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Merchant & Monster Girls Ch. 6

"Azalea helps with the milking"

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After dinner, Devin retired for the night. His footsteps faded up the stairs and left the girls alone with Ellyn and her father.

Ellyn sat down after having finished cleaning up dinner, sewing kit in hand, and set to work mending some shirts. Without pausing, she asked Devin’s ladies, “So, how’d you two enjoy your day on the farm?”

“It was so much fun! I'm sad we can’t stay longer,” Azalea replied as she unbraided her hair for the night.

Reina sipped her after-dinner tea. “It was a most enjoyable experience. Thank you for your hospitality.”

“Glad you two enjoyed yourselves. Aside from Jyora’s little show, things are normally quite boring around here.”

“She looked like she had a lot of fun,” Azalea observed.

Ellyn looked up at her comment, “I hope she did. I’m a bit concerned that maybe I teased her too much. I’ll talk to her tomorrow and apologize if I got too familiar with her.”

“I’m sure she’ll be fine. Maybe just the intuition of an old man, but I think she especially enjoyed the attention from you, Ellyn,” Gylan countered.

“You think she has feelings for me?”

The husky farmer put his feet up on the table. After pulling out a knife and a block of wood, he started carving. “I believe she admires you, or at least looks up to you, though she might be experiencing more complicated feelings now.”

The candles flickered in their sconces as Ellyn mulled over her father’s words.

“What are you carving, grandpa Gylan?” inquired Azalea, snuggling against Reina.

Gylan smiled at his new title. “A gift for you two.”

Suddenly sitting up, “Presents for us?!” Thank you!” What is it?”

“I’ll answer that before you leave tomorrow,” he uttered, then went back to work.

Azalea tried to pout, but traces of a smile kept leaking through.

Gylan flicked some shavings off the table. “So, how’s it been traveling with young Devin?”

“Well, we actually haven’t been with herd-mate very long. I’ve only been with him two days, and Azalea’s been with him three,” Reina offered.

”Only that long? I got the impression you were together much longer. So you essentially just met?”

“Yes. It's been so much fun! Both life-mate and Reina have been wonderful! I love them both very much!” gushed Azalea.

“I’m glad to hear. He’s very conscientious, though – and this isn’t meant to be an insult to either of you – we are just a little surprised he has two companions,” Gylan revealed.

“What do you mean?” Reina quizzed.

“Devin does very well for himself, but being a merchant means always chasing after profit, and sometimes profit is elusive. You might have noticed your meals have been fairly basic. Or how worn his wagon and personal belongings are?” Gylan pointed out.

“I hadn’t really paid attention to herd-mate’s lifestyle,” replied Reina with contemplation.

“Neither have I,” admitted Azalea.

Ellyn put down her sewing and interjected, “We tell you this not to make you feel bad but to make you aware of the situation he’s in. The life of a merchant is hard. Business is good while the weather stays amicable, but come winter unless you are desperate or reckless, money gets tight. We were Devin’s first customers when he started out. He’s become somewhat of an extended family member to everyone. Every time he visits, we try to give him a little extra in the way of food or other things he might need or be able to sell.”

“Do you have any suggestions on how we can help herd-mate?”

“Unfortunately, no, but just doing little things and emotional support never hurts. I was glad to see you were pulling the wagon, Reina. I don’t have any spare horses to lend, and the current one doesn’t look like she’d last through the winter if he kept her working that hard,” advanced Gylan.

Ellyn leaned over the table and took both of the girl’s hands. “I’m so very glad he met you two. We can worry less about him knowing he’s not alone out on the road.”

The girls squeezed Ellyn’s hand in return. “Reina and I are dedicated life-mates. I swear upon my love crest we’ll look after him.”

“Seeing how you three interact together, I have no doubt.” Ellyn yawned suddenly. “It's getting late, and I have to be up early. We should probably head to bed.”


That night, amidst the chittering of crickets and creaking of the barn, Jyora laid on her cot, thinking back on the events of the day. ‘I can’t believe I did that. To think I was aroused enough to let, no, want Ellyn to do those things to me, and in front of people, no less.’ The thought of Ellyn’s eyes and fingers roaming over her body caused a small tingle in her belly. Her fingers drifted down between her legs. ‘I wonder if she’d do it again? She sighed. ’I never used to be interested in this sort of thing when I lived at home or during my time at the academy.’

Jyora had grown up far to the north of the capital in a patch of forest considered ancient, even by old growth standards. She was never very outgoing and preferred to have her nose in a book. Some of her peers would have described her as unsocial, but she didn’t mind. At the time, learning was more interesting than anything. When she was old enough to attend the academy, all her previous book learning had borne fruit as she excelled in all her classes.

She bit her lip as she inserted a finger, stirring her insides to make room for a second. ’If I hadn't checked the job listings board on the school grounds a year ago and saw that request for a small farm near Iceford looking for a mage to test their demi-humans for magic affinity and possibly some basic training… I probably would have been mentoring a senior crestologist right now.’

It had looked like an easy enough job, and it was. Mr. Kiveläson’s farm wasn’t a bad place for her first internship. Gylan and his daughter had been quite happy at the revelation of several of their farmhands possessing affinity and that crests existed to boost milk and wool production.

