him, taking a protective stance with their spears.

"Give us your equipment," one of the police commands, speaking English.

"Too late, he has already sent it live via satellite. I would imagine you would want the world to now see you leaving. Am I right?"

More shouting erupts between the police and the Nazulu, then a man, obviously in charge, directs the other men back to the jeeps. They drive away with the Nazulu continuing to yell. 

I had been running on adrenaline before, and not really thought about the danger, until now. I can't catch my breath. My heart is beating out of my chest and I am loudly gasping for air. Oh no! I can't breathe! Kioko is in my face, holding my cheeks with his hands. Can't breathe! Can't... 

I slowly open my eyes and find myself back in my tent, laying on my sleeping bag. Josh's worried face leans over me, "Hey, Anna. You okay, girl? Damn, you scared me."

"Whaaa ... what happened," I ask, groggily.

"You hyperventilated and passed out," he says wiping my damp hair from my sweaty face.

I glance to my left to see Kioko towering over me.

"Umm, he hasn't left your side," Josh says. "I am going to go see if they have some soup or something for you, okay? The women have taken up a vigil of some sort outside your tent. I will make sure they know you are okay."

"Thank you, Josh."

He quickly leaves the tent and I am alone with Kioko. He looks upset. Usually, he wears a confident or joyous expression, not this solemn one.  I pat the sleeping bag and he kneels beside me taking my hand in his. Josh pokes his head back in and quickly grabs the stick with the sock on it, giving me a wink. 

"I kill if Anna hurt," Kioko firmly states.

I believe it by the threatening look on his face. Reaching my hand up, I softly stroke his cheek, then pull him down to me. I will show him a different way to make love...


To be continued...

Written by KimmiBeGood
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