She curled her fingers, searching for her favorite spot.

Her time on the farm had let her observe many things: particularly how the farmhands interacted and flirted. This stirred a small corner of her heart to wonder what it was like to be desired. She considered herself very average. She didn’t have the energetic vibrancy of an athletic body or the soft sensual curves of natural beauty. Did others find her attractive?

That particular night, before Gylan had asked her to start testing the farmhands for affinity, a thought popped into her head. As she reviewed her notes, she flipped through to the sheet she used as a reference for infrequently-used, miscellaneous crests. Her finger meandered through her listed definitions, stopping at the gaze crest. She didn’t know much about it, except it was a crest with very little practical application. The only info she had written was that it made the user tingle when someone looked lustfully at them.

She had weighed the pros and cons of using it on herself. Its effects wouldn’t be a permanent thing, and her curiosity grew the more she wondered if anyone ever looked at her in that way.

Throwing caution to the wind, she drew it. It had been simple enough and had barely taken any time, but it was tricky drawing upside down. It was the first time she had applied a crest for personal use, and the novelty was exciting. She’d infused a bit of magic to put it into the ‘active’ state. That night, she almost didn’t sleep, wondering what would happen the next day. Eventually, sleep did find her, and she drifted off.

That next morning, she had forgotten about the crest, dressed, and went to search for Gylan. “When she was halfway across the yard, an unexpected vibration startled her. Remembering the crest, she thought it was going to be a slight tingle, but the significant buzz was making her legs weak.

It was impossible to tell who triggered the magic effect. It could have been any of the demi-humans who were busy going about their tasks outside. A simple stare or quick glance from anyone was all it took. She never figured out who it was, but from then on, she ventured further into exploring this new hobby. Jyora went so far as to forgo undergarments since she often ended up soaking them.

Her intense orgasm brought her back to the present. Her back arched as it washed over her. Her vagina quivered as she fingered the last pleasant waves from her tired body.

’When did I become such a licentious girl?’ was her last thought as she fell asleep.


Azalea shifted uncomfortably in her bed. Contrary to her wishes, her body was demanding immediate attention for her full bladder. Begrudgingly, she got up and left the warmth of Devin’s nethers. Throwing her clothes on, she wondered how she would get to the outhouse behind the lodge.

As she exited the bedroom, she spied Ellyn walking out onto the porch. She zipped to the door and exited just before it slammed closed. Azalea was curious where Ellyn was going so early in the morning. Through the chill mist she saw the redhead approach two figures leaning against the milking barn wall opposite the outhouse. Finding a way to kill two birds with one stone, she dove into a nearby bush and listened in while she watered the plant.

“Good morning Ailean, Erinnah!”

“Mornin,” mumbled the sleepy sheepman.

“Good morning, Ellyn.” Erinnah yawned.

“Sorry to call you two out so early.”

“It’s no problem. We’re always happy to help. Though, some are more eager to help than others.” Erinnah pulled her hand out of her brother’s pants, "see?" Sticky strands of precum glinted between her fingers. “I edged him last night to activate his glyph, but I might have overdone it. He couldn’t fall asleep, but after some of my milk, he finally relaxed.”

Gingerly massaging her milk-laden breasts, Erinnah added, “I can’t wait to relieve some of this pressure. Also, it’s freezing!” She wrapped her cloak closer about her and motioned to the barn door. “Shall we?”

Ellyn opened the barn door and ushered the two inside.

Azalea, having thoroughly drenched the plant, poked her head out of the bush, doubly curious about what was going on. “Good morning, Ellyn!”

Ellyn turned to see Azalea hovering right outside the door. “Oh, good morning, Azalea. Everything alright?”

“Everything's fine, I had to pee, and I saw you three and was curious what was going on.”

“We are going to milk Ailean for Devin’s customer’s order.”

“You are? Can I watch?”

Ellyn ducked her head in the door. “Ailean, do you mind if Azalea joins us?”

Upon Ailean’s assent, Ellyn invited Azalea, and the four entered the barn, headed to the two middle stalls Cyna & Ryna had occupied yesterday.

Ailean started to undress while Erinnah hung her cloak by the door and went to choose her toy.

“Hey, Ellyn, what size do you think Devin is?” Erinnah called from across the room.

“I know!” Azalea raised her hand as she flew over. Examining the selection, she compared a few next to her body. “He’s about this big,” she claimed, handing Erinnah a medium-sized toy.

“Thank you, Azalea. I was curious what a human his size felt like. I met Priscilla in the hallway last night and she said it was a tight fit.”

“Maybe you’d like to try the real thing. I can ask him. I'm sure life-mate wouldn’t say no to such a beautiful pussy as yours. Even if he did, I can be pretty persuasive,” she aired with a wink.

“That's very sweet, but we agreed next time he visited.”

“Can I be there when you two do it?”

“If you want.”

Erinnah crossed the barn and entered the stall next to where Ailean was standing naked.

“Oh, Azalea, I should introduce you. This is Ailean, my younger brother.”

“Nice to meet you! Thank you for letting me watch!“

Ailean nodded.

Erinnah brushed her hair behind her ear. “He’s not much of a talker, and he gets a bit timid during milking.”

“That's alright. Oh! And since you’re letting me see yours, I'll show you mine!” Azalea stated giddily, then lifted her dress and made a little pose.

Erinnah asserted, “Well, aren’t you lucky, Ailean! Not every day a fairy offers a view of her intimates. Look how smooth her tummy is… and luscious thighs! They look delicious, don’t they?”

Azalea floated over, stopping right in front of Ailean’s face. She put her fingers together in a heart shape around her vulva. “Give my life-mate lots and lots of cum, and maybe I’ll reward you with a sweet treat, ok?” she teased, smiling innocently.

“Do your best little brother. Sounds like a win-win!” She encouraged as she climbed aboard the table.

Ellyn set up the machine and lifted Erinnah’s tail out of the way as the sheeplady scooted back. With a jerk and shudder, the machine came to life, introducing the foreign shape to Erinnah’s depths.

Erinnah sucked in her breath. ‘Definitely a snug fit.’. Tiny thrills coursed through her body, kickstarting her crest. Beginning with slow, steady pulses, the glow brightened until it glimmered strongly beneath her. Lowering her breasts through the holes in the table, she guided them into the glass cups, feeling the seal form. Then she hummed in pleasure as the first couple of tugs caused small beads of milk to appear. Each tug teased out a micro orgasm as the liquid was forcefully drawn from her dark nipples. Droplets turned to spurts, and before long, rich, frothy milk splashed into the container below.

Once Erinnah was settled and moaning softly, Ellyn threw a blanket over her woolless body. “Aight, time for a different kind of milkin’. You can be my assistant this morning, Azalea.”

“I can?!”

“Yes, I’ll need you to help me carry some things.”

Ellyn led the way to a workbench. “Ok, Azalea, grab that bar of soap and that vial of lube next to it…. oh, and some of those rags over there.” While Azalea flew off to accomplish her task, Ellyn filled a pail with water from a nearby barrel and grabbed several phials of varying sizes. Together, they entered Ailean’s stall.

Azalea had never seen a naked sheepman before. He stood slightly hunched over. Long bangs covered his eyes, and a bell clanged softly around his neck. Similar to his sister, he had two fuzzy ears below a pair of curled but grander set of horns adorning the sides of his head. His wool was soft and dense, having had the summer and autumn to grow thick and warm for the winter. It made him look more cuddly than the sinewy and more muscular satyrs.

Most noticeable, though, and of much interest to the curious fairy, was the bright purplish-red glyph below his belly button. She had seen pictures of them in books, but this was her first time seeing one like this in person.

As Ellyn laid out the equipment, Ailean climbed atop the table, his large balls swinging heavily as he aimed his sheath through the small hole.

Erinnah saw Azalea gawking. “Big, aren’t they? He’s the only male in the valley to have magic affinity,” she boasted.

“Nothing looks little about them! Is that the glyph’s doing?”

“Yes, this process increases their size, marginally,” interrupted a familiar voice.

Their morning activity had disturbed Jyora. She was standing at the banister, looking down groggily from the loft, her hair unkempt. Alighting on the floor, she adjusted her glasses. “How is he, Erinnah?”

“Extremely horny and probably feeling very full. He wanted to raise the glyph’s potency to the highest level, but I argued against it. After some debate, we settled on stage three.”

“I think even that was too much. It's only been half a year, and his body isn’t used to that level of demand just yet.” Jyora scolded, squeezing his tender balls and eliciting a groan from Ailean.

Azalea listened intently but appeared oblivious.

Jyora sighed and started caressing the oversized sheep testicles as if in apology. “We are talking about his glyph, Azalea. You are already aware that modifying the substructure of a crest or glyph changes what it does, correct?”


“This is the hyperspermia glyph. It was designed specifically to aid the body to rapidly produce pre-ejaculate and increase quantities of semen in a short amount of time by enhancing the testicles, prostate, seminal vesicles, and cowper’s gland.”

Azalea joined Jyora. She hefted Ailean’s swollen sack, which appeared even larger in her tiny hands. “They sure are heavy. Must be a lot inside.”

An intricate pattern ran vertically from the main body of the glyph down to the underside of his scrotum. She traced her thumbs over the patterns, memorizing every detail.

“His body is working hard to produce three times the ejaculation he’d normally have.”

Azalea's heart fluttered. She salivated at the thought of so much yummy cum. ’I wonder what he tastes like!’ She nuzzled her cheek against a prominent vein. His heartbeat, working hard to supply the extra blood to create all the tasty cream inside, felt strong. ’I wonder if Ellyn will let me try some?’

Jyora stepped back and leaned against the wall. “All crests and glyphs have some kind of cost or side effects, as I'm sure you well know given the very interesting crests you flashed me yesterday.”

“And I intend to add more in the future,” Azalea exclaimed proudly.

Jyora cocked an eyebrow. “The hyperspermia glyph, in particular, is complex and has varying side effects. It’s a four-tier glyph, meaning the amount of affinity, up to four times normally used, will yield greater results. In simpler terms: more affinity, more semen.”

Azalea wrapped her arms around the enlarged orbs. Her pussy moistened as she inhaled his musky male scent.

Ellyn pulled Jyora to her, almost knocking her off balance. She rested her substantial chest on top of the reserved squirrel mage’s head.

Jyora cleared her throat. “Tier one generates slightly above normal semen volumes, with the expenditure being akin to a vigorous sex session. Tier two will produce double the amount, and the user will feel exhausted. At tier three, he feels faint and might pass out. Tier four… well, I have not seen it used personally, but I heard it’s used only with those of exceptional stamina and abnormally high libido. For everyone else, it's too much strain on the body and starts yielding diminishing returns.”

Azalea protectively hugged his balls. “You said his body isn’t used to it. Is he going to be ok?”

“He’ll be fine. Most males wake up after a few hours, but he might feel a bit ‘hollowed-out’ afterward. At least, that's how some describe it. There is one additional cost I didn’t mention. Each tier increases replenishment time by a week.”

“So… since he’s using tier three, he won’t be able to cum for three weeks?!”

“Correct. He’ll be able to orgasm, but they will all be dry.”

Erinnah held her brother’s hand. “It’s not bad. He’ll be able to safely have fun with any of the girls when they are not being milked. Isn’t that right? Oh, but wait, you only have eyes for a particular girl, don’t you? One who you think has no clue she knows how you look at her. Or that you like to stealthily rub your penis between her thighs at night.”

Erinnah brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “Why do you think I sleep naked most of the time, little brother? You don’t have to be so shy. I’m well aware of you sneaking some fun time when I'm being milked, and you think I might be too horny to notice the feel of my brother's penis. You should properly come out and say it. ‘Big sister, I want to bend you over, grab your horns, and plow you hard and fast for hours till your legs give out.’”

Ellyn laughed. “Erinnah, rubbing your clit so frantically is making me think you should have taken the initiative instead.”

“I was giving him the honor, but I don’t mind taking the reins,” Errinah retorted.

“Azalea, when you're done cuddling his balls, can you get him fully erect for me, please?”

“Yes, Ellyn!” She saluted eagerly, then zipped underneath the table where Ellyn had placed a tall stool for her to stand on.

With experienced hands, she peeled back a bit of his sheath, coaxing the tip out of hiding with a few flirtatious licks. With her fingers encircling the tapered head, she planted kisses around the crown before feeding a generous amount into her mouth. ’The tip oddly reminds me of a scorpion girl’s tail.’ She swirled her tongue a few times against it. ’Or maybe more similar to a wolfman’s penis, except not as blunt.’

Azalea noisily slurped the growing member. ’Oh? What's this? Precum already? I haven’t even gotten started!’ She sucked a bit onto her tongue. ‘I can never get enough of this texture. So smooth and syrupy!’ She tilted her head back and pushed the tip to the back of her throat. Taking a deep breath, she pushed forward, triumphantly ignoring her gag reflex. She swallowed both to help ease more in as well as to massage his shaft.

Her body shivered as she reveled in her throat’s fullness. It was so rare to find someone she could deepthroat. The last time was a male fairy many years ago, but his size was nothing compared to this.

Out of all of Azalea’s kinks, being used like a sex toy was highest on her list. This was second only to maybe being used as a cumdump – a vessel for males to deposit their seed until she was stuffed and oozing from every hole. She wanted nothing more than to have her belly pumped full of thick morning cream, but she was quickly running out of oxygen, and Ailean's cream was already claimed by another.

Reluctantly, she sloppily extracted his manhood, and long, gooey strands of saliva and precum spanned the gap before she pulled them into her mouth.

“Ellyn, he’s rea…” Her voice trailed off as she saw Errinah, Ellyn, and even Jyora looking at her wide-eyed. “What? Did I do something wrong?”

“Not at all! I think we were just a little surprised and impressed at how much penis someone your size could take.”

“It's been a long time since I’ve done that. One day, I'll be stretchy enough for my life-mate to fill me up!” she announced proudly.

“I’m sure that will feel wonderful for both of you,” Ellyn assured. Crouching down beside Azalea, she explained, “Now, we clean him a bit with some soapy water to make sure we collect a clean product.”

Soon after, she handed Azalea two glass vials. “I want you to fill these with precum.”

“Will do!”

With glee, Azalea set to work mashing out the clear, slippery liquid until the first vial was full. After handing it to Ellyn, she worked the shaft until the second vial was half full. “Looks like he’s about dry, Ellyn.”

“Let's see. I’d guess about twelve milliliters.”

“What's normal?” asked Azalea, sucking some off her fingers.

“About four.”

Azalea looked away, trying to avoid the temptation of the erotic liquid. “Now what?”

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Jyora placed a vial on the stool. “Now for the actual milking. Ellyn…”

“Yes, Jyora?”

“I would suggest a slow, manual milking at first. His seminal vesicles will be very full, and I'm concerned his body isn’t trained enough to suddenly release so much, right away, through a normal orgasm,” Jyora clarified.

“Sure thing.”

She scratched Ailean’s ears as she whispered to him, “This will be a bit different than what you’re used to, but you might end up liking it.” She trailed her fingers seductively down his side while moving behind him. A large dollop of lube was applied to Ailean’s puckered hole, causing it to clench nervously. “Don’t worry! Some guys really like it when I do this.” She gently massaged her way inside.

Ailean grunted as her middle finger glided over her target, a telltale bump on the front wall of his rectum. Her slender digit circled the bulge several times. She purred, “This spot right here is going to get my extra special attention today.”

Azalea peeked from under the table. “Can I feel?”

“Sure you can.” Ellyn held out her hand for Azalea to land on so she’d have some leverage. While holding out a wooden bowl, she pointed out, “This is a special lube we order, made from the secretions of the kelp-girls in the coastal city of Merport.”

“That explains why it smells a little fishy.” Her much smaller hand coated, Azalea wiggled it inside. “What am I feeling for?

“It's a large bump toward the bottom with a slight groove down the center.”

Ailean stifled a moan as his anus quivered around Azalea’s wrist. “It's very delicate, so please be gentle.”

“I think I found it!” Azalea giggled, prodding the squishy gland.

“Try reaching farther in and press downward as you pull your hand back.”

Azalea did as Ellyn told her, pressing and kneading until the sheepman was squirming and panting for relief. After several minutes of that, she withdrew her hand. “This is more tiring than it looks.”

“It's probably a bit more effort for someone your size. You want to go back to holding the jar?”

“Yes, please,” Azalea acknowledged. She took an offered washcloth to wash her hand and then reclaimed her place on the stool.

“Alright, Azalea. Don’t be surprised if he loses his erection. You might also see a bit more precum before the milkier fluids.” Ellyn reapplied lube to her fingers and inserted her index fingers into Ailean’s loosened tailhole. Crooking her fingers, she pushed down and pulled back, spreading and loosening her fingers in a steady rhythm around the edges of his prostate.

Azalea re-adjusted her grip several times as Ailean’s erection diminished. An idea flashed through her mind.

She flew to a table against the wall, grabbed a small stack of clean rags, and folded them several times. Once back at her stool, she placed the rags behind her. Like that, she could lean back and grip his fully-flaccid penis in a body hug, nestling his shaft between her breasts and on top of her belly, placing her directly under the slick cock. Wrapping her legs around the jar, she pulled it snug against her butt.

Azalea wasn't sure if this reverse boobjob would feel good, but she was going to do her… breast! She smiled at her own cleverness. ’Life-mate would definitely groan at such a bad pun. I’ll have to be sure to use it in the future.'

For nearly an hour, sister and brother filled the barn with their duet of pleasure as they were milked. Erinnah was working toward filling her third jar. The pressure in her breasts had greatly diminished, but in its place was a constant tingle that kept her aroused. Those and the painfully delicious slowness of the dildo kept her just on the edge.

Coating her fingers in her juices, she sucked on them naughtily as she watched her brother. His penis was cradled against Azalea’s cuddly fairy body. “Look’s like you coaxed enough out of him to cover the bottom of the phial. Ellyn?”

Ellyn paused her efforts. “How’s that, Jyora?”

Jyora looked underneath the table. “That should be adequate. He can cum if he wishes.”

“Are you ready for some relief, Ailean?” Ellyn asked. She cupped his aching balls and massaged them with her free hand, tugging them in a steady rhythm. “He should be about ready, Azalea.”

Ailean wasn’t so sure. He suddenly had a strong urge to pee. Since the source of his pleasure was so close to his bladder, he mistook the sensation for his impending orgasm. He cried out in surprise as his body jerked stiffly. Being used to penile pleasure, he was unprepared for the full-body spasm that radiated out through his torso, arms, legs, and of course his penis. Each pulse made his vision blur.

Azalea steadied her grip as the sheepman shuddered, expecting cum to spurt out like usual. Instead, she frowned in disappointment with the result. “Jyora, is this normal? It's coming out really slowly.”

Jyora peeked under the table. “Yes. Some guys don’t even ejaculate with this type of orgasm since it's focused on a different pleasure center. I suggest you assist him if you want to get it all out.”

Azalea grasped his shaft with both hands, doing her best to milk between each spasm. While the intensity was underwhelming, Ailean’s volume was not. Azalea’s disappointment turned to delight when he showed no sign of stopping.

Minutes passed with the sheepman trapped in a loop of euphoria. He lay there gasping for air between each convulsion as the two girls drained him for more than he was normally worth.

The phial was just nearly overfull when his balls were finally spent. Exhausted more than he’d ever felt, he lingered just on the verge of fainting. Azalea carefully removed his penis from the glass and licked the ejaculate-smeared tip clean.

Handing it to Jyora, she corked the top and inspected their results. “Good, thick consistency; a healthy white coloring; adequate amount, i'd guess around twenty milliliters – a successful milking."

Ellyn patted Ailean for a job well done and set about cleaning up.

Azalea, hoping for another taste, managed to suckle a small mouthful as she licked his glans clean. She hadn’t forgotten her promise of rewarding Ailean for his effort and had an idea. “Can you roll him over, Ellyn?”

With some effort, Ellyn and Jyora managed to get the limp sheepman onto his back.

“Jyora, can you catch me if I fall?”

“Ya… what are you going to…”

Azalea dropped her dress, flew up, and sat on Ailean’s mouth. Parting his lips with her hands, she masturbated, activating her crest.

Stunned, Jyora asked, “Is that the siphon crest? Are you going to do what I think you are?”

“Yep! He’s earned something yummy, and I want to make him feel a little better.”

Azalea, thoroughly wet from having rubbed her pussy on the glass during the milking, wasted no time digging her fingers into her honey pot. Sweet drops fell onto Ailean’s tongue, prompting him to start lapping directly from the source. Azalea was used to being played with by a certain life-mate’s tongue, so she greedily humped her hips as he lapped the delicious liquid.

Jyora moved closer. “Have you done this before?”

“Yes!” She passionately shouted. “Sorry, I mean, yes, once, but I learned my lesson not to overdo it.”

Jyora bent down to get a closer view. “I’ve never seen someone actually use this crest, so I'm quite intrigued to see it in action.”

Azalea looked back over her shoulder at the barely conscious sheepman. “Open wide! Here’s your reward!” With a few impassioned flicks of her clit, she went over the edge while her crest pulsed erratically.

A light in her abdomen grew rapidly as her belly expanded slightly. Biting her lip, she doubled over as she came. She clutched her stomach as the light in her abdomen lessened. Where their skin met, the light flowed from her body to Ailean’s, infusing energy into his weakened form. At the same time, a gush of highly concentrated fairy cum squirted into Ailean’s mouth. Azalea reached out for something to steady herself, finding Jyora’s hand already there, just in case.

Jyora scooped Azalea into her hands. “Are you ok?”

“Yes, I needed that. Just a little lightheaded.”

“Fascinating. It looked like a direct transfer of energy – not from your ejaculate, but directly from your core.”

“If you say so. I don’t know how it works. Just, when I cum, my physical energy transfers to whoever I'm touching when I orgasm. I hope it helped Ailean a little.”

Feeling somewhat rejuvenated, Ailean sat up. He took Azalea from Jyora, cradling her while patting her head.

“I’ll be right back,” Jyora suddenly announced, excusing herself out of the barn.

“Well, little brother, quite the eventful morning, eh?” Erinnah got down off the milking table and stretched. “I feel three-and-a-half jars lighter. Ellyn, I know you have things to do this morning. Let me finish cleaning up.”

“Alright. Thanks, Erinnah.” Ellyn placed the siblings’ milk in a basket and exited the barn. The sun was just peeking above the mountains, burning off the lingering mist. It was still cold but less bone-chilling. Stopping in front of the well, she removed her shirt and let the sun's rays splash across her body. Then she hauled up a bucket of water and gave her face a quick splash. Droplets trickled down to her nipples, causing them to stiffen.

Nearby, a door closed, followed by the sound of boots on wood. Devin descended the lodge stairs, pausing midstep to notice Ellyn’s topless state.

“Uh, good morning, Ellyn.”

“Mornin Devin.”

Devin averted his eyes.

“Don’t need to act so shy. You can look all you want. They aren’t good for much else if there’s no milk in ’em. We just finished milkin’. Here’s your order.” She held up the basket.

“Thank you for all your hard work.”

“We had a good milking session. Ailean put in a lot more effort today, so your alchemist friend should be quite happy.”

“I’m sure she will. Have you seen the girls this morning?”

“I haven’t seen Reina, but Azalea was help’n us with the milking.”

“I bet she had fun.”

“She did. She’s resting up with Ailean and Erinnah.” Ellyn replied while pointing to the barn.

“I’m gonna go find your father and help him load up the wagon.”

“Sounds good, but before you do, might I suggest you peek around the side of the storage shed? I think I heard something interesting going on.” With that, she ascended the stairs and into the lodge.

Devin watched her go. Turning his attention to the smaller storage shed, he seemed to hear the sound of heavy breathing. He quietly walked over and peered around the corner. On a stack of old burlap sacks sat Jyora, eyes closed, legs splayed. From her profile and her wings, he couldn’t see what she was doing but had a very good idea.

His gaze lingered over her body. Forgetting that certain intentions, imagined or otherwise, would activate her crest, his thoughts of what her pussy would feel like awakened her mark. That caused familiar but sudden vibrations to ripple through her already sensitive vagina. She squeeked and clenched her knees together; her eyes flying open to search for the cause. When her gaze alit on Devin, they both stared motionless at one another.

“Uh, Jyora, hi.” He paused. “Ellyn said I should take a look at something back here and…”

Her eyes narrowed. Thinking she was mad, he was about to apologize when, instead of scolding him or trying to hide herself, she twisted her body, offering a full frontal view. Her pussy was indeed drippy and swollen. It was stuffed with some kind of whitish-tan phallic-shaped object.

“Since you activated my crest, I take it you wish to watch, Mr. Ebonplume?”

“Sorry, it was kinda unintentional. Are you comfortable with me being here?”

“You’ve already seen me naked, and after yesterday, I noticed I become more aroused when someone is watching, so you may stay.” As she resumed her masturbation, wet squelches and labored panting seemed all the louder in the still air. Devin walked forward and squatted down, enjoying how the cute mage’s self-pleasuring caused her perky breasts to bounce.

She groaned, clutching her belly. “Your proximity… crest… very strong… cramping,” she stammered.

“Oh? Sorry.” Devin took a few steps back.

Relaxing, Jyora pulled the sodden object out and held it up. It appeared to be a very large mushroom with a smooth shaft, thin head, and two bulbous protrusions at the base.

“The strength of the vibrations usually isn't a problem, but,” she squeezed the spongy shaft, demonstrating it wasn’t as rigid as it looked, ”I’m not used to the thickness of this Matango spore just yet...”

“I think I've heard the word Matango before. They are a plant demi-human if I recall.”

“A common belief, but an incorrect one: they are fungi demi-humans. Unlike plant demi-humans who receive their nutrients from the sun, Matango receive theirs from a fibrous underground network. They live in colonies in the more shaded and damp parts of the forest. When they are ready to reproduce, they mate via their mycelium network, resulting in this mushroom."

"I should correct myself in that this isn’t the spore itself; they are stored in these pouches at the base.” She fondled the ball-like protuberances. “My kind has a long history of mutual co-dependence with them. In exchange for cultivated edible mushrooms, we assist in spreading their spores to new locations or other colonies since they are unable to move. They germinate optimally in dark, warm, wet environments.” Jyora emphasized. She caressed her tummy thoughtfully, staring hard at Devin’s pants as if trying to see through them.

“Do you find me attractive, Mr. Ebonplume?” she asked suddenly.

Devin had a strong sense of deja vu. “I think you're a lovely young woman.” He said neutrally, unsure where this line of inquiry was headed. “Lately, whenever a girl asked me that, they propositioned me shortly thereafter.”

Jyora smirked, looking him up and down. “You seem like a dependable person, and your girls seem quite attached to you, but you're not my type. The reason I ask is I'm curious if you are needing release. Also, you might be aware my profession involves… handling a lot of male demi-humans, but I rarely have the opportunity to see a human up close.”

Devin dropped his pants, his penis saluting her cuteness.

“You are certainly eager. Just a moment.” She squatted, placing the base of the mushroom on the ground. Her folds dripped hungrily as she worked it back into her pussy.

“Come here,” she commanded.

Not one to argue, he stepped forward.

She whimpered as her vagina was once again inundated with pleasure and some cramping. Massaging her belly with one to lessen the effects, she gripped Devin’s penis with the other and gave a few test pumps.

“I’m always amused how a human penis looks similar to a mushroom.” She gave a long, slow lick from base to tip. “Does your semen taste like one, I wonder?” Swirling her tongue around his glans once, she suckled the tip.

Devin looked for a place to put his hands. “Do you mind if I touch your ears?”

Jyora shook her head.

“They are so cute,” he mused, tenderly caressing and scratching them.

Despite her flushed face, she blushed. Replying with mews and melting further into his hand, she felt the need to justify it, “What? A lot of demi-humans can’t help it when you touch our ears like that.”

She pushed the end of his penis against the silky smoothness of her inner cheek. Unfortunately, she did not possess the chubby cheeks you’d expect in a squirrel-girl, but that didn’t stop her from making full use of what she did have. She bobbed up and down; her calm, serene, almost-bored, brown eyes fixated upon him.

She let him guide her head where he wanted as she fully seated herself, once more, on the mushroom. Her orgasm had been nearly there before Devin interrupted. Increasing her pace, she slammed her hips harder and faster. Before long, she smashed down one final time, impaling herself literally balls deep. She clenched and squeezed the base, manually ejaculating the Matango seed deep into her womb as she silently shuddered her climax.

Pulling off Devin, she squeezed out any remnant and then collapsed onto her back. There, rubbing her belly and looking satisfied with herself, she grunted, “I don’t normally orgasm that hard when I do this.”

Jyora took a moment to collect herself, then tossed the now-spent mushroom away. She shakily got up and knelt in front of Devin and admired his penis glistening with her saliva. She wasted no time picking up where she left off, stuffing him back into her mouth.

Bending over her head, he thrust rapidly into her small mouth until he felt the pressure building. “I’m going to cum” he announced, then gripped her head and filled her mouth.

She coughed once but managed to retain it all, carefully opening her mouth to show him.

“You don’t have to swall…”

She gulped it down, mulling over the flavor. "An acceptable taste and it does vaguely remind me of the bitterness of mushrooms. Thank you for letting me taste your seed. I hope you also received satisfaction.”

“I did, you were too cute not too.”

Jyora looked away, trying to hide her happiness from the compliment.

"So, um, how many times have you spread spores?"

“This is my fifth time – twice before joining the academy and three times since my internship here. It was about four months ago that I caught the scent of mushrooms. I followed it to a small colony.” She waved her hand in an easterly direction. “A satisfactory mutual exchange was reached.” She held up a basket of mushrooms near her that Devin failed to notice earlier.

“How long before you… plant them?”

She rubbed her belly, feeling the last of the crest vibrations fade away. “About three or four days. I’ll find a suitable environment some distance away where they can put down their roots.”

“Do you, I don’t know, form some kind of attachment to them… like a mother?”

“No. They are already fertilized by their parents. I'm just an incubator.”

“That's very generous of you.”

She grabbed a mushroom from her basket and nibbled on it. “I like all mushrooms,” she stated matter of factly. With a coy smile, she added, “Though, I might have found an especially flavorful one.”

“I noticed you don’t have a glyph and are sharing a crest with Azalea.”

“I am."

“So you don't possess affinity?”

“Azalea says I do, but I don’t know how to use it.”

“Would you like to learn?”

“Do you have time to teach me?” he asked curiously.

“Not anything in depth and I don't have my measuring tools to test your volume. I’ll just tell you the quick basics and write you some additional notes for you before you leave. Females have larger affinity pools, and without outside assistance, take roughly a full twenty-four hours to replenish. Males have a smaller pool and take roughly half the time. It was originally thought that after you depleted your supply, you’d have to wait the full time span to regain it, but impatience and industrious minds found an alternative.”

“As a merchant, I'm sure you're well aware of the different products that mages buy to get around the time restraint.”

“I do. If you're talking about six grades of tinctures. The lesser graded ones are hard to find and don’t sell very well.”

“That's because the higher grade ones are the most effective. Grade one contains affinity collected from filtered sweat. Because it contains the least affinity, it's mostly ignored unless there’s an emergency or extreme poverty. There are some who have a fetish for the unfiltered variety, though. Grade two is from saliva – not much better due to low volume, though there are exceptions if collected from lamia or bee girls. Urine is grade three. It’s readily available in large quantities, easily filtered, leaving a more concentrated form, but still, it's not the best since it only contains residual affinity."

“Male precum and female lubricant are grade four. They’re very concentrated compared to the others. At grade five – milk, and maybe not so oddly, honey, also from bee-girls, as well as pollen and nectar from plant-girls contain the second-highest density. Lastly, the most popular and containing the highest density is male semen and female ejaculate. Its processed form has become a staple used by nearly all mages.


Several hours later. Gylan was just about finished loading crates and securing them with rope in the back of the wagon. Devin had finished switching out the old mare’s tack and harness for one that fit Reina and remarked, “She’ll have a wonderful retirement here.”

Gylan took the lead. “That she will, m’boy.” Patting the old horse’s muzzle.

Azalea was sitting on the edge of the driver's seat, kicking her legs. “Hey, everyone! Come to see us off?”

The three satyr sisters – Cyna, Ryna, Iryna – along with Ellyn, Jyora, and surprisingly, Priscilla walked up.

“We did.” Iryna wrapped her arms over Devin’s shoulders and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “This is from the four of us. Something to drink on your trip.” She placed a basket of four bottles of milk in his arms.

Next to say goodbye was Cyna. She pounced on him, giving him a tight squeeze. “Don’t forget our promise!” She grabbed his hand and placed it on her bare mound. “I’ll be wet and waiting, so let's play next time you visit! You too, Azalea!”

“We most definitely will!”

Ryna, more calmly than her sister, embraced Devin from behind, squishing her large chest against him. “I wouldn’t mind some play time, as well, or a personal milking session,” she whispered.

While the sisters were giving good-bye hugs to Reina & Azalea Jyora shuffled up and handed Devon a few scraps of paper. “Some instructions to get you started. You are one of the more agreeable humans I've come to know. I don’t know if we’ll ever meet again, but if you are ever in the capital, you can find me at the academy’s research department.”

“We’ll be sure to stop by and say hi.”

“Also, here!” She pushed a small covered basket of mushrooms into Devin's hands.

“Oh! Thank you. I’ll cook these up tonight.”

Priscilla stepped up next, arms folded. No longer the pleasure drunk girl she was in the barn. She came across a bit prissy.

“Your mating performance was adequate. Here.” She shoved a pink handkerchief into his hands. “For you, and a flower band for each of your girls.”

Ellyn grabbed her from behind. Locking her in a hug, kissing the top of her head. “That's her way of saying she likes you. You made her feel really good, and she’d probably like to experience it again.”

Priscilla turned several shades of red at being read so accurately and looked away. "That's not what I'm saying at all!” She pouted. “But…but I wouldn't say no if you wanted to – only because it helps when I get sheared and not because I like it, you understand!"

Devin smiled knowingly. "I understand. It was nice to meet you."

She folded her arms and turned her nose up haughtily. Despite herself, a brief smile crossed her lips before she caught herself and resumed her prideful visage.

“Oh, I almost forgot. Here is my present for you girls.” Gylan handed Reina and Azalea two carvings. Only the barest hint of a likeness was seen in each. “They are you. I know it doesn’t look like much. We have a small superstition – no, maybe it’s more accurate to say custom: give a partially-done carving to someone to make sure they come back safe, and upon their next visit, I'll carve more detail into it.”

Reina bowed her head. “That's very sweet. We’ll definitely bring them back to be worked on.”

Azalea flew over and hugged the old farmer. “Thank you, grandpa Gylan!”

The last to say goodbye was Ellyn. She hugged each of them in turn. “We enjoyed having you all stay with us! We love you! Safe travels.”

Devin climbed aboard the wagon. “Take care, all.”

With a jerk and a shudder, the wagon began to move. Imparting a final wave goodbye, the trio set off to the grand manufacturing city of Iceford.

Written by Scribbler_Mori
